
Cycles of Change

The following message, taken from Jennifer Hoffman's Uriel Heals newsletter, is a great reminder about what we're going through right now as spiritual beings in a physical body. While what we're experiencing seems extraordinarily stressful and confusing, Jennifer and Uriel remind us that this is a natural part of the ascenscion process.

I don't use the word ascension often, as I find it a very loaded term in our current society. In a nutshell, what ascension really means is reaching a higher vibrational level without leaving the physical body. It's easy to reach a higher vibrational level, it happens instantly when you die! Ascension in this context means staying with the body as you raise to a new level, which is another way of saying as you move from 3D to 4D/5D.

In and Out, Back and Forth

We do not have to wonder whether we are on our ascension journey, each of us has been on it for lifetimes. Ascension is about transcending the material, human experience and raising our vibrations to move out of the third dimension into higher dimensions of being. Each of us will connect with the dimension that matches our vibration and then we will cycle through another ascension process as we create the possibility of access into higher and higher vibrational potentials. But while we are on this journey we experience the gap, being in the space where we are between dimensions and it can be uncomfortable.

Our physical bodies are being re-worked, re-wired and re-configured to be able to access higher dimensional levels. This is an intense process that often stretches our physical resources to the limit. While it is happening we are exhausted, emotional, experience changes in our health, develop unusual allergies, aches and pains, have food sensitivities, and have substantial weight gain that we acquire in order to stay grounded. All of these symptoms will pass as our bodies adjust and they are part of being in between dimension, the gap, as we find the energetic space that fits our vibrations.

We do not make a sudden, permanent leap into a new dimension. Instead, we go back and forth, moving into a higher dimension and back into the third. Each time we access a higher level we are able to see the additional healing that we need to do, so we return to do the healing work. The gap is uncomfortable because we no longer fit in any dimension, we are no longer fully in the third and not yet fully in our new dimensional home. We have to be at an energetic vibration that allows us to be in both and we can feel split, on foreign territory, alienated, alone and confused. This too shall pass but it is part of the process.

Each of us needs to be aware that while we are ascending and moving out of our vibrational comfort zones we are processing vast amounts of information and energy. Taking time to rest when our bodies tell us they are tired, being quiet and still when we need time to regroup, and staying focused on our ascension goals will help us stay on the path. For those of you who have gained weight, much of it is water, which acts as a buffer for the intense energy downloads that you are acquiring and it will eventually leave by itself. Take care of your body, stay grounded, remember to breathe and know that you are not alone, we are all going through this.


Rules of Creation: Embracing Paradox

The following comment is from Leah, as channeled by Sal Rachele
In order to truly embrace change and, in fact, to truly CHANGE, you must first accept yourself as you are, right now, with all of your faults, with all of your “dirty laundry”.
It's a paradox, you know? How can you change, how can you improve, how can you grow, if you accept yourself as you are? Doesn't that mean you've given up? If you accept yourself, doesn't that take away all desire to be different? Inside the paradox it means just the opposite.

Paradox isn't meant to be understood with the mind. Paradox is intended to mess up the mind, twist it, turn it in on itself and force it to seek answers outside of itself.

Let's put it this way - if you create a game to play, and put yourself fully into that game, it becomes quite a challenge to 'come back to reality' doesn't it? Think about any game, sport, or activity that you love. Recall a time that you got so engrossed in it that you lost track of everything: time, your sense of self, those around you, everything. At that time your focus was so intent on what you were involved in that everything else, for you in those moments, ceased to exist.

Do you really think that you would have entered into a game like Life on Planet Earth without leaving yourself some hints about how to get re-focused to your true reality outside that game? Think of the contemplation of paradox, or things that seem paradoxical, as ways to break the 'spell' of reality as you know it on Earth, allowing you to re-focus on your true reality.

When presented with a paradox, allow it to sit with you. Don't try to figure it out, just mull it over. "Well, huh?" you might think "How interesting", "I wonder what that means"? And then let it go. Let your inner senses work on it, and at some point you might just get a flash of insight that you were not previously capable of understanding. Fun stuff!


Rules of Creation: Appreciation vs Criticism

As a society, we're completely tuned not to see the good in things but to find the bad. We grow up trying to be all the time better. "Work on self-improvement," "work on mastery," "try to improve," "always seek to do better". What do all those goals have in common?

What they have in common is that you have to find something wrong before you can fix it. And it's in the finding of things wrong that we get disconnected from Source. What if we could come to accept that we are already perfect, just the way we are, and stop all the time needing to be better? Better than what? Better than perfect? How is that even possible?

Think about how this applies in your own life. How often do you look out at your environment and find things to appreciate and admire? How often do you look out at your external environment (which includes your body) and find things to criticize? If you're at all like me, it's far easier to find things to complain about and criticize than to find things to compliment and appreciate. This isn't just you, or me, it's society in general. It's the way we've been raised and the way we raise our children.

If we're honest with ourselves—and sometimes this takes brutal honesty—we'll realize that society has sold us the proverbial bill of goods, taken us down the proverbial primrose path, regarding criticism. Society has taught us to criticize first and compliment later, if ever. We've learned that finding fault is the only way we can grow, and we continue to teach our children using that same template, albeit often without even realizing that we are. That's because criticism is so ingrained in us.

There's no cheese down the tunnel of criticism no matter how much society has told us that there is. There just isn't. That's 3D thinking and that thinking will keep us locked in a 3D reality. We are moving beyond that. We are moving to a place where we and everyone around us can have the health, wealth, happiness, and peace that is our birthright. Not just mine and your birthright, but the birthright of everyone and everything on the planet, the birthright of everyone and everything that has ever existed.

Some of the simplest yet greatest advice on this topic comes from Abraham. I'm paraphrasing here, but they gave the advice that if you find yourself caught in a negative-feeling spiral, you can shift out of that negative vibration by finding something in that situation, person, or place to appreciate. Find one teeny tiny thing to appreciate, no matter how small, and you will find your mood shifting. As your mood shifts your environment will shift. You find one thing, even one tiny thing, then find another, and another, and another, until you've pulled yourself out of the downward spiral and start feeling good again.

A Story

I've used that advice numerous times, and it works. It can also get really funny. Here's an example: My husband and I were having dinner at a favorite Chinese restaurant of ours, one that we can count on to have consistently good food and good service at a reasonable price. We expect to have an enjoyable evening at this establishment, in fact we count on it.

We were in high spirits as we entered this restaurant on this occasion, but almost as soon as we walked through the door things started to tank. Whereas there's normally someone right there at the front desk to seat us, no one was paying any attention to us, or to the desk. The restaurant wasn't terribly busy, there were a number of empty tables and plenty of staff milling about, so we could see no reason we weren't being helped. We stood at the desk, still in a jolly mood, for a few minutes before someone finally came to take us to a table.

As we sat down, we noticed that the table hadn't been cleaned properly. We brought this to the attention of the seating person, who said she'd send someone right over. We waited patiently for someone to 'finish' cleaning the table, and after far too long of a time, come they did. A busboy. By this time I was getting a bit irritated.

Now I'm far from a neat freak, but I do expect a clean table to eat at, and a clean table includes its status as a dry table. The towel this busboy used was overly wet and when he was done (and gone) we noticed a nice trail of water everywhere he had wiped. Deciding I didn't want to take the time, effort, or aggravation of waiting until we could get more help, in a fit of righteous indignation I dried up the water myself, with napkins. My mild irritation, which had become frustration, was moving quickly into anger. I took a few deep breaths and tried to relax.

Next there was a disturbance from a table near us. This table held a family with children that were being about as ill-behaved as children in a public place can be, and we found that annoying. In fact I noticed that although the place was half-empty, the overall noise level was far higher than I recalled it ever being.

After the longest wait in recorded history for our food, when it finally arrived we could barely eat one of the dishes. The meat tasted like flavored cardboard, the thickening in the sauce hadn't dissolved properly and looked disgusting. The whole meal looked bad and much of it tasted even worse.

I could write all day about things that didn't go well during that dining experience, but suffice it to say the service was awful, the atmosphere terrible, and the food barely edible. We both found ourselves caught up in all the things that were going wrong, finding any number of ways to blame the establishment, the waitstaff, the other customers. Whereas we had come into this place happy and laughing, we were both now in foul moods and starting to take that out on each other.

We were criticising everything, and completely justified in that criticism. But if I have learned anything over time, I've learned that being justified has nothing to do with anything. My joy is important to me, more important than being right, and I was deeply frustrated that I was unable to break this mood of upset. Then I thought about Abraham's advice to "find one thing, even the tiniest thing, to appreciate".

I looked around. I could find nothing, I mean nothing! to appreciate in that moment. I was steaming with anger, and everywhere I looked all I could see was all the things that had gone wrong or were going wrong. Recalling again "even the tiniest thing" I decided I could appreciate that we had both a salt shaker and a pepper shaker.

I'm being totally serious here, that was the only thing, in that moment, that I could find to appreciate. I had flashes of images from times at restaurants where we hadn't had both a salt and pepper shaker, so here was something I could appreciate. I felt a little better immediately. Not a lot better, but a little better. A tiny bit better. I realized that finding something to appreciate—even as mundane as having both a salt and pepper shaker—made me proud of myself, and that felt good too.

Next I focused on our placemats, which are covered with the Chinese Zodiak. Reading these always gives us something to do while we are waiting for our meal, so there too, was something to appreciate. I continued in this vein, sharing my thoughts with my husband, and in almost no time at all we were laughing about the whole experience. Quite a switch from only moments before where we were both stuck in a foul mood that was getting fouler, where things were bad and getting worse.

Not only were we now laughing, but all of a sudden the waiter, who had been nearly absent this whole time, became very attentive. Because of my change in mood I was able to talk to him in a civilized fashion about our disappointment with the meal, and he offered to 'comp' our dinner and even brought free dessert. The noise level in the restaurant, which moments previously had been so loud we could barely carry on a conversation over it, we noticed had again returned to normal levels. Even the previously ill-behaved children had miraculously settled down.

In less than 5 minutes spent in appreciation we had changed our entire environment. Coincidence you say? No, it wasn't coincidence. If you want to continue to buy into society's view of your individual powerlessness, go ahead and look at it all as coincidence. It wasn't coincidence. Through changing our attitude from one of criticism to one of appreciation, even when that appreciation started with something as seemingly inconsequential as salt and pepper shakers, we changed our environment. Once our environment started to shift it became easier and easier to follow that shift with greater and greater appreciation. All it takes is the willingness to let go of being right, being justified, finding fault, and instead start finding things to appreciate, no matter how small.

Don't believe me? Try it for yourself. Notice when you're stuck in a critical flow. Stop trying to be right all the time, to find the justification in your moods and actions, and start finding things to appreciate, even teeny tiny things. When you do that, things change and you start to see, first hand, how really powerful you are. How do you want to use that power? In criticism or in appreciation? In upset or in joy? It's all your choice, all you have to do is remember that it is.


Rules of Creation: Spiritual Vigilance

In my last post, "The Rules of Creation: Expectancy vs Expectation", Sal Rachele's Leah was talking about the difference between expectation and expectancy when creating our reality. The following message from Leah builds on that topic, and reminds us about the importance of self-love.

If we want to create the lives that we dream about and hope for, at some point we are each going to have to realize and accept that the keys to that happiness and fulfillment are re-discovering our connection to Source and accepting and using our inherent powers. Although we are all here working together to build a new life for ourselves and our planet, each of us has the responsibility to take ourselves to the fulfillment of our own dreams. As we each do that as individuals, we achieve that which most of the world has considered impossible—the true manifestation of peace and prosperity for all.

From Leah:
Spiritual Vigilance and Manifesting Your Dreams

Greetings, beloveds, and a glorious day to all! I come to you today with a subject of vital importance to all who would throw off the shackles of ignorance and negativity and embrace the shiny, rejuvenated spirit of a new beginning.

I have heard many of you bemoaning the fact that it takes more than just a cheerful affirmation here and there in order to manifest your dreams. Now I would stop short of saying that it necessarily takes hard work, for what is work anyway? The channel and many others have done things that the world would term “hard work” and yet to them it is child’s play. Just yesterday the channel remarked that he felt he was playing all day, and yet when he summarized his day, he found he had done more than a lot of people who feel their “nose is to the grindstone.” So saying that manifesting your dreams requires hard work is really not accurate. So what DOES it take to manifest your dreams? That is the subject of this talk.

Mr. Webster’s definition of “vigilance” includes paying constant and careful attention to a situation or event. In this case, the constant and careful attention should be applied to anything and everything that can come between you and your dream. So let us examine, dear ones, all that which could possibly get in the way of manifestation.

Oh!  I hear some of you saying “fear”. Okay, let’s start with that most elusive of illusions. What is the fear really about? Is it fear of failure? That could be. But let me suggest, as many of your more illumined teachers are suggesting, that fear of failure is not the real issue here. Let me suggest (okay, let’s say it in unison), “FEAR OF SUCCESS.” That’s right, fear of success. You’ve heard the expression, “Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.” Well, that’s true, you just might. And what would that mean to your comfortable little life of failure and misery?

“C’mon, Leah, it’s not that bad. I may not have everything I want, but I’m not miserable.”

Oh yeah? Maybe miserable is a harsh word. How about feeling unfulfilled? How about going from apathy to despair to frustration to boredom to resignation? I know there’s a few of you in that category. Come on, let’s be brutally honest. We’re not going to get very far unless we level with ourselves. If you’re in one of those categories of unfulfillment, then listen up. What is there about your present life that is worth hanging on to? What would you be giving up if you gave up the illusion that everything is just fine the way it is? Now I’m not talking to the tiny minority of you who are truly content with the way things are. I’m talking to the 99% of you who still feel there is something blocking your full and free self-expression and creativity. I’m talking to those of you who know there’s so much more to life than what you’ve been living. You know who you are, so let’s cut the bull and get to the point. What is it going to take to break out of the old mold? It’s going to take confronting your fear of being powerful.

Let’s do an exercise. (Pause the tape or the screen.) If you have a mirror nearby, that would be great. If not, pretend you’re looking at yourself in a mirror. Look yourself in the eye and speak aloud, “I am a powerful, creative person.” Say it slowly several times. Notice what you’re feeling. Are there any bodily sensations? Are there any thoughts going through your mind? Perhaps you are thinking, “This is dumb.” Just notice whatever is taking place in your consciousness. Pay particular attention to any uncomfortable feelings. These are the feelings that block you from creating.

Now visualize the kind of life you have always wanted. Never mind whether or not you have enough money or talent or friends or whatever. That’s not important right now. We’re getting in touch with your creative power, and creative power does not need the right friends, or the right bank account or the right type of body. Creative power needs one thing only. YOU, just as you are, without all that useless baggage and old thought forms that say, “How dare you be so arrogant to think you’re powerful. Hah! What a dreamer!”

Let dear old Leah remind you that it is arrogance to think that you were created unlike your Creator. It is arrogance to think you are NOT powerful and creative. Let’s dismiss this foolish thought that being meek and mild is the way to go. Meek, as Jesus used the word, does not mean weakness, helplessness, a doormat, or any of those related ideas. So throw it off! Lose the baggage, dear ones!

Let’s do the exercise again. And again. And again. Until you can feel it in your bones, in your cells, in your tissues, in your blood. YOU ARE POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE! Your little intellectual mind cannot, and will never, be able to conceive of just how powerful you really are. All right, this sounds like a pep talk. Well, maybe it is. Maybe some of you need it.

Being vigilant means being unwilling to allow so much as ONE thought of weakness into your consciousness. Not ONE! The minute you start to belittle yourself or believe you are incapable of achieving your dreams, at that very moment, STOP. Repeat the above exercise until the limiting thought is gone.

Don’t just do this for thoughts, do it for feelings as well. Pay attention to your feelings. Notice when you feel weak or sad or depressed. What are you telling yourself? Feeling sad or depressed (unless you are grieving the loss of a loved one) is most likely a sign that you feel your dreams are out of reach. That’s the sign to stop and do the exercise.

Once again, as I mentioned in a previous message, use the “fake it until you make it” principle. Remember, you’re not really faking it. You are imagining that you are manifesting your dreams. And what is imagination? The “image-making” faculty of the human soul.

If there’s anything about this message that involves hard work, it’s the work of being vigilant, day in and day out, until it becomes a habit to affirm who you really are – a POWERFUL, CREATIVE BEING. It matters not what you’ve done in the past, how many lifetimes of violence you’ve experienced on Earth or another planet, or how many shameful things you think you’ve done. None of this matters. None of this changes the fact that God created you to be a powerful, sovereign being.

You are capable of creating entire universes! That is your potential. Begin today to unlock your potential by doing this simple exercise and doing it often. Refuse to allow appearances to convince you otherwise. Refuse to let others talk you out of your dreams. You would not have these dreams if you were not meant to manifest them. They were given you by your God Presence to stimulate your creative juices. Honor them. Listen to them. Indulge them. Do not worry about what others are thinking. Dare to be a space cadet, if that is what is required. Dare to be out of touch with “reality” if that is what it takes. Dare to walk to the beat of a different drummer, to quote your literature.

“Leah, I’ve heard this all before,” you say. Yes, beloveds, you have. But have you been vigilant against everything that would dilute and destroy your dreams? Obviously not if you haven’t manifested them yet. What are you waiting for? More time? Time is an illusion, beloveds. Sure, you can use time as a tool, but you are not bound by it. Throw off the shackles. Do this, and Leah will not sound like a broken record anymore.

Do you suppose I consider this important to your soul growth? Would I go on and on if I did not believe this is the key to your freedom? Refuse to accept ANY of the world’s beliefs. They are all based on illusion. They are based on the concept that you are a body, living alone and isolated, fighting against a hostile universe. Let today be the last day you entertain this insanity. Let today be the first day you truly claim your Divine Inheritance.


Rules of Creation: Expectancy vs Expectation

While we often experience success in our conscious creations, we also get frustrated from time to time with our seeming inability to create things the way we want them to be, whether that is financial abundance, loving and supportive relationships, physical energy and health, or world peace.

Sal Rachele, who channels entities like a group of 7th dimensional Arcturans, The Founders, Sananda, and Leah, provides us with information about consciousness expansion. This channel from Leah brings forth an interesting distinction between expectation and expectancy that helps illustrate why our conscious creations don't always manifest as we intend.

The following is a message received by Sal entitled "Leah on the flow of abundance":
Questioner:  I’ve been on a conscious path for many years. Every area of my life has improved with the exception of finances. It seems the techniques that work for other things fail to work when it comes to prosperity. Leah, why am I having so much trouble?

Leah:  I love these questions. I’ll bet there are a lot of people asking the same question as we speak.

There are a few subtle concepts that I think will help tremendously here. Beloved one, I will not repeat what others have said and I will not tread on the same tired ground you’ve come to know in your metaphysical journeys. That said, let’s begin with something that will at first appear circumstantial but will later fall into place. I’m going to mention the difference between expectation and expectancy.

Let’s not be concerned regarding what Mr. Webster has to say regarding these words. We will refine our definitions as follows: Expectation is when the ego takes a desired outcome, puts it in a box, and then bases its happiness on achieving the desired outcome. Having expectations sets one up for disappointment. As the channel has so eloquently written in his book, “Life On the Cutting Edge,” there is a vicious cycle of expectation-attachment-disappointment, because no matter how hard to ego tries to create like God, it always falls short. We expect certain results, we become attached to certain results and we become disappointed when those results do not materialize. I say “we” as a courtesy because from my vantage point, all is God and there is no such dynamic in the sixth density. So I feel qualified as your loving guide to point out the pitfalls in this approach. This is the closest thing to an ego you can expect from dear Leah.

Expectancy, on the other hand, means an inner knowing that by following universal principles there is a certain progression of creative results the follow. It appears we are splitting straws, but there is a vast difference, because expectancy, as used here, is a function of Spirit and not of ego. We expect that as we enter the flow of higher-dimensional consciousness, there will be certain outcomes based on the laws of creativity. We are not emotionally attached to these outcomes, and our happiness does not depend on them, but we know we are co-creators with God and we live our lives as co-creators.


In order to create abundantly and manifest easily in the physical realm, it is necessary to enter a critical shift in the subconscious mind. In other words, the subconscious mind of an individual soul must have a positive momentum of creative and life-affirming thoughts to counterbalance the negativity taken on as a result of incarnation into the 3rd dimension. Many souls think that all they need to do is say enough affirmations and eventually that balance point will be reached. This is an arduous task because you, beloveds, are multidimensional and very little can be solved strictly at the mental level. You must be passionate about what you want to create, but at the same time, unattached emotionally to the results. This is why I spent time above on expectation and expectancy. Expectancy is based on the inner knowing that we are created in an abundant universe. It involves the feeling and experiencing of that abundance on many levels of being simultaneously.

So the most powerful step in the process of realizing your abundance is knowing that you can step into the “flow of abundance”, much like stepping into a moving river. “How do I do this, Leah?” I can hear you asking. That brings me to the next step. In your meditations, it is important to consciously visualize yourself in this flow. Think back to a time when you felt safe and protected, when everything seemed to be flowing. You can do it – I know there’s been a time. Now re-experience that feeling in your body. At the same time, go into your inner-most chamber of mind and imagine, for now, that you have everything you could possibly need. The truth is, you DO have everything you need, right now, right here. What does that feel like? Go ahead and pretend, if that’s what you think you are doing. You’re not pretending, but it may feel like it because you are not used to simply being in the flow of abundance.

In truth, it is impossible NOT to be in the flow of abundance because that is where God placed you forever and ever. But you can certainly imagine you are not in the flow, and your life will reflect what you imagine to be truth. Go ahead now and imagine you have more abundance than you can possibly use, in this lifetime or any other. Imagining is how you create, beloveds. You were given an imagination, or “image-making faculty” for that express purpose. You were created in the image and likeness of God, and God imagined everything into existence. Now you are learning to create like God, for that is your inheritance.

... Put away your ego, precious ones, and step up to your rightful place in Creation. You deserve to have the power of creation. You will not misuse your power this time. Corruption is long gone from your consciousness. You would not be listening to my voice or reading these words if corruption were still an option for you. No, this time the purity of your eternal innocence shines through the ego’s thin veil of ignorance. Today abundance is your reality. All levels and dimensions of your being are becoming aligned to your natural state of abundance.

Any specific messages, instructions or actions necessary to increase your worldly abundance will be communicated to you by your own God Presence. All you need to is listen and gratefully follow through with the guidance you receive. Ask sincerely that today will be the day you will follow Spirit “without hesitation” as some teachers have put it. If doubt tries to creep in, put it aside and reaffirm that today only the voice of Spirit will be your guide. I am here to gently guide you as you awaken the creative potential within you. I am here as you put aside the last of the thoughts, feelings and beliefs in scarcity, lack and limitation. I am here as you claim your place in the cosmic symphony of life and joyfully begin creating as you were meant to create. I am humbled to be in your presence, dear ones. I am Leah.

A Note About Sal Rachele

Sal Rachele is a versatile, and I believe, clear channel (by 'clear' channel I mean I believe his messages generally come through with minimal distortion). He channels a number of different entities, each with their own style of presentation and target audience, yet all giving the same basic information. I have found this to be true of all the channeled entities that I follow and trust. Geoff Hoppe of Crimson Circle is similarly skilled, in that he channels several entities with completely different personalities, yet the messages all agree in context.

If you take the opportunity to read Sal's books or the multitude of free information on his web site, be aware that some of the messages may not 'resontate' with you for whatever reason. For example, I have the most difficulty following channels from Sananda. Sananda is the group energy incarnated on Earth as Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus). The presentation is more religion-based than I find comfortable, but many will resonate with that presentation more than, say, Jane Robert's Seth, who was my first spiritual teacher.

Steve Rother's The group continually reminds us to be discerning when listening to any information, no matter who it comes from. They also remind us to be wary of judging information even if we don't agree with it, and instead simply allow it to be. As they often say:
If any information doesn’t resonate with you, let it be, for it was simply put there for another.


More About Loving Yourself As A Key

I've posted several different articles about loving yourself being the key to everything from happiness to abundance to health to world peace, about how loving ourself is the most important—and effective—thing we can do. At some point I hope you'll understand how truly important this concept is and accept it as your own.

In that vein, here's another take. This from an interactive session with the Pleiadians received by Barbara Marciniak back in the early '90s:

QUESTION: Can you speak about ways to strengthen ourselves?

PLEIADIANS: What we suggest is not always how humans think they can strengthen themselves. It works very, very well. It is making an appointment with yourself and saying, "I love you, Self. You are a good Self. You are a wonderful Self. You are my Self. You are my own Self. You are my best Self. You are me here in this reality and I love you. You are magnificent. You are A-Number l. The best Self."

When you give yourself the dignity of your own love as if you were royalty receiving the accolades of the people .. when you do that for the self that you are, the physical vehicle that is yours to operate with, everything changes and strength becomes yours because you believe in and love who you are. When you believe in and love the vehicle that you are everything starts to go your way.

The big thing is making the commitment to believe it is possible that you deserve love. No one else has to love you. You are not here to go around gathering love from other people to convince yourself that you are worth it.

You are here to master a very difficult task in a system that is dark that gives very little input, stimulation, information about the true story. You are here to do the impossible. By loving yourself and making that commitment the number one step from which you operate every day, it all falls into place.
QUESTION: What about the dilemma of getting to know yourself and not liking what you see?

PLEIADIANS: It is an excellent point, the dilemma of getting to know oneself—which comes with developing self-awareness and self-esteem—and not liking what one sees. Change it. What you are seeing is only your judgment anyway. You all love to call yourselves right or wrong. "I am beautiful today," and the next day, "I am what the cat dragged in." You do this to yourselves, back and forth, all the time. Why judge it?

You are learning. You are on your journey and you are feeling that certain expressions of behavior and experience give you exhilarations and others make you want to turn your head. When you are finding this within yourself you are allowing yourself to develop along a pathway. If you are finding that there is a portion of yourself that you do not like, allow yourself to love that portion and to release it. If you don't like a part of yourself then let it go.

Utilize the rules and make a new you. Change your behavior. Believe that you can change a portion of yourself. But don't release it out of hatred or anger. Allow yourself to realize that whatever it is that you are perceiving that you did not particularly approve of, you birthed it into being. Let it go. Do not tether it to yourself any longer.

It is not that you are going to always love every portion of yourself for you are teaching yourselves and you are bound to run across something that is going to get your attention. It is a message to gather more information and ultimately give you more compassion for others. So, be more easy on yourselves.

Until you love yourself, you are not going to experience love from anywhere else. This light energy that is being sent to you and this light energy that permeates existence, is made up of love. It is a substance of being that permeates all things. If your scientists were to break down the particles of the most minute aspect of existence to find out what makes everything go and everything tick, it is love. It's what connects you. It is what keeps you alive.

Start with yourselves. Realize that in this game you picked yourselves. You picked yourselves to be the player that you would move around in this aspect of existence.

When you don't accept responsibility for the player that you picked, you deny your participation in the game. And so you are moved across the board of life without any control, always looking to connect with love and never realizing that in order to connect with love you must turn on your own light, which is turned on with self-love. When you turn on your own light by loving yourself because you have selected yourselves, and by not judging yourself, then the game completely changes. Then you don't go looking for love. You are it.

When you are love, and when you move with love, all you bring back to yourself is love because you are like a beacon and you draw it all to yourself. When you do not love yourself and you go out looking for love, you cannot even see it because you do not have the electromagnetic capacity to even recognize it, to even draw it to yourself.

Remember that you, yourselves, are your primary tools for enjoyment and experience. It is you, yourselves, who are your greatest teachers. So live, for you have it all within you. Everything else, when you discover this, will unfold before you in the most glorious magic of being.
I know what you're thinking .. how strange people will think you are if you start shouting "I love Me!" every day. Do it anyway, it's worth doing!


A Message About Death from John Cali and Chief Joseph

I've been thinking recently about all the anguish we feel around people dying—there seems to be a lot of people passing and a lot of anguish these days. I found myself on John Cali's Chief Joseph web site. I hadn't visited there in a long time. The following article almost jumped out at me, and it struck me as such an important message for all of us at this time that I'm reproducing it here in full.


Danny, my 33-year-old next-door neighbor, died last week. Nearly everyone is saying he died too young, and what a tragedy it is.

Can we die too young? And is it a tragedy if we do die young?

John Cali

Here is part of Danny's obituary from our local newspaper:

"He was a free spirit and loving person. He loved life and lived it to the fullest. He never met a stranger. . . . He was the best kind of trouble, the kind you knew had nothing but love for his friends and family. He loved to play hard, fight hard and laugh from all the way down in his giant heart."

With his long hair, earrings, and tattooed, tall muscular body Danny was a formidable sight. I've known him only about four years. But that was long enough to appreciate this gentle giant of a man. He was always laughing and joking. If his family or friends needed him, he'd be there in an instant. As his obituary said, he never met a stranger, and everyone was his friend.

His obituary sums up Danny's short life perfectly -- he lived every day fully and joyfully. What a powerful role model for us all!

Godspeed, Danny!

Here's Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph

Friends, you’ve got to get over this "death thing" you have.

Stop thinking in terms of death and start thinking in terms of life. Life is all there is. There is no death except in your human minds. That death is pure illusion. It doesn't exist.

Most of you reading this already know what we just said. But you don't live as if you know it.

Danny is not gone. He's with his family and friends, all those he loves still, in a far more powerful way than ever before.

The veil between life and death is growing thinner. You never lose those you love. The bonds of love, the connections of communication are always available to you, "dead" or "alive." No exceptions.

So did Danny die too young?


Is dying young a tragedy?


Friends, you have such strange ways of measuring or judging life and death. You usually judge life by how much material success you achieve. You usually judge death by the number of years you lived.

None of that makes a damned bit of difference! It just doesn't matter.

Danny lived his short life joyfully. He brought that joy -- it was always contagious -- into the lives of all who knew him. Family, friends, strangers.

He decided he'd spread enough joy in this lifetime. Now it was time to spread more joy in the realms of spirit. It doesn't get any better than that.

You cannot judge a life (your own or anyone else's) by its length. The only true measure of success in life (or death) is the amount of joy you feel.

Danny was more successful than most humans.

We'll echo John's words here: Godspeed, Danny!
John Cali and "Tuning In"

If you aren't currently aware of John Cali and his work, I highly recommend both the articles on his web site and the film "Tuning In".

"Tuning In: Spirit Channelers in America" is a powerful and delightful film that includes interviews with several channelers along with messages from their channeled entities. Included are John Cali (Chief Joseph), Wendy Kennedy (The Pleiadian Collective), Geoff Hoppe (Tobias), Lee Carroll (Kryon), Darryl Anka (Bashar), and Shawn Randall (Torah). It struck me as amazing how well the messages of the channels blended and agreed with each other, as if they were all choreographed somewhere outside of our human awareness ... which I'm sure, in a way, they were. ;) Not to be missed if you have any interest at all in learning more about the idea of channeling, the channelers themselves, and/or the messages they provide.


The Truth As A Moving Target

For most of my life I've used the term 'All That Is' as my definition of God. The term 'God/god' was a difficult one for me, since there was this all powerful, all knowing, fearful 'God' as described in religion, and then the 'gods' who seemed all too human in characteristics as described in places like greek mythology.

It was all very confusing to me, which one was right - one god or many gods, loving god or fearful god. So when I discovered, from Seth, the term 'All That Is' that term really struck a chord. 'All That Is' seemed to entail "that which is greater than me yet also a part of me". For me it described both a powerful creator and yet allowed for me, and every one and every thing else, to belong to that powerful energy. That term, All That Is, allowed me to feel connected whenever I felt separated, which was often.

Another term that became dear to me was 'The Universe.' Unlike many - perhaps most - other humans, I had no sense of personal guides or angels. I did have a sense of help and guidance, but it was very non-specific and I used the term 'The Universe' to describe it. As in: when you have a desire you send it out into 'The Universe' and allow 'The Universe' to bring it, solve it, or guide you to it, depending upon what it is you are wanting. When I discovered the Law of Attraction, my term 'The Universe' fit pretty well. It allowed me to see that 'something' caused the Law of Attraction to work and that 'something' was what I called 'The Universe.'

What I began to realize over the years is that what I called 'The Universe', others called Spirit Guides, Angels, Helpers, Guardian Angels, Spirit Animals, and similar terms. As I discussed in my last post "World Citizen, Galactic Citizen", I've come to realize that 'The Universe' that I have been referring to all these years is a group of very real entities dedicated to helping me, and all of earth, evolve. Among these entities helping to guide me through the labyrinth of this thing called 'my life', I found, are both of my parents, gone from earth life but still very much a part of the earth process, helping to guide our, and my, ascension.

For those of you who have been aware of the energy of the personal guides in your life, my experience will seem strange. "Spirit guides are real! How could she not know such a thing?" For those of you who are unaware of any guiding energy at all, my experience will seem strange. "There's nothing beyond human! How could she think such a thing?" Only those people who have experienced guiding energy in the way that I have - as a very generalized 'The Universe' or whatever term they use - will have the direct experience to understand what I have felt all these years. Only those who experienced this guidance in the way that I did will be able to understand what seemed like a truth to me. Which leads me to the subject of this post: the moving target that we humans call 'The Truth'.

What is Truth?

For the vast majority of us, The Truth doesn't change. The Truth is The Truth, and it isn't different for each of us. For us, 'The Truth' is factual. It can't be debated. The Truth 'is'. Or so we believe. And that belief in itself is a Truth.

What I'm coming to realize is that there is no 'The Truth' that is the same for all of us and never changes. 'The Truth' exists, but it is individual for each of us. We each create our own reality, and though that reality intersects and cooperates with others' realities, it contains Truths that are our uniquely our Truths. We might share Truths with others from time to time, but expecting all to share the same Truth is an expectation that can't be fulfilled.

It's a hard concept to grasp, that there is no 'The Truth'; that what we perceive as 'The Truth' is only that which is real for us in any moment. That kind of shakes our foundation, doesn't it, knowing that The Truth is a moving target. As soon as we accept one truth, it evolves, morphs, changes into another truth. It's perplexing and confusing, and the search for it helps drive our evolution.

The search for 'The Truth' is a wonderful thing, as long as we realize that what we are searching for is a moving target, ever changing. As soon as we reach for, and accept, a Truth, the next one is there calling us forward into discovery. It's the way it is. It's a wonderful system - it guarantees that we will continue to expand and evolve. It guarantees that creation will continue. The search for Truth is a desire, and desire is, as Abraham says, what puts the infinite into infinity.

The difficult part, and what leads to our seeming inability to accept each other just the way we are, is that in our quest for 'The Truth' we revere our own truth and discard any other. We see our truth as 'The Truth' and go around trying to get other people to accept our truth as The Truth. It is, as far as I can tell, at the heart of why we can't seem to get along. We accept our truth as The Truth, when in fact there is no 'The Truth'. We are all on our own journey through experience, our own separate discovery paths, and therefore The Truth will only and ever be The Truth for us, and only true during the moments in which we hold it as The Truth. In any following moment that truth might change.

The sum total of all our experiences, in all realities, in all dimensions, makes up the experience of All That Is. Each of us on our own individual journey, and all of that experience pooled into the greater whole of which we are all a part, and an equal part at that. Each of us following our own Truths as we do, moving and evolving toward new Truths.

It's a very freeing sensation to realize that your truth is The Truth. For you. It's very expanding and freeing to realize that some one else's truth is also The Truth - for them. Knowing that allows us to all experience what we experience without requiring that others experience what we experience. Or having experienced something together, not requiring all to come to the same conclusions of what is Truth based on that experience.

Knowing that The Truth changes gives us the freedom to accept each other for the experience we add to the greater knowing, without requiring that others experience the same thing in the same way. It allows us to celebrate our own journey as uniquely ours, while knowing that we contribute to the whole, and to celebrate the journey of every one and every thing, knowing that they contribute to the knowing of the whole in the same way.

As Wayne Dyer wrote many years ago, "Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves, without any insistence that they satisfy you." That becomes really easy when we realize that their The Truth isn't necessarily our The Truth, nor does it need to be.

Celebrate yourself for who you are, who you have been and who you are becoming .. and in that, allow your Truth to be what it is in any moment, without expecting it to always be what it is currently, or expecting others to hold the same Truth.

As stated by the Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak:
The truth that you are attempting to understand now is the absolute truth for yourself.


World Citizen, Galactic Citizen

I give the internet kudos for bringing us humans together in a way that helps us realize, on deep levels, that we can no longer see ourselves as simply "Americans" or "Brits" or "Australians" or "Chinese" or whatever our cultural heritage says we are, but to realize that we are all members of the full community of Earth. No matter where we were born, no matter where we now reside, no matter what language we speak, we are all part of the larger community of Earth, and we are all very much the same.

We are learning that our similarities are so much more profound than our differences, and that our differences are points of celebration not points of separation. We are learning that what we do in our country, no matter where that is, affects the world at large, and what the world at large does affects us. We are learning that all of our decisions and actions impact each other, no matter where we live. It is finally becoming clear to us that we are World Citizens, and it will become even more clear as time goes on.

But there's more.

I've been intrigued recently by fully realizing that we are not only part of a world, Earth, but part of a greater group, the galaxy .. and further, the Universe.

Soon enough we are going to start discovering that as Earthians we are not the only citizens in our Universe. That's going to come as a shock to many people. Unless and until one realizes that there is activity that cannot be seen with the human eye or heard with the human ear or felt with human touch, there can be no acceptance for things like the existence of 'aliens', because we cannot 'see' them ... yet. But that time is coming.

As we raise our vibration we begin to connect with energies that we previously did not know existed. Those of us who either live with a higher vibration or can shift their vibration, have been aware of this fact (that we are not alone in the Universe) for a long time. The rest of us are catching up. Soon our global consciousness will be at a level where the reality of other life forms, in other star systems, will be obvious to us. Until then, we will continue to expand our awareness of ourselves as world citizens, looking forward to the time when we can fully accept our role as galactic citizens.

About ETs

What's extraordinarily interesting to me is that our personal guides, the ones who help us maneuver through this game called Life on Planet Earth, the ones we call Angels or Spirit Guides, or Helpers, are some of those very citizens. To us, here on Earth, unaware that other life forms exist (life form including both physical and non-physical entities), we would call these entities 'aliens' or 'ETs' (extra-terrestrials), or 'Spirits'.

For most of us, we who are unaware of their existence, terms like 'aliens' and 'ETs' have a science-fiction feel to them. We watch shows like Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, War of the Worlds, and others, and the existence of 'ETs' seems like pure fantasy. We simply don't realize that just because we can't see a thing doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

There are many Earthians who know, and have known for a very long time, that not only are 'aliens' real, as real as you and I, but they make up the greater portion of the body of guides who are helping us evolve, and they have been with us in one form or another since we started this game.

Mankind is the product of genetic engineering. That's not a bad thing, that's just the way it is. Many races from many worlds, over time, created the human prototype that we see today. We say often that a human body is not what we are, being human is something we experience. We came into a human body to participate in the game called Life on Planet Earth. In particular, we came to Earth at this time to work together to take the planet and the beings who live upon it (us) into a higher dimension/frequency. For some of us this is our first time being physical, and our preparations for that have been intense.

In some basic ways, Earth is like the US of the galaxy, a melting pot for life. Earth includes so many beings from so many places it's hard to imagine why we get so bogged down in what color we are or what country we hail from. Being human is being human, no matter where your energy initially originated. The variety of different life forms and species on Earth, including plants, animals, and minerals, is unmatched anywhere in the vastness of All That Is. If you aren't currently aware of just how wonderful Earth is as a playground for life, it's time you started to remember!

When I realized that we are all 'from somewhere else', that would mean that I too was an ET. At that point I had an intense desire to know from where I had originated. I found out that there are a number of folks who channel such information, information about an individual's planetary origin.

As I always do in such matters, I follow my heart regarding who to interact with. My heart led me to a wonderful gal, Jo Amidon, who runs a web site called Light Connection. Her site contains a lot of free information about planetary origins, and she has a book "Where Are You Really From?" that highlights the different star systems and their contributions to Earth. She also offers, for a very reasonable fee, readings giving ones planet of origin, and more involved readings giving additional details about the physical attributes we chose for this incarnation.

Jo did a detailed personal reading for me, so I learned not only my planetary origin and what that means to me as a soul, but other very interesting and helpful information about physical factors that I chose for this incarnation. The information allowed me to realize that a lot of the things I've been thinking I need to change about me, or things I seemed unable to change and continually questioned "why am I like this??" I found were chosen on purpose to meet goals that I had set for this lifetime.

What a relief to know that I am the way I am on purpose! That doesn't mean I can't continue to grow and evolve. What it does mean is that I can more easily accept who I am, just the way I am, knowing that I chose certain ways of being for very specific reasons.

If you have any interest at all in your planet of origin, there are many people offering to provide this information. I highly recommend Jo, but as in all things, let your heart lead you to who might best provide this information for you.

Welcome to the galactic community, citizen!

For more information on the topic of 'we're really all ETs', visit Brighthill.net