
What If There Were No One Else But You

Each and every being you perceive on your planet, in your world, and within your reality, is quite simply ‘you’. There is no one else. There are no ‘other’ souls. Take a moment to really contemplate what this truly means. ~ Angelic Guides

I recall a comment that Seth made about Source, whom he refers to as "All That Is". He said "All That Is knows no other."

That struck me as profoundly sad when I first heard it. It means that each of us, all of us, will experience that loneliness, that deep desire to find out who we are, because it's a primal drive. Yet it will never be satisfied. Because we, Prime Creator in all its aspects, are continually evolving, growing, expanding, learning, enjoying, experiencing. Without end.

Imagine yourself as Prime Creator, God, Source, All That Is, or whatever term you use to describe first creator. That is who you are: the creator and the created, currently experiencing 'your life' as one tiny - but all important - aspect of All That Is. Each experience being a reflection of the thoughts, beliefs, and experiences that make up your personal history, as an individual aspect of All That Is. It means that no other is better than, or less than, you are. None is more powerful, or less powerful, than you are. You ARE. I AM. They ARE. We ARE. You. And you are you. And you are I. And you are them. You are ALL.

Does that help you in any way to take charge of the myriad experiences that, totaled up, constitute your life in this moment?

There is a key here, and that key is to take full and complete, 100% responsibility for everything that you experience. Not for what others experience, for those aspects of Source are having their own unique experiences. But take responsibility for what you experience. See it all as a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs, actions, choices, desires, habits, whether you are consciously aware of those thoughts, beliefs, actions, choices, desires, habits, or not. Each experience shows you who you have come to be based on all your decisions and choices.

Given that power, you must know that you can change your experiences if they don't suit you. You get to choose. And you get that choice in each and every moment of every moment. Never ever ever allow another to decide how you feel, what you should do, how you should be. You can allow others to inform your choices, but ultimately your choices belong to you.

Be who you are, uniquely who you are. You are Source, experiencing itself through your eyes, through your journey. If you did not exist, Source would not exist. Nothing would exist. You ARE Source. Accept that you are, and act from that stand. Allow your other aspects to be who they are, without expecting them to be who you think they should be. They are you, afterall, experiencing what you are not. You created them as surely as you created yourself. Honor those creations, and especially honor yourself.

Here's what the Angelic Guides through Taryn Crimi had to say:
What If There Were No One Else but You

Angelic Guides through Taryn Crimi
November 20, 2014

Today we have been asked to further elaborate upon the often talked about phrase, ‘All are one.’

Certainly this is something that those of you drawn to this message have heard, but we would like to share with you our perspective in hopes of helping you to truly understand the magnitude of this statement.

There are many of you who will find this message to be ‘mind-blowing’, or even impossible; and of course there are still others who are already on some level aware of what we are about to share. So with that, allow us to begin sharing our perspective.

What would you say if we told you there is only ‘you'. There are no others; no other people, no other places, no other experiences; there is only you. You might respond by asking us to further explain; and with that, we most certainly will.

In this reality you perceive yourselves to be separate entities, separate from one another. Some of you are starting to understand the complexity of just how interconnected each of you truly are, but we would say the majority remain very unaware.

Each and every being you perceive on your planet, in your world, and within your reality, is quite simply ‘you’. There is no one else. There are no ‘other’ souls. Take a moment to really contemplate what this truly means.

Many of you have become familiar with the phrase ‘what goes around comes around,’ or ‘do unto others as you would have done to you,’ or ‘you cannot do harm to another without doing harm to yourself.’ Why do you think that is? We will tell you. Because there is no one else but you.

This would mean that each being that you interact with is another incarnation of your own soul. We have often referred to each being as having their own soul, and to some degree this is true as each incarnation carries with it its own unique aspect of you.

However, from our perspective, each of ‘you’ share the same soul, just as we are also another aspect of ‘you’. You are the universe and everything contained within it. You are exploring more of All that is, through the infinite incarnations you have chosen for yourself, so that you may learn from perceiving the universe from each unique perspective there is to have.

Each of the billions of souls incarnated upon your world is another aspect of ‘you’. It is another incarnation that your soul has chosen to create so that you may learn and grow from the infinite experiences you choose to create.

We have often explained each lifetime as being separate in past messages, though this was simply to allow you to gradually understand the complexity and intricacy contained within your reality. In the truest explanation, all are one, all are of the same source, all are of the same soul.

Now we realize that this may seem quite impossible to some of you. This would mean that every soul, good or bad, terrible or great, is all an aspect of you. They are other incarnations of your soul. This would also imply that you are able to interact with other incarnations of yourself on a daily basis.

Many are always so very intrigued by ‘past lives’, and to this we smile, as there really are no ‘past lives’ – just different vibrational frequencies that appear to be separate or divided by ‘time’ as you know it.

As we often say, all lives are being experienced concurrently, as we do not perceive time to be linear; rather all time is experienced simultaneously. The reality that you perceive to be your world is, from our perspective, holographic.

It is a projection of the thoughts, energy, and intentions of all aspects of All that is, ‘you’. It is an ever-changing energetic web that morphs and shifts infinitely as each facet of ‘you’ changes, morphs, and shifts as ‘individual’ incarnations, as well as collectively.

You see, this is why we have so very often said, All are one. Often when first introduced to this staggering truth, many are left with the question, ‘if there is only “me,” what is the purpose of all this then?’ Ahhhhhh, and to this we reply, to learn, grow, evolve and experience more of All that is. So we encourage you to keep growing, to keep learning, and to continually evolve on this journey ‘you’ have chosen to embark upon.

We hope that this message has served you, and that you find yourselves being far more compassionate towards the many ‘other’ incarnations you have chosen for yourselves. Remember, all are one, all are from the same source.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

Angelic Guides is now on Youtube! For more live channelings, please go to http://www.youtube.com/angelicguides. Copyright © 2012-2014 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. http://www.Angelic-Guides.com


More On Shifting The Matrix

Let go of the old. Living in a reactionary state only affirms the oppressor and its matrix of deceit, fear and control. ~ Zen Gardner

Displacing the Matrix and the Power of Spiritual Cymatics

By Zen Gardner
November 11, 2014

I had an extremely inspiring conversation with a beautiful soul today about the awakening and how we can be the most effective in facilitating it.

In the course of our exchange, while sharing ideas about how to go about creating practical applications, many analogies and perceptions came to mind.

As anyone who reads my articles knows, I am all over the shift into awakening that is now being birthed, and the empowerment available to anyone who is willing to tune into it.

It’s not evident to all, as the fixation on the crumbling matrix and growth of the parasitic police state seems to captivate most people’s attention. But it is the dead and dying stump of the old paradigm in the forest of the world. It blocks out people’s vision, as it’s designed to do.

While we must also be aware of it, we cannot be fixated on it. That crumbling matrix of world information is important, but must be transcended into levels of empowerment and personal and collective activism – much like concentrating on the new growth bursting with life on that same forest floor – surpassing the influence of this relic of old control systems.

That old rotten stump is dead and dying. It’s branches have fallen, its leaves are long gone, and its roots are rotting in the rich, active earth below transforming this fungal infection back into the cycle of life.

We are seeing the final stages of a dying epoch, and our attention needs to be on the new growth bursting up through the dead limbs and leaves of the forest floor, instead of the induced drama of the dying, old and decrepit, falsely imposed structures.

The Awake Grid and Spiritual Cymatics

As we spoke about the need for practical solutions supporting community and personal activism, I shared how many people write to me about feeling so alone in this fight, why I wrote the article Are We Alone? Or Strategically Placed and why it struck such a chord in people.

Feeling isolated and alone is a fact of life in the so-called ‘alternative’ community, but it’s a much greater phenomenon than that.

It has to do with our current alternative paradigm and how we’re approaching the shift.
When discussing alternatives and how empowering they are, I had a picture of those same dispersed energetic nodes I refer to in my article – be they individuals, energetic portals, ley lines or otherwise – only now they are vibrating with an enhanced intentional frequency.

The vibratory effect at every level causes the immediately outlying points of awakened conscious human beings to resonate and thus create vibrational cymatic patterns which then vibrate and resonate with, and even begin to converge with, these localized nodes.

A magnificent image of people coming together when these strategic, awakened human energy points are activated and vibrationally alive – if you can envision it.

It’s much like the deeper interpretations of the role of our star, the sun, and other planetary bodies, never mind massive galactic influences. My point is, as we tune into and facilitate these wonderful vibrations the effects are extremely practical, bringing together sympathetic souls and influences into powerful and extremely practical convergences. And it’s happening.

Bottom Line

We need to not just awaken individually but converge and activate in very practical ways to express this new awareness and understanding. As so many are intensely aware of the seriously decaying state of social governance, this should not be our focus.

Instead we need to concentrate our attention and intention on the blossoming innate knowledge of a better way to live and work together to explore the way of life we know in our hearts to be right.
Many are working to set such programs in place and we need to encourage and participate in these, or initiate our own, and thus help accentuate and realize this new birthing paradigm.

We are seeing movements arise around the planet affirming this very aspect. Groups, communities and alternative organizations are being born as we speak, well aware of our perilous external condition yet knowing a much better plan can easily be put in its place. This is true conscious revolution.
Look for it. Be part of it.

Let go of the old. Living in a reactionary state only affirms the oppressor and its matrix of deceit, fear and control.

It’s time to move on and build. You’ll see it when you do. And it’s wonderful. Just respond from the heart.

More on this to come. A wonderful new day is dawning.

Much love, Zen
In similar vein to Ghandi's "Be the change you want to see", it's extremely effective to remind ourselves that we are already living in the world we want to create. It's already created! All we need to do is continually be, live, act, and do, from that perspective.

That higher vibration of knowing harmonizes with what our rational mind wants to believe doesn't yet exist, what it hopes is coming but isn't here yet. In truth our dreams already exist as real, all we need to is line ourselves up with the vibration of them, then marvel as they take shape before our very human eyes. Synchonicity anyone? :)


Manuscript Of Survival - Part 430

...not all are ready to face the reality after living lifetime after lifetime enshrouded in a wall of make believe, and so, to them, there will be much anguish, pain and indeed anger erupting within.

For with this new clarity also comes a new insight, and that is that you are no longer beholden onto others to make your life a good life. But with this realization also comes another realization, namely that you can no longer blame your misfortunes on anyone else either. And for some, that realization will perhaps to them be perceived as the heaviest burden to bear. For with freedom also comes responsibility, and this is not as easy to embrace as the idea of freedom. For freedom means that you are once again aware of creating your own lives, and so, there is no longer any outside source that can or will be blamed for any perceived “misfortunes” that may befall you along the way.

~ The CC through Aisha North
The manuscript of survival – part 430

Constant Companions (CC) through Aisha North
November 17, 2014

For now, what has been set into motion can no longer be negated, and as such, all of the consequent reactions will come about from a positive energetic charge, even if some of the outcome of it may be labelled as negative by those still set on maintaining status quo.

Let us elaborate. You see, this whole chain of events that is now in the middle of being activated is one that will have far reaching consequences, and as we have already informed you, the rippling effect from what is taking place on this little planet of yours is far greater than you at your current level perhaps can even begin to understand. And when we say current level, we simply refer to your ability to fully tap into your very own reservoir of inherent knowledge. In other words, we are not calling you incapable in any way, simply reminding you that things will become clearer to you at a pace that will make it possible for you to literally digest it. For when we refer to mankind’s choice to truly take the required quantum leap that is absolutely necessary for this whole operation to come about, it is also implied that this quantum leap will come about in such a way, it will serve its intended purpose, namely to shift the entire region into a frequency that will be beneficial to all that inhabits it. And so, everything needs to come about at the exact right time frame and in the stipulated sequence so that all the chips may fall in their designated directions.

Again, we speak in convoluted terms, but again, it is simply to allow you to better take in the underlying message in this message. For as we have already repeated repeatedly, what this contains is something that far surpasses the mere wording of it, and as such, we need at times to make these rather circuitous routes in order to better help you to get the gist of the message. And the gist of this message is simply this: you are no longer where you used to be, and neither is this planet that you live upon. And the same goes for your immediate surroundings. For you have already changed the very fabric of the Universe to such a degree, nothing can ever be the same again. And remember, these changes come about in a way that will be hard to define from a human’sstandpoint, but it will be very easily identified when you look upon it from our point of view. For we can see that the very basics that your world has been build upon has already been changed, and so, the algorithms are indeed brand new. On the outside, it may not look like much, merely a few scattered numerals that have shifted ever so slightly over a period of a few days, but what these slight changes will in effect do, is to set off a cascade of rippling effects that will tear away all of the old and restricting cocooning material that you have been swaddled in, almost like the ancient peoples used to do to safeguard their deceased.

In other words, the ripples will spread out from these minuscule gashes in that old fabric, the fabric that was woven with so much care in order for you to strain and struggle against it until the day you finally opened your eyes and opened your hearts and realized, that the only way to end the struggle is simply to surrender to the powers that you carry within you, the ones that have been there all along, waiting for you to rediscover their presence at the very core of your being. And then, this process of unraveling the old illusion in order to fully set free not just you, but the whole and glorious truth of who ALL of you are began to come alive in such a way, there is no way now anyone can stop this old cocoon from dissolving completely.

But again, when something dissolves, it inevitably leaves a gaping hole in someone’s armour, as in the walls that so many of your fellow men are still busy keeping intact. For not all are ready to face the reality after living lifetime after lifetime enshrouded in a wall of make believe, and so, to them, there will be much anguish, pain and indeed anger erupting within. For with this new clarity also comes a new insight, and that is that you are no longer beholden onto others to make your life a good life. But with this realization also comes another realization, namely that you can no longer blame your misfortunes on anyone else either. And for some, that realization will perhaps to them be perceived as the heaviest burden to bear. For with freedom also comes responsibility, and this is not as easy to embrace as the idea of freedom. For freedom means that you are once again aware of creating your own lives, and so, there is no longer any outside source that can or will be blamed for any perceived “misfortunes” that may befall you along the way.

We know that this will not be news to many of you, for you have stepped into this truth a long time ago, but again, we want to remind you that you are not yet amongst the majority on this planet, and so, what you have seen as the dawning of the New, they will simply see as the disintegration of all that they have staked their very existence upon, and so, they will rebel in any way they can, and the range with which they will display their dissent will vary, from anger to sadness, from fear to downright terror.

But again, this will simply be the final nail in the coffin of the old, if we may use such blunt words to describe the shift that is taking place now. For remember, you have already pushed the buttons that activated this whole operation by your willingness to fully embrace your inner light, and so, what comes around now will be a change that will affect all, and it will do so because you as a collective have come to a place where a decision was needed, and the decision was to say a resounding YES to the New. And so, the wheels of change will roll faster and faster now, and as such, more and more of your every day actions will be governed by this new light that is imbuing every sentient being on this planet.

And yes, enough of you have already chosen to open your hearts to this light, and this in itself is more than enough to set the wheels rolling. And so, what took only a small number of the population of this planet to make come into being, will give every single one of the souls currently inhabiting this little sphere the same chance to take part in the process of recreating your world. And so, the call has gone out, the call to join in on this magnificent make over, a make over that far surpasses anything ever accomplished anywhere else in All of creation. And make no mistake, you do have a lot of things that needs to be rectified before this whole project is over, but again, there will be no lack of willing hands nor of inquisitive minds that will join forces with you, the true vanguards. For as we have told you again and again, you already possess everything you need in order to fulfill every single dream you might carry within of the paradise you so long for. There is no lack of skills, nor of manpower, nor of resources, and as you have finally allowed yourselves to re-enter the ancient halls of knowledge that has been kept safely hidden away until you as a collective were once again ready to enter them, there is no longer anything nor anyone standing in your way for this whole thing to become a success beyond compare.

And so we say again know that all is well, and take every single eruption of fear, anger or hatred as clear signals of the advent of the New World. For you have felt it already, and now, it will begin to seep into the consciousness of every single individual on this planet. For some, it will be such a welcome sight, they will instantaneously know just what to do in order to fully embrace the New. While for others, the very idea will still provoke their old gut instinct to safeguard the very last piece of “security” they can cling on to, namely the very idea itself that change must be avoided at all cost. And so, they will dig in their heels and protest in any way they can. But we can confidently predict that the latter will be the minority this time, for remember, on a higher level, it has been a decision that was made with an overwhelming majority, and the answer you gave back when the question was raised, was simply this: “yes, now, we are finally ready to step away from the old and fully embrace the totality of our being and to re-enter the prosperous sea of love that we for so long have turned our backs to.” For you as a collective are more than ready to take to these shimmering waters yet again, and it is you, the forerunners, who have been given the wonderful task of being the first ones to take the plunge.

And so once again we thank you all on behalf of All of creation. You have chosen well, and you have already set your actions behind your words, and the actions that have already been accomplished by what may seem to be only a small handful of individuals scattered all over your wold, will have a far reaching and wondrous effect on All. And for that, we can only once more extend our greatest gratitude, and we would also like to add that from now on, the pace of this ripping apart will continue to escalate at such a pace, it may at times literally take your breath away. But for you, we know the breathlessness will come out of pure and simple joy and the knowledge that what will come apart now, will do so in order to make it all come together again in a way that will bring joy into the hearts of ALL.


Let It Go

In order to manifest your New Earth frequency reality in this human life experience ALL of you must be present and available to you in the NOW moment. The gathering of fragments that scattered across the dimensional timelines is done from THIS REALITY. If you connect with and try to work in any other reality you are re-fragmenting yourself and disempowering yourself at all moments.

The only moment that you can create from, with and through is this NOW moment, everything else is illusion. You have watched the magician lifetime after lifetime and many of you are now understanding and see through the magick tricks. Your life experience is YOURS completely but you may at this time being persuaded it is not. Taking back your power is being in the NOW moment and allowing FLUIDITY of emotion. ~ Karen Dover

Releasing the emotional prisons created from “memories”

By Karen Dover @ Truth Codes
October 1, 2014

For many of you the emotions raging within you may appear to be one thing whilst they are actually something else. I have deliberately used the song from the FROZEN film to show how wrapping a gift in wrapping paper can make it look other than it is in TRUTH. When you listen to the song you will hear her sing about her emotions, how the “cold” does not bother her and she APPEARS to look free and in full control. Look again at the song and the imagery and you will see that she is in a PRISON of her OWN MAKING. She has been taught to believe that her gifts are dangerous, she was taught to remain separate from her family in order to “protect them”. Any bells ringing yet? How many of you can fully resonate with the character already?

Emotions that are frozen are called in human language MEMORIES and these are triggered over and over again within your human life experience within the old 3D earth created construct. They are triggered to keep you towing the line, to keep you remembering the teachings that you have been TAUGHT and pulling at your energy signature at all times. Where guilt, embarrassment, anger, betrayal etc arise within you then the memory that triggers it is ANCHORED more deeply. Many of you can instantly find a memory by listening to a song or visiting a place, the memory instantly triggered and the memories associated flooding into you. But the flooding into you does not see you in flow, it sees you attempt to swim in an ocean of grief, sadness or other emotions. Even apparent “happy” memories work to trigger because they may be the exact opposite of what you feel in this moment, so they will also trigger fear, grief etc.

The release of these distorted frequencies is now under way. For many of you the re-triggering is fully under way, you may be having dreams of people long out of your life or you may be pulled to places you have not visited for some time. It is NOT TRUTH to hold on tightly to memories, they are not real, they are a snapshot of a moment in your life that is FROZEN in that moment. You cannot be in flow and balance when any part of your is FROZEN. This is what the gift wrapping prevents you from seeing and attempts to keep you also from feeling for as you swim in memories you are not in the NOW moment and are not fully aligned with the energy that YOU ARE in TRUTH.

At the moment there appears to be a resurgence of information around Lemuria and Atlantis, this is triggering MEMORIES for many of you, many of you may be falling into these memories and working from the energy of said memories but this takes you OUT of the NOW moment, you cannot drink a cup of coffee you have already drunk and this applies to these lifetimes. You are not there at this moment, only the FRAGMENT OF SELF WHO INCARNATED INTO SAID TIMELINE IS THERE. The distortion is trying to persuade you that you can take the power from that lifetime into this lifetime. This is NOT POSSIBLE as the frequency of these civilisations is NOT TRUTH and is not supported by the New Earth.

In order to manifest your New Earth frequency reality in this human life experience ALL of you must be present and available to you in the NOW moment. The gathering of fragments that scattered across the dimensional timelines is done from THIS REALITY. If you connect with and try to work in any other reality you are re-fragmenting yourself and disempowering yourself at all moments.

The only moment that you can create from, with and through is this NOW moment, everything else is illusion. You have watched the magician lifetime after lifetime and many of you are now understanding and see through the magick tricks. Your life experience is YOURS completely but you may at this time being persuaded it is not. Taking back your power is being in the NOW moment and allowing FLUIDITY of emotion.

In order to start the flow first you must allow the thawing out of said emotions, to RELEASE them and not just recycle them. Then you must allow the movement into NATURAL BALANCE that is achieved by allowing the full flow of energies through, around and within your human vehicle. As you do this the outer waking reality will begin to reflect your fluidity. “SAME” is a construct to explain the frozen emotions, in TRUTH all is in flow as energy never stops moving ever, it is in constant movement.

Within the old 3d earth created construct you have been taught to believe that in order to survive you must remain frozen, this is not TRUTH and is not supported by the New Earth. NOW the energy that YOU ARE IN TRUTH will show you the keys to the prison that you have been TAUGHT to create within you and which contains you externally.

“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”



Shifting the Matrix

Every time a multidimensional starhuman makes a conscious choice to experience an uplifted thought, a high frequency vibration of joy, gratitude or appreciation, there is a shift in the entire matrix of humanity. Every time.

Every time that a multidimensional starhuman stretches to be more compassionate, more understanding, more authentic there is a shift in the entire matrix of humanity. Every time.

~ "The Team" through Peggy Black

Note: As planets go, Earth is quite a young one. Every souled being - human and otherwise - on the planet has its origins elsewhere. Every human is a starhuman. Yes, even you. Especially you! Welcome aboard Starship Earth!

Full article below:

A Message From The "We Are Here" Team

Through Peggy Black at Morning Messages

November 10, 2014

We are here. It is our desire to share these messages and offer an invitation for humans to establish a strong link and awareness connected to the many aspects of their own multidimensional reality. Each and every individual who awakens to the knowing that they are multidimensional starhumans contributes to the whole.

It is important for humans to realize that they travel from one dimension to another many times a day. Remember you only see what you believe. Reality will match your beliefs. The dimensions are a matter of frequency and vibration. This truth is becoming known to many on your planet.

It is the awareness and the welcoming that allow for the merging and the exchange between our frequency and vibration and your frequency and vibration. Our invitation to you and to all other multidimensional starhumans is to allow the softening and the merging of the dimensions. Let there be a flow, gently and smoothly.

It is a matter of shifting frequency and vibration. The most powerful tool in this hologame on earth, the golden key so to speak, is the conscious practice and skill at holding a pure frequency of joy, gratitude and appreciation no matter what is happening, continuing to return to the alchemical chalice of the heart and radiate these vibrations into your daily life, moment to moment to moment.

These are incredible times upon your planet. There is a shift in the matrix that is taking place. Humanity is experiencing considerable shifts in perceived reality. You have always been straddling multi-realties; the shift that is happening now is that you are awakening and becoming conscious that you are doing it. You are aware of your physical surroundings, those frozen in your perception, and you are also aware of the information we are offering—that with very little effort you can travel to any location in the galaxy.

Your human body is always operating in multi-realities. Every cell is aware of the noise within the body and outside the body and is making the necessary adjustments. Every cell of the body is reading the position of the sun, moon, and stars and making the necessary adjustments. Every cell of the body is monitoring all input from all dimensions and making the necessary adjustments. Every cell of the body operates at a multidimensional level and knowing.

Humans are evolving and becoming conscious that they are affecting the reality that they step into, and they are affecting the movement of energy on the planet. As they stand fully engaged and mindful of the total connection…the total matrix of divine unfolding…the total oneness and total weaving with the All That Is, they are starhumans.

This evolution is occurring within the atoms of each human being on earth at this time.

There is and has been a vanguard of multidimensional starhumans who have been carrying this banner of enlightenment for lifetimes. There is an awakening to the knowledge, that each human is multidimensional. Now is the time to recognize and merge with the consciousness of others who are also cognizant of their multidimensional beingness.

As more humans begin to expand into their multidimensional aspects, they will become pioneers in this field of aligning, balancing and untangling the energy weavings. There is a restoring and mending of the grid of this planet. This work has been taking place for hundreds of years in the subtle realms. It is now taking place in the active physical realms. This restoring, this mending of the grid, is held in the galactic realms. This is the time. This is the coming together. This is the shift activating your very purpose to serve.

There are considerable numbers of others like you who recognize and realize their purpose in this evolution of consciousness that is taking place. They have reached out and requested assistance and support on this stage of physical reality. Their conscious request has been heard, and much is being offered from the convergence of the highest vibrations in the universe.

We invite you and other awakened starhumans to hold the anchor and focus, for these energetic gifts that are being showered upon you. With every breath you take, realize that you are Light, you are needed, and it is time for you to be fully awake. Your every vibration ….your every thought is projected into the matrix of the energy field of planet earth. Continue to ask yourself, "Does this word, thought, action, feeling add to the light of the world, or does it add to the dysfunction of the world?"

Remember you are an important part of this unfolding. Each starhuman carries a code that is needed by many to trigger their own realization. Each encounter holds the auspicious moment in which codes and activation take place between both beings. When you and others are vibrating at your highest and most inspirited frequency, this is when the opening is available to lift any lower vibrations within another human.

Every time a multidimensional starhuman makes a conscious choice to experience an uplifted thought, a high frequency vibration of joy, gratitude or appreciation, there is a shift in the entire matrix of humanity. Every time.

Every time that a multidimensional starhuman stretches to be more compassionate, more understanding, more authentic there is a shift in the entire matrix of humanity. Every time.

One by one humans are taking their mastery; their authority and stepping into their personal sovereignty. We are celebrating with you in this incredible shift that is taking place. We invite you to stay the course, walk the path, and share who you are with others from this high expanded multidimensional starhuman place.

When you and others anchor this frequency, this truth, this knowing, when you vibrate the high resonance of joy, gratitude, appreciation, you welcome and allow others to connect with their own awareness of their multidimensional magnificence. Every time.


Acceptance Is Release - Karen Dover

“Acceptance” in TRUTH in order to release ALL

By Karen Dover at Truth Codes

November 6, 2014

Many of you have contacted me commenting that despite being in creation mode that the outer waking reality appears to remain almost solid and asking why this is. Part of the process of moving into fluidity is that of “acceptance”. Now acceptance is not giving up, it is not stating “okay I accept the outer waking reality and can do nothing to change it”. What I mean by acceptance is to look at the outer waking reality and see it as it is in TRUTH, that is not what you want to see, but what is there in front /around you. Only by working from this picture can you change the picture, indeed ACCEPTANCE is a major key in working to create your own reality.

Many of you will have been taken to the point of being shown the “same” outer waking reality and it will not move, no matter how you attempt to move it into fluidity, it remains. The key is acceptance in TRUTH, for the New Earth is born out of TRUTH, it matters not what move you make for if the move is not TRUTH then you will be asked to choose again. The choice though will remain hidden until you accept that which is around you is not TRUTH.

This may appear to be almost back to front and I would remind you gently that the old 3D earth reality construct is a mirror, therefore it must be viewed back to front in order to see what is actually happening, all appears reversed in a mirror. So in order to be shown the choices, which are ALWAYS THERE you must first of all SEE what is around you, only by accepting what is being reflected can you then ask to be shown the whole picture, this is the point that the universe will then open up the picture and show you more choice. Then you make a conscious choice and intention, again the picture will not change unless this choice is in TRUTH.

Many of you may look at this and think “okay but this seems very much like a chore”. It is deceptively simple for you can FEEL the choice that is TRUTH, it is only a challenge if you allow your human logical mind to interrupt and attempt to persuade you that the choice you FEEL is not correct. This begins to create the “puzzle” that is not there and will pull you out of balance and into total frustration for you will then attempt to try to alter your reality by DOING, you are asked to BE and to choose TRUTH, that is all that is required.

TRUTH is ONLY found in the heart space so the key to acceptance is to follow your heart, to understand that what is not TRUTH sometimes looks other than it is and it is this that has kept you in chains within the old 3D earth created construct. Within said construct you were shown choice based on your frequency and SOUL patterning and then asked to choose logically. This blinds you to TRUTH and to ALL possibilities, remember just because your human logical mind cannot “think” of the choice or your human eyes cannot “see” other choice does not negate the choices and they are infinite.

At this moment upon Planet Earth the outer waking reality appears to be harsh and other than what is TRUTH, in order to change this you must accept that the picture you are shown is not TRUTH and then align with the ENERGY that YOU ARE in TRUTH. By changing your own personal picture then you affect ALL and as each human vehicle begins to work with this then the outer waking reality will become more fluid and reflect that which is TRUTH. This is not done by DOING so much as BEing, to accept that your outer waking life is what IT IS at that moment and then ask to be shown the bigger picture. Then the choices will open up for you. You cannot walk down a path that is not TRUTH for that is not supported, many of you have come to the end of the path of untruth and yet are refusing to accept this. This will see you stopped and not permitted to go any further along the path, to view other choices ACCEPT and then choose again. This will allow you to move into fluidity in TRUTH and may see many of you move rapidly into your chosen outer waking reality.

A gentle reminder that the outer waking reality in TRUTH will always be MORE and deeper than you can ever imagine for the human logical mind has been kept in check for eternity, until you allow it to “catch up” with infinite possibilities then it may take some linear time to permit yourself to dream bigger and brighter.

“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.



Delayed Reality / Manifesting From The Heart Space - Karen Dover

“Delayed” reality and the ability to BE in TRUTH

By Karen Dover at Truth Codes

November 4, 2014

Much like the stars that appear in the sky above your head the outer waking reality that is your human life experience is not what it appears to be. This may come as no surprise to you as you work your way through the denser frequencies and begin to work with the higher, more expansive and lighter frequencies. What I mean by the statement is that just like the stars in the sky there is a “delay” in the decoding of the frequencies that are then turned into your human life experience. (Stars appear to be in the sky but you do not see them as they are, you seem them as they were, the speed of light is the delay to your human eyes).

The subject of instant manifestation raises its head often and many people fall in frequency when faced with anything other than perceived “instant” manifestation. Remember you are in a human form upon a planet that has been kept in a very dense frequency bandwidth. The appearance of the reality that is built from the higher dimensional frequencies therefore may take some “time” to appear to you in your outer waking reality. This is challenging for your human logical mind to both comprehend and accept. After all you have been TAUGHT over and over again that the outer waking reality is a solid structure and that you must fit in with it in order to live and survive within the human race upon this planet.

As you begin to work with the higher dimensional frequencies then you begin to create from within the void, the void is the place of ENERGY, this energy is neither good nor bad it is simply PURE ENERGY. The challenge to you in this your human form is to continue to FEEL TRUTH whilst allowing the new reality to manifest around you. It NEEDS the higher frequency emitted by you which is achieved by remaining in your heart space. Moving out of your heart space and back into your head sees you lower your frequency and works to keep the reality that you are manifesting “further” away from you.

It is extremely challenging to describe this process using human language for there is no “linear” time involved in this process, it is a matter of frequency and vibration. You may get caught up in looking at the human calendar and keep repeating “WHEN is this going to change for me”. The answer of course is when you allow your vibration to remain at a high frequency and TRUST. As soon as you move into this space then the reality will begin to shift for the outer waking reality is but an overlay, it has no depth to it, but it is a LOWER frequency which makes it dense in comparison to the higher frequencies.

I would ask you not to think too deeply about this blog, this will move you further into your human logical mind which will attempt to teach you that you are in some sort of puzzle that needs solved. THERE IS NO PUZZLE. As many of you are more than aware remaining in a state of TRUST and FAITH creates miracles and the miracles are the New Earth frequencies that you work with. Creating an outer waking reality that shows that anything is possible.

At this time upon the planet there is a massive outpouring of lower dimensional frequencies from those who are releasing the karmic patterning. It may be relatively easy to fall in vibration by looking at the world around you, as it appears to be just as solid as it was at any other time but the FEELing is lighter, miracles can and do happen.

Let go of clock watching and calendar watching and TRUST that what you have created and dreamed will manifest around you, it is manifested through the HEART space and is manifest in TRUTH, it is not manifested through worrying or constantly checking. This works to create a circle of frustration that may be challenging to walk out of. Each moment of each moment your human vehicle is changing and shifting and yet the shifts and changes are filtered out by your human eyes, so too is the outer waking reality. It is to be remembered that just because you cannot see change happening does not mean it is not happening, it just means that from your current vantage point you cannot see the changes.

Everything affects everything in the universe, for ALL is energy and ALL JUST IS. Developing TRUST and FAITH is part of the process that sees you move into the evolution of the human race, no longer bound by the 6 senses you will then gain in confidence as you work to create and to manifest from the heart space. If you find yourself releasing at this time then allow the tears, the tears will wipe the dust from your eyes and allow you to see a new picture for tears are cleansing.

Above all at this time have compassion for SELF as this process is deeply healing and far reaching. ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE in TRUTH.

“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.
