I doubt there's one among us who hasn't experienced the effects of another's suicide, either personally or through public awareness or both. The subject generally brings up questions for all of us, questions that, given our societal bent to see suicide as a wrongness, are hard to answer. In that light, I'm posting this text from a year ago that I think addresses the issue openly, honestly, and head-on. May it increase your awareness, and bring you understanding and peace.
Master Sarah: Regarding Suicide
Through Jenn Freer at Freer Spirit
August 18, 2014
Jenn Freer:
As we are all still reeling and perhaps feeling devastated by the recent suicide of Robin Williams, I have decided to channel some thoughts and wisdom from Master Sarah via my Akashic Records.
Although I admired Robin Williams, I would not consider myself a super fan, so the devastation I felt with the news of his recent suicide surprised me. Being an empath, I thought maybe it was my tapping into the collective and their shared sadness, but I am not sure exactly. It could also be just the general heaviness I have been feeling coming from the collective, as I have been hearing from many sad and frustrated star seeds lately who are ready to call it quits here on Earth. I don’t judge, for I have felt this way myself MANY times. It is especially difficult for highly sensitive people to detach, I know, and most of my clients are, like me, super sensitive and emotional when it comes not just to their own suffering, but the suffering of others – people, animals and the planet herself. If you ever looked into the beautiful blue eyes of Robin Williams, you could see quite clearly that he was also a highly sensitive soul.
I’d like to call on Master Sarah now to ask her to shed some light on the challenging energies we have been dealing with lately and, since Master Sarah’s area of expertise is collective consciousness, I would like to ask her to share with us how these energies are affecting the collective and what we need to do in order to cope with and possibly even transmute these energies into light. So, without further ado, I now hand this missive over to Master Sarah…
Master Sarah:
Greetings Starseeds,
First, we want you to know that the multidimensional light being you knew and loved as the human being Robin Williams is still alive and well in his Pleiades galactic home. His mission on Earth was a great success, and we are celebrating his lifetime achievements at this time.
We know that most of you understand that there is no real death of a soul/light being. We also know that most of you understand that life incarnate as a human being is a precious gift that is to be honored and cherished, although the density of 3D Earth is often so heavy that many of you often find yourselves feeling uncomfortable in so many ways that it’s difficult to feel the positive with the seemingly unrelenting negative. We want to remind you, right now, that you are not there to experience the energy any longer. You are there to CHANGE the energy… to lighten it… to help raise it into the higher vibrations.
Robin Williams worked hard every day to lighten the load there on Earth with his comedy, for laughter, as you know, is not only the best medicine, but also the pathway to a brighter vibration.
So why, then, you ask, did his life end on such a dark note?
First, we want you to remember that you are much more than just a human being. You, like Robin, are a bright, shining, multidimensional light being. Your human life is one of many important roles that you are playing in the multiverse, dear ones. You are all made up of the very same magic that Robin’s soul shared with you there on Earth throughout his mission and human career as a comedian and actor. And, just like you, Robin was also encumbered with the same challenging obstacle that you possess: the human ego. Because of this human ego handicap, all light beings incorporate several exit strategies into their incarnate life plans as a human being. Yes, that’s right… just in case things get too unbearable… even for a light being, there is a “get out of polarity and duality fast and free” card. The use of this card does not signify weakness or cowardice. It simply signifies that there are alternatives and higher missions awaiting the energy of the light being in another realm or dimension that you cannot see, hear, feel or understand with your present ego blinders intact. Please do not judge suicide as a negative, for all human deaths are suicide in one way or another. If you had mastered the 5D or higher vibration, then you would not be slowly killing yourselves with negative thought patterns that manifest into physical disease within the physical body. Yes. All human death is suicide in one way or another… whether it is the awakened conscious choice of the human being or the higher self, it IS all the same.
We want to remind you, right here and now, that your personal vibration is always controlled by YOU and you alone. Your vibration has always been your personal choice, NOT the result of something. It is time for you to take responsibility for your OWN reality by understanding that YOU, as a collective, have all of the power within you to change the vibration of your planet. No one else… no fleet of peace-loving galactics, no benevolent band of angels, and no one supreme being is going to swoop in and save you. It is up to YOU, as a collective, to begin to control and raise your own vibration instead of constantly reacting to the existing vibration and “waiting on the world to change.” NO. It does not work that way. If you are WAITING, then you will always BE WAITING.
It has been said before, and it is being said AGAIN and AGAIN… YOU are the ones you have been waiting for. YOU are the ones who are there to change the energy on Earth with your own personal, loving, raised vibration. What happens to you can only affect your vibration if you allow it. If you are mission-oriented, then you will not allow it. If you are self-loving and determined to create your own reality of a better world for yourself, your loved ones, your community, your human family and your planet, then you will stand steadfast against all fear-based negative energy, ego projections and abusive behaviors.
HOW, you ask? By practicing self love. Always. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Self love ensures a high personal vibration. So love yourself and love you neighbor, equally. Help others love themselves. This is your mission, individually AND as a collective.
Right now, your collective energy is being controlled by your mass media with the communication of fear-based energy, consumerism and materialism. Yes. STILL. Had enough? Change it! FIRST… change you. THEN, help others change themselves for the better. Empower each other by helping everyone love themselves enough to raise their personal vibration.
Remember that the energy of the collective is what wields the true power and control on your planet. It is your collective energy that dictates whether your planet and her inhabitants ascend or not. Keep this in mind with your thoughts that are constantly creating your reality: your collective unity consciousness controls your planet. And... it is time to lighten the load, starseeds. That is, after all, your mission. Raise your vibration, and raise the vibration of the collective.
We have faith in you!