
Victimhood is a Choice

Victimhood is a Choice

by Story Waters at WhenHuman

June 25, 2015

To become human you entered into the illusion that your will is not truly free. This is a separation from the knowing that you are that which chooses the reality you experience. Instead of being able to instantly manifest whatever you can imagine (as you can outside of human form), you find yourself in a reality that can appear to not only be highly resistant in bending to your will, but can actually give you the experience of physical violation, assault or imprisonment.

The Earth contains some of the most intense experiences within the infinite possibility of creation (AKA The Infinite Matrix). Being within a dualistic reality that intensity is experienced as two qualities that are experientially associtated as being opposites. For example, with weight people are said to be fat at one end of the scale and thin at the other. In this way fat and thin are said to be opposites.

In terms of the Earth's own self-defined language such opposites are literal and seemingly absolute because they have been defined within the Earth system to be that way. However, when you move to look at the experience of qualities within consciousness itself (not just on Earth) you will see that fat and thin are each a quality of life that can be independently experienced. Though the logical human mind make [may] not like it, usually to the degree that it refuses to recognize it, someone with an eating disorder can feel both fat and thin at the same time. The emotional qualities of the human psyche do not respect the rules of language, logic or tradition.

What is being said here is that you are an infinitely free being that has chosen to come into a reality that appears to resist your will, thereby giving you the intense experiences that you enjoy. A quality that many people experience directly within human life when they want to watch The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.

There is no wrongness in this. How can there be wrongness in enjoying the intense experiences of the infinite qualities of creation? This is what brought you to choose to be human. Like all space-time realities, the Earth is an experience of intensity brought on through the idea of finiteness. On Earth this is felt as an experience of lack whether that be physical, emotional, temporal, etc.

For an infinitely free being, which all life is, to experience limitation you must enter into the illusion that you are finite. This is to enter the illusion that your will has minimal bearing on the reality you are experiencing. It is to enter the illusion that you are not completely free in the creation of your experience. Again, though this kind of limitation sounds negative to the human conditioned mind, it is something you choose with great wisdom, knowing and purpose in order to have the experience that arises from it. The human mind is not broken in how it experiences. It is exactly as we designed it to be. Something you will remember when you stop resisting your experience or when you leave human form - whichever comes first.

To summarize, because all that is (all that has beingness) has infinite free will, in order to experience being human you must enter the illusion that you do not have free will. This is the experience on taking of beliefs that you are limited. The beliefs are then experienced outwardly as absolute limitations. This gives rise to the experience of not being the creator of your reality.

This simple idea is the explanation for all that you experience when human, whether positive or negative. As you do not have trouble believing you would choose to experience positive things little is confronted there. The journey of human awakening is no limited to any one path, but all paths contain the journey of coming to understand why you chose all that you feel has caused you pain.

The route out of pain is to see that you are choosing it and that is a journey of feeling everything that this confronts in you. It is appropriate to feel angry, but all arguments against this idea are arguments that seek to solidify the existence of the victim (someone who lives inside the creations of another).

The victim within is real. It is a real quality of life that is experienced when you choose to forget you are the creator. It is the experience of not creator. So understand that in telling you that you have chosen all your own pain I am not seeking to diminish the experience of the victim. I am not seeking to say it does not matter. I am seeking to make the realization that it is a choice, a conscious understanding within humanity. I am not telling you here that the experience of being a victim is not real or painful. I'm not even going to say its not a bit fucked up. It will initially feel a bit disturbing that apparently we are some kind of masochists that like to torture ourselves for intense, emotional experiences.

It does however come to make a bit more sense when you see that we are learning to create in this reality. Religion usually sees this as the idea that we are sinned and we must endure this pain until we learn to create responsibly, then and only then will we graduate to a 'better place'. This is completely arse-backwards. We all start in the 'better place' and choose to enter physical realities from there!

What you will come to see is that Earth is game and no one, in all existence, ever has to come here. It is a very special game in that it includes forgetting the wider 'better place' and believing you are exactly what you are currently experiencing yourself to be. Though that may seem a strange game to us within human form it is important understand that all beings have their own unique experience of meaning. The meaning experienced on Earth is largely tied to the definitions of the Earth. When you die those definitions will feel like a dream. The level of meaning that remains is emotional. When you understand you are an eternal emotional being seeking satisfying new experiences then the Earth starts to make a lot more sense.

It is not my mission to prove this to you my friend. The basis of the reality created by the human mind is that you live within the experience of your beliefs. As I said, I am not saying that the painful experience of being a victim is not real. I am not saying victims only have themselves to blame. I am saying there is no blame, only choice, whether it be conscious or not. When you understand this you will see that I am not even saying it is a fact that you create your own reality because you can choose to believe that you don't. What I am saying is that if you choose to focus on experiences that suggest the belief in victimhood then you will experience victimhood in some aspect of your life.

The trick to stepping out of a belief they [that] seems evident in the world around you is to stop focusing on victimhood in others. To see someone in suffering and think 'they are choosing that' is not the goal here. The place to apply it is with yourself. So you may wish to think of what I am telling you as being only directly at you personally. I am not telling anyone else that they are not a victim. I am only telling you. The advantage in this is that you know the meaning that you live within. Only you truly know how your suffering has benefited you. Only you truly know how you have grown, how it has made you the person you are today. No one else can answer that, only you. So do not expect to look at others and know. Just look at your self and your life and it will eventually become clear to you, no matter how horrific your personal history may be, why you chose it.

Again, there are infinite paths to awakening when human, and all of them pass through the release of victimhood. They do this not by seeing that it isn't real, but by seeing that it is created by chosen unconsciousness. The realization therefore represents the release of that unconsciousness which can only occur through the realization that unconsciousness itself is not a mistake.

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