
Call It Forward - Transmuting Energy

Imagine the very best result and call it forward. Your joy, gratitude and appreciation are the magnets which pull it to you.

~Peggy Black and the team

Call it Forward

Morning Messages - Message 85

Peggy Black and the team

Each new day is truly a gift that so often is put aside as you pick up the remains of yesterday. Remember that when old programs and doubts pop up you are offered the opportunity to transform that piece of emotional/mental dysfunctional energy.

You are transformers, pure and simple. You have the tools and the master keys of energetic alchemy. Every human is equipped with the awesome power to transform their reality. The shift and the transmutation of energy from patterns of dysfunction to patterns of empowerment and grace are an hourly, daily, and lifetime process.

There are those who embrace this shift and welcome it with open arms and there are those who resist every step of the evolutional path. They are engaged in the process of the struggle and it is the challenge of the struggle that makes them feel powerful and in control.

This is a false illusion. The power is in the trust and in the awareness of each moment, and in being in a gentle, alert, conscious state of mind. It is much like riding the wave, catching the wind in your sail, running the rapids.

If you could observe your cheering section of non-physical energy as you go about your interactions each day, you would be awesomely inspired.

Each human is the cutting edge of aware consciousness in physical form. The powers that each human has at their mental and emotional fingertips are truly incredible. You are the weavers, the creators, and the manfestants.

You are the extension of divine source in human form. Your life is the reflection of your skills and abilities.

The idea that you have a physical body and maintain that body is the first and most important aspect of manifesting.

Each human comes equipped with incredible capabilities. However, they use only a few of their awesome abilities. Each human has programs that veil and disguise their multidimensional talents. It is time to remove the veil and the dysfunctional disguises.

The concerns and worries hanging out in the edges of your consciousness are the remnants of the old patterns of helplessness, hopelessness and powerlessness. When they surface you have the opportunity to shift this dysfunctional pattern and choose another behavior, emotion, or thought to replace it.

This is a game, a hologame. Play it with joy and abandon. Play it with wonder and skill. Envision the most delicious possibilities reflected in your life. Imagine the very best result and call it forward. Your joy, gratitude and appreciation are the magnets which pull it to you.

©2006 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com subscribe to the FREE 88 messages.


Out of the Box - Thinking Multidimensionally

Out of the Box

Morning Messages - Message 82

Peggy Black and the team

The dimensions are a matter of frequency and vibration. Humans travel from one dimension to another many times a day. If it is not within their belief system, they are not aware of this and will not recognize this happening. For them it does not exist.

You only see what you believe. Your reality matches your beliefs. That's the tricky part. You look out at your reality and see a certain experience. You see it--it looks real, feels real, and others agree that it's real. Therefore, it must be real.

You continue to gather proof of its realness. You even write books about its realness. You have organizations around its realness. You fight for its realness. It is only real because you are operating in a frequency or belief that makes it real. This is what is termed a locked down reality. Everything strengthens the illusion and strengthens the beliefs of the illusionary realness.

The key is to begin to stretch your beliefs, stretch your knowing. You have a term that is excellent which invites this stretch--Think out of the box.

Notice when your experiences feel limiting. Notice when you are thinking thoughts that do not empower you. Notice when you feel shut down. Notice when you long for more yet feel trapped. Notice when you sense there is something more that could unfold. When that is happening you are touching the sides of your limitation box.

At those moments you can shift the frequency, you can shift your mental vibration and begin to allow another reality to emerge; practice stretching, expanding your way of viewing events. Practice a visualization of being above the events or just outside the event. Change your perspective, your viewpoint, just a little.

Allow the sides of your belief box to expand to include something slightly different, slightly new, something that you "normally" would not even consider a possibility because it would be too far out, too unreal. Remember you see what you believe.

Making connections with other dimensions is just a matter of stepping out of the box, the limited mental or emotional box. It is vibrating at a higher frequency, stepping out of old, limited beliefs and welcoming the awareness of your multidimensional starself.

Allow a softening, a merging of the dimensions, a flow, gentle and smooth shifting frequency and vibration. The golden key is conscious practice of vibrating joy, gratitude and appreciation, moment to moment to moment. These are high frequency vibrations; they allow your box of limited thinking to disappear.

©2006 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address: www.morningmessages.com subscribe to the FREE 88 messages.


The Higher Purpose of the Ego

The following helps us understand that the ego isn't our enemy, but more like a friend that's been given too much power over us and is overstepping its boundaries.

Remember too, that without ego we couldn't be human. The ego allows us to experience life in density, to perceive things that couldn't otherwise be perceived. Working hand-in-hand with ego is an important step in our evolution, rather than allowing it full reign or trying to eliminate it (which can't be done while human).

The Higher Purpose of the Ego

By Jim Self and Roxane Burnett at Mastering Alchemy

Sigmund Freud and traditional psychology has its own definition of the ego but let’s expand this concept and understand its greater purpose in your life.

There is an aspect of you in the third dimensional reality termed “ego.” Many of us have been taught to believe the ego is a problem and something we want to eliminate and be free of. Many on their spiritual journey do battle with the ego and see it as the nemesis of their spiritual growth. The ego has been blamed for getting us into social trouble and causing us to say and do things that are not in our highest good. As you move about your day, you can even recognize when others act from, and are motivated by this unconscious demon. The spiritual goal of many traditions involves the dissolving of the ego and once that occurs, one's own true, higher self will be experienced and demonstrated in the world.

Let’s take a moment and view this aspect of ourselves from a different platform. Consider that the ego is an important, valuable part of our spiritual experience in a physical body, not something to be rid of. After all you have it in your life for some reason. As you begin to vibrate at higher levels of energy and light, you will find that your ego is actually a part of your soul’s blueprint, your soul’s plan. You intentionally included this in your 3D experience for a very important and valuable purpose.

The ego, instead of something to fight with can be seen as another tool on your tool bench. Its purpose is to test you; to give you pop-quizzes along your path to better refine your abilities, perspective and way of being. The ego’s job is to help you step up to higher and finer platforms to become who you came here to be.

If you want to become a master gardener, you would have to learn how to grow your vegetables in the complex and seasonal weather conditions of your area. You would be continually challenged to understand how much water, sun, nutrients your tomatoes need and how that mix is different than what your cucumbers need. You would also have to learn how to prevent insects and rabbits from devouring your crops. If you’re going to be a master of this third-dimensional reality, you are also continually tested and given new circumstances to navigate.

It is as if the ego is saying “You did a great job with that situation. You kept your mouth shut and didn’t respond. Now under this new yet similar circumstance, what would you do? And with this other situation before you, how do you choose to respond? If part of this life’s challenge is to master courage, then in this situation, how do you choose to demonstrate courage?”

As you continue to move forward and step into this 90% speed of light and the higher fourth and fifth dimensions, a number of things happen. The ego stops being as active or dominant as it was in the third dimension. You begin to integrate with your soul. As you begin to integrate with your soul, you begin to find an awareness that is accessible to you which allows you to start to know yourself. You begin to know what your soul knows. Also, it means you are now in the higher dimensional body.As you continue to move forward and step into this 90% speed of light and the higher fourth and fifth dimensions, a number of things happen. The ego stops being as active or dominant as it was in the third dimension. You begin to integrate with your soul.

As you begin to integrate with your soul, you begin to find an awareness that is accessible to you which allows you to start to know yourself. You begin to know what your soul knows. Also, it means you are now in the higher dimensional body.In a recent conversation with Archangel Metatron, he commented, “The average human operates at 75% unconscious and 25% conscious.” As you begin to live and play upon a higher platform of awareness, you will begin to see the opportunities to step out of this game.You see, this is really not about getting out of the third dimension, for that is going to happen soon anyway.

It’s about mastering the third dimension. It’s about understanding how to play with the vibrations of the higher dimensions while you are in this body.The ego is a wonderful tool to help you master duality without being affected by it. You will soon be able step into simultaneous time and choose the possibility that you wish to experience. It’s all available, but it’s a very different consideration than the ones we’ve had available to us up to now.

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Experimenting With Time

Time as Fluid Flow

Morning Messages - Message 77

Peggy Black and the team

Spacious time lives in the NOW. Your beliefs/programs and your energetic stance of struggle creates time that is rather restrictive.

Time, in your earthly hologame, is a sacred belief. It is firmly anchored in your matrix and in all the programs that operate your mental activities. Most humans have some form of this rigid belief about time, with many rules and countless ways to measure time.
Everyone has experienced time being rather fluid. When doing a job in which you are bored, time seems to move slowly. When you are totally engaged in an activity, time disappears and you wonder "Where did the time go?"

This is your perception of time. Remember energy follows thought. Time follows thought. Your thoughts about time arise from your belief system about time.

As humans, you are engaged with the matrix of time. As a multidimensional being you can and do step out of this earthly limited matrix of time. It is a matter of awareness and practice.

Look at your beliefs and question your beliefs about time. Notice how you worship time, how you covet time, how you wrap your activities in limited time. Notice your struggles and seeming stress that is created from these beliefs. Notice how mass consciousness holds these beliefs about time.

Asking you to look at the matrix of time in a new way is similar to asking a fish about the water in which it swims, or the bird about the air in which it flies. The fish is so enveloped by water and bird is so enveloped by air, they cannot conceive of a different reality.

To understand the concept of time one must first know and investigate just how the energy matrix of time controls and runs their life.

Notice where time stalls for you and where you allow it to flow.

Notice how often you truly stay in the present moment of NOW.

Practice bringing your awareness into each NOW. Notice what you say about time and how you share your limited beliefs about time. "I never have enough time." "Time is running out." "Time is speeding up."

Play with this, allow this to be fun. It does not have to be so serious. Time is not as sacred as you have made it. It is flexible and fluid. Allow yourself to stretch into that unlimited, magnificent energy matrix of NOW.

Acknowledge yourself when you experience time as a new spacious form. Acknowledge when you experience a synchronicity; this is time being fluid.