
No More Secrets: What's the Truth Behind 9/11?

For anyone who may not be aware of the questions that surround the atrocity(s) of 9/11, I add my voice to the current campaign to "Re-think 9/11."

The Official Re-think 9/11 Video
Did you know a third tower fell on 9/11?

That is the question millions of people are seeing on billboards, subways, buses, taxi stops and street posters this September. If you didn’t know a third tower fell on 9/11, that’s okay. It’s never too late to go back and reexamine the events that shape our world. ReThink911 encourages you to look at the evidence for yourself, and if you find the official account doesn’t add up, join us in calling for a new and independent investigation. If we educate one another and raise our voices as one, we can make it happen.

The architects and engineers looking into the event documented their findings in a full length video, free to watch via streaming video or available on DVD. For more information see rethink911 dot org or Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth (ae911truth dot org).