
Playing The Game ... Differently

... you are the CEO of your totality – a very comprehensive role indeed. But how do you wish to direct your totality? That is your CEO quandary. ~ Brenda Hoffman

So here we are, travelling the timelines together, creating new worlds, new ways of being human, having new adventures, discovering new joys, re-discovering old joys. What an amazing time to be an Earthling!

Many of us are well aware that the fears we meet in physicality are experiences we created for whatever reasons we created them. The question is, are we ready to be done with those experiences now?

I say we are! Time to recognize our fears for what they are - ways to experience something that isn't possible in our non-physical form. Time to decide consciously whether to continue our fearful ways or to release those fears, realizing that fear exists only in our imaginations - that we create/created the circumstances that allows/allowed us to feel those fears.

It's time to give our imaginations new canvases to express on! Time to let go control and live the lives we say we want to live - despite what appears to be going on around us.

In this two-part article, both of which are reproduced below, Brenda Hoffman and her team help us understand that we are creating new roles for ourselves, and what it's going to take to carry out those roles. Enjoy!

CEO Is Your New Role

January 9, 2015

Through Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

New energies are streaming to earth daily – some more noticeable than others, but a continuous stream because you and earth have transitioned beyond 3D. You have crossed the bridge and are now learning to live on the other side. So it is that the Universes are providing additional support as you learn to live in your new environment.

What you have not yet realized is that the you of this lifetime has accepted a new role for your totality. You are the CEO (chief executive officer) or president of your totality.

Many of you are clamoring for information of how best to re-create global corporations and institutions and yet disregard the piece that has been part of you since the beginning of this transition. All begins at the micro level and evolves to the macro level. So it is now.

First, you encouraged many of your segments in other parts of the Universes and/or earth to join you in a coalition of love. Second, you adapted or are adapting physically to the new you including DNA, cellular and blood changes. It is now time for you to assume the role you have prepared for for eons – that of CEO of your totality.

Many of you are tired for you are afraid within yourself to delegate responsibilities to parts of your totality – most notably your 3D segment. You believe you should monitor all segments at all times. An extremely exhausting exercise that produces little other than exhaustion.

It is time for you to let go. Know that your segments are fully prepared for whatever role they selected with little or no monitoring.

As the new CEO of your totality, you have stayed late and awoke early to ensure that every segment is doing what they are supposed to do. Allowing you little time to play or do what gives you joy.

So it is you have reached a crossroads about how you wish to live the remainder of life on earth in this lifetime. Do you wish to fly with the eagles and play on the green hills? Or do you wish to put on your business suit every morning and require detailed reports from every segment?

Of course it is your choice. Maybe you have always wished to be a hands-on CEO and such is fun for you. But if you are exhausted, irritable and as you say, “uptight” you are not playing in the sunshine as your inner-being wishes.

Many of you are thinking that you do not know how to let go of such a nebulous piece of your totality. AH. Yet, you felt fully comfortable releasing fear. Do you not see the humor in your quandary? You were courageous enough to let go of your 3D life – to climb that mountain. Yet, now that you have discovered a slight bump on your green hills, you are declaring that such is not possible.

You are doing so because you were fully comfortable with your fears, but this powerful CEO role is beyond your beliefs about yourself. You believe that even though you climbed your mountain – never deviating, never stopping – this new role of CEO is beyond your comprehension and power – for you are just you as you were in the 3D world.

You are NOT just you. You are a glorious god/goddess of the greatest power. And now you are assuming one of your new power roles – that of CEO of your totality.

So it is time for you to understand that your segments are as powerful as you – for they are you. You do not need to monitor their activities. Your segments have also been preparing their new earth roles for eons.

Is it not logical that CEO has a much different definition now than was true even if you were a CEO in the 3D world? This title can now be defined as an entity who brings all segments together at specified times to report what those segments have learned to expand the knowledge of the totality.

Your CEO role is somewhat like that of a 3D administrative assistant. You schedule segment meetings and gather and process the information so that the totality has more knowledge for your next expansion – and the next and next.

It is not about punishment, pay raises or ensuring that next quarter’s profits are larger than the quarter before. Your CEO role is about increasing your totality’s knowledge and experiences. And reporting that information to your new earth community. Which in turn reports information to the totality of earth. Which in turn reports that information to the totality of the Universes. So that the transition you are in the midst of creates a new earth and new you of love and joy.

Financial resources are no longer the indicator of power. Instead, power is knowledge applicable to this transition and beyond. That is not to say that financial resources are bad, merely not the power indicators of yesteryear.

Allow yourself to know deep within you that you no longer need to control anyone – including yourself.

Even though you are CEO of your totality, such a title no longer means control – but freedom. Freedom for your segments to do what they do best and gives them joy. Release the reins of power and fall into the peaceful stance of fun and love. Allow yourself – including all your segments – to be.

Your new 3D segment finds great joy in being of the 3D world – the very world you that tires you. What is your personal segment’s joy? What areas are you wishing to explore once you give up the heavy reins of self-control?

Go play and all will be well. Remain tightly in control, as you learned in the 3D world, and you will experience exhaustion and yes, boredom. So be it. Amen.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

More Roles, Dimensions, and Time Travels

January 19, 2015

Through Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

Some of you have received inner messages about various roles you wish to or are playing. Of course, you are the CEO of your totality – a very comprehensive role indeed. But how do you wish to direct your totality? That is your CEO quandary.

Perhaps you wish to visit a role you played in 3D you did not comfortably complete. Perhaps you are creating a role you have never played before. Or perhaps you are receiving seemingly conflicting messages – that you are directing your totality to more than one role.

This is your first earth life in which you do not have to select one role. Perhaps such is confusing. How can you be both a prophet and queen? Ah. That is the message for this week. For you are quite capable of playing several roles in several dimensions at the same time.

Of course, such a thought seems impossible to the 3D you of yesteryear. But then, you have always played several roles in several dimensions at the same time, you just did not know or understand you were doing so. As your time collapses, you will discover it is quite easy to flit between various roles – acted or played at the same time, but on different stages.

You have gathered many segments into your totality – all with different interests and skill sets. Your CEO role is to gather the information your segments create and pass that information on. How much information could be gathered if all segments played the same role in the same dimension?

So it is you are realizing you are no longer of one dimension – or just a few segments. Your information gathering and reporting is much more expansive and detailed than you now realize. For you continue to play roles as you did in 3D earth. But those roles no longer process karma or whatever word you wish to use to tell yourself that once you or someone was bad and you are in a role/drama to release that badness.

Every role you have ever played throughout your eternity was about information gathering for Universal totality. It is just that your 3D segments needed to create justification for the pain you experienced while gathering 3D fear information on the earth plane.

You were and are no more a terrible person than was Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus or any being elevated to superior status. Those beings seemed superior for they understood what they were doing and why. They opened their dimensions during a time when you felt the need to fully experience fear and thereby, worthlessness.

Now that you shifted your frequencies to multi-dimensionalities, as is true for those just mentioned at earlier stages in earth history, you are playing roles with full knowledge of why and where – and thereby, in joy.

There is a great deal of difference between playing a role you feel you have to to fulfill karma – a role filled with fear or retaliation – or a role you select based on expanding knowledge of the Universal totality within any and all dimensions and with any and all skill sets you would like. Such is the joy of new earth. You are aware and directing your life consciously.

Some will argue that you always directed your life on earth. Such would be somewhat true. For you created the circumstances that would best express your fear and worthlessness – but only on one dimension and with little knowledge of why or what.

New you is fully aware of why and what. In truth, you are even now selecting which roles you wish to play.

Will your new roles contain fear? Even though a bit of fear might be included, it is not that likely for you completed your encyclopedia of fear in your 3D world.

It is time to explore new roles with new or seldom before used skills and with full knowledge of all that is occurring – past, present and future – in all dimensions and time frames. Such is probably not an easy concept for you to accept at this time.

Suffice it for you to know you will be sensing, hearing or otherwise knowing that you wish to play numerous roles in numerous dimensions for specific reasons that only you need be aware of. Do not be frightened by these new roles. You are merely playing in joy – much as you did as a child. Was it that unusual to play cowgirl one day or hour and a doctor the next? And did you not easily switch between the two in terms of activities and actions? So it is for you now. You will play multiple roles as they feel right and when they feel right.

You are fully in charge of new you. Much as was true when you were a child playing different roles. “This role feels wonderful today, but tomorrow or in another dimension or time, I wish to be someone else.” So it will continue forever more in joy and play. So be it. Amen.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

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