
High Heart and Higher Mind, the Portals to 5D

The following comes from Suzan Caroll at MultiDimensions through her personal blog. This is the most succinct explanation I've found yet about why our personal ascension is so important to the ascension of humanity at large, how and why our physical bodies are so crucial to this transition, how to forward our own progress, and why not everyone on Earth right now may be ready for such a transition.

Not to say an individual cannot become ready, this opportunity is open to all! But as Jim Self at Mastering Alchemy likes to say "some assembly required."

These are only portions of Sue's posts, please see "Conversations with My Selves", Part I and Part II for the full articles.

From a conversation with the Arcturians in Part I:
Arcturians: The Pineal Gland allows you to transform your higher desire into manifestation via the power of your thoughts. This transformation begins with shifting your thinking from the third dimensional thinking of your ego self to the multidimensional thinking of your Higher Expressions of SELF. Third dimensional thinking stems purely from your brain, whereas multidimensional thinking stems from your Higher Mind.

Your human brain transforms every thought you generate into bio-chemical messages. If your thoughts are based on fear and/or survival they will be transmuted into lower frequency bio-chemical messages. These thoughts will NOT connect you with your Higher Mind, which is in constant contact with your Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland’s objective is to be the interface between the higher dimensions and the physical realm.

The Pineal Gland is focused on opening the Portal to the Divine so that the higher light and unconditional love can enter into your physical form to facilitate multidimensional thinking, mastery of energy and manifestation via thought waves. Therefore, it will filter-out the lower frequency thoughts and leave them for the Pituitary Gland.

The purpose of the Pituitary Gland is to keep the physical form alive. Therefore, it recognizes all thought that contains any form of fear for survival and dispenses adrenalin throughout the physical body to give it added strength to address the cause of the fear. In other words, the Pituitary Gland is interested in keeping the human alive, whereas the Pineal Gland is interested in transmuting the human body into its true, multidimensional nature.

The Pineal Gland serves as a bridge or Portal between the physical and nonphysical, the human and divine, the brain and the mind. This Portal will not open until the human thoughts begin to generate bio-chemical frequency waves that resonate to the fourth and fifth dimension. There is a protective reason why the Pineal Gland is so selective.

The Pineal Gland also serves as a filter. If you are trapped in negative thinking and have the power to manifest with your thoughts, your life would manifest all your fears. Fortunately, the adrenaline that the Pituitary Gland releases sends a message to the Pineal Gland that you have NOT achieved mastery over your emotions, and are having difficulty with the physical reality. Therefore, you are not ready for the next frequency of reality.

This is not a punishment. Instead, it is a form of protection. You would not give a child the keys to your new sports car, nor would you give the power of manifestation to one who cannot master their own fear. There is also another form of protection.

Even if you cannot hear your own sub-conscious thoughts of fear and doubt that underlie your conscious, positive decrees, your Pituitary Gland can hear it. In fact, the Pituitary Gland can hear your subconscious mind even more clearly than it can hear your conscious mind, for your unconscious thoughts primarily communicate at a biochemical level.

When these fearful biochemical messages are detected, the Pituitary Gland comes to the rescue with adrenalin. The release of adrenalin serves as a Stop Sign to the Pineal saying, “Fearful, not yet ready to manifest.”

From a conversation with Mytre, a portion of Suzanne's higher dimensional Self, in Part I:
The separation between the masculine and feminine polarities of your personal self need to be resolved so that you can release the polarities of your planetary self. These polarities still remain in your thoughts.

Your male polarity of logical, sequential, scientific thinking is the cause of your doubt about Ascension. On the other hand, your feminine polarity of holistic, imagistic, metaphysical thinking fully embraces your Knowing about Ascension. Because you were raised in a reality in which these two types of thinking were incompatible, you need to heal that social message.

Fortunately, the generations after the Baby Boomers have experienced a reality in which the lines between masculine and feminine have merged into a spectrum rather than a polarity. It was the free-thinking of many Baby Boomers who allowed their children to live in the in-between of male and female that assisted this process of merging of polarities.

However, the Baby Boomers must now merge that polarity within themselves. Again, each human holds the same polarity issues as the planet. In order to deeply participate in Planetary Ascension, you must all participate in your Personal Ascension. Therefore, the voice of the feminine must be measured as equal to the voice of the masculine.

When the feminine voice was dominant, the Goddess was worshiped and the planet was a sacred Being to be protected and revered. Then, when the masculine voice became dominant, man set out to “conquer” nature. Many great technologies were invented, but much of the body of Gaia was damaged, or destroyed, in mankind’s quest for domination.

As each human balances the masculine and feminine energies within themselves, they assist Gaia to heal those polarities within Her earthly body. This personal participation in Planetary Ascension is greatly accelerated when you open the Personal Portal of your High Heart. Your High Heart is more easily opened when you are free of “scientific” doubt and/or fear of survival.

This healing of doubt and fear occurs when you:

• Love your self unconditionally

• Forgive your self unconditionally and

• Accept your self unconditionally.

• At the same moment of the ONE, you, also, need to open the Portal of your High Heart so that you can fully accept the inflow of Unconditional Love, Forgiveness and Acceptance from the higher frequencies of reality.

M. You do see the problem there, do you not?

S. Yes, I do see the issue. In order to BE who I want to be, I have to act like I am already that person. Is that correct?

M. Congratulations, you are totally correct. AND, in order to act “as if” you love yourself unconditionally, you will have to accept that sometimes you will be successful in this challenge, and at other times you will fail miserably.

That is called “accepting yourself unconditionally.” Therefore, the unconditional acceptance and unconditional forgiveness will actually precede the unconditional love, which you will need to have in order to forgive and accept yourself unconditionally.

From a conversation with Mytre in Part II
M: ...many of you have also experienced that your life flows more easily than ever before. This flow is because you have downloaded and integrated more and more higher frequency light into your consciousness and your earth vessel.

This highest frequency of this light is unconditional love, which is the source of the Sacred Geometry that can alter the personal and planetary 3D Matrix. Unconditional love, in fact, all unconditional expressions, change your life because it raises the frequency of your personal matrix. Then, each human who raises the resonance of his or her personal matrix, contributes that higher frequency of reality to the planetary matrix.

A frequency shift at the baseline frequency of the matrix changes everything within your reality for it shifts your entire reality. Hence, all your perception, and, thereby, your experience, resonate to a higher frequency. There are infinite frequencies of reality, which are based on the frequency of your reality’s matrix. When you raise your personal resonance, you move into a higher frequency version/matrix of your present reality.

Thus, your entire world changes as you change because your consciousness has adhered to, and experiences, a higher frequency of the reality. Because your “ascension” is incremental, and your entire reality reflects your higher frequency of expression, you may not know that you have just ascended beyond your former frequency of reality. Therefore everything appears the same, but better. The boss who was grouchy becomes kind and supportive, the children that were causing your grief move into their next, higher stage, and the better job your wanted is revealed to you.

No, this does not mean that you don’t have to work on yourself. You have to work on yourself a LOT in order to become Master of your Energy, so that you can raise your consciousness. However, you don’t actually “work” at all. Instead, you choose to face every situation with the fifth dimensional energy field of unconditionally love, unconditionally forgiveness and unconditionally acceptance.

By making this choice of “unconditionally” loving, forgiving and accepting every aspect with your life, you are infusing the fifth dimensional energy field into the matrix of your third/fourth dimensional reality. When you do this, you raise the resonance of your life at the level of your personal and planetary matrix. With this higher resonance, you are able to expand your perceptions into the higher and higher frequencies of each situation.

Within these higher frequencies of perception/experience you are free of third dimensional thinking, which allows you to attach your attention to an even higher frequency of your reality. Where your attention is, there you are also. One warning, if you choose to place your attention onto a lower frequency of reality, you will lose your hold on the higher world and return into its lower frequency expression.

Yet, do not be concerned if this happens. It takes practice to respond to your physical life in a fifth dimensional manner. Fortunately, if you forgive, accept and love your self unconditionally, you can easily return to that higher frequency of reality.

From a conversation with the Arcturians in Part II:
Arcturians: You can expedite your power of transmutation by stretching your perceptions. By stretching your perceptions we mean that you can choose to:

• Believe that there is a higher frequency of reality that is just beyond your current spectrum of light.

• Go into a meditative state to expand your consciousness into a frequency of reality beyond the one to which you are accustomed.

• Believe that what your imagination perceives during this meditation is real.

• While in your daily consciousness, stretch your imagination to perceive this higher reality with your eyes opened.

For example, if during your meditation you perceive that you are riding through your city in an antigravity car, allow an overlay of that image to enter you imagination while you actually driving on your 3D road.

In this manner, you will stretch your perception to include the possible reality of the higher expression of your personal / planetary life-matrix. Remember to allow yourself to believe that your higher perceptions are real and that which you experience via these perceptions are real, but in a slightly higher version of reality.

If you do not believe that your higher perceptions are real, you will not adhere your consciousness to these perceptions. Adhering your consciousness to a given perception is similar to saving a file in your computer. In fact, save these files to your “desktop,” your Third Eye, where you can easily find them again.

When you choose to imagine, which is fifth dimensional thought, a higher frequency of reality bleeding into your daily life you:

• Give yourself hope of a higher frequency life

• Keep your consciousness focused on the positive

• Calibrate your consciousness toward the higher perspectives of every situation

• Allow and guide yourself to live the higher reality that you perceive from INSIDE your SELF

“Miracles” often occur because you have expanded your consciousness into a higher frequency reality. Then, what was impossible in your former frequency is easy in your higher expression reality. To facilitate your ascension, live your life with the belief and expectation of an ever-expanding adventure of personal and planetary ascension.

Remember that as you ascend, your reality will change with you. Therefore, you may not experience life as “different.” With each incremental shift of your consciousness adhering to a higher frequency of your personal/planetary matrix, your life may not appear different, but it will definitely be better, lighter, more loving and increasing filled with new expressions of your ever-expanding creative abilities.

To release all “effort,” which is the domain of your third dimensional ego, focus on your wish fulfilled. In fact, you can imagine your aura as a bulletin board at a restaurant that has it latest menu posted. The Flow of the ONE is ever-present and fills your every thought. Repeating your wish is a form of doubt. Therefore, just post your wish on your aura one time. Then, relax and allow the Flow of the ONE to manifest your wish at the perfect “time” and in the perfect way.

In this manner, you will not limit your fulfillment to the thinking of your former self. Instead, you are allowing the impossible to come true. Once you “post your menu,” release all wishes and surrender your life to the Flow of the ONE. In this way, you release all ego-based desires, let go of all process, and relax into the Flow of your higher expressions of life. To free yourself of your habit of third dimensional EFFORT, remember to “release, let go and relax.” In other words, just open your Portal of the High Heart and allow your new life to flow through.

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