
New Synaptic Pathways and The Labyrinth

Recently I learned about Labyrinths. Interestingly, although millions of people are familiar with them, I was not.

I had been reading something by Steve Rother, channel for "the group". He was talking about how to increase one's ability to connect with Spirit (always an interest of mine) and he mentioned the following:
Open new synaptic pathways. There are exercises you can do to open new synaptic pathways in the brain that help. The Group suggests simple practical things like brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand. Driving a new route to work each day. Doing things differently forces your brain to build new synaptic pathways between the right and left hemispheres.

There are many exercises that help to accomplish this. Physical exercises that force both sides into action like tracing finger labyrinths are excellent. There is a program of study called Brain Gyms that teaches physical exercises that can help build these pathways. Many simple breathing techniques can help as well. Balancing both sides of the brain opens the door for Spirit to speak to you.
I'm not unfamiliar with the value of us generating new synaptic pathways, but the phrase "tracing finger labyrinths" was new to me. I wondered what that was all about.

Checking the internet, I found a wonderful and interesting site that explained labyrinths in some detail. The author, psychologist Dr. Dan Johnson, provided a lot of insight about labyrinths, some of which I've reproduced below. He also included a small labyrinth that can be traced on screen or printed out.

It looks like this:

For anyone who's walked a labyrinth this will be obvious, but if your first experience with a labyrinth is finger tracing, start the labyrinth in the white space at bottom left center of the drawing. The lines are the boundaries on either side of the path; the task is to "walk" the "path" with your finger or cursor. When you get to the center space, "trace" your way back out again. Do it several times for best results, and trace it with your non-dominant hand as well.

There are all sorts of finger labyrinths in varying designs available for sale. The most common ones are made of wood, pewter, or ceramic. There are even instructions for creating your own labyrinth from clay. Have fun tracing!

What's So Interesting About Labyrinths?

Here is some of what Dr. Johnson had to say. Visit his labyrinth site for more information.
The labyrinth is a symbol of wholeness, and it has only one path. We are all on the same path, and we are all equal on that path.
He quotes this passage from Caroline Adams:
"Your life is a sacred journey. And it is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path... exactly where you are meant to be right now... And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, and of love."
And then he continues:
We are all on the path... exactly where we need to be. The labyrinth is a model of that path.

A labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness. It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. The Labyrinth represents a journey to our own center and back again out into the world. Labyrinths have long been used as meditation and prayer tools.

A labyrinth is an archetype with which we can have a direct experience. We can walk it. It is a metaphor for life's journey. It is a symbol that creates a sacred space and place and takes us out of our ego to "That Which Is Within."

Labyrinths and mazes have often been confused. When most people hear of a labyrinth they think of a maze. A labyrinth is not a maze. A maze is like a puzzle to be solved. It has twists, turns, and blind alleys. It is a left brain task that requires logical, sequential, analytical activity to find the correct path into the maze and out.

A labyrinth has only one path. It is unicursal. The way in is the way out. There are no blind alleys. The path leads you on a circuitous path to the center and out again.

A labyrinth is a right brain task. It involves intuition, creativity, and imagery. With a maze many choices must be made and an active mind is needed to solve the problem of finding the center. With a labyrinth there is only one choice to be made. The choice is to enter or not. A more passive, receptive mindset is needed. The choice is whether or not to walk a spiritual path.

At its most basic level the labyrinth is a metaphor for the journey to the center of your deepest self and back out into the world with a broadened understanding of who you are.

A Lesson From The Labyrinth

Dr. Johnson also provided this story about taking a group of children through a labyrinth. He shares a lesson, and we can all learn from his experience. I was so touched by his story that I had to include it here as well:
Recently, I had the opportunity to introduce a group of 20 children, ages six to eleven, to the labyrinth. They were attending a study group at a church which has an outdoor, classical seven-circuit labyrinth designed of stone. We talked together about mazes and labyrinths and to illustrate the difference, I gave them several simple mazes to trace. They all experienced getting lost by making a wrong turn.

Next, I offered them a three-circuit labyrinth and had them trace it. No one got lost. I asked about the difference between a maze and a labyrinth, and the children easily recognized that you couldn’t get lost in a labyrinth. There are no wrong turns.

For more of a challenge, I gave the children a large drawing of a seven-circuit labyrinth to trace with their fingers. As they were following the path, several of them inadvertently crossed over the lines and became confused. We talked about how you had to pay close attention when tracing the finger labyrinth, but I assured them that when we went out to walk their labyrinth, no one would get lost if they just stayed on the path.

One young boy, about eight years old, held up his paper labyrinth and asked if he could take the "Labyrinth Map" with him. I hastily said, "No. Just leave it here. You don’t need a map." And, with that we all went out to walk the labyrinth.

I told the children that they could walk a labyrinth anyway they wanted, but that for today we would walk it slowly and quietly. I had several parents with me who were helping to monitor the children. I decided to walk first, so I could model "slow and quiet" walking. The children were to follow me, and then the parents would walk.

Now, I have never actually seen children walk a labyrinth slowly and quietly, because the labyrinth has its own energy that calls to children and asks them to run and shout. All went well for a few moments of slow walking, but as more and more children entered the labyrinth the energy of it caught them. The noise level went up. There was running and stumbling, laughing and shouting, and "high fives" were being passed all along the path.

Parents, both those already walking and those waiting to enter, were loudly whispering to the kids to slow down and be quiet. They made a valiant effort at control but to no avail. The joy of the labyrinth was contagious. A few parents even smiled and walked faster.

Several children who had run through the labyrinth wanted to do it again. One was the young boy with the "Labyrinth Map." Secretly, he had put it into his pocket and was now taking it out for comparison. Back he went into the labyrinth with his map.

He was carefully comparing his position in the labyrinth to the map so he could tell where to go next. At each turn he evaluated where he was and how much progress he had made. He looked at his map to see where to go next. He would occasionally seem lost, but with the aid of his Labyrinth Map he made the journey to the center and back out again, where he seemed quite pleased with his success.

I watched this young boy with amusement as he struggled to find the path he was already on with the aid of a map he didn’t need. Suddenly, I realized what a wonderful image! What a metaphor! This is what we all do. We try to solve the labyrinth of life. We seek the experience of life in our minds through our thinking.

We want to understand the journey in advance. We want to be prepared and not be surprised. We want the security of a map. We want the map of intellectual concepts with the left-brain logical, sequential, analytical assurance that we are going in the right direction.

In reality the right or correct direction is always right before us, if we will just give up the distraction of the map. If we move from left-brain to right-brain, open our eyes, and drop the illusion of the map, then we can clearly see the path and recognize that we are already on it. It was there all the time. It is there all the time.

The path is one of intuition and faith, and it always involves risk. The path is full of creativity and surprise and inevitably takes us off the beaten path, the well-known path, towards where no map can go, and where no map is of use. Each path in life is unique. My path is not yours, and yours is not mine. We must each find our own way.

There is no Labyrinth Map, nor is one needed. This is an extraordinarily difficult lesson to learn. We already have what we need. We are where we are supposed to be. This is it, if we drop the illusion that it is not.

The map is not the territory. It never was. The map is not the experience. The map only points you towards it. Excessively relied upon, the map takes you away from the experience.

We are all like the young boy with the Labyrinth Map. We all have our strategies and plans and our schematic diagrams of where life either is or should be going. While clinging to the Labyrinth Map robs us of the lived labyrinth experience, such clinging may also be needed in order to lead us to the precipice where the trail disappears, and we are thrust onto our own resources. We may need the safety of a map until we learn to trust our experience and ourselves.

Such trust may begin at the entrance to one of life’s labyrinths, often disguised as one of life’s crises, where we are forced to discard the Labyrinth Map and step into the journey to our own deep selves through a leap of faith.

A Personal Note

I first became familiar with the idea of building new synaptic pathways from Seth. He provided numerous esoteric exercises, particularly in his book "The Nature of Personal Reality", that seemed .. well .. strange. He never mentioned why doing these exercises was important, just to do the them and trust that good things would come from it.

Those exercises were challenging, and I generally felt pretty silly doing them. Translated that means I did each of them once, some more than that, but eventually I couldn't satisfy my need to know why I was doing them and what was to be gained, and I stopped doing them. I wish I'd known where he was going with those exercises, and trusted in his wisdom more!

Now that I think about it, that's exactly the lesson of the labyrinth, isn't it?


Two Wolves

The following is a Native American Legend called Two Wolves. It's short, but it says so much ...
A Grandfather from the Cherokee Nation was talking with his grandson.

"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.

"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves."

"One wolf is evil and ugly: He is angry, envious, warlike, greedy, self-pitying, sorrowful, regretful, guilty, resentful, feels inferior, lies, has false pride, feels superior, is selfish and arrogant."

"The other wolf is beautiful and good: He is friendly, joyful, peaceful, loving, hopful, serene, humble, kind, benevolent, just, fair, empathetic, generous, true, compassionate, grateful, and has deep vision."

"This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other human as well."

The grandson paused in deep reflection because of what his grandfather had just said. Then he finally cried out; "Oyee! Grandfather, which wolf will win?"

The elder Cherokee replied, "Which ever one you feed."


More About Conscious Manifestation

It's been awhile since I spent any time with the Abraham materials, but recently I chanced upon this reference to conscious manifestation and I thought it was truly profound.

To me it really highlights the difference between asking with doubt and asking with pure intent. Hopefully it can help us all get closer to continually manifesting what we want instead of what we don't want.

GUEST: I've had a lot of problems with my teeth and about 15 years ago I decided I was going to grow a third set of teeth. So I informed my dentist of this, and he said to make sure to let him know when this happened. But that was about 15 years ago, and I haven't even created a little nub yet.

ABRAHAM: Well, how often are you taking score about this? Do you look every day?

GUEST: Yeah. I look in the mirror for that little tooth, and I notice that it's not there.

ABRAHAM: It is fun to listen to you offer that desire into a sea of doubt. You couldn't launch that rocket of desire an inch in an environment of human realists who, like your dentist, mock you as they say, "Well, let me know how that one turns out." But, we say to you, if you have the ability to desire it, you have the ability to achieve it—provided you align your Energy with your desire.

All things are possible. Sometimes people want to prove others wrong. Well, you're dead in the water, right now, when you begin that, because now you're pushing against those doubting Thomases, which means, you are now part of that doubting vibration. You have to let your desire build up—and then you have to find vibrational harmony with that desire. And for those who have done that, before, all kinds of things have been invented to satisfy those desires that are an easier way of going about it. There are all kinds of teeth. You can buy them off the rack these days.

GUEST: Mmm, no, no, no, I've got to grow them. When you buy them off the rack, they're not very comfortable, from what I've heard. 

ABRAHAM: When you say, "I want this because I don't want this," you can't get there from there. So talk to us about what you want and why you want it.

GUEST: Well, all this dental work that I've had done has been painful...

ABRAHAM: Now, you're still talking about what you don't want. Talk to us about what you do want and why you want it. Talk to us in more detail about the teeth, and why you want them.

GUEST: I want great teeth that look good, so that I don't feel self-conscious.

ABRAHAM: Now, you're still talking about what you don't want. You cannot get to where you want to be from the vibration of what you do not want. Law of Attraction says, you must find the Feeling Tone of what you do want.

And that's the reason that you're not getting a little nub. And that's the reason that most people don't—because most of you are so aware of where you are. If you could go into a sort of dreaming attitude every day for 10 or 15 minutes...and if people say to you, where are you going? You're saying, "I'm going to eat lunch with my new teeth."

Don't tell it to anybody who isn't ready to understand, but this is the thing that we would say. "I'm going to eat lunch with my new teeth." And then, just go into your dream state, and close your eyes, and get into your place of meditation, and feel your delicious, powerful, beautiful, strong resilient, teeth.

Feel the Energy pulsing through your gums. Feel them, and then eat an apple with them. And then eat something really gooey, eat a caramel with them, and then eat, eat, eat ... 

Feel the fun of your teeth, your teeth that are so strong and in your mouth. And then smile in your imaginary mirror, and feel gratitude and appreciation for your teeth. And then go on with the rest of your day. But every day go and enjoy your new teeth.

Find the feeling place of your perfect teeth. As that becomes the familiar vibration—the cells of your body have the regenerating quality to produce the outcome that you are fantasizing.
Imagine Your Body's Perfection

Any condition in your body, if you have the ability to imagine the perfection (that some disease has now highlighted) if you can get into that place—the Universe has to deliver it to you. It is Law. Ask, and it is given.

The question is, "Am I letting it in in this moment?" You've been asking, but you've been taking score. If I want something that isn't coming, it only means one thing. I'm a match to my old belief and not a match to my new desire. If I'm a match to my desire—it's happening.

If you will say, "I'm going to have fun in this vision. I'm going to have fun in this dream. I'm there already. I'm there vibrationally, and if I'm there vibrationally, I have to be there in terms of manifestation," it must be. 

The manifestation always follows the alignment of the Energy—it always does.


The Universe and You

There are—among scientists, physicists, and astronomers—raging debates about some of the unknown factors that are being discovered in the cosmos. Below is a talk from Kryon that addresses some of those issues. Be prepared to expand your thinking, or at minimum, to begin pondering the notion that things might not be the way they seem.

From Kryon, Physics and Science (June 2007)

(Edited slightly to aid readability. For the untouched transcript go here)

… Things that we have spoken about before will today meld into things we have never spoken of, to give you the truth about some physics in areas perhaps you have not heard before.

We bring you these things in this way for a reason, the first of which is that we wish to have this archived. Someday there will be those who would pull out this transcription and they will compare it to what science has discovered. Then they will see there is a confluence of truth. Then they will have to say that this esoteric message was real...  not a Human Being on stage entertaining a crowd and guessing about science. These are high ideas and will translate to the pages of your textbooks eventually. You see, you watch, you wait.

I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. If we’re going to do this correctly, we have to give a review and tie it up correctly. I told you that I would explain astrology, and in order to do so, I am going to take you through a little bit of science about your biology that you need to know, for it relates not only to astrology but to almost everything else that is going on with you and the planet.

The Magnetic Nature of DNA

Your DNA is complex; it is elegant and every single piece of it is there for a reason. There is no junk, no waste, and it is beautifully designed. What seems to be random and chaotic is not, for the system lies very succinctly within the interdimensional framework of a system that works with those beautiful strands.

In three dimensions you see the double helix. For many years you have seen it as a strand - a strand by itself, responsible for the genealogy of all the things that make you what you are. The ends of the strands of DNA are the telomeres. These long strands would seem to do nothing but shorten as you age - a copy of a copy of a copy - responsible, perhaps, for what you think is your ultimate demise.

Recently in your science, a discovery was made that seemed to be passed over, which in its essence is probably one of the most profound discoveries that ties you and the magnetic grid together. The discovery was that the telomeres are actually connected together. DNA is not a strand but a loop.

It took a while to see the truth of this, for it was a very detailed connection. So suddenly, DNA is not a strand, but a loop and now the fun begins. For within this loop you now have an attribute of potential electric current.

You see, the Human Being is a bioelectric device and your brain and the synapse and your muscular reactions all work with the neurons that fire the impulses - trillions of them that make your body work. And so the electrics of the body suddenly are involved in the DNA, for there is a current that travels through the loop. It is miniscule, hardly detectable, even by the finest of your instruments.

So the first thing we will tell you is this: Scientists, look for the current! For you will discover it is there. Not only that, you will discover that the current flows through your chemistry in a way that it shouldn’t do! DNA shouldn’t conduct electricity, but it does...  almost like a super-conductor.

So now you have current flowing through a loop. In basic electricity, you learn that current flowing through a loop creates a magnetic field. DNA, therefore, has a magnetic field all of its own...  each double helix. Oh, it’s small, but when you take trillions of those parts of a Human body, all of which have a magnetic field, the whole Human Being becomes magnetic. So there you sit and there you stand with scientific evidence that the Human Being’s DNA actually has a magnetic field.

This should tell you something else because of the physics of magnetics. If one magnetic field overlaps another, something will happen that is known as inductance. Inductance is that magic attribute where two magnetic fields overlap and intertwine and allow communications and transfer of energy to happen. In your electricity, this is used daily in almost every electric apparatus you have.

What you should now know is that inductance is the engine of DNA change, receiving both appropriate and inappropriate magnetic instructions from the environment. This is why we have warned you repeatedly about not exposing yourself to long-term magnetic fields. However, another realization should come upon you - suddenly you have the potential of receiving information through the magnetic grid of the planet, since you are now aware that you have your own magnetic generator, your own DNA. This is the reason I am Kryon of "Magnetic Service."

Now, let me review the information we gave you in 1989 where we said that the earth has a magnetic field that postures your consciousness. We told you that if you were to go outside of this magnetic field, that in time you would be in dis-ease [disease]. You cannot live without it. We now challenge you yet again to prove this, for you will need it in space travel. This fact has never changed.

In the past, we asked scientists to look at some very interesting attributes waiting to be discovered. Look at what happens when you take a Human Being even slightly outside the magnetic field. They go into dis-ease! There have been laboratories that you have placed at your earth poles that are research related. Scientists have lived in them for numbers of months. At the poles of the earth, you have a neutrality of confluence...  no merging of magnetics. There’s a singularity at the North Pole and a singularity at the South Pole that is not balanced for the Human cellular structure.

So, scientists, I want you to take a look at the health of those who have been in those research laboratories, because you’re going to find something in the incidences of their disease and their cancer. It will show to be far greater than it should be in the normal curve of Human health. For they sat outside of the balance too long and they’ve paid the price.

Those who are in orbit for great numbers of days, even months, were slightly outside of the magnetic field that you are in now, and you will see the same thing there. Look at their bone marrow. Look at their immune systems and see that it begins to fail when they get outside of the magnetic field. The magnetic field of your planet works with your DNA in ways that you do not know. It talks to your DNA.

In 1989, I told you that the magnetic grid would move more in 10 years than it had in the last 100...  and it did. It’s on its way, some say, to be involved in another flip of polarity, as it has done in the past. But not yet. It moved, however, and moved as I told you it would. [This is a known scientific fact and is verifiable.]

Now, I’ll tell you why it moved - because the consciousness of this planet moved it, and the beginning of this move was at the Harmonic Convergence [1987]. It’s no coincidence that it started then. It moved in order to posture your enlightenment. It moved so that there would be an awakening of the planet. That’s why it moved and there is, and has been, an intuition shift of so many all over the planet. The grid talks to the DNA and the consciousness of humanity. Now, thousands are suddenly asking, "Is there more than I’ve been told?" Perhaps you are one of these? Perhaps that’s why your eyes are on this page?

There are other places on the planet that are difficult to live, and that’s at the null point. At the equator and around the equator, there meets the positive and the negative, and they slowly reverse, one becoming the other. Around these areas, the magnetic grid is not consistent, and it is not linear. There are parts where it’s greater and parts where it’s lesser. It also doesn’t follow exactly at the equatorial line. It goes above and below and that has been mapped for you and your scientists know where those null points are.

Take a look at these null points and you will find the greatest trouble spots on this planet, the greatest disease on this planet, the greatest war and horror and genocide on this planet. The greatest imbalance is in the null. That’s because of the magnetic grid and because DNA receives information of balance.

Eighteen years ago, we were asked this question: "Where can we go for the most enlightenment, Kryon?" This was published in our first transcriptions of live channelling. And the answer was, "Go to where it’s cooler." That’s not at the equator. Now, do you understand why we said what we said? Moving away from the equator in either direction will bring you to a place that is more balanced, and...  cooler! That’s simple truth.

So we sit here saying, Go ahead, scientists, take a look, because you’re going to find some synchronicities that you did not expect. If you’re going to travel to the stars, if you’re going to travel to the planets, you better take your magnetic field with you in a simulated mode. Match it to what the earth gives you for those days, those years, sitting in that cocoon. If you don’t, you won’t make it.

This is yet to be recognized by those who plan to go to the planets and to the stars [NASA]. So here is the invitation to the life science biologists. Ask the question, "Does the Human cellular structure need the magnetic field of Earth for sustained life and balance over time?" Use information from the years passed at the poles, and the time you have already spent in orbit. The answer will be “yes”.


Now, let’s talk about astrology. This would seem to be an esoteric subject, but it is not. It is one of the most misunderstood of all of the attributes of science...  being classified as occult and from those who are not thinking clearly. Let me remind you that this was also the consideration of those who believed in germs before it was proven to be true. Imagine...  an invisible microorganism that causes disease (gasp...  must be occult, or a plan by ETs to invade the earth!) [Kryon humor]. When your tools and wisdom came to understand it all, it became science, and helped save lives. Now we tell you that astrology is the same. It is science that is right now thought to be mysticism.

If you have gotten this far in my magnetic discussion, you will realize that Human Beings are continually influenced by the magnetic grid of the planet, and that it was designed that way for communication and balance. I would like to reveal to you what is landing on [being put upon] the magnetic grid that might be part of that communication we speak of. Oh, there’s a great deal of information that is delivered this way, but I’ll just give you the astrological one.

At the center of your solar system is your sun. Your sun is being patterned magnetically with gravity every second of the day. You cannot separate gravity and magnetics, for they are two twins of the same attribute in science, yet to be understood as they relate to one another. Light is involved as well, for it is interdimensional also.

When something in your reality can be shown to be in two places at the same time, it has to be quantum [interdimensional attributes] and light falls into that category with magnetics and gravity. Magnetics, gravity and light are the mysteries of your reality. None of these three are truly understood. They are, instead, simply used. You know what they do, but you have no idea what they are. Time is the other one, but it is a result of the first three, and not an energy unto itself.

And so, your sun is sitting there with the planets pushing and pulling upon it as they move around it. Imagine the force of the tug upon the sun of all of your planets at the various alignments that they go through. Imagine for a moment that you could see gravity and the incredible forces of gravity as strings out to the planets pulling upon the center of the sun. This would create a constantly changing pattern of strings, would it not? For it is patterned daily all of the time, every moment.

This patterning is an interdimensional patterning of the sun. Therefore, you might say that the quantum pattern of the sun is different every moment, depending on where the planets are. You’d be right. Think of what the attributes of this pushing and pulling do to the sun when the planets line up in a row! Think of what happens when there’s what you call the seeming retrograde [appearance of backward movement in orbits as observed from another orbiting platform]. So there we are with a constantly changing pattern in the sun that is interdimensional, that is magnetic, that even affects time.

What do you know about the sun besides that fact that it is sending light and heat? The sun blasts something called the solar wind at the earth all the time. It’s a continuous flow of charged particles [magnetics!]. This is the information of the patterning of the sun being delivered to the magnetic grid of this earth.

If you doubt that, then go look at the aurora borealis. For that is the name given to the light show of the solar wind as it hits the magnetic grid of the planet, creating inductance of its own, delivering the information of the patterning of the sun to you.
When it arrives on the grid of the planet, that patterning is then transmitted through additional inductance to your DNA at birth.

Birth is when you receive it, since that is when you arrive for your first breath of air, your first interaction with the environment as an independent life. Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer … you get a pattern of the sun. And the pattern is a reflection of the alignment of the planets at the moment of your birth.

This pattern is retained in your DNA as a life-force that we have spoken of [previously] when we talked about the seeming chaos of the energy in an interdimensional arena. It affects you, and from then on, you are susceptible to the energy of those patterns as they align in your solar system. You call this astrology. It is one of the oldest sciences on the planet and it’s intuitive [part of your consciousness of ‘knowing’].

There are those who say, "I don’t believe it." We have just given you information that you are susceptible to the patterning of interdimensional orbital mechanics and there are those who say, "I still don’t believe it."

All right, I will ask you this, how do you explain the full moon syndrome? The moon is the largest orbiting body to the earth, and it patterns the sun, but has a major influence patterning your grid with its gravitational pull. [Gravity is related to magnetics.] Why is it that police forces all over the globe decide to put on extra help on a full moon? There are some that say, "Well, that’s easy. You see, it’s lighter then and more crime takes place."

No. That would relate to light, not the orbit of the moon, for it even takes place on a cloudy full moon night. Ask the hospitals, for they are involved as well, taking care of all the many accidents and challenges between Humans on these days. They know the full moon is a difficult time.

Now, go explain that...  and the only way is through astrology. Astrology is a major influence on Human behavior, and it is science and involves DNA and human thought. Can you imagine what this might do to help humanity when it is finally acknowledged? You are susceptible to the movement of the planets. You’re alive with Gaia. You are part of the system. How can you ever deny such a thing? That’s science.

Now you will understand, astrologers, why we told you 18 years ago that there would be a difference in the charts that you must rectify before and after, to find out what has taken place within the energy shift and the magnetic grid shift between then and now. We talked about a three-degree influence in your charts between now and the year 2012. Those three degrees do not all occur in one house. Those three degrees are a culmination of the house shapes opening and closing into a new configuration of sizes.

Go ahead [astrologers], do the rectifications and see what we mean. Do the overlays before and after and you will discover through those clients that you have had charts done on then and now, what is taking place and how these changes are shifting and changing. The world-class astrologers know that it is changing. Even astrology is dynamic, for it’s related to the magnetics, indeed!

The New Laws of Physics

Now we speak of physics. Let me give you some history about a conundrum. Let me tell you what science has done with the conundrum. Then let me tell you some things that we have never said before.

It’s a beautiful law, it is, and the scientist Newton designed [discovered] it. It is a law that is responsible for all of the orbital mechanics in your solar system. It explains them all, it does, and it’s the second law of Newton. It is a description.

It is a description in its fundamental formulation of force, matter and acceleration. And these fundamentals explain the movements of the planets - the movement and inertia of motion everywhere. It does it so well that this formula is responsible for the calculations you use to send satellites up, and your space probes throughout the solar system. All of the math, so centered around Newton’s second law, works.

If you’ve noticed in your own solar system and if you’re into astronomy, you’ll see what Newton saw - that the planets [items with constant mass] that are closer to the gravitational influence of the sun travel at a different speed than the ones that are further away. This became the formula of the second law of Newton, and holds true today and has held true...  until recently when your science discovered some challenges.

The first thing that raised interest was when the particles became too small, and then the law broke down. It didn’t follow the rules anymore. When you got into atomic structure, the formula was different. This was actually the reason for the birth of quantum physics - the explanation of the small and the very small and the theories that would go with it, including interdimensional ones. And it was OK with science.

New theories said that when matter gets super-small, there has to be a difference in the interaction between mass objects. Some say it was due to the fact that smaller particles didn’t have the constant mass that the planets and moon did...  not too hard to deal with in the mind of the scientist. Also, Human Beings have the ability to experiment with the super-small with atomic accelerators - protons and anti-protons colliding at almost the speed of light to see what happens. So Humans could verify the new laws within the super-small world.

Then something happened.

With the advent of the new "eyes" of the earth through computer-controlled mirrors in telescopic arrays, you began to study distant galaxies and see them clearly. Much to the surprise of astronomers, they could see the stars rotating around the center of the galaxy, much like your solar system rotates around the sun, but with a big difference. It didn’t follow Newton’s law!
To the astronomers’ surprise, they discovered that the stars rotating around the center of a galaxy were in what is called a "flat rotation mode." Let me explain this to you.

If you were to take a disc and put some pebbles on the disc close and far from the fulcrum [center], then gently rotate the disc, you would notice that all of the particles you put on the disc rotate in tandem together, keeping their influence with each other in the same perspective. In other words, one does not go faster or slower due to the distance from the center. That is called flat rotation and that is what galaxies do.

However, suddenly, Newton’s second law doesn’t work! Stars would have large constant mass, yet they were not following the rules of orbital mechanics. Newton’s law seemed to work for solar systems, but not for galaxies. This makes no sense, and is at the heart of controversy, and eventual discovery of something astronomy is starting to see.

In the mathematics of energy-measuring of the Universe, science says that something is creating an energy you cannot see that is pushing on the matter in a way that is affecting Newton’s law. They say they don’t know what it is and cannot see it. It is unseen energy creating a new kind of orbital system, which they are now realizing is in all galaxies. So they call it dark matter: mystery matter that has influence on everything.

Dark matter isn’t really dark. It is simply the scientific expression for missing energy. That’s all it is. Something is pushing and pulling in ways that do not follow the orbital mechanics of the classic Newton’s law. How can that be?

Now the conundrum is there. The very small doesn’t work well. The very big doesn’t work well. Your solar system seems to be fine. Somebody’s working on this issue right now, and I have to mention it. So put on your esoteric hat for just a moment. Newton had an assistant who was very involved in his work. This assistant is alive today and he’s an astronomer, of course. He has reincarnated with the passion in his cellular structure to continue the work, and he is! And he’s very close to figuring this out.

I’m going to tell you why this conundrum exists. This has never been revealed in this fashion. You’re close to discovery, and it’s in the ethers. So I am not giving you anything that Human free choice wouldn’t discover on its own. The solution is floating in the system, ready to be found.

Adding to the Known Forces in the Universe

When it’s seen, the new theory is going to run up against lots of scientific resistance, and I’ll tell you why - because you’re going to have to rewrite and add onto the four forces of the Universe. (Gasp! Change the known forces?) [Kryon humor]

As known by physics, I will give you the names of the four forces of the Universe, and what they’re called. I will not explain them, for this is not the venue for that today. Listen to what the scientists have said are the only four forces that control everything:

The first is (1) gravity, and is known as the weak force. The second is (2) electromagnetics, and is known as the strong force. They’re a pair. And the next two are another pair; number three is known as (3) the weak nuclear force, the fourth is known as (4) the strong nuclear force.

Those four supposedly are responsible for everything that happens, but now suddenly there is a conundrum. There’s missing energy! Does that not tell you perhaps those four forces might be six? And they are as follows:

[First] I want you to take a look at nature. On your planet, take a look at nature. Almost everything comes up in the factors of 12. Mathematician, you know what the factors of 12 are. [There are six.] The most common factors of 12 that you see in nature are three, four and six. When you crystallize water on its own, it comes up with a six-arm pattern [a snowflake]. The crystallization formations are base-12 with the factors of 12 clearly showing, mostly with six.

We have told you for many, many years that the elegant science of physics should be base-12. It is an interdimensional math that includes a zero that doesn’t mean nothing or infinity. A zero in universal base-12 math means the potentials of all the answers probable.

It’s not an empirical math as in 3D, yet this math will bring you some realizations when you begin to use it. For instance, does it make sense to you that one of the most profound equations that you have, being that of the circle - called pi [π] - is an irrational number? [An irrational number in math is one having an infinite and nonrecurring expansion when expressed as a decimal.] It goes forever! Does that make sense for one of the most profound formulas of the Universe?

We happen to know that on one of your spacecrafts to communicate with anybody who might find it, you put that number pi right on the plaque on the spacecraft. It’s like a communication in math, in case any intelligent life-force should find it, they would then say, "Oh, Humans have pi! Therefore, they must be intelligent."

Let me tell you what an intelligent society will know when they see that. They will look at it and say, "These creatures are flying in space, and they don’t even have base-12! Look what they think pi is! They must still be in base-10." It’s like finding an advanced society with black and white TV. π as expressed in base-12 is not an irrational number.

There are six forces of nature. Although four is a factor of 12, six and 12 are the ones that appear the most, and are most nature-like. Look at the chemistry of DNA and behold the factors of 12 in the chemistry. It’s everywhere.

Before I tell you what the other two forces are, let me tell you about naming things. I will give them attributes, not names, because they will be named according to what science wishes to name them later, and they will then explain dark matter.
There’s a difference between the galaxy and the solar system - a big difference. Newton, listen up. At the middle of a solar system is ordinary mass. No matter how big or how small the sun is in any solar system, it represents ordinary, consistent mass.

When you get into the giant systems such as galaxies, that’s where the magic is, and that’s where the discoveries are. Years ago, we told you what was in the middle of each galaxy that would cause the rotation, even before it was notated in science. We said there is something in the middle that is interdimensional - a black hole.

Some years ago, we then gave you the rest of the story; we said there are twins in the middle of each galaxy. There are two quantum attributes. One that you call a black hole, and one you cannot see that is its twin. They are a push/pull system of interdimensional energy. They represent the missing piece of the named forces of the Universe and the energy that surges back and forth.

Let me tell you what happens when you have this kind of interdimensional energy in the center of anything. Newton’s law no longer applies, since the center is not ordinary mass. This interdimensional energy has a cohesion to it. It creates a flat, rotating galaxy because of this cohesion.

There’s a whole set of laws that must be developed for a strong and a weak interdimensional force. These are the last two, and now you have the six. You have (1) gravity, you have (2) electromagnetics, you have (3) strong and (4) weak nuclear, and now you have number five and number six, which are (5) strong interdimensional force and (6) weak interdimensional force.

New Information about the center of the galaxies

Every galaxy has a push/pull system at its center. This is a twin energy system, but you only are aware of one. You’re convinced it’s invisible, and it’s a black hole. No light escapes, but you think it’s singular - one thing. How 3D of you! [Laughter]

It is not one thing. Instead, it’s a beautiful, double eye of a needle. Now listen. When you start mapping the Universe and you see how the galaxies are really laid out, you already know they’re not random. Isn’t that interesting? Wasn’t what you called The Big Bang supposed to be something that randomly distributed everything from almost nothing? So why is there a pattern?

This is the beautiful part, dear Human Being. There is a pattern in the seeming chaos of the interdimensional event that the Big Bang was. As we have told you before, your Big Bang was really a big, interdimensional collision with another interdimensional force. Interdimensionality seems to be chaos with a hidden pattern.

Picture with me for a moment a giant needle and thread, two of them. One goes into the black hole and one comes out of it. These threads are interdimensional strings of force that connect themselves to the other galaxies, weaving in and out of their centers, which are all double-eyed black holes. A push and a pull - an interdimensional force of which you are not aware of yet, threading the galaxies one to another and to another.

Now, picture in your mind that quilt work having a symmetry and a purpose. If you could look down the middle of it, into the middle of the Universe from a certain angle, you would even have the symmetry of a mandala. The galaxies are shaped beautifully together in an elegant dance. The symmetry makes sense, and it’s base-12. We challenge you to find this.

And those seeming threads that go in and out of those galaxies’ centers with this new force I have just described are a lattice. It’s a lattice with symmetry and purpose...  the Cosmic Lattice [as originally defined by Kryon many years ago]. It has beauty. And it’s the missing energy of the Universe, as seen by those who are looking for it.

The dark matter that everyone looks for is not in the empty spaces between things. It’s in the strings of the interdimensional force between galaxies, purposely put there. Oh, it’s a wonderful system. You want the dark matter to make 3D sense, but it can’t. It deals with the two interdimensional forces of the Universe that are quantum, and therefore out of time and out of the preview of your 3D formulas.

The next big discovery...  quantum sight

OK, there is one more. I want to give you this hint. Again, this information is in the ethers. That is to say that it is available for discovery and imminent. Humans must discover these things on their own, but we give hints. When the discoveries happen, you’ll know you heard it here first. [Kryon smiles]

For years, astronomers have been putting special lenses on telescopes in order to give them different kinds of views of the Universe beyond normal light. The collection of ordinary light is passé for real astronomy. They now wish to collect radiation.

They wish to have the spectrometry so that they can have an analysis of what things are made of. They like to measure the coming and the going of the speed of objects so they will have red shift or blue shift to know if objects are advancing or retreating from the observer.

For years, they have been putting special lenses on their telescopes so they can analyze what common light cannot show them. Most of you are not even aware that many of the telescopes of the planet don’t even let you look through them anymore! It’s all about computer-controlled collection of what is hidden in the light, or what is available through other measuring methods. They know how hot things are, what they are made of, where they are going and their trajectory anomalies.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone on Earth came up with an interdimensional astronomical lens? And if they did, what would they see? They would see exactly what I’ve described. First, they would be able to see the twin black holes that appear to be one. An interdimensional lens is looking at gravity and time, and the warping of them into patterns.

If you were looking at the Universe with this lens, you’d see how the twins relate to each other, the pulse of them, and you’d see the strands connecting the galaxies very clearly. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? It would explain the missing energy, wouldn’t it? It would give the scientists the reason to increase the four forces to six! And...  it’s doable.

Now I’m going to tell you what it looks like...  almost. [Kryon smiles] Number one hint: You cannot put it on the lens. It must go as close as it can to the receiving device. In the case of an optical telescope, that is the mirror. In the case of a digital telescope, that is its digital eyeball. That is to say that this lens cannot go anywhere but the focal plane. That will be meaningful to those who build telescopes. It must go there where the focus is collected. Hint two: This lens is not physical. This lens is plasma. The plasma is held together by incredibly strong magnetics. Oh, and it’s very cold. And those are the hints.

And when you develop it and when you turn it on and work out the adjustments to the magnetics that allow the plasma coherence, you will have the next step in astronomy - a revolution and a revelation. Physics will change; your reality will change; and I will tell you why. This is the last point I make in science before I close. I’ll tell you why.

When you look at interdimensional things, one of the unexpected things you’re going to see is life! Life sticks out, because of life-force. You can look into a galaxy and the stars that glow [using the filter] will have life around them! How about that one? And everybody can get scared. [Laughter] It’s inevitable, you know? That is our science channel.

Kryon ended the session with these words:
There are those who have received messages in these times, in these two days [the talk was over two days]. The messages often were this: Honor yourself. Go slow. There’s a purpose for your life, and let the cosmic intelligence flow in and out of you. Be peaceful. Stop worrying. Increase your life-force and your health. There is a system of connections between every Human Being in this room, even those reading, just like the galaxies of the Universe. Call upon it. And let it work for you. You’re not alone.

You’re not alone.

You’re not alone.

And so it is.


Dei Un Gnost - A New Term

You Are Not Your Body

You know this don’t you? That you are not your body? And you also know that you are not your mind? You are so much more!

You might think that you are your spirit, but not necessarily in the way that is commonly thought. When you ‘die’, or that experience which we have come to call death, you know that something leaves the body which makes the body less than it was. The cells in your body continue to ‘live’ for a short while even after ‘you’ are gone. What is the ‘you’ that goes? Some refer to this thing that leaves as the soul. Others call it ‘life force energy’. I prefer ‘life force energy’ because for me that more accurately describes what it is.

Life force energy is not you, its something that you have. Like your body. Like your mind. My body. My mind. My life force energy. These three things are not who we are, they are tools. 

Humans live in an environment (physical reality) that is not natural to the soul. In order to experience a foreign environment, you have tools. There are tools that help us survive and experience foreign environments. Take for example, being under water. There are tools (wet suits, breathing apparatus, flippers) that allow us to survive in this different environment called under water. There are tools that help us survive and experience being in outer space. Tools that help us survive and experience being in toxic environments. 

There are also tools that help us, as Spirit, to survive and live in the environment called physical reality. The tools that help a spirit experience life on planet earth are the body, the mind, and the life force energy. Again, life force energy is not what you are, it is something you have, something you use.

There’s another tool that you use to experience life on planet earth. This tool is something most people aren’t aware of because it's fallen out of use. Since people aren’t aware of it, they don’t use it. But this tool exists, you can access it, and you can use it.

The real power is in knowing that this fourth tool exists, knowing that it is a tool that you came into physical reality with, knowing that it is yours, and knowing that you can access it and use it to your advantage any time you wish. There’s nothing you need to do to get it, you already have it. It’s a creative knowingness that has nothing to with the brain or with thinking. Creative knowingness. It works in conjunction with the brain and the mind, but it is neither of those things. It is something different than that, and it is yours.

We refer to this creative knowingness as ‘gnost’ (thanks to the Crimson Circle, where I first learned of it). The full term is Dei Un Gnost, shortened to simply 'gnost'.

What is this Dei Un Gnost—this creative knowingness—and how do I use it?

That’s a wonderful question. How do you access your mind and use it? How do you access your body and use it? How do you access your life force energy and use it? These aren’t things that can be described that way. Each of these tools is incredibly complex, so complex that they cannot really be explained in human language. 

My intent here isn’t to try to explain it, but merely let you know that it exists, so that you can begin experimenting with it, using it to enhance your native creative ability.

Here is a portion of what Tobias of the Crimson Council had to say about gnost:
You are very inter-dimensional on your own right. You have many, many levels within you. You are only operating in a small spectrum of those levels right now as a human being. Gnost opens the doorway to integrate many of these inter-dimensional levels within you. You’re going to find this energy of gnost to be invaluable. It’s an incredible tool to help you manifest ideas and dreams in this reality.

Again, it is very difficult to talk about gnost because it is not an energy that originates from the mind. It cannot be manipulated by the mind. It absolutely will resist that. It cannot be limited by the mind. So the gnost energy is in its own realm.

Now, the interesting thing is you’re going to find that your mind is more than happy to work with gnost. Your mind is going to get into stride with it as you begin to use it. The mind will understand it has a new friend, that it has a companion that’s going to take much of the burden off of the mind. The mind initially is going to try to control it because that’s how the mind has been programmed, until now. But as you start to use gnost, the mind will let go, the mind will stop trying to control, and just allow this solution of gnost to come in.

Then the mind will do what it does best. It will help to keep things organized, it will keep its database and databanks of information, and it will help to materialize some of the final phases... put into action some of the things that you need to do as a creator who’s also living on Earth right now.

The mind, for instance, knows how to drive a car. Gnost doesn’t necessarily know how to do that. The mind knows how to operate your computer devices. Gnost will make it a more fulfilling and creative experience, but it is the mind that controls the hands and the fingers and some of the stored information such as the language that you use. The mind is wonderful at doing these things.

Gnost is going to allow you to manifest and create without all of the struggle. And again, it takes you using it, more than anything. It takes you allowing it to come into your life, and we know it is a bit of a paradox because you say,“But how do I use it? Define gnost. Help me to create a picture.” And we can’t. There is none. You can only bring it in and use it in your life.

Now, as more and more [of you] work with the energy of gnost, you will be able to define it better and more accurately. You’ll have more of a database or an experience-base from which to talk about it or discuss it. But right now gnost is a simple and beautiful energy. Again, it doesn’t come from us. It doesn’t come from some far off god being. It doesn’t come from Earth. It comes from you.

… I’m going to ask you—and I will continue to ask you—to use it over and over again. Sometimes you may become frustrated because you don’t know how to use it, it may seem to elude you at times. It takes a while to reintegrate this into your material life right now. Continue to work with it. Continue to breathe with it, and always remember it’s not coming from outside of you. It’s already within.

It’s one of the four components that was built into the design of the human being long before you ever came to Earth. You have (1) the physical body, (2) the mind, (3) the spirit is your life force energy, and (4) gnost, the creative knowingness. Don’t mistake gnost with divinity, that is an entirely different discussion. But we’re talking about the four tools that the human, the divine being, brought with them to Earth.

Gnost is a brilliant energy. Gnost is creative knowingness. Gnost is the energy, the portion of you, the aspect of you that can take an idea or a concept, can take something that is very creative—an inspiration—and then channel those energies down through your inter-dimensional realms and help them to manifest or become solid, stable and balanced here in this realm [reality].

Dei un gnost is also the core of passion in the human existence. … It’s not spirit and it’s not the mind. The best way to explain dei un gnost is that it is knowingness, but not knowingness from the mind. It is creativity, but not creativity from the mind. You see, right now, even for those of you who are artists and musicians, you use creativity but it is saccharin. It is artificial. It is being created from the mind—there is literally a lobe in the mind where creative energies can flow and be manifested—but it is not dei un gnost. It is not the true—what you would call—creative ability.

So this missing piece, gnost... gnost. This missing piece is the piece, the component that is creative and that is knowingness. It's not intuition either. It is the ability to bridge between the nonphysical realms and into the crystalline realms and bring that energy and that consciousness down into the earthly realms. It is the ability to very rapidly manifest dreams using the balance of body, mind, gnost and spirit [life force energy]. But that piece has been missing for a long, long time, and it’s time for it to come back, but in a different way. We’re not going to go back and activate the old gnost. We’re not going to go try to dig it from the depths of wherever it’s been hiding. It’s been hiding for a reason and wants to come back in a different way now.

Trying to understand what gnost is is a bit like trying to understand infinity. The mind simply isn't the right tool to allow us to understand these concepts. As Tobias has said in other sessions, we humans have been out in the other realms experimenting, creating, solving puzzles for humanity. But the solutions can't make their way into the physical reality of Earth because we don't know how to ground them. We don't know how to translate what we're working on in other realities into the language of physical reality. It's like there's a gap between what we know at other levels and what we can bring into our earthly experience. Gnost is the tool that bridges that gap.

For now, think of gnost as an interdimensional tool that you just discovered, that you're curious about, that you'd like to learn how to use. You can see that this tool is there, but you don't know what to do with it or how to use it. There's no instruction manual. You see this thing, it intrigues you, and you're curious as hell how to go about using it! Let that curiosity drive you. When you have something you'd like to understand or manifest, particularly if it is a completely new idea or puzzle that seems unsolvable—potentially impossible based upon what you know with your mind—ask yourself "how would gnost solve this?" then let it go.

Play around with the concept that gnost exists, intend to get insight into its use, then let it go and see what happens.


You Always Get What You Ask For Unless ...

After recently viewing the movie "Tuning In" for the second time, I was reminded of several of the channelers that I hadn't spent much time getting to know. I'm very familiar with, and always intrigued by the messages from, Geoff Hoppe (channel for Tobias and the Crimson Council) and Lee Carroll (channel for Kryon).

Though every bit as insightful and helpful as those two, the other channelers from the movie I wasn't so familiar with. Among them was Wendy Kennedy, channel for the 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective, who I highlighted in my last post. The post below highlights the delightful John Cali, channel for Chief Joseph. Chief Joseph, according to John, is both an individual and a collective.

I was interested in what John and Chief Joseph had to say about a topic that is close to the hearts of all humans—how we manifest. We continually hear, all over the planet these days, that we are the ultimate manifestors, that we constantly create our reality through our thoughts and beliefs.

At the heart level we know this to be true, and if we're interested in increasing our ability to consciously manifest our desires, we make an effort to compare what we're feeling/thinking/believing with what we see manifesting around us. That helps us see how we manifest things that we want, as well as how we manifest things that we do not want.

What Chief Joseph has to say fits in beautifully with everything I think that I know on this topic, but is offered in a fresh new way. It turned out to be a great reminder to me that manifesting isn't hard, we just have to shift our own beliefs about what is possible and what is not possible, and particularly what we believe is possible for us and what we believe is not. Believe in fact so soundly that we won't even consider certain possibilities for ourselves at all!

John Cali

Late last Saturday afternoon (January 2009) I was driving out to my brother’s ranch to have dinner and spend the evening with him, his wife, and some close friends.

It was a beautiful early winter day with a clear blue sky, a few puffy white clouds, and freshly fallen snow sparkling in the rugged mountains all around.

It’s over an hour-long, 40-mile drive on a narrow winding mountain road from Cody, Wyoming (USA) where I live. To me it’s one of the most beautiful roads on the planet. The scenery is simply spectacular. Every time I’ve gone up there over the past 23 years or so, I feel like I’m going home again.

Since the ranch is west of town I was driving into the bright sun, by now hovering low over the late-afternoon horizon.

I thought I wasn’t going to be able to enjoy the gorgeous mountain and valley views so much with the sunlight in my face all the way out to the ranch. "Oh well," I said to myself, "I’m going to enjoy the ride anyway." I just let it go.

A mile or two out of town a dark cloud suddenly appeared and covered the sun. The rest of the sky was mostly crystal clear and bright blue.

That cloud stayed over the sun for my entire hour-plus trip, even though it was a wildly windy day. So I got to enjoy the spectacular alpine views without being half-blinded by bright sunlight.

I figured there must be a message in this. So I asked Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph

The topic of manifesting comes up so often in our work with John. So here we are discussing it again today.

Even though manifesting what you ask for is a simple process, many humans still struggle with it. It does not have to be a struggle. Yet it is, for various reasons.

Manifesting anything you want, big or small, should be easy. It can be easy if you allow it to be. It’s a simple three-step process.

First, you ask. Any time you have a desire, you’ve automatically asked.

Second, the Universe answers your desire.

Third, you, the asker, allow it to come to you.

That third step is the big bad bugaboo for many of you. You are very inventive when it comes to blocking your manifestations.

You don’t feel worthy. You believe nothing should be easy. You don’t believe you can have what you want simply by asking (instead of struggling and working hard). Someone talks you out of what you want. The list is endless.

But all these blocks have one thing in common. They are at a lower vibration. Your desire, your asking is at a high vibration. You must remain at that high vibration to receive the manifestation. If you do not, you slow it down, or stop it altogether.

If you do what John did (although he wasn’t doing it consciously), that is, just get out of the way, you’ll get what you want quickly. In his case, almost instantaneously.

Manifesting, friends, is that easy, that simple.

You always get what you ask for unless you get in the way.


Getting Grounded

Excerpted from an interview with Wendy Kennedy channeling the 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective:
When you have people who are very sensitive, who have very strong psychic abilities they are picking up a lot of these emotions, a lot of pain on the planet, but there is also the potential for them to pick up a lot of the joy. But where the focus tends to lie is in all the discomfort, because it is not pleasant to feel. And what a lot of sensitive people will do is not ground into their bodies so they don’t have to feel and they don’t have to process.

The other thing that you find very sensitive people do, they often have addictions. They will try to numb themselves with alcohol or drugs or food—and that’s a whole ‘nother topic—but not being grounded in your body is one of the biggest concerns. Because when you’re not grounded in, you have a very difficult time manifesting. The idea of this game called Planet Earth was to bring Home—or the sense of Home, the notion of being connected to all things, to being connected to Source Energy, to experiencing unconditional love that you feel when you are not in your earthly body—to bring that sensation to Earth.

This isn’t about going through the death cycle and being able to raise your frequency and then go into another body. This is a game of descension and re-ascension. You are already Source Energy. So you had to descend into physical bodies. And now you’ve taken it as low as you can go and you’re going to reascend, you’re going to raise your frequency and bring that sense of connectedness to this vehicle that you are utilizing right now. And in order to bring Home here, you’ve got to be in your body.

So it’s very difficult when you don’t create boundaries for yourself. That keeps you from connecting to your body. What’s also important for people who are sensitive to know is, you are not responsible for processing everything that you feel. Because a lot of people who are sensitive take it on as their own and think that they’ve got to process that energy, that pain, that frustration, that fear, whatever they’ve taken on throughout the day. It is only your responsibility to process your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

You don’t have to heal it for the planet, it is not your responsibility to do that. You can from time to time check in and lend a little energy there, but you are not burdened to do that. Because the Earth herself is a reflection of you, as a whole. In other words you’re all holographic in nature, so you, the tiny part of you the individual, the body, the personality that is you, is a carrier to the entire picture of the world. All the information for the entire world shows up in your energetic field. You’re holographic. So as you change and alter yourself, you then in turn, alter the entire planet. That information is cascaded down to the planet so that you can create a different version of her.

So if you can get yourself in your body, it’s going to be much easier for you to create what you want. It’s going to be much easier for you to recognize when you’ve taken on energy that’s not your own. And what that feels like to you is that your emotional response is out of balance for how you would normally react to a situation. So if normally you might feel a bit uncomfortable or a bit annoyed with something, and the experience that you have is that you fly off the handle, then that’s an indicator for you to check in and see, have you taken on something else?

The other thing that can trigger a similar response is when you activate a past life issue. When what you’re experiencing triggers the frequency of a past life experience. So you can check in with yourself and ask “is this my own or is this belonging to someone else?” And your subconscious is going to give you a yes or a no. That’s an indicator for you. So that’s vital for your well being, your energy, so that you can really be mindful of how you’re feeling in your body so that you know when you have fears coming up so you can address them and clear them when they belong to you. And it really just makes life much easier in general.

So that’s our 2 cents on being grounded into the body. Now, how do you achieve that? There are a couple exercises, and I’ll give you two visualizations right here right now.

One is to see yourself in your mind’s eye and to see your Soul Energy—a BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN LIGHT—and to see that penetrating into the cells of your body. And that they are illuminating the cells and radiating out, just as if the sun is contained within the cell and beaming out from it, so is your Soul Essence. And you can visualize and start with just one cell and that will cascade down through each and every cell.

So that’s one way to get yourself grounded and into your body. What you find after you’re done with that visualization and it really doesn’t take too long, it can take really only about 5 minutes, is that you have a lot more energy. And it’s much easier for you to tap into your intuition, for you to get inspiration, for you to connect with your own guides.

The other quick little exercise that we like to give is to visualize, in your mind’s eye again, yourself, and you’re going to incorporate the elements of the earth (wind, water, fire) with the colors of the chakras of the energetic centers that lie within your body.

Image courtesy Wordpress

So you’re first going to start with the visualization of a RED TORNADO swirling around your body. And you’re going to hold that for three breaths in and three breaths out. And as you see that energy as you inhale, you feel the energy coming up and you feel the energy moving through your body, and as you exhale you feel your body relax and anything that is not of the highest frequency, allow it to be swept away with the tornado. See in your mind’s eye what comes out.

So you’re going to hold that for three breaths in and out and then you’re going to move on to the next element which is RAIN, so you’re going to see red rain. And you’re going to hold that for three breaths, and then you’re going to move on to FLAMES. So you’re going to see your whole body purified in flame. And you hold that for three breaths in and out. And then you’re going to move on to the next color.

So you’re going to go up to ORANGE, and go through all three elements so 9 breaths in and out. And then YELLOW, and then depending on the day, you can go with GREEN which is a personal healing color, or PINK which is a more universal color. And then on up to BLUE, INDIGO, and then finishing it off there with PURPLE and the last one is a SILVERY WHITE light. The silver is going to connect you to the planet. So you’re going to imagine a silvery tornado, silvery rain, and then a silvery white flame.

And that doesn’t have to take too long. It’s a great exercise to do first thing in the morning when you wake up because you’re outside of your body and you’re not really connected to it. So if you can do that exercise and if you’ve only got a couple minutes then just one breath through each cycle. And that’s really all it takes. Because most of you walk around and it takes you a half hour to a good hour to get into your body when you wake up; you’re in a bit of a haze. It’s a quick way to get you jump started for the day.

Here's another effective grounding exercise from Spiritual.com.au:
This is one I learned from Starhawk's Spiral Dance. It is a very often-done meditation and you may have seen versions of this one in many places and from many people. This is my version.

Get comfortable. For this one, I find that sitting works best. I like to sit in a chair or sit with my back against something.

Take a deep breath and hold it. It is this space between breathing that I believe the Buddhist refer to as the "awareness". I need to research that though. Release the breath slowly.

Take a deep breath and hold it. (counting 1-2-3-4-5 slowly) and release the breath slowly.
Take a deep breath and hold it. (counting 1-2-3-4-5 slowly) and release the breath slowly.
Take a deep breath and hold it. (counting 1-2-3-4-5 slowly) and release the breath slowly.
Take a deep breath and hold it. (counting 1-2-3-4-5 slowly) and release the breath slowly.

Now, see in your mind's eye a tree. Don't worry if the tree isn't crystal clear. Just remember a tree you once knew. Sit down with your back against that tree. Feel the trunk against your back and know that this is a safe spot for you.

Now, your spine is the conductor of your chakras. The base chakra is the root chakra. This is literally where your spine ends. I want you to extend that base chakra down. This is your taproot. Press it down into the earth until you can feel that pulling at your center. Relax and just feel how this affects your body for a moment.

Now, slowly begin drawing energy up from the earth. Let it fill the root chakra. (pause). Now it moves to the belly chakra. Feel the energy slowly spreading. (pause) Next it moves to your solar plexus chakra. (pause) And now your heart chakra. Note what the energy feels like to you. Is it cool? cold? warm? hot? prickly? itchy? (pause) Now the energy moves up to your throat chakra. (pause) And to the third eye chakra (pause) As it reaches your crown chakra, feel the energy spill up and out like a waterfall. (pause)

Let this waterfall flow down to the earth and soak back into the ground. This is the energy pool that is always available to you. Take a few moments to feel the cycle of the waterfall.

(pause for at least two minutes here)

Now, let the waterfall gradually ebb back into your crown chakra. It slides down to your third eye. Past your throat chakra and to the heart chakra. Now the solar plexus down to the belly chakra. As it moves back to the root chakra, begin to draw your tap root up into the root as well. Excess energies will be flushed through the root chakra leaving behind only what you need.

When you feel ready, open your eyes and come back to yourself.

When you don't have a lot of time ...

A quick way to get grounded when you don't have time to go through either of the above processes, is to take three deep breaths. It's amazing how when you're in upset you won't even want to breathe. That's a pretty good indication that you're stuck ... and the best possible time to consciously breathe.

Another quick way to ground is to eat something, but do so consciously. Eating grounds you in your body, but you need to be consciously aware that you are eating, not the unconscious way that most of us eat most of the time. Foods directly from the Earth work best, like fruits and vegetables.

You can also visualize your body as a tree; visualize sending your roots down into the earth, feeling your energy connect with the energy of earth and her energy with yours.

But no matter how you do it, work at staying grounded and you will find that life flows so much smoother and easier. It will help you stay in touch with and be aware of the Now, where all of your power is, and which is the only time that truly exists.


Energy Inventory

Each life lesson provides the spirit opportunities to experience life with different filters. The life lesson of Definition is about being able to define what energy is yours and what is not. People with this life lesson bring people, contracts, and experiences into their field that move—sometimes forcefully—their boundaries in order to highlight this lesson. These people feel they always have to put other people first.

Most people engaged in mastering this life lesson tend to be those with great emotional empathy. They tap into others' emotions, thought patterns, and energy so easily and unconsciously that often they don't even realize that it is not their own energy that they are feeling. Because of this, they invariably have some difficulty setting proper boundaries for themselves.

Having weak boundaries, these dear ones often attract a series of master manipulators into their life. When they leave or are removed from one overbearing relationship without mastering the attribute of Definition, they will unconsciously draw another into their field in order to facilitate completing this life lesson.

What to do? Here's a tool everyone can use, even if you aren't living with a life lesson of Definition.

From The group, excerpted from Steve Rother’s book “So I’m God … Now What?

Many healers have taken on the life lesson of Definition. You pick up on other people’s emotions because you do not know where your energy field ends and where another begins. Some of you have brought master manipulators into your field and that does not always feel very pretty for you.

There are times when you get so wrapped up in the day-to-day routine of putting one foot in front of the other that you do not understand that you have choices. So let us offer you a tool for working in the higher vibrations of the New Planet Earth. We call it the Energy Inventory.

This is a tool for acclimating to the new energy. To use it, you must first understand that a “plus” is not good and a “minus” is not bad. Those who work with electricity can tell you that negative electrons have the same magic and power as electrons carrying a positive charge. Those old illusions, of good and bad, come from the field of duality in which you have been living.

To use this tool, every time you experience something, stop and take inventory. Was that experience a minus or a plus? Ask yourself “Did that experience take away from my energy or add to my energy?”

For example, imagine you get a phone call from your best friend, relating the latest happening in her life. As you hang up the phone, take a moment to take inventory. “Did that add to me or take away from me?” There is no need to write it down; just making an honest determination within is enough. For a time, reduce every experience in your life to a plus or a minus.

Take inventory without judgement. It isn’t “good” or “right” that an experience adds to your energy, nor is it “bad” or “wrong” when an experience takes from your energy. Just notice. The more you notice the more you become aware of the external forces that you have been allowing to drive you.

Know also that you will not always make your decisions based on the inventory. That would be giving your power away and would also make you very lonely. For instance, imagine that your teenage son approaches you and asks if you can drive him to the mall. You stop and take inventory before you speak.

Since you already have plans for the day, this request is clearly a minus. Even so, you may decide that being with his friends is good for him so you gladly change your plans to accommodate him. Here is a big difference. The decision to drive him is now yours and not his. He did not manipulate you. If you honestly take the inventory and make a choice based on what feels best to you, it is not possible to be manipulated.

Taking inventory puts the ball right back in your court and the power of choice back where it belongs. In every moment of every day, it allows you to very quickly assess where you are in the world and the Universe around you. That is clearly defining yourself, thus the life lesson of Definition. If you have a life lesson of Definition, defining your energy field is what you came here to master.
Being aware of the inventory allows you the freedom to choose. It interrupts any automatic conditioning that you’ve acquired and puts you back in the driver’s seat of choice.