~ No More Right or Wrong ~
The Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home
August 16, 2014
Through Steve Rother at Lightworker
Greetings, dear ones. I am the Keeper of Time.
Grasping at Old Straws
You are at a critical junction of time and space on planet Earth. You have moved very clearly from one dimension to the next going through interdimensional realities as you do, and now you are grasping at the old straws. That is actually very normal for the advancement of humanity—at least in the ways that you have done this previously. We wish to speak of this today and share with you what is going on in your world. Yes, we have already shared with you that much energy is being picked up from the planet; the tectonic plates are moving in such a way that there is considerable stress and strain on the planet herself.
Previously, in lower existences of lower vibration, this was not a problem. Quite simply, before you did not feel it the way you are all feeling it now. You are all starting to feel this connection on a very, very deep level and many are overreacting out of desperation. It feels as if you do not grasp this right now, you are going to lose the opportunity. Dear ones, we say you—we mean the large you—there are those who call yourselves Lightworkers, for you are the masters of the light. Yes, you are the ones that have chosen to be here right now to make a huge difference on this planet. So we will share some of the very simple ideas and tools that you can use to help all of humanity make this step to this next level, where you can anchor your whole energy very firmly and plainly.
Action and Reaction
All you need to do, dear ones, is look at us and see what it looks like from our side of the veil. Unless we are talking about humanity we do not use the words right or wrong, good or bad, nor love or fear. The reality is that those do not exist and as you have moved into this higher vibration. You have desperately grasped at the energy of these old ideas to try and feel comfortable, especially feeling the energy from Mother Earth herself. Many who have felt downtrodden, or as if they have not had a voice, grasp and step back into the evolution to try to find some form of familiarity and comfort there. Then, dear ones, there are you who have looked at both sides. We challenge you all to now do that. When you can look at something through our eyes, you see non-judgment. Judgment does not work because there is no right nor wrong. There is only an action and a reaction, which is what is playing out on Earth over and over again. However, it has come to such a heightened state that you all can find an answer for this.
What does it take? Does it take a cease fire, a renegotiation, or your governments getting involved? All of those things are possible, dear ones, but each of you can make a difference in your own heart with the energy you carry right now. This is why many of you came and it is the next evolutionary step of humanity. Actually, it is an opportunity for the light to be shining in areas that have been dark for eons, for much longer than you think. Yes, much of this is playing out from times past. Many of your grand wars on planet Earth are simply repeats of other things that you have experienced in your own history and this is no exception. However, it is actually leading you into a problem area and now is the time for all of you to reach out and act.
Practice Compassion
How do you do it? Well, dear ones, you have a nerve that comes down out of the sides of your neck and weaves through five of your seven chakras. It is called the Vagus nerve and it can be exercised. Why would you do that? Well, this is actually the nerve that leads to longevity on planet Earth, so if you exercise this one it will benefit every single person. How do you exercise the vagus nerve? It’s very simple…you practice compassion.
The vagus nerve is part of you; it’s part of your own physical makeup that allows you to see compassion on your planet. When you see something going on that looks like a horrible situation, the first thing you all do is point fingers. You try to figure out which side you are on, what took place and who is to blame. What if all of you took a little piece of that blame, the responsibility to see things differently, and to perhaps even see the energies that led up to it? None of you are wrong; none of you are right. You are all experiencing the blend of humanity.
See another Being as Part of You
You are at a critical mass. There are simply no two ways about it, dear ones. Humanity has evolved so rapidly during the last four and a half years and it has been incredible. As you went through the portal of the 12-12-12 and reinstated all of your energies on planet Earth, you decided to step into the new age of humanity. During this Age of Empowerment you have reached these levels. All of a sudden you cannot go any further until you resolve some of the very simple problems at the heart of the differences that have played out on your planet, over and over and over again. Are these the times of Atlantis and Lemuria? Yes, dear ones, but it goes back even further than that and even further than most of you could understand.
You had to pretend to be separate in order to play this game of being a human, which gave you duality or opposites. When you look at another being you see them as separate from you instead of part of you, and that needs to change. It is the part that all of you can shift. You know, many of you have even grown up with religions preaching that good people are going to heaven while bad people are going to hell. We hate to disappoint you, dear ones, but there is no hell and there never was. It was a human invention around the 17th century to use guilt against many of you to help control you in some way.
Dismissing the Bias
That also illustrates the separation which is no longer here. The reality is that there is no separation, for all of you will leave together or none of you go. That is your choice and it is now in front of all of you. Well, dear ones, how do you do that? Do you simply turn off your televisions so you do not see the news or have to deal with it? Well, denial is part of it. However, the reality is that all of you need to know what is going on, on the planet. The challenge is if you believe everything that you see on your televisions.
What would it take to watch many different channels and have many different opportunities to see what people are feeling? Can you dismiss their taintedness? Can you dismiss the generational hate which has been passed down over and over again as a father yells to his son, “Look what they did to us! Look what they did!” The son sets his goals and when he grows up he will get revenge. This plays out over and over, and over again. Many of the masters have spoken, “Love thine enemies.” This is the time to do so and now it comes down to the reality of each of you. Because there is no right or wrong, no black or white, no up or down, and there is no love or fear. It is all part of the same energy.
Can you see yourself in the eyes of others?
Very clearly, dear ones, you have entered into the Third Wave of Empowerment. The First Wave was quite simply, learning to stand, be there, and follow the leader. Your Second Wave of Empowerment was learning to follow yourself. You have all learned how to find your own paths, yet many times fighting over the differences on planet Earth. The Third Wave of Empowerment is much more difficult than either of the first two, because it is harmony. How does one find harmony?
Seeing yourselves in the eyes of others is the key. Now what does that mean for each of you? You may be saying, “I am just one person. I am not the one making these deals and trying to create peace on the planet.” But you are. The reality is that each of you adds to the collective vibration of humanity in a way that has never before been seen on planet Earth. It is actually this collective vibration which determines the outcome and the direction of the new humanity on the new planet Earth in the Age of Empowerment. Each of you have a responsibility to open your hearts and try and see as many sides of an issue as you can. Yes, you are going to see suffering and wrongful doings. You are going to become angry about them, which will continue as long as humanity plays this out. We tell you, dear ones, this takes place repeatedly to actually create that feeling in people. Many times an anger toward a group or race of people or a geographical location will continue generation after generation.
The Call of the E-Family
Dear ones, there is just you. Can you create the heart of one or see yourself in everyone’s eyes, even those who would take out a weapon and use it against you? Can you experience their fear as your problem, by holding it in your heart and expressing it openly with friends of yours? These are the things that will change planet Earth and you are at a critical mass right now. You cannot move any further until these things are resolved, but what does that mean? Are you all going to step off and move to the next level together? No, dear ones. It is a typical wave pattern that we have spoken of several times before. Often it is three steps forward, but two steps back.
Sometimes you become very discouraged because it is three steps forward and three steps back. However, all of you have the responsibility to move forward in this one direction. You have chosen to be on Earth at this moment for this very reason; it is why you came. Now it is time to awaken from the dream, take the power of your heart, and learn to love everyone as yourself. This is the beauty of a walking master on planet Earth and the E-Family is all around, for many of you have been here at very critical times before. Elrah knows you well, as does the Keeper of Time, eM and all of what you call the group.
The reality is that we cheer you on, dear ones, because you stepped forward at these critical moments of resistance on your planet to make a difference. You made your voice be heard, carrying a vibration that doesn’t make sense but holds the key to love on planet Earth. These are the times of the new energies of the new planet Earth; each and every one of you holds a piece of this. You have brought a separate ray of light, so dare to lose your fears and your attachment to darkness. Dare to let go of your ideas of separation and believing that only the good ones will evolve. All of you go together, so you are working with the lowest vibration of each to make the largest difference on your planet.
There is no right or wrong. There is only you.
How do you dissolve generational hatred and act as one? The first thing you do is understand it. It is not simply saying a few words or apologizing to have them release it. Instead it sill be about getting to know one another. Not your best side or what you want to show them, but who you are in this together.
The Age of Empowerment is right in front of all of you, but it is going to take each and every one of you to reach this critical mass. These are the times of the new planet Earth. These are the times of the new human awakening from the dream. Dear ones, there is no right, there is no wrong. There is only you. It is with the greatest of honor that we help you re-member yourselves at these critical mass times on your planet. You are awakening from a beautiful dream of playing a game. Do so with love in your heart and reach out to all the rest playing the game. It is with the greatest of honor that we ask you to treat each other with respect, no matter who you are. Nurture one another at every opportunity. This is the greatest advancement of humanity and step into this beautiful new game that all of you are playing and play well together.
Espavo. I am the Keeper of Time.
The group
The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power”
Ending Duality - No More Right or Wrong
Understanding The Matrix We Live In
Long before I understood what a contrived mess our societies are, I felt - as many do and did - on deep levels that the Matrix movie wasn't just a movie, that there was a depth to it that spoke in real terms to the human condition.
As I've studied and learned what the basis for our reality is, I've come to realize that we are living more inside a matrix of lies and deceit than we know or will acknowledge. But nothing will change if we don't first change.
It's time for all of us to stop pretending that everything is hunky-dory. Or having realized that things aren't as we wish they were, deciding that there's nothing we can do. The truth is, we can do plenty, even if we do it one individual at a time.
Here's a terrific analogy from Dani at Removing the Shackles that offers a way for us to understand why things are the way they are, and why sometimes no matter what we say or what information we offer to each other, others often can neither comprehend nor understand what we're talking about. That doesn't mean we should stop, it just means that there are reasons why it's so hard for humans to change their beliefs.
Often it's hard to accept or even acknowlege that many of our long-held beliefs are untrue and/or harmful. I recall hearing about one man who said, when shown the irrefutable evidence available about 911, that he "wouldn't believe it even if it were true". It's tragic but true, that's how we humans operate. Dani helps us understand why:
Everything - and I mean everything - that we think we know came from someone else - parents, teachers, ministers, family, friends, associates, bosses, mentors, classes, books, movies, videos, or myriads of other places.
Most times those who taught us had our best interests at heart when they told us what they felt we needed to know, but that doesn't make what they told us correct, or helpful. The only - and I do mean only - place to go for validation of anything resides inside of each one of us.
"Follow your heart" has become the adage of the day, and it has never been more true. Listen to others, discuss with others, cooperate with others, but always always listen to your own heart, your own intuition, your own inspiration above all else. Do this no matter what someone else offers you, whether you agree with it in whole or in part or whether you don't. Question everything, and don't stop questioning until you're sure that you're reached the ultimate conclusion for yourself, whether it agrees with anyone else or not.
Honor your choices and decisions, and honor everyone else's right to make their own choices and decisions too. Remember that you are a sovereign being, a creator being, a fragment of god in whole and in part, beholden to no one but yourself .. and so is everyone else.
You don't have to wait for anything to happen to be free. Know that you can be free simply by declaring it to be so, and living your life as if it were true - because for you it will be. The rest of the world will follow suit when enough of us have done that that the "blocks" as Dani calls them, are anihilated. Mass consciousness will never be the same. And that's a Very Good Thing.
As I've studied and learned what the basis for our reality is, I've come to realize that we are living more inside a matrix of lies and deceit than we know or will acknowledge. But nothing will change if we don't first change.
It's time for all of us to stop pretending that everything is hunky-dory. Or having realized that things aren't as we wish they were, deciding that there's nothing we can do. The truth is, we can do plenty, even if we do it one individual at a time.
Here's a terrific analogy from Dani at Removing the Shackles that offers a way for us to understand why things are the way they are, and why sometimes no matter what we say or what information we offer to each other, others often can neither comprehend nor understand what we're talking about. That doesn't mean we should stop, it just means that there are reasons why it's so hard for humans to change their beliefs.
Often it's hard to accept or even acknowlege that many of our long-held beliefs are untrue and/or harmful. I recall hearing about one man who said, when shown the irrefutable evidence available about 911, that he "wouldn't believe it even if it were true". It's tragic but true, that's how we humans operate. Dani helps us understand why:
Bricks of Logic: The Prison for your MindBased on everything that's happening in our world right now, it seems appropriate to rethink everything. As Jim Self at Mastering Alchemy likes to say "You don't know what you don't know." The way to find that out is to hold yourself open to possibility.
By "D" at Removing the Shackles
Morpheus: I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain. But you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is but it's there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Neo: The Matrix?
Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is? The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind.
I [Dani] posted "The Matrix: Shackles for the Mind" article last week as an intro to this article. Not because it's an awesome movie, but because this piece of dialogue (above) pretty much gives an exact picture of the reality that we have been living in, for eons.
We have been "imprisoned" in our minds. Or to be more exact, in our brains.
As I have been discussing for the last little while, everything that has been playing out in our "history" has been templates to control and separate. To separate the masses of humanity (and even those beings beyond Earth's borders)- to control them. To control every aspect of our life (and beyond) to hide our true reality, our true form, our true SELVES from us. All the templates we have discussed have been put in place to do nothing more than to keep the "secret" of who we BE from us.
In order to do that, "they" have created a "human" template as well. The "human template" is one that has been indoctrinated and brain washed into us for almost all of history. There are groups that saw this template for what it was and tried to insure that their true heritage and history was passed down through the generations to this day. Reading many of the "stories" of the "aboriginal" or "native", or even the perceived "primitive" people of this planet gives a much broader understanding of what "they" were trying to hide from us.
The "human template" used all the aspects of the other templates we have discussed- politics, religion, money/finance, war/terror, etc - to control humanity, but that was just the support structure, if you will, to create the most powerful aspect of the "human template": Mind Control.
When I use the term "mind control" I do not mean hypnosis or psyops that we think of in this day and age. I mean actual MIND CONTROL.
"They" literally built a prison for our minds.
Picture a box. In that box is contained all the templates, all the control factors, all the "brain washing" needed to insure that You and I have no understanding at all of who we ARE, and what we BE. Now build that box into a prison, using bricks of "logic" and mortar them together with a slathering of "realism" and "rational thought". Any thing that is NOT inside the box/prison is then labeled as a terrible thing. It is ridiculed and thrown out as "conspiracy", "fantasy", "irrational" or "delusion".
Then you put every person inside one of these prisons from the moment they are born, insuring that their parents, family, teachers, social workers, doctors, politicians, actors, singers, video game programmers- INSIDE THEIR BOXES- hems the person in on all sides so that there is no room to even think about going outside that box/prison. There is then no perceived "room" for anything to even exist outside of that box.
... You get the picture.
Now lets return to the topic of those bricks of "logic". Inside the prison that has been planted in our brain are walls of "logic". "Logic" is a program that has been built to explain our "reality" in a way that gives total control to the "controllers". "Logic" is the way it is. Because you are told that that is the way it is. Logic is "control" but it is also compartmentalized into individual bricks, that way if a hole gets hammered through one brick of "logic" then the rest of the bricks still remain in place, blocking the way from escaping. This is why we meet people who are "awake" in some areas, where the bricks in that spot have been pulverized, and yet they are completely blocked/asleep in all other areas. This is why we see so many Wakers who are able to see one or two or ten areas outside of the box... and yet they absolutely refuse to "look" at areas that others can see- because their view is blocked by bricks of "logic" that haven't been broken through yet.
Science is a wonderful invention of "logic" and a brilliant propagator of control by the controllers. What is "Gravity"? Ask any high school or even most university level science students, and they will tell you all about the "Law of Gravity". Yet when you explain to them that "gravity" is only a theory, and a theory that even today has NEVER been proved ..... their eyes will usually glaze over. They come face to face with that brick of logic called "gravity" and they can go no farther. Talk to people about "time" or "space" and you will usually see them run face first into those bricks as well.
The walls of "logic" were a brilliant control mechanism to keep people inside their boxes. You teach the people "all that they need to know", and then you know that they will be forced to stay within those walls.
Until now that is.
This is a time of HUGE changes to all things in and around us. Energetic changes that are changing even our own bodies and minds. As these "new" energies are flowing in faster and faster, more and more people are "waking up" and tearing down their walls of control and "logic- even if it's one brick at a time. We are seeing a massive amount of information coming out about "quantum mechanics", "quantum" communication, and "quantum" teleportation. Articles and studies about "gravity", "time" and "space" are flooding the internet as the barriers to knowledge are being torn down. Information about Consciousness - unfettered by religious based "spirituality"- are flowing out across the planet and the Universe like a tidal wave that will change our minds forever.
Change our minds, because until now we have only been using our programmed brains to discern right from wrong, up from down, left from right, in from out.... using our brains to run the programming of the controllers to keep us from SEEing and kNOWing our true reality.
Back in December of 2013 I posted an article about Ralph Ring called:
Ring: On Consciousness and Levitation - Free your Mind
In the video I posted, one of the things that Ralph talks about is that during his experience while testing the "flying saucer", he and the others involved did NOT remember the test "flight"! Their "logical" brain literally erased the entire event- because to the"logical" brain, what happened was "impossible, so therefore it didn't happen.
To quote Morphius:
"What is real? How do you define 'real'? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain."
The bricks of "Logic" that make up the walls of control do not allow for "Impossible" or "fantastical" or "unbelievable". When the "electrical signals" from your eyes send data that the walls of "logic" refuse to accept, then the signals just bounce off the walls and are unseen by the brain at all.
But that was "then" and this is "NOW.
Like all of the other templates the controllers have used since the beginning of "history", the "Human template" is also failing. The bricks of "logic" are now only paper thin- so thin in fact that if you look hard enough, you can almost see right through them. Hence the mass awakening that is happening not only globally, but universally as well!
We are not what we have been taught/brainwashed/imprisoned to believe. We are not mere single use, cookie cutter "humans" that are tossed in the garbage after our one time cycle through the system is over..... We are not bodies with a "soul", we are SOULs that have a body. We are eternal BEings that are encased in a water vessel that has had it's "brain" imprisoned, veiled in forgetfulness.
We are creator BEings!
Below are some sections from a few recent "channeled" messages that have illuminated for me in the last while. As the "new" energies flow faster and faster, I have noticed that a lot of the messages that are currently being published are very similar. More and more of these messages are talking about manifestation, creation, our being eternal BEings with the ability to SEE what hasn't been seen, and to DO what hasn't been done....
THIS is what we have been working on, non-stop for the past few months: SEEing what hasn't been seen, DOing what hasn't been done. We are NOT just bodies, we are NOT just existing on THIS plane of existence- that we can "see", "hear" and "touch"- that is accepted by our prison of "logic". Once you are outside of the walls of the logical brain, and you shift into the conscious mind that is part of your resonant heart, THEN you can SEE what the bricks of "logic" refuse to let you see, and you can BE who you ARE in the REALITY that you truly are IN.
I AM.... is all that IS. ALL that ever has "been".
We were once kept blinded by veils and by walls. But our eyes are opening and beginning to SEE who we ARE.
"At this time you are manifesting that which your SOUL has created WITH YOU, you are in effect merging your SOUL with your human vehicle to experience HEAVEN UPON EARTH at a waking human conscious mind level. This may be providing you with interesting scenarios at this time as the human logical mind will continue to attempt to reference your outer waking life in the context it has been TAUGHT to within the old 3D earth reality.
YOU ARE NOT YOUR HUMAN LOGICAL MIND, you are an energy that has incarnated into a human vehicle. The human logical mind will try to teach you that your past exists when in TRUTH it is held only within the construct of your logical mind. It will attempt to teach you to project this moment into the future and attempt to place some pattern upon the outcome, all is not TRUTH for you exist ONLY in this moment and as such the power of change and expansion exists only in this NOW moment."
".....It is not TRUTH to assume anything that is presented to you at a waking conscious mind level is as it appears, the human eyes are adjusting at this time to the expansion in TRUTH that you are moving into. Remember you are TAUGHT to focus only on that which the human mind ACCEPTS, all else is filtered out. This does not mean all else does not exist only that you cannot SEE it due to the focal point your human logical mind is working with."
http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/2014/07/karen-dover-movement-into-soul.html#more"As many of you are now moving and shifting into expansion you are now able to see that which your human logical mind has tried to persuade you to filter out. For many of you this may be breathtaking as you realize the patterns of behaviour and resulting thoughts (remember the frequencies CREATE the thoughts not the other way around). It is vital to understand the LITERAL interpretation that the human logical mind will attempt to place on that which you are working with....
"...It is to be noted that translations of EVERYTHING may have been very literal. Again I would underline that when you do not have the full picture the human logical mind will attempt to fill in the “blanks” with information that it has already gleaned from this your human life experience. This is distortion for any information that you are holding on to was birthed through the old 3d earth created reality and is distorted by its very nature and frequency.
Added to this is the dissolving fully of any reference points, as you release you dissolve said reference points but as your human logical mind has been taught to re-refer and to look for patterns that are presented by looking at PREVIOUS patterns this will throw you into confusion and chaos. The human logical mind may attempt to teach you to take a very literal view/translation of that which is being shown to you. To work with this simply move into the heart and allow the HEART space to show you TRUTH, it may do this through pictures or feelings but always allow the full picture to unfold. Many of you are allowing part of a picture then filling in the blanks, as this is not TRUTH is it not supported and will see you in holding pattern where you may experience vast frustration as you filter out that your human logical mind is using literal translation and in effect working blind.
Massive changes are now unfolding at all levels across the planet earth but those of you who are working with the literal interpretation of that which is presented may see “same” , this veil is a deliberate distortion, akin to an optical illusion where the old 3d earth kept everything hidden in plain view by simply teaching you that it was not there. A slight of hand then saw that you were distracted enough that your human logical mind simply filtered out that which is in front of you. ..."
http://truthcodes.wordpress.com/2014/08/02/the-human-logical-brain-and-translation-in-truth/"....Again I would draw your attention to the need to be in flow at all moments, the human logical mind may be having a challenge at this time to reference and make sense of anything you are experiencing. It has been TAUGHT linear and this is not TRUTH, it is not natural, it is a side effect of the old 3d earth created construct. Everything in the UNIVERSE is happening in the NOW moment and it is only in this your human form that you have been TAUGHT to take experiences and piece them together in a linear time frame.
"We would like to talk a little bit about the topic of your brain, and about how it has been hard wired to resist the changes that you are all going through at the moment. You see, your brain has a natural way of functioning that leads it to take the way of least resistance, as it has been designed to ignore any byways and go for the easiest access in any way it can. And so, as you grow up and develop, your brain lays down patterns for everything that is being learned, and so, the next time it encounters something similar, it will automatically shift into the same patterns it has used once before, and what has been learned once sticks forever. It is a magnificent way of handling all of the incoming data in the most efficient of ways, shunting aside what is deemed as unimportant, and instead going for what it considers to be of most importance. And so, as the years pass by, much of your actions will be governed by these previously acquired modes of reaction that has been literally programmed into your being...
...This process in itself can be challenging on so many levels, but again, as soon as you manage to step away from the at times frantic signals of distress coming from a brain unable to find a clear way in this new and unfamiliar landscape, you will sense deep within you that you have actually finally entered what you have always known. For what to your human mind seems inexplicable will to the rest of you seem like coming home, so it will not take long before this feeling of being untethered will feel like the wonderful buoyancy it really is.
You are becoming as if new every second now, and so, you will be kept in a seemingly ceaseless state of flux, and even if it will seem to be a challenge to keep yourself together at all times now, know that it is not an accident if you do find yourself falling apart. For what is coming apart is just the old framework that used to define you, and now, you have been put on a quest that will help you to set yourself above any of these old ideas, and so, you will be encouraged to let yourself go in the way of opening up for all of the potential that awaits within you. For there, there are endless new ways of combining not just the abilities you came in with, but also to connect to others and the vast amount of similar yet individual potential that they carry. So let yourself go across that line that defines YOU as you in the old way, and allow yourself to go on a quest to find out just how much more of YOU there really is. And even if your brain will put up a fight from time to time, trying to keep it all in the old and familiar ways, it too will start to relish the fact that it can stretch and expand and evolve in so many ways that up until now has been unthinkable – in every sense of the word. For you and your body are capable of feats that no one on this planet has ever thought possible, and as we have said before, the two of you are truly a match made in heaven. And we are certain that after this period of confusion and a seeming lack of communication, you will indeed get along more than well."
Everything - and I mean everything - that we think we know came from someone else - parents, teachers, ministers, family, friends, associates, bosses, mentors, classes, books, movies, videos, or myriads of other places.
Most times those who taught us had our best interests at heart when they told us what they felt we needed to know, but that doesn't make what they told us correct, or helpful. The only - and I do mean only - place to go for validation of anything resides inside of each one of us.
"Follow your heart" has become the adage of the day, and it has never been more true. Listen to others, discuss with others, cooperate with others, but always always listen to your own heart, your own intuition, your own inspiration above all else. Do this no matter what someone else offers you, whether you agree with it in whole or in part or whether you don't. Question everything, and don't stop questioning until you're sure that you're reached the ultimate conclusion for yourself, whether it agrees with anyone else or not.
Honor your choices and decisions, and honor everyone else's right to make their own choices and decisions too. Remember that you are a sovereign being, a creator being, a fragment of god in whole and in part, beholden to no one but yourself .. and so is everyone else.
You don't have to wait for anything to happen to be free. Know that you can be free simply by declaring it to be so, and living your life as if it were true - because for you it will be. The rest of the world will follow suit when enough of us have done that that the "blocks" as Dani calls them, are anihilated. Mass consciousness will never be the same. And that's a Very Good Thing.
Energy Portals and Why Dates Are Utilized
... dates are utilized for collective focus in your time-space experienceI've heard that from other sources before, that while all time is Now, in the game of Life on Planet Earth, Third-/Fourth-Density, we've become so accustomed to the construct of time that many still need it as a way to focus energy toward a mutual goal, if you will. Our unseen partners, both in physical and non-physical realms outside Earth, as well as the collective consciousness of Earth beings, utilize dates and times as a way to jointly focus our energies for specific purposes.
~ Sandra Walter
Sandra's "Team" had more to say about time and the specific energies of this coming month:
A Message of Incoming Support on August 17
By Sandra Walter
On Sunday, August 17, we have unique energies coming in which will assist us in preparation for what appears to be a unique revelation gateway during the first week of September. Most of us are experiencing rather consistent intensification of the energies and we can feel it in the kingdoms, the elementals, HUmanity, and Gaia herself. Our bodies are going through significant swings in high and low energies, as well as adjustments to our energy fields (light bodies) and mental/emotional bodies.
The last few months seem to be snowballing with cosmic purpose, so I asked my Higher Team to explain why dates are still involved. As we experience more conscious moments of the Now, the pure presence of our own divinity, why are these dates important? The Pleiadian – Sirian alliance representatives responded to this question, and I transcribed their response:
The dates are utilized for collective focus in your time-space experience. These are passages when the higher and lower realms learn to work together. Eventually your consciousness will synchronize with ours and we will not need to utilize dates. However in your current experience of reality, dates provide the ascending collective with a sense of responsibility, focus, and unity. When gatekeepers, transmuters, and those dedicated in service to the new light unite their efforts in anchoring these waves of new light – which are associated with arrival and departure dates as they pass through the planetary grid systems – they accelerate the shift in consciousness. In your present experience of time, the shift in consciousness is accelerated to the point where you are experiencing the consistent amplification of these energies within your body vehicles. This is the result of your collective desire to anchor the new light.
When we provide passages of focus or windows of opportunity through our conduits (grounded contacts), such as gateways when large energy waves pass through the grid systems, it benefits the planetary and HUman ascension by unifying our consciousness with yours, so the higher realm and the lower realm experience become one. You can feel this in the merge-type sensation of higher and lower self when you engage in gridwork or gateway work.
Currently you are experiencing the activation of divine HUman DNA templates within the planetary grid systems which have been guarded, sealed and in some cases forgotten for hundreds of thousands of years. This is a passage when those templates, which are similar to layered sacred geometries, work in harmony with the energies now coming onto your planet. One could not be activated without the other. It is the combination of templates, new light and the intent of the ascending HUmans which creates this activation. Many of the same people who created these templates are now in physical form and visiting sacred sites on the planet, vortex areas, and some more remote locations, in order to activate templates which were created by large collectives specifically for this time.
As many of you are learning, free will is a very important factor in your ascension. The mastery of free will, both in oneself and in your interactions with the external, must be honored in order to dissolve all karmic contracts and entanglements with the lower dimensional existence. This is why the DNA templates could only be activated in cooperation with the energies coming to the planet at this time, which is associated with the area of space you are in; the alignment of the Galaxy within this Universe, and your Solar system within this Galaxy.
It provides a relatively small window of opportunity, which is then the broken down into smaller windows of opportunity, which you currently experience as gateways. Gateways are an opportunity to activate the templates not only within Gaia but within your newly emerging cellular structures, known to you as the crystalline structures. They begin as etheric structures and then anchor into the physical, affecting the atomic structure and subatomic structure energetically. With your free will intention these etheric encodements become physical. This allows the free will choice of the individual to turn on the structures within, which then align with the templates in the planet creating a harmonious relationship. This honors the free will choice to receive DNA directly from the templates, activated by the new light codes, bilocating the DNA into your bloodstream and allowing your physical body to utilize the incoming new light energies to their full capacity.
This will come in stages, and will be an experience which many will not understand. This is why the energetic challenges are feeling more intense for many. It is training you to master your own consciousness without the influence of the external. You override the collective experience by your conscious choice. You become aligned with the new light without lower dimensional interference. This is also why the current two strands of DNA will be turning on and off as the new strands come online. The old strands of DNA are easily tampered with, as they have been mapped for manipulation. When the new DNA comes online it renders the old DNA obsolete, yet the old is still functional on command. Many still repeat thought forms in the conscious and subconscious which command the old DNA to continue its old tasks. It will function in tandem with the new DNA until you consistently align your perception and consciousness with the Higher aspects of Self.
You are activating your true self, which may seem foreign after such a long absence. This is another reason why gateways, trigger points, or unified intentions are so influential. We unify to receive, honor, and anchor the true HUman into the collective consciousness and the planetary grid systems. We have described the grid of HUman hearts as a golden crystalline light grid. Feel this as you connect your hearts during these gateways and trigger points – it becomes very powerful, more and more so as the shift accelerates.
There is a strong revelation gateway which will open during the first week of September, and build consistently until the Equinox later in the month. The previous revelation gateways, which have been opening since June, have rapidly prepared you for an acceleration in DNA activation. It is very physical, which is why so many are experiencing a wider range of physical reactions to this new light.
Activation of the 12 helix DNA cannot occur all at once, or your physical body would no longer be physical as you know it. 12 helix DNA is a multidimensional structure which is similar to the structure of your energy fields; each dimension rests within the other. Each helix surrounds the other, building outward to connect to the dimensional levels of the Divine HUman structure. Eventually you will reconnect all 12 helix DNA levels, then activate a secure connection to Source. This occurs when the structure is stable and maintainable. Being aware of your many dimensional expressions simultaneously may be challenging.
The energy provided on August 17th will assist those who desire to prepare on a deeper level for the next major gateway in September. It will be focused on pineal activation, meridian alignment, and telepathic communication with your personal guides. It is a passage to learn harmony with the new energies rather than be overrun by them as they intensify.
Know in your hearts that we recognize your dedication to this journey and honor your accomplishments. We send you our highest light and graciously accept your love and gratitude. In the unity of divine purpose, we commend your courage and dedication to the ascension.
Your Thoughts Are Not A Secret
Your thoughts are not a secret.
Perhaps you think they are? Perhaps you think that if you have ugly thoughts about someone that they'll never find out unless you tell them. Perhaps you think you can keep on pretending that they're ok with you even though in your heart you know they're not?
Guess what? They already know what you really feel about them, and in the energy of today, they may even be somewhat aware that they know. At some point you'll interact with them in your habited ways (of pretending that you like them when you know you don't), and they're going to know it. Maybe they're going to call you on it, and you're going to be shocked. How did they know?
Maybe you've been doing the best you can all your life to pretend you like them when you don't, and all of a sudden they're going to let you know - either by their words or actions - that they know you're pretending.
How can they know?
Because we're all communicating with each other all the time. But not with words - with nonlinear communications, the backbone of life outside a physical body.
What's changing in our reality is that the filter that has kept us humans from being aware of such communications, kept us from consciously "tuning in" to them, is shifting. We're regaining - or perhaps it's more accurate to say we're "remembering" - the ability to consciously communicate non-verbally. And by non-verbal I don't mean physical gestures. I mean genuine non-physical, non-seen, non-heard communication, what science has labeled telepathic communications.
Much of the energetic shifting giving us greater access to such unrecognized skills is happening outside of our awareness. It is happening to everyone whether we or they are conscious of it or not. Which means that others are going to know when we're lying, or pretending, or attempting to deceive, and we aren't going to be able to get away with it much longer. This is a good thing! because those others are also going to know when we love them, or appreciate them, or wish the best for them, even when we're behaving some other way! This shift in consciousness is opening up for all of us the freedom to be who we are and have everyone around us know what our intentions are, even if we don't speak those intentions.
Perhaps the best part is that the shifting toward awareness of non-verbal communications offers us an opportunity to become open and honest in all our dealings with others. It allows us to consciously align our thoughts and feelings with our actions, and align our actions with our thoughts and feelings.
We have an opportunity to practice our non-verbal communications with everyone, by sending out thought frequencies with or without written communication or physical action, and to do it consciously, on purpose, rather than unconsciously as we've been doing it all along. Not many were listening before. Now they are, even if they aren't aware of it as such.
This is also an opportunity for all of us to practice discernment - to judge for ourselves whether something we see, hear, sense, or feel "fits" with what our heart (what many of us, myself included, call the center of non-verbal communication) is telling us.
The bottom line is that we're going to have to be honest and open in our dealings and communications with each other, because we're ALL going to know when someone isn't being straight with us. And that is A Very Good Thing.
The following is a message from Kryon that can assist us in understanding and utilizing our inherent - though typically unknown - non-linear / non-verbal communications. This is Part 1. Part 2 of Kryon's message is here.
Perhaps you think they are? Perhaps you think that if you have ugly thoughts about someone that they'll never find out unless you tell them. Perhaps you think you can keep on pretending that they're ok with you even though in your heart you know they're not?
Guess what? They already know what you really feel about them, and in the energy of today, they may even be somewhat aware that they know. At some point you'll interact with them in your habited ways (of pretending that you like them when you know you don't), and they're going to know it. Maybe they're going to call you on it, and you're going to be shocked. How did they know?
Maybe you've been doing the best you can all your life to pretend you like them when you don't, and all of a sudden they're going to let you know - either by their words or actions - that they know you're pretending.
How can they know?
Because we're all communicating with each other all the time. But not with words - with nonlinear communications, the backbone of life outside a physical body.
What's changing in our reality is that the filter that has kept us humans from being aware of such communications, kept us from consciously "tuning in" to them, is shifting. We're regaining - or perhaps it's more accurate to say we're "remembering" - the ability to consciously communicate non-verbally. And by non-verbal I don't mean physical gestures. I mean genuine non-physical, non-seen, non-heard communication, what science has labeled telepathic communications.
Much of the energetic shifting giving us greater access to such unrecognized skills is happening outside of our awareness. It is happening to everyone whether we or they are conscious of it or not. Which means that others are going to know when we're lying, or pretending, or attempting to deceive, and we aren't going to be able to get away with it much longer. This is a good thing! because those others are also going to know when we love them, or appreciate them, or wish the best for them, even when we're behaving some other way! This shift in consciousness is opening up for all of us the freedom to be who we are and have everyone around us know what our intentions are, even if we don't speak those intentions.
Perhaps the best part is that the shifting toward awareness of non-verbal communications offers us an opportunity to become open and honest in all our dealings with others. It allows us to consciously align our thoughts and feelings with our actions, and align our actions with our thoughts and feelings.
We have an opportunity to practice our non-verbal communications with everyone, by sending out thought frequencies with or without written communication or physical action, and to do it consciously, on purpose, rather than unconsciously as we've been doing it all along. Not many were listening before. Now they are, even if they aren't aware of it as such.
This is also an opportunity for all of us to practice discernment - to judge for ourselves whether something we see, hear, sense, or feel "fits" with what our heart (what many of us, myself included, call the center of non-verbal communication) is telling us.
The bottom line is that we're going to have to be honest and open in our dealings and communications with each other, because we're ALL going to know when someone isn't being straight with us. And that is A Very Good Thing.
The following is a message from Kryon that can assist us in understanding and utilizing our inherent - though typically unknown - non-linear / non-verbal communications. This is Part 1. Part 2 of Kryon's message is here.
"Soul Communication Part I"
This Kryon live channelling was Given in San Antonio, Texas
February 22, 2014
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner steps aside. What you are seeing and hearing right now is called channelling and it's mysterious to many. For us, it's beautiful, and it's a method whereby the multidimensional source of creation that many of you call God has a chance to communicate with that which you have called humanism. We call this process soul communication. This is a different process, dear ones, than Human communication, so we would like to start a series of channellings that will include the explanation of this process.
We have said it many times: We know who you are in this room and "this room" includes those who are reading and listening. Dear ones, I want to teach tonight, but not without first acknowledging the family who is here. I want to teach you about you. Everything I'm going to teach from this chair is without my partner's prior knowledge. He doesn't know what's coming. He has practiced not knowing what's coming for many years. He's practiced allowance without filters, and I'm going to eventually explain that phrase.
I'm opening this portal that you call channelling to allow for a third language to come flowing in, which many of you can feel in a multidimensional way. This language is not with words and it's not linear. Even so, some of you will receive it. This particular message today is being published and some of you are listening and reading it. This third language is open to you as well, for I know of the potentials of who is listening and reading. Odd as it may sound to you, this is part of the multidimensional information that God has, being at the central source. The potential of your very awakening, and the fact that you would look at this message, was always there. We see potentials as reality even before they happen, for potentials drive another kind of reality. Ask a quantum physicist about that.
The Complexity of Human Consciousness
We're going to start with some basics. Human consciousness is complex. There will come a day when your science may consider Human consciousness as a branch of physics. This is because it does not follow the patterns of known linear physics or even the patterns of quantum physics. Consciousness is a synchronized energy that has structure. It has quantum patterning (as you will eventually find out), but it doesn't have a set of logic rules. Instead, it is biased by the Akash of the individual Human Being. It's complicated, and it's the only synchronized and coherent energy known to have its own agenda, its own personality and the ability to communicate. So it's the study of "living physics". Since Human consciousness carries with it attributes of the soul, we can now substitute "soul consciousness" as the same thing, for they are one and the same.
The Types of Soul Communication
Trying to describe communications to and from this "living physics" goes beyond the limits of any understood science. It challenges you to think differently about everything. There are basically two ways of thinking about soul communication: (1) Communications from multidimensional sources to you, and (2) from the multidimensional parts of you to them. Right away, we acknowledge that you are capable of multidimensional communication, but you may not realize it.
There is a strong difference between linear and nonlinear communications. When I have said this in the past, not everyone understands it. So I am going to explain it the best I can, in a way I've not done before. I want you to consider for a moment that you have a very old typewriter. This is the kind of older machine with paper loaded into it and with a carbon ribbon that allows you to see the characters as you type on the page. As you strike the character keys, the machine creates a visible imprint through the ribbon onto the paper.
In this example, let's say you are typing along, and as you type, you see the characters on the page in a row, one after the another. Pretty soon you have letters turning into words, then sentences and then paragraphs, which form groups of similar thought. This is linear communication, and it's normal for you. In fact, it is how this very message is written to you, and it's how you are reading it - in a very linear fashion - words on a page in a row.
Now, whether you are reading or listening, you are perceiving one word after another in the structure of the language of my partner [English]. It is, therefore, linear - one word after the other, like the typewritten words on this page. That is linear communication. That is Human communication, and it's how your brain works.
Nonlinear communication would be as follows: Now pay attention, for this is going to be what my partner calls a stretch to imagine. Pretend that the typewriter is stuck in a way that you can type all day long, but it never advances the carriage to the left as you type. No matter how many characters you type, you are only going to get one unreadable single image - a big smudge, really. Every character is going to imprint itself over the last one. Now, what would you see on the page, dear one, at the end of a long letter to a friend? It would be a single character smudge! All the characters would be piled up, inking over each other, and you would have no idea what the communication was. You'd look at it, and you'd be sorry that the typewriter failed and you hadn't noticed.
Now, consider for a moment that someone comes along who has full nonlinear communication skills. They could look at the smudge and see the whole message clearly! They're conceptual and nonlinear. They would see the thought that went into the message, and they would be able to see within the smudge. The characters and sentences are still there, dear ones. Remember? You typed all of them. But they're not there in a linear form. Instead, they're all together as a group [the single smudge]. A nonlinear communicator will see the smudge and perceive the entire message.
Now, there's an attribute about this that is difficult to describe to you. It's out of the logic that you are used to, so let me try to explain it. My partner, go slowly so this will be understood [speaking to Lee]. When the conceptual, nonlinear person is looking at the smudge, they are looking at something that exists already. A message has been typed. So they're not making something up or guessing. Instead, they are simply reading something that already exists in a nonlinear way. The message has been written and all the characters are there - oddly presented in one smudge - but it has been given in your real time.
There's an attribute of a nonlinear mind that you call autism that you should study. There are many autistic Human Beings who can tell you the day of the week for any year within any month. If you were to ask that person, "What is the day of the week for the 15th of the month in May of 2035?", many would know the day instantly. Most Humans would gasp at what appears to be their computational efforts. But the truth is that computation has nothing to do with it. You see, it's not a formula, and it's not math. The answer already exists, so it is known. You can go to almost any personal computer that is calendar friendly and find that information, because it already exists. It's a concept that has already been developed, produced, and stored.
The nonlinear mind works this way. Many with the autistic mind are able to interpret this information almost instantly, because they see the concept. They're not calculating anything. Now you know the difference between linear and nonlinear. The autistic mind is the forerunner of things to come and an anomaly of future Human development. These are the savants of the day, and many of their difficulties stem from their inability to work in a linear world.
How It Works - Nonlinear to Linear Communication
There's a lot of communication that wants to come to you from all manner of sources, so I'm going to start the list. Let's begin with channelling. Channelling is what you are hearing right now, and my partner has practiced it for 23 years. When he started, it was ugly [using his term], but it is fine now. But you should know that we're not speaking to him in a linear fashion. You hear it from him in a linear fashion, but that's not how we are giving it. You see, he is a master interpreter of nonlinear concepts coming through his pineal.
Right now, I'm giving this entire message all at once - our smudge - and he's interpreting it for you so it sounds like a flow of linear words. But it's a single thought group, and I keep giving it to him over and over. You see, we have practiced together, and we've both had to adjust.
When we first started, I gave him the concept, the entire channelling, in one smudge. [Lee makes the sound of a single syllable.] Like that! Then he had to remember all of it and give you the channelling. He wasn't very good at remembering, so then we tried something. If we kept giving him the same smudge over and over, he could interpret it in a linear fashion. By the way, I just gave you the secret to mastering intuitive thought. Ask for Spirit to repeat the intuitive message over and over. That should be your request to Spirit when you don't understand what the message was - repeat it! Have that intuitive thought repeated so that you can grasp it and see it for its beauty and its clarity. It may seem like this would be obvious, but remember that free will keeps us from doing anything for you unless you have asked. Spirit does not naturally repeat anything. Repetition is a fully linear concept that you must ask for.
We want to meet you in between the linear and the nonlinear, dear one. Do you realize that this is why Spirit has talked to humanity through quatrains and in metaphors since the beginning? That's all we have - metaphors to help you see a message, since we deal in thought groups and smudges. However, the interpretation of these metaphors often become puzzles. People sometimes read scripture and they ask, "Why can't you talk normally, Spirit?" The answer is that we are not linear as you are, and we are talking "normally" for us. Even this very channelling is being given this way. As long as it takes to speak it, all of it is being given at the same time to my partner, a nonlinear smudge, over and over. He is then translating it to you in a linear way. Did you ever hear him tell you at the beginning of a channelling how many parts there would be? He does that many times. The only way he could do that is to already know the entire message, even when he begins it. Do you see? He is reading the smudge.
What is Channelling?
So we begin the teaching: What is this channelling? Channelling is the pineal of the Human opening up and giving communications from what you call The Source. Of course it must also use the Human's culture and experiences, as he/she interprets them and then speaks or writes them to you. Any entity, energy or true communication through the pineal is from The Source. It can have many names or personalities to you, but it is all from The Source. The differences between channellers, therefore, is how they interpret and how clear the pineal is of Human filters [more on this in another channelling].
Channelling is a form of communication that is open to humanity and you don't have to call it channelling. Instead, you might call it whatever you want to, but you should know that every single Human Being is open to learning it if they wish. Through free choice, many are simply not interested, but how about doing it just for yourself? It doesn't have to be an angelic energy or some entity. It can be your own Higher-Self. Many call it automatic writing.
This communication occurs through a multidimensional portal that opens through the pineal gland. This information does not come through the brain, as we've said before. This is soul communication and it is multidimensional. It has nothing to do with synapse - nothing. Intuition is soul communication, and it is not a brain function, and that's why it's hard to "pin down", for you are used to synaptic linear thought. It's how you are "wired".
Let us speak of the difficulty of this yet again. Anything I'm going to mention from now on in this section is about others communicating to you in this nonlinear way. This kind of communication from others must be interpreted in some way to make it linear. There are many attributes of this kind of communication, so I'm giving my partner a list and he can choose what he wants to talk about within the time that he has.
Personal. Let's talk about personal communications. How can you hear what Spirit or any other multidimensional source has for you when it doesn't come to you in a linear fashion? This is hard! My partner gave some answers today, and the main answer is through the practice of recognizing intuitive thought and understanding what is coming from your brain and what is not. It's difficult, at first. Humans want to analyze it or interpret it with intellect.
Dear one, do not let the synapse of your brain get in the way of God. Do I have to say that again? With intuition, you must learn to put linear logic aside and let the beauty of nonlinear ideas play on the stage of your consciousness. This may not suit your survival or what your friends think about what you are doing, but it will enhance your life. It's hard to change the way you think.
So, what is it that my partner had to learn as the engineer in order to channel? He wanted to analyze absolutely everything! It took years for him to discern the difference between pineal and brain, and then to get out of the way of nonlinear intuitive thought. At first he always wondered if he was "making it up"! Was it from his brain or was it bigger than that? Intuition is also responsible for what you call creative thought - painting, music, poetry and more. So it's no wonder that he asked this question! It's a valid inquiry. So for you personally, dear one, this is what you have to do. Practice knowing the difference.
Now, there are many more sources other than channelling, which you call messages from God, that have messages to you in this nonlinear fashion [a nonlinear communication coming to you from intuition and not synapse]. It may surprise you what is next.
Animals. You love them, don't you? What do you know about animals, especially the ones you care for and love, the ones you call pets? They have personalities, don't they? They can talk to you! When they communicate, what does that sound like, dear one? What do their voices sound like? "Well, Kryon, you already know they don't have an actual voice." Oh really? Then how do they "talk" to you? Now it gets good, doesn't it? They communicate through concepts. Their conceptual thought groups are available for you to pick up. So guess where you pick up these thoughts? It's through your pineal, which is the interpreter of multidimensional things in your body. It's not your brain, which is picking up their animal broadcasts, dear ones.
Now, some of you are good at this kind of communication. There are ones who are listening to this right now called animal whisperers, and they know exactly what I'm talking about. Why do they call it whispering? I give you my interpretation. It's because the communications are not linear, and they whisper to you through the pineal and not through brain synapse. It comes in thought groups, very softly and all at once, like the smudge. When you pick it up, you know what the dog or cat or horse or hamster or rabbit is trying to communicate. You know the requests they have, perhaps the distress they have, perhaps the celebration or the love they have.
Now, this kind of communication with animals is easy for you, because you all have felt this. I believe you know what I'm speaking about. So apply this lesson, for what I'm teaching today is no different and uses the same process you're going to use in real life and in meditation when you listen to God.
"Kryon, is it true that communicating with animals is soul communication?" Yes, it is theirs to yours, and if you're good at the interpretation of their thoughts, then why doubt yourself about the next step? Practice doing this communication with your own Higher-Self. Your Higher-Self is that part of yourself that vibrates higher than your cellular dimensionality, and it's part of your "soul group". This "soul group" is part of the nine attributes of the Human Being and is the core of you. It is the part that gives you information from the other side of the veil from that which you call God.
Actions are communication. My partner speaks of the Crystalline Grid and how it remembers Human action, such as what happened in a battlefield in the past. So the energy of the battle is still there, and it is transmitted to you and many can feel it. What do you think about the mechanics of this? This communication from what happened there in the past includes concepts of death, drama and fear. The energy is being transmitted by the Crystalline Grid right to your pineal and it's coming to you via concepts of emotion, not linear communication. Many can feel it and many cannot. Those who are used to feeling energy are the ones who understand and feel this first.
Some of you are good at this and you are proud of the fact that you can feel energy wherever you go. You can feel the energy of the group; you can feel the energy of the land and that which is the Crystalline Grid, and you can feel the energy of situations. But what is it that you are feeling? It is soul communication at its best!
It is the grid talking to your intuitive self. It does not come from the brain, and it is not intellectual. This is physics. You are picking it up through the pineal, interpreting it, and receiving the information in a nonlinear form. In the case of the battlefield, something has happened on the ground where you are standing, and the energy may take you to your knees. That's communication! However, why is it that the communication that is so personal is the hardest to interpret? It's because the communication is you with you. This is what the teaching is about today - working to open up this concept.
Universal communication: When you walk into the forest and the trees talk to you, what is that about? Gaia speaks to you! What does that voice sound like? Am I getting through to you? Do you understand what I'm saying?
You are able to hear these things in your own way, but none of them are synaptic. Are the trees in trouble? Are they crying? Perhaps they are celebrating? All of this information is available to those who can hear it.
"Kryon, is it true that in the forest there are what you would call devas?" Here's my answer: Are you kidding? Of course! Yes! You are asking what they are. They are multidimensional aspects of Gaia. I love how Humans deal with multidimensional energies. They "3D-ize" them. When Human Beings cannot understand a multidimensional energy, they make them entities, dress them [put outfits on them in their minds], give them names, and put them in Human movies. They're beautiful! You know they are, and they're everywhere. Go into the forest and they'll talk to you. Sit down in the grass and let them communicate with you. They're part of the energy soup that is Gaia, which is Mother Nature, the personality that is the love of God in nature.
Dear one, you're not going to receive bad things from a deva. You're not going to get bad information from hugging a tree. You know that, don't you? What does this tell you about how Gaia feels about you? These are just a few things when it comes to the subject of communication from others to you.
The Other Direction - Linear to Nonlinear Communications
A Human Being has a linear mind and linear communication. Because of this, you do not have the necessary tools for multidimensional communication. Now, you can develop these if you wish, and many of you have. But in general, as a Human, you've only got linear communication. So what about you with Spirit?
Dear ones, here is the truth: We don't have any trouble understanding you! This is because we are the master interpreters. We know exactly what you're saying and it doesn't matter if you're thinking it or saying it. We know what you are communicating because we're with you all the time. Your Higher-Self, which vibrates above the corporeal-self, knows the psyche of your mind. When you sit down to meditate, we know what you are going to do, because the potentials are there. You're already thinking about it before you do it, and that's what we see. Let me give you some hints about this communication with us. Stop giving us lists of what you want! We already know what you want. Instead, sit and say to us, "Dear Spirit, tell me what it is you want me to know."
Dear ones, we're already on board with everything in your life. Do I have to say that again? We're already on board with everything in your life! Come to us and let us talk to you. Just let us talk and try to interpret the thought groups that come first without analyzing anything. Get used to this. But as far as you talking to us, it doesn't matter how you do it.
Now, there will be those who will say, "Well, Kryon, there have to be wrong ways of communicating with God." No there aren't! "Well, what do you think about religious groups who have to face a certain direction or have a prayer rug or they have to wear something special in order to worship correctly?" Dear ones, let them do what their traditions tell them in their own culture, for it honors God! Is there anything better than that, to prepare them to talk to us? The same love goes into their communication as does your own. Cultural differences between Humans do not matter to the other side of the veil, for we see a Human as a corporeal representative of a piece of God. All Humans! It doesn't matter what you're wearing or what you're sitting on. Is that clear? There is no wrong way to speak to the creative source.
"Well Kryon, maybe there isn't, but I've had a few times where I was yelling at God. What about that? Isn't that the wrong way?" Dear one, we heard you, but we did not hear the yell. The yell was linear. This is hard to explain. What we heard was loving frustration. Loving frustration. We didn't see the anger. You weren't angry; you were frustrated, and that's the time where we want to surround you the most. The more you yell at God, the more angels are around you wanting to hold your hand! The next time you decide to yell at God, would you also open your heart and let us hold you in our arms for a while. Is that OK? In the moments of greatest frustration, where you have no answers at all and you can't figure it out, can you just be held? Is that alright? We're here for that. Old soul, you've got to get used to this communication. It is so available!
Actions are an actual language. How you behave talks to the Crystalline Grid and talks to the Gaia grid. What you think talks to the magnetic grid, which we have called the seat of Human consciousness. Without you saying a thing, your actions are another way of communicating to everything and everyone around you. What you say out of your mouth in a linear fashion is heard by your corporeal body. How many self-help gurus have had to tell you that you're going to bring to you what you say out loud? Why is it that hypochondriacs bring to themselves the very diseases that they fear most and talk about? It's because the body hears them and gives them what they ask for.
The body is listening, the grids are listening, and even the Human Beings around you are listening. Do you spin in drama? Here we are again with this question. Do you think this is attractive to other Human Beings? Have you ever thought about that? What do you want to show someone about your belief system, your "God within"? Do you wish to show them how out of balance you are and that they should be the same? Think about it. How are you presenting your mastery to humanity? Old soul, what have you learned through all of the ages that you bring to the party today? Is it spinning or is it love? "Well Kryon, that's easier said than done. How do you stop spinning? How do I stop reacting to an unfair world?" I just told you. If you'll open your heart and allow sacred communication, it's going to start a peaceful countenance for and with you. This is called awakening to spirit. It's getting out of the old habits, the old fears, and starting to claim that part of your old soul that is God in you, available to you and to humanity and those around you.
Multidimensional communication. Those of you who are good at speaking to the animals have developed thought group communication. You're already on board for the best kind of soul communication there is and you're starting to think outside of the box. You're looking into the animals' eyes and you're giving them pictures, aren't you? They're getting it, aren't they? It ought to show you that this works! Humans can develop multidimensional attributes and characteristics that are entirely consciousness driven, sent through the pineal gland to anywhere they want.
There are also helpers around you, and we've told you this. Do I have to list them again? There are benevolent entities and groups all around you. Some are from here [Earth] and some are not. Not just Pleiadians, Arcturians, the Hathors, or those from Orion and Sirius [to name some of the more popular ones]. They are endless! Do you know what they all have in common? Nonlinear thought communications. You can communicate with them the same way you do with animals.
Dear Human Being, we're going to open the door to full communication before we close this channelling. We wish to tell you that there is something we want you to know, to realize. Don't let our communication be mysterious! Don't make it strange. I've just given you the attributes of communication to Spirit and from Spirit. In the next channelling, I will continue with another subject: What is it that blocks this communication? What are filters? What can you do to enhance communication?
Soul communication is part of what the old soul must learn in order to create balance on this planet and peace on the earth. It begins here and now. It begins with understanding and demystifying the beauty of your relationship with Spirit. There is structure in these sacred things; there is a benevolent system in these things and there is spiritual common sense in these things. We invite you to find it for yourself, for this communication will create spiritual evolution on this planet. It will be led by the very ones who are reading and listening right now. Family, that's the lesson for today. It's beautiful, isn't it? It's beautiful!
All we want to do is communicate, and it's time to get on with it. This channelling was to explain how it works. The suggestions today are how to make it better - even the very thing that you hear now, which is channelling. Demystifying, which some have called spooky, unnatural and weird, is the task before you. Just because it isn't linear doesn't mean it's odd. The one that is the greatest of all is love. Can you explain it? Perhaps not. But you can emulate it. Go now and emulate the love of God within you to those around you.
And so it is.
Part II
Multi-dimensionality, Expansion, and You
Here's a great little reminder from Karen Dover that we are all shifting from a carbon-based physical body to a crystalline-based body (whether we are currently aware of this process or not), and that doing so will necessarily affect our physical sensations.
It's also a great reminder that we are each unique unto ourselves, and we each have our own soul goals and experiences. Therefore our path and processes while being overall similar, are going to have unique qualities. In other words, gone are the times where we need to tell each other what we should or shouldn't do, but rather suggest what has worked for us or others that we know, while allowing others their innate right to choose for themselves.
It's also a great reminder that we are each unique unto ourselves, and we each have our own soul goals and experiences. Therefore our path and processes while being overall similar, are going to have unique qualities. In other words, gone are the times where we need to tell each other what we should or shouldn't do, but rather suggest what has worked for us or others that we know, while allowing others their innate right to choose for themselves.
The expansion of multi dimensionality at a human waking level…
by Karen Dover at Truth Codes
August 10, 2014
As many of you are more than aware this is a full moon and the energies are heightening and expanding hugely. This is to help move you at a human conscious waking mind level into full multi dimensionality which is your NATURAL state of BEing. At the “beginning” of the human life experience here upon Planet Earth it was found that multi dimensionality could not be supported by the actual planet, so this was “turned off” within the human vehicle as it destabilised the planet itself. It is to be remembered that Planet Earth is a living organism and is in direct alignment and balance with the human vehicle. At this time if you are out of alignment with the planet and / or your SOUL you may be experiencing physical bouts of dizziness or you may feel as if you are moving whilst standing still. (A bit like being in an elevator, coming out of said elevator but still experiencing the sensation of moving floors in the elevator).
This expansion allows for massive information exchange not only with the planet but with ALL BEings that exist on and around Planet Earth. Just because you cannot physically reference these BEings at a human conscious waking mind level does not negate their existence, it just means that you are not able to reference their physical shape and construction at this point in your human expansion. Remember there are hundreds and thousands of races that exist in the UNIVERSE OF 3, in human form you are taught over and over that the human race is ALONE in this UNIVERSE, this is not TRUTH and this is confirmed to you by your SOUL through dreamtime and personal one to one experience within the outer waking reality that you walk through.
Multi dimensionality shifts the human experienced massively, it is akin to viewing a flat text book and then viewing the same text book but in pop up form. This gives a richer more round experience and makes the human life experience more experiential and colourful. Indeed many of you may be experiencing more colours, more sounds and tastes than ever before as you move through and into full multi dimensionality.
This is a personal and unique experience and is moved through and into at the pace set by your SOUL, this allows the human vehicle to begin integrating the experience, remember you are moving into the New Earth whilst being awake in a human form. Previous incarnations would have seen you have to leave your physical body and experience that which is termed “death” on this planet in order to gain a different experience on this planet. What is being termed the “Ascension” process is the movement of this physically with the “death” of the life that you incarnated into originally within the old 3D earth construct in order to experience the New Earth in an UPGRADED human vehicle. The upgrading is the process that is gone through when you move into transition and this is covered extensively in both the EXITING THE OLD 3D EARTH REALITY and BIRTHING THE NEW EARTH books. (Both available from www.karen-dover.com).
The full moon energies are pushing the echoes of the old 3d earth reality construct frequencies to the very surface of your BEing at the same time, so many of you may feel “out there” or “in confusion and chaos” as your human logical mind attempts to reference the experience that you are having and can find NO reference. You have never done this at this level in human form ever before, so you are creating the reference points whilst having the experience. Sleeping when you feel the need to sleep, honouring your body in what it asks for in the way of nutrition also is to be anchored and worked with. To give you an example over the past few days I have had the soda “Coke” placed in front of me repeatedly. To begin with I filtered this out as I “gave up” fizzy drinks some time ago but it was repeated constantly so I looked at the teaching that I was referencing. I then drank a glass of coke for the first time in years. On then getting more guidance I understood that for me personally the chemical composition of said soda was aiding my crystalline form at this time. It may be that it is just ONE chemical that my human vehicle needs to help the continued construction of the crystalline form but this is for my human vehicle to work with, my human logical mind needs not get involved. This may be happening in your own personal life and trying to reference it through those around you will only add to the confusion. Each human vehicle is UNIQUE in its composition and the transformation to CRYSTALLINE form is not seen by the human eyes and is therefore filtered out.
Likewise the intensity of the energetic waves of LIGHT that are experienced are also personal and unique, those of you who are struggling may actually be working against your human form by referencing your nutrition through the teachings of the old 3d earth created construct. Diet and nutrition in the New Earth higher dimensional frequency realities are PERSONAL and come from your human vehicle itself which is a living organism and is in constant contact with the energy that YOU ARE in TRUTH. Again in the old 3d earth created construct you are taught repeatedly that you are not the master of your own ship. This is not TRUTH and is not supported in the New Earth. Only YOU live within your human vehicle 24/7 therefore ONLY YOU know how best to fuel your human vehicle.
Information sits at SOUL level, if you require assistance in reaching and connecting with your SOUL please visit www.karen-dover.com to view the list of services that I offer in relation to this.
“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.
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