
Fear and Third Dimensional Consciousness

The primary rule of inter-dimensional travel is that “where your attention is, the[re] YOU are also.” ~ Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
Arcturian Energetic Weather Report #2

Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

April 12, 2015

Constant Conscious Connection

Dear Arcturians,

I am ready to receive your message.

Yes, Suzille, thank you. In fact we wish to thank YOU and all your many readers who have followed us through out the many years since the early 1990’s. We know that all of you have had to wait, and wait, and wait, for us, the Galactics, to come directly into your reality. We understand how many of you have become frustrated and confused that we have not, yet, landed.

However, Gaia is a free will planet. Therefore, there must be a “majority consensus” before we can begin our landings. Also, we have to know that it will be safe for the humans and for Gaia. As you may know, there are still many beings wearing humanoid form that have conspired against our landing.

These impostors have been selfishly controlling your world at great expense to the physical body of Gaia, as well as to the physical body of anyone who would rise against them. Then, many humans were fully brainwashed by the dark ones, and refuse to believe that there are civilizations beyond Earth.

Many of these humans are so very overwhelmed by daily survival, that the thought of re-structuring their entire world is terrifying. The dark ones created businesses, jobs and global events that kept these people on “survival mode,” so that anything outside of working hard, and having some fun, was the only life they could imagine. There are also many brave ones who were killed by the dark ones for daring to tell the truth to the people of Earth.

Of course, the brainwashing programs, as well as the poor educational systems that were deliberately started by the dark ones, have kept many humans within the “survival mode” of just barely making it through each day. You see, our dear friends and family on Earth, you have been fighting a hidden war for your right to know the truth of the real conditions on Earth.

Fortunately, there are the many brave and awakened humans who search for information and meditate on a regular basis to commune with us. These awakened humans continually try to spread the truth in whatever manner best suits their awareness and personality.

We are very pleased to inform you that this later group of awake and aware ones wearing an earth vessel is greatly expanding. We say, “wearing an earth vessel,” because YOU, the members of this group, have become, and are increasingly becoming, aware of your higher dimensional expressions of SELF that are also serving on our Starships and in the higher dimensions.

Because of this increasing awareness, you realize that your earth vessel is merely the lowest dimensional expression of your multidimensional SELF. Therefore, you are “wearing” your body rather than “being” your body.

You, our beloved emissaries of light, have remembered that you have uncountable expressions of your own lifestream in many octaves of reality. Therefore, “you” cannot die. However, you may choose to temporarily or permanently “check out” of your lowest, densest, expression of being—your human earth vessel.

Sadly, there are also many of you serving the cause of TRUTH who have had to unwillingly release their earth vessels because they were discovered by the dark ones. These brave warriors have not “died.” They have merely surrendered their earth vessels and return Home for some much needed R and R.

We remind you all of this fact today because we want you to know that you are NEVER alone. We, your galactic family, are ALWAYS with you, even if you not consciously aware of that fact. We also remind you that we are focusing our attention on escalating the educational process of our ground crew, as inner knowledge is inner power.

All of the dangers of which we have just spoken are small compared to the most common danger, which is forgetting your SELF. When you forget your alternate, parallel, multidimensional SELF who serves on our Starships, fifth-dimension Earth, Venus and myriad other locations, you become trapped in the myriad illusions of the 3D Matrix.

Fortunately, that lowest frequency of Gaia’s “inhabitant matrix” is dissolving. We use the word dissolving, which means: disappearing, breaking up, formally closing, ending of legal relationships and/or simultaneously fading out and in. We instructed Suzille to look (those) “dissolving” up in your dictionary so we could define the process in human terms.

We will now address the last definition, which is “simultaneously fading out and in.” This term in your dictionary is exactly how you, our dear ones wearing earth vessels, are experiencing your process of transmutation back into your true SELF.

Your initial “return to SELF” is with your consciousness. Therefore, the frequency of your consciousness simultaneously fades OUT of 3D limitation and IN to 5D freedom. As you are aware, when you are meditating, being creative, enjoying your friends and family and loving life, your fade IN to your remembrance of your higher dimensional expressions of self.

When this occurs, you realize that you are in constant contact with us. At first this awareness may only fade in briefly, than quickly fade out because you are still thinking with your 3D brain. Your 3D brain is unable to understand seemingly opposite actions, such as in or out, occurring simultaneously.

Life on the physical plane is so very challenging that more than “one thing at a time” is often overwhelming. The key is the word “time.” When you think third dimensionally, you are bound to the concept of TIME. On the other hand, as your consciousness expands into the fifth dimension, which we perceive that more and more of you are experiencing, you are able to be aware of simultaneous actions occurring within the same NOW.

You are able to take this leap of thinking because you are increasingly thinking from your fifth dimensional consciousness. When you consciously think from your fifth dimensional state of consciousness, your entire perception of reality alters. First, and foremost, you KNOW that you are actually communicating with your higher-dimensional galactic and celestial family.

Once you have established a CONSCIOUS communication with us, your life will totally change. We wish to remind you that EVERY one of our ground crew is already in constant communication with us via your fifth dimensional states of consciousness. In fact, you are able to check in with us as easily as you can call a friend on your phone. Actually, it is easier because our line is never busy, and we will always answer your call.

Once you are conscious of this constant connection with your higher dimensional family, you will become aware of your true “Lightbody SELF” that exists within the core of your earth vessel. Simultaneously, you will be fully aware of your galactic and celestial family with whom you are in constant contact.

It is this “constant contact” that is simultaneously fading in and out. This contact with your SELF is fading into and out of your awareness because you are simultaneously fading into and out of your higher states of consciousness. From your fifth dimensional state of consciousness you are infinitely in constant contact with your SELF. However, from the simultaneous perceptions of your third dimensional consciousness, you are fading into and out that connection.

You never stop being fifth dimensional, but a difficult situation in your 3D matrix can distract you from that constant awareness because it frightens you. Any form of fear lowers your consciousness into third dimensional thinking. Fear tells you, “I must address this issue because it can cause me harm.”

Even though your third dimensional consciousness may not be aware of your fear, your earth vessel is aware of it and makes adjustments on to “protect your self.” Therefore, your 3D consciousness focuses on the cause, or the feeling, of the fear while your 5D consciousness simultaneously focuses on your higher perception of the message that has frightened your 3D consciousness.

Within the situation you have a conscious, or unconscious, decision to choose which frequency of perception you wish to perceive. Both versions of reality simultaneously exist in the same NOW. Furthermore, when you are consciously aware of your own multidimensional perception, you have many choices that are NOT available to your 3D consciousness.

Your third dimensional consciousness only has one choice: Stop whatever you are doing or thinking and focus on the fear.

• Check out the fear to see if it will cause you or your loved ones harm.
• Engage in the fear to best investigate its source so that you can directly interact with or combat it.

Your human earth vessel demands this investigation because, from that third dimensional perspective, you are alone, vulnerable and constantly striving to survive in a difficult environment. Do you see why the dark ones constantly fill your news with fearful events, violence, wars and mass murders?

As long as your earth vessel is in a “state of alert,” you are easily brainwashed that this particular product, person and/or situation will save you from the great danger that they just created to keep you in the constant state of alert which lowers your state of consciousness. Do you see that vicious cycle?

However, because YOU are awakened to your SELF, you simultaneously have the option to expand your consciousness beyond the lower frequencies that are easily manipulated.

• From third dimensional consciousness, you only perceive the physical plane.
• From your fourth dimensional consciousness you can perceive the astral plane.
• From your fifth dimensional consciousness you perceive the ONE of the NOW.

Which reality do you choose to perceive?

Also, from your higher frequency's consciousness you can also perceive the lower frequency realities. Thus, from your higher frequency consciousness you can perceive all the realities of that frequency, as well as the lower frequencies of that realty. It is because of this fact, that we can easily perceive your reality, but it is still difficult for you to consciously perceive our higher dimensional reality.

Furthermore, when you shift out of “third gear” of your earth vessel that is “driving around town doing your 3D errands” INTO the “fifth gear” of your Lightbody who is zooming beyond limitation, ALL your perceptions shift into higher gear.

Imagine the difference between watching a riot or a war on your television AND physically experiencing being in that riot or in that war. That is difference between being IN the third dimension and being IN the fifth dimension observing the third dimension.

But remember that ALL of you are simultaneously in the third dimension AND the fourth AND the fifth dimension. You are ALL multidimensional beings who are simultaneously experiencing reality from myriad dimensions within the same NOW. The problem is that the while you are wearing a third dimension form, your perceptions are innately calibrated to third dimensional perceptions.

It is your primary calibration to the third dimension reality that is beginning to alter. Because you, our dear away-team, are honing IN on your 5D perceptions, you are simultaneously logging-out of the 3D Matrix. The primary rule of inter-dimensional travel is that “where your attention is, the[re] YOU are also.”

Please remember that YOU are the ESSENCE within your earth vessel. As you remember that YOU chose to inter-dimensionally travel into your earth vessel, you will simultaneously remember the primary rules of inter-dimensional travel. These primary rules are:

• YOU are a multidimensional being.
• YOU chose to enter your experience by attaching your attention on your current earth vessel.
• YOU then accompanied the “thoughts” of your attention with the “emotion” of unconditional love to enter your current reality.
• YOU then merged with that frequency of reality by entering the earth vessel that YOU chose.

This vision of reality is the core of the Mission that YOU chose before you entered your earth vessel.

However, some of you underestimated the power of illusion on Gaia within your NOW and became lost in that illusion. Fortunately, you awoke from your illusion and are NOW ready to fulfill the Mission that YOU chose before taking your present earth vessel.

Now we will tell you the best part of this adventure. YOU also remained Home in your beloved starship, planet and/or dimension. Everything in your 3D reality is being tracked, observed, facilitated and guided by your Multidimensional SELF.

We are so sorry that many of our brave volunteers had to prematurely log-out of their earth vessel and return Home. We are aware that to the 3D perceptions of those who cared for them, they died. We tell you ALL now that death is an illusion of the third dimension.

What is perceived as death on the third dimension is simultaneously perceived as a welcomed return Home to the higher dimensions. Also, once you return Home, you are NOT judged as being “good” or “bad.” We understand how very difficult it is for all of our inter-dimensional travelers to ascending Gaia.

If you fell into the darkness, or chose to incarnate into the forces of darkness and became lost, we do not judge you. You[we] love you unconditionally and assist you to heal from that experience. Once healed, those that have fallen into the darkness are wonderful sources of information about how to assist others who have been tempted, and/or brainwashed, by the darkness.

Therefore dear ground crew, as you continue with your path of ascension, which is simultaneously completed within our NOW, remember that YOU are not alone. You have chosen to place your great multidimensional consciousness into a very small and dense earth vessel to assist Gaia.

Your Multidimensional SELF already inhabits many ascended, higher dimensional bodies. We know that you, our volunteers to Earth must attend to your 3D life, as well as your Mission to assist Gaia. We want you to know that we “have your back.” Simultaneous to your current earth life, you are living myriad expressions of your Multidimensional Life.

If you were to “lose your earth vessel,” it may interrupt your mission to Earth, but simultaneously you would be returning HOME to your true Multidimensional SELF. We tell you this information ONLY because humanity's great fear is death. The beings of the darkness, the lost ones, control you with that fear.

They constantly talk about horrible diseases, which they are simultaneously creating. They try to frighten you with yet another war, which they are simultaneously creating, and they broadcast news of yet another “crazy person or group,” which they have simultaneously created.

We tell you this information NOW because those of the darkness are losing. You have refused to participate in their lies and threats, and the only weapon they have left is your own FEAR. When you remember to “be the Master over your own fear,” your consciousness expands so that you can perceive the fifth-dimensional Earth, which is NOW awaiting new inhabitants.

We conclude this message by reminding you that you can choose to remain on 3D Earth with Gaia while you simultaneously inter-dimensionally travel to fifth dimensional New Earth, your Starship and/or other higher dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. From our perception, you are doing so right NOW!

Blessings on your many journeys,

The Arcturians


Hiding In Plain Sight

Hiding in Plain Sight

By Suzanne Baker Hogan

March 23, 2015

Posted on Golden Age of Gaia

In the last twenty-four hours, I have heard the words, “hiding in plain sight” three times. Synchronicity makes a human notice.

Why am I being shown this concept? Because hiding in plain sight is exactly what lightworkers are doing.

At this moment, countless lightworkers are strategically placed across the globe, ready to awaken the wider world. We are living amidst the sleeping population, placed in prime positions to help the collective ascend.

Just think about it. Lightworkers walk amongst every culture in every town, in every age group. Consider the brilliance of this strategy. Each family has its own lightworker, often a non-conformist who feels misunderstood. This person is directly tied to every relative and is helping each member of the family, whether they realize it or not.

Each work-place has its lightworkers too, as does every communal hub. It is the same in every corner of the planet, in every neighborhood and land. We are beacons of light, and we are absolutely everywhere, working patiently and aware.

The plan is genius, and our souls have orchestrated it perfectly. We are hiding in plain sight.

We lightworkers have infiltrated the masses and remembered everything we need to know. We have remembered the LOVE that conditioning kept us from, and now we are sharing the divine truth.

And we are doing so not just through language but energetically, just by being here – just by holding unconditional love. We have worked tirelessly to clear our beings so that we can embody the fifth dimension here.

As each of us integrates the fifth dimension within ourselves, we help everyone else to do the same. As each person awakens, we stand ready to assist them and free humanity. And we do so regardless of appearances. Because even if people are unaware intellectually, energetically we are paving their way home.

As a lightworker, the trick is to not give a damn what anyone else thinks. We must serve the greater cause and not get held back by conditioning. This can be quite tricky because we have put ourselves in the center of chaos instead of staying safe along the periphery.

And we have done so because this is how we affect change. This is how we reach hearts. And it is bravery incarnate.

And so, we carry LOVE wherever we go, though few around us understand what we do. They may not even notice our efforts! In fact, they often treat us like fools.

But looking foolish has its advantages. Indeed, it is a clever gift in disguise. If we aren’t taken seriously then we get to work unimpeded. You see, while the sleeping are busy discounting us, they remain distracted and non-threatening.

This allows us to forge ahead undetected. Being misunderstood lets us serve as effective rebels with the noblest cause. It turns out that crazy is the best cloak for freeing this conditioned world.

Of course, hiding in plain sight is not easy for sensitive souls. It asks that we sacrifice so much and exhaust ourselves with work. On a daily basis, this means that we have to keep grounding the fifth dimension without getting bogged down by the third. But mastery is at our fingertips, as is joy! And right now, I can feel our wildest dreams beginning to come true.

Things are coming to fruition at last. For each of us this means that we are fulfilling our soul’s desire to integrate higher energies into our human selves. With this power, we will manifest our New Earth.

We lightworkers have spent lifetimes preparing for this time – probably millennia for many of us. Now, our preparations are done, the mission is at hand, and it is absolutely assured. Now is your time. Can you feel your soul guiding your every move?

And with your soul in charge, anything is possible. You have a power so benevolent and strong that you can change this reality into unconditional love. You can bring heaven to our beloved, generous earth.

Yes, you are the bridge between heaven and earth. This is your sacred job, and you are not alone. You are joined by legions of fellow lightworkers, and you are receiving endless support from above. Our allies are hiding in the skies, but you are a secret agent on the ground. You are a rebel leader, headquartered in the thick of it all, helping us to ascend.

The truth is that you are a master rediscovering yourself, fulfilling your greatest dreams. And you are exactly where you need to be at exactly the right time. And you will fulfill your mission perfectly because you are hiding in plain sight.


Fifteen Minutes of Magic

Although I was first "awakened" to new potentials in consciousness by Jane Roberts' Seth, I began my most profound journey of self-discovery with Steve and Barbara Rother and "the group". The group is a collective of 9 entities - of which Steve is one - that Steve has channeled for nearly 20 years. For most of that time the group has spoken as a collective; it's only been the last 3 or 4 years that they've begun expressing their individuality, such as the channel below by the Keeper of Time. Hope you enjoy this latest message about the amazing state of awakening consciousness that we find ourselves in.

Fifteen Minutes of Magic

Re-membering Your Power

Steve Rother and 'the group'

March, 2015 Beacons of Light Message (channeled live Feb 28)

Greetings dear ones. I am the Keeper of Time.

Energy Waves

I am here this day to share with you what is happening on this magical planet of yours. You are changing everything every moment and it is so magical to see. As we have mentioned, all of this comes in a wave that also recedes. Many of your difficulties occur on the wave of the energy as it comes in. Fortunately it never recedes completely like the oceans do, but somehow always manages to go a little further every time the waves come in. This is part of the new physics that will begin to make sense as you start to understand what dark energy is all about. You are right on the verge of uncovering more of your understanding about the world around you, and all of its many dimensional levels. Dear ones, there are some magical things taking place on Earth.

The Energy of the Water

We have mentioned before that there are many of what you call sink holes happening on Earth. All of a sudden, the Earth literally opens up.. The other day we saw two people get off of a bus and fall right through the sidewalk. Interesting. What causes this? Well, it is a phenomenon that is happening globally because it has to do with the currents and the energies of the water beneath the surface of planet Earth. You are going to see more of these and they also move in these waves, dear ones. That is the magic that we share with you here. When you learn about the waves and you can feel them, you do not need to know exactly when they are coming in or how to be in the best position for their arrival. You will simply start to feel the energy, and that is what you are experiencing on Earth right now.

Over the next several months you will feel a new energy, and a lot of it comes from the movements underneath the Earth. Water, dear ones, is a form of energy all its own. As you can tell, water can be transformed from one form to another but never completely goes away. In truth, the water you are drinking is the same water that the dinosaurs drank eons ago. In fact, it actually circulates through the universe in different ways and that is magical too. You will start to understand more of your own origins here on planet Earth as humanity evolves to these next steps. We are telling you all of this because the magnetism of Earth has reached a level where you will resonate with it. You will feel the magic come back.

15 Minutes of Magic

Have you ever heard that every human on Earth has their 15 minutes of fame? It is quite an interesting process to think about that. At some point each of you steps in front of the camera and has at least a few moments of fame. At time when everyone is watching, you have the opportunity to be the teacher, to impart the knowledge and wisdom that you have carried so sacredly onto this planet. You have so perfectly brought your own light to planet Earth and anchored it as such. Well done, well done. Now that is the 15 minutes of fame. What if we told you everybody will be experiencing more than 15 minutes—but of magic. That is what is returning. Are you ready, dear ones, for your 15 minutes of magic? What would you do? What would you create?

Well, this goes all the way back to the famous three wishes that you would have. Of course, as everyone knows, the only wish you would have to make is for more wishes. How simple that would be. In truth, you already have this 15 minutes of fame but it is not going to be limited to 15 minutes. There is another wave coming in, dear ones, and almost all humans are in a position to feel this in a new way. Now, when someone feels their magic it is especially important to have them ground their magic through their actions, speech, belief systems, teaching and so forth.

Now what is happening is that all humans will be feeling this magic in beautiful ways. Now you have capabilities of igniting the collective heart of humanity globally, which has never happened to this degree before. You realize that many times you are now more aware of the events that are taking place in your world. You basically have given the credit for that to your technological advances on Earth. But in reality, it is your own spiritual and vibrational advances that allow that technology to land on planet Earth and to find its way into your life. So, whether you take credit for it or whether you pass the credit on, it makes no difference; you will feel it.

Are you ready for 15 minutes of magic? What would you do to extend that? What would you create if you could have anything? These are the times to seriously think about them and of course, all of you are right away going into your beliefs in limitation. It is natural. You live in a field of duality where you only see things as light and dark so, of course, you will see the limitations. What are the limitations?

The Redistribution of Water: Update

First of all, you think you only have 15 minutes. There is a limitation right there, is it not? The reality is pretending that is all you have, and living as if 15 minutes was your full incarnation of that magic. Now you will see that the Earth is also re-balancing herself. We have spoken of this at great length over many years, sharing that the Earth has been wobbling ever so slightly so she had to form a new balance. This has been done, dear ones, through the re-distribution of water that you see so clearly on your Earth. The reality is that you see this as excess rainfall, or quite often as flooding. We have shown you areas of the Earth that will be most affected by this, and we will again share with you how to be in the best position at the right time wherever you are. Most of the re-distribution of water has been done on the surface of the Earth. It is now starting to take place in the subterranean parts of the Earth, such as in many of the rivers that you do not even know are connected.

Now this is very important for all of you because, quite honestly, your oceans are reaching a level of pollution that is of great concern. It all has to do with particles of plastic and other pollutants. All oceans are connected, so your pollution and even Fukushima is bringing all this energy into the water of the oceans. Since the re-distribution of water mostly came from the evaporation of the oceans, it is now possible to redistribute fresh water underground. That is an advancement. Now, will you see difficulties with this? Well, we told you that you were going to see an enormous amount of sink holes and they will not always have explanations. Suddenly you see a house and the next moment it will be gone. You will see more of this in varying parts of the world, not just where they are doing what you call fracking, but every place.

Of course there are many places where you know the subterranean is moving and has been for many years. The state you called Florida is filled with these underground caverns and places where water has moved and sometimes has left a vacancy. As the waters begin to rise on planet Earth, these vacancies will fill with water. These will change in many ways, dear ones, which is the reason we wanted to have another opportunity to walk you through what is coming so that you can take part.

Now, this is so beautiful to us. Many of the pieces that you have been told in the last round of Earth changes have started to shift ever so slightly. This proves to us one thing: if you give a group of very powerful creators on Earth a focus to come together for and work with, you will change your planet. You will change the evolution of humanity and your social environments, because you will start to see that you are all connected. You will stop putting this separation between yourselves that has been happening for so long. This has created the opportunity for you to play this game pretending to be separate from each other, and now here you are at this magical point about to catch this magical wave.

Look for your 15 minutes—not of fame, dear ones, but of magic where everything seems to come together. And when you find that 15 minutes of magic simply extend it because you are magic, are you not?

The Beginning of a New 26,000-Year Rhythmic Cycle

You are learning a little bit of what is ahead, and this is very important. Are there challenges coming? Of course there are. You are very well aware of the planetary cycles that have been moving forward, but we also tell you of the larger rhythms and that is the piece that Elrah has brought in. You are beginning a new rhythmic cycle; it is a 26,000 year cycle and you are at the beginning of the opening of this cycle at this moment. You had to clear all the aspects of the past, letting go of many of those old pieces in order to step forward into this new energy. There simply is no room for vibrational disharmony. You must be in integrity with your heart and as you do that, a new world opens. That is the only thing that is necessary for you to activate and put into use your magic. Are you ready to do so?

What if we turn the spotlight on you and say, “Here are your 15 minutes. What will you do with it?" Well, that is pretty close to what will be taking place and we hope you enjoy every part of this. You deserve to be happy. You are not only on this planet just to strive and work hard. You shine when you are happy, dear ones, and you send out a different vibrational pattern. That is what draws everything to you and causes the reaction of the universe to bring together all the particles that are aligned with your heart. In the old energies you used to do this with your head. It is what you have been working on, but now it is more about the heart. We are not asking you to disregard your head, to stop thinking or reasoning all together. We are asking you to start feeling with your heart first, because that is the new energy of the new world.

Leading with the Heart

Dear ones, you have progressed so many levels. At one point in your lives, it was more important than anything else simply to have physical strength. It was part of what your survival was based on as a species, to be strong and healthy. To possess a bigger life force energy meant your survival and success on planet Earth. As time moved forward, it was as if your grandparents became part of a certain paradigm and they had to work very hard. Then your parents started working smartly and the levels of humanity literally moved into the head. This originally took place long before your parents’ days. It was actually a wave of energy that came in with the philosophers and all the important ideas that had to be in place on Earth, so you could step forward to start the time clock moving in that direction. You have learned to think and be led by your head, not your heart, because your belief systems tell you that the only difference between you and the animals is that humans can reason.

Well, we hate to disappoint you, dear ones, but animals reason quite well. You simply have not learned to completely communicate with them, but you will understand more of this as you evolve. It has been very important for you to believe that you are leaders at the top of the evolutionary process. We hate to disappoint you once again, dear ones, for you are not at the top of the evolution ladder. You are evolving each individual, as well as the entire collective, which is moving at an astounding rate on planet Earth right now. We could not be happier, dear ones. You are workers of the light, for you have agreed to carry in a specific ray which you have taken responsibility to ground on planet Earth. Now more than ever before, you have moved through eras where your physical strength was important and others where your thinking ability was king. You are now moving into the heart. How much can you feel? What can you anchor here?

Dear ones, we have worked with so many humans over many years that have laid out their life’s course according to their head. They were looking for the path of least resistance, studying and analyzing every step. They put one foot in front of the other, even though sometimes it was painful because they felt the resistance of the wind of their face. In effect, they would create something and reach their goals only to find out that their heart was no longer there, which was a very sad situation. You are going to need to find that balance between your heart and your head, to move forward. The left brain is for the Earth, and the right brain for Home. Balance and carry them both, but lead with the heart.

Start first by asking what you are feeling and then lift it into your head, using the rest of the process that you have. These are new tools that can help you anchor your 15 minutes of magic. Are you ready? We are and so is the Earth. We tell you, dear ones, there are many changes still coming on Earth. You are waiting for things to settle down, but they will not be settling for a time. You have clearly stepped clearly into a new world, anchoring and bringing in your ray of light as an expression of love into this world. This is now most important.

Extending Your 15 Minutes of Magic

These are situations in which you not only reclaim your magic, but when you will help others to claim theirs. How do you extend your 15 minutes of magic? You do it by making other people around you magical. That is the key, dear ones, for many of you have come lifetime after lifetime to be teachers on planet Earth. Sometimes you have been part of a very similar wisdom, often in many separate lifetimes that took place on the line of time. In truth, now you are here for a very important reason indeed. All of the energies that you have gathered through your collective experiences on planet Earth are coming to bear. You are bringing these forward to have all of the magic at one time.

We tell you dear ones, this is the time to set things into motion for grounding your light, passion, and energy which you specifically brought from Home. It is necessary on Earth, but now it is also safe for you to do so. Before there have been many times where it was not. You will find an opening as long as you lead with your heart. Take those 15 minutes of magic and empower the others around you. Ah, that is the secret. That is the extension of everything, because you are not separate from them. They are part of you, so if you wish to extend your magic look for ways to enlighten others and empower everyone you have an opportunity to.

These are magical times on Earth, dear ones, and we applaud each and every one of you for playing this incredible game of pretending to be a human. The magic is yours and we will watch with greatness and with the most incredible love as you bask in your 15 minutes or more of magic.

It is with the greatest of honor, dear ones, that we ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity. Play well together.


The group

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