
Exploring More Deeply "Life As A Game"

In my first-ever post on this blog, titled "The Game", and in my initial post as a contributing editor on the Golden Age of Gaia blog (formerly The 2012 Scenario) I spoke about "The Game of Hide and Seek" as channeled from 'The group' by Steve Rother.

In those articles I talked about how difficult it is to look out into the world and even consider looking at what we're up to as a race and on this planet, as a game. Not surprisingly, I get a fair number of odd responses when I suggest that we do so. As hard as it can be to see this physical reality - which sometimes feels like our worst possible nightmare - as a game, I stand by that analogy. In this post I'll explain why.

Dictionary definition of 'game':
a form of play or sport, esp. a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.

• a complete episode or period of play, typically ending in a definite result: a baseball game
If we think about the games that we like to play - including sports in this analogy, and to some degree even hobbies - we realize that all games have rules. In fact, we could say that each game has a 'rule set' that defines the parameters in which we play the game.

Each game has a playing field, whether that be a place - like a football field or swimming pool in sports, a thing - like the boards used for board games, an environment created in a computer program - like in video games, etc.

Games have 'props' - the equipment used within the game to help create the atmosphere of the game. These might include the cards, dice, or spinners associated with board games, the equipment used in sports games - like the bats, balls, bases, and protective gear used in baseball, or the boats, waders, and poles used in fishing.

Games also generally have time-outs involved. In board games and video games those breaks come when our turn is over, or any time we feel like getting up and getting away from the game. In games like football, baseball, and soccer, those breaks come at designated times - either when our turn at bat is up, when our team has finished its turn, or when a designated period of time has elapsed. These 'breaks' allow the players an opportunity to rest and refresh, an opportunity to evaluate how things are going, and/or to consult with others like coaches and teammates (or things like books or tutorials) to see how our game play might be improved. In other words, in each game there are opportunities for the players to stand apart from the game, either to rest and refresh, or to re-evaluate, to see the game from a different perspective, to learn, to improve; any or all of those things.

Each game has game pieces - those items that we use to play the game. For board games these are typically little wooden or plastic pieces that we use to represent "our character" in the game and move it along the board. In video games our characters are represented by little virtual characters, or in more complex virtual games we use 'avatars'. In sports games, the characters are real people.

But even in games where real people are the players, when playing such a game we are clear that we've taken on a role, and when the game is declared finished, we walk away from it leaving the game piece behind. We realize that we are taking on a role, a role that is not 'us' but 'us playing a game'. We know that we are so much more than that character that we play when we participate in games, whether that character is represented by a game piece, a bunch of pixels, or us dressed up in whatever gear the game requires or expects.

Games are competitive. Even if we're playing a single-person game, like solitare, or some video games, or fishing, if we're honest with ourselves we see that we're either competing with some other player(s) trying to play better than they play, to be more skilled than they are, or we're trying to better ourselves in some way, either by increasing our skill or by obtaining an improved result. It's a rare game player that plays for the sheer enjoyment of playing, with no intention whatsoever to improve, or not caring whether they increase or decrease their skill level. In truth, I don't know if such an attitude is possible for a human being long term, even among the least competitive among us.

Typically, games have a score-keeping system. We can play these games without keeping score or paying attention to the score, but generally there is some method designed into the game that allows us to keep score, to 'track how we're doing'.

All games have challenges. Without challenges we'd get so bored we wouldn't want to continue playing, for what would be the point?

Eventually all games end, and we move on to new games. When we play a game for so long that we've 'done all there is to do' in the game, or nearly so, we also get bored, and desire new games, new challenges. We take this for granted as 'just the way it is' when we involve ourselves in games.

So those are the attributes that I ascribe to games. Now let's look at how those attributes apply to the game that Steve and the group call "The Game of Hide and Seek" and that I will call "Life on Planet Earth".

Applying "Game" to Life on Planet Earth

When I mention that I see life as a game, many people are offended. They equate games with fun, with not being serious. They assume that I'm minimizing the impact of the seriousness of life by equating it with a game.

But if we are honest with ourselves, if we really look at how we play games, we realize that sometimes our games are extremely serious. We can get very involved in our games. I have seen Little League coaches and parents berate their little ones for the tiniest of mistakes, verbally abusing them or even hitting them for what these adults consider to be more serious infractions. Those coaches and parents are taking their game very, very seriously indeed, even to the detriment of their own precious children. I've seen golfers throw whole sets of clubs in a lake, they are so attached to the game.

I'm sure we've all experienced, whether we've said it to another or it was said to us, "It's just a game. Stop taking it so serious!" In online games we have a phrase when someone gets so attached to what's happening in the game that they lose themselves in their character by becoming annoyed, angry, getting their feelings hurt, being abusive, or worse. We tell each other "It's just a game. If you're not enjoying the game, log off and go do something more fun!" Caught up in their virtual reality world as they are, that comment isn't generally well received.

So the first similarity between life and games, is that we can get very caught up in our games. We can lose ourselves in our games and forget that they are games. The distinction between 'real life' and 'game play' can get blurred, sometimes severely so.

And so it is with what I call The Game of Life on Planet Earth. It's not real. It feels real, it looks real, it smells real, it tastes real, it sounds real - because we experience it with our physical senses, senses that were created specifically as a means to experience the game from inside the game. But the game isn't real. It's an illusion, and a very convincing illusion at that. What wonderful creators we were to design a game with such qualities of realism!

How else might our life as human beings on Earth fit with the parameters that are associated with a game?

• We have a set of rules. Those rules depend on what version of the game we're playing (basically, which density we're playing in). On earth in third density and to some degree fourth density, those rules include things like gravity, effects of electricity and electro-magnetism, the physical sciences, the natural sciences, any science that is wholly based on what can only be known using the 5 physical senses. Other rule sets include instant manifestation rather than manufacturing, overcoming gravity, etc.

• We have a playing field. That field is the whole of Earth, the planet-body of the archangelic spirit-being that we know as Gaia. Some have noted that in one of the previous phases of the game, before humanity's 'fall' into third density, our planet was called Terra.

• We have props. The props include everything that we physically see, taste, touch, smell and hear. I recall Seth saying that the very walls in our houses are illusion, but without them we would freeze to death. Obviously we believe in our props very mightily indeed!

• We have time-outs. Sleep is such a time-out. Our (current) environment is so difficult, so dense, so toxic to our spirit, that this little mini-time-out was created in order to rest and refresh not only our body but our spirit. Without sleep we lose our ability to effectively play the game, to navigate the game board. At some point without any sleep we would die. We can equate sleep to a time-out on the field of any sport. We might go sit on the bench, get a breather, and consult with our coaches away from actual game-pay. In video game parlance we might call this "afk" (away from keyboard), and night time sleep "logged off". Another value of sleep is that it allows us to keep our 'game piece' safe and secure while we're out and about playing, learning, aiding, doing in other aspects of our multidimensional life.

Another time-out, of longer duration, is death. With death we abandon our body and move into the astral realms to rest, recuperate, evaluate, integrate, and plan our next participation in the game, if we intend to continue. If we don't plan to continue (by coming back in another body, as a different 'character'), we can choose another game, or choose to participate from 'the other side of the veil' as guides for example. Our choices are unlimited. You could equate death to finishing a game. We can choose to play another round of the game at some point, or we can give up that game altogether and go play some other game. In video game parlance we might call this "deleting our character".

• We have a game piece. That piece of course is our physical body. Without a body we can't play the game. We can consult from the sidelines, which is what our Guides, our Multidimensional Selves, the Glactics, the Angelics and Archangelics, the Ascended Masters, etc., do. They aid us, but they aren't typically playing on the game board (some exceptions apply). As we all know from experience with our various games, coaching is good, appreciated, helpful, and even necessary, but it isn't playing. There's something very different and very profound about being in the game. While it has its own meaning and value, no amount of 'watching from the sidelines' is the same as being in the game. So I could offer each of us here an opportunity for us to appreciate and value the fact that it is us - spirits embodied in human flesh - who are in all ways actually playing the game.

• Our lives are competitive. Whether we are competing against each other or simply working to better our individual selves despite what anyone else is doing, we are driven - it seems - to always be perfecting our roles and our Selves. I would suggest that all of creation is constantly and continually learning, being, doing, expanding, through individual and combined experience. It's a process that never ends, or at least appears never to end.

• We have a score-keeping system. It's called 'karma', and it isn't what we often subscribe to karma. It's not judgement, it's not retribution, it's not punishment. It's a system put in place for us to keep track of how we're doing based on how we intended to do, or what we wanted to do and experience. Upon our release from the body - our death - we stand in front of no Pearly Gates while a snarling St. Peter judges us .. unless that's an experience that we wish to experience. If it is, we create it. Otherwise we simply evaluate our earthly experience, often in cooperation with our guides and their broader perspective, and determine what we will do next. Did we get lost in duality and never really complete something that we had intended to complete? From the broader perspective we realize it doesn't matter. We can always 'have another go', maybe with different supporting characters, in a different locale, at a different point in time, and try it again. All of these choices belong to each one of us, and us alone.

• Life on planet earth certainly has challenges. You might say it's rife with challenges. Too many challenges even! But that doesn't make it any less a game. It simply makes it a very challenging game. Very, very challenging indeed.

• The game has changed. The old game has ended and a new game has begun. We call the transition between the old game and the new game "ascension", and we are all participating in that transition between games whether we realize that we are or not.

Based on all of the above, it looks to me like there are an awful lot of similarities between Life on Planet Earth and what we have come to know as "games."

Reconciling Life on Earth As Both Serious and A Game

So how do we reconcile the horrendous things that happen during our time as physical beings on planet Earth with the concept of it all being a game? It's a difficult concept to accept.

The first difficulty comes when we don't realize that we are eternal, immortal beings. When we don't realize that when we die we're simply removing ourselves from the physical game board (Earth), the concept of 'game' can be impossible to comprehend. From that standpoint, in no way does this feel like a game. In actuality we lose nothing in the death transition other than our latest game piece - the physical body that we created, with help of our biological parents, in order to participate in the game in the most tangible way possible. In other words, the first major difficulty comes when we think that we are our game piece.

Under this illusion we think we've lost something when our loved ones transition out of the body, and from that feeling of loss we suffer. They aren't 'gone' because there's nowhere to go, we're simply continuing to hold to the illusion that because we can't see them with our physical eyes they don't exist. It's a wonderful thing when we realize that we can still communicate with them - if only we can set aside our grief long enough to do so. All of the emotions of loss come from the belief in separation. When we awaken to our true state, we know that we can never truly be out of contact with anyone because we are infinitely, integrally, and irreversibly connected.

Which leads us to another difficulty. It comes from not remembering that all games have challenges. When we're in pain, when our lives don't reflect the cooperation, respect, beauty, abundance - the love - that we feel in our hearts, we find it near impossible to believe that we're playing a game, and doing so by agreement. It can be hard to accept that we chose to be here on Earth at this time, that in fact every moment that we are here we are choosing to be here. But when we do realize that, when we do accept that, we can stop being helpless victims and begin taking charge of our lives from inside the illusion. We become like the characters in The Wizard of Oz who realize that all the power that they thought resided outside of themselves was an illusion, that they had the powers within themselves all along, they simply had to discover that for themselves. From such an awareness we can, little by little by little, allow that illusion to slip until we're no longer operating inside the illusion believing it to be reality. It isn't.

The third difficulty comes when we don't realize that the game has a rule set, and that by virtue of our agreement to play the game, we have agreed to that rule set. If one is living on the planet, they agreed to the rule set, in the same way that when you walk onto a baseball field, bat or glove in hand, you agree to the rules of baseball. The rule set that we have lived, worked, and played under for this phase was third-density duality, complete with a 'veil of unknowing'.

The fourth difficulty comes because we don't realize or accept that all games eventually end, as this one has. But unlike games where it ends and we disappear the game board forever, in this game we decided keep playing on the game board but change the game.

As a race, through the perception and knowing of our higher selves, viewing our participation from outside of physical reality ('the other side of the veil'), we agreed to change the game without moving to a different game board. This decision was made, and a new game plan was agreed upon, during the Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987. This was, of course, no accident. It was always hoped, desired, and intended that humanity would get to the place where the game could continue uninterrupted but with a different rule set. In our timeline that outcome was never guaranteed, all beings associated with the Nova Earth plan brought it into being. The alternative was what did not transpire - wiping the game board clean. Armageddon.

This decision, at the Harmonic Convergence, was perhaps the most incredibly bold and audacious decision ever to be made in our Universe - that a race of beings, stuck as they are under the veil of unknowing, stuck as they are in a deeply dense environment of third density duality, with multiple thousands of years of negative influence deeply engrained, with little to no awareness of who they really are and why they find themselves in this environment, with full freedom to choose to believe or to not believe in their power as creators, unknowing and mostly unable to hear the guidance of their coaches, family, and friends on the other side of the veil, could somehow undo all of that - all of it - and fully realize themselves as the creator gods that they have always been .. wow. That's one tall task. Not only did this race of humans have to accomplish this monumental task, they had to do it in a certain timeframe, a timeframe that matched the ascension of their mother planet. No wonder all of 'the company of heaven' are cheering for what we are accomplishing!

That incredibly auspicious time (the Harmonic Convergence) came and went outside of the conscious awareness of the vast majority of human beings, myself included. I was blissfully (or annoyingly) unaware of this event until some years later. But as I look back, I see that my life changed completely and dramatically the following year, in 1988. In the years since I have come to understand why. As a race we began to unfold the new game then, and I was guided, through my connection with Source, Higher Self, and my guides, to begin preparing for my role in the new game. I began doing this with no clue that this was what was happening .. much the same as many of you who read material like this blog have been unaware of why the changes that are happening in your life, or threatening to happen, are doing so.

In the new game (and I would posit, the old game as well), every single being on the planet has a role to play. Just by being here we each play some portion of our role. But part of the game is to become aware of our role, and to play it consciously rather than unconsciously. At some point each human being will come to embrace their role, either in this lifetime or another. It matters not. We each follow our own path as determined by our own heart and our connection with Source.

And some of us aren't quite ready for the new game. Some of us are not quite done with the old game, haven't 'done all there is to do', haven't accomplished what we set out to accomplish. Some will do that in the coming months, some will not. Those who don't 'finish up' with the old game will place themselves into a similar game in another physical location.

Our old game, the game of third density duality, was so important to our expansion as infinite beings, so appreciated from our perspective on the other side of the veil, that new games were created based on that rule set. So the old game is over on Planet Earth, but it continues elsewhere. Those beings who aren't complete with it can continue to play it if they so choose. They simply won't be playing it here on Earth. But no matter, we are all connected, they aren't going anywhere really. They'll just be playing a different game on a different game board. It happens. Sometimes our friends and loved ones don't want to play that same game(s) we like to play, and while we will miss them, we know - when we take the time to remember that this is so - that we can connect up and be together in other ways at other times. We wish them well and go about creating our new game with all of those who want to play the new game too.

As to creating the new game? Not only are we players in it, we're creating it. How exciting is that?! We get to be the developers AND the players. Not even the company of heaven knows exactly how it's going to look when we're done. They don't even know how it's going to look as it progresses! And we wonder why they can't give us answers. The answers are ours to create. They can give us direction, they can give us assistance, they can give us ideas and concepts, as they have been doing for eons, but actually creating it is up to us. Nova Earth will be created from the will and determination of those who live here, and to me that's an enticing and exciting prospect.

Why Is Such A View of Life on Earth Useful?

So why do we care whether we can view life as a game or not? What's the usefulness, what's the value?

To me, the value of viewing life like a game, or like a play, or like an interactive novel, film, or piece of art, is that it puts the power for each of our individual lives squarely in our hands. From any of these stands it's far easier to accept full, total, 100% responsibility for our experiences. We don't have to like all of those experiences - not all the challenges in a game of any kind feel all that great when we're experiencing them. But seldom do we blame the game itself for what we don't like or are uncomfortable with. We know that, as the player of the game, it's up to us how things go. Even when we think 'luck' is involved, only occasionally do we rail against Lady Luck for abandoning us. And even if we do, eventually we come back to the understanding that it's the experience we're after, and eventually we get pretty bored with any game or activity that provides us with no challenge at all.

What's different, now that the game has changed, is that the challenges take on a different color, shading, and texture. Instead of being challenged to simply survive, challenged to continually protect ourselves from getting hurt, injured, sick or killed, to protect ourselves from being stolen from, abused, lied to, abandoned, defrauded, and whatever else we've been protecting ourselves from, we can instead challenge ourselves in more creative ways. We can challenge ourselves with creating a world that works for everyone, everywhere, no matter who they are, just because they are. We can challenge ourselves to love and appreciate each other no matter who we are, no matter what our beliefs are or what choices we make. We can create new systems, new energy grids, new food sources, new communication methods, new relationships, new communities, new methods for education, new everything! As we remember those skills that we forgot in order to play the old game, unlimited potential is truly ours.

This paradigm shift is possible because we are discovering that inside our heart of hearts we already care about each other, respect each other, love each other, cooperate with each other, and we always have. We didn't show that side to others, or showed it only rarely, because we were too busy, too engaged, in the illusion that we are separate. We are not. We are intricately tied together in a web of light and love that cannot be broken no matter how abysmally we treated each other inside that old game, or any game.

The other game, the game of third density duality is over. Done. Finished. Gone. Kaput. But the illusion continues. Why? We perpetuate that game, and the rule set under which we played it, every time we refuse to respect our own - and each others' - sovereignty.

When we victimize ourselves or victimize others, we're essentially going back to the old paradigm, the one where we weren't sovereign and weren't united and weren't capable of creating our world using our inherent creation skills. But we are capable of creating a new world. We have the skills, if only we remember that we do. If only we remember that we are united, that we are One, and that we participate in games by agreement. It only takes a moment to stand back from the game long enough to remember all of that.

The Ultimate Game

While this whole article has been about The Game of Life on Planet Earth, we could say that the ultimate game, the one being played out in all of creation, is to know God (or whatever name you give to All That Is, the One, Source etc.). Or perhaps better said, to know ourselves as God. For since we are all a spark of God, of Source, of Prime Creator, in knowing more about ourselves, God / Source / Prime Creator knows more about Itself.

So no matter what sub-set of game we are playing, whether it's the game of third density duality, the game of sixth density Unity Consciousness, some other game in our universe, or some game outside of this universe completely, revealing God to Itself is always the underlying and primary game.

How we get to that place, what the journey looks like, what the experiences are, what we learn about being-ness from those experiences, are what comprise the various sub-games that we create for ourselves and find ourselves participating in.

But when all is said and done it all really is .. a game. We can have fun in the game, we can enjoy our experiences, our interactions with one another, we can play as the true creator gods that we are, loving our creations whether they turn out poorly or turn out grandly, or we can play the victim game or the perpetrator game or any variation thereof. It's all up to us, as sovereign individuals and as a combined group consciousness. The choice is ours, it always is. And that's a wonderful and amazing thing.

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