
Feel What You Feel

... the best way to support others is to allow them to learn [experience] the lessons they came here to experience. This means standing by someone as they endure their difficulties but not interfering, yet indeed holding their hand through life. We must give others the space and freedom to be human and to feel what they came here to feel. ~ Suzanne Baker Hogan

Valuable insights in this short piece, even though it was written nearly two years ago. The process continues for us all!


By Suzanne Baker Hogan at Share the Spiritual

February 19, 2013

During these times of great transformation, we are being called to feel everything we haven’t allowed ourselves to feel before. We are being asked to feel the emotions that we have denied and shunned deep inside. And this is because feeling allows us to heal our emotional wounds.

You see, as we go through life, we tend to store painful emotions in the body. This pain remains lodged within, unable to be healed. In order to dislodge it, we must feel it in the healthiest way possible. When we do, pain moves through us and can be released. We become free of the wounds we have buried.

Empathy helps us with this. When we empathize with ourselves or another, we validate what is being felt. We accept emotions with love, and this enables us to feel them and then let them go. This is how we stop the madness of suffering.

And that is why the best way to support others is to allow them to learn the lessons they came here to experience. This means standing by someone as they endure their difficulties but not interfering, yet indeed holding their hand through life. We must give others the space and freedom to be human and to feel what they came here to feel. We must experience life deeply instead of avoiding, fixing, or judging all that we go through.

We are here to feel things that we can only experience while living a human life. We are meant to learn from our emotional adventures and assist one another in doing this. That is how we experience the growth that our souls’ earnestly desire.

Allow yourself to feel what life brings up in you so that you can fully experience it. You don’t have to react to these experiences or hold on to them – or let them rule you in any way. You simply have to feel them. And once you do, you can let them go because they’re no longer in the present moment. They don’t have to stick around and define beautiful you.

You are here to love, to cry, to laugh, and to feel moved with every fiber of your being, without having to judge any of it. You are here to feel all the nuances of experience, utterly and completely, and take this wisdom with you forever. This is what allows you to gain precious experience. This is how you allow your gorgeous soul to grow.


Soulmates and Destiny - Selacia

Soulmates and Destiny

by Selacia at Selacia and Earth's Pivotal Years

Jan 22, 2015

Relationships play a key role in your joy and success in 2015, and some soulmate connections can be pivotal influences on your longer term destiny. To understand this, be prepared to expand your view of what a soulmate is and how the two of you help each other over time.

What is a Soulmate?

A soulmate is someone you bond with on a soul level. It’s a person, or even a pet, that comes into your life for a special connection that greatly enriches your life and helps you grow. This is someone who helps you see yourself more clearly and more lovingly – this helps you to progress spiritually.

Potentials for 2015

This year, with its lighter energies and more potentials for moving forward, your soulmate connections could be a significant component of your success. After all, soulmates help catalyze full expression of your life purpose. They provide helpful support in obvious and not-so-obvious ways – like soothing you after a tough day and introducing you to someone who can open new doors of opportunity. A soulmate can remind you of your good qualities too.

Soulmates are not random. Since the connection is at a soul level, the two souls are involved in orchestrating the meeting and other happenstance. It’s common for this connection to occur over a number of lifetimes, resulting in a strong bond. That’s why when you first meet someone you can feel like you are old friends – there’s a comfort level that comes from long experience. What happens is that by knowing them in different circumstances over time, you bond and help one another grow. Your strong bonds over time magnetize you together again and again.

Types of Soulmates

From a quantum perspective, we indeed have more than one soulmate. There are different types of soulmates too. The type most people think of is a romantic partner soulmate. This type usually comes from a past bond created in another lifetime. Some lifetimes, you could be with them in a romantic partnership, and then other lifetimes you might be best friends, siblings, parent-child, or business colleagues.

Some romantic partner soulmates will be in a lifelong relationship. This isn’t always the case, though. From the perspective of the two souls, their having a larger view, your romantic partnership may not be destined to last an entire lifetime – for many reasons. Sometimes your paths move in different directions, each of you needing to experience something new. In this case, each of you later on could connect with another soulmate – coming into your life at the perfect time.

Special Bonds with Each Person

Being with one soulmate rather than another does not take away from the special bonds each partnership has. In spirit’s view, there is a unique purpose to each connection and it stands on its own.

In our conventional society – with linear black-and-white thinking – there’s a tendency to think we have only one soulmate and that we can be happy with only one person.

Pets Can be Soulmates

Also, people with a linear view tend to discount that even pets can be our soulmates. In reality, the soulmate bond is not just about human-to-human. When we get on the other side and have spirit’s view, we can see this clearly.

On the other side, too, we have a higher view of why some soulmate connections involve ongoing friction and upset. In fact, soulmate romantic partnerships sometimes are quite explosive and other times the initial sizzle fades before a commitment is made. This can be quite puzzling and frustrating, to say the least!

Indeed, the strong attraction between people is no guarantee of a smooth ride. People in love often have the incorrect assumption that being with a soulmate is like a fairy tale with a lifelong commitment and no disagreements or problems. Of course, this isn’t true.

Sometimes, as mentioned, the partnering was never meant to be really long term. Also, as long as either person has unresolved issues or life plans, they will tend to get played out with whoever is closest – in this case with the soulmate.

Gifts of Soulmates

From a cosmic perspective, you are an eternal being having a series of experiences in this physical reality. Sometimes you grow the most from conflict that catalyzes a deeper inner questioning. A soulmate you bonded with numerous lifetimes could feel safe enough so that you let down your guard. Perhaps one gift of knowing that person again this life is that he or she helps you to be more authentic and to take back power you have given away to others.

This gift may not be obvious, of course, until long after you have learned these things. By then, the two of you may no longer be a couple. The key here is to see and appreciate the gift of the relationship in the now. Then it’s much easier to let go of clinging to what was and move on.

Tip: be present and heart-centered with each person you meet. Think of each person as part of your human family. Over time you will discover soulmate bonds with a number of people. Do your best to learn from each one, listening to what your heart tells you about the connection and what it means in the current moment. Think of each soulmate bond as another opportunity to be loving – to yourself and others. Love is what matters.

Copyright 2015 by Selacia – author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.


Playing The Game ... Differently

... you are the CEO of your totality – a very comprehensive role indeed. But how do you wish to direct your totality? That is your CEO quandary. ~ Brenda Hoffman

So here we are, travelling the timelines together, creating new worlds, new ways of being human, having new adventures, discovering new joys, re-discovering old joys. What an amazing time to be an Earthling!

Many of us are well aware that the fears we meet in physicality are experiences we created for whatever reasons we created them. The question is, are we ready to be done with those experiences now?

I say we are! Time to recognize our fears for what they are - ways to experience something that isn't possible in our non-physical form. Time to decide consciously whether to continue our fearful ways or to release those fears, realizing that fear exists only in our imaginations - that we create/created the circumstances that allows/allowed us to feel those fears.

It's time to give our imaginations new canvases to express on! Time to let go control and live the lives we say we want to live - despite what appears to be going on around us.

In this two-part article, both of which are reproduced below, Brenda Hoffman and her team help us understand that we are creating new roles for ourselves, and what it's going to take to carry out those roles. Enjoy!

CEO Is Your New Role

January 9, 2015

Through Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

New energies are streaming to earth daily – some more noticeable than others, but a continuous stream because you and earth have transitioned beyond 3D. You have crossed the bridge and are now learning to live on the other side. So it is that the Universes are providing additional support as you learn to live in your new environment.

What you have not yet realized is that the you of this lifetime has accepted a new role for your totality. You are the CEO (chief executive officer) or president of your totality.

Many of you are clamoring for information of how best to re-create global corporations and institutions and yet disregard the piece that has been part of you since the beginning of this transition. All begins at the micro level and evolves to the macro level. So it is now.

First, you encouraged many of your segments in other parts of the Universes and/or earth to join you in a coalition of love. Second, you adapted or are adapting physically to the new you including DNA, cellular and blood changes. It is now time for you to assume the role you have prepared for for eons – that of CEO of your totality.

Many of you are tired for you are afraid within yourself to delegate responsibilities to parts of your totality – most notably your 3D segment. You believe you should monitor all segments at all times. An extremely exhausting exercise that produces little other than exhaustion.

It is time for you to let go. Know that your segments are fully prepared for whatever role they selected with little or no monitoring.

As the new CEO of your totality, you have stayed late and awoke early to ensure that every segment is doing what they are supposed to do. Allowing you little time to play or do what gives you joy.

So it is you have reached a crossroads about how you wish to live the remainder of life on earth in this lifetime. Do you wish to fly with the eagles and play on the green hills? Or do you wish to put on your business suit every morning and require detailed reports from every segment?

Of course it is your choice. Maybe you have always wished to be a hands-on CEO and such is fun for you. But if you are exhausted, irritable and as you say, “uptight” you are not playing in the sunshine as your inner-being wishes.

Many of you are thinking that you do not know how to let go of such a nebulous piece of your totality. AH. Yet, you felt fully comfortable releasing fear. Do you not see the humor in your quandary? You were courageous enough to let go of your 3D life – to climb that mountain. Yet, now that you have discovered a slight bump on your green hills, you are declaring that such is not possible.

You are doing so because you were fully comfortable with your fears, but this powerful CEO role is beyond your beliefs about yourself. You believe that even though you climbed your mountain – never deviating, never stopping – this new role of CEO is beyond your comprehension and power – for you are just you as you were in the 3D world.

You are NOT just you. You are a glorious god/goddess of the greatest power. And now you are assuming one of your new power roles – that of CEO of your totality.

So it is time for you to understand that your segments are as powerful as you – for they are you. You do not need to monitor their activities. Your segments have also been preparing their new earth roles for eons.

Is it not logical that CEO has a much different definition now than was true even if you were a CEO in the 3D world? This title can now be defined as an entity who brings all segments together at specified times to report what those segments have learned to expand the knowledge of the totality.

Your CEO role is somewhat like that of a 3D administrative assistant. You schedule segment meetings and gather and process the information so that the totality has more knowledge for your next expansion – and the next and next.

It is not about punishment, pay raises or ensuring that next quarter’s profits are larger than the quarter before. Your CEO role is about increasing your totality’s knowledge and experiences. And reporting that information to your new earth community. Which in turn reports information to the totality of earth. Which in turn reports that information to the totality of the Universes. So that the transition you are in the midst of creates a new earth and new you of love and joy.

Financial resources are no longer the indicator of power. Instead, power is knowledge applicable to this transition and beyond. That is not to say that financial resources are bad, merely not the power indicators of yesteryear.

Allow yourself to know deep within you that you no longer need to control anyone – including yourself.

Even though you are CEO of your totality, such a title no longer means control – but freedom. Freedom for your segments to do what they do best and gives them joy. Release the reins of power and fall into the peaceful stance of fun and love. Allow yourself – including all your segments – to be.

Your new 3D segment finds great joy in being of the 3D world – the very world you that tires you. What is your personal segment’s joy? What areas are you wishing to explore once you give up the heavy reins of self-control?

Go play and all will be well. Remain tightly in control, as you learned in the 3D world, and you will experience exhaustion and yes, boredom. So be it. Amen.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com

More Roles, Dimensions, and Time Travels

January 19, 2015

Through Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

Some of you have received inner messages about various roles you wish to or are playing. Of course, you are the CEO of your totality – a very comprehensive role indeed. But how do you wish to direct your totality? That is your CEO quandary.

Perhaps you wish to visit a role you played in 3D you did not comfortably complete. Perhaps you are creating a role you have never played before. Or perhaps you are receiving seemingly conflicting messages – that you are directing your totality to more than one role.

This is your first earth life in which you do not have to select one role. Perhaps such is confusing. How can you be both a prophet and queen? Ah. That is the message for this week. For you are quite capable of playing several roles in several dimensions at the same time.

Of course, such a thought seems impossible to the 3D you of yesteryear. But then, you have always played several roles in several dimensions at the same time, you just did not know or understand you were doing so. As your time collapses, you will discover it is quite easy to flit between various roles – acted or played at the same time, but on different stages.

You have gathered many segments into your totality – all with different interests and skill sets. Your CEO role is to gather the information your segments create and pass that information on. How much information could be gathered if all segments played the same role in the same dimension?

So it is you are realizing you are no longer of one dimension – or just a few segments. Your information gathering and reporting is much more expansive and detailed than you now realize. For you continue to play roles as you did in 3D earth. But those roles no longer process karma or whatever word you wish to use to tell yourself that once you or someone was bad and you are in a role/drama to release that badness.

Every role you have ever played throughout your eternity was about information gathering for Universal totality. It is just that your 3D segments needed to create justification for the pain you experienced while gathering 3D fear information on the earth plane.

You were and are no more a terrible person than was Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus or any being elevated to superior status. Those beings seemed superior for they understood what they were doing and why. They opened their dimensions during a time when you felt the need to fully experience fear and thereby, worthlessness.

Now that you shifted your frequencies to multi-dimensionalities, as is true for those just mentioned at earlier stages in earth history, you are playing roles with full knowledge of why and where – and thereby, in joy.

There is a great deal of difference between playing a role you feel you have to to fulfill karma – a role filled with fear or retaliation – or a role you select based on expanding knowledge of the Universal totality within any and all dimensions and with any and all skill sets you would like. Such is the joy of new earth. You are aware and directing your life consciously.

Some will argue that you always directed your life on earth. Such would be somewhat true. For you created the circumstances that would best express your fear and worthlessness – but only on one dimension and with little knowledge of why or what.

New you is fully aware of why and what. In truth, you are even now selecting which roles you wish to play.

Will your new roles contain fear? Even though a bit of fear might be included, it is not that likely for you completed your encyclopedia of fear in your 3D world.

It is time to explore new roles with new or seldom before used skills and with full knowledge of all that is occurring – past, present and future – in all dimensions and time frames. Such is probably not an easy concept for you to accept at this time.

Suffice it for you to know you will be sensing, hearing or otherwise knowing that you wish to play numerous roles in numerous dimensions for specific reasons that only you need be aware of. Do not be frightened by these new roles. You are merely playing in joy – much as you did as a child. Was it that unusual to play cowgirl one day or hour and a doctor the next? And did you not easily switch between the two in terms of activities and actions? So it is for you now. You will play multiple roles as they feel right and when they feel right.

You are fully in charge of new you. Much as was true when you were a child playing different roles. “This role feels wonderful today, but tomorrow or in another dimension or time, I wish to be someone else.” So it will continue forever more in joy and play. So be it. Amen.

Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com


Imagine. A Reminder.

As we move into a magical 2015, we will continue to use our imagination to create that which many of us want to create — a world filled with peace, joy, abundance, love, acceptance, appreciation, cooperation, transparency and integrity; an exciting, dynamic, adventurous! and wonder-filled place to be.

That which we can imagine, we can achieve, as John Lennon showed us through his music, and as Jon Rappoport reminds us in his article below, "Power beyond mind control".

The human race is obsessed by the question: what exists? It appears to be a far easier question than: what do you want to create? ~ Jon Rappoport

With thanks to radiointernetsite for this composite of John Lennon music and images with lyrics.

Power beyond mind control

by Jon Rappoport, NoMoreFakeNews.com

January 14, 2015


“All thought is not the same. There is random static. There is repetitious and circular rumination. There is thought devoted to solving a problem or analyzing a situation. There is thought that occurs when one is creating something that never existed before. To blithely say that “externally inserted” mind control can replace all levels of thinking without a person being aware of what is going on is foolish.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

Consciousness wants to create new consciousness, and it can. Imagination is how it does it. If there were some ultimate state of consciousness, imagination would always be able to play another card and take it further.

In any arena of life, and especially when it comes to mind, perception, power, empathy, and so on, there is always a status quo. It’s merely the place where a person says, “Well, that’s enough. I’ll settle for what I have. I’ll stop here.”

Sooner or later, this leads to boredom, frustration, problems, and conflict. It leads to a decline.

Imagination, which knows no bounds, is the source for the most adventurous explorations. It can have great impact on the material world, of course, but one mustn’t therefore conclude it is composed of matter or energy. Imagination is non-material. To think otherwise winds you up in using some version of physics to depict imagination—and then you are imposing limits on it. This is an error. Imagination doesn’t obey any laws of physics.

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, we’ve flattered reality enough. It doesn’t need any more. Imagination creates new realities.

You can create the same thing over and over, and eventually you’ll be about as alive as a table. Inject imagination into the mix, and everything suddenly changes. You can steer that boat anywhere you want to.

The lowest common denominator of consensus implies an absence of imagination. Everyone agrees; everyone is bored; everyone is obedient. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are massive floods of unique individual creation, and then that sought-after thing called abundance is as natural as the sun rising in the morning.

Sitting around in a cosmic bus station waiting for reality is what reality is. Everything else is imagination.

There are those who believe life is a museum. You walk through the rooms, find one painting, stroll into it and take up permanent residence. But the museum is endless. If you were a painter, you’d never decide to live inside one of your canvases forever. You’d keep on painting.

The relentless and obsessive search for all those things on which we can agree is a confession of bankruptcy.

When we re-learn to live through and by imagination, we enter and invent new space and time.

With imagination, one can solve a problem. More importantly, one can skip ahead of the problem and render it null and void.

Imagination isn’t a system. It might invent systems, but it is non-material. It’s a capacity. It feels no compulsion to imitate reality. It makes realities. Its scope is limited only by a person’s imagining of how far imagination can go.

The human race is obsessed by the question: what exists? It appears to be a far easier question than: what do you want to create? This comparison explains why civilizations decline.

Imagination is a path. Walking on that path long enough, you find answers to all the questions you’ve ever asked, as an incidental side effect of the journey. You also find power that most people only dream of.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.
We don't need to crash and burn to set course for a new future, we only need to imagine it and live it, despite what's going on around us.



We have come to believe that predictions tell us what's going to happen, when in fact they do not. Predictions simply indicate potentials for a reality. Predictions are one person's view of energy flows and how that energy will be manifest as reality.

There are unlimited potentials, any of which can become the basis of one's reality. We can choose to put our focus and energy behind a prediction and experience it as our truth (by believing in it), or we can simply pass it by and choose another potential. Or make up our own.

So predictions are simply potentials. Which potential will you choose to become your reality?

One of several that I like for the coming year is the following from Emmanuel Dagher:
Energy Forecast January 2015 – The Year of Abundance,

by Emmanuel Dagher

January 6, 2015

My Beautiful Friend,

What a joy it is for me to enter the sparkling energies of a brand new year with you!


The Energies of 2015

As I connect with the energy of 2015, I instantly sense a big sigh of relief for humanity. It’s like we can all breathe again.

Humanity has been on a long and winding road to get to this point in time. The road has been bumpy and challenging, which is probably an understatement for many. But something deep within us never allowed us to give up.

The potential for 2015 is infinite, and the two words that keep coming up over and over again are Abundance and Love.

The Year of Abundance

When we allow ourselves to truly see it, the energy of abundance is all around us. It’s in our cells, in Nature, and beyond.

So how can we tap into this abundance in a more intentional way, so that we can see it bloom and materialize in areas of our lives that we may not have been allowing it to do so, including our finances?

To create greater abundance in all areas of our lives, it’s important to understand what abundance really means for the majority of us. At the core, abundance is simply a means to freedom.

So, to create greater abundance, we must give ourselves full permission to be free.

Now, this can be a bit of a process for the mind, because it has conditioned itself to find safety and comfort in smaller, structured ways of being.

So although our Spirit have and will always be free, the mind may not be comfortable embracing the vastness that comes with this freedom. The key is to gently teach and retrain the mind to find comfort in the freedom that resides within our core, so it can begin to open up and flow with life, instead of resisting it.

When we find ways to affirm that the mind is not losing anything by embracing our free self – but in fact gaining everything – then we can create the kind of abundant reality our Spirit desires for us to experience.

As we enter the New Year, let’s reflect on whether or not we are allowing ourselves to be free in all ways.

• Are we allowing ourselves to shine brightly? Are we speaking our truth fully? Are we embracing and sharing all of our gifts, talents, and presence with the world the way we truly desire?

• Are we taking time to love, pamper, and nurture ourselves and others often? Are we expressing heart-felt gratitude for our blessings?

If we answered yes to these questions, then we are most likely experiencing a great freedom and abundance in our lives. If for any reason we are feeling stuck or are still experiencing lack in some way, that is simply feedback, letting us know that one or several areas of our lives may need a bit of fine-tuning.

Intention for 2015 and Beyond

If we aren’t feeling as free and abundant as we’d like, we can turn it around right this minute through the power of intention.

We can proclaim:

“From this moment on, I give myself full permission to embrace, recognize, and receive the infinite freedom and abundance that reside within and all around me. This all occurs quickly, with ease, grace, and joy. And so it is!”

Sacred Unions

Earlier, I mentioned that the other word that kept coming up for the year 2015 was Love.

The kind of love I’m seeing unfold first and foremost is a reverent and intimate kind of love for ourselves. Once this self-love is anchored and practiced, it will then begin to call in a sacred and intimate union with a soul partner whose vibration is aligned with ours.

It’s important to note that when our love for ourselves is full, the love we experience towards others no longer has complications, drama, and pain around it.

It is pure, easy, joyous, flexible, and fun. If it doesn’t feel to be in alignment with these energies, it’s not true love.

If for any reason you are experiencing a love with a partner that has been quite challenging, know that you are either being prepared to experience a much greater love with this person (once the lessons are learned) or preparing to align with a new soul partner who will give you the opportunity to experience a much greater love.

Either way, be gentle with yourself and your partner, and know that all is in Divine order.

When the time is right, your soul partner or twin flame will appear on your path in the perfect time and way, and you will be ready to receive him or her into your life with gratitude and joy.

It’s time to breathe, open our arms up wide with palms facing up to the sky, and say “YES!” out loud to the abundance and love this New Year is drenched with.

We are all in this together,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2015 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.


Changing Paradigms



Why Not?

Now is the time. Be childlike. Allow yourself to sparkle and explore. Allow yourself to be in joy and love – and your world will expand beyond what you can imagine. ~ Brenda Hoffman

When you realize, finally and fully, that YOU are the creator of your personal NOW, and co-creator of your shared NOW, you have the freedom to have, be, and do whatever you choose. Not what someone else thinks you should have, be, or do, but what YOU choose.

Life then truly becomes an exciting adventure no matter what is happening, or appears to be happening, around you. This is living physical life in the gamer's term "god mode" and it is both rewarding and fun!

Why Not?

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman

December 29, 2014

Dear Ones,

Perhaps your holiday festivities created situations you did not anticipate or appreciate including fear and joy. Perhaps you felt little or nothing. It does not matter for this is the last holiday season that will address 3D issues.

You have crossed the bridge to your new land.

Some of you will continue to revisit your 3D world. Some of you may even pine for pieces of your 3D world after exiting your cocoon. Such is well and good. For indeed, you are cleansing and clearing eons of personal memories; memories of your earth ancestors and memories of fear that negated any joy you felt. Allow yourself to move at the pace correct for you – and only you.

Others of you exiting your cocoon are finding new you/new earth a playground of excitement and joy. It is those entities we address today. For you have not created new earth ‘training wheels’ as such for navigating your new experiences.

Unlike your 3D world, there are no rules, training wheels or limitations other than what your inner-being establishes. New earth is a ‘free for all’ in terms of experiences and fun.
Were you told you must enjoy a certain game or experience when you were young? Or, as was true for most, did you try many games or experiences before emphasizing some on the basis of fun and companionship? So it is that such is how you will feel as you explore new you.

You may find dimension hopping a great deal of fun, but a bit lonely – or not. You might discover interacting with those just awakening is more – or less fun.

The key word for you during this exploration period is fun. Not shoulds. Not have tos. But fun. What makes you giggle? What makes you flush with excitement and anticipation as you awake each morning? That is new you.

You are thinking that such is fine and good, but you must work each day to ensure the 3D parts of you and your family have basic needs fulfilled. Ah. That is where you will most notice new playful you.

Those of you ready to explore new you will discover that pieces of your job or daily requirements once thought drudgery will not feel the same. The job has not shifted, you have. Those pieces that used to frighten or anger you will be approached differently and more easily as you began exploring with new you skills.

Once you accept you are a glorious creature, your thoughts and perceptions shift. Perhaps your employer or neighbor repeats something that irritated you just days ago. Now you find the same either not that important or just KNOW why such happened.

Your creative, perception, skill levels expand exponentially when you truly accept, believe and KNOW you are a glorious creator. So it is that the energies of the past few days have highlighted that within you. Giving you the confidence and nudge you requested to fly, to experience beyond what you have ever experienced before on earth.

You have transitioned from the dense heavy earth environment of what you cannot do, for whatever reason, to a childlike belief that anything is possible. “Why not?” is your phrase for the next few months.

Then of course, your totality will expand yet again.

But for now, it is enough for you to know within your being that you are part of the “Why not?” group and will use that phrase as does a child. Anything and everything is possible from dimension hopping to time travel to whatever gives you joy. And you will find that joy by following your inner-being.

Unlike 3D earth where you had to acclimate to limitations, the new you is discovering you have no limitations; that you can trust yourself; that you will not run amuck; that you are reversing the earth pattern of entering earth in love and exiting with shoulds and rules.

Now is the time. Be childlike. Allow yourself to sparkle and explore. Allow yourself to be in joy and love – and your world will expand beyond what you can imagine.

Do not feel as if you have to create something that will save the world. You only have to create what will save you! The loving, childlike you that entered earth decades ago. So be it. Amen.

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Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
I've found the following statement to self to be invaluable when confronted with things or people that appear to be controlling me. "I am the master of my creations. I write the script for my experiences."

After affirming that I am the master of my creations, sometimes I'll immediately see the reasons for drawing an experience to me that has me baffled. That insight is at times amazing, often amusing, and allows me to turn tragedy, upset, or anger into opportunity.

At minimum, remembering that I'm the creator helps me shift out of victim mode and back into creation mode, which is always a powerful place to be.

All the best to you and yours as we travel the timelines together!

- k


How the Elite Stay in Power

The video in the following article (thanks to Brian Kelly for bringing it to my awareness) tells us what we already know but don't want to accept: that we aren't really being controlled by one or more elite groups of private individuals (what many call the cabal or dark hats) though it very much appears that way.

What's really going on is that we are complying with the rule set developed by those individuals. We do so out of lack of awareness, out of habit (what we learned/were taught), and out of fear.

Sometimes awareness is all that's needed to dissolve the habits and the fear. Sometimes it's not. When it's not, due diligence is needed to work through one's fear.

What do we fear? Just about anything ... and everything. The fears are as many and varied as there are individuals holding fear. Many fears don't even seem like fear, they just seem like "the way it is."

The truth is, nothing has to be the way that it is, no matter how much it appears that way. Change - rapid or even instantaneous - is possible, and it's not that difficult.

In all cases the same is true: Lose your fear and you can no longer be controlled. Lose your fear and gain your freedom.

How the Elite Stay in Power

By Brian Kelly

December 31, 2014

Love the simplicity in the message of this video. It is our compliance the gives the system power. The answer: STOP COMPLYING WITH THE SYSTEM. It's that easy. When enough know this is all it takes, the system that enslaves humanity will come falling down like a house of cards. I hope this video and others like it go viral. These are the tools needed to awaken the masses. The facade is crumbling down all around us. Knowledge is power. Awareness is key. BUT, it must be followed through with Action. It doesn't have to be a bloody battle. Time to Unite & re-claim the power that was, is and always has been rightfully ours. ~BK

When you lose the fear that keeps you complying, complying won't even be an issue. You simply won't do it. Not out of anger, upset, revenge, retribution, or anything else, but simply because you don't choose it.

When enough of us reach that place, the whole world will shift, immediately and instantaneously.

Until that happens, all we can do is create our individual reality in non-compliance mode, and hold space for our fellow human beings to do the same. As Ghandi is famously quoted as saying "BE the change you want to see."