
What Will You Create In The New Paradigm?

The following video was created by Inelia Benz of Ascension 101. I'm not enamored of the title she created for it "Agents of Creation - Biggest Planetary Secret Revealed!" because it sounds a bit melodramatic. I'd like us all to not need drama and dramatic headlines to get our attention, but rather follow our hearts and allow that which resonates to find it's way to our attention.

The "secret" that Inez reveals is that 5th dimension is not a location but a creation. A great many of us realize this already, but I'm sure it's important information for those who do not.

Yet despite those minor drawbacks that perhaps only jump out at me personally, her video offers a wonderful and uplifting start to the creation of our new world, and provides a reminder that the creation of this world is indeed in our hands. It always has been in our hands, but inside of the new energies we can proceed without continually battling lower vibrations.

We are now fully immersed in the paradigm we came here to experience, let's take a few days to celebrate that we made it, and then move forward swiftly and powerfully to bring all of our dreams into our reality. What a wonderful time to be a human!


Ascension Q&A

Steve Beckow at The 2012 Scenario has developed a Question and Answer article that addresses some of the most-asked questions about ascension that he receives from his 2012 Scenario blog site readers. He pulled together the answers from a number of channeled sources and materials that he's compiled over the last several years, and in the last few days in particular.

The article may be updated as he receives more information, so I'm not going to post it all here, but rather I'll include the link at the end of this post.

What I'd like to point out, before anyone rushes off to get "the answers" to ascension is this - ascension is a process. We are all experiencing it together, as a group consciousness, yet it is unique and individual to each of us. That means that, literally, there are no answers. The answers to each of our unfolding process will occur as they occur.

So why, you might ask, if there are no answers, am I pointing you to an article containing answers? Because the rational mind needs something to hang onto. We have come to rely on the rational mind to such a degree that telling ourselves to simply allow, to go with the flow, to release ourselves to the experience, is a near impossibility. For those who can, that's the ultimate. For those who can't, like me, well .. there are answers that give our rational mind something to chew on while the rest of our being experiences our global and racial ascension from third density to fifth.

That's never been done before, in all of the Universe - for an entire race of beings to raise themselves from 3rd to 5th, along with their planet, while remaining in their physical bodies. In essence, bringing spirituality more fully into the body, and upgrading the body to accommodate that much light, that much energy. Merging our human being with our other aspects, with our galactic brothers and sisters, with the celestials, with All That Is. Being, in physical, who and what we really are. Remembering and living as the multi-dimensional beings that we are. It's a very special time, and a continually unfolding process. It's what some refer to as "bringing heaven to earth" and it is very real.

Also, having some "answers" gives us something to look forward to. They are ideas, thoughts, dreams, intents, potentials, possibilities, that aid us in creating a completely new reality, one based on completely new premises and desires and systems than we have experienced in this third density reality. They help us get the juices flowing for the kind of world that we prefer to live in, prefer to experience, prefer to play in. So while there aren't any true answers, there is an opportunity to expand our concepts of what's possible, and that is a very good thing. What kind of world would you like to live in? Personally, I agree with the ideas I've seen through posting on sites like The 2012 Scenario, so I incorporate those into my own image what what kind of world I want to experience. I hope you too are using all these ideas to determine the kind of world / life you want to experience.

With that in mind, here's Steve's summary of ascension questions and answers: Ascension Q&A, r1 at The 2012 Scenario.


Channelled Comments on Tragedy

The following comes from Steve Beckow at The 2012 Scenario. I will add to this message as Steve posts more comments from the Galactics and Celestials.
A resident of Newtown asked me to request information from channelers on the tragedy and I promised her I would post the responses. Mike Quinsey asked SaLuSa to impress upon him an answer and here’s what Mike has forwarded. I’ll add other channel’s comments to this post as they come in.
See also "Senseless Tragedies", posted December 14, 2012.

From a conversation between Steve Beckow (SB) and Archangel Michael (AAM) through Linda Dillon, December 17, 2012:
AAM: It was a tragedy in Newtown, and it was a sacrifice of innocents, both children and adults. And yes, there is divine purpose that comes out of this. Was it a planned action on our part? Absolutely not, that is not the way we operate. It was the action, yes, of a very deranged, ill, dis-eased individual. It was not the act of the cabal. They are in far too deep containment to ever effect such a strike.

Let us talk about the meaning. And the Mother has talked about this also. It is time for all of humanity, east, west, north, south, to come together as one community. And this atrocity, this killing of children needlessly, brings to the forefront what is taking place on your planet.

The beings of Newtown, Connecticut, and this emotional energy, have acted and do act as a surrogate and a catalyst for the human race to come together and say, “No more,” that the slaughter of innocents is not acceptable in any realm.

And what that means, dear ones, is it is not acceptable through missile or drone strikes, in neighborhoods, in marketplaces and schools, or anywhere else. It is not acceptable for children to be hit by stray bullets, by gang wars or by drug lords, in any country, in any nation, in any civilization. It is not acceptable for children to die of disease, poverty, hunger, and starvation.

So these bright angels, this soul group has sacrificed and acted as a surrogate. Now, I wish to tell you that all of these angels were well out of their body and already in the arms of the Mother prior to their death. She had already gathered them up.

So it is not just for them that you weep. It is for each other. Because what you are seeing, what you are witnessing, is the pain and suffering that violence does to humanity, to families, to friends, to siblings, to parents, to communities, to neighbors, to nations. And it is all of you saying, “No more!”

SB: If I may intervene, what do you say to people who advocate the right to bear arms in America? What does one say to organizations that think that they’ll fall under somebody else’s rule if they give up their rifles?

AAM: Let me say this, and I do not simply say it to Americans, I say it to all nations that carry weapons to destroy families and friends. I say it to all beings that carry guns or weapons. And I am talking about missiles or chemical weapons.

When you live in fear, then what you create is fear. When you live in harmony and community and unity, that is what you create. Understand, the opening of 11/11 and 12/12 was not simply some esoteric exercise. You have been unified.

And as I have asked you, and as most of you are doing, that grid is to grow and inflame and ignite more and more every single hour, every single minute of every day. It was not just an hour-long exercise or a day-long exercise.

How can you live in unity and love and carry weapons, guns, ready to kill someone you don’t like or you don’t care about? And it is particularly dangerous when you have those weapons available to those who are unbalanced.

And we suggest to you that there is no way to safeguard against someone who is in the throes of a psychotic episode. There is no way to prevent them from getting a weapon if in fact they are available. That is a fool’s belief.

So if you expect harm to come to you, then harm will come to you. It is a time of change, and you cannot build Nova Earth with guns, missiles, and chemical weapons. You cannot do it. It is not possible. Not in any universe, not in any realm.

I had thought, this day, that I would come before you with my blue flame of truth. And I would say to you, “I am laying down my sword and shield,” because that is my desire and creation, and that it would be symbolic for you to understand that these are no longer necessary.

I did not begin today by saying that because I am still using my sword to cut some cords of illusion with some of you, and some of you are feeling exceptionally vulnerable right now. And so I want you to know that I’m also shielding you.

But my sword is also the scepter of truth. It is the staff of wisdom. It is the staff that you can lean upon when you are exhausted. Your guns do not serve that purpose.

Lay down your arms. This I ask of you. And more importantly, lay down your fear.

SB: Thank you, Lord. I don’t mean to single out Americans. I’m more referring to the Constitution and the provision that the right to bear arms shall not be interfered with. But thank you. You anticipated my questions on Newtown, so I’ve had all my questions answered.

From SaLusa and Mike Quinsey:
Hi Steve,

I “asked” SaLuSa to impress me with an answer, and I wrote down that:

Some people are on edge and easily toppled over by the powerful energies coming to Earth. They cannot cope with them and they effectively lose their mind. Such incidents are foreseen and the victims are subconsciously aware that they accepted this exit as part of their life contract. Bear in mind that the greater good can result from such tragedies. Such happenings are tragic in your minds and incomprehensible, but freewill is at the base of them. You can ease the pain by sending out your love to all concerned.

I obviously send as I receive, and my own thoughts are that there must be many incidents of people being unable to assimilate the new energies, but not all turn out to be so devastating.

In Love and Light Mike Quinsey

"The Mother" as received by Linda Dillon
SB: Linda Dillon is currently channeling a webinar on preparing for Ascension. The Divine Mother has just channeled a message.

This is not a word-for-word transcript although it’s very close. We may substitute a word-for-word version when available. But for now here is as accurate a version as we can produce.

Greetings, I am the Mother.

[On the Newtown tragedy] each of these angels – human, child, adult,- have been welcomed into my arms prior to them being injured in any form. (1) …

What I come to address to you is my plan of unfoldment, the unfoldment of One, or Terra Gaia, the restoration of Gaia as she ascends, interdimensionally, into her wholeness, in what you think of as a period of time.

Child, you are extremely important to my heart. I have birthed each and every one of you and you carry the spark of divinity within you and it is beautiful.

Part of the old conditioning of the old Third Dimension has been that you [see yourself as] the most important creation. It has never been hierarchy. This is not simply about your Ascension, your shift, your great awakening. It is about the awakening of all, of Gaia returning to her splendor, of the kingdoms, all the kingoms, returning to their splendor, of unity, trust, forgiveness, being reunited. So this is not simply your journey.

You are accompanied by many including your star brothers and sisters, far beyond what even you can imagine. …

I come to address your role, your purpose, your mission, your participation, because it is pivotal, because your participation, your joining cannot be extracted from this undertaking. It is of a whole.

When we have spoken to you of partnership, it is not simply above and below. It is a partnership of the whole. You are not only welcome and embraced and loved. You are necessary. … it is why you have chosen as Starseed, Earthkeeper and hyrbrid to be on Earth at this time.

So, yes, you may not be alone in this passage, but you are pivotal. Let me speak of divine convergence. On Earth you have this construct that all time that we created and it is very handy is it not? …

Now what I say to you is that there is a time of divine convergence that started with the harmonic convergence that began 25 years ago because we thought that was about the attention span of the human race. Some of you began yesterday. It matters not.

When I speak to you now of the divine convergence, of what you speak of as your timeline and our timeline and, in the middle, the timeline of Gaia herself, there has been a speeding up and slowing down to bring all into alignment so they could converge.

Sweet angel, you have been in this process of awakening for ages. And the human collective has been in the process of awakening for thousands of years.

We shall return to that. What I say to thee is that whether you experience it as a day, a week, a year, dear heart, you are now in the process of Ascension. ….

I came to share reassurance today, I came to share my heart and my love. I came to tell you that as you are taking the hand of your neighbor I am taking your hand. You do not walk alone. You never have.

But now you are becoming consciously aware of this. I have always been with you. I am not going anywhere. I will hold each of you in reassurance, love and compassion until whatever it takes to say “Mother, I am ready. Mother I am home.”

Go with my love, go with my joy and peace. That is all you need. And it has always been yours.


(1) Everyone’s moment of death is known. When a person approaches the moment of death, if the process of death is to be painful, the soul can be removed from the body immediately before that moment. So, if a person is to die in a traffic accident, they can be removed from the car immediately prior to the accident. The Divine Mother here tells us that the victims of the Newtown shootings did not suffer but were removed from their bodies immediately before the tragedy happened.

Matthew as received by Suzy Ward - December 15, 2012
Stephen Cook: Matthew sends us all a special message about the ‘purpose’ behind the Newtown tragedy…

While some readers may be surprised (or even shocked) to hear Matthew say that this event, like many others, involved individual soul contracts created to make more of us ‘wake up’, you only have to look at the way people across the world are responding and now determining to prevent such tragedy from happening again.

This is ‘the positive ripple effect’ of real love in action. As President Obama said today: “‘‘We can’t tolerate this any more,’’ he said. “These tragedies must end. And to end them, we must change.’’ We are!

Steve Beckow: SaLuSa and Matthew have now commented on the Newtown tragedy. Blossom has said she may comment as well this week. Please see this as their response to our request for comment. They have not remained silent when asked to share with us on the matter.


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew to speak about the recent shooting at a school in the United States.

To consider this as a singular horrifying event is to miss the purpose of all those who agreed to be involved—the shooter, the little children and the adults who died, their families, the entire community.

Their soul level agreement to participate in their respective roles was for the higher good of all humankind, and the participants who are in Nirvana are rejoicing about the agreement’s success.

The massacre’s profound message, now ingrained in the collective consciousness, is that the human heart and mind no longer can be inured to killing, killing, killing, no longer is humankind willing to endure it! The shock and grief in Newtown, Connecticut, shook the world and unified people in an outpouring of prayer for everyone affected by the tragedy.

For many years the abhorrence of similar inexplicable acts of violence has been registering with increasing strength in the collective consciousness. A powerful occurrence—the shooting of those youngsters in school—was needed to solidify the collective desire into the intention to end senseless killings everywhere.

And the intensity of high vibrations that are affecting everyone in your world is expanding that intention to include all preventable deaths—international wars, genocide, “legal” execution, and starvation and disease in the impoverished populace.

Your extraterrestrial helpers are permitted to beam light to all souls on Earth, which increases conscious and spiritual awareness of those who are receptive, but they cannot intervene in situations that are within your ability to change if you so desire.

You have the ability and desire to prevent deaths due to those aforementioned causes. Now that there also is the collective intention to do so, you shall see killing and life-taking deprivation coming to an end and peacefulness and abundance worldwide coming to fruition.

We and all other light beings throughout this universe are adding love-light to yours to help comfort all whose hearts are broken, not only in Newtown, but everywhere on Earth where families are grieving for loved ones who have been killed.

Love is the key to healing your whole world.

The Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele:
The energy at this time is extremely high and there are many who cannot absorb or integrate it. Because of this they find themselves unable to function in their normal way of dealing with life and their personal discords are accelerated. He was very confused, acting out on what up to now were only bizarre imaginings for him.

Those who ‘died’ are all being cared for and lovingly embrace on this side. They are also sending love to all their families.

This was not a planned event but was the result of one person’s inability to process the new and higher frequencies.

This could well serve the people of the USA to re evaluate their priorities and begin to look within for their safety and security instead of to their beloved guns.

We would like to finish with a blessing sent to all those suffering which is to remember that there really is no death. Each and every one of these dear souls is alive and well and will be seen again.

We are the Arcturian Group

Global Prayer Vigil

The following is a Prayer Vigil orchestrated by James Tyberonn, the globally recognized channel for Archangel Metatron. If you aren't already joined with others in centering peace, love, harmony and grace on our planet at this time, "Tyb" offers a wonderful opportunity. You don't need to go anywhere or even know what to do, you can participate from the comfort of your own home, and the instructions on how to proceed are given - scroll down to the image.
A Time for Prayer

From James Tyberonn, Earth-keeper

Please join us in a Global Prayer Vigil to offer love, healing and support to families, friends and loved ones of the massacre victims in Connecticut today. This heartbreaking, horrific tragedy of violence in truth has victimized everyone, cut short the lives of 26 people, 20 of the slain were children between the ages of five and ten.

Offer Love and Healing....

In addition to the prayers and support to Connecticut, we also include the victims of the tragedy earlier this week in Oregon. We also include those in the slayings in Arizona, The Temple in Wisconsin, Virginia Tech, Columbine and so many others...

...Including the world. The war victims in Afghanistan, the Middle East, North Africa, Israel and the the entire planet ! Humanity must stop killing one another...

It's time to create Peace | Together we can start the process...

Earth will remain in duality, but with the Ascension, and the expansion into 12 dimensions, we now have a greater ability and responsibility to create the New World.

It is time for all souls to join together and use the enhanced energy of the Ascension to create Peace, Harmony and Love.

Our Role ! What's Next? - Co-Creation as Spiritual Warriors of Peace...

Many people have asked...the 2012 Ascension is here...so what's next?

The answer is to create the New World. To become a vigilant creator. To rise into theta vibration, and focus in unity on Love, peace and harmony.

Thought, unified thought in crystalline theta vibration absolutely can change the world, and that is the role of all on the path. That is the next step.

We call on all who meditate, all who have inet radio programs, all who are in spiritual work to organize meditations, and combine them. It is said that 7000 people are enough, in theta state to affect the energy of the planet, to change the course....to become the Spiritual Warriors of Peace, Love & Harmony. By energized collaboration.

The solar winds are the mechanism of the new Earth. Billions upon billions of tons of charged plasma have bathed the earth since the 1987 Harmonic Convergence.

...And this will increase in Solar Maximum through 2013.

This plasma creates an ionic ratio shift that absolutely aids in opening the pineal. The gateway to creation. The crystalline expansion into 12 dimensions allows greater crystalline energy that also assists in theta field access via the pineal.

The tools are here. We are called now to create the shift, and there are enough of us to do it.

The Earth has graduated and it is time for the Spiritual Seekers to take a stand, and create the Ascension of Humanity.

This is what is needed, this is what's next!

Join us for a Global Meditation on Saturday and Sunday, and very night from now until December 21st. At the below times.

Proactively Create the New Earth

"You will never end war by hating war. You will only end war by Loving Peace. Love is infinately more powerful, but you must focus on love, peace and harmony to create them..."

We Invite All beings To Meditate Together
From Where You Are on the Planet
from today thru the 21st of December

Our Focus - Harmony, Peace, Love & Highest Good

Global Meditation
at the 12:12 of the Ascension
Dec 15 - December 21st
Daily for 15 minutes
12 noon and 6 pm, local time

We Warmly Invite All to Please Take Part From Where You Are!
Its not online, not on the internet,
It is etheric... Join us

We Can Change the World ! Mind is the Creator

We Welcome You To Take Part

All It Takes Is Your Time, Twice Per Day

Join in from any place on the Planet

From wherever you are and meditate with us for 20 minutes
at 12 noon your time
and again at 6 pm - your local time..

The energies will unite...

Sacred Meditation Times:
12 noon / 6 pm

Your Local Time...

Just follow the procedure below...
use the Unity Mudra...

12 noon and 6 pm

Thought combined is Amazing...it can create a New World.
We are co creators and the Ascension of the Earth amplifies our abilities !

Simply form the unity mudra and tone the OM and project love, receive the codes and Be United!

• • -- The Process -- • •

The exercise for energy connection, COMBINING OUR FOCAL ENERGIES and Creation of Peace, Love & Harmony:

1. Find a place to set or lie comfortably. Form the Unity Mudra. Use your crystal amplifiers.

2. Tone the OM for 3-4 minutes, then breath very deeply and rhythmically until you reach the theta state (meditative state). All of you should know when you are there. Visualize the pineal opening.

3. Next, visualize diamond light energy coming in through the top diamond crown- the 12th chakra.

4. Send it down through the spine, through each chakra, and to the core of the Earth.

5. Now bring it back up recharging each chakra.

6. Now, visualize being in the centre plane of an octahedron, joined by thousands of like minded Earth-Keepers, Lightworkers and spiritual souls.

7. Visualize the formation (inside the octahedron) of a golden sphere.

Send a wave of Love from the heart chakra into the sphere, and feel Unconditional Love.

Visualize Peace and send it into the sphere.

Visualize harmony and send it into the sphere.

Energize this by feeling these emotions of Joy and Love. Ask for highest good. Charge these into the sphere.

Then visualize this Golden sphere and its Loving energy encapsulating the planet and bathing each human on the earth.

Create individually and in unison the frequency of the New Planet Earth toward the highest good. Toward Love,Peace & Harmony.

~ Tyberonn


Senseless Tragedies

In light of the current tragedy at the elementary school in Newtown, CT, and the all too recent mall shooting in Portland, I thought the following worth passing along.

I find this short piece to be about as well written an explanation as is possible, given mankind's overall current inability to understand life on a cosmic level. You may yourselves benefit from these words, and you may know others who might benefit as well.

My personal request is that we not use these incidents as a reason to go into fear, but rather as a way to see what kind of world we do not choose to create anymore. We have before us an opportunity to turn grief into compassion, rage into understanding, revenge into forgiveness, for all involved, whether we see these beings as victims or as perpetrators. Now is not the time for blame, now is the time for deep compassion and love, for all involved, even more so if you personally know any of the beings involved.

It has been said of similar events in the past, and is all too true now - let us not allow these ones to have died in vain. Let us honor them for showing us what we do not wish to see, for showing us who we do not wish to be. At this time like no other we control what our future will look like, the choice lies before us.

May we join our hearts and intents together not only to assist those transitioning to non-physical as a result of these events, but the families of those victims, others emotionally traumatized though these events, and also the perpetrators and the families of the perpetrators, for the greater good of all concerned.

Thank you for being my partner in this endeavor.

Love to you all, and to all concerned,

- k
The Sudden Death of Children

Tragedy at Newtown, CT. Elementary School
December 14, 2012
Julie Redstone

When it comes to the death of young children, it is a natural human response to ask for a Divine explanation of why God would allow circumstances to exist in which the very young, the very innocent, would die before they have had a chance to live. This question which is so heart-wrenching when illness or birth-defect is involved for which there is no cure or remedy, becomes even more heart-wrenching when a tragedy occurs at the hands of another human being whose motivation appears to be that of deliberately attacking innocence. Such evil is heart-breaking, and there is no explanation of any kind that can sufficiently heal the wound that such loss creates.

For the departing soul – the child who dies suddenly – there are always helpers who assist that soul to make the transition to the higher planes of light. Some souls who die suddenly go through a period of shock and need to be helped through this transition. For those left behind, there is searing grief, confusion, shock, and anger as well as the spiritual understandings that the heart connected with the soul tries to anchor in. These understandings do not remove the pain. Rather, they create a container in which to hold it so that it can be absorbed more gently. Here are some aspects of these understandings:

First, that many souls who die young, in fact most, have chosen, on the soul-level, to live a brief life for purposes only known to the soul. For these, the manner of death is also chosen as part of the soul’s learning. This latter is incomprehensible to the human understanding but known to the soul.

Second, there are certain souls, and they are few, who fall prey to the karma of the one committing violence against them, not because they have planned such a death in advance, but because they get caught up in a wider circle of karmic interactions from which they cannot be extricated. This circumstance is rarer, though it does happen, and in the cases where it does happen, the event of such an unforeseen conclusion to a life is always translated in some unknowable way into an aspect of growth that will appear later on in the soul’s maturation.

Third, there are numerous souls who have volunteered to come to the Earth at this time of transition, who knowingly and willingly have agreed to help by encountering the forces of darkness that are doing battle at this time with expanding forces of light. This battle operates at both a planetary level and within individuals as well, where it may create an internal conflict that becomes more and more virulent between forces of light and their influence on the psyche, and forces of darkness and their influence on the same. Within vulnerable individuals, individuals whose motivations are not firmly enough anchored in the values of the heart due to their heart energy having been covered over by existing negative forces, there can come a time when they lose the small separation that has existed between their own inner experience and the thoughts created by influencing energies. At such times unexpected behaviors may result.

Souls who have come in service may not know in what manner they will engage with the darkness that is present on the Earth, but have volunteered to be here in whatever way will be helpful. They have come for this purpose, to serve the Earth, and on a soul level know that the path of their service will be created within their own individual lives.

For those experiencing the shock and loss that is natural to the human heart in the presence of the violation of innocence, and especially for those whose loss is personal, intimate, and devastating, there is no explanation that will suffice. What is needed above all in this time of pain is the willingness to trust that beyond pain, beyond death, beyond what seems like the power of darkness to create havoc with lives, God is holding all, and it is God’s Divine embrace of love that has allowed souls to come in service in the first place and that will allow the healing that is needed to take place.

May we who share in this tragedy stand steadfastly with the values of the human heart and compassionately with the suffering of its pain, even while we hold trust in the life of the soul and in the goodness of God and of life.

May we bless those who mourn the loss of a precious loved one at this time, and hold them in the light of God’s love.

Julie Redstone
LightOmega dot org


About Shame

Often, in childhood, you have been judged and punished unjustly, but because of your dependence on those who judged you, you accepted it and the wrongful shame it imposed. It was far too painful for you to keep in your conscious mind, and for your own survival you buried it as deeply as you possibly could.

All that “stuff” is now coming up for release, and initially the anger felt for those unjust acts committed against you will appear to be the issue; look deeper and you will find the shame, the disgrace that you felt about yourself for which you cannot forgive yourself.

From "Cry Out Vociferously For Spiritual Assistance and You Will Receive it in Abundance", Saul through John Smallman, December 12, 2012

These words from Saul through John Smallman struck a deep cord within me. In my family, we weren't controlled through anger as many families were, we were controlled through shame. "I'm ashamed of you" and "You ought to be ashamed of yourself!" are words that lived inside me for all of my childhood and most of my adulthood.

For many years I blamed my parents for treating me this way. I first blamed my dad, who was the shaming one, and then my mom for not standing up for me. I came to loathe weak women, for I could see that mom could have intervened, she even told me as much when I was well into adulthood. But really, none of that matters anymore. I've long since realized that in the game of "Who Am I Really?" we set up scenarios like these for their value in showing us whatever we desire to see, behaviors and patterns that we cannot see when we realize that we are the creator of the scenarios. Rather than blame my parents, I appreciate and honor them for playing some very difficult roles in my life. On sSoul levels it wounds a spirit deeply to play some of these adversary roles, and I honor my parents for honoring my request to play out these roles so that I could learn about power and powerlessness.

But that's not the topic of this post. The topic today is the shame itself, as I see many folks who, just like me, believed in, and continue to believe in, shame, both their own and others'.

Shame a powerful emotion, and once accepted as truth, one that allows us to be easily controlled. As we know, or are coming to realize, control over others is a duality concept. Shame is just another form of control-over-others, no less debilitating than physical abuse in it's own way. Invoking shame neither accepts nor appreciates self or other as a sovereign being, as creators in their own right. When we accept shame as a label, we are saying that some one or some thing is more powerful than we are, knows more than we know, deserves love more than we do, and that simply is not true.

An interesting phenomenon has occurred in some of what I will call 'the younger generations'. Many of these children / young people cannot be shamed, cannot be controlled, no matter what we try to do to them. And by "we" I mean parents, teachers, authority figures of any kind, well-meaning though we/they may be. These children know, on deep soul levels, that control-over-other does not serve us in our move toward Unity Consciousness. They are "wired differently" than we of the older generations. They are here behaving in their "unruly ways" to show us that control-over-others is a way of being that we must abandon and replace with the respect of one being for another.

When we treat these children with respect, when we treat them as fellow creator-beings, when we allow them choices, and allow them to experience, through their own choices, the consequences of their behavior, we see what we consider to be miraculous shifts in their behavior. No matter how annoying these children appear to be, rest assured that they are only doing their "job" here on earth, in ensuring that we shift how we deal with each other.

Let's all take a lesson from the training manual for the new generation and dissolve shame, both what has been given to us by others that we've accepted as our own, and that which we try to attach to others. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Absolutely nothing. We are who we are. We've had experiences, and all of those experiences have been of our own choosing. Even when it seems like they weren't.

If you notice feelings of shame coming up (or notice yourself attempting to use shame against others), realize that these are just old patterns, old habits of being, old pronouncement of who we are that we accepted as our own, for our own purposes. There is nothing to be ashamed of. It's time to let shame go. Thank shame for it's usefulness in experiencing that which you chose to experience, then stand in your own power as a creator and release it, now and forever.


Creating From Our Own Dreams

I was reminded today of how insidious our long-held beliefs are. Few people outside lightworker/visionary communities are willing - or even able - to see the opportunities that are brewing on the horizon. Opportunities that in fact are already here, and have been here, but that we have been too blinded by our belief systems to see.

We've been being born into this environment of duality generation after generation after generation. Raised by our parents living in their beliefs, who were raised by their parents in similar beliefs, who were raised by their parents with similar beliefs. Given those numerous generations of perpetuated belief systems, it's truly a wonder that any of us have been able to wake up at all. I can see now why the galactics and celestials are so appreciative of what we've been able to accomplish, given the environment that we have lived in.

The simple truth is that we've been creating according to the dreams of a faction of beings whose main truth is "power-over-other." This is not a "wrong" belief system, it's simply a system that doesn't work for many of us. Those for whom it no longer works have created, are creating, a new environment, a new world, in which power-over-other gives way to power-from-self. We no longer agree to participate in the old system.

The paradox is that power-from-self sounds individualistic, even selfish. But it really is not. Power-from-self is power from our Oneness, indeed, power from the source of all creation. Power-from-self says that we each are responsible for our own creations. No blame, no victimhood, no need for others to perpetrate crimes against us. We stand in our true power as creators and accept full responsibility for our creations.

For the longest time we didn't know that we had that power. We were taught by our well-meaning parents, teachers, mentors, friends, associates, society en masse, that we were powerless. Since all those well-meaning people believed in their own powerlessness, and since we looked to them for our cues about how to live life, we believed it too. Everything that we saw with our physical eyes, experienced with our physical body, heard with our physical ears, confirmed the fact that, yes indeed, we are powerless beings. We learned that the only way to achieve any measure of happiness - fleeting as it might be - is to become powerful ourselves by enforcing our power over others. Sometimes those others were those we loved the most, including our children and our pets. So ingrained in the beliefs were we that we lashed out in vain attempts to gain the power we believed we needed but weren't entitled to.

We were led down the garden path toward lack by believing those that proclaimed to have power over us. They never did. But our belief in that system made it so in our experience.

I'm reminded of the story of the jumping fleas. Once upon a time some ingenious soul put fleas inside a box with a lid, and the fleas' experience was that if they jumped so high they'd hit the lid. Over time they learned how to jump so high and no further, so that they would not hit the lid. Once this behavior was learned, the lid could be removed from the box and the fleas would continue to jump to the level of the lid and no further. They were now "programmed", through their own experience, to jump only so high, even when the lid no longer contained them. Such is precisely where we find ourselves - the lid has been removed from our box, but we are so conditioned that we don't even take advantage of the fact that freedom is attainable, in fact it's all around us.

And so we've been creating all right, we are creator beings afterall, but instead of creating from our own dreams, we've been creating from the dreams of others. We believed that doing so was our only option. We believed that "others" had control over us, and so we created according to the dreams that they created. An entire multiple thousands of years culture was built on this very belief.

That paradigm is over. We created it, we lived it, we experienced it, and we perpetuated it within ourselves and each other. And believe it or not, we learned from it.

Now we've determined that that particular game has run it's course. We no longer need to live under the false belief of our powerlessness. Little by little we are beginning to embrace our inherent powers to create, and in doing so, realizing that we have the freedom - if we choose to accept it - to create according to our own dreams. The lid is off the box and a fair number of us now realize that.

The sad truth is that we've always had this power, it is inherent in who we are. But we didn't know that, and if someone had been foolish enough to tell us otherwise, we would have scoffed at them. Even now, with many of us realizing this fact, we still have trouble letting go of the fears that we accepted inside that other belief system.

Like our friends the trained fleas, the beauty of being creator-gods is that we can continue to believe in our powerlessness, continue to create inside another's dream, if we choose to do so. We can continue to pretend that there's a lid on the box, even when there isn't. But that old paradigm no longer exists, so why give power to it? Why not instead realize that there are many many many other humans who are beginning to create from new dreams, their own dreams, of what life on earth can look like when lived from Unity Consciousness rather than from Duality Consciousness.

So this is what the work is currently. Shifting our entire race from believing in their powerlessness, to believing in their powerfulness.

As we each create inside our own dreams, we can count on Law of Attraction to bring us into alignment with others who believe as we do, who want to experience what we want to experience. We create as we wish, allow others to create as they wish, even when it consists of things that we don't wish to experience, knowing that Law of Attraction will sort it all out. We don't have to wish ill to those creating what we do not wish to experience, all we need to do is remember that their experience has no bearing on us, if we don't choose it to. They create according to their wants and desires, and we do the same. No harm no foul. Win-win.

It can take a leap of faith - sometimes an enormous leap of faith - to begin creating from dreams that we've been told for thousands of years were foolish and impossible. It's a leap of faith worth taking. Because if we do not, we'll continue to create inside a paradigm that doesn't work and in truth no longer exists. We are that powerful.

I would ask each individual to consider whether that is what we want to do, to continue to create what doesn't work for us through our inability to open our hearts to what is possible? Now is the time to choose: will we continue to create inside another's dream, or will we take back our inherent power and create from our own dreams?


Duality Has Ended

Duality has ended, all is in readiness for the energies being ushered in starting now, and through the massive and all-encompassing 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 portals.

And so it is. All of us releasing the last vestiges of that which we are not, drawing to ourselves the remembrance of all that we are. Separation is over, it is a time of welcoming our unity. And that includes every thing, every human, every being, every consciousness, literally and figuratively, All That Is - no matter what has transpired in our linear, time-illusive, past.

We drew up this game together, we went through it together, all the while pretending to be separate. But the game of separation is over. Time now for each of us to awaken to our role, our many many roles, in the play called "Separation." We were magnificent! The scenery, the props, the dialogs, the actions and activities, all beautiful, wonderful, and exciting in their ability to allow us to experience that which we longed to experience - being Not God.

That time is over. It is now time to experience As God, to take our place as the creator beings that we all are, and to recognize each other as such.

Time further, to accept our own congratulations and appreciation for having taken on what we took on, for having achieved the result that we set out to achieve. To be the leaders that we have always been, paving the way for the rest of humanity to awaken to their unified creator roles as well.

But that implies a recognition that, no matter what role(s) we played, no matter what role(s) we identified with, neither we nor anyone else is their role. It's time to give that up. It wasn't true then, and it isn't true now, we just pretended that it was. The ruse is up.

If you're still finding it hard to allow everyone to be exactly as they are, bruised, battered, broken yet magnificent, no matter what they did or appeared to do, no matter how cruel, hard-hearted, or despicable, perhaps these words from The Council of Nine through Tazjima will aid. They are, truly, words for the ages.

The Council of Nine — Entrance into a New World
9 December 2012, through Tazjima

We are the Council of Nine. And we have come today to give you greetings: You have entered into the new world!

Ah, yes… the same houses, trees and gardens line the street when you look out your window. There are the same wires hanging across the way, the street lamps, the vehicles, the same clouds as the day before, but we tell you this – you have entered the new world nonetheless. Were you expecting to be somewhere else?

It is actually a case of being some One else than actually going anywhere. Your earth is now able to hold the energies of 2D to 10D and so your physical bodies are adapting to new sensations. Just last night before going to sleep, our scribe felt her feet tingling almost like they were in the process of disintegrating, buzzing and just feeling odd. Today those feet look the same to her; her body has not changed its appearance as yet.

In the recent messages from Aisha North her group has stated that your bodies are going to be giving you mixed signals of distress in the next days. Our scribe has found this to be quite an accurate interpretation of what is going on, without knowing quite where this is all going. It is a time to trust Spirit as you move into the higher vibrational worlds and rediscover what it is to be human, to still be in a physical body that you thought was designed to exist only in the third dimension. Your body is in the process of adjusting to being more ephemeral, less dense than before. Its energies are spreading out and adjusting to the lack of pressure from the element of time. With practice you will be able to change your body’s appearance, but not quite yet, as you are still in the process of adjusting to the new “feel” of the energies.

We understand that some lightworkers believe there needs to be disasters and catastrophes to announce the advent of the new world, but we tell you that those events are no longer necessary. We are here to let you know that while there will be necessary adjustments on the part of your mother, the Earth, that humanity on the whole has adjusted enough in their collective attitude to make the long prophesized “events” of the Shift totally unnecessary. This will prove to be a disappointment to some for there is in some people a desire to be right, to show that some people deserve to suffer through judgments by the Almighty. Why else would all the various sects exist, even among those ranks of the lightworkers and starseeds who have come to this planet to save it and its people from destruction?

We ask you now: Where is your compassion? Where is your humanity? Can you not see that even the smallest and most humble of beings upon this planet is worthy of God’s love? Why can you not love them, the forgotten ones? Why can you not love those who are deemed by some among you as the scum of the earth, the traitors to your cause, the ones who have forsaken family and friends? Why can you not forgive those who have “hurt” you, who have taken away your home, your belongings, your health, your children, and your freedom? Do you really believe that a part of God can harm another part of God? Are you so sunk in the illusion of duality that you cannot see that you have bought into, at least temporarily, the conditional aspects of duality – that there is actually limitations, that there is something and someone to fear, that other parts of God can destroy you and all that you are?

We have come to remind you that you are a part of God, a part of those who have created you and now it is time to remember that as being real. Your body is the first bit of yourself to begin to experience this new sensation of being a part of the Whole. Your mind and thoughts must adjust to this new sensation, too. We tell you that it is a part of remembering who you truly are, a child of the most High, and a creator god in training. It matters not what name your God takes or even if you believe in gods; you are the extension of your soul who is undergoing a re-union to those other parts of yourself and that includes everything and everyone whom you see around you.

You are now in the process of returning to your true state of being; you are in the process of being more than you have ever been able to be in the delusional and temporary state of being of experiencing duality. Remember, dear ones, your soul sent you into duality to learn from the experience of being separated from Source. Now you are in the process of returning to Source, but you don’t have to go anywhere but be where you are now, on a small but sacred water planet at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy somewhere in a huge Universe, which is only a small portion of All That Is. Your neighborhood is about to get bigger.

We understand that there are those among you who will insist, at least for a while, still that some among your ranks should be punished for their acts against the rest of humanity. We remind you that you are One being. You cannot punish your finger for acting irresponsibly and expect the best of your body not to experience the pain of being separated out. Each of your souls agreed to send portions of themselves into this “lower” world as extensions of themselves, in order to learn what it is to be separated from Source, to experience what it feels like to experience the illusion of being able to believe that you are no longer connected, that you are no longer loved and that you do not deserve love from anyone, including what you believe is yourself.

We remind you that this temporary state of delusion, this form of madness is now ended. Duality is coming to an end; it has come to an end. Now it is time for all the soul extensions as it were, to wake up to the fact that the play has come to an end. The cycle of duality is over for this particular little planet. You are now in the process of moving into a cycle of reunion with Self, all the bits of self that thought for so long while submersed in the fields of duality that they were separate. You are not separate; you have never been separate. In some way humanity has just completed experiencing a state of schizophrenia; you are now in the process of coming out of that particular state and emerging into the light of sanity and the reunion of self with Self. You are all a part or portion of a Great Soul. And now you will be able to experience the re-union with that Soul as you undergo these next days, weeks and months of renewal of spirit.

We feel that once you begin to intuit what is happening to you, around you and through each of you, that the people of this planet will begin to let go of their fears. There will be a period of necessary adjustment as it has been some “time” in what you believe and understand as linear time that many of you have been in a deeply hypnotic state believing that you had no power to change what you saw as the collective insanity of the world. This state has been the result of a collective nightmare, one that is now ended. You, as a people, as one being, are now in the process of waking up from that nightmare. Yes, we understand that there are still those among you who will insist that the nightmare is real and to be feared, that there is someone or something “out there” to be feared and hated. Yet, again, we remind you that there is nothing “out there” that is not a part of you. All of you are one being. That includes every creature, every stone, every blade of grass, every ethnicity, every “nation”, every religion there is on the planet and beyond. The time of xenophobia is over; the time to reunite with each man, woman and child… and creature… and the planet is Now.

It will take “time” to learn to translate the new language and energies of this place that each of you have entered, some well prepared and others completely confused and frightened. We encourage those of you with more open minds to assist your neighbors and friends to help them rediscover the sensation of not being limited to being what they thought they were for so long. The horizons in this new world are vast indeed and it will take some adjustment to the lack of limitation; however, we know that you are, at heart, a creative and dynamic species of being and will take eagerly to the new “waters” in which you find yourself now. And on the way, you will discover and meet other portions of yourselves that you have forgotten about, your galactic and intergalactic neighbors, the celestial beings and the ascended masters who have graduated from duality long ago and who are now here to assist you in adjusting to the new environment in which you are discovering that you have entered, all unknowingly, due to the movement of cycles and the journey home of the soul.

You are Home and you will discover that your home is a very big place, one that has plenty of places and beings to explore, new things to understand and incorporate into your awareness. We know that you will enjoy the new possibilities and challenges that lie before each of you; at least once you have become more acquainted with the new sensations and ways of beingness that will expand before your still very physical eyes. In time, your senses will expand and you will delight in the new ways to experience the world that surrounds you. You are now in a living dream, one that encompasses the vastness of inner and outer space. Let your imagination soar. Learn to play together, again. We know that as your awareness of your new world expands, that you will re-member your true unity and discover a new purpose in life, to find a way to live as one people with all that you encounter.

Remember dear ones that dates on a calendar cannot define what is beyond comprehension. Do not attempt to limit creation through your thoughts. You cannot re-create duality for each of your souls has collectively determined that the cycle of experiencing duality is over. Move on beyond your fear and relax to the new experiences that will naturally unfold before you in the fullness of the eternal Now. We believe that you will enjoy the journey once you find your feet again.

Go now with our warmest love and blessings as you move along on your first tentative steps. You are but babies, reborn and will have to learn to walk, live and explore in this new world that you have all entered together. You will find that you will forget and forgive those differences that have kept you apart from your neighbor as you discover the new wonders that lie before you. The horizons are vast; the opportunities great. Be at peace and be kind to yourselves. Allow your bodies and minds to readjust to the new sensations that will encompass your awareness. We know that you will be pleased to be, once more, a conscious part of the wholeness that is creation.
Go in peace and know that you are loved more than you know, and that each of you are worthy of that love. Namaste.

Thank you, beloved Council of Nine.

Copyright © 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.


What Will You Choose?

As we approach that crucial date, 12-21-12, nearly every individual - even the not awakened or not fully awakened - seems to be pondering the question "what will happen?"

The quantity and variety of differing opinions is overwhelming, or can feel that way. There are armageddon, end-of-the world scenarios, nothing-unusual-is-happening scenarios, everything-is-changing scenarios, instant utopia scenarios, and every possible permutation in between.

Given the myriad of opinions, what is the truth? How does one discern what's really going to happen - or not happen - on that date?

Would it surprise you to know that, in my opinion, there is exactly zero possibility of discerning the truth of this date / event? There is no one-size-fits-all truth to be had. At no time in the recorded history of humanity has there ever been a time when it was so obvious that the absolute truth of a thing cannot be determined. Why is that?

Because at no time in our current lifetime has it been so clear that each of us, both individually and as a group consciousness, create our own reality. Really. Fully, completely, and absolutely.

So perhaps the question before is not "what will happen" but "what will you choose?"

Will you choose to participate in an earth scenario that has humanity being annihilated? Probably not, or you wouldn't be on a timeline of experiencing the influx of new energies, and certainly wouldn't be reading an article like this. You'd be fully engaged in fear, and probably already participating in a reality in which the earth is undergoing an end time that includes mass destruction.

Will you choose to experience instead a gradual unfolding of a shift in consciousness, where life carries on pretty much like it always has, with a slight shift more toward love, appreciation, and cooperation, but that still includes fear, lack, and competitiveness? A place where it may take another couple hundred years or so to reach the higher mass consciousness of a utopia?

Will you choose to leave earth entirely, shifting the focus of your experience to the larger galaxy, perhaps aboard a galactic ship or on another planet?

Will you continue on here on earth as a higher dimensional being, welcoming the galactics as your brothers and sisters, creating instantly, evolving a new earth as a fully aware, abundant, free, cooperative world?

Or will you choose some other experience entirely?

The choice is yours, albeit a choice that will be made at the Soul level. Are you aware enough of you Soul Self to be able to make that decision consciously, while still encased in a human body?

If you find yourself confused by all the different stories of what might happen, all the different opinions - including this one! - remember that it matters what you choose. There is no absolute scenario. There are as many possible earth timelines as there are beings interested in being associated with earth. Which one suits you the best? Which one makes you joyful and happy? Which one gives you the greatest opportunity to examine and experience and be, who you really are?

What will you choose?


A Reminder About Allowing

I really loved this message from the Arcturian Group through Marylin Raffaele. It's one more explanation of what we're going through physically and emotionally, and reminds us to focus on simply allowing rather than attaching significance to these clearing and expansion experiences. That's often easier said than done, but the more reminders we have, the more likely it will be that we'll recognize what's happening in the moment and be able step out it. Similar to any other long trip that's taking us to a beloved destination, the further we go the easier it gets.

The Arcturian Group Message – December 1, 2012
As channelled by Marilyn Raffaele – December 1, 2012

Dear ones, again we come to greet you in this powerful time of change and new birth–the Christ (Light) is being born each day in the stable of individual consciousness when it becomes humble enough to let go of ego (the sense of a self separate from Source).

It is a time on earth in which many are now questioning the status quo. Awakening souls empowered with truth are asking serious questions of those pretending to have all the answers.

Many of those (not all) elected into both religious and governmental positions of power, work only for themselves and their friends and not for the people who elected them. This has happened because much of the world has been out of touch with their intuition, their inner guidance system. Living wholly on a third dimensional mental level, they believe whatever is told them by those seeking votes.

It is a new time, a new energy, and new awareness is manifesting in each moment. You are graduating and are now beginning to realize that you are in charge, you vote your leaders in or out of office which most recently came to light, when you did not elect the candidate representing old and finished energy, but instead followed your intuition to re-elect the one who best represents an energy of oneness.

This came as a great shock to those who believed that they were in control of the outcome as has happened in the past, but the Light of your awakening dear ones, prevailed for in the presence of Light, there can be no shadow.

Begin to honestly question your own personal motives when choosing leaders-spiritual or governmental. Are you choosing those who will keep the status quo because you are comfortable there or are you electing those who simply reflect your own personal concepts and beliefs which may be very biased and old? Do you realize the good of the whole in your voting choices?

As enlightened individuals you will vote what is best for the world–for nature and all life forms, not just what a select and comfortable group believes is best for their bottom line while spouting that it is for the universal good. Begin to trust and honor your inner guidance on these issues for you are now ready to step into a higher sense of self, one empowered with truth and Light.

You see, Light and Its manifestations are for and within all, not just a select few and it is this truth that is coming alive within the consciousness of so many at this time. When truth births within the prepared soul, it activates an intense examination and questioning of one’s whole belief system which then in turn activates the clearing of the mental body and all associated false concepts. This may cause the individual to experience intense guilt regarding actions taken in the past while in a previous state of consciousness.

Release any guilt regarding the past in your journey of evolution dear ones, and honor yourselves for any past decisions because they were done from your highest awareness and state of consciousness at that time. If you as an awakened soul with an awareness of truth were to make these same choices now, then it would be inappropriate because you would not be living out from your highest attained state of consciousness.

Many are presently feeling emotional upheavals and wonder why. Negative emotions coming out of the blue indicate the clearing of the emotional body. One can suddenly be depressed, angry, sad, and even suicidal for no apparent reason. Please understand that it is necessary to clear all accumulated energies of duality and separation because you cannot take them with you into the new and higher. Emotional energies are frequently re-experienced as they move through the energy field and release.

The important thing is not to accept these energies as personally yours, pulling them back in, claiming them as real, and running to a doctor for mood altering drugs. Drugs will only slow or even stop the whole clearing process which must be completed at some point if you are to move ahead. Source never manifested Itself as negative emotions, they are impersonal– you simply accepted them as real through the experiences and beliefs of many lifetimes, and then stored them (some very deeply) in your emotional body.

You are now ready and evolved enough to let them release through seeing what it is you are believing that is manifesting as them. Try not to give them any power for there is no law to support, sustain, or maintain them.

Also clearing are old cellular memories stored within the physical. Many of you are experiencing very odd and unusual symptoms–some painful, some bizarre, and some just plain weird. Rashes, aches and pains, extreme exhaustion, ears ringing, buzzing,nausea, headaches. Occasionally an individual will actually relive the experience that is clearing. Try not to resist dear ones, make yourselves comfortable as you can but rejoice in the realization that you are shifting and evolving on all levels and that higher dimensional energies are integrating with each release of the old. There will come a time when all the clearing and releasing is finished.

Try not to move into fear, for all you who read and understand these messages are undergoing a clearing the old in preparation for the new and it is different for every individual depending upon their past life collection of energies. This process can be difficult if you are surrounded by friends, and family who may not understand what is happening and keep telling you that you are not taking care of yourself. Trust your intuition dear ones, and if guided to go to a physician for some help or assurance then go, for fear or resistance simply acts to make a power out of these experiences.

What we are trying to convey in this message is that the experience of clearing and releasing old physical, emotional, and mental energy must be recognized for what it is. Lovingly send light to those areas of your body that are giving you concern. In meditation speak to your cells telling them that is it time to allow in the Light of the Divine blueprint and release all that is old, false, and finished as well as any medical beliefs of inheritance.

If you are tired, lay down. It is resistance to say; “I will rise above this” or “I hate this” etc. etc. for when you do that, you are giving power to something that has no power which is the definition of duality and separation. If one finds oneself in the grip of fear regarding some physical situation, it may be better to simply go see a doctor, while still holding to the truth , within. This allows an individual to acknowledge the illusory nature of appearances but at the same time recognize that he has not yet attained that state of consciousness. This is not a ticket to go backwards, but a way to take the sting of power out of certain experiences.

Keep these truths silently and sacredly within your heart, sharing them only with those of like mind, for many on earth are choosing to leave the planet now, and others need more experiences of the third dimensional sort before they are ready to evolve. These dear ones would only be confused by this information.

You see, spiritual evolution is a journey into the trust that comes of knowing – The I that I am knows where I need to be, knows what I need, and how to get me there.

I am that I have been seeking–always have been and always will be.

We are the Arcturian Group 12/1/12


Again Defining Ascension

On this site I've posted many times what the word "ascension" means in the context of what's happening on the planet currently. It's time to do it again. While I have myself defined it many times, I found that these few paragraphs from Sandra Walter at Creative Evolution summarize pretty well what ascension means.
Ascension is not about leaving the planet, getting rescued by off-world brethren or flying up into heaven. It is not about watching the Shift unfold online, or waiting for the external world to provide evidence of inner change. Ascension is a conscious choice to engage in evolution.

When consciously activated, the Ascension process affects every aspect, level and layer of a person’s beingness. The physical, emotional, mental, egoic and spiritual structures undergo acute transformation, evolving to meet the demands of a higher level of consciousness.

The Awakening Phenomenon is one of the more impressive effects of the Shift. Amidst the external changes – political, social, financial, spiritual, solar and planetary - people encounter profound internal change due to the ascending frequencies. This heightened awareness returns wisdom, knowledge and a connection to divine aspects of the Self which had been dormant for thousands of years.
This ascension is about welcoming Soul Essence into the body. Becoming the fullness of who we are, while still maintaining a physical body. Having the body physically evolve in astounding ways while still inhabiting it.

It's an astoundingly beautiful process, and the result even more profound. Being aware of this process comes with its responsibilities, but it also comes with profound honor. To be able not only to experience it, but to know we're experiencing it, to welcome and cherish the experience .. well, there just aren't words to describe what a profound honor that is.

I would add that this process is enhanced by conscious choice, but doesn't require conscious choice. Just because our family, our friends, and/or our associates don't have a clue about the ascension process doesn't mean they aren't being affected by it. They are!

It's like the air we breath. The air we breath is shared by all of us. It's the same air no matter who we are or where on the planet we are. Some of us realize how crucial conscious breathing is, others just breathe and don't think twice about it. So too, some of us realize what's happening as the Earth and Humanity ascend, and some don't. Others couldn't be bothered if they did know.

Think of it this way: One doesn't need to know how a car operates, or be able to build one or repair one, in order to drive one. It helps, especially when there's a breakdown! but is far from necessary. Some of us "hold the space" for those in our lives, and in the world, who are not aware. Be assured that no individual will be left behind who chooses, at the soul level, to move into the ascension. The purpose of this site, and many many others, is to support those who are consciously aware of it, and choose to move forward from that awareness.

Here's more from Sandra, taken from her article "Facing the Unknown at Zero Point."
Facing the Unknown at Zero Point
by Sandra Walter, Creative Evolution, November 28, 2012

I described how a vortex works in my eCourse last week; how the Earth is passing through the smallest part of the hourglass right now. We get the galactic squeeze for a few more months, with the big push on December 21.

Besides the chaotic effect it has on our schedule, it also provides a brilliant possibility which we have been waiting for a long time. A blink to the Milky Way, or 300,000 years for many of us.

This galactic squeeze creates a few unique experiences:

• Diminishing Magnetosphere – different frequencies of light penetrate the planet and everything on and in her being
• Dimensional overlap – aka thinning of the veils, aka Astral collapse, aka global warming
• Rapid Evolution aka Jump time
• Dimensional Shift – if you’re on a planet ascending her frequency to birth a different experience. And we are.

Ascension is the Evolutionary step unfolding on this planet

Everyone must eventually match the platform (frequency/dimension/experience) to which Gaia is shifting, or you can’t exist here. No judgement, it is what it is. This particular Shift holds a few magical elements, and for those who consciously choose to use this window of opportunity, the experience can be miraculous.

It’s time for no time: braving new Zero Point territory without a map

Zero Point is the underlying energetic of absolute interconnected stillness from which all experiences are born. It’s the glimmer of clarity when the mind stops creating a false reality. It’s the presence of all that is; infinite and neutral, awaiting a thought to create something from its boundless state of possibility.

The illusions of a dense vibration are dissipating as we reach Zero Point. Time wobbles, speeds up, slows down and gets very funky during a dimensional shift. Least valuable gift for the holidays this year: a watch.

The very planet we love and live on is utilizing the dynamics of the galactic squeeze in December to create the Brand New. For those who choose to create an experience in alignment with where the Shift is going, rather than be at the mercy of evolution, it’s time to face the bold unknown on the 12-12-12.


Why do this?

To free yourself from Illusion. To serve HUmanity and Gaia in an incredible way. To bring harmony, divine wisdom and unconditional love onto this planet. To know your true Self and embody the highest aspects of your I AM Self. To merge with your 5D/6D Self and walk between worlds. To show others what is possible, and assist them as they evolve. To BE the REturn of the Christ.

Thanks to The 2012 Scenario for above torus image.

Update: In re-reading this piece, I realize that I've left something out. I should add that it's about ascension from one perspective: what happens to get us to and through the ascension moment, the zero-point of reaching the Galactic Center, the ending of third density as an option for this planet. What happens after that is another soul choice.

Some of us (I count myself among this group) will continue on in a human body to both aid and assist others in continuing to raise their vibration, and at the same time to manifest in physicality the New Earth. There are infinite paths for this option, as there is not just one New Earth being created.

For others, their mission as a human moving toward planetary and racial ascension will be complete, and they will move on to whatever is their next desire or assignment. It truly is as if we're graduating from college. Some will move on to yet higher education, some will go to work, some will take time off, and every variation in between.


Last Chance Sale! Everything Must Go!

An image crossed my mind recently, about all the "stuff" that's coming up for a lot of us. Even those of us who aren't aware of ascension, or the Shift, have been working for years at clearing away karma and negativities and fears and all sorts of other lower vibrational feelings.

It's shocking, frustrating, and even hurtful to think that we've been clearing, clearing, clearing, and clearing some more, and we still have stuff that comes up that we have to deal with. In some cases, and/or in some areas of life, it's the worst it's ever been. The thought comes to mind, "Come on already! Haven't I gotten through this yet?" The answer to that is obvious. If it's in our face then, no, we haven't cleared it yet. So what the heck is going on?

What's going on is that the illusion of 3rd density, and for many of us even the illusion of duality - which can still occur in 4th, and to some degree, 5th density - is nearly over. Some of us are realizing - on very deep soul levels - that very soon we won't have to pretend anymore. For now, for what short time remains between now and 12/21/12, we're still agreeing to play the game. But come that date, the one we've agreed on as the final curtains on this game of third density, that illusion will be gone. Gone for those of us who wish it to be gone, not necessarily gone for everyone. For there is always the opportunity for people to continue to pretend that the old game of duality and separation exits. If that happens we can know that they aren't quite done with the experiences of duality.

And for now, neither are we. There's precious little time left in the agreement to abide by the veil. Which means there's precious little time left to examine the choices that we've made under that illusion. Once we are free of the agreement to play in that reality, we are free to let go of all of our thoughts and beliefs associated with it. So it's as if we're closing up shop, building a new shop behind the scenes, and selling off all the stuff that isn't appropriate for us to bring from the old shop to the new. We're having the mother of all clearance sales!

On a soul level, which is the only real level of decision-making for us as individual consciousness, we know we're about to move into the new shop, so we're working to get the very most value out of what we had in the old shop. The old shop wasn't bad, it was it's own experience. People came and went, goods came and went, experiences came and went, and now it's time for us to move on.

But while the old shop - or game - persists, we're milking it for every last ounce of growth and experience that we can. I see myself standing at the picture window of the huge shop that I called "me" (which is really "my belief systems" in this lifetime and others) in this game of 3rd density. It's as if I'm shouting out to all the Universe, "Last chance! Everything must go!" and that includes all the pain, agony, suffering, abuse, lack, anger, resentment, jealousy, revenge, victimhood, and whatever else is left from all the experiences and decisions that I made in my shop.

When I look closely I realize that nearly everything is gone - sold off, given away, or tossed - and the cleaning has been going on in earnest for some time. The broom of shifting consciousness has cleared out the heaviest layers of grime, it's only the stuff stuck deep in the corners, cracks, and crevices that is left. But that stuff is dug in pretty deep, and it takes some scrubbing to get it out. Scrubbing doesn't generally come without a degree of effort. But it's worth it. I look forward to being able to drop completely this challenging game that we've played together for so long. It truly is time. I can't wait to introduce you all to my new shop, and I cannot wait to see yours!


An Example of Standing for What We Believe In

Here is, to me, a very touching and heart-affirming story about the respect that we each, as spirit-in-human, deserve from each other. Marquess Wilson, a star player for the Washington Cougars, has decided to leave the program due to the way his coach(es) treat the players.

In the US, a decision like this is almost unheard of. Football on this continent is considered one of the ultimate "man's man" games, where all manner of verbal and physical abuse is not only tolerated but expected. It is, we have believed, what we must do to create "winners." In the past, a player doing something like Wilson did would be considered the ultimate in cry-baby behavior, and said player would be scoffed at and ridiculed. It's heartening to note that, while many people disagree with his decision, there was very little fall-out in the manner of direct ridicule and condemnation.

I'm particularly impressed with how respectfully this young man presented his reasons for leaving the program. He stated his feelings and his reasons without resorting to whining, rage, or name-calling. He respectfully stated what works for him and what does not, talked about his sadness over the issue, about his hopes for change, and finally, what he personally chose to do when no other alternative seemed possible. To me, his is a real-life example of taking responsibility for one's own reality - when it doesn't work we move on to something that does. We might state our reasons if we need to do so, or feel that it might help change a situation that we don't agree with, but ultimately we simply move on while leaving behind what might still work for others.

Wilson issued this statement on Saturday, November 10, 2012:

Dear Cougar Nation:

It is with a heavy heart that I announce my decision to forgo playing football for Washington State University. I realize the school is saying that I am suspended for violating team policies and may return next week, but this is a lie. This is an attempt by the athletic department to cover up what is really happening in that locker room.

It is been a privilege to be a Cougar, to perform on your field and wear the Crimson and Gray. I would like to thank Washington State University for giving me the opportunity to do what I love most, to play football and receive a quality education for the past three years. I'm grateful to the athletic department for the coaching, care and encouragement I have received prior to this season.

This was going to be our year. My teammates and I were aspiring to be the winning team you deserve. Unfortunately for all, the new coaching staff has destroyed that endeavor. I believe coaches have a chance to mold players, to shape men, to create greatness. However, the new regime of coaches has preferred to belittle, intimidate and humiliate us. This approach has obviously not been successful, and has put a dark shadow on this program.

My teammates and I have endured this treatment all season long. It is not "tough love". It is abuse. This abuse cannot be allowed to continue. I feel it is my duty to stand up and shed light on this situation by sacrificing my dreams, my education and my pride. I resign from this team. I am deeply sorry to those I am letting down. I am not a quitter. I was raised by my family, and many previous coaches to exhibit dedication and embrace sacrifice, but there comes a time when one has to draw a line in the sand.

Lastly, I thank my fellow teammates, those who also have left the program this year, and those we are leaving behind. I hope our departure will bring awareness to the physical, emotional and verbal abuse being allowed in the locker room and on the field. I pray for healing and recovery for all those who have been hurt by this treatment


Marquess Wilson

"It is not 'tough love.' It is abuse." A statement for the age of enlightenment if there ever was one. As the group through Steve Rother likes to say, "No more secrets, no more lies." Indeed.

Now Time and Parallel Realities

Often we hear said that "all time is Now time", but that's a hard concept to understand, being tied to time as we are in this reality.

The following channel from "Angelic Guides" is a short but thorough summary on the subject of parallel realities, which lends some understanding to Now time. It's an important topic as we move further and further into our own natural but forgotten abilities as multi-dimensional beings incarnate in a human body. Hopefully this piece will help clarify the subject a little bit.

Parallel Realities

"Angelic Guides" through Taryn Crimi

Today we would like to focus your attention on the topic of parallel realities and the impact they have on your reality. It may be a shock to some of you to learn that there are parallel realities; however there are some of you who are on some level already aware that they exist. What we would like to touch upon today is how you can use them to your benefit. This topic is a very large one and we will be just scratching the surface of the many realities that exist right alongside of you at any given moment.

Firstly, know that there are an infinite number of parallel realities being played out concurrently alongside your own reality. Because you live in a world that is based on a preconceived belief of linear action, you also were taught to believe that you are on just one solid timeline your whole lives. Event A is followed by Event B and so on; however this is not so. You are constantly jumping from one timeline to the next many times throughout the day. The vibration at which you choose to resonate with determines which reality you will experience. But know that every decision that you possibly could make always plays out in infinite ways. Each “you” believes that it is the “real” you and all of the others are simply just possibilities. This really makes no difference as your soul is always aware of the infinite versions of reality which you are concurrently experiencing.

Some parallel realities look very similar to your current lives, and others are very different. Let us give an example to try to help you wrap your minds around just how many infinite versions of “you” exist. Let’s say that you wake up in the morning, you are supposed to meet your friend for coffee before walking to work together. You of course have many options regarding this event; for instance you can choose not to go, you can choose to meet for coffee but not attend work that day, you can also choose to do both. These are just 3 simple options among many others that you can choose from. All of these scenarios are playing out in another reality; you are the one who chooses which reality you will consciously experience. Now think about all of the decisions that you can choose to make throughout the day, where you go, who you speak to, what you do, and so on. Now imagine all of the different choices you could make throughout your lives. Now think of not just this life but all of your past and future lives and all of the choices that you can make. All of these infinite versions of reality are playing out and their purpose is to allow your soul to experience all probabilities.

There are some realities where you choose a different career, a different location, a different spouse and so on. These are the realities which look very different from the one which you are conscious of. Other parallel realities only have subtle differences. There are an infinite number of versions of Earth. There are some in which World War 3 occurs, while there are others which you have chosen to already ascend as a collective, as well as an infinite number of other diverse variations. Many other versions have a very different “past” or history, while others are similar to your version. Know that you always have the ability to shift your attention to anyone of these versions. You do it all day, everyday; however you usually are not shifting to realities which are vastly different from your own.

It’s not that you cannot make drastic changes to your reality, certainly many of you already have. However it is not done in an instant, at least from your perspective. Imagine how confusing it would be if you instantly switched to a very different version of Earth, one where you did not choose the same spouse or live in the same home or work at the same location. It would be too dramatic and it would pull you out of the “illusion” that you are choosing to focus your attention on. After all that is all this reality really is; a very elaborate illusion to allow you to play a very intricate game where you are able to forget who you truly are, where you have come from and all of your gifts and abilities, in order for you to gain a tremendous amount of soul growth from this very unique experience. Because this is the only reality that you are consciously aware of, many tend to lose sight of just how unique and different this experience is. There really is nothing like this in the higher realms; that’s what makes this illusion so interesting.

Many will wonder why they are not consciously aware of these other realities. In the higher dimensions you are always aware of all parallel realities; however the 3rd and 4th dimensions are the only ones which will allow you to focus your attention so intently on just “one” reality that you are no longer aware of all of the other realities which exist concurrently. This was part of the fun; this experience offered such a vastly different experience than any you have ever had the chance to partake in. This was part of the allure. A simple comparison could be the joy you have in reading a mystery novel which captures your attention to the very end. Once you have read the book, you know how it ends; it’s just not the same when you try to read the book again; you can’t just forget how the story ends. This experience on Earth allows you to “forget the ending” so that you can have the pleasure of experiencing the journey. In the higher realms you always see how all situations play out before you actually partake in them.

You can use parallel realities to your advantage now that you are aware of their existence. Know that if you desire to make a change in your lives whether it is a small change or a very large one, the reality in which you have accomplished your desired outcome already exists! So all you have to do is align with that version of reality in which you have attained your goals. You are creator beings and as you begin to consciously partake in creating your reality, the experiences which you can have are limitless. This is when you really begin to have some fun. Remember that everything is energy, and everything resonates at a specific frequency. You must be vibrating at a similar frequency in order to align with that experience. It’s just like your radio, you must tune into the right frequency or as you call it channel in order to hear your desired music station. You cannot experience anything that you do not have a similar vibration to; if you do not want to continue experiencing a particular circumstance in your reality, then it’s time to “change the channel”.

Many of you have gone through so many hardships, so many trying and challenging experiences in order to master your ability to create. This was a choice that you made, you wanted to experience as much as you possibly could. Now you are in the beginning stages of learning how to take control of your lives and consciously create whatever you want. This is the reality that you are now moving into. Yes there are still many other souls who are choosing to remain unaware of their ability to create their reality, but this in and of its self is a creation that they want to experience. You are ready to experience something different or you would not be drawn to this message. You are moving from a reality in which you needed to follow a step by step process to attain your goals, to a reality which you simply need to align with the vibration of the reality you wish to experience. This is how you eventually will experience instant manifestation in the higher dimensions.

It is our hope that by knowing that your goals have already been achieved, and your desires have already been attained in another reality that you will gain the confidence in yourselves to know that not only is it possible but that, that version of “you” already exists and therefore there is no longer any question of your success. This is why we often times say from our perspective you have already attained your goals. We see no separation, no division between “this” you and “that” you. So we implore you to set your feet firmly on the path to your dreams free of doubt; as all of your dreams have already come true!

We hope that this message has in some way served you.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides.

For more information about time, see Taryn's Angelic Guides article "Time Is Just A Marker" on her Angelic Guides website.


About Those Dracos ...

Perhaps the most fearful concept in our world today, especially among lightworkers, the awakened, and the awakening, is fear of those "other worldy" beings that have foisted upon us innumerable and despicable actions, many too horrendous to even talk about. Typically that fear sits upon those we call the Greys (Zeti Reticuli) and the Draconians, races that, as many believe, are the reason our world is in the mess that it's in.

Left to our own devices - we say - and outside the influence of these war-mongering societies, our world would not have devolved into the deep third density place that it is, replete with abuse, rage, oppression, and all manner of atrocities. What that idea fails to take into account, is that "they" are "us" in many ways.

There's no doubt that atrocities have occurred on this planet, and not just in this lifetime but throughout the course of recorded history. It's also no doubt that some of these "other worldy" races perpetrated some of those atrocities. It's also no doubt that humans are quite capable of doing atrocious things to each other with or without outside help. As despicable as many of the atrocities we are aware of on our planet are though, they pale in comparison to what's been happening in our Galaxy, indeed our Universe, almost since time began. Earth is, and we humans are, indeed a microcosm of the greater reality in which we live.

But all is not lost. Far from it. We have the honor and privilege - no matter what our experience of our personal lives is - to be incarnate on this planet at this time, in order to bring an end to the very divisiveness that has created all the suffering, grief, lack, and despair that we have experienced, and to some degree are still experiencing.

This is the time of awakening, the time of setting aside the game of "eat or be eaten". Setting aside our differences so that we can embrace, together, a thrilling new world where differences are not only accepted but appreciated. Even honored. Together we can, we will, and we are, working to rebuild this planet as a place of unity, freedom, appreciation, abundance, health, community, cooperation, and joy. But to do that means letting go of some things that we've been holding onto.

Suzanne Lie, in a quote from one her many channels describing some of the experiences of Multidimensionality, tell us:

... all that resonates to a frequency below that of unconditional love is best released so that you can set free your attachments to your physical reality. Once you are free of the illusions of the third/fourth dimensional world, you can attach your consciousness to the ongoing process of Planetary Ascension. In other words, we ask that the needs of your personal self take the back seat to the needs of your Planetary SELF.

To me that means realizing that we are not victims in any way, ever. Every time victimhood raises it's sad face in our personal reality, the only real option - if we are to embrace Unity Consciousness and a world that works for everyone - is to become conscious of those thoughts and replace them with their opposite.

Paradoxically, the opposite of being a victim is not being a perpetrator, those are really different versions of the same thing. The true opposite of being a victim is being love. It's realizing that every individual, no matter how despicable their actions are or have been, has the opportunity to begin moving toward Unity Consciousness, toward love as a way of being. But in order to do that, a way must be paved. An opportunity, a safe space, a loving space, must be provided for them to see and feel that power-over-others is not as satisfactory a way of being as they had once thought. Without that safe space of unconditional love it is unlikely that such a being, lost as they are in their own habits and beliefs, would ever "see the light". Or perhaps more accurately said, would never be able to feel the light of love.

So who is going to provide this safe space of unconditional love for those who have been deemed "the worst of the worst?" Are the Galactics the ones? Are the Angelics the ones? Are the Ascended Masters the ones? Of course they are, they've been providing that safe space for all of us since this game of third density began. But they cannot do it alone. This is our planet, and we, ultimately, determine what experiences are available here. It is us, in partnership with dear Gaia, who ultimately determine how many humans make it to and past the threshold of ascension. And that is why I find the following from Suzanne so very powerful.

She shows us that factions of a race (specifically the Draconians) that has perpetrated war against an entire Universe can still find their way to the light. It's an amazing and heart-warming story. And it begs the question "If they can do it, why can't we?"

From  Mytre’s Trip to the Mothership Part 12 –
Mytre & Kepier Part 4

through Suzanne Lie
“Dear humans of Earth, we gather here today to release old conflicts that have arisen from the separation consciousness that has invaded your planet. Within this separation consciousness, your society devolved into the polarities of ‘Power-Over Others’ and ‘Power-Within SELF’. The Power-Over Others model creates a reality based on victim and victimizer, conqueror and conquered. On the other hand, the Power-Within SELF mode creates a reality of unconditional love and Unity Consciousness.”

“We have much to tell you about the nature of humanity and how it is interrelated with us, the Galactic Federation of your the Milky Way Galaxy. Your planet Earth has asked to become a member of our Galactic Community. Gaia, the Soul of Earth, has served many fledgling species from many planets and solar systems in our Milky Way Galaxy.”

“Now Earth is ready to ascend into Her fifth dimensional expression. She wishes to take Her inhabitants with Her, and all is ready except for some of humanity. Your present day human is a genetic mix of all the members of the Galactic Federation whom you see seated before you. This genetic mix includes the DNA of those you have considered your enemy, namely the Zetas and the Draconians.”

“In this meeting we will speak about your long relationship with the many different species of the Draconian Race. For millions of years many members of your world have battled for the right to have either Power-Over Others OR Power-Within SELF. These two battles raged for millennia. However, once a being found their Power-Within, they were no longer interested in gaining Power-Over Others.”

“Power-Over Others stems from a powerless, loveless childhood where survival was constantly a challenge as some one or some thing was a constant threat of suffering, injury or inhalation. The Draconian Society, which is a Reptilian world was, and is, based on the challenge of the strong surviving and the weak dying. There was a constant culling of their society so that only the very strong would live to adulthood.”

“They were hatched from an egg that is external to their mother’s womb and left in the sand to hatch. The first ones to hatch fed on the later ones that hatched. Hence, they became strong enough to dominate others. As soon as they had enough strength from feeding on their siblings, they left the danger of their hatching area. Then they sought a safer place to hide and feed until they were big enough to survive outside of their hiding place.”

“Because of this beginning they cared only for themselves and lived their lives in domination of others with no sympathy or concern for the weak. Some of the Dracs prospered and continued living via the means of dominating others. However, something very usual began to happen as they spent more time on Earth. There were also resourceful ones, who were usually the last eggs to hatch. The stronger ones had left, and the animals that fed on the eggs had had their fill.”

“These last ones to hatch were born to a scene of carnage and destruction. Some were so weakened by this vision that they died. However, others were filled with a kind of compassion for their dead hatch mates. The eggs of this group of Dracs had remained buried in the earth longer and had more time to mature within the shell. In other words, they were the first ones laid and the last ones hatched. They had more time inside the egg and inside the earth to mature. Hence, they had less fear when they hatched, as they were stronger when they left their shell.”

“These Draconians eventually banded together and established a secret society in which they could explore their great scientific, metaphysical mind and sense of humor. When this sub-species of Draconians took to the skies in their Starships, they did not do so with the intention of conquering, but with the intention of learning. However, because of their looks they created fear wherever they went.”

“Their plight caught the attention of us, the Arcturians. We could easily see into the thoughts and feelings of these Dracs and knew that they were the key to curing fear and conquest in this Galaxy. The Galactic War had raged on and off for many millennia with the Power-Over Dracs seeking conquest of all they explored. On the other hand, we Arcturians had been mentoring the Gentle Dracs and providing them with a safe environment in which they could come into their full Power-Within.”

“Because these Dracs looked like the conquering Dracs, they could infiltrate the warrior ranks to send us information and assist us to end the Galactic War. They were not happy spying on their own kind, but they did not like to see this devolution of the great intelligence and wisdom of their species.”

“Eventually, these Draconians ascended. They have returned to their multidimensional nature and serve within the Galactic Federation. However, they must constantly face the pressure of prejudice because of the violence of their species. We tell you this story now because they are the key to reaching the many humans who are still influenced and/or ruled by the instinct of their own Draconian DNA located in their lowest ‘lizard brain.’

“These humans live in terror of survival. Hence, they give themselves permission to harm others for the sake of their own safety. Some of these Drac/Humans are the victims of more dominant Drac/Humans. They have become subservient because they have not sufficiently connected with their higher cortical functions which can create a solution to their problems. Furthermore, they have become entrenched in the third dimensional illusions and dogma that have been disseminated to control the masses.”

“This segment of the population of Earth is not ready for Ascension, as they have been unable to move beyond the basic instincts of survival of their own self. The ascended Draconians, who have become members of our Galactic Federation, have learned to care for others in the same manner they care for themselves. In other words, they have learned to embrace love. All humans who can embrace love can accept Ascension.”

“Unfortunately, some humans have been so trapped in fear that they cannot recognize love, much less embrace it. When fear becomes the master, the source of power becomes external rather than internal. When the source of power is external, humans listen to those who wish to dominate. These humans cannot love themselves enough to allow their Higher Expressions of SELF to speak into their Heart/Mind.”

“The ascended Dracs can work within the ranks of the remaining Power-Over Others group, as well as within their enslaved population. Since these Dracs have ascended, they can create any form that is necessary to infiltrate the remaining segments of Earth’s conquer-or-be-conquered societies. These conquerors and the conquered have been locked in mortal combat for millennia and have traded places in many incarnations.”

“Once they have been the conqueror, they must take on a lifetime as the conquered to experience the return of their energy field. If the conquered are unable to find power within, they become fearful again. If they die in fear, they return to the loop of conquered or conqueror. In other words, they must find their Power-Within while they are incarnated in an earth body. This is where the ascended Dracs can be a powerful influence on Gaia’s humans who are trapped in the old story of survival.”

“As you know, just as many of you are direct descendants of the Pleiadians, Sirians and/or Arcturians, many of the dark Ones who remain in power are direct descendants of the Draconians. Many of the Draconian descendants are ready to seek the light, but they do not know how. Who can better assist them than fellow Draconians who have found their Power-Within? Furthermore, who can better heal the victims of the Draconian Rule than the Dracs themselves?”

“No one knows that these Dracs are different from the ones who have dominated them. Hence they think that since the victimizers can change, then they the victims can change too. Also, if the ascended Dracs can convince their human counterparts controlling the media to tell the truth, the masses will have an opportunity for education. Many people have been indoctrinated to believe that the mainstream news is the truth and do not want to confront the fact that it is mostly propaganda.”

“There are many Dracs in human disguise, just as there are many Pleiadians, Sirians, and Arcturians wearing a human form. However, we wish all humans to be free to reveal their ancestry as a spark of their Multidimensional SELF with whom they have merged. The Draconians were once mighty Beings before they descended into the third dimension and got the scent of conquest that devolved them to their animal nature.”

“Dear members of Gaia’s Earth, before we close our message, we ask that you FEEL our presence within your earth vessel. Feel our presence move deeply into your Heart/Mind. Can you notice how our information feels a bit different when it is centered within this hub of communication?”

“Sense how our connection with you is flowing up from your Heart/Mind and into your Brain/Mind to activate your Third Eye. Now, allow your Third Eye to perceive us within yourself as the unconditional love of pure Unity Consciousness. As the Dracs clear the way by assisting the victims and victimizers, we your Galactic Counterparts will be able to appear to you in this manner, which is more vivid than you have ever experienced.”

“Of course, we could have always communed with you in this manner, but it would have put our Ascending Ones into an energy pattern that would have made it too difficult to remain within your earth vessel. Your physical form is your deepest connection to Gaia, and thus, to the process of Planetary Ascension.”

“The calibration of the Ascending Ones with the body of Gaia is vital in order to create the entity of New Earth. Of course, all possible realities are already created within your fifth dimensional NOW. However you need to open a portal, a corridor, into that reality which already exists. This Corridor is best created with your consciousness, as your consciousness is the component of your earth vessel that can best transmute your reality as you move through your Ascension process.”

“What we mean by that comment is that only your Multidimensional Consciousness has the ability to create a higher frequency of reality as it simultaneously pulls your form into that higher reality. Furthermore, you will not be alone during your journey for you have the great mass of Gaia’s body and the Unity Consciousness of the other ascending humans.”

“You, the Portal Openers, are creating passageways from your physical reality into our Arcturian Corridor. All of you are fully dedicated to your Mission of Personal and Planetary Ascension. Hence, you are able to release your physical form to “die” to your physical world and instantly be “reborn” on the already existing New Earth.”

“Those that shed their earth vessel in this manner will go ahead to prepare New Earth for further inhabitants. Some of you will move into the higher planes because your Mission has been completed. These members of our Ascension team took forms to serve as “booster rockets” to open the first Portals. When they have completed their Mission they will move into whichever reality fulfills their Heart/Mind.”

“On the other hand, there are those of you who have come to deeply love your Mother Gaia. You have volunteered to stay with Her throughout the entire Planetary Ascension, as well as during the process in which New Earth is created. However, simultaneously to your creation of New Earth, New Earth has always existed. Just as you have forgotten and lost contact with your Multidimensional SELF, so has Gaia.”

“In the same manner that your human form has myriad expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, Gaia has uncountable expressions of Her Planetary SELF. Hence, as you connect to your Higher Expressions of SELF, you assist Gaia to connect to Her Higher Planetary Expression. Furthermore, as you assist Gaia, Gaia is assisting you. As you are re-connecting your individuated consciousness with your multidimensional of Galactics, Celestials, Ascended Masters and Elohim, Gaia is connecting Herself with Her myriad expressions of her Star, Solar System, Galaxy and Universe.”

“You are not creating these higher Personal and Planetary expressions, as they infinitely exist within the NOW of the ONE. You are re-connecting your consciousness within the great vastness of your pure multidimensional nature. As you know, every birth must be preceded by a death, such as the death of the amniotic sac, which preceded your first breath outside of the womb.”

“The death that you must accept is the loss of whatever unfulfilled needs you believe you must fulfill before you can focus on your Ascension. Your personal unfulfilled needs are extremely minute in comparison to the Universal Shift into higher expressions of Being. Also, these unfulfilled needs distract you from your Mission of being your Multidimensional SELF and tie you to a reality that is ending. Hence, you are denying yourself entrance into a reality that is beginning.”

“Of course, you can create these needs when you move into the higher realms. However, your choice to attend to your wounded ego rather than to transmuting your planet will lower your resonance to a frequency that cannot perceive the portals into New Earth. In order to release these old “needs” you will have to realize that YOU are VERY important! As we have just stated, there are many who are still unable to participate in Planetary Ascension in any manner.”

“Worse yet, there are still those humans on your planet who are working against Planetary Ascension. These lost ones have become lost in their small minds and smaller hearts. Hence, they can only think that the desire to control a reality that is of a very low resonance is more important than returning to a reality based on unconditional love. These lost ones are totally unaware that in order to hold on to their sense of control and power over others, they are denying their ability to experience unconditional love, bliss and joy.”

“In the same manner, those who limit their powerful Heart/Mind to the desires for third dimensional possession, fame and wealth are restricting their reality to a mere speck of the very SELF who can instantly fulfill their every need within a flash of the NOW. The multidimensional power of your higher expressions of SELF can easily replicate that which you have bound to your consciousness with your unconditional love.”

“However, all that resonates to a frequency below that of unconditional love is best released so that you can set free your attachments to your physical reality. Once you are free of the illusions of the third/fourth dimensional world, you can attach your consciousness to the ongoing process of Planetary Ascension. In other words, we ask that the needs of your personal self take the back seat to the needs of your Planetary SELF.”

“Your Planetary SELF lives in Unity Consciousness with all those who have chosen this commitment and who are focusing their attention on the unconditional love and joy of creating New Earth. We, the members of the Galactic Federation salute you for your great courage and sacrifice. We are infinitely with you whether you are in the most mundane physical task or visiting us here on the Mothership.”

Blessings to each and every ONE of you,

The Arcturians and the members of the Galactic Federation