
Let It Go

In order to manifest your New Earth frequency reality in this human life experience ALL of you must be present and available to you in the NOW moment. The gathering of fragments that scattered across the dimensional timelines is done from THIS REALITY. If you connect with and try to work in any other reality you are re-fragmenting yourself and disempowering yourself at all moments.

The only moment that you can create from, with and through is this NOW moment, everything else is illusion. You have watched the magician lifetime after lifetime and many of you are now understanding and see through the magick tricks. Your life experience is YOURS completely but you may at this time being persuaded it is not. Taking back your power is being in the NOW moment and allowing FLUIDITY of emotion. ~ Karen Dover

Releasing the emotional prisons created from “memories”

By Karen Dover @ Truth Codes
October 1, 2014

For many of you the emotions raging within you may appear to be one thing whilst they are actually something else. I have deliberately used the song from the FROZEN film to show how wrapping a gift in wrapping paper can make it look other than it is in TRUTH. When you listen to the song you will hear her sing about her emotions, how the “cold” does not bother her and she APPEARS to look free and in full control. Look again at the song and the imagery and you will see that she is in a PRISON of her OWN MAKING. She has been taught to believe that her gifts are dangerous, she was taught to remain separate from her family in order to “protect them”. Any bells ringing yet? How many of you can fully resonate with the character already?

Emotions that are frozen are called in human language MEMORIES and these are triggered over and over again within your human life experience within the old 3D earth created construct. They are triggered to keep you towing the line, to keep you remembering the teachings that you have been TAUGHT and pulling at your energy signature at all times. Where guilt, embarrassment, anger, betrayal etc arise within you then the memory that triggers it is ANCHORED more deeply. Many of you can instantly find a memory by listening to a song or visiting a place, the memory instantly triggered and the memories associated flooding into you. But the flooding into you does not see you in flow, it sees you attempt to swim in an ocean of grief, sadness or other emotions. Even apparent “happy” memories work to trigger because they may be the exact opposite of what you feel in this moment, so they will also trigger fear, grief etc.

The release of these distorted frequencies is now under way. For many of you the re-triggering is fully under way, you may be having dreams of people long out of your life or you may be pulled to places you have not visited for some time. It is NOT TRUTH to hold on tightly to memories, they are not real, they are a snapshot of a moment in your life that is FROZEN in that moment. You cannot be in flow and balance when any part of your is FROZEN. This is what the gift wrapping prevents you from seeing and attempts to keep you also from feeling for as you swim in memories you are not in the NOW moment and are not fully aligned with the energy that YOU ARE in TRUTH.

At the moment there appears to be a resurgence of information around Lemuria and Atlantis, this is triggering MEMORIES for many of you, many of you may be falling into these memories and working from the energy of said memories but this takes you OUT of the NOW moment, you cannot drink a cup of coffee you have already drunk and this applies to these lifetimes. You are not there at this moment, only the FRAGMENT OF SELF WHO INCARNATED INTO SAID TIMELINE IS THERE. The distortion is trying to persuade you that you can take the power from that lifetime into this lifetime. This is NOT POSSIBLE as the frequency of these civilisations is NOT TRUTH and is not supported by the New Earth.

In order to manifest your New Earth frequency reality in this human life experience ALL of you must be present and available to you in the NOW moment. The gathering of fragments that scattered across the dimensional timelines is done from THIS REALITY. If you connect with and try to work in any other reality you are re-fragmenting yourself and disempowering yourself at all moments.

The only moment that you can create from, with and through is this NOW moment, everything else is illusion. You have watched the magician lifetime after lifetime and many of you are now understanding and see through the magick tricks. Your life experience is YOURS completely but you may at this time being persuaded it is not. Taking back your power is being in the NOW moment and allowing FLUIDITY of emotion.

In order to start the flow first you must allow the thawing out of said emotions, to RELEASE them and not just recycle them. Then you must allow the movement into NATURAL BALANCE that is achieved by allowing the full flow of energies through, around and within your human vehicle. As you do this the outer waking reality will begin to reflect your fluidity. “SAME” is a construct to explain the frozen emotions, in TRUTH all is in flow as energy never stops moving ever, it is in constant movement.

Within the old 3d earth created construct you have been taught to believe that in order to survive you must remain frozen, this is not TRUTH and is not supported by the New Earth. NOW the energy that YOU ARE IN TRUTH will show you the keys to the prison that you have been TAUGHT to create within you and which contains you externally.

“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”


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