
Responsibility, Choice, Freedom, and Hate .. A New Beginning


For a long while now I've wanted to use this space to tackle the subject of responsibility. Not responsibility in the sense of doing a good job at work, obeying the laws, or taking care of your family. But responsibility as in taking full and complete responsibility for our part in creating and allowing everything - absolutely everything - that we experience.

We live in a litigious society, one where finding fault and assigning blame has been a way of life. The need to assign blame is an obvious response in a world where responsibility is shifted off of self and onto other. We learned how to be that way from being in a society that is that way. It's a circular thing, and not surprising that we find ourself in such a world. But this cycle has to be broken. As we enter into a new year, aided by a new and profound energy, it makes sense to start building a world where we recognize - and accept - the power inherent in each of us. Maybe now is a good time to find another way.

It sounds strange, maybe even impossible, to look at life as a creation that each of us has control over. The obvious question is "If we can create everything, all of our experiences, why would we - do we - create the world the way that it is?" That really is a great question .. why do we create the world in the way that we do, with all the hate, war, struggle, and atrocities that we hear and read about?

I admit that I don't have an answer to that question. The only thing I can say is "but we do". We each create our own portion of it, and all those "our portions" add up to complete the whole. The Law of Attraction is unwavering in her fairness, she will bring together like vibrations even if those vibrations are (to those standing on the sidelines) despicable.

Can we control the thoughts, beliefs, and actions of other people? Think carefully here, there are nearly 7 billion "other" humans on the planet right now! The answer is .. "of course not". It's ludicrous to even try. But try we do! We think that everyone should think as we do, believe what we do, behave like we do. Generally speaking we have very little tolerance for those who oppose our stand on about any issue up for discussion.

The key phrase attributed to Jane Roberts' Seth was "You create your own reality". Seth was speaking of both you singular and you plural, meaning that it's through each of our individual thoughts, beliefs, and actions that the world becomes what it is.

So instead of trying to change everyone else, the more useful action would be to manage our own personal reality, allowing others to see what's possible for them through their experience of us. Allowing them to see and feel and know that they can live a different way, bring different experiences into their reality, if they choose it.

The underlying issue here is that we don't want to believe that we really are that powerful. But we are. From the most exciting facets of our lives to the most mundane to the most upsetting we create and allow them all. "You are a child of God and God also" as Saint-Germain through Alexandra Mahlimay continually reminds us.

And the key to acknowledging and accepting that power is to accept responsibility for everything - everything - that comes into our awareness. We don't have to know how or why, and we certainly don't need to dwell on it, we only need to acknowledge that we had a hand in it, and then let it go. In the letting go we can choose a different reaction, a different creation, a different possibility, a different probability. For each and every thing that happens there are untold other experiences possible, if we only stop for the half second it takes to choose something different.


An empowering question to ask, in any and every moment in time is .. "Is this what I want to create?" This question can easily be understood in relation to what we are living through in our personal lives, but it has huge implications on what's happening in the world at large also. Yes, we are that powerful.

If the answer to the question "Is this what I want to create?" is "Yes!", "Yes, this is something I want to create!" .. woohoo for us! A time to celebrate our creation(s), revel in the moment, accept that we had a hand in the creation, reiterate to the Universe that yes, this is grand! .. more please!

If it's not what we wish to create, if we're left thinking "I would like something different", all there is to do is accept the creation as it is, then re-focus attention on what we want to create instead. As Abraham likes to remind us, we don't need to know how to bring our desires into reality, that's the Universe's job. We only need to focus our attention and feelings on what we want and not on what we don't want. Focusing on what we don't want (on the creation or experience that didn't turn out to our liking) only gets us more of that. This is true for both personal and global experiences. Don't want war on the planet? Don't focus on people not getting along, focus on all of us coming together in love, joy, and acceptance instead. The good news is .. it starts in your personal world.

I should add here that the common response - for me and everyone else that I know - isn't generally "I would like something different." My/our typical response is "omg, this sucks! I didn't create this. No way. They (the infamous 'they') did this to me! I would never have created something like this!"

I never said this was going to be easy. But it is simple: Did you create your own experience? Yes, you did. Yes, you did bring that upon yourself. You didn't necessarily do it consciously. In fact, it's almost guaranteed that you didn't do it consciously, and that's really the point. Being aware of our thoughts and beliefs helps us regain power over them. All that's left to do, once an experience - whatever it is - is right in your face is stop and acknowledge that yes, you did bring this to you. You may not know how, or why, but you did. Accepting your responsibility in the matter is key, followed by a shift in focus.


There is such a sense of freedom in accepting our own responsibility in the matter of our own lives - and in the happenings on our planet - even if we don't know how it came about. We don't need to know how a car works to drive one, likewise we don't need to know how the human vessel works in order to create from within it. All it takes is acknowledging the god in you, and accepting that we are all connected. As an individual one cannot possibly experience everything that there is to experience, that's why all this uniqueness was created - to give All That Is uncountable numbers of experiences that could not be had as a single unit. Hence the creation of "other". Inside of that massive creation, each experience counts, whether it's an experience you like or don't like, agree with or don't agree with.

Once we acknowledge that everything, absolutely everything, that comes into our awareness/experience is something that we had a hand in creating, we have access to choosing differently. If we don't accept our part in the creation of our own life experiences, we live forever inside the victimness that says someone else can do something to us. They cannot. "Other" is not more powerful than each of us inside the parameters of our own lives. They only appear to be more powerful when we don't accept our part in the creation of our experience.

It's an amazing and powerful tool, likely the most power tool we have at our disposal, the tool called Choice. We can choose, in any and every moment, to continue on the path we are traveling, or we can choose differently. All it takes is stopping long enough to remember that we have choice, and then being willing to give up being right for the opportunity to be what we desire. Would you rather be happy or be right? The tiniest little shift in awareness, in attitude, in acceptance, unlocks the door.

So how do we get there?

Hate and ... a New Beginning

One place to start is by choosing not to continue with feelings of hate. At this time in our evolution, hate is an emotion whose work has been done, it's time to release it and move on to the more powerful emotions of joy and love. No matter what someone did to you, no matter what you did to someone else, the time is now to release those feelings and choose acceptance instead. Inside acceptance is the opportunity to shift the energy, and our work now is all about shifting energy away from what we don't want and toward what we do want.

A very wise woman once told me that the answer to every question that I have at this time is "It Just Is". "Why this?" "why that?" "why something else .. ??" These are questions that I would ask constantly. Nothing about my own behavior or the behavior of others made sense to me, and it was driving me crazy. But the reasons are no longer important, and rehashing the question only keeps us stuck in the energy of it.

So I would ask you this - do you think that it is possible to live without any kind of hatred at all, even the "baby" variety like resentment, blame, guilt and revenge? Are you willing to give up victim feelings and embrace your own power to choose differently instead? Can you look at every experience that you have - good, bad, or indifferent - and say "I did that!" "I created that!" "I allowed that!" And if it's not something you'd like to experience again, refocus. Accept responsibility for the event or experience and choose something different going forward. Can you start, right inside your own life, using your own power of conscious choice to refocus, recreate something beautiful out of negative experiences?

John Cali and Chief Joseph had some interesting comments on releasing hate. It might help you to move toward acceptance and forgiveness and out of blame and guilt. Here it is in its entirety:

A Life Without Hatred

This week's video gives us a glimpse into the life of an amazing woman, Alice Herz-Sommer. Alice's story is perfect for this holiday season when many folks' thoughts turn to peace on earth.

John Cali

A few weeks ago, on November 26, Alice celebrated her 107th birthday. She's the oldest living Holocaust survivor.

Alice, an accomplished pianist, says music helped her and others survive the horrors of the concentration camps. As she put it, "Music was our food." Today, at 107 years young, she still practices the piano three hours a day.

Despite enduring the horrors of those concentration camps and losing her family there, today she leads a happy, fulfilling life. She does not hate the Nazis. As she put it, "Hatred brings only hatred."

Alice is a powerful shining example of what a life without hatred can do to help heal a wounded world.

Here's Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph

While most of you have never experienced what Alice did, you still harbor what you might call "minor hatreds."

Is there a family member you feel resentment toward? Is there a co-worker you don't like? Do you hate your job? Do you hang on to hurtful experiences after they're long past? Do you resent, or harbor grudges against, even yourself for your past mistakes?

Most humans have had these experiences, or some variation of them. And that's fine. All such experiences are simply part of your growth as human beings.

But you create problems and barriers when you insist on hanging onto those memories, those experiences, and all the pain and anguish.

In fact, we observe you so often creating memorials to your pain and suffering. How many "war memorials" do you have? Monuments to suffering, pain, and hatred?

While we respect your natural desire to honor those who have suffered and died in your human struggles, we do not think it's a good thing to keep all the suffering and pain fresh in your minds and awareness. The saying you have -- "We shall never forget." -- dooms you to continually reliving what you'd be far better off forgetting.

The only way you will achieve world peace is to follow Alice's example and refuse to let hatred live in your hearts. No matter what has happened in the past. As she said, "Hatred brings only hatred."

And love brings only love.

Every hateful thought you hold contributes to the wounding of the world. Every loving thought you hold contributes to the healing of the world.

Live a life without hatred. Live a life with only love. Then you will create the world you've always dreamed of.


However you celebrate this time of the year, Chief Joseph and I wish you and all your loved ones a most beautiful and blessed season. God bless you all!
This is going to be an extraordinary year, and you are here, on planet earth at this time, being a part of it. What a joy! and what an honor! to be a human at this time. It is my honor to be here creating and experiencing it with you! As the days move forward may your awareness continue to increase, and the life you choose continue to unfold.

With much love and appreciation for what you do and who you be,



The Immensity of Your Being

To begin with, what seems to be never really is. From that intellectually disturbing premise, I urge you to launch into a much more hopeful and, at the same time, realistic imaging. One might almost say, to redesign the world doesn't take war machinery and diplomacy. Rather it requires the enormous courage to remember: to remember the dreams of childhood, the hopes of Now, and the infinite possibilities in the name of Love that exist within each of you. You have all forgotten that you are men and women of God. You have forgotten the empowerment that this offers.

So, what have I said? That this is not a time for despair or gloom and dire predictions, but a time for recalling the immensity of your being, the golden intent of your coming, and the courageous willingness of your presence here and now, again, in the name of Love itself. Please do not be afraid to believe. Faith in the inherent goodness of humanity is the path out of the forest of conflict and back to the garden of peace and compassion.

Emmanuel, through Pat Rodegast


Happy Winter Solstice!

12-21-2010* .. what an auspicious day! Today enters into the atmosphere of Earth a new energy. Profound. Filled with possibility. But an energy that brings with it a huge responsibility to each and every one of us. A responsibility to release the game of third dimensional reality, with its inherent duality and lack of choice, and embrace who we are - and who we are becoming - as greater dimensional beings.

In this new energy, life can be joyful and full of ease and excitement, or it can be difficult, upsetting, and painful. The choice lies in what we choose to hold on to, what we choose to embrace. If we hold onto anger, upset, blame, guilt, revenge, "you're not ok", "I'm not ok", "they're not ok" we are going to get back those things - in spades. If not released, these negative emotional qualities - mostly born out of training and habit - are going to send our physical and emotional bodies reeling. If, on the other hand, we continue to release release release judgement, blame, guilt and similar thoughts, beliefs, and emotions - about ourself and other - we will have smooth sailing into the new world.

Although it might sound like it is, this is not a time for fear! In fact, this is a time to release fear and embrace trust once and for all. Make no mistake, the time is now to be that which we know ourselves to be, in all our loving glory.

The following was received a year and a half ago, but fits so perfectly with where we are now. May it help guide you on your amazing journey!

A Message From The Arcturians
The Arcturians through Suzan Caroll
April 24, 2009

Dear Ones,

Perhaps, deep inside your consciousness, or even in your dreams, you have been hearing:


You may have also heard your ego/self trying to make deals and bargains, as if there is a cost to your full awakening. In your Soul, you know that this third dimensional “deal making” is the very thinking that restricts your full awakening. Therefore, we wish to assist you to better understand and accept this message, which we have been whispering to your consciousness.

You, dear Ones, are the First. You awakened, or never forgot, while most of the world still slumbered in illusion. Your Truth set you apart from others, so you kept your knowing buried deep inside. You entered into the many dramas of third dimensional life, as well as the joys of imagination, creativity, nature, friends, family and love. But your complete SELF was always a secret—to others, as well as to your self.

Fortunately, as you walked your Path, you gradually awakened to your Complete SELF. We have seen the many disclaimers and challenges that your ego/self has created. Furthermore, your human still seeks recognition, reward if you will, for a life well lived, a job well done. It is this seeking for acclaim that sidetracks you in your process of awakening, for it is the voice of your wounded ego seeking to be healed. We wish to say to you that only YOU can give your ego that gift.

Take this moment now to fully recognize your ego/self for a job well done, for walking the arduous journey through the fears and illusions of the third dimension. Congratulate your ego for remembering to call upon Spirit to remember your SELF. Love your ego as a huge tree loves the small seed from which it once sprouted.

Plant this seed of your SELF deep in the body of Gaia and commit your courageous, victorious ego/self to being the core of Gaia. What greater recognition could your ego ever achieve than to become ONE with planet Earth.

Feel the radiating pulse of your ego/self as it breathes the breath of Gaia and beats within Her heart.

Within the core of your planetary heart, begin the process of BEING your Complete SELF. In this way, you become not only your Complete Human SELF, but your Complete Planetary SELF, as well.

Once you have awakened to your Planetary SELF, you will begin to awaken to the many expressions of your Galactic SELF who has taken form on other planets, galaxies and dimensions.

Love your SELF who is a mighty Being, a wondrous Planet and a glorious Galaxy.

With every footfall, with every breath and with every thought—remember to say

“I AM ready to BE my Complete SELF!”

We have sent you this mantra to assist you to be your SELF in your daily life.

The Game is ending, the veils of illusion are lifting, the polarities are merging and YOU are becoming your SELF.

The Divine POWER
Unconditional LOVE
And Infinite WISDOM
Of your Complete SELF is being called forth to create your new reality.

Remember your Complete Human SELF
Remember your Complete Planetary SELF
Remember you Complete Galactic SELF

This is the Clarion Call to awaken NOW!

We are here to guide and advise,
The Arcturians

Copyright © 2009 Suzan Caroll, Multi-Dimensions
* In numerology, 12-21-2010 is a triple digit number 3-3-3 (interestingly enough, there are four 3-3-3 dates this month). It's also the Winter Solstice. And we're having a complete lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse falling on the Winter Solstice is an event that hasn't happened since 1378. Fun!

Remember that you are loved, and you are never alone.


Reconnecting with Spirit

In these times of extraordinary changes (read: stress), sometimes it's difficult to remember that we're never alone, that our Higher Self, our guides, and all who love us are as close as simply remembering that they are. I loved this recent reminder from our friends at Inner Whispers on that very topic:

Rough Times In The Linear

In the linear the feeling of separation is often expanded as one feels his or her way through the sea of chaos. Most feel the void and become fearful that their connection with their soul may be forever out of their reach.

It is important to realize that those in spirit are always moving past any impediments to connecting with those they love in the linear.

Close your eyes when fearful and feel the touch of spirit. The warmth of that embrace can supersede any detachment one may feel while in the physical form.

Spirit senses when the disconnect occurs and moves forcefully to reconnect. Allow the energy to proceed. We realize it may be difficult but open yourself to the probability if at all possible.

We have stated before that spirit will never abandon you. This remains the most stable connection in the linear world as spirit moves forward to connect.

Always know that these moments of warmth and love continue. Pay attention in times of trouble so that the connection may become more stable.

It is the best possible moment when the soul can smooth the rough edges of a linear moment. It is not your imagination, the work of spirit is profound. Believe in the moment and all will be well.

The soul has the power to smooth out all of the roughness. One simply needs to allow for that to occur.

Close your eyes and believe.

Relief will be forthcoming.

VERONICA, through April and Allen Crawford


Be Careful of Your Thoughts ...

Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions. Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits. Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character. Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.
Attributed to Paulette Francesca Sedgwick, as posted at QuotesDaddy


Kryon on Astrology

As we learn more and more about how our physical bodies are affected by magnetics and energy, it's important to note the connection - on a physical level - to the movement of the heavenly bodies. If you know much of computer programming, there are many similarities between how we operate on a day-to-day basis and programming.

I don't present this so we can look at human beings as an automatons, far from it! I present it only to raise our awareness that - in case you weren't aware of it - there is a strong connection between the stars and planets and our reactions/behavior. We don't have to be ruled by the activity of the stars (given free choice as we are, we can always choose how to respond), but it's wise to be aware of it, and even use it.

The following comes from one of many Question / Answer sessions given by Kryon.

We’ll summarize the way astrology works: The sun is the fulcrum of the solar system and the center of energy for life for you. There is a physical mechanism for the sending of information from the sun to the other planets and it’s called the solar wind. This energy stream carries with it whatever pattern of interdimensional energy the sun has at that moment, and delivers it to whatever is in reach of the sun's magnetic field [the Helios]. It’s always there, but it has cycles of intensity. Although science sees the solar wind as an energy player in the solar system, they have yet to see the interdimensional patterns it carries to the planets as this wind blasts out from the sun.

These patterns reflect the posturing of the sun as the other planets exhibit their tugs and pulls on it via gravity and magnetics (both are interdimensional energies). Therefore these sun patterns change continuously as the planets provide new gravitational and magnetic situations to the sun.

When the solar wind, carrying this sun pattern, hits the Earth, it deposits the pattern upon the magnetic grid. The magnetic grid is dynamic (changes all the time), and is responsive to being constantly repatterned. The grid lines of the planet alter the pattern slightly due to fact that your grids aren’t consistent and have greater and lesser areas of influence in different Earth locations.

Human DNA is sensitive to magnetics, since it is a magnetic engine itself. At birth, when the child is separated from the parent, there is a signal sent to the brain of the infant that says, “Your system is now active and on its own, apart from your mother.” During that first breath of independent and unique life, the child’s DNA receives the pattern from the magnetics of the Earth’s grid, and takes on what you have come to call “astrological attributes.”

Different places on the planet will carry the basic pattern, plus or minus what Earth’s magnetic field has contributed due to geographic location. This explains why world-class astrology must take into consideration the location of birth. Astocartography is also based on this principle.

Astrology is the oldest science on the planet, and can be proven to be accurate. In addition, “generic” astrology is also a significant influence in Humanism, from the cycles of the female’s system, to the profound changes in Human behavior when the moon is full. You can’t separate yourself from it, and those who don’t believe in it might as well not believe in breathing, because it’s that much of an influence on your life.

The new energy on the planet invites you to change your DNA. This is the teaching of Kryon. When you change your DNA, you’re working with the very core of the pattern you had at birth, and so you’re able to then work on some of the attributes of your astrological blueprint, and actually change it—even neutralize it. We told you all about that in 1989. Masters did this, and you’re now coming into a time where your abilities are those of the masters. Look into your life and eliminate the things that are challenges and keep the attributes that support you. This is the true balanced Human Being.

You can change your sensitivity to attributes within your own individual astrology type, but the generic influences of the planets’ and moon’s movements will always affect you to some degree, since you’re not an island apart from others. These would be things such as retrogrades and the moon’s influence (as indicated). You might say, “I’m no longer affected by retrogrades” and sit and smile all you want. Meanwhile, you still shouldn’t sign contracts during that time, since all those around you are still affected. Think about it.