
Connecting with Your SELF

Thought you might enjoy this peek into a higher aspect of self. The following dialog is from Kepier, a higher* aspect of Suzanne (Caroll) Lie at Multidimensions, who's been channeling a group of multidimensional Arcturians, including higher aspects of her self. Kepier gives us some idea of what each of us is experiencing, and what we have to look forward to. Exciting times indeed!
Connecting with Your SELF

Greetings, I am Kepier,

I am an individual expression of the Arcturian Group Mind who has taken a fifth dimensional form. My body is a hybrid of human and Arcturian, as I have merged with my grounded expression on Earth. To me this unification occurred beyond time, but to my grounded one the merging is still in process. I wish to tell you that many of the grounded expressions of the Galactic Federation are merging with their higher expressions as a component of your Personal and Planetary Ascension.

Within your moment of time, I am holding form on the Starship Athena, and my human expression of self is in the United States. This merging of your grounded self and your Higher SELF is a natural process of your return to multidimensional consciousness. Within that state of consciousness you are able to consciously experience more than one reality within the ONE moment of the NOW.

The merging of me and my grounded one and my self began in the early 1990s, but it initiated a process of “lives review,” which sent my grounded one off into another direction of exploration. This review of alternate third and fourth dimensional realities is common during the closing of a long series of third-dimensional incarnations and is especially important during the completion of living in duality. The examination of experiences gained and lessons learned on a polarized reality, in this case Earth, assists our grounded ones to understand the “source reality” for their internal confusions and conflicts. Knowing the sources of conflict within themselves and with others is very helpful.

In fact, the concept of “others” as a “separate” life-stream is likely a primary source of discomfort for many of you. I, Kepier, am of a resonance in which all life-streams flow as ONE. Even if we appear to have individual forms, our hearts, minds and consciousness are in constant communication. This communication is much like earthly birds that fly and migrate as one being. They have what appears to be separate forms that mate and roost in separate trees at night and fly individually. However, there is a constant communication so that they can respond as one being with many forms.

This type of reality is much like the one you will experience when you return to the fifth dimension, especially in the lower octaves of that reality where you still hold a form. All realities, dimensions and densities have octaves of experience. Many of us who usually hold the resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond have taken forms in the third dimension in order to experience Gaia’s great moment of Planetary Ascension.

We enter these forms by sending our seed of consciousness into a physical vessel so that we can more intimately participate in Earth’s reality. Sometimes this occurs at birth of the earth body, and other times it occurs later. You may even think of this action as logging into a virtual reality game, which is exactly correct. The third dimension is indeed a virtual reality, which only appears to be “real” while you are in your earth vessel.
The above is taken from Suzan Caroll's Newsletter of June 7, 2011. For this and other newsletters see Suzan's newsletter archive.

* Note that "higher" doesn't mean "better", it only means "different". A higher aspect of Self is simply experiencing a different reality, that of a higher frequency. Experiencing a lower frequency, such as life on a third density planet like Earth, is not better or worse, but simply another way for Spirit to experience. That we are all moving into higher frequencies only means that the game of third density on Earth is coming to a close. It's time for us to wrap up the third density experience and move into a reality of higher frequency while still living on Earth.

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