
Ascension Symptoms Revisited

As the new energy ramps up - which it definitely is doing! - we are all being pressed to release the last vestiges of what has kept us prisoners of third density. Anything and everything that is fear-based has to go, fear does not exist in the upper dimensions. Anything and everything that isn't based in love will eventually be released or driven out. Each of us is being guided toward this release in whatever way is appropriate for us, based who each of us is, what baggage we're still carrying from our past, and what our soul purpose is. And while the trip is different for each of us, since we each have a human component, it's also very similar.

I've posted several articles in the past about the symptoms of ascension, but it's a topic worth revisiting. Along with links to these previous posts:

Symptoms of Ascension
Ascension Symptoms and Tools
More on Ascension Symptoms
Fatigue and Our Physical Evolution
Cycles of Change

I'm including another list of symptoms from Karen Bishop, excepted from her book The Ascension Primer. Karen graciously offers the full excerpt in PDF form which you can download free here. Karen has taken some of her previous lists and expanded upon many of the symptoms in this comprehensive updated piece.

Many physical symptoms are simply the body's way of communicating what it is experiencing in the only way it knows how. For example, you might physically experience being very tall or giant-like for a few moments or hours. This is your body's way of interpreting, through physicality, your energetic expansion.

It is my hope that by reading through these lists of symptoms you'll realize that you're not alone, that you're not going crazy, that all is well and proceeding naturally, and that you have support. Know that no matter what you're experiencing in your life at this time, at some point - through loving yourself, and understanding and giving in to the process - "this too shall pass". And when it does, you, like the beautiful butterfly that you are, will emerge from your human, third density cocoon able to truly spread your wings for the very first time and fly with the wind!

Expanded Ascension Symptoms
Note: Comments below in brackets [ ] are mine. - k
Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or in intense energy; feeling stress. This is one of the first ascension feelings that a person usually feels. In the beginning, when the energy shifts arrive, they bring with them a New and higher vibration. Old patterns and behaviors are being pushed to the surface for release. Feeling all this pressure going on inside of you can feel like great stress or that you are on overload. If you are still in a conventional life with mainstream pressures, this New energy can really add to your pile. You will eventually adjust to this higher vibration and much will be activated for release within you as well. More room inside for more of the higher energy!

Depression. This symptom is most definitely in the top three and very widely experienced. The ascension process purges so much of the darker and denser energies from us, that we find ourselves in them for quite some time. We may feel like things are simply never going to get better. And to add insult to injury, the outer world is no longer in alignment with the new, higher vibrating you. It doesn't feel so good out there and it might feel like there is nowhere to go that does. Therefore everything around us feels just plain ugly and icky. And in addition, when we are vibrating higher and have to wait for the outside to manifest itself in a higher way of being it can seem like it is taking forever. Feeling let down and like things will never change are so very common. This is a long process. An upside-down reality, world, and human are both having to turn right side up. There is a jewel in the length of the process though, and a necessary and perfectly intended by-product. We cannot create from the ego. We have to get to a place where we are OK no matter what is going on. Feeling disappointment for what seems like forever eventually makes us realize that we will never get anything that we cannot live without. When we learn to detach and release all attachments, we always get precisely what we want. It is like magic and a very key part of the ascension process to let go of all attachments. When we arrive in this space, we are truly in heaven as nothing can affect us here and we also get whatever we desire, even though we desire nothing. This is a true symptom of "arriving" and one can only feel total peace from this point on.

Anxiety, panic, and feelings of hysteria. When our egos begin to depart, they literally freak out as they do not want to cease to exist. It may feel as if everything is ending (most of everything is!). Your system is also on overload and you may feel as if you are hyperventilating. Things are happening that you may not understand. You are also losing behavior patterns of a lower vibration that you developed for survival in 3D. This may make you feel vulnerable and powerless. These patterns and behaviors you are losing are not needed in the higher realms. When we experience death in a 3D world we can panic and have anxiety as we do not know where we are going. When I went through "the big leap" I knew I was "going". My non-physical ascension guide told me to trust and relax, as it was really quite peaceful on the other side. None-the-less, with no frame of reference if was difficult. Now, I totally trust and go with all of it and it greatly helps. When you finally "arrive" you will feel much love, safety, and unity. Just wait! And know that others are going where you are going - you are not going alone.

A need to eat often along with what feels like attacks of low blood sugar. A craving for protein. This is another of the first symptoms that is felt by many. Our bodies are using up an incredible amount of fuel for this process. As we are literally being turned inside-out, every ounce of energy that we have is being utilized. I have found it best to eat the protein along with being still during this time. These low blood sugar periods come and go for several years, but get much better as our bodies begin adjusting.

Unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of your body. This is another of the most common symptoms. Manifesting just about anywhere, this is a sign of purifying and releasing blocked energy that is vibrating at a 3D level while other parts of us are vibrating higher. You may feel pain in various parts of your body for several weeks and then it will simply vanish with no explanation.

Continual neck and upper back stiffness and pain. We are sprouting angel wings and this is where they are emerging. Sounds a bit fairy tale-ish, but this is a reality. [it's actually a metahor] Our spines are vibrating differently and also connecting to a higher form of light. This area of our body [the top end of the Vegus nerve] is where it all happens.

Skin eruptions and diarrhea. Acne, rashes, and hives, etc. usually arrive when we are in the purging process and adjusting to a higher energy. Rashes are fairly common and diarrhea can last for weeks and even months. If a doctor visit proves you are OK, fiber can really help until this phase ends. And during it all, you still won't lose weight!

Heart pain and palpitations. These symptoms are common for many. Our hearts are trying to accommodate a new and higher frequency. At times you can feel as though you are having a heart attack. When I experienced this phase, I had to literally lie still as any movement added too much stress to my already overstressed heart. An ER visit assured me that all was OK, but it certainly did not feel like it. In addition, whenever I had a low vibrational thought or fear during this time, my heart would literally grip and stop beating. It was wild, but not a medical condition, and it eventually passed. Our hearts are where we will be coming from and connecting from in the New world, and they must be in alignment as well.

Periods of very deep sleeping. When the energy is not moving and we are done for awhile, we get to rest. While we are integrating and preparing for the next phase of intense moving energy, we become very lethargic. It can become near impossible to keep your eyelids open in the daylight hours and daytime napping can become a regular and necessary habit. Even if you think you can exercise your way back into some energy, you will usually find yourself dropping dead on the sofa at every effort.

Experiencing emotional ups and downs; weeping. Our emotions are what carries the energy. When we are falling apart (and we are doing just that), we can get pretty emotional. When we are releasing, we can cry at the drop of a hat. A sad movie can make us cry, or even a sad commercial. We can cry when we experience kindness. We can cry when we feel relief. We can cry when we see any kind of suffering. These tears are a great cleanser and releaser. I always know when some New energy has arrived because I can simply cry while I am driving along in the car. This seems to be an on-going symptom that is here to stay for awhile. But at least it is fairly painless!

Night sweats and hot flashes. During certain phases of ascension our bodies suddenly decide that they are going to burn off the lower and denser aspects of ourselves. You may wake up in the night soaking wet or become very hot during the day. It may be 35 degrees outside, but you are just fine and dandy in your short sleeves.

Feeling cold with an inability to get warm. When we are moving into a much higher dimension after much integrating, detoxing, and other ascension processes, we get very cold. We are in between and preparing to move up. At these times it can be very difficult to warm up no matter what you do. I usually submerge myself in a tub of hot water and then get under a heavy comforter.

Vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams. We are releasing many lifetimes of lower vibrational energy through our dreams. If you are one who receives their higher information through dreams, you will likely do a lot of releasing at night. I consider you to be lucky, as some are doing much of their releasing when they are awake. These dreams usually do not make sense, but if you are good at dream analysis you can usually figure them out. These acid-trip like dreams are up and visible because they contain energy that's on its way out, never to return. Through this process we are releasing all of our past lives.

Dizziness, loss of balance, vertigo, and spinning. The definition of Merkabah is: Counter rotating fields of light surrounding the spirit/body which serve to transport the spirit/body from one dimension to another. And this is precisely what is occurring. As we connect to our light bodies and begin moving into a higher dimension, we begin spinning and can experience vertigo and dizziness. If you know that this symptom indicates that something wonderful is happening it can be quite fun...like a roller coaster ride.

Overall body pain and days of extreme fatigue. Our bodies are morphing into a crystalline form in order to enable us to reside in the higher realms and to continually be able to receive the higher light. This process is on-going and it cannot happen overnight. If you feel as though you are 100 years old and barely able to walk across the room, this is why. Continual fatigue is also an on-going symptom for the same reasons. We are losing our density and going through extreme restructuring.

Memory loss and difficulty accessing words. So many are having this symptom that we can only laugh as we try to converse with each other. "I was having a glass of...you know what I mean...that white stuff...uh...what's it called?" "Did you watch the...er...that event where everyone competes from around the world?" At times we cannot talk at all because we are simply unable to access much of anything. When this occurs you are going back and forth between dimensions and experiencing disconnect. Another somewhat related occurrence is trying to type words and having the letters become jumbled in the wrong order. In this case, we are not in alignment with time and our flow is disconnected, as part of our energy is here and another part is further ahead.

Difficulty remembering what you did or who you talked to a day or sometimes just an hour before. In the higher realms, reality is very much in the moment. If we do not hold something in our consciousness, it simply ceases to exist. We have no attachments. We are creating our own world around us through our beliefs and thoughts and what we do not hold onto does not exist. Everything is brand new as we are starting completely over, moment to moment. We can tap into whatever we choose to at any moment and create and experience just that. This state comes and goes, but is practice for living in the higher realms. It can feel a bit creepy when it occurs. In addition, at times we are neither here nor there, as we are in between dimensions.

Not remembering the meaning of anything. When I was in an intense period of the transitional process and we were in the throes of a substantial energy thrust into the higher realms, I remember looking at a trash can and not knowing what it was for. I had to access my memory of the "old" and reach far. What was happening was that I was vibrating at a point where everything possesses only the meaning and identity that we give it. In the higher realms, energy is just energy with no label or meaning. All is fresh and new. Sort of a Course in Miracles undoing process, without the trying. [When this happened to me, I had just sat down at my computer and I couldn't remember how to use the keyboard. I just sat there looking at like it was an alien thing. Eventually I remembered that it was supposed to somehow get information from my brain into the computer, but I didn't know how to go about it. At some point I recall thinking "this is ridiculous, I know that I know how to use this thing!" so I put my hands over the keys and tried to make them move. My fingers felt like big sausages, heavy and stiff. All my mental efforts to make them do something was to no avail. Fortunately I knew enough not to panic, and the feeling passed after a few (long!) minutes, but it was profoundly strange while it was happening. -k]

A feeling of disorientation; not knowing where you are; a loss of a sense of place. "Where in the world am I? I do not fit anywhere and nothing seems to fit or feel remotely right! And I do not know where I belong or where I am going or what I am supposed to be doing either!" Ever had this conversation with the Universe!? You have been knocked out of your old grooves by an energy shift and are in between realities. You have successfully left much behind and are in a very new space but have not integrated yet. You won't have much time to integrate though, because as soon as you get comfortable you will be moving on into the next higher vibrating space. And in addition, the outside world does not remotely match the way you are now highly vibrating.

A loss of identity. You look in the mirror and have a strange feeling of disconnect as you no longer recognize that once familiar image. You almost feel out of body. Once this phenomenon occurs it never ends. You have released so much of your ego self, that you are no longer the same person, and do not have that attachment or connection to your physical vessel. As you begin to access much more of your soul or higher self, you are not in your body much. You may still use your voice to communicate and other bodily aspects, but you are slowly beginning the process of disappearing and releasing the human form. In addition, you have cleared much of your old patterns and are embodying much more light and a simpler, more purified divine you. All is in order...you are OK.

Feeling 'out of body'. The same explanation as above. The physical body is the last to catch up. Much of us is now in a higher dimension and residing outside of our bodies, as our bodies are not there yet. They are much denser.

'Seeing' and 'hearing' things. As we can now access different dimension fairly easily, it is common for many to see things out of the corner of their eyes or hear things when nothing is there. Many also experience ringing in the ears [tinnitus], which is common when we are going through "the tunnel" and accessing a higher dimension. Depending upon how sensitive you are and how you are wired, this can be a common experience. Many are seeing orbs and vibrating blobs of color as well.

Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental illness of some sort. We are rapidly experiencing several dimensions and greatly opening. Much is available to us now. You are just not used to it. Your awareness has been heightened and your barriers are gone. This will pass and you will eventually feel very at Home like you have never felt before, as Home is now here.

Feeling as though you are looking down a long tunnel in order to connect to lower vibrations; feeling as though you are acting or pretending. When we are residing in the higher realms, anything not there with us may feel far away. If you are still in a lifestyle where you are regularly interacting with the outside or old world, you may feel like an actor in a play or that you are pretending your way through the day. Basically, you are no longer residing in that world, even though you are still involved in it.

An intolerance for lower vibrational things (of the 3D), reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc. They literally make you feel 'sick' inside. When we begin arriving in the higher realms and in a higher vibration, our energies are no longer in alignment with the old, outside 3D world. Through a severe intolerance to the old, we are being "pushed" to move forward...to be and create the New. In addition, you may feel like staying home or just being alone, as much of everything "out there" no longer matches the higher vibration of YOU. This is simply a very common experience of evolution. We are moving forward before the outside manifestations are. Being in the old can feel downright awful. It is similar to having to "go back" after you have had a near death experience. As the ascension process continues, going back to the lower dimensions will not feel good nor will it be possible for long, as it is difficult to drop our vibration down in order to reside there. This is a simple experience of navigating the dimensional hierarchies. We will eventually become experts with our dimensional navigational skills.

You don't feel like doing anything. You are in a rest period, 'rebooting'. Your body knows what it needs. During this time you may feel as though you have lost your passion and joy and don't know what in the world you want to do with your life and don't really care! This phase occurs when we are realigning. At higher levels much is realigning as well. Things are being put into position so that all will be ready when you move forward again. In addition, when we begin reaching the higher realms, doing and making things happen becomes obsolete as the New energies support the feminine of basking, receiving, creating, self-care and nurturing. Ask the Universe to bring you what you want while you cannot do it for yourself. And know that you are always being taken care of during the ascension process, even if it does not feel like it at times. Those in the physical going through this process are very highly revered by all the cosmos. We are most certainly being watched over.

A wanting to go Home, as if everything is OVER and you don't belong here anymore. As we are returning to Source, everything is over. (But many of us are staying to experience and create the New World.) Also, our old plans for coming have been completed. We are basically done with our prior incarnation that involved raising the frequency of the planet with a goal of reaching critical mass. We achieved a lot of this through transmuting the darker and denser energies through ourselves. Now we don't have to do that anymore and may feel like we simply want out of here and away from that experience. What is coming next is simply divine and does not remotely resemble the first phase.

A sudden disappearance of friends, activities, habits, jobs and residences. One of the most basic and prevalent experiences in the higher realms invloves the Law of Attraction. Like energies always attract like and similar energies. This relates to the dimensional hierarchies as well. We will always be matched with what and how we are vibrating. As we go higher and higher, this phenomenon becomes much more magnified and also becomes one of the basic cores of our reality and existence. Through the ascension process we evolving beyond what we used to be, and therefore the people and surroundings that no longer match our vibration simply leave our space. This can sometimes occur rather dramatically or at times through a simple desire resulting from the inability to relate to them like we used to. When an energy shift occurs, it can feel as though a bomb has been dropped and everything in our world has been scattered from here to there. Eventually we realign with the New. When the New arrives, you will feel so-o-o-o much better!

You absolutely cannot do certain things anymore. When you try to do your usual routine and activities, it feels downright awful. Same as above. You are no longer a fit and it's time to move on to a much higher vibrating way of living, being, and creating.

Your plans suddenly change in mid-stream and go in a completely different direction. When this occurs, your soul is balancing out your energy. It usually feels great in this new direction, as your soul knows more than you do! Your soul is breaking your rut choices and vibration. Our souls always know more than we do. During January of 2006, we experienced what I dubbed "ascension shock." At higher levels we had a specific plan and timeline. If we were a bit behind, we ended up experiencing our pre-plan whether we were ready or not. This placed us in sudden and immediate new circumstances so that we would be poised for what we needed to do next.

Additional symptoms:

Waking at night between 2 and 4 a.m. Much is going on in your dream state. You can't be there for long lengths of time and need a break. This is also the 'cleansing and releasing' hour. [This is a period of enhanced creativity and manifestation, use it to great advantage!] [Many have already passed through this phase.]

Heightened sensitivities to your surroundings. Crowds, noise, foods, TV, other human voices and various other stimulations are barely tolerable. You also overwhelm very easily and become easily overstimulated. You are tuning up. Know that this will eventually pass.

You have created a situation that seems like your worst nightmare, with many 'worst nightmare' aspects to it. Your soul is guiding you into 'stretching' into aspects of yourself where you were lacking, or into 'toning down' aspects where you had an overabundance. Your energy is just balancing itself. Finding your way to peace through this situation is the test you have set up for yourself. This is your journey, and your soul would not have set it up if you weren't ready. You are the one who finds your way out and you will. Looking back, you will have gratitude for the experience and be a different person.

~ Karen Bishop
Excerpts from The Ascension Primer
Gamma Books

What to Do?

The most important thing that any of us can do is to know that we are clearing, clearing, clearing, and this is is a good thing. The future is bright, but it takes some cleaning out, readjusting, and rebalancing before we arrive. It's rather like what it might be like to learn to live under water. Before we took on such a venture we'd learn how to use diving gear, practice being in the water for small periods of time, and generally acclimate ourselves to this new environment. In a very real sense, this is what we are doing, we are learning to live in a different environment and doing it little bits at a time so as not to blow all our circuits (overwhelm our body).

No matter what is going on for you at any moment in time, breathe, find your center, ground your spirit back into your body, and remember that "All is well in all of creation and all is well with me". Remembering that simple truth can do wonders.

Here's another little tip from Claudia at Ask Claudia:

When the Ascension energies increase, it is really easy to get caught up in the symptoms instead of doing the work to raise my vibration back up. It is really easy to allow myself to sink back into 3D.

One technique that has helped is to align my energies with the energies of Mother Earth, her Grid System and Cosmic Energies. This is very simple to do. You can simply repeat this statement several times as needed:

"I thank my Master Healers, Guides, Angels and Nature Devas for balancing my energy with the energy of Mother Earth, Her Grid System and The Cosmic Energies in all of my bodies on all levels."


6 Steps to Take Now

This month's message from Selacia and the Council of 12 offers some concrete ways that we can each help co-create the world as we would like to see it - thriving, peaceful, abundant, cooperative, a place where everyone has a place, is treated with appreciation and respect, and knows that they are magnificent. Because each and every one of us is just that. Magnificent! Here's what Selacia and the Council had to say:

You and the Global Shift
-Vital Role of Community-
Selacia's Council of 12 Message

This is a year of revolution on a big scale - impacting you and everyone on the planet. A common theme you will see repeatedly is the need for humanity to come together as one family. This need has never been more important than right now.

The new Earth you want cannot come into being alongside centuries-old patterns of bickering, complaining, conquering, and killing.

A very long time ago people understood and valued the concept of community. People of those times knew about the power of unity and helping one another. In some cultures, threatened by droughts and other climatic shifts, people learned that they could survive through collective ideas, support, and actions.

Rather than fighting each other over dwindling resources, they used their joint creativity to adapt. They understood the power of a cohesive group; they valued the natural world and learned to work with nature.

With the Earth now sitting at a precipice - the future uncertain - humanity is being called to remember these things. Indeed, a remembrance is taking place all over the world, stirring a fervent desire for community. People like you from all walks of life are feeling this.

A New Paradigm of Community

Yes, a brand-new paradigm of community is in the process of being born. You are a vital part of the process, learning new approaches and dissolving old patterns. Deep within you, there is an understanding of how important community is and what needs to change to create peace on Earth.

You are encoded as a divine changemaker to help create a more peaceful and loving world. At the core of your being, you know this to be true.

When you tap that place of inner wisdom, you notice how disconnected the human family has become. You observe the distrust, the disregard, and the distancing. You see these things in your hometown, at the workplace, within government, and between countries.

As you are honest with yourself, you notice a similar disconnect within your own circles - including your family, colleagues, and other associates. When you can be even more honest with yourself, you see your own role in disconnect. You then seek understanding and clearing of fear-based DNA-level patterns that cause you to disconnect and to feel separate. As you do this inner work, you become freer - awakening to the truth of your oneness and knowing that you are loved no matter what.

If you are like most people, you want to feel more connected with others and the world. You want to see more peacefulness and love expressed in relationships, in business, and between countries. You know you are alive now to make a difference - but how? Here are a few steps you can take to help bring about a brand-new model for coexisting on Earth.

6 Steps to Take Now

Focus on what connects you to others and what you have in common and you shift from being a bystander who feels separate and different ... to an awakening being learning to live fully and as one with all.

Refuse to live your life in the shadow of conspiracy theories and gossip about what "they" plan to do next to keep you enslaved. You are a powerful being, equipped with a mind that can be focused on goodness and creating great things. Don't let your little self or ego convince you that you are in prison. You are free.

Change the questions you are asking. Example: "When will they fix this?" This question is not coming from your empowered self but from a victimhood mentality. Better question: "What can I do or not do to help remedy this situation?"

Avoid going along with the crowd. Remember your divine changemaker role - at the forefront, leading the way. When it's time to take action on something or to act boldly and do something others aren't yet doing - trust your inner wisdom and act.

Listen more, including to input from the universe about what's really going on. When your only incoming channel is a fear-based news station, you won't have a clear idea of how much progress is truly being made. Cooperative meetings with productive debates don't make as many headlines as failed talks or meetings with angry outbursts.

No matter what the world looks like, no matter how bleak things appear ... you can be one of those with a new vision. You can take your place at the forefront, envisioning a brand-new type of world.

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.


Continuation Day

On this day of your life, [Fellow Human], I believe God wants you to know...

...that when a loved one leaves the body, it is a cause for a genuine and special joy.

It can be difficult to experience this joy over the death of a loved one, and sadness is both perfectly natural and very "okay." Yet know this: your Beloved is celebrating Continuation Day. This is the most glorious experience you could possibly imagine. It is, truly, heaven!

And there is this: You will once again reunite with the soul of this loved one. Nor will you ever be separate even now, for their Essence flies to you at your very thought of them. I would not tell you this were it not true.

~ Neale Donald Walsch

I'd never heard death referred to as "Continuation Day" until I read this daily message from Neale Donald Walsch. Hard to imagine that someone hasn't heard of NDW, but in case you haven't, he's the author of a series of spiritual books called Conversations with God.

I love Neale's concept of "Continuation Day." Because what he says about death is absolutely true - there is no separation, we only think there is. Why do we think there is? Because we've been playing a spiritual game called Separation in which our personal individuation played an important role. When all that Spirit knows is Union, Separation becomes an exciting game to play!

However, as hard as it might be believe, the game of Separation has come to an end on planet Earth. It's time now to realize that we aren't separate, and to throw off that belief like we'd throw off an old and worn out pair of shoes. Because it isn't true. It simply isn't true. We aren't separate. We don't stop "being" just because we die, and neither does anyone else. So when a beloved dies, or an associate, or a family member, or a pet .. they don't go anywhere, they are just as close as they ever were .. merely a thought away. Yes they don't have a body anymore, so we can't "see" them with our human eyes. But that doesn't mean they aren't there.

Think about it this way .. your best friend moves to another city. This city is very far away, so far that traveling there yourself, or them traveling back to you, is highly unlikely. Do you miss them, sometimes terribly, and feel some grief around the fact that you can't see them anymore? Of course you do! But do you stop being friends because they moved? Do you stop loving them because they moved? Do they stop loving you because they moved? Do you stop communicating with them because they moved? No, you don't do any of these things, and neither do they. Because you realize that just because you can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist. They just aren't physically where you are anymore; you can't "see" them. But you continue to communicate with them using the tools that science and technology have given us, because you believe in these tools. And you do it without even thinking, because the tools have become so commonplace to you.

If you could come to realize and accept that you don't need those tools to communicate, you'd begin to see that you can communicate with those people and creatures around you who have moved out of their physical body and into another phase of being. They are no less than they ever were, they simply don't have energy focused into a body any more. You can't "see" them in a very similar way that you can't "see" a friend who has moved to another town. But those who have died do exist, as surely as your friend who has moved away continues to exist. And you can communicate with them.

The easiest way to communicate with those no longer physical is simply to think of them in a joyful way. When you do that, you draw their energy toward you, and they will respond in kind. If you want to take the communication further, take a moment of quiet to "tune into" them as you think joyful thoughts. You may not hear any words, but if you listen with an open heart, I guarantee that you will feel something, or smell something, or sense something familiar that lets you know they "got" your communication.

It's fascinating to be able to communicate with those you love who aren't physically focused any longer, and to realize that they don't stop loving you just because you can't see them. Have fun with it! and know that they are at least as anxious as you are (probably more so!) to communicate. But they can't reach you if you aren't "listening".


Mantra from Uriel

I am divinely guided, connected, secure and protected, in all ways and in all things.
This week's loving mantra from Archangel Uriel through Jennifer Hoffman at Uriel Heals.

May it give comfort and help you realize the full potential of your being!


In Stillness, Right Action Is Born

Imagine that you are in a large concert hall, and that you have come to listen to the world's greatest violinist play your favorite piece of music. You have always been inspired by this composition, and the virtuoso player on stage can perform it, as no one else can do. What a treat and what a privilege it is to be here tonight. All that is required of you is to sit quietly, close your eyes, open your heart, and listen to the exquisite sounds that penetrate the air.

Now imagine that instead of appreciating the importance of silent attention at this time, everyone in the concert hall is making noise. They are talking to their neighbors; they are talking on their cell phones; they are chewing gum, coughing loudly, sneezing, and otherwise making it impossible to hear the performance on stage.

Your moment of inspiration has been ruined.

So what is the point of this little example? Simply this...

Listening to the sound of your Soul, is like listening to the music of an accomplished violinist in a concert hall. Just because the violinist is playing, doesn't mean you will automatically hear the music. First of all, the environment in the concert hall must be quiet, if you are to hear anything at all. Secondly, you must pay attention. Yes, you must pay attention.

In the stillness of your being, you are able to hear the sweet sound of inspiration that your Soul is sending to you all the time. But if your mind is cluttered with worry, and your life is overcrowded with drama, your heart will find it difficult to perceive the music.

~ Saint-Germain
through Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack
Such a great analogy and reminder! There's much more to this wonderful article, it can be found here on Alex and Dan's Joy & Clarity website.