
Do Our Guides Ever Get Disappointed In Us?

The following question and answer come from April and Allen Crawford and Veronica at Inner Whispers. It ties in well with yesterday's message about self doubt. Seems we, in human form, are rather unique in the Universe for our ability to throw guilt and doubt into our vibration. Maybe it's time to give that up. ;)

Do our guides ever get disappointed in us?

I feel there have been many occurrences in my life (especially regarding employment) that smack of help from my guides or loved ones. In almost every situation, I somehow feel I "blew it".

I just have to think that I am letting them down by failing to take full advantage of all the opportunities I have had (and unwittingly squandered).

Thanks for all you do for us!


Dear Chuck,

No, there is never disappointment.

Your guides are very energetic when it comes to your evolvement. Their continued positive energy mingled with yours creates opportunity. They would never mix in a negative vibration for any reason.

Guides are perhaps the most hopeful energies in existence! They never take their "eye" off of the goal, which is your advancement.

Following their example may be a good idea.



Just Say No to The Doubting Self

My dear friend Danielle Garcia at Intuitive Angels channeled the following message from her spirit guides, following an experience where she questioned a miracle she was experiencing. She describes the event in detail in her blog, My Intuitive Life. To me this message addresses a key roadblock to each of us in our journey toward living in the higher dimensions, something worth examining and putting to rest in our own lives.
Doubt of Self

Dear Ones,

Why is it that you doubt so very much? What purpose does this serve? We watch you insistently, over and over, doubting yourselves; your actions, your reactions, your thoughts, your beliefs...even the very things that are directly in front of you. Can you see how much of your energy is entangled in the negative vibration of doubting self?

When you first come into this world as the purest light, you occupy your infant physical form. A baby knows no doubt. They cry when there is a need to be met and the child fully and completely expects this need to be satisfied. Can you imagine a baby in contemplation, wondering whether or not they should ask for nourishment or to be held? Of course not! They believe and expect that their requirements for a happy life will be filled. Quite the concept!

Doubt is a learned concept that children are taught and that energy grows and deepens into adulthood. There is a large difference between making mistakes and accepting responsibility for one's actions and self-doubt. So much effort has been impressed upon you to apply analysis and logic to each situation that many times your core instincts take a back seat to the diagnostic mind.

And have you realized yet, Dear Ones, that human logic cannot be applied in every experience? A plus B equals C, except when it doesn't.

As vibration and frequency continue to change, so does the evolvement of science and spirit. Science may accelerate and advance far beyond what we've ever dreamed. But the core of spirituality remains the same, and remains forever constant. You ARE a spark of God created in God's likeness and vibration. You ARE deserving of all that is good and right. You ARE a being of light and wondrous soul experiencing life as a human.

God's power does not get stronger as the frequencies change. God is still the same as God was since the creation of time. Your soul is much the same. You are still the same soul you were billions of years ago. Your power has not changed. Your soul is vibrant and strong. It is your choice to choose to experience it as such.

If you all began to tap completely into the energy of your souls, think of the amazing things you could manifest and accomplish! To instinctually live within your spirit is to not only abolish the concept of doubt, but also it is to create heaven upon your Earth.

Miracles are not fairy tales, Dear Ones. They are not cast upon the most deserving by the hands of benevolent masters in the skies. Miracles are man-made because you make them so.
"Miracles are man-made because you make them so." Indeed! You are a magnificent being. No time like the present for each of us to take back our power and say "enough already!" to the doubting self!


How to Help Others with the Shift

Wonderful words from Selacia and the Council of 12:
As a divine changemaker, part of your role now is to be an example to others as they awaken - showing them a more empowered and loving way to be. You can do this for loved ones by your presence, showing them how to be with challenges without reacting.

You can give your loved ones this gift - your awake presence - even if they don't come to you for insights about what's going on. Don't underestimate the value of this.
Know that you are doing amazing "work" just in being who you are, bringing your light into all situations. In your awareness of Who You Really Are, you bring a special kind of energetic transformation to everything that you do. As Selacia says, do not underestimate the value of what you bring, even when you aren't aware that you are. You are magnificent!

Here's Selacia's article in full:
Your Next Big Leap in 2012
-Understanding Your Role & How to Help-
by Selacia
March 6, 2012

Change is in the air. It's personal to you, and it's also much bigger than you because it impacts the whole of humanity and the Earth. The magnitude of change you've been adapting to is about to shift again. Get ready for some brand-new energy, coming in over the next month as another level of acceleration arrives.

After all, the year 2012 is a time of revolutionary shifting. Like a cosmic alarm clock, this year's unprecedented events will bring ongoing wake-up calls far and wide. If you've been on the path of transformation for a while, you are used to wake-up calls. Some of your loved ones, still spiritually asleep, will face a steep learning curve.

As a divine changemaker, part of your role now is to be an example to others as they awaken - showing them a more empowered and loving way to be. You can do this for loved ones by your presence, showing them how to be with challenges without reacting.

You can give your loved ones this gift - your awake presence - even if they don't come to you for insights about what's going on. Don't underestimate the value of this.

Revolutionary Cycles

Part of this next phase is that natural cycles you're already familiar with - like full moons and equinoxes - become more potent catalysts of change. They will have a greater influence because humanity has reached a tipping point - a time of no return - during which people must find new ways to live and relate to one another.

Things that worked before are no longer working. People on all continents are becoming aware of society's dysfunctions and aware of humanity's crisis. In tandem with this, the 2012 planetary alignments will help to trigger an avalanche of revolutionary change - in your external world and within you personally. You will want to be conscious and awake as you experience the changes - inviting your heart to guide you in knowing what to pay attention to and to know what is true.

Searching for Truth

Most likely, your whole life has been one of searching for truth. After all, much of what you learned came from conditioning by caretakers who were asleep spiritually. If your parents didn't know how to love unconditionally, how could they teach you about love? If your teachers resourced only conventional notions of history, how could they give you an unbiased perspective of the world?

If your boss today manages with old-paradigm models of fear and competitiveness, how can he or she create the kind of work environment you need to thrive?

As dysfunctions like these come to light, you naturally seek truth and understanding. You want solutions that are based on compassion and caring. You say "enough" to the lies, deceptions, and manipulations.

Balancing the Past with the Future

To leap into future you want, it's necessary to balance your past. What does this mean? First, by definition, anything existing before this current moment is past. That includes what happened when you were three years old and what happened three hours ago.

Balancing your past means putting it in perspective, healing what needs to be healed at a DNA level, and then being willing to let it go.

As long as you allow your past to define you, it is impossible to be who you are meant to be in this precious life. You are alive now to create powerfully and boldly, doing things sourced from love that your ancestors might have called miracles. Indeed, you are the miracle - accept this now.

Copyright 2012 by Selacia * All Rights Reserved * Selacia