
A World Without Laws

Laws are created because you humans feel the need to control others. That is where the fear and distrust come in. You do not believe in the inherent goodness and integrity you all possess. ~ Spirit through John Cali

In Abraham parlance, "won't it be nice when ..." all of humanity is so delighted being who we are that we won't need laws to tell us how to be, or to tell each other how to be?

Instead of laws we'd simply have agreements, and we'd hold to our agreements because .. well, because we agreed to them! That's integrity, and we all have access to it.

Because I believe in a world without laws - along with a moneyless society - and because that's such an unfathomable idea to many, I've often been labeled "weird", or stronger but similar label. But no matter what others think, I hold strong to the ideals of personal sovereignty and responsibility. And despite all the trials and tribulations along the way, I'm enjoying the journey of all of us getting from here to there. I hope you are - or can - too!

What is the "Rule of Law"?

Spirit through John Cali

May 22, 2015

Every law is an infraction of liberty. ~ Jeremy Bentham (1748 — 1832)


We’re living in a time when we hear much — perhaps too much — about the “rule of law.” And how it is seemingly so often violated all over our planet.


Much of your modern society bases itself on what it calls the rule of law. Just what is this rule of law?

Although your many and varied jurisdictions have their own laws and interpretations of those laws, they are all based upon a most “unspiritual” perspective. They are based on fear and distrust.

Fear and distrust of your fellow humans and, perhaps more telling, fear and distrust of yourselves.

We realize many, if not most, humans would disagree with us on this. But if we could work our will on your society, there would be no laws. Everyone would be free to do as they please.

Of course, we cannot work our will in this way. Nor would we want to. However, many of you would call letting everyone do as they please an absolutely insane thing to do.

Laws are created because you humans feel the need to control others. That is where the fear and distrust come in. You do not believe in the inherent goodness and integrity you all possess.

So you seek ways to control or eliminate the “evil,” the lack of integrity you perceive as the root of human existence.

While we know this will likely not be achieved in your lifetimes, if you could eliminate all laws, the human race would once again feel free and unfettered. Everyone would do only what feels good to them. You would remember who you are and where you came from. You would remember the foundation of who each of you is.

That foundation is love. Pure love does not require laws to regulate human behavior. Only fear and distrust require laws.

Integrity has nothing to do with adhering to your legal systems. Integrity has everything to do with being true to yourselves. Then you will need no laws, nor any other legal restrictions. For then you will be acting from the highest integrity, from the law of love.

The “bottom line” here is love triumphs law. Love ensures you will all be justly rewarded by the universal law of attraction, by the universe which recognizes no law excepts its own.


Copyright © 2015 by John Cali

If you know someone who could benefit from this post, please forward it to them with a personal note.


This delightful short video takes us on a lighthearted, hilarious review of some pretty stupid laws. It’s titled, appropriately, 10 Craziest Laws in the World. Enjoy! ~ John

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