
What Do You Call It When ...

What do you call it when …

… corrupt corporations, in concert with corrupt government(s), in concert with corrupt “experts”, in concert with corrupt media, 
  • create and unleash an organism that should not attack humans but does
  • distribute pictures, words, and videos that imply that this organism drops humans in their tracks in droves and must be feared 
  • offer the exact wrong ‘treatment’ for said organism while 
  • withholding/disparaging/censoring/banning multiple correct ‘treatments’ and
  • censoring/disparaging/banning anyone and everyone who exposes accurate information about said organism then 
  • manipulates - and outright lies about - “case” and “death” data supposedly caused by this organism
  • while shutting down the entire global economy and 
  • “mandating" tyrannical, dangerous, and ineffective actions for all people world-wide
I call that tyranny / globalism / marxism / corporatocracy and GENOCIDE .. the exact opposite of FREEDOM and compassion.

I also call it pre-meditated mass murder. 

There should never have been a single human affected by this organism. Not one. Not ever. Total scam to both kill off the populace and at long last gain total control over we the people. 

If you believe anything else, you are agreeing to be deceived, to your - and all of humanity’s - detriment. Time to wake up from the deceptions and illusions that you’ve been living under. 

Don’t take my word for it. Research the facts. But do so outside of mainstream media, because that’s the only place you’ll find any truth. 

Then accept and assert the god-given freedoms that have been, and continue to be, so ruthlessly and unconscionably denied you. 

You came into this world to do exactly that. 

Stop pretending that this is not so. YOU are a powerful creator being. Far more powerful than the pathetic attempts of the ruling class to deceive you. 

Understand and accept your role in your own life’s experience. This IS what you came here for. 

Will you accept your own soul’s challenge? 

If so, do it now. The longer you wait, the more people will suffer and die. Needlessly. 

The deceptions are ending; humanity at large is accepting its role in stewarding both this planet and themselves. Piece by piece, all will be revealed and the healing will begin, globally and in earnest. 

When all is done and you look back upon the experience of this life, will you proudly say you were a part of the solution, or will you regrettably say you were part of prolonging the deception? 

The choice is yours. It always is.

Source loves you no matter what you choose. So do I.

~ kat 💙
