
Absent Limits

A wonderful reminder from our friend Sophia Love:
How will you spend it?

How many times must you read or hear or see something that validates your own knowing – before you trust your own truth? The ones that have come before you, those you’ve heard tell of, that have done the seemingly impossible – did not hold any greater power than you do right now.

The difference is that they believed. They did not come up to the moment and look around for some greater or wiser “other” to explain to them the process. They showed up and did what came naturally to them. They operated from their core truth. It was all they knew. It was enough.

The ideas embedded deeply in your subconscious around hierarchy, worship, fear and payment were planted there intentionally from the beginning. They come from training, not truth.

As the story of the origin of man is told, it sounds familiar. There may be a part of you questioning which chapters are true NOW. There have been so very many lies. But you know. It is held within you.

There is no place in which you are less. Throw out the word “only”. You are not merely a color or a gender or a name – you are a god. You hold no limitations.

Your life is not here to be spent, as if in exchange for something else, something better. It is meant to be lived. In all cases there is nothing better to trade it in for. There is right now, the focal point of creation, the moment where it all begins.

What will you do with this treasure? There is no greater gift than NOW. Enlightenment does not take you away from anything. It exposes what’s been there all along. You do not need to learn how to be what you are. Listen. You’ve carefully placed reminders all around you.

They show up in whispers and websites, neighbors and strangers. This is not a test and no studying is necessary. You cannot cheat. You wrote it and are taking it as a sort of game. You can play as long as you choose.

As we engage you’ll recognize and remember moves you’ve made before, many times. There are old favorites, signature strategies meant to supply specific emotional content. Now they’ve been exposed. You are free to choose the outcome of this round. The familiar pulls but you are aware now. You know a fruitless effort when you see one. No one has to tell you what doesn’t work.

The amazing part is here. It’s like nothing you’ve imagined and better. This is so because, as master craftsmen and women, you’ve held a picture of the exquisite always in your heart. It’s what you do. Many billion versions of perfection are creating this moment with full hearts and wide open eyes.

You were there at the beginning, eagerly nodding your head as you signed up for this experiment. Why? Not for pain or suffering or loss or debt, although you knew that was included. You signed up for right now. The realization and recognition of your eternal essence is beyond your wildest imaginings.

As our friend Bob Wright said so beautifully, “Look into each others eyes and see the angels that have been prophesied. It is you.”

You are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

In Lak'ech Ala K'in



Strangers Are Just Friends You Haven't Met Yet

In the video below, photographer Richard Renaldi proves that strangers are only friends you haven't met yet.

Regarding that, at one point in my life I realized that I'd never met an individual I didn't like. That is, what I noticed is that when you take a person out of their normal environment, the one where we're all actors on a stage, and converse with them one on one about subjects they enjoy, subjects that light up their heart, or about subjects that touch them deeply, especially if they are emotionally distraught, each and every individual is wonderful. No exceptions. It doesn't matter what the individual has done or not done, what religion they are, what color they are, what age they are, or what their beliefs are. Fundamentally we are all the same. Renaldi seems to have found the same to be true, that fundamentally we are all the same, with the same basic wants and desires - to feel good and enjoy life together.

Notice in the video that Renaldi doesn't just get strangers to stand together, he has them touch each other in some way. Touch is so important! It really does break down barriers. But I noticed something else in my dealings with people - we can touch people with our eyes. And that by doing so often we can break through enough barriers that even full on strangers will allow themselves to be touched physically. Even just a loving light touch on an arm does wonders. Try it!

Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SELDTUaHRxQ


The Hopi Prophecy

A beautiful reminder from Brian Kelly. All signs are that we are well on the way to creating this as a new paradigm for Earth. We are powerful creators, let's make it so!

The Hopi Prophecy
October 22, 2013

This is the prophecy that Bob read aloud on the Collective Imagination show tonight. POWERFUL. BEAUTIFUL. REAL. EMBRACE IT. LIVE IT. BE IT BREATHE IT. THE TIME IS NOW. ~BK

Navajo / Hopi Prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow

There will come a day when people of all races, colors, and creeds will put aside their differences. They will come together in love, joining hands in unification, to heal the Earth and all Her children. They will move over the Earth like a great Whirling Rainbow, bringing peace, understanding and healing everywhere they go. Many creatures thought to be extinct or mythical will resurface at this time; the great trees that perished will return almost overnight. All living things will flourish, drawing sustenance from the breast of our Mother, the Earth.

The great spiritual Teachers who walked the Earth and taught the basics of the truths of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy will return and walk amongst us once more, sharing their power and understanding with all. We will learn how to see and hear in a sacred manner. Men and women will be equals in the way Creator intended them to be; all children will be safe anywhere they want to go. Elders will be respected and valued for their contributions to life. Their wisdom will be sought out. The whole Human race will be called The People and there will be no more war, sickness or hunger forever.


Our Current Financial System - What's Really Going On?

Never in human history have so many been plundered by so few, and it's all accomplished through this... The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind.
The scam is our current global financial system. Below is a documentary video by Mike Maloney that helps explain the process. I've seen a number of presentations of this material, and I think Mike does a bang-up job of presenting it clearly.

Before I present the video, I want to make it clear that while I fully appreciate Mike and his crew for both taking on this difficult subject and their clear explanations of the basic premise of our current global financial system - fraudulent as it is - I disagree with their ultimate conclusion (which is not presented in this particular video), that we instead need a system backed by gold and silver.

Perhaps this comment from poster Clumper_Archives on the Hidden Secrets of Money, Episode 4 page, says it best:
Some highly credible references [in support of the assertions in the video] are: Edw Griffin (Creature From Jekyll Island), Bill Still (Secret of Oz & Jekyll Island)

One point to ALWAYS keep in mind: If we go back strictly to a gold standard, the old standard quote comes to mind, "He who has the gold, makes the rules..."

We have to come up with something better or the Elite will continue unfettered with their devious globalist plans.

This is my biggest complaint about this clip.
I agree. But even if some "Elite" don't continue to control (it is my belief that they cannot and eventually will not), it's an absolute fact that money separates, no matter whose hands it is in. As long as we have money we will be divided, there will be lack for some and abundance for others, there will still be haves and have nots. It's impossible for it to be otherwise. As we move out of Separation Consciousness and toward Unity Consciousness, monetary systems of any sort will not be needed.

No matter how much we want to believe that any "thing" - including gold and silver - hold ultimate value, they do not. I can't eat gold, it can't house me, it can't protect me from the elements, it can't keep me safe, it can't give me love, it can't experience and share the joy of life with me as people can and do. Aside from it's limited value when turned into adornments, gold is of no value to me at all. In other words, gold, silver, or any precious metals only have what value we each - as individuals - give to them.

Precious metals can be used in exchange for things that provide for my needs and wants, but since they separate, why not go directly to an exchange model that accepts the value in each and every human being? When we are all doing what brings us the greatest joy, without needing compensation of any sort because our needs are already met, it can be a wonderful experience. One that I personally am looking forward to experiencing on a global scale.

The way I see it, the thing of highest value is each and every human being (actually, any and every Being, but that's a whole 'nother topic :)). Not because of what an individual does, but because they are. So for me, BEings DOing, in whatever capacity is their greatest joy, is where the true value lies.

And if that weren't enough reason to abandon any sort of monetary system, consider that Gaia, our Earth, is a sentient being, no different in many ways than any of us. Her body, while not human, is the Earth itself - she houses all of us. Who are we, as beings, to take what she offers and horde it for ourselves? Can you imagine the organisms on your body fighting over their little territories on your skin? It's ludicrous when you think about it.

All that said, I realize that the concept of no monetary system at all is a hard row to hoe for many, if not most, people today. So I could see a temporary move from fiat currency to precious metals backed currency as an interim step. That said, I would love to see us zoom right past such a step!

Here's Mike:


No More Secrets: What's the Truth Behind 9/11?

For anyone who may not be aware of the questions that surround the atrocity(s) of 9/11, I add my voice to the current campaign to "Re-think 9/11."

The Official Re-think 9/11 Video
Did you know a third tower fell on 9/11?

That is the question millions of people are seeing on billboards, subways, buses, taxi stops and street posters this September. If you didn’t know a third tower fell on 9/11, that’s okay. It’s never too late to go back and reexamine the events that shape our world. ReThink911 encourages you to look at the evidence for yourself, and if you find the official account doesn’t add up, join us in calling for a new and independent investigation. If we educate one another and raise our voices as one, we can make it happen.

The architects and engineers looking into the event documented their findings in a full length video, free to watch via streaming video or available on DVD. For more information see rethink911 dot org or Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth (ae911truth dot org).


Being Is The Value

Recently I've been in discussions with friends about a stand that I have taken in my life. That stand is: Being is the value.

By that I mean, gold isn't the value, paper money isn't the value; those are things we use to represent our value, a means of trading a portion of our value for something representing a portion of someone else's value. Property and possessions aren't the value; those are things we create and use, either from our own creative efforts, or by trading a portion of our value. Value is in our BEING. BEing is the value. YOU are the value. I am the value. This is true for each and every being incarnate as human. Each of us is the value. All 7 billion of us. Eternal Essence Embodied, Absent Limits.

It's been a long road for me getting to the point of being able to accept this premise as the basis of my life. I have always believed in freedom. I live in a country - the US - that has always told me "this is a free country". I, like most of those living in this country, believed that. "I live in a free country". Which to me meant "I am free."

Trouble is, I didn't feel free. I looked around me at all the "rules", laws, and statutes that governed my life - and the penalties for not "obeying" - and I can tell you, I sure didn't "feel" free. So that has always been a dilemma for me. Am I free or am I not? Do I even have a right to be free? I'm not the only human on the planet. We all have to live and work together. What if everyone was free? What would that look like?

This issue was something that I could not resolve. I think I didn't want to accept the true and accurate response to the question "Am I really free?" because the answer was too difficult to bear. The answer, which I knew in my heart of hearts to be true is "NO", I definitely am NOT free. Followed immediately by "and there's nothing I can do about it."

In fact, some part of me felt like I didn't have a right to be free, because if I have a right to be free then everyone has a right to be free and that can only lead to .. chaos and anarchy. It made my head ache to think about it, so mostly I didn't think about it. Mostly I just lived my life trying to be as happy as I could be and "survive as best I could" inside the "rules" that appeared to govern me.

I say "appeared to govern me" because somewhere in the deepest part of me I knew that I was completely responsible for my plight. I didn't understand it and didn't have an answer for it, but I did know at some deep level that I'm responsible for all of my experiences whether I like those experiences or not.

But I couldn't make sense of it. Now I have. That's a huge shift for me. Like the proverbial "parting of the waves". The waters part, the sky opens up, and everything is crystal clear. I'll have more to say on this over time, but I'm not sure how I'll go about it. For now, as an opener, I'll share with you a response that I made to a friend of mine when she sent me the link to an article: "President [of Cyprus] announces guaranteed income for all citizens."

Most people would - as my friend did - read this article and become extremely excited about the prospects, about the humanity of it, about the compassion behind it. It had the opposite effect on me. While I wanted to be excited about it, and might have been only a few short weeks ago, now I could not.

I explained why in a message that I sent to my friend. Here is that response in it's entirety (modified slightly for clarity). It reiterates and explains further my stand that "BEing is the value" and will serve as an opening for me to discuss this stand in future postings.

My Response
Regarding "President [of Cyprus] announces guaranteed income for all citizens."

Interesting article, but it misses one key element for me personally to consider the action worthy - such a policy doesn't address the value of being.

Unless and until humanity accepts their own Being as the value, we will not have true freedom. Policy of that nature (in the article) is still control - "prove to us that you don't have the means to support yourself and we'll throw some paper money at you." Under that policy, power still remains with government, which IS NOT government of the people, it is a corporation owned and controlled by individuals for profit. And I might add, for profit at the expense of all the rest of us.

What he proposes in the article may be a stepping stone; it at least recognizes that all humans are worthy of having the basic needs of survival met. That is a start. So if it's implemented as an interim step I'm all for it, as it gives immediate relief to some individuals. If it's implemented as a solution, I cannot be, as it just perpetuates an already existing system of control.

The owning of government, of corporations, of organizations, of public schools and universities by individuals for their own profit at the expense of everyone else is, in my mind, a key. It's all control. And the truly disheartening fact, although it's also the true answer to the dilemma, is that we agreed to be treated that way. We have, albeit unknowingly and unwittingly, agreed to - and continue to agree to - their terms. But we can stop agreeing! My intent is that we all do that - stop agreeing to their terms and recreate our policies and systems fully aware and operating in the knowing that we are the value.

What is so hard to grasp in this enormous topic is that we have *already* been cashing in our value. It's our signature on that piece of paper from the bank (purported "loan") that creates the "money" that we are "given" to transact our business (typically the buying and selling of goods or services). "Paying it back" through debt is a misnomer. There's nothing to pay back; there is no debt. The money was created on our value. Any money, including interest, we give "the lender" is through our own free will and choice. We could consider our payments to be a service fee - a rather exorbitant one - for providing the system for us to cash in on our value. In other words, when signing a "loan" document we are essentially saying "You have provided a service to me by creating money based on my value. For that service I agree to pay you not only the amount you created from my value, but interest, and penalties and fees if I don't continue to meet your terms." Ask yourself this: If you consciously knew those were the terms you were agreeing to, would you ever - ever - agree to them?

Those controlling the global economy know the value of being - that's why they don't just "make up" money. They abide by Universal laws that most of us humans aren't even aware of, the most crucial Universal law governing this planet being "Free Will". They need the signature of a human being, the agreement of a human being, to create or "make up" money, and they've numerous intricate schemes to do so. In the case of "loans", we give them permission to create money by entering into a contract with them on their terms. As long as we continue to deny our value (and to deny ANY human being their value is to devalue us ALL) this system of human slavery will perpetuate itself, because we are agreeing to it.

Those who control the global economy tread a very careful line when they interact with us. They provide humanity (meaning the general population) with the illusion that we have no value. They do this in order to get our consent. The rest of us are so under the spell that we don't even think there *is* a sentient Universe outside of Earth, let alone any Universal agreements like Free Will.

But the fact is, we all agreed to Free Will Choice as the premise for this planet. So those that know the value of Being (our value) cannot, and will not, take anything from us that we do not give them. Through hundreds - actually multiple thousands - of years of working their plan, they have arrived at a point where we the people believe the lies they've told us. WE BELIEVE WE HAVE NO VALUE. They know the truth. They know that we do. It's ironic isn't it? Those at the very top of the pyramid of financial control know our value, but we do not.

That's where our power lies - in knowing our value. It's up to us - as a global consciousness - to "wake up" to the FACT that we are the value, and no longer allow others to trade on our value without our consent.

Maybe you are beginning to see how deeply rooted is our belief that we have no value. How deeply rooted is our belief that we have to "earn" the right to live as we please. We do not. We are sovereign beings, with the basic rights of beingness. We are inherently entitled to live however we choose. We have the right to be provided for intrinsically, as a part of our nature. We participate in this game of illusion by choice. Each entity born into this world has done so by choice. My point is that we can - and I assert that we came into this lifetime to do just that - retake control of our world by realizing the very simple fact that WE ARE THE VALUE, and choosing to live that way.

At the meeting Sunday [my friends and myself] someone asked something like (I'm paraphrasing) "what if some dude just sits around watching TV and doing nothing else, does he have a right to be provided for?" The answer to me is obvious - of course he does. Ultimately he is me having a different experience. It's not my right to judge what he does or why he does it, as long as it doesn't harm my person or my property, or infringe on my own freedoms. I may not agree with his choices, but those are his choices.

What I might do is ask "what has happened to this spark of Creator that the only way he feels happy and free is to "check out" in front of the TV?" I think the answer to that is pretty clear: he doesn't feel free, he doesn't feel the value of his being. And my assertion is that when he does "wake up" to the intrinsic value of his own being, he will be inspired to something other than drawing into his shell in front of the TV. Spirit by nature isn't slothful. We are Creator Beings! It's our level of stress, of hopelessness, of feeling devalued, that is at the root of our non-action. We're just f*ing TIRED! - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

I don't believe that any of us - in this incarnation on this planet - know what true freedom is. We have to search our memory banks for lives outside of third density to arrive at any semblance of understanding of what true freedom is. I believe that THAT is why so many of us are so unhappy, even when things appear to be going well in our lives. We know in the deepest recesses of our being what true freedom is, and there's going to be an energetic mismatch until we discover how to be free inside the physical body as well as outside it.

Veronica - Be The Difference

I always enjoy the messages from Veronica through April and Allen Crawford. Perhaps it's because the messages are so short but still powerful in their essence. I tend to be very long-winded in my writing, so succinct is something I appreciate.

I'm including here the basic message, and along with that, the question/answer following it. The question touches me personally in a deep way - I too am one who can be easily overcome emotionally by expressions of love and beauty. Those around me have come to accept that about me, but we none of us understand it. Veronica offers some insight into that.

A New Message From VERONICA
August 27, 2013

Be The Difference

Often while walking through a life, there can be defining moments that help your consciousness expand. Personal moments such as these, may be difficult to overcome. Recognizing that it is important to stay focused and that doing so can help ease the pressure one feels.

If one also looks around them clearly, there are defining moments with the planet as well. Your presence on this sphere blends energetically with the earth, to assist evolution for a world consciousness that needs to expand.

Hand in hand, the awareness of both, brings about a soothing energy that will help calm will help calm the chaotic energy for the planet as it moves through its experience.

Always remind yourself that focusing on positiveness and healing creates an atmosphere of nurturing that all physical living beings need to continue.

Be in harmony with the physical whenever you can. We know that some of you feel misplaced in such a thick environment. Reach deep within your heart to find the strength to connect regardless. Perhaps it is why you came here.

Perhaps your soul volunteered to be of assistance.

Be the strong soulful energy that you are.

Attempt to focus upon the larger picture. You may be surprised at just how much your energy is contributing.

Unite with your soul, your planet, and others.

Be the difference.

You can."




I have been wondering about my emotions. I cry very easily for a variety of reasons, but usually it is because something is beautiful. For example: powerful music, forgiveness, applause in a large audience, creative genius, etc.

Why do I get choked up so easily? I wish I could feel the energy flow through me instead of overwhelming me.

Thank you for all of the wisdom you have given me!


Dear Cheryl,

Emotion, and its ability to propel the form through life is a great gift in the physical.

You have a very high vibration that has difficulty monitoring this energy called emotion. This is why it feels so overwhelming.

Perhaps instead of attempting to clarify it, use its force to create something while you walk through life.

At the end of the day, everything is energy and emotion is a very true representation of that. Allow it to flow. Sooner or later you will grasp it in your heart to use it for aligning those around you.



"Today" - a message from Veronica

A wonderfully uplifting and vital message from Veronica, through April and Allen Crawford at Inner Whispers

August, 2012
Today Is The Day

Today, why not stand still in silence for a moment and listen to the pulse of your soul?

Today, why not speak your truth without fear of how it is received?

Today, step forward and include your linear participation in your soul's progress.

Today, why not become more active in your soul intentions instead of settling for linear costumes?

Today is the moment you truly reside in. It is an opportunity to express yourself with pure honesty. A moment to color your perceptions with the clarity of the old soul you are becoming.

Often in the linear, one becomes lost in all the dramas, costumes, and props, while forgetting the true intentions of why they have arrived.

This moment needs joy. This day will blossom with the intention of joy. The awareness of all that is possible with clear thought should be continuously tucked within one's heart.

The linear experience was meant to be fulfilling, while allowing the dense experience to fortify one's spirit.

Glean as much knowledge and experience as you can. Embrace the day, becoming one with the vivid experience of the current moment.

Today, be one with our soul. Today, realize your potential and live it. Do not allow others to rob you of the awareness of your potential.

It is your gift... your life, your opportunity to be more.

Yes it is difficult to embrace all of this. Attempt every day to do so. Do not give up. Be the person you aspire to be.

Use all the experiences good and bad to achieve this.

Today is the day.



HopeGirl's Message: How To Fix The World

If you aren't aware of it yet, there's a new documentary video out called "Fix the World Documentary". It's over 3 hours long and therefore posted in 3 parts. The video was created by HopeGirl and a team of volunteers who want to see what we all want to see - a world of freedom, joy, peace and abundance for all.

It's going to be quite a process getting from where we are to where we want to be, and HopeGirl and her crew are a part of that process. It's not a professionally done video so don't expect it to be, but the message it bears is current and important.

Sadly, but not surprisingly, some factions still operating in our world would prefer that such information not be made available publicly, and those factions are shutting down the videos as posted to public sites such as YouTube and Vimeo.

In light of that, the website Golden Age of Gaia, and others that I'm not aware of or privy to, are hosting the video on their private sites. I was able to download the videos while they were posted, you may be able to as well.

Here's a short introduction to why the "Fix the World" documentary was made and why it is such an important part of getting the word out that we're creating a new world:

Since the three videos are being removed from YouTube and Vimeo nearly as fast as they are posted, giving URLs is hopeless. What I can do is give you links to where you can find the videos on private sites, and where to find more information.

HopeGirl and Her Team Present How To Fix The World at Golden Age of Gaia

HopeGirl's Blog

Fix the World Project

Before I leave this topic I feel I need to add my own disagreement with how some of the material in the videos is presented. There's a bit of drama and judgement to some of the segments that I personally wish weren't included. For example, I don't make judgements about how much money people have or what they do with it, those are decisions we each make. My abundance doesn't detract from your abundance; your abundance doesn't detract from my abundance. There's plenty enough for all when we fully accept our own power as creators and stop buying into the lies and deception that have been running this world.

I want to see all of us thriving in our own ways, according to how we desire to live, without anyone needing to do without or suffer. So while I don't necessarily agree with everything shown in the videos, those differences don't detract from the message. It's a timely message and one I hope will help bring about the changes we all desperately seek.


With Thanks and Appreciation to the Whistleblowers

The Guardian, in its recent story about NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden, shows that Snowden is even more fascinating than the material that he has exposed. That is, for those of us who were already aware of what's been going on so we're not so surprised by this news, while fully appreciating that it is finally being exposed.

Although Snowden refused anonymity
... he repeatedly insisted that he wants to avoid the media spotlight. "I don't want public attention because I don't want the story to be about me. I want it to be about what the US government is doing."
Why did he come forward, at great potential risk to himself and his family?
"Much of what I saw in Geneva really disillusioned me about how my government functions and what its impact is in the world," he says. "I realised that I was part of something that was doing far more harm than good."
"The government has granted itself power it is not entitled to. There is no public oversight. The result is people like myself have the latitude to go further than they are allowed to"
"There are more important things than money. If I were motivated by money, I could have sold these documents to any number of countries and gotten very rich."
Despite these fears, he remained hopeful his outing will not divert attention from the substance of his disclosures.

"I really want the focus to be on these documents and the debate which I hope this will trigger among citizens around the globe about what kind of world we want to live in."

He added: "My sole motive is to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them."
What an amazing young man. We are fortunate to have human beings like Edward Snowden in the right places, willing to take the right risks to bring this information forward. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Snowden, Bradley Manning, and the many other known and unknown people both present and past who are and have been working to bring about a world based on truth, honesty, cooperation, and integrity.

Hilarion's Message - Get Close To Nature

Hilarion through Marlene Swetlishoff
June 9-17, 2013

Beloved Ones,

Through these next few weeks more of your natural and innate abilities and gifts will become more clarified within you. Your intuitive gifts are coming into greater focus and awareness within you and a greater feeling of oneness and unity with others and all the wonders of the earth will pervade your consciousness. There will also continue to be more moments of confusion and mental fogginess as your brain and body systems are recalibrated and aligned to your highest potentials and greatest good. All that you have focused your energy upon that is aligned to your individual and collective good will begin to manifest for you in wonderful ways.

Those who have done the spiritual work of clearing, refining and purifying their bodies, minds and feelings are aware that there is a feeling of something great and wonderful about to happen. This is in anticipation of the movement of the heavens into greater alignment with galactic center in the cosmic scheme of things and that this will open up a whole new realm of potential within humanity and the collective consciousness. All is in constant movement and transformation on the etheric levels but takes more time to be manifest upon the earth plane and within you.

If you have not already, begin to spend more time outdoors out in the sunshine for at least 20 minutes each day just gazing up at the sun in silence and reverence. The sun is the life giver of energies and further knowledge for all who are ready. Bask in its glow and warmth and connect to the trees, plants, birds and other creatures within your environment. Notice how much more connected you are to all that is around you and that communication is taking place between you. You will notice that there is a sense of family and oneness in your encounters with the birds and animals. You notice they are friendly and more trusting than before.

Be sure to ground yourselves deep into the crystalline diamond heart of the earth by visualizing a cord of light from your root chakra going deep into the center of the earth, anchoring within the diamond there and then flowing back up your spinal column up into your crown chakra and all the way up to the great central sun’s diamond at galactic center so that there is a flow of energy that occurs within you. You are the cosmic conduits who are here to help the earth expand her light within her core to become the beautiful star that is her radiant destiny.

The wonders that are waiting to be discovered stand poignant and ready for humanity to connect with. The elemental kingdom is joyfully in service to all of creation, helping to bring form to that which is envisioned by the beautiful co-creators of the new earth reality, the magnificent beings of light which each of you are. Get focused, beautiful ones, and hold your vision!

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

*Note from Marlene...I just came across this article in synchronicity and thought to post the link to it here: http://charbelmaklouf.wordpress.com/2013/06/07/nasa-confirms-super-human-abilities-gained-through-sungazing/

©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. www.therainbowscribe.com


Survivor: The Game of Life on Planet Earth

If you've followed this blog for awhile you'll know that I'm pretty enamored with the idea of looking at life as a game. Since our immediate response to seeing something as a game is "fun!", and given that life is rife with upset, anger, loss, lack, despicable behavior, lies, deceit - many things that are anything but fun - it's a bit of a stretch for many of us to even consider the notion that life might be a game. To that I would respond - that's because we're in it.

Inside and Outside the Game

When we're in a game, it doesn't feel like a game, does it? When we're fully engaged in playing a game it feels very very real. When we're fully engaged in a game, the actions we take and the emotions we feel are indistinguishable from any other area of our life. It's only when we step outside the game - have a timeout, go to the sidelines, sit on the bench for awhile, go to the locker room, have a meeting with our fellow players and/or coaches - that we can get enough perspective, hopefully, to evaluate and observe that when we are on the court we are truly participating in a game.

From an "outside the game" perspective we are able to see how best to move forward when we get back into the game. From that perspective, the one outside actual game play, we can listen to the guidance of our coaches, the ones observing the overall progress of the game. With their direction at hand we decide for ourselves whether to keep our course in the game or modify our behavior to better suit our role - our goal - in the game.

In fact, during these "time outs" we don't question that we're standing outside the game to evaluate our progress and consider modifying our behavior / game play, we accept it as a required and necessary part of the game. There's an "inside the game" and an "outside the game." Obvious.

So too with life, there are "outside the game" places we can be. Only in life, that's not so obvious. In many cases it's not even apparent.

Nevertheless, just like typical games, in life we have designated time-outs. Sleep time is one of them. Death is an even bigger one. Sleep might be equated, in video games, like logging off for awhile, or in boxing like sitting in our corner between rounds. Death might equate in video games to deleting our current character, birth to creating a new character; we're playing the same game, only in a different role. In sports games, death might equate to the end of the season, where we go away from the game completely for an extended period. Birth might equate to sports like coming back for a new season in a completely new position, or in the same position modified and amended by what we learned in the previous season.

Of course all of this assumes that we already accept that we are more than our body, more than our mind, more than our emotions. If one doesn't accept that, then any attempt to draw an analogy to life as a game will fall on deaf ears. Anyone not ready to see that there is an "outside the game" isn't ready to step out of the game.

But they will be. At some point, every individual on the planet will realize their power as a Creator and be ready to view the game from outside the game, and to bring more and more of that perspective into the game. As the new game progresses, more and more will play the game as it is now being designed, and the memory of that old game will fall further and further away.

For those continuing to be unwilling to see the new game, their life will end and they'll continue to play this kind of game somewhere else. That might sound cruel, but it's not. It's always a soul's choice what game they will play. The freedom of a soul to choose is absolute. What is also absolute is that the old game on Earth is over, and at some point all will be fully engaged in the new game, or they won't be here.

The Game Show "Survivor"

The reason I mention all this is that it occurs to me that the reality TV show "Survivor" is a very accurate portrayal of exactly where we're at in our evolution as a species right now.

In the reality TV show/game, "Survivor", the phrase "Outwit, Outplay, Outlast" is the theme. In this game, anything goes. If you aren't aware of the show, the object is to be the last man or woman standing. To survive. Here's how it works: Some number of players, generally around 20, are taken to a remote location on the globe, typically a small island, for what they hope will be 39 days. They arrive with only the most meager of tools and necessities for survival (to whit, themselves, water, basic tools, and some rice and beans). They are initially assigned to teams. The teams must band together to make shelter, make fire, find food, and generally just survive.

Every few days the teams are pitted against each other in contests called "challenges" to earn rewards like tools, food, or advantages in the game. After some of these contests the losing team is required to go to "Tribal Council" where they must vote one member of their team off the island. For that player the game is over, they cannot win it.

About halfway through the game, players voted out no longer leave the island but stick around to become the Jury. The last three players not voted out after 39 days become the only players with a chance to win. The Jury members vote on those final three players to decide who will actually win. The reward for winning is a pre-tax million dollars, so there's some incentive (along with personal goals) for players to play full out and win.

Over the course of the game alliances are made and broken; the game becomes less about teamwork and more about getting one's self to the end of the game. The point of the game, the ultimate goal, is to be the last person in the game, the "Sole Survivor". Players do their level best to win. Typically that involves getting rid of the strongest competition, the ones more likely to be able to survive to the end, more likely to be voted as winner than you, so that you can win. And do that while also holding onto the strong players long enough to tap them for their survival skills and their ability to help the team win challenges. And also garner enough respect - or few enough enemies - to be voted the winner should you end up as one of the final three.

Anything Goes

In Survivor, anything goes. Lie, cheat, steal, withhold, deceive; make friends, form alliances, work together; strategize, play hard, fend for oneself yet cooperate with others. Decide in each and every moment if some word or action will both get you what you want in the moment, and help you achieve the final goal of winning the game. Loyalty is paper thin and fleeting. One might say that if you really believe someone - anyone - is putting your best interests above their own, then you're totally deceiving yourself. The honest contestants openly admit that they'll do or say whatever it takes to be the last person standing: to win.

But that's the goal! It's a game! The goal is to win! Everyone participating is doing so of their own free will and choice, knowing full well what the rules are. In that light, whatever happens is whatever happens.

Along the way, every player experiences being liked and being appreciated. They also experience being lied to, sometimes blatantly and obviously, sometimes quietly and not so obviously. Since these are human beings we're talking about, with very human emotions, there's a lot of drama.

Some of the most exciting moves the game - for the players and the audience - are made without the awareness of one of the players affected. These are called, appropriately enough, "blind sides." This is where a player is led to believe that they are beloved by some number of their fellow players yet in truth are being targeted to be voted off. Being blindsided can cut one's ego to shreds. It's a rare individual that, when blindsided, doesn't feel the emotional pain of having been lied to by people they considered their friend.

Survivor and Us

What intrigues me about this particular reality show is how closely it resembles what our life has been all about here on Earth. We have joined into a game where our very survival is at stake. We need each other to help us survive, but our survival is so critical, so personal, that we can, and will, help each other only so much. It's rare in life that we will we sacrifice ourselves. In the reality game Survivor, those who sacrifice themselves (its rare but it happens there too) are considered weak, stupid, gullible, and pretty much laughed off the show. Not so different in real life, eh?

To me, one of the most beautiful parts of this game/show called "Survivor" is when one of the players who is voted off, especially when they've been blindsided, has the foresight to realize that they have been playing a game. They have lost yes, but they aren't bitter about it. They have the grace to be able to say "I lost. You bested me! Good on you!" rather than the typical "I liked/loved you, I trusted you, how could you do that to me?!"

That attitude of acceptance and even honor for their fellow player has been rare on the show, but interestingly enough, over the last few seasons has become more common. Isn't that what's happening with all of us on Earth right now? Aren't some of us waking up to the game, realizing that those who hurt us have been playing a game and so have we; realizing that the game is over and it's time to just say "You bested me! Good on you!" and then laugh - TOGETHER - about what fun times we had, even though in the moment many of those experiences felt awful and horrid and painful.

Game Over

The good news here, is that "Survivor", while it has been how the game on Earth has been played, is no longer the game we're playing. That's what "the Shift" is. That's what awakening is. That's what ascension is. It isn't going off to some nirvana somewhere, it's realizing - right here right now, right where we are - that we're playing a different game. Realizing that the game of Survivor here on Earth is over. Done. Completed. We're at the wrap party now.

It's appropriate at a wrap party / cast party to congratulate each other on a job well done. To realize that we've all been playing roles. By agreement. To realize that if we've been hurt it's because at a soul level we wanted to experience that hurt. We wanted to know what it feels like, wanted to know what we'd do when confronted with those feelings. How would we respond? What actions would we take? What would we take from that experience? If we determined to play the perpetrator, how deeply into the role would we fall? Would we get caught up in it and fall deeper and deeper into the role, or would we realize what was happening and discover compassion? or? or? or?

Now we know. We have - each and every one of us alive today has - a rich background of other lives (be they human lives or lives as some other physical species). We know what it's like to be the victim. Been there, done that. We know what it's like to be the perpetrator. Been there, done that. We know what it's like to be deceived, to be humiliated, to be physically abused, to be emotionally abused, to be used, tossed aside, not appreciated, not loved, to be hurt in every possible way. But we also know what it's like to be honored, to be appreciated, to be loved, to experience creativity and joy and freedom and peace and .. love. We know this because we've experienced it, all of it, in all its richness and glory and in all of its upset and anguish.

We have, each and every one of us down to the least, experienced all that we came into this particular game to experience. We're done. Game Over. Whether we players are alive in a physical body currently, or in our natural form of spirit currently, this particular game is over. It's time to realize that the costume is just a costume, that the props are just props. It's time to move outside the emotions of the game, to begin to congratulate each other on being one who participated in this game and milked it for all it was worth. Congratulate each other on getting down and getting dirty, on being the good guy and the bad guy, the rich guy and the poor guy, the abuser and the abused; on doing it all. It's time now to fully realize that that game is over. The new game is under way.

End Game

There are some things that are common to all games. There's always a way to keep score, whether it's a team score or a personal score (karma). There are always breaks designed in (sleep, meditation, death, conscious awareness). There are always others to consult for advice and guidance (coaches, teachers, experts). And there is always - always - an end to a game. Even Boardwalk, a game that can seem to go on and on forever, eventually comes to an end. At some point, win lose or draw, at some point it is declared "this game is over."

So this game - the game of Survivor Planet Earth, Third Density - like absolutely every game we've ever played, was designed to have an end. As I noted earlier, no game that we have ever played doesn't come to an end at some point. There's always an end. We are at that end. Actually we've passed the end, but not everyone is aware of that or in agreement with it. Yet.

We had a goal, and that goal was to survive to the end, and then to realize that we did so that a new game could be started. Well .. we did it! Yay us! We are, as a species, as a race, "Sole Survivor" of this game. We don't have to die off, become annihilated, end the species, to begin the new game. Instead we are taking our game pieces and most of our props with us into the new game.

That was our highest intent at the start of this game - to survive intact as a species. To not kill ourselves off during the game or in the process of ending the game. We accomplished our highest objective. Did we have help? Of course we did! That doesn't make the victory any less sweet.

Because this game wasn't a loss, it wasn't even a draw, it was a win. Old game - won. New game - on. And the best news? The new game cannot be won or lost, the new game simply is. We might say that it's a game of "What will we create now, together? in joy and in love?"

And since it is a new game, we can decide what our new game piece will look like, what its attributes will be, what the new props will be, what the new Earth will be. In partnership with Gaia, in partnership with our Galactic brothers and sisters, in partnership with our friends, family, and partners, those in spirit and those in physicality, including the Elohim and other master designers of this Universe, we are recreating everything on our beloved planet to fit inside a new ruleset.

Is it going to be a lot of work, building a new earth on the same game board, starting with the same props and game game pieces? You bet it is. But its going to be the best kind of work - creative, fun, joyful, exciting work. Work we do together, as a team, in cooperation, with respect and appreciation for one another, and out of joy. It will be like nothing we - as a human race - have ever before experienced. A new game! Yay! Time to get excited! Time to be excited!

What Sometimes Happens At End Game

Sometimes when the end of a game is declared, some number of players don't want to stop playing. Maybe they're having a great time, maybe they feel they haven't achieved their goal, maybe they're still feeling the emotions of being in the game and aren't ready to give it up. Maybe, by their definition, they don't feel that they've won and they want to keep on playing until they do. So for whatever reason, some number of players will find that they simply are not ready to give up playing yet, even though the game has ended. For these players it is and will continue to be disconcerting to them still being on the court, still trying to carry on, while the vast majority of players have left, when the vast majority are no longer playing their game.

That's the position of many people on Earth right now. The old game has ended, a new game has begun, and yet there are a great number of human beings still trying to play the old game. In most cases they don't realize there is a new game. It's disconcerting to them and to us. They are attempting to play by rules long ago established for the old game - lack, competition, deceit, deception, power over, anger, abuse, dog-eat-dog, whatever it takes, win at any cost.

The New Game

The rest of us are into a new game now. A game that takes as its base a rule set of cooperation, integrity, honesty, compassion, understanding, acceptance, freedom, beauty, joy, and love. Can you even begin to imagine the kind of world we can build based on those concepts rather than the other ones?

It begins with us.

Its our role, those of us aware that this is a new game, to play by the new rule set so that others may come to realize too, that the old game is over.

We don't do that by telling people how to be, by telling them what they're doing wrong, by being resentful of the wrongs they've committed - or continue to commit - against us. Nor do we do it by allowing them to continue to treat us in old ways, according to the old rule set.

We do it by being the new rule set. By realizing that we've experienced horror and ugliness and lack and deception because we wanted to, because we could not experience those things in our natural state of ease, grace and harmony. We do it by not blaming any one for our circumstances; by taking full and complete responsibility for our lives and our experiences. We do it by being respectful of others, but no longer allowing them to treat us in ways that we don't wish to be treated, doing things to us that we no longer wish to have done.

We do it by realizing that we are in a new role. "Oh, I see you are still playing 'Survivor.' So no matter how despicable you try to be, I cannot be - I will not be - upset with you, because I understand that you simply aren't aware of what I'm aware of. But know that I will not continue to play that game with you."

"You still think we're all playing that old game, and so you behave as if we are. I know that we are not, so I behave differently. As I continue to behave differently you will discover your Self as I have discovered my Self and then we will both be playing the new game. I can hardly wait!"

It begins with us taking a stand to participate fully in the new game, leaving the old game behind. Saying to ourselves "I'm no longer willing to play that game with you. I'm playing a different game now. I'm going to keep playing my game, which includes appreciating you, honoring you, unconditionally loving you, until you are ready to play the new game too, even if I have to do that without you in my physical life. I will do that for you, even if you are not aware that I am and cannot appreciate that I am, until you wake up too. Until you are ready to take off the old uniform, get off the old court, give up the old rule set, and join me here in the new game. When you are ready to do that, we can play with each other again. Differently. This time with appreciation and love, and in joy."

It begins with us noticing, in any given moment, in any given experience, which game are we playing. Are we playing the new game or the old? being the new ruleset or the old? Are we simply surviving or moving into thriving? It's our choice, it always is.

And you know what? When we stop to look around we realize that there are a lot of us already playing, and we're having the time of our lives. This is an "all comers" game, no one left out. But it does have a new ruleset. We invite anyone and everyone to join us, no matter what role they played in the old game. All they have to do is give up the old ruleset. And they, like us, can do that any time they like.


Uriel: Everything Supports Your Journey

Everything Supports Your Journey

Archangel Uriel through Jennifer Hoffman
May 20, 2013

Everything on your life path supports your journey from pain to joy, from fear to love, from powerlessness to empowerment, and from limitation to limitlessness. There are no challenges in any aspect of your reality that do not support your evolution. Every trial and sorrow has embedded within it the spark of your divine truth, which you can see and know when you seek the highest outcome. That is why the brightest path is often the most challenging one because it represents your soul’s call to healing. It is not the path of highest vibration, greatest clarity, or the one that is the most joyful and peaceful for you. Very often it is the one that is the most challenging and that you find least desirable. Your soul lights this path so you will follow it and in doing so, create healing and transformation. This is your journey into ascension and evolution.

The more you resist this bright path, the brighter it becomes. Your soul agreement is grounded in healing and you are the healer, as well as the healing. It all happens through you and while you have the ability to experience the pain, you also have the ability to take the journey through the pain to create joy. If you allow the pain to become the journey, you have lost sight of your soul’s healing commitment. The commitment you have with Source is to move from healing to evolution, from density to light, and from fear to love. Everything in your reality supports this journey. This is ascension and it is your mission.

You are warriors of the light and for the light, and many of you are now completing this very long journey, whose beginning you do not remember as it began with your first incarnation. The veil between dimensions, frequencies and vibrations has been lifted but it is one of several veils that are now clearing. When the veil is lifted, all that was hidden behind it is revealed and this includes the veils in your own lives. Your power and true light were hidden from you so you could fully experience the density of that which you came to heal. And this is what has become your brightest path so you can apply your power to its resolution. The time you have long awaited is now here, move forward to bring the light of truth, peace, and love to the places you know need them the most, beginning with you and your healing journey. You heal the world by healing yourself.

If you resist the pain, you are resisting the expansion of your own light. You created this path for yourselves so you could bring light to the world. Resist the temptation to judge, as it limits your ability to understand the true nature of your experiences. Everything exists to support your transformation, evolution and ascension. The most difficult challenges can inspire you to take the greatest action and while fear can create powerful inertia, you use fear as a vehicle to move you from that which you fear the most into joy. How much easier could your journey be if you recognized that fear and its emotions indicated the presence of powerful healing opportunities?

Have the courage to step bravely into the most brightly lit path, the one you fear the most. Empower and encourage yourself with the light, guidance and support that will help you transmute the fear into a greater expression and expansion of your light. Be willing to go within and find the spark of divine light that is within everything and your boldness and courage will be rewarded with the guidance you need to take the next step, and each one after that. Always ask to be shown the highest outcome, the most wonderful solution and the greatest peace, joy and love in every situation. Seek healing and wholeness, to be brought back to your divine center of unlimited joy, peace and love, expect to be guided and supported in each step of this journey and you will be.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may translate, quote, and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-commercial sites only, as long as you include the author’s name and a working link back to this website. All other uses of this article and information are strictly prohibited.


Sophia: Your Absolute Value

Money has nothing to do with value. You are the value – money is a game piece.

Wise words.

In addition to a wonderful post about a controversial topic, what I love is that it comes from someone just like us - a regular human being who's fed up with being lied to, ready to stand up and say "enough!" - we are sovereign beings and expect to be treated as such.

How do we do that? By taking a stand in our own lives that we are the value, not money or things or activities or careers, and to apply to each other exactly the same value that we give ourselves.

Thank you Sophia! Full article below:

Your Absolute Value - "Spend like a Boss"

This is a place of knowing. You have come from a place of wishing it was true, to a place of hoping it could be true, to knowing it is true. You are the value. The value is not held in the 5, 6 or 10 billion. The value is you.

The whole notion of cash was a set-up. A brilliant device used to enslave and de-value you. It is no wonder the beings who devised this plan were referred to as “gods”. With the creation of ownership, the game was on. It is an old game, as evidenced by discoveries of hoards of ancient priceless artifacts along with stories of servants and royalty.

These stories are your history. Deeply embedded in your collective subconscious is the notion of top-down, master-servant, and owner-slave. This is intentional. This gradual awareness of your enslavement has been your awakening. As you step back far enough, you see that pockets of revolution have always occurred. You write books and films about these revolts and their hero’s, always identifying with them at some level. You praise their courage and are fully in their camp throughout. This is because You are One.

Slaves, servants, the lower rung, the working class are different brandings of just one thing – a being who believes himself owned. It may be a king or a mortgage, it matters not. If you believe your very life is dependent on you ability to work for something or someone (which is debt of any kind), you have a master.

We have come now to understanding the corrupt banking practices that run the world. This is gradually morphing into a realization of our worth. We are the only value that has ever been. Nothing happens without our signature. It is our identity that begins the process and it is initiated at birth. We are catalogued, counted and our value is used as commodity. It is our absolute value that those who understand the game are after.

We are stepping into a place of knowing. The fact that the game is rigged does not alter the players. We agreed to the game, used it to catapult our awareness and we’ve arrived at the moment of our realization. We are the value.

If my signature is necessary for a lousy $300,000.00 mortgage or $5,000.00 credit card – then the worth of my Being is beyond comprehension. Numbers have been tossed out – 5 Billion, 10 Billion. Yet truly I say to you – Can you put a numerical value on life?

Yes, right now money is deemed necessary and yes, until we end the game it will be (necessary) and yes, there is a system being launched, that will assure you get yours – but I ask you again, what number would you use to categorize the value of you?

You are unlimited – an eternal BEing of light with Angelic DNA. You’ve volunteered to participate in a great forgetting so that you would one day come to an incredible process of remembering. You have been of service to the whole of creation. It is time now to accept your worth.

This is not the same as pretending, dreaming or wishing, for in each rests a state of disbelief. This is a knowing.

One of our sons wanted a two wheeler. So we got him one. It sat for days, maybe weeks, in the garage, un-ridden. There was some discussion, not much, about the idea that he’d figure it out just as soon as he got on that bike. Time passed. One day, without discussion, he marched down the stairs, out the door, to his bike and rode down the street. That was the day he stopped wishing he could ride a two wheeler. That day he knew he was a bike rider.

Money has nothing to do with value. You are the value – money is a game piece.

What Heather, Caleb and Randall* did last year was figure out the game, call their bluff and lay the cards on the table for all of us to see. It was a brilliant move. With honor and gratitude I acknowledge their magnificence and accept responsibility for my own.

Slaves wait to be told what to do. Masters decide what is necessary and take care of it. You are a Master. Take your life, your Absolute Value, into consideration in every moment. It is worth no less or more than the life of any other. We are One.

I have said you are Gods. There is nothing beyond your reach. Within you is the stuff of miracles. Your imagination is your greatest tool, followed by belief, knowing and DOing. This is your game – what piece have you chosen and what will you do with it? Your value is beyond comprehension. It is time to spend it.

A brave, bold, beautiful and powerful angel has said “It’s time to spend like a boss”. Yes Seraph, it is. Let no one who engages you misunderstand your value. BE the value every moment. Say “I AM” “I AM the Lord thy god. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.”

The words are true. They have been misrepresented, that’s all. Our God does not demand subservience. Our God is the One. It is the collective that has played the game; now its time to collect and “spend like a boss”.

The Absolute Value does not rest in a number, it is found in each Embodiment of Eternal Essence. It is found in you. You know who you are. What are you waiting for? You are the One.


* These are the folks who created the OPPT (the One People's Trust) and filed the UCC documents that reclaimed freedom for all peoples. As an aside, now that the documents have been filed and not disputed legally by any entity, the Trust has been dissolved and the organization shifted to simply the One People - of which each human being on our planet is a part.


Metatron: One Heart - About Sovereign Solitude and Partnering

One Heart
Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

May 2, 2013

Greetings Beloved: I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering.

It is Year One of the newly Ascended Planet Earth. In this extraordinary phase of linear time on your planet there is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude.

Masters, many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle, find yourselves in a state of sovereign solitude.

Spouses have passed, children have left, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended and many of you find yourselves living alone. And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel 'unnatural' for many of you, it is a seclusion of high purpose.

You see, in times of chosen solitude you are able to quiet the mind and open to Spirit ...and in this process Angelic Gates open, and Spirit embraces you. The paradox is that in sacred solitude you truly are NOT alone. Masters, in detachment, however difficult, your separateness enables an un-entangled freedom for you to examine the self and your life expression in profound perlustration. And indeed that is truly requisite for all advanced souls. Places in the lifestream for secluded contemplation are ever present on the Path of Mastery. It has always been so.

So we tell you to use this time wisely, embrace it. You are on the cusp of a great graduation.

There is a recurring message in many of your religious texts: "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven".

Divine Solitude is a noble condition, and one that offers quantum leaps in terms of growth, when understood, and recognized for its profound purpose. You see the Divine-Self is ultimately, conclusively alone in its final pursuit of omnipotence. In your terms, the soul enters the earth alone, and the spirit departs the earth alone. Ascended Masters that walk the Earth have for millennia sought solitude in their incarnations before achieving Mastery. So it is with many of you now.

Dear Ones, Many of you who find yourself alone at this time, are of the belief that you must find a partner. Many of you seek your 'soul mate' your twin flame. Yet we tell you, in many cases among the advanced souls, you are alone because you have planned it. Indeed it is a special and noble undertaking. It is time for Divine Solitude.

Among souls seeking Mastery, approximately one of every four lifetimes, is a lifetime chosen for recalibration and advancement utilizing the planned focal freedom to do so by sacred solitude. Those seeking sanctified light, what is termed 'consecrated enlightenment', choose specific periods in their life plan, to be alone for a time. This does not mean you will always be in solitude, it simply means for a time you have chosen to 'work on the self'... to achieve self love & make final adjustments.

Love of self is a condition that many, especially those from Christian heritage, have lost. Christianity with its teachings of original sin taught you that you were flawed in your nature, that you needed forgiving. You spent lifetimes prostrate asking forgiveness for who you are. You lost your sense of your divinity, and found it easier to give than to receive. Balance was forfeited.

For others, there may be a sense of self-condemnation from actions or missteps that have deeply programmed a sense of guilt & unworthiness. An inability to love the self has pervaded and created self denial because you are unable to forgive yourself for whatever action led you to this erroneous belief. As a result relationships have failed.

It is a great Truth that you cannot truly love others until you first love yourself. As long as you hold beliefs of unworthiness, you will create a reaction of rejection & denial in others. It is the double-edge of the Law of Attraction. You will repeat this self created exile, this self projected punishment until you learn that you are divine, that you are a flawless spark of God in your eternal divinity.

Life will change when you accept this great wisdom, and learn to consciously create your life. But self love is an absolute requisite. Love is not an emotion, it is a vibratory frequency. Love of self is not earned, it is a birthright. Love is the only resonance that will allow you to graduate to higher realms.

Love IS the way. .. a way that must contain love of Self. Dear Human, until you love yourself you cannot love others, obtain mastery, nor truly love life. And it may take lifetimes of self examination in solitude for you to realize this. Love begins in you! There is no other path.

Dear Human, Life is difficult and challenging. That is a great Truth.

Many situations in life are uncomfortable & provocative. That is by design. It is how you scripted your life in order to grow. The obstacles in your path were put there by YOU, by your higher self to serve as springboards. It is not easy, nothing of great value is obtained without effort. But it is often when you are out of your comfort zone, in a state of confused conundrum or sadness that you are driven by circumstance to face and resolve your challenges and transcend them. To do so is an attribute of Mastery in its finest aspect.

Great numbers of Seekers are facing the Self in 2013. It is a year perfectly designed in astrological pattern for this final clean up... sweeping out what was hidden so that it may be resolved . The New Earth is transforming further into the Crystalline aspect in 2013 & Beyond. Nothing can remain in shadow, nothing can be hidden in this impeccable coherent light of the newly Ascended Earth. And for the many that are in solitude, and the many that are not - this is your perfect & chosen time to polish up any areas of tarnish, to remove any final obstacles.

You may ask whether solitude or partnerships bring greater advancement to the soul in the New Earth energetics...

The question is timely and especially pertinent for many of you in the 2013 dawn of the Ascension. The short answer is that both coupling and solitude have their divine purpose.... and we underline the word BOTH. Much is gained in being in committed loving relationship. This is the natural circumstance in most sojourns on the plane of Earth. Yet for the soul seeking final Mastery, solitary status is also 'natural'. So we emphasize there is great purpose in solitude. Advanced souls plan for it.

It is no error that great numbers of you on the final steps of the Ascended Path of Enlightenment in 2013 are alone in this period. If you are among these, we tell you that perhaps your solitude is appropriate. Perhaps it is as it should be. You see, it is how many of you planned it.

Yet many of you feel that the loneliness is too much to bear and that you must pursue a partner...the elusive twin flame. Dear Souls, there is much confusion around the concept of the twin flame, the 'soul mate', and the role and nature of optimal partnership in Mastery of Self.

Solitude is intended to be a period of sublime reverence of self. Your life and your experience in this plane is your own creation, your own living tapestry, woven by your individual belief. Within solitude, the soul is prompted into self-review, and opportunity is given to dive deeply into the deep waters that flow within you. To swim in the ocean of SELF, and in so doing rediscover the love within, to learn what a brilliant spark of God you truly are. Relationships are a method of reflecting the affectivity of your belief system, and giving you feedback on what, simply stated, is working, and what is not. Detachment requires the individual to explore the self, to reacquaint with the inner horizon, and this facilitates and necessitates sovereignty. Sovereignty is the prepotency of Mastership.

A relationship of two sovereign nondependent humans has greater balance, greater creativity, and greater longevity than a pairing of two beings co-dependent on one another. Do you understand? Ultimately each soul must clearly define SELF in order to gain Mastery. Self Mastery is embodied in periods of planned detachment. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized. And we tell you Dear Ones, crystallization, through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self- Mastery. It is a calibrational juncture in the multidimensional sojourn. One enters the void, the great mystery in the quest for fortitude and sovereign vision, alone, without a shoulder to lean on. And in the process, one discovers sublime wholeness and self completion.

Do not misunderstand our meaning; there is great validity in coupling, in the natural aspect of soul mate. But conclusively one walks the path of Mastery in sovereign detachment. One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical self. Each of you must endeavor to the final conquest of what we term as 'impeccability'. Impeccability is the crystallization or uniform clarity of the soul, and it is a necessary virtue of Mastery. This involves release of dependency, the release of all that does not serve your divinity. It is a rebooting and reprogramming of all you are.

We have told you that the language, the fabric of higher dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind. By defining oneself through impeccability one becomes crystalline, and thus more capable of Divine Consciousness within the geometric light of coherent higher planes. It is only accomplished by deciding who you are, what you believe, and then living it. Recognizing your truths, and aligning fully to them.

Question to Metatron: Are you saying that loving relationships, such as marriage, are not our ultimate union?

Metatron: Remember that in the highest realm you are in sacred Oneness, each a part of the Divine One. So in terms of duality experience, the answer to your question is yes. In this context, YES! Masters, in highest reality, you are a unified plural consciousness.

Relationships in the linear duality experience are a means to the end. We are saying that loving relationships are a sacred, joyful tool of achieving Self Mastery, but that ultimately in each soul's journey there will be an ultimate growth into sovereignty. The sovereign self is a sufficient self & truly has no dependent need of another. Such conceptual dependency can be a deterrent to Mastery.

In truth you merge in sovereignty with your other half. The other part of your soul that separated in duality expression. Each of you have a male and female component in duality, and the other half is re-merged in the Integral Divine Self before rising into higher realm. This is in fact a requisite mergence, and is occurring for so many of you as you enter 2013.

Many of you consider a soul mate and twin flame the same. Only the syntax is in parity. The true meanings are different. The twin flame is the other half of the same soul, split in duality, and these are very rarely in physicality together. The 'soul mate' is in our terms, another soul with whom you have contracted to grow together within physical duality, as a means of development and exploration of love with another soul by movement toward common purpose.

The seeming paradox in linear relationships, that of the 'soul mate' concept (not the twin flame) is that a relationship of two non-dependent sovereign beings, has greater joy, greater balance, greater interface with the divine, greater opportunity for advancement than a relationship based on co-dependence. Do you see?

In this time, in this now of 2013, many of you are actually merging with your etheric (non-physical) twin flame, and molding your sacred fullness into one physicality in order for you to enter the crystalline realm of the New Earth in integral self unified wholeness.

In most cases this soul reconnection is accomplished in solitude or in sovereign non dependent relationships. So we say embrace your chosen period of SOVEREIGN SOLITUDE, it is the sign of your soul's intent to enter into Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na Mastery.

We add that many who are in this life, of the female gender, have chosen particularly efficacious roles in the balancing of the planet at this time. Is it not true that the planet has been unbalanced in an overage of patriarchal energies for millennia?

That is why it would appear that a vast majority of those drawn to the 'New Age' are female, you see, to anchor in the Divine Feminine. Females have been conditioned and labeled in your current paradigm as the 'weaker sex'. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

Some of the females who find themselves now in single status are conditioned to feel they must have a partner. Again, we say embrace your solitude. You chose it, we honor you for the path you have chosen. The ideal for the planet, is not to be female or male, rather a perfect balance of BOTH, but it is at the moment still in an imbalance of patriarchal resonance. We honor those of you in female biology, your strength is indeed progressing in creating the nurturing balance. Truly the over-soul is androgynous, self-contained. Self-sufficient. That does not mean that love is not the frequencial basis of the soul, indeed it is the highest vibration. It is the resonance that is produced by the Ascended Soul to the Cosmos, and reflected back as a collective harmonic of crystalline love.

There is a time when those of you who have played the role of soul mates, will individualize, and in your terms, part in joy.

The evolved soul in achieving omnipotence, will become consummately self sufficient, and in so doing radiate spectacular unconditional love to ALL. That is as it should be, as it must be. It is how you Ascend. The final graduation of the soul is not done in pairing, you see. It is done within the Divine SELF in universal harmonic to the All that is. Do you understand?

This is the activation of Self to the divine resonance of the Quantum Crystalline Field. Separation must occur before the final collective reunion, it must alchemically occur to allow for the final coalescence into the ALL THAT IS. It is who you ARE. It is the IAM that I AM. It is the chosen, destined path of all of you.

In summation, our point here is that if you find yourself in Solitude, recognize its purpose. If you are in a relationship refine it in beauty to the greater love of non-dependence. You will indeed discover the love expands and the relationship becomes more appropriate, more resplendent in non dependency; just as you are discovering relationships of unbalanced dependency are one way streets, and ultimately fail.

In sovereignty humanity will see themselves in the functional framework of being 'whole' and not being their partner's property or someone's 'better half'. Each will bring their integral, whole SELF in fullness, in robust flow of energy into relationship, in a manner that often does not occur today.

There are pre-agreed points that allow for freedom of choice and for change, even if that change is to end the partnership. In sovereignty individuals share their best, without compromise of ideals. Each will recognize the divinity of the other, and retain the integrity of SELF. They will afford their own promises and choices of a new paradigm, but there will be avenues and opportunities of adjustments and the ability of reviewing terms.

This will allow for greater recognition of the SELF. These will be designed to prevent energy blockage and reduce dysfunctional marriages and divorce complications and lawsuits, you see. Some relationships in these terms will indeed last a lifetime, some will not. But the archetype of sovereignty will better support both, based on choice and mutual agreement of each individual's terms. And as such independence becomes joyful, devoid of one partner being dominant and imposing their beliefs, morality and will over another.

Humankind, in mass today, truly does not recognize or understand their soul, their divine SELF. Self is unfortunately regulated to the realm of ego personality by the masses. It is true that a higher degree of the light quotient is awakened on the planet now, more than has occurred at any other time.

Religion in the new paradigm must be individualized, must truly recognize the nature of SELF, the nature of the DIVINE SOUL.

None of your world religions truly answer these questions today. None of your religions acknowledge your Cosmic Extra-Terrestrial heritage nor your multi-dimensional nature. And that must and will be acknowledged & understood in the new paradigm.

None of your current mainstream religions can accurately and completely express the true history of man on the earth. As such, there is no one true religion on the planet today. Most are bought and sold on preset regulated templates. Each claim to know the paths to God, to be able to lead the way to God, yet none truly do. Each has its dogma; each has its hierarchy and some utilize fear based controls that encourage fanaticism and zealotry.

Man searches for GOD more earnestly now than at any other time on the planet, and so this seeking in itself has the potential to bring in the light. Few of the present day 'religious' teachers are true teachers, dogmatic scholars perhaps, but not teachers of TRUTH. Others are ego and power based charlatans who project a false impression of their 'credentials'. And we tell you that deceivers and grandiose masqueraders are ever present even within metaphysics and the so called 'New Age' arenas. Many proclaimed leaders become ego-addicted to adulation, and feed on the energy of impressionable followers. You need no guru's in 2013, Year One of the New Earth.

When integrity is not maintained the connection to true spirit is disconnected, and all who are human are subject to fall in and out of integrity. Truly, the way in the Ascension is the ability of each soul to raise into his/her higher self. Look inside and find your own divinity within your heart. Not through blindly following a guru, evangelist, channeler or spiritual leader, but through SELF.

Accept only what you discern individually to resonate as true, Dear Ones, and do not give your power to another. Each of you can and must channel your higher selves. Study, look, listen, discern, review and only accept what resonates within you. The way to the divine, Masters, is through the sacred sovereignty of SELF, and in the Ascension, the way to the higher SELF is through self-definition, and seeking that aspect of God inside each of you, with the great desire that is embedded in each of your souls. Study, seek, and work! You cannot advance if you become disheartened, depressed or apathetic. Lethargy does not serve you. Effort is requisite to rise above duality. It has always been so.

You are here to make known the unknown! Work at it! Be a warrior of light within duality, for the true battles are within for self mastery. The path is not easy. But within Self Mastery lies energy so exquisite that it fuels all you require to move forward ... and there is ever another level above each you ascend to. Consciousness is eternally kinetically expanding; it does not reach a level of static dormancy. So we tell you that your higher selves find great humor in cemetery epitaphs of Rest in Peace, for joy is a dynamic state!

Discover your path. Discover yourself. Love yourself, love one another, and love the divinity inside you and inside every one! Discover the multidimensional aspects of your true Soul. That is the nobility of solitude. And though the path is at times quite difficult and lonely, know that such is the challenge of duality, for above, you are whole, and lack nothing. In the higher realm, Masters, you are in your sacred nature of integral wholeness, in complete and abundant bliss.

Masters Enlightenment occurs one heart at a time, it is in facing Creator in solitude that each soul graduates into the higher realms. It has always been so. Each of you will choose solitude at some point. Recognize it and embrace it, for it is the sacred time for advancement.

We are ever with you. We offer unconditional love. We ask that you treat yourself and others with nurturing love and respect. We honor you!

I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I share with you these TRUTHS! You are Beloved.

...And so it is.


Veronica: A Simple Action

A Simple Action

Veronica through April and Allen Crawford at Inner Whispers

April 30, 2013

We are often asked how one can make a difference for the better in their relationships.

Many seek a complicated answer. However, a simple action can begin the process of healing and positiveness in their daily life for themselves, and others.

Each day, verbal defamation and gossip ravages many lives. It is often overlooked as many feel there are much bigger problems to solve in the universe. All are having their own unique experiences, and some are damaged by these types of actions.

We would suggest starting to clean up your personal reality of these seeds of negativity. Begin by only speaking good of others, while encouraging others to do the same.

By leading with a positive loving example, perhaps others who are deeply entrenched in speaking negatively will evolve to a more positive approach.

Many larger problems in the world have their roots in personal and cultural behavior.

Be the leader.

Your example may make your life totally different. Rejoice in the change and become the nurturer.

Not that it will be an exodus from all the negativity, but it will at least be a beginning.

Change happens one person at a time.

Remember to speak to the good in another. Perhaps they will be inspired to do the same.

Keeping your positive stance will have an effect. Those who will hear you will be elevated to a new perspective.

Be kind.

Be positive.

Be different.

It does change things.



Clearing and Integrating Core Issues, A Personal Tale - Phase II

The discovery of myself caught between the opposing factions of control and defiance I will call Phase I, posted here

Heading into Phase II, I spent several weeks doing not much else (aside from living my normal life) than being diligent with my thoughts, refocusing as warranted. Refocusing my thoughts to empower me when I noticed I was disempowered - either back in or heading toward “the battle of the two me’s”.

When I noticed thoughts appearing in my mind that I wasn’t doing something or another that I should be doing, I would smile internally and let the thought go. It became much easier to see it for what it was - old programming - and letting go was becoming surprisingly easy. 

Eventually these thoughts came less often. Certainly any emotion that had previously been attached to them was gone or essentially nil. 

These thoughts no longer felt like my thoughts, but simply thoughts. As if an innocent child had spoken them and I knew, even if the child did not, that the thoughts had no power. They only gained power when I believed in them, followed them, acted upon them, argued with them, allowed them to persist.

I knew that something big was coming, not only because I wasn’t feeling inspired by any of the things that typically inspired me, but because I had taken a stand that I wanted to, and was willing to, release the last vestiges of who I have been and welcome more of who I really am. 

At some point I was given this powerful thought “Release means letting go.” 

Release Means Letting Go

Well, duh. Of course release means letting go! Textbook definition if I ever heard one. 

But there was a significance to this phrase that I hadn’t seen before. Release means letting go of the story(ies). 

Stories about who we are that we have developed over time and lifetimes. Stories that aren’t the real ‘us’ but only ‘us’ as a character in a play. This play, for instance. The one Earth at this time.

I realized in a flash that I couldn’t release “who I am not” while I’m still holding tight to the story of "who I am". The story of this lifetime in this play. That’s what I had to let go of.

Sounds simple, no? Yes. Simple. Not necessarily easy. 

I had to look at that concept for awhile. It brought up questions: What does that mean, give up my story? Does it mean I’m not a wife, mother, grandmother, friend? How can I not be those things? I AM those things! 

Does it mean I don’t try to control people and circumstances, and I don’t allow myself to be controlled? I could get behind that.

Does it mean I’m a tidy person, not the person with the slob-like nature that I tend to project into my personal life .. in defiance of being told what to do by parties so gone from my life that it’s beyond amazing that I’d still be listening to them? I could get behind that too.

But in letting go of who I am not, is it appropriate to replace one story with another? If I let go that I’m a slob (in my private life, since I am not that in my public life .. and there it is again, that two-headed part of my nature), must I be tidy instead? That didn’t seem right. That smacked of duality. Either/Or. One or the other. 

What if releasing the story means I’m not any of those things? What if it means I can behave in tidy ways, I can behave in slobbish ways, I can behave however it suits me to behave? Does it need to have a label? 

Hundreds of similar scenarios arose to be examined. I pondered them for days. Things like: If I don’t do the dishes after dinner, what am I? Am I a slob or am I lazy or just very busy or a procrastinator? What am I in that scenario? 

Here’s the decision I finally landed on: Maybe I’m not any of those things. Maybe I’m just a human being who .. who didn’t do the dishes after dinner. No judgement, no labels, no story “yep, did it again, left the dishes in the sink just like you always do blah blah blah” ad nauseum. These are ad nauseum judgements that I’ve silently and automatically made for .. well, for all of my life that I can recall. 

What if what I was being asked to let go of was nothing more or less than all those stories? All of them. 

All of them? That’s a tall order. I have hundreds, thousands, millions, uncountable numbers of stories! Let go of all of them? I slumped back in my chair. oh. my. gawd. How in the name of our lovely Gaia am I supposed to do that?

The answer came instantly and powerfully, as they always do for me when I ask a profound question. 

“One story at a time.”

Of course. One at a time. 

This could take awhile.

Becoming Real

I remembered a scene from the Velveteen Rabbit that has always held great meaning for me:
“It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse.

"You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby.

But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.”
That’s where we each are right now, in the process of becoming Real - becoming the Who We Really Are.

Or perhaps better said, peeling away, releasing, integrating, all that stands between us and who we are really. We're the sculptor removing all that is not the statue. Uncovering, discovering, the treasure hidden inside the stone.

We have been immersed in a process of becoming for eons. One could argue since forever and always.

Getting Outside the Box

But in the most recent play, our becoming was becoming as contained in a box - a box called “Life on Planet Earth”, translated as “life in third density.” In that play we were becoming more of who we are by being a third density human, with all that being a third density human entails - duality, greed, abuse, misery, suffering; power over and overpowered by. 

That old becoming was a fun experience, a grueling experience, every type of experience imaginable. But most of us are now done with that becoming, the becoming inside the box. Not all of us, but most of us. Some are still deciding.

Humanity's Turning Point

We’re at a turning point in our becoming. We are now 'becoming' as an expanded being. 'Becoming' the more we have always been. We are including in our selves - but no longer limiting ourselves to - being human. Shedding the illusion that allowed us to become more than we were by focusing all of our awareness inside the box.

But it’s a turning point that takes awhile. It takes a big ship an amount of time to make a turn, it doesn’t happen instantaneously. This is a big ship, this ship of all humanity. A very big ship indeed. But we are in the process of making that turn.

We do so by starting to release the decisions, the judgements, the conclusions, the logical responses that have kept us immersed in our stories, stuck inside the box. This is when we start realizing that it’s all story! 

Even the parts we enjoy are stories. We can keep those stories, as long as we enjoy them. As long as they empower us. But even then it’s helpful to remember that they’re just stories. 

If something happens inside a story that changes how we feel, remembering it’s all story is very helpful. It keeps us from charging off into powerful emotions that are tied to the story but not to 'us' - to who we are outside of and beyond our stories.

And we release them one story at a time. I am not a slob. Neither am I tidy. I just am. Sometimes I do things that appear slob-like, sometimes I do things that appear tidy-like. What does that say about me? Nothing. Nothing at all. That’s all judgement, all related to the story. 

Stories surround us, but they aren’t us. We create them in order to have experiences. It’s the experience that lives on, not the props or the stories. 

We each have literally zillions of stories. Do we need to examine each one? I can’t answer that. I’ve been examining mine as they appear, particularly when I notice some negative emotion attached. I know that emotion is tied to the story and not to me, so recognizing, releasing, and integrating the story is both doable for me and important to me. It frees me for different experiences, more joyful experiences. Because “more joyful” is what I choose.

When I find myself ensconced in an emotion like “that pisses me off!” I ask myself “what’s the story?” In one case the story is that people should be courteous. When people aren’t courteous, it pisses me off. That’s a story. How should people be? However they are. Some behave in discourteous ways. What does that say about them? Nothing. Nothing at all. 

As I become aware of more and more stories, instead of being angry or upset I often find myself laughing. It really is becoming funny to me how many stories I have, and how deeply I have believed them to be real. “They (whoever ‘they’ refers to in any given moment) are [ fill in the blank ].” No they aren’t. That’s a story. A story that I made up, based on whatever decisions I made for whatever reasons I made them at whatever point that I made them. I added to their power over time by living through similar experiences and not stopping to determine whether the story continued to suit me or not. Automatic. Preprogrammed for my own convenience. Robot like.

A Story Is Just A Story

A story is just a story. The power comes from realizing that I can shift the story or change the story. Or not. My choice. Always my choice. As it is for all of us.

When I see something that occurs for me as a negative, and can see it as part of a story, it takes the bite out it. It loses its emotion and therefore its power. 

The war of the selves, my two-headed way of being, control vs defiance, defiance vs control? Story. All of it. I step out of it when I realize - remember - it's a story. And I no longer need it.

That's the process - separating the story from me, me from the story. I am. The story is whatever the story is. 

I can't imagine life without stories. I can't imagine there'd be much to do. But I don't have to be my stories. I can just be, and play in the story. Or change the story. Or write a new story. 

And I don't need you to change your story to suit me, your story doesn't affect me. Not really. If your story doesn't work for me I can create a new one. For me. I will draw to me, and be drawn to, others who are creating stories similar to mine. That's the true beauty of the Law of Attraction.

Looking Back, Looking Forward

So, one might ask, how is it going for me after all these weeks of discovery and outward non-doing? 

Pretty well. In some ways nothing has changed. I have ups and I have downs, but the downs aren’t so severe, they don’t last as long, and I can identify stories for being stories more quickly and more easily. I notice that I'm far less defensive / defiant in all areas of my life.

Sometimes I can let experiences or emotions go just knowing they’re story. Sometimes I’m not quite ready to release them. 

But the awareness is there, and that’s all that matters to me. From that view a lot has changed, and changed in important ways. I feel like I’ve crawled out of the sludge that Aisha's friends talked about.

One big story I’m continuing to pick through is the story that keeps me from writing. This is a core story, one that has many twists and turns and sometimes takes me to dark places. 

But it’s coming. It’s a process. “All is well in all of creation and all is well with me.” And even that is a story, but a helpful one. Anyway it works for me. It brings me back to my Self. 

And what did I learn over these past weeks? 

For one, that  giving up struggle can be a struggle in itself. But the process works, if we allow it to. Struggle can be interrupted. It can be seen for the old, no-longer-useful programming that it is. 

I learned that sometimes you just have to live inside the emotion of a thing until you “get it”. Until you’ve felt it so deeply and so completely that you, as your true Self, are willing to let it go. Then the letting go comes easily. 

Accepting Responsibility for My Creations

I suppose this process is my way of releasing a vasana - feeling it long enough and deeply enough that I find completion with it. I'm complete with it when I can accept, appreciate, and honor it as my own creation. Then it easily occurs for me as story and not as me.

At that point the experience becomes integrated into me at the soul level, and thereafter it doesn’t have the power that it once had. I know this because the emotional charge is gone from it. When an experience has been integrated it doesn’t “push my buttons” anymore. When and if a similar situation comes up again I’m able to laugh about it or simply let it be, rather than becoming engaged with it emotionally. 

How many years have I lived inside these paradigms of control, of unworthiness, of guilt, of shame, of whatever story I lived, stories that I focused my power of creation into while simultaneously declaring myself a victim of them? Too many. But on the other hand, exactly enough.

Will the process look for everyone like it looked for me? Will it even look like that for me every time? Of course not, on both counts. 

But that’s part of the beauty and sweetness of the journey, isn’t it? There are always things to discover about ourselves. We are magnificent! even in our imperfection. Potentially because of our imperfection. And in one way or another we are each waking up to that realization. 

The Illusion

It won’t always look like discovering our true selves is what’s going on. Very often it will look like we just got sick, or it will look like we just got angry, or it will look like something ‘just happened.’ 

Very often we don’t know until we’re in some kind of unpleasant experience what there is to be discovered about ourselves. We don’t know how it’s going to play out or how we’re going to deal with it. 

We have free choice always, and we never know ahead of time what we’re going to choose.

Will we choose to discover, to integrate, to get close to discovery or integration, to take back responsibility in the matter of our own stories? .. or will we keep playing the same program, pretending someone or something is 'doing it to us' until we are ready to choose something different?


If we think about it, we might realize that our lives are all about discovery. 

For in discovering ourselves we discover something about Source, of which we are all an integral and self-same part. If we did not exist, if our loved ones did not exist, if our friends did not exist, indeed if those we say we loathe did not exist, God would not exist. It’s unfathomable in its ramifications.

Stuck as we have been in the reality of our illusions, our various states of being have become so familiar, and we’ve become so good at labeling them, that sometimes we don’t see that there’s a larger discovery underneath what looks a normal or common experience. 

Sometimes we have to interrupt normal with something different - not infrequently something painful - to allow ourselves the opportunity to see those experiences from a different perspective. 

That’s not a bad thing at all, no matter how uncomfortable an experience might be while we’re experiencing it. They all have value. "It's the journey," as the saying goes, "not the destination." 

And what an amazing journey we are on! Just sometimes it doesn't look like that. Sometimes it looks like "the way it is." When it looks like that we forget that we hold the power to create it "the way it could be." But we always have that power, all we need do is exercise it. And we can do that anytime we choose.