
There Is No Such Thing As Objective Reality

Here's a great reminder from John Cali and Spirit:

There Is No Such Thing As Objective Reality

By John Cali and Spirit
Posted on 10/17/2014 by John Cali

Aham brahmasmi.
~ Sanskrit mantra, translated as
“I am the wholeness of all creation.”

We’ve all heard it said we create our own realities. But what exactly does that mean? And how do we do it?


First, let’s start this discussion with who each of you really are. Or, more to the point, who you are not.

You are not:

• Your body
• Your mind
• Your family identity
• Your ethnic background
• Your job, your profession
• Father
• Mother
• Son
• Daughter

And so on

You are not any of those labels you use to identify yourselves while you are in your physical bodies.

Your are pure spirit. That’s who you really are. Nothing more, nothing less.

A better way to say that is you are pure consciousness. You are part of that collective consciousness you sometimes call the universal mind, or the mind of God.

You are the universe.

As aspects of that universal mind, you are all unique and yet you are all one.

What you experience as your life in your current physical body — what you experience as “out there” in your physical world — these are only projections of your consciousness. This includes your physical body.

None of that exists till you create it with your thoughts, with your consciousness.

Say, for example, you happen to meet a friend in the grocery store. That friend, that grocery store are merely projections of your consciousness. They have no separate identity or existence apart from your projection of them.

Copyright © 2014 by John Cali
Think about that last paragraph for a moment:
Say, for example, you happen to meet a friend in the grocery store. That friend, that grocery store are merely projections of your consciousness. They have no separate identity or existence apart from your projection of them.
Hard to imagine we are that powerful with our creations, isn't it? Because if we were truly that powerful, why would we create some of the negative-feeling experiences that we do?

We are. I am. You are. That powerful.

Believe it, and live your life as if it were so. Because it is.

With the utmost love and appreciation for who you be and all you do ...

- k


A Powerful Message From The Arcturian Group

As Light flows from the increasing number of evolving energy fields, it adds Light to universal world consciousness, exposing and dissolving areas of shadow in the process. This is how the world is awakening – each small awareness of Truth/Light helps to dissolve the illusion and adds to the whole, for there is only ONE. Very soon, there will be enough Light in world consciousness to shift it. This is what “the shift” means – a transfer of energy domination.


It is very important to remember that thoughts you may have are not really yours until you accept them as your own. The thoughts and beliefs of world consciousness are floating around always available to be claimed as truth or not.

~ The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele
Words to remember and live by. The rest of this timely and very powerful message is below:
The Arcturian Group Message for October 13, 2014

Through Marilyn Raffaele at The Oneness of All

We of the Arcturian Group come to wish you peace, joy, and kindness to each other in these times of strife and confusion. We know that many are suffering, but we see great awakenings through the experiences.

There are many who have always lived fully within the third dimensional belief system who now, surprisingly, find themselves questioning their core beliefs in ways that are allowing them to awaken. They are reaping the benefit of the increasing Light flowing on Earth even though they are not aware of why change seems to be happening within.

As Light flows from the increasing number of evolving energy fields, it adds Light to universal world consciousness, exposing and dissolving areas of shadow in the process. This is how the world is awakening – each small awareness of Truth/Light helps to dissolve the illusion and adds to the whole, for there is only ONE. Very soon, there will be enough Light in world consciousness to shift it. This is what “the shift” means – a transfer of energy domination.

We wish to speak of Truth which manifests, as does everything, through the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels – Truth as an Absolute as well as truth the ordinary.

When we speak of truth in these messages we are referring to the Absolute – Divine Truth.

In Truth, there is nothing but omnipresent Divine Consciousness which in the human scene is interpreted by mind and seen as material. The third dimension views life through a filter of separation as well as a belief that everything is either good or bad (duality). More often than not one’s individual belief system has been simply accepted without thought from the world consensus consciousness.

It is very important to remember that thoughts you may have are not really yours until you accept them as your own. The thoughts and beliefs of world consciousness are floating around always available to be claimed as truth or not.

Allowing uninvited thoughts to simply flow through without giving them any importance is a reclaiming of your power and movement into Truth. Resistance to unwanted ideas or thoughts simply gives them a power they do not have.

In the human scene, Truth is determined by whether or not you honestly state what you know or feel to be correct. It also represents consensus opinion on particular topics as dictated by the “experts” or those in power.

Living out from third dimensional thinking causes some individuals – as well as businesses and governments – to feel no obligation toward honesty or truth if and when it does not suit their personal needs or agenda, reflecting the belief in separation.

As mankind evolves ever more deeply into the realization of all within the One, it will begin to understand that the words and actions of ordinary daily life are important because what one says or does to another, he does to himself. Fear, whether recognized or not, is the root cause of dishonesty and lying – fear of lack, limitation, rejection, failure, punishment etc. and can only be eliminated through Truth.

Fear stems from third dimensional experiences and teachings from past lives as well as this one. Many of these experiences were horrendous, causing long-lasting impressions within cellular memory and energy fields. These old cellular and emotional energies are what you are now in the process of clearing.

Some of the more intense energy clearings can leave you feeling exhausted and depressed. Know that there is nothing wrong – you are evolving, so do not claim these feelings as having any power over you which will simply pull them back into your energy field.

Children speak the truth until they are taught not to through fear or punishment. Many adults believe that being right makes them important (more loveable) and so say or do whatever it takes to be seen as always right – a reflection of the belief in separation from Love/Self.

Frequently, individuals are simply misinformed and speak from ignorance but, as with all actions, the intention behind the words gives them their energy. Untruths spoken innocently carry the energy intended by the sender which is to be truthful. We do not refer to malicious gossip.

Gossip and criticism are facets of duality and separation which reflect self-loathing and create the need for a person to see himself as better than others in order to feel any acceptance or self-love. These activities not only humanly (never in reality) hurt the person gossiped about, but also come home to rest in the energy field of the sender for again…there is only One.

With evolution comes the inability to speak untruth for personal gain. The spiritual student becomes increasingly aware of that gentle tap on the shoulder whenever he is tempted and begins to understand that his spiritual leash has become very short.

Divine Truth is an Absolute – that which IS, always has been, and ever will be – held infinitely in place by Divine Law. The Absolute can never be known or understood fully with the limited human mind which is why, over eons of time, man has repeatedly created Gods in his own likeness reflecting whatever qualities were believed to be important at that time.

The goal of all souls – on all planets and dimensions as well as on Earth – is, and always has been, to evolve into the fullness of the realization of the ONE, thus becoming the One. The soul has always been perfect, but through its journeys of experience has not remembered this and so has struggled lifetime after lifetime in the process of awakening.

It is the spiritual journey and purpose of life to eventually realize one’s Divinity and live out from that state of Consciousness. Divine Truth is first grasped and interpreted intellectually until over time it moves to deeper levels and becomes one’s reality – one’s state of consciousness. Each soul’s journey takes infinite forms and paths and experiences, which is what you have all been doing.
Books, classes and teachers can only assist up to the attained level of consciousness of the author or teacher. This is not to say there may not be the perfect book, class or teacher for you at a given time, but always use your intuition when deciding if something is right for you.

Just because something is popular doesn’t mean it would be right for you. You may actually be beyond a particular teaching or teacher. There will always come that time in which you will begin to be taught from within, for this is where Truth resides.

Information, answers, explanations, and ideas that result in “Ah-ha” moments for you are the fruits of your own inner work and will often manifest when you least expect – when you are doing something as mundane as washing dishes but are at the same time quiet and receptive. Issues of life begin to be seen from new levels of understanding and a Truth you may have read and pondered but never fully understood may suddenly become simple and clear.

Divine Truth is all that IS, and is infinite. There is an old Eastern saying that if you can encompass IT (the Absolute) within your mind (which many think they do) then that is not it. Absolute Truth is every spiritual idea embodied within Divine Consciousness, ever present but interpreted by the mind in the human scene according to individual and world consciousness.

To try and live the Absolute, before attaining that state of consciousness, is a mistake many serious spiritual students make. To throw away your meditations before you have attained the consciousness of your completeness and wholeness as a Divine Being is a very human action.

However, when something no longer resonates with you, never be afraid to let it go. Holding on to some facet of your life just because it is what you are used to is a block to your awakening. You are required to live out from your highest attained state of consciousness, living the Truth you know while moving ever deeper through practice and study.

The act of transition or death, does not bring a sudden realization of Truth as many believe. You are your state of consciousness and therefore take it with you. All are taught and guided lovingly on the other side, just as here.

Evolution is the process of an ever increasing awareness of who you really are, Dear Ones. Evolution is a process that does not suddenly culminate overnight unless you have done the work getting you to that state of consciousness in previous lifetimes. Try not to become discouraged and feel you are making no progress if life seems mundane and ordinary.

Do not compare yourself to others – do the best you can remembering always that you are being guided and you are never alone. If you succumb to the weight of some human burden, resist the temptation for blame or guilt but simply pick yourself up and continue.

You will soon discover that the sky did not fall down when you make a mistake nor do you have to go back to the beginning of your journey. Failure is a concept within third dimensional thinking. There is no such thing as failure in reality – only learning experiences.

You are loved Dear Ones, very loved and honored greatly for your efforts and work. All is proceeding according to plan.

We are the Arcturian Group


Hey Masters, Pay Attention! - Sophia

Each moment is an opportunity for change on any scale – miniscule or global, as your moment by moment perception is all that drives “reality”. This is amazing news and brings to light the power you embody. It is never true that you are “stuck” in any circumstance. Only your belief makes it so. Repetitious belief is the basis for constant depression or sustained joy. Choose.

A most appropriate reminder! We are all masters, rediscovering what that means in our own time and our own way. All that's required is our attention to how we feel in any moment.

If we're feeling great we're right on track, no matter what the circumstances. If we're feeling not great, readjustment of focus is the appropriate action. Joy can be found in any and every moment, no matter what.

Sophia had more to say ...
Hey Masters, Pay Attention!


By Sophia Love

You've come to understand the world is not as it has always seemed. In a very 3D way, many things you may have assumed were rock solid and of pure intent are in fact not solid at all. In many cases they are motivated by some form of self interest rather than altruistic goal.

By now, these things do not surprise you as it seems there has been revelation after revelation. No part of your institutional systems has been left untouched. Your very schools, the places where you dutifully send your precious offspring, are in more cases than not factories for a very specific type of mind programming. None of this was in your head or heart when you participated and yet you've been there and thus been privy to the intended message.

What will serve your highest intent, moving forward from here into a different world, is not cynicism and distrust but awareness, transparency and a deeper inspection of intent. In fact, you may not be in “favor” of how things have been controlled and operated on a global, national or corporate scale, but they are not worthy of your judgment. Here's why.

The energy of intent and focus is just that – energy. As such, it is creative, powerful and sacred. If you were operating in a fully conscious state, you'd not spend a nan o-second of it on a direction you were not fully supportive of. Where you send it becomes manifest in your days and seemingly a more “solid” aspect of this existence. Choose always what serves your highest good.

Seen this way, the “atrocities” and dark plans you are now aware of become tools for creative consciousness. You are, with each new report, able to more accurately discern which specifics you'd like to see in play. You are now fully equipped to create them.

Each moment is an opportunity for change on any scale – miniscule or global, as your moment by moment perception is all that drives “reality”. This is amazing news and brings to light the power you embody. It is never true that you are “stuck” in any circumstance. Only your belief makes it so. Repetitious belief is the basis for constant depression or sustained joy. Choose.

All of this may be news yet it is not new. Life has been created this way always, by your imagining of it. Once you've seen the possibility for alteration, it exists. Now it only takes furthering that vision with repetitive imaginings and expansive emotion.

The feeling of “yes” is growth producing and limitless; while “no” constricts, shuts down and limits. The very slightest shift of focus allows for either an alternative possibility or more of what you don't want. Constant vigilance!!!

This become not work, but play as you shape and mold your day to day with belief in a better way, a compassionate approach and a loving and beautiful force beneath each interaction. We see near instant manifestation these days so pay attention! Your greatest teacher is each outcome you are witnessing. Don't like it? Adjust and choose again.

Like a Master in any discipline, it takes practice, dedication and love of the craft. The outcome is you. Choose always love.

We are the Ones we've been waiting for.



October Energy Forecast - Lee Harris

...some of the keys to watch out for in your life are:

If it isn't flowing, stop and wait. Wait for something else to emerge. Or just temporarily step back. Give it either time and patience, or perhaps through stepping back you’ll look at what you are trying to create and you’ll realize you need something different.

If you're feeling like everything is spinning too fast, go slower; because everything outside you is spinning in relationship to you and if you withdraw your energy from it, it will stop spinning. If you step back, it will stop spinning and you can reconsider whether or not to rejoin that piece of your life.

Watch out for mental desperation/desperate thoughts as solutions to your difficult feeling. Are you somebody who is finding yourself currently saying, “I'm so unhappy and if I just had more money it would be solved, or if I just had that job, or if I just went to live over there instead of here…” It’s not going to be solved in that way. What you have to catch in those moments is this strong emotional density that you're feeling and focus on that, rather than your desired external solution.

Taken from Lee Harris' October Energy Forecast (full transcript below).

Lee's "forecast" for the month is less forecasting and more wise words to help us adjust to the state of multi-dimensionality that we already exist as, but have forgotten how to access.

This is a whole new way of being human, but one that we are all on track to experience, though we may be on different timelines toward accomplishing that.

Here's more from Lee:
October 2014 Energy Forecast

The Great Re-Opening and How Destiny Lives in the Details

By Lee Harris

(Transcribed and edited from Lee's live Video message.)

Hello and welcome to the October 2014 Energy Forecast.

Good to see you all again as we go into a very different season on Earth, and going into a different season on Earth is true in more ways than one.

Every month I do a live Q + A broadcast. This is open to members of the public but it's also offered to all members of The Portal. In the first half I answer questions on energetics submitted by Portal members and offer tips, and in second half I answer questions, in channel mode. So I channel The Z’s and they answer questions that people submit.

This past month in September, a very interesting message came through in the first few minutes before any questions were answered by The Z’s. They explained that in the last few years, to some degree, certain guides and higher energetics and channels, have stepped back a little from the planet while we went through an integration period.

The point they made was that over the last two years, we on Earth have been trying to catch up with the high doses of energy that were coming into the planet prior to 2012. And so post-2012 to now, life has felt very stasis in ways for many of us as human beings, compared to those years leading up to 2012.

What they explained was that this integration period is just about to finish, and everything is about to open up again energetically. They also said that we as a result will experience even more guidance, energetic and angelic support than we have had in the last couple of years. This begins now.

This is going to be felt in a very close way.

For the very sentient among you, (those of you who directly perceive and feel the unseen), you will experience that very literally. You will feel that there is more light available for you to connect with than there has been. So this is a great time to focus on manifestation and higher communication.

And those of you who perhaps don't necessarily experience the sentience I'm talking about in a literal way, you will notice that provided you stick to certain guidelines for your life, things will flow and move for you in an easier way in the coming year or so than they have in the past two.

Now, what are those guidelines for your life?

One is:

If it isn't flowing, stop and wait. Wait for something else to emerge. Or just temporarily step back. Give it either time and patience, or perhaps through stepping back you’ll look at what you are trying to create and you’ll realize you need something different.

Your stepping back will make you see (for example): "Ah, yes. I wanted to move to Broadway, but the reason it's not working is because I'm not actually supposed to move there. The benefit of time has shown me that aiming there for a while helped uproot me from where I'm living; got me used to the idea of moving over there, and now that I'm ready to move, suddenly from left field this other place has come in and I can go there instead."

We can get very linear and literal in our human mind because that's the way that we've been conditioned.

So, I often find I am answering questions for people at live events or online around their visions; and why they had a vision several months ago and why did it not play out exactly as the vision told them to?

Well the truth is: our destiny changes every single day. So there is a destiny path for all of us, but the details around that destiny are quite non-specific, if you like.

So your destiny on Earth in your lifetime might be to experience great love in human relationships because that's something that your soul has never experienced before. Or it might be to put your voice into the world because that will be an expansive experience for you and others. But, for example, there are many different ways you can do that. You might put your voice into the world by being an author; you might put your voice into the world by being somebody who just speaks the truth to every single person that you meet at a really high level.

So you see, the details of our destiny can change and reform.
And we are very detail-focused in our human mind and we are very linear about the way we live our lives. But herein lies the issue that we are currently experiencing: we are multidimensional and we are at a time when multidimensionality is coming back to us as human beings at a mass level.

There have always been incredible pioneers throughout history and throughout time who have held great levels of light, great levels of multidimensionality. But we’re at a tipping point now where, as a mass, this multidimensionality is starting to affect all of us and infuse our way of being.

So for example, those of you who are stressed right now about all the different plates you have spinning in your life. Many of you go, “I wish I didn't have so many plates spinning.” But it's not the plates that are spinning that are the problem. It's your relationship to them.

I see this as a truth for myself all the time. I constantly have to adjust to my new environment, my new experiences. And the freer I can become around letting go of what I thought was true two months ago or three months ago, the easier a time I have.

So this way of being is essentially becoming less-linear about everything and a little more multidimensional and a little more sensory-based. The two are the same thing. Multidimensional people tend to go with their feeling more than their mind.

So there will be many of you who've had those awkward conversations with your friends where you say, “Yes, I'm going to Peru because I have a gut instinct.” And some of your friends might be judging you about it - they might not like your choice, because to them you’re operating completely outside the realms of their understanding.

But trust yourself and don't worry about what others think.

More and more people are living this way now. So this happening at bigger mass levels creates a forward surge in all of us, that is grounding that energy as a collective.

Some of the challenges within living this way can sometimes be that you feel like you have so many plates spinning, or you feel like you have a million thoughts going on on any given day.

You see, the monkey mind (the constant chatter we can have when off-center) becomes multidimensional as well. It comes with you, until you get used to letting it go, either through meditation or other methods that develop an inner calm and an ability to return to center.

Awakening is often greatly prized in people's minds. But it's not always an easy path the more you awaken. I think this is one of the great myths on our planet. There is an idea that awakening into greater spirit, awakening into greater consciousness, is just 'unicorns and rainbows'. And those of you who've been through or are going through it, we all know that actually you start to feel so many more things that you perhaps were never feeling before.

So some of the keys to watch out for in your life are:

If it isn't flowing, stop and wait. Wait for something else to emerge. Or just temporarily step back. Give it either time and patience, or perhaps through stepping back you’ll look at what you are trying to create and you’ll realize you need something different.

If you're feeling like everything is spinning too fast, go slower; because everything outside you is spinning in relationship to you and if you withdraw your energy from it, it will stop spinning. If you step back, it will stop spinning and you can reconsider whether or not to rejoin that piece of your life.

Watch out for mental desperation/desperate thoughts as solutions to your difficult feeling. Are you somebody who is finding yourself currently saying, “I'm so unhappy and if I just had more money it would be solved, or if I just had that job, or if I just went to live over there instead of here…” It’s not going to be solved in that way. What you have to catch in those moments is this strong emotional density that you're feeling and focus on that, rather than your desired external solution.

If it's a density that you are not liking and are placing your faith in solving through some outside circumstance, know that it may not come true. The change in circumstance might NOT take away the emotion. But a change in emotion can change the outer circumstance. So deal with your inner world to change the outer. Deal with the “ARRGH!” inside you, because that feeling isn't going to go away.
And we as a society are often capped in our anger.

I see this a lot with people who are out there in the world wanting to make change. It's a very difficult argument right now; because the new age is often accused of being people sticking their head in the sand. You constantly see people out there saying, “Well, if you just focus on love and light and your own energy, you're completely missing what's going on with all the problems in the world, and you're not creating change.”

My experience and witnessing of energy is that the opposite is actually true. The more compassionate you become in yourself and the more you can ground your openness in the world, the more you want to make changes wherever you go. And it is a natural occurrence that begins within and emanates outward.

But none of us can deal with bringing change to every area of the whole world, for we are individuals. So if we as individuals step towards the areas that we feel we can bring change to, and we constantly check our own sense of energetic balance within our doing of that, then the energy we're offering to an outside element (another person, group or organization) is one of balance.

You see this a lot with the anger that activists will throw at both the very thing they're trying to change and also the people they are trying to encourage to be an activist with them. If you are somebody who is turned on by somebody’s anger about a cause they’re trying to get you behind, then you're in the same dissonance energy that they are, and you’re running the same sense of dis-empowerment and fear; because anger has dis-empowerment and fear in it as an energy.

So that's not me saying that you are un-entitled to feel those feelings.
But what I'm asking you to consider, is to observe the feelings that you're having and their density. As they will have an effect on your life circumstances.

The broader perspective that we now have on Earth - all of these free YouTube videos, all of this information that’s out there - it's beautiful, but it can be misleading if you don't discern what's true for you and what isn't. It can be a rabbit hole. There are people out there proclaiming their way of being as “THE way”. And these things are tricky, because there is no “THE way” unless you find something that really works for you.

You’re going to constantly try on experiences and pieces of information in life that give you light bulb moments; that bring you into more clarity of feeling.

That's multidimensionality at work, and yet, we forget that we are multidimensional on Earth. That's what's changing for all of us now.

In the old world, we were taught to go into our lives as a multidimensional external force - you have a relationship with this person, you have a job with this person, you love going over here, but it was all externalized. It was, “I feel things in here in tandem to these people and engagement points I am focusing on.”

Now, it's happening within you first. That is the opportunity. Create from the inner world first.

So this is why many of you will feel a bit bored; because you step back from everybody, because no one is making sense. Again, this phase will pass. You're first encountering your inner multidimensional senses and when you're more used to them, you will go back out to those people and have a very different experience of the same people and the same places.

So be as patient with yourselves as you can. This isn't an easy process for any of us to go through. But it’s also filled with a lot of light at the moment and particularly in the coming months.

So even as you see certain darker energies raising their heads and going through the battles that they’re going through around you, you will notice that if you keep focusing on a higher perspective in yourself and a higher perspective of the way that you're working in the world, you will constantly upshift into more experiences of flow.

Then, rather than life being hard or difficult for you, you will be able to appreciate the things that you have and not try and run out into the chaos and become a part of the chaos.

Chaos is very seductive. It seems like it's something to do, an activity to engage with, and the tribal impulse in us is to join the tribe.

But as I've said for many months now in a row, joining the tribe is not going to be what most of you want to do; because you're slightly on the edge of a large growing mass of people who are learning to live and feel in a different way and that takes time.

So sending you lots of love for this coming month and I just want to say a huge thank you to those of you who donated last month for these forecasts. It does take time, money and energy for us to put these together and to release them. So your support on that level and also the lovely messages that you send, it makes a huge difference to us, this small team here, who are doing these. So thank you!

If you wish to donate, we will put the button for donations just here and thank you very much. (If you wish to donate from the transcribed forecast, there is a Donate button at the top right of the blog page.)

And finally, I'm thrilled to have my second book coming out this month - October 1st - Energy Speaks - Volume 2. It's full of channeled information on transformation in our rapidly changing world and we will put a link to that on the next screen.
(For a link to the book from the transcribed forecast, click HERE.)

So thank you everybody.

See you all next month.

Lots of love.


The Self Is Not Limited


by American Kabuki

September 30, 2014

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.

This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.

Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

Nobody is able to achieve this completely, [oh but we will! -AK] but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.

-ALBERT EINSTEIN (as quoted in The New York Times 29 March 1972)
It's quite obvious to anyone with nerve endings un-deadened by Prozac that the energies of this planet are very highly charged at this moment. The banking system keeps trying to phoenix the existing debt systems by issuing new debt and hoping to cover that trail by worldwide conflagration and/or pandemic. A critical mass of awakened humanity has been reached, and quite like the 10 billion neurons in a brain, the collective human consciousness on this planet is firing up and remembering who it is. And each human awakening like a tuning fork stirs the next one.

The partners-in-contrast continuing playing out their drama because they are only one pony acts. Creativity was never their strong point. They have a Felix the Magic Cat template bag of magic tricks. They were always middle management imported from some distant star that spent too many eons in building their gold plated thrones on the dead remains one what they see as the "less evolved" on one planet or another. This is their last bastion. Bred on the belief in their own separation from Source, even while they grudgingly acknowledge the oneness of all in their own writings, they still attempt to hide that oneness with every allusion and illusion of separation wrapped up in hierarchies of light and dark when they themselves recognize no such boundary. But there is an energetic accounting.

When it comes to the game of separation consciousness, the partners-in-contrast are very very skilled at it and getting you to play that game. Separation consciousness is a game that feeds on itself. Its an endless recursive loop, the endless program that keeps on running because it keeps following the same track.

There was always another option, but that exit door said "LOVE ALL, JUDGE NONE" ... for judgement is only an excuse for withholding love. The pain of separation consciousness makes that seem like the foolish choice. Somebody kills your kid with a drone or a strap on bomb vest, its quite natural to the biological mind to return that.

Couple that with life long teaching of being God's chosen ones, the one true religion, correct politics, or race or the 1001 and other ways humanity has been divided and conquered, you get what we have now, gasoline looking for a match. No one on this planet has been immune from that kind of mental programming. And those that want to cast one race or another as evil demons or aliens are just doing more of the same. The separation game always plays both sides. It's all Eternal Essence.

Biology wants to survive, its the evolutionary imperative that drives life to arise from the materium. You are not biology with a consciousness, you are consciousness that has a biological body. The Soul knows it survives - no matter what - and from that knowing and love all courage is born.

The threat and use of violence to instill fear to the ego causes people to turn from their inner guidance and believe in the illusion of separation.

CNN, BBC, NBC, FRANCE NEWS 24, CBS, ABC, FOX spew out their daily GHOUL-LASH of fear. We live in GOUL-LAG of fear. Have you ever seen it so crazy? You really can't make this shit up! But they do! Crisis actors that show up in one false flag event after another, custom-off-the-shelf pre-packaged banker financed revolutions and coup-de-tats, in some cases years in advance, like the Ukraine with former central bankers as the puppets in charge and their very own Nazi storm trooper nationalists complete with SS emblems!

What's the plague or terrorist du jour? I've frankly lost count on who I am supposed to hate and what emerging disease is supposed to make me panic into believing that I AM less than I AM - all that is and which created this universe. And you are the same I AM. REMEMBER I AM!

There is one belief, however, that destroys artificial barriers to perception, an expanding belief that automatically pierces false and inhibiting ideas. Now, separately:

The Self Is Not Limited.

That statement is a statement of fact. It exists regardless of your belief or disbelief in it.
Following this concept is another:

There Are No Boundaries or Separations of the Self.

Roberts, Jane (2011-09-30). The Nature of Personal Reality (A Seth Book)
The above is a portion of a longer article written by AK and posted here.