
The Event In Truth by Karen Doonan


By Karen Doonan at Truth Codes

March 4, 2014

Many of you may have questioned why I have been reticent to talk in depth about the EVENT, many channels have also touched upon the EVENT but with little depth and there is a solid reason for this. Many filter out that the reality that exists around you, through you and within you INTERACTS with you, through you and within you at all moments of all moments. In other words the old 3d earth created reality is not a “static” reality, it moves and shifts as ALL move and shift. You are TAUGHT within the old 3d earth created reality that you are born into the human race and that you are then affected by all that is ALREADY here, this is highly distorted for human life expands and shifts at all moments of all moments, for energy JUST IS and energy flows constantly at all moments of all moments.

The difference between the old 3d earth created reality and the New Earth is that the old 3d earth created reality has a LIMIT, it has a CEILING as it were, so you can have expansion but only to a certain frequency level, beyond this you are contained and suppressed and the way in which the teachings of the old 3d earth created reality are designed you are SELF POLICED at various points up until the very last edge of the bandwidth.

Many of you are now experiencing this “CEILING” and many of you may be in much anxiety for you can FEEL the push of the New Earth energies moving you HIGHER in frequency and vibration but you may be blind at a very human conscious waking mind level to where you are in fact “going”. In TRUTH you are EXPANDING, but you are expanding into a reality that you have been PREVENTED from ever experiencing at a human conscious waking mind level.

View yourself as within a bubble, this bubble is pretty strong, the bubble in this analogy you have been taught is the edge of the world, as you look to the sky and to the clouds you see the edge of said “bubble”. Everything within this bubble you are TAUGHT is safe, at all times you are TAUGHT to remain within the bubble and are taught that anything outwith this bubble is a danger to you.

Much like animals in a field that has an electric fence around the field you only have to venture to the edge of the field, FEEL the jolt of electricity and you never have to move anywhere near the fence again. Much like the bubble, except the frequency of the energetic space that planet earth resides within has just expanded, so the bubble is being burst not only from the inside but from BEYOND.

Remember you are incarnate into a human vehicle, but you are not totally incarnate into your human vehicle, your SOUL resides OUT WITH your human vehicle and therefore OFF PLANET. This is filtered out by many in their human form, as the SOUL is not physically seen then the human logical mind assumes that the physical representation that you have taken upon and within this planet is all that there is.

The “ascension” process up until this moment has sought to align you fully with your SOUL, so that you are collecting and healing the fragments of SELF that have been scattered across the various karmic dimensional timelines and this strengthens you at a SOUL level, this then flows INTO and through your human vehicle as the LOVE that IS, in TRUTH you are balancing yourself both OFF and ON planet. So you are balancing and heightening your energy from BOTH SIDES of the BUBBLE in this analogy. This works to BURST THE BUBBLE of containment and many of you are reaching this frequency.

ALL is frequency and the removal of the “ceiling”, the bursting of the bubble if you will is PERSONAL and UNIQUE to each individual human vehicle alive upon and within this planet. This is why I have always stated that the EVENT is personal and why many have filtered this out, allowing the teachings to help them filter out the personal life that is lived upon and within this planet.

For how much you have aligned with your SOUL is personal to your SOUL mission and the reason for your incarnation upon and within this planet. NOT ALL HAVE THE SAME MISSION OR REASON to have incarnated upon and within this planet. This is contrary to much of the distorted spiritual teachings within the old 3d earth created reality that seek to teach that ALL ARE ONE but that ALL have the same mission. This is not TRUTH and is not supported in the New Earth.

At this moment upon and within planet earth you are asked to find BALANCE and to allow the flow of the LOVE that IS to gain in momentum and to flow FREELY through you, around you and within you and to allow the events that are placed in your waking reality and have been manifest by both YOU at a personal human conscious waking mind level and YOUr SOUL to show you TRUTH to new levels.

Life upon and within planet earth for the entire human race will now shift and expand and grow for the bubble as it bursts will allow a more intense and concentrated flow of the New Earth energies into and within the planets surface. View it as a giant bubble and the 7 billion human vehicles each personally piercing through to their New Earth realities. When “critical mass” is achieved then the entire bubble that is old 3d earth created reality will dissolve completely. This is a process that unfolds each moment to each moment and NO timescale can be placed on this as 7 billion human vehicles and therefore 7 billion SOULS are interacting with this at all moments of all moments.

At this moment you are asked to LET GO and allow the flow. From this ALL else flows, having TRUST and FAITH in this process will allow this to flow more smoothly, just because you cannot at a human physical waking mind level “see” beyond the bubble of the old 3d earth created reality does not negate what is beyond.

If you are driving a car you do not need to see the entire road spread out before you, you drive each stretch of the road, trusting the vehicle will get you to your destination by following the road as it illuminates. YOUr SOUL has a birds eye view of your journey, your human vehicle has a road level view. TRUST in your SOUL will see you navigate beyond where you have ever gone in this your human form upon this planet.

“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”
