by American Kabuki
September 30, 2014
A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
Nobody is able to achieve this completely, [oh but we will! -AK] but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.
-ALBERT EINSTEIN (as quoted in The New York Times 29 March 1972)
It's quite obvious to anyone with nerve endings un-deadened by Prozac that the energies of this planet are very highly charged at this moment. The banking system keeps trying to phoenix the existing debt systems by issuing new debt and hoping to cover that trail by worldwide conflagration and/or pandemic. A critical mass of awakened humanity has been reached, and quite like the 10 billion neurons in a brain, the collective human consciousness on this planet is firing up and remembering who it is. And each human awakening like a tuning fork stirs the next one.
The partners-in-contrast continuing playing out their drama because they are only one pony acts. Creativity was never their strong point. They have a Felix the Magic Cat template bag of magic tricks. They were always middle management imported from some distant star that spent too many eons in building their gold plated thrones on the dead remains one what they see as the "less evolved" on one planet or another. This is their last bastion. Bred on the belief in their own separation from Source, even while they grudgingly acknowledge the oneness of all in their own writings, they still attempt to hide that oneness with every allusion and illusion of separation wrapped up in hierarchies of light and dark when they themselves recognize no such boundary. But there is an energetic accounting.
When it comes to the game of separation consciousness, the partners-in-contrast are very very skilled at it and getting you to play that game. Separation consciousness is a game that feeds on itself. Its an endless recursive loop, the endless program that keeps on running because it keeps following the same track.
There was always another option, but that exit door said "LOVE ALL, JUDGE NONE" ... for judgement is only an excuse for withholding love. The pain of separation consciousness makes that seem like the foolish choice. Somebody kills your kid with a drone or a strap on bomb vest, its quite natural to the biological mind to return that.
Couple that with life long teaching of being God's chosen ones, the one true religion, correct politics, or race or the 1001 and other ways humanity has been divided and conquered, you get what we have now, gasoline looking for a match. No one on this planet has been immune from that kind of mental programming. And those that want to cast one race or another as evil demons or aliens are just doing more of the same. The separation game always plays both sides. It's all Eternal Essence.
Biology wants to survive, its the evolutionary imperative that drives life to arise from the materium.
You are not biology with a consciousness, you are consciousness that has a biological body. The Soul knows it survives - no matter what - and from that knowing and love all courage is born.
The threat and use of violence to instill fear to the ego causes people to turn from their inner guidance and believe in the illusion of separation.
CNN, BBC, NBC, FRANCE NEWS 24, CBS, ABC, FOX spew out their daily GHOUL-LASH of fear. We live in GOUL-LAG of fear. Have you ever seen it so crazy? You really can't make this shit up! But they do! Crisis actors that show up in one false flag event after another, custom-off-the-shelf pre-packaged banker financed revolutions and coup-de-tats, in some cases years in advance, like the Ukraine with former central bankers as the puppets in charge and their very own Nazi storm trooper nationalists complete with SS emblems!
What's the plague or terrorist du jour? I've frankly lost count on who I am supposed to hate and what emerging disease is supposed to make me panic into believing that I AM less than I AM - all that is and which created this universe. And you are the same I AM. REMEMBER I AM!
There is one belief, however, that destroys artificial barriers to perception, an expanding belief that automatically pierces false and inhibiting ideas. Now, separately:
The Self Is Not Limited.
That statement is a statement of fact. It exists regardless of your belief or disbelief in it.
Following this concept is another:
There Are No Boundaries or Separations of the Self.
Roberts, Jane (2011-09-30). The Nature of Personal Reality (A Seth Book)
The above is a portion of a longer article written by AK and posted