July 27-August 3, 2014
By Marlene Swetlishoff
Beloved Ones,
The pressure within increases as the energy intensifies from the cosmos. The activity of purification is intensifying in all quarters of life. There is no escape for anyone or anything upon the earth plane. All are as one in the eye of the cosmic storm that is passing through. The energy sensitive among you will find yourselves moving into the next step of your journey in wonderful and unexpected ways. With a suddenness that is startling, you will find yourselves in a blessed space as you find the longed for peace within. As this alignment and recalibration takes place yet again, you enter a new phase of healing within your human operating system. The healing will become noticeable in your daily life as you go about your duties. There will be more energy flowing through you and you will have the energy to create all that you desire in your lives. Your ability to remain focused upon your goals will see a marked improvement.
There will continue to be a choosing of the crossroads for each and every soul upon the planet and it can be difficult for many as the rifts within families and friendships continues to occur. Many times, these rifts are temporary as those who are confused about what is occurring or totally unaware of it move away in rejection of the awakened ones. Hold your ground and remain centered in your own truth. Each person on Earth is responsible for their own choices and decisions at all times and must accept the consequences that come about as a result. Those who hurt or harm others will find that energy coming back to them in numerous ways that will keep them having to look within themselves in a clear and honest manner until they understand that the energy they give out into the universe comes back to them in equal measure, no matter if it is positive or negative.
In times past this energy took some time, sometimes years, to manifest within a person’s life but what will now start to occur with more rapidity is the manifestation of focused thought so it is wise to become disciplined in your thought processes so that only good will come to you. When you notice recurring thoughts that make you feel unhappy and sad, let them fall away and immediately replace them with empowering thoughts or ideas. As you practice this regularly, life will take on an added lustre as you begin to see life through the lens of joy, beauty and contentment. People everywhere will start to do things for others just for the pleasure of bringing joy to others. There will be spontaneous and random acts of kindness that will blossom all over the planet. The spirit, energy and force of love will uplift the hearts and minds of many people as they feel into these waves of love coming into the atmosphere, into and from the very Earth itself.
The now floundering and chaotic shadow energy will become balanced both within each person and within the outer world in daily life. Each person will see in their mind’s eye, the outcomes of each energy input they choose to make and will be able to instantly correct any action, thought or behaviour that could bring them an unhappy experience. As this continues, the mastery of self on all levels of being takes place and opens the way for the further downloading of one’s higher essence into the physical human operating system. More enlightened beings walking upon the planet bring a more enlightened society and civilization. This is already taking place and will only grow stronger as each person brings in their higher essence, the higher aspects of their soul.
Love is the greatest force in the universe and this force will have its effect within and upon the planet. The unseen will become visible and will open up a new vista of experience and sensory delight to all who have attained this level of frequency. As more people attain this level, it paves the way and makes it easier for others to rise to greater levels of consciousness and understanding. The golden age of Terra will rise in glory and majesty remembered and lived.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace
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Mastery of Self - Hilarion's Message for July 27, 2014
I think the following fits beautifully with the last post, "Prophecy and Creation" from Sophia. Yet another reminder that we write the script for our experiences, whether we are aware that we do or not. All our power is in remembering that we do, accepting responsibility for what we've created, and if we're not happy with our creations, consciously creating differently going forward.
Prophecy and Creation - Sophia
Now is not the time for us to be lazy with our thoughts ...
By Sophia Love
We have arrived, or better said, noticed now, a spot that is constantly adjusting – seemingly to our every thought. This is the beginning stage of consciousness; awareness. Until now, terms such as “the law of attraction” seemed like magic – only distant, occasional possibilities. This perspective has changed as we today see evidence of our thoughts and words appear before our eyes as a matter of course. This, as a function and effect of the vibratory changes on the planet and within. There is everyday evidence of creation and no doubt as to who is doing the creating. It is us.
As you swim in a sea of reports and predictions about violence, catastrophe and collapse, it will benefit you astronomically to remember who is at the wheel. The controls have never been turned over, regardless of how it looks. Thoughts, words and actions create. It is the same for every one of us.
There are no greater powers than those you hold. Pay attention to the synchronicities of your day to day – they exist as “evidence” for your creative power and are ever so much more immediate and life changing than the goings on of world banks and governments.
For sure remain aware of global events as they unfold, yet focus on your own life. You are creating the future with every thought and word. As “time” seems to accelerate, “now” is constantly re-defined. It is never the same “now”; only by your own repetitive re-definition does it feel the same.
It can change in an instant and at your command – with each re-focus of intention and attention. This you know. “Now” feels as oppressive and negative as your conversations around it. It is through voice and emotions that life is constructed; your life.
The slavery mindset with its continual complaint about its hopelessness only perpetuates the hopelessness felt and experienced. It is consensus that moves things forward and along. The wishes of the many take precedence and determine the timing and structure of events.
All events co-created are unable to be precisely predicted. This means worldwide actions are never an absolute certainty or calendar date. Life is a work in progress. Decisions about where it is going are collectively made. The loudest among us have an effect only to the extent that their choice is heeded by the rest of us.
Choose, intend and focus on the scenario that serves you. You are not here by accident, but by choice. Your obstacles are intended to produce in you the most rapid growth. See them as tools rather than stop signs.
We are called upon now to utilize the creative power we’ve only recently become aware of; to accelerate this shift to unity and collaboration – to love. A violent instigation is not necessary, regardless of prophecy.
The shift is upon us, yet the journey stands ahead, waiting for our instruction. Intend highest and best for all concerned, abundance in all arenas and a seamless transformation. Expect love and your story will demonstrate your expectation.
It is your strength and determination that has gotten you this far. Your light provides a beacon for the rest of us to follow.
We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.
Update on Ascension
Arcturian Group Message
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaele
July 20, 2014
Up till now, Ascension has been the distant goal of hundreds of individual lifetimes of experience and learning finally to be understood only after death with the help of one’s Guides. However at this time – NOW – planetary energy is shifting and raising in frequency through the presence of so many enlightened Beings on Earth at this time.Today we speak to you of Ascension. You are beginning now to see the results of higher-dimensional energies pouring into world consciousness causing the dissolution of many old paradigms and bringing in a receptivity to truth and there is much yet to come.
There are many from other planets here in human body simply to add their Light to this process. The higher-dimensional Light of so many enlightened Ones is serving to dissolve the false and bring about the personal Ascension of many while still in physical body. Those of you reading and resonating with the Arcturian messages can rest assured that you chose to be here at this powerful time to be a part of this.
Ascension is the reason so many struggle with difficult experiences. In order to shift into higher-dimensional energy, there must first be a clearing of the lower resonating energies still held in cellular memory – these energies cannot be carried with you into the higher. These energies usually remain dormant as long as an individual is comfortable and all seems to be going well – thus some powerful “wake up call” may be needed to jolt him out of complacency.
“Negative” experiences are not signs of failure for a spiritual student, but instead are indications of a spiritual readiness to move deeper. However not all energies needing to be released are negative, sometimes it is an intense connection to someone that has become so interdependent over time as to hold the student back. Because this is such an important time on Earth, most of you chose birth families that would serve to activate deeply-buried issues, bringing them to a conscious level where they could be finally resolved and released.
Through an honest examination of all experiences, the good as well as the bad, you will come to understand that much of what you have accepted as the way things “must be done, must appear, must work” in order for them to be correct, are instead simply concepts, many of which were accepted in other lifetimes and carried into this one. Everyone has had different lifetime experiences and so everyone’s clearing experiences will be different.
Impersonal universal human consciousness contains all third-dimensional thoughts and beliefs. The beliefs and ideas of this impersonal human consciousness are never yours until you personally accept them as true, at which time they become your state of consciousness and can begin to manifest outwardly.
You may say; “But I don’t believe this” or “I am spiritually aware, so how did this thing manifest in my life?” This is because energies of duality and separation are still resonating in cellular memory and any general acceptance of the third-dimensional belief system will appear outwardly. There is no un-manifest consciousness. Many of you may re-experience these impersonal energies as they clear, especially those from the emotional body. Just don’t pull them back in, once again personalizing them.
If it seems to you as if you are going nowhere spiritually, know that this suggestion arises from human concepts of how spiritual experiences must look. Films, books, and even some spiritual teachers present pictures and ideas of Ascension and spiritual evolution according to their personal experiences and state of consciousness. Every individual is different and there is no one experience for all – to believe you must have a particular experience is human.
Some are attracted to the teachings of the East because they learned and lived these teachings in other lifetimes and resonate with them. Others may find themselves drawn to teachings from the nature path…those of Native Americans and other Aboriginal groups. Many are finding themselves drawn to convents and monasteries for no apparent reason. This is because you have lived these experiences in other lifetimes and everything you resonate with either positively or negatively is now coming to your awareness.
Always remember that at a certain point, you no longer need the modalities – paths, rituals, and teachings. Tools can guide and assist in the earlier phases of awakening but are no longer necessary after realizing that you already are that which you seek and that your Oneness with Source constitutes your Oneness with all that Source is.
The tools can help open an individual to deeper awareness but there comes a time at which any dependence upon them must cease in order that teaching come from within. Holding tightly to some path, tradition, or teaching after it has been outgrown only serves to keep one in old and finished energy. This does not mean you cannot occasionally work with an evolved reader or teacher, or schedule an energy session, or take some class you may be guided to take. It means you no longer believe you NEED these things.
It is important that you not judge yourselves for any human beliefs or thoughts that may flow to you even if you temporarily accept them. Impersonal ideas are often inadvertently accepted because you still resonate with their energy. For example if a person has had many previous lifetimes of disease, he will be more susceptible to the concepts of health and disease floating about in universal consciousness.
Resist any temptation to guilt, regret, or self-loathing for thoughts or actions you may embrace. Instead use these realizations as reminders to go deeper. If you realize that you have ignorantly accepted some belief or another that you now recognize as false, know that the sky is not going to fall down nor will you be “smote from above” as punishment. These experiences are simply opportunities for growth, and investing them with a power they do not have is duality and separation.
Always remember that nothing, no word, thought, experience, or appearance can ever separate you from who and what you really are. Learning becomes more gentle with time because the need to learn through struggle and pain is finished. Most of you are at that point now.
Trust your intuitive sense about things. If something in your life (food, books, entertainment, world view, etc.) is no longer resonating with you, know that you have shifted beyond the energy of it and try not to revive it as it was in the past no matter how pleasant or perfect it may have been at that time. Try very hard not to add energy to negative outer appearances, but instead reinterpret them.
For example, you may become aware of some humanly negative or violent activity, but the spiritual reality is that all activity between living things is the activity of interconnectedness (Love – many within the One). In this case that spiritual interconnectedness is being reflected through the third-dimensional consciousness of separation – it is still the interaction within the One, but colored by false belief.
Trust that once you choose to evolve, you are indeed evolving regardless of any outer appearances. It is not necessary to jump up and down, light a candle, chant certain chants, go to church every week, or stand facing a certain direction saying certain words to get the process moving.
You have all evolved beyond these beginner activities or you wouldn’t be reading these messages. Nothing is needed but the intention to evolve. It does not mean you cannot visit a church and enjoy the beauty of a service nor does it mean you cannot sign a petition or speak your truth. It means you no longer give these things a power they don’t have, but instead, rest in the realization that there is only one power and that power is within.
There are those who believe they already know all the answers and so there is nothing more for them to learn or understand. Sadly, this ego stance serves to act as a box enclosing them with their own creations and preventing any real spiritual growth until such time as they are ready to open themselves to more.
Evolution is a gradual journey into higher-dimensional energy. Ascension is the achievement of that state of consciousness that will allow you to shift into the higher frequencies. The higher and faster the frequencies, the nearer to pure Light they become. The third-dimensional world is unable to see these higher frequencies with human eyes and so denies them, but this is changing as more and more come into alignment with them.
As Beings of Light, you allowed your energy to slow and become dense in order to experience the third dimension for the purpose of remembering truth while seemingly separated from it. At this time most of you are ready for completion and are on Earth to once and for all clear any remaining energies from these lifetimes.
Trust that you are well on your way regardless of the lack of so-called spiritual experiences. Open your hearts to the truth behind what you may behold in the outer knowing that all, even the seemingly un-awakened are releasing old energy. There are some not yet ready for Ascension. Honor them and concern yourselves with your own inner work. It is not wisdom to try and convert another not yet ready for your level of awareness. Keep truth silent and secret in your heart and those ready for what you have will find you for energy seeks its own level.
Relax, rest, and take time often to go within, even if you have to get up in the middle of the night to find quiet. Stay present in each moment no matter how mundane or frightening – this is the spiritual journey which rarely comes as the blast of Heavenly Light depicted in movies except to those who have already attained their personal Ascension in a previous lifetime.
Trust, trust, trust that which is within. It is time to claim your own Divine Power.
We are the Arcturian Group
Energy Update June 2014 - Matt Kahn
Energy Update - June 2014
"Light Body Activation: Stage 1"
by Matt Kahn
Is your world a bit dizzying? Have you been seeing double lately? Are you open to all possibilities in life one moment and in emotional disarray the next? Is it difficult to even get out bed and be a part of the world? Do you wonder how on earth this could be a sign of spiritual progress when it seems as if you keep sliding backwards or regularly play out old loops of old conditioning?
If so, it is a crucial stage of energetic expansion creating the vital foundation for your soul's ascension. As I dedicate today's energy update to helping you understand the significant shifting that has been occurring over the past few weeks (this week in particular) may it begin by freeing you from the need to blame yourself for the signs and symptoms of your highest evolution.
While many members of the first wave of ascension remain diligent in doing their inner spiritual work, it is easy to confuse symptoms of awakening with evidence of what needs to be further worked on or purged out of your field. It is easy for a heart-centered energetically-sensitive being to view themselves through a lens of imperfection. When this occurs, any thought, feeling, impulse, or tendency that does not match up with the goals of how a perfectly-aligned being behaves, creates a deeper desire to cleanse, release, and purge from a standpoint of self-judgment. Even when this pattern intensifies, as it has for so many this past week, it is all a part of a much bigger play I am here to explain.
May this explanation take the weight of the world off your shoulders and give you permission to let yourself off the hook. You have already done so much to support the evolution of the planet, even if you cannot see how far the positive affect of your vibration has already spread. Please remember, your continued support in the awakening of humanity is essential, but it cannot reach its full potency and power if you are beating yourself up, micromanaging your life, or using spirituality to be your biggest bully.
Those who still play out the old 3rd dimensional paradigm continue to treat themselves and others in this painful way, therefore, it becomes impossible for you to help lift the veil for others when using your spiritual path as a means of justifying the same outdated level of consciousness.
This means with every step forward into the 5th dimension, each choice you make to support your evolution, as well as the ascension of all, must be made with gentleness, relaxation, and joy as your guide.
As you may have already learned from the polarities of the 3rd dimension, trying to push away, avoid, or transcend any condition is an unsuspecting way of creating a deeper attachment to it. Equally so, opening up and allowing anything in your experience to be welcomed with gratitude, no matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient it seem to be, releases attachments out of your field.
Simply put - what you push away tends to stick around longer. Whatever you welcome, often decides to leave. The moment you ask, "When is this going to go away?" it seems to linger in your energy field. Each time it is welcomed with open arms and given permission to stay as long as it wishes, it receives the freedom to find somewhere else to be. It is important to remember how each uncomfortable pattern is just as much an expression of God consciousness as the ones you prefer. Essentially, they orbit the collective field after being cast away by personal judgments, waiting for someone to welcome them as an equal expression of the divine. As their divinity is acknowledged, each pattern is stripped of any history of judgment of being less than the Divine and returns to the Source of origin to be transmuted back into the totality of light.
It doesn't have to be imagined as your conditioning to clear, but an opportunity for you to participate in releasing humanity from limiting patterns.
Once you see patterns as the unresolved clutter within the collective field of consciousness, it is your willingness to welcome the divinity in all things, even when they don't feel so divine, that allows the energetic pressure in your field to lighten for the well-being of all.
This is being emphasized because this week officially marks the first stage of light body activation. In the first stage, all cellular debris in your energy field that acted as proof of being separate, or other than the source of divinity, is swept out of your field. As this occurs, space is created for the emerging light body in human form.
As you may have already learned, the proof of what you are healing can be noticed in the sensations you feel. While it is easy to assume the confirmation of healing is a feeling of spaciousness, the first sign of healing occurs the moment debris leaves your field. As I always say, "What you're feeling - you are healing."
Even when it feels as if energy or emotions are stuck within you, it is a sign of what is on its way out. In order to help it leave at a faster rate, it must be openly welcomed. If not, any tendency to contract or shut down narrows the path for it to be released like a moving truck trying to wedge itself through a narrow alley.
During the first stage of light body activation, it is common to feel emotional density, fatigue, anxiety, trembling arms or legs, reactivity to the conditioning of others, a loss of control, boredom, apathy, or depression. It can even create a sense of confusion or helplessness if trying to move toward being in the world at a faster rate than your healing unfolds.
You may be tired of incubating, but you may need a bit more time to rest and recover in order to bring forth the vibration this world is so blessed to receive. If nothing seems to be working, it is a way in which the Universe reminds you to continue healing and allow the bigger plan of your soul's purpose to find you - once fully activated.
There are some who have been immersed in the first stage of light body activation over the past two years. While not everyone spends the same amount of time in each stage, it is an opportunity to understand the greater spiritual implications of life to free you from blaming yourself or others for the intensity of your journey.
For those who have been physically drained, emotionally exhausted, and energetically spent for the past year or so, they are beginning to notice openings within themselves. As this occurs, it is the light body activating your field as a conscious expression of Spirit in action. Signs of these openings include: bursts of joy, inspiration, a deeper unexplainable faith in knowing all is well, a sense of interconnection with all things, a forgetfulness of past experiences, as well as a natural ability to notice the condition of others without being triggered or needing to do anything to remain centered.
As these openings are noticed, a cascading windfall of wellness can be sensed whether as momentary waves, or in longer durations of expansion.
As these waves become more frequent, it establishes a new way of being that activates your light body into present moment time. Even if you feel radiant wellness one moment, and fatigue the next, it is a sign that your energy field is getting used to the expanded consciousness and heightened frequency of your light body, but needs additional time to let it in. This is much like dipping a toe into a pool as a way of getting used to the temperature of the water. Soon, you'll put an entire foot underwater and in no time, you'll feel safe enough to dive right in.
As is always true in the evolution of consciousness that the faster you proceed, the more quickly you stagnate. The slower you move, the further you advance.
This period of light body activation occurring within the full year span of all four blood moons is crucial to your shifting from dense physical form into a crystalline light body.
Whether you are experiencing outbursts of joy as a sign of your emerging light body, or continue to clear a path for its arrival through emotional releases or insufferable fatigue, I honor you as an active participant in the first wave of ascension.
Simply by being alive on this planet and making the choice to embrace yourself during life's most advanced stages of spiritual growth, you are doing so much to positively impact the consciousness of all.
On behalf of the Galactic Council, I congratulate you on how far you've already traveled and assure you, as we come together to fulfill our mission - the best is yet to come. Please share this energy update with your community of awakening hearts, so all may receive the transmission of energy infused in these words to help integrate the light body into a fully activated reality.
In the coming weeks, I will offer additional energy updates to support the evolution of your journey as loving reminders that is safe to come out of hiding and welcome life as your playground of divinity.
Many blessings beautiful Ones,
Matt Kahn
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