
Embracing Our Different Expressions of Self

Suzanne Lie (who has also written under the name Suzan Caroll) gives us a bird's eye view of our expanding consciousness and how that relates to ascension. In the following piece, taken from a larger body of work about shifting out of third density frequencies, Suzanne gives us another example of how very important it is for us to be leaving behind the old paradigms of separation and embracing the new paradigm of Unity.

From The Seventh Dimension of the Mothership
By Dr Suzanne Lie / Suzan Caroll
October 13, 2012

You, our Ascending Ones, have fully embraced your Planetary SELF and are preparing to perceive yourselves as your Galactic SELF. You have completed your cycle of polarized individuality and are ready to enter the fifth dimensional expression of your Galactic SELF.

There are Galactic Beings who are not yet fifth dimensional, and you can enjoy that experience as well. Your Galactic expression of SELF will eventually expand into your Universal expression of SELF.

Please remember that your Multidimensional SELF is infinitely alive and aware. Therefore, when we speak of your progression, we actually mean the progression of the primary focus of the consciousness of expression of your SELF to whom we are speaking. However, ALL of your expressions are simultaneously expanding into higher frequencies of reality or diminishing into lower frequency expressions of SELF, such as taking a new physical form.

Hence, as your individual focus of SELF expands into your Planetary SELF, your Planetary focus of consciousness expands into your Galactic SELF and your Galactic focus expands into your Universal SELF. Your higher dimensional expanded SELF can easily perceive and interact with your lower dimensional versions of SELF.

Therefore, you will not necessarily lose contact with your Personal expression of SELF when Gaia ascends. However, just as you can see a rock, but the rock does not see you, your lower dimensional expressions of SELF can only communicate with their higher expressions by expanding their consciousness to encompass that frequency of reality.

The lower dimensional components of your SELF are still your Multidimensional SELF, but YOU have raised your primary focus into the higher dimensions of reality. Please remember, that these expressions are NOT lined up in a third dimensional manner. They are all interwoven and intermingled within the NOW of the ONE.

You will find that as your consciousness expands into the higher frequencies of expression, your third dimensional thinking will become increasingly cumbersome and somewhat obsolete. Hence, you will begin to forget how to think in that old-fashioned manner and unconsciously think from your Multidimensional SELF.

The side effect of this experience might make you think that you are getting dementia or some other earthly condition. The truth is that you are expanding beyond ALL 3D earthly conditions, and are discovering that your old way of thinking is exceedingly cumbersome.

Why would you need a buggy whip when you are driving an automobile? Therefore, why would you need a sequential language of separate words when you think within the limitless, timeless NOW?

There are about two of your months left for this cycle of focusing your consciousness into higher and higher frequencies of expression. However, once your focus is firmly planted in your Planetary Expression of SELF, you will be aligned with Gaia’s time.

Gaia is expanding her Focus into Her fifth dimensional SELF. Hence, Her polarities of past and future are collapsing into the NOW, and 3D time is closing. Once you are fully aligned with Gaia’s NOW, there will not be time as you know it. You will know time, but not as passing moments in which you must do something or be somewhere. You will begin to adjust your thinking into the limitless, timeless NOW.

Your Super-subconscious animal self, who is very comfortable with the NOW, will begin to fulfill the “ideals” that are passed into it via your Oversoul. An ideal differs from an idea in that an ideal is a Divine Concept that your consciousness has been able to embrace. You have been able to embrace these concepts because you have expanded your focus from your deepest, Super-subconscious animal self into your seventh dimensional Oversoul SELF.

Your Super-conscious holds the codes and patterns of all your earthly incarnations. This component of your being steadily opens once you have focused your attention on the HERE and NOW Beingness of your animal self. Your Oversoul holds the codes and patterns of all the incarnations you have experienced in your current Galaxy.

This component of your being steadily opens once you have expanded your focus into your Galactic SELF. With this expansion of consciousness, you will have completed the Alpha/Omega of your Planetary SELF, and be totally prepared to release all components of your denser, human form.

All these processes of Ascension overlap so that our Ascending Ones will always have a solid, familiar format, as well as a perceivable potential locked in to your consciousness. Hence, the Ascension process is much like crossing a rushing stream by walking from one stone to the next.

You start on the shore, and then place one foot on a stepping stone. You do not place your second foot on the next stone until you are certain that it will hold your weight. Then you will keep your foot on that stone while you test the next stone with your other foot.

All of our Ascending Ones have expanded their consciousness beyond their Individual/Personal SELF. However, some of them are still attached to their Familial/Cultural SELF, which will keep them from releasing their perceived family, cultural and national obligations and/or attachments.

There is nothing wrong with maintaining this attachment, but when you allow your family, culture and nation to hold you back from your process of Ascension, you are not able to assist with Planetary Ascension. Not participating in Planetary Ascension greatly limits your process of Personal Ascension, as Gaia is offering a free ride into the fifth dimensional expression of reality.

However, those who remain attached to the third/fourth dimensional concepts of family, culture and nations will not be able to adhere their consciousness to the Unity Consciousness of Planetary Ascension. Within Unity Consciousness, every being is of the same ability and power.

In fact many children – and even infants – are more aligned with Ascension then their parents, who have had a lifetime of brainwashing. Cultures and Nations divide Gaia’s planet and restrict Unity Consciousness to Family, Cultural or National Consciousness. To catch the wave of Planetary Ascension you need to blend your consciousness into the immense Flow of Planetary Ascension.

Those who maintain the 3D hooks of family, culture and nation (which include the religious and scientific 3D thinking) will remain in the illusion of third dimensional Earth for as long as that hologram is running. Therefore, they will have time to expand their consciousness if they choose.

Also, once the final remnants of darkness are expelled from the body of Gaia, the cycles of fear that hold the third dimensional attachments in place will be completed. This fear is very close to being vanquished largely because of you, the Ascending Ones, who have become Masters of your Emotions and expelled fear from your consciousness.

Fear is not alive like love. Love, especially unconditional love, is a living creative force seeking a being through which it can be expressed. Fear, on the other hand, is the “Grim Reaper” who cuts back the old and dying so that the new can be created and nurtured by love. Hence, fear is a necessary component of a third/fourth dimensional reality that is bound to a planetary existence.

Since people, families and nations cannot leave the planet in search of a new home in the ever-expanding Galaxy, members of the planet must die so that there is room for expansion into a new way of being. Unfortunately, fear became embedded so deeply in the consciousness of many incarnated ones that they killed others to assure that they would have enough.

Predation for possession and power is the result of the Earthling’s Draconian DNA. This DNA is very strong and powerful, as well as highly intelligent and decisive. However, if the human carries too much fear, they can easily move into the kill or be-killed mindset of that DNA. On the other hand, through Mastering your thoughts and emotions, you can use that DNA to assist you – rather than to control you, or others.

Becoming the Master of your Energy allows you conscious transit into your seventh dimensional Oversoul, which is the storehouse of ALL your Galactic knowledge, gifts, experiences and incarnations. Just as the Super-subconscious holds the codes and patterns for your Planetary SELF, the Oversoul holds the codes and patterns for your Galactic Self.

It is through the activating of these codes that you can consciously connect with us, your Galactic Family. When you meet, commune and intertwine with one of your Galactic expressions of SELF, you will regain your Galactic perception of reality. Many of you will enter into intimate relationship with the YOU that is holding a higher dimensional expression of your SELF.

Of course, you have many expressions of your Galactic SELF, just as you have many expressions of your human self. When you can fall into the Flow and surrender into the FEEL of your Galactic SELF you can remember how to live two, simultaneous realities. With practice, you will be able to experience more and more simultaneous realities within the NOW of the ONE.

In this manner, you will regain connection with your Galactic Expression of SELF. Your Galactic expressions are aligned with you in the NOW and offering you a hand up into the fifth dimension. Every experience that you can remember having with your SELF in the fifth dimension and beyond is a gift that we ask you to share with the members of your Ascending reality.

We will allow you time to ponder what we have shared so far, and return shortly so that Mytre can share his first experience of the Seventh Dimensional Consciousness of our Mothership.

The Arcturians
through Suzanne Lie


Are You Afraid of Love?

Most people of earth are afraid of love. They are afraid of the very thing that will set them free from the limitations of their earthly sphere. Love is the ‘ladder of ascension’ – it is a ladder of Light, a stairway to heaven. In order to access this ladder of ascension you must always go through your own heart and not through the heart of another. The heart of another will only lead you back to your own heart. No other heart will fulfill you as you need to be fulfilled.

They can nurture you, they can polish you, they can buff you, and they can love you – but first you must receive what you have been given. You all stand on the seashores of the past and you look out to sea to see what you may see. And what do you see? – you see all the hurts, the wounds, the injustices. How many of the blessings have you forgotten? How easily the darkness arises to your memory and how easily your human memory forgets the blessings, the grace, the good tidings that you have received and given to so many.

You are on the very porch of your next level of light. You must open the door and go in.

And in there you will see your past. You will see everything that once hurt. You will see everything that brought a smile to your face. You will see a panoramic life review as you look at it all and say — thank you for allowing me to be who I am. For every individual that crossed your life has contributed to the recipe of your soul, the ingredients of love that you hold. Be open to this doorway.

Ask to receive in fullness higher levels of love. Ask the universe to show you how to love more, to show you how to receive love, and to show you how to radiate love.

You each hold such a large sphere of light. Every place you enter into, you change the vibration Do this with a knowing. Do it with love. When you find yourself in anger – immediately shift to love. Practice this over and over again in your day.

For everything that makes you angry, is asking for your love. Each level of love that you walk into as a warrior will take you closer to an Ascension level of your own heart and into your higher light. All truths that you seek are within your grasp.

To access them you must ‘believe with a knowing’ and ‘know it with a believing’.

From "Going Beyond Your Abilities to Manifest"
through Gillian Macbeth-Louthan
October 2012

The topic is an interesting one, since it's probably a rare individual who, at first glance, would even consider that they might be afraid of love. And yet ... I think we really are. What has love brought us in this third density world? Rejection and hurt as a few emotional examples (not just rejection by lovers but by friends, parents, teachers, society at large); pain and suffering through abuse (including things society never considered abuse, such as spanking) as a few physical examples.

How often have we loved someone and had them turn on us, wounding us time after time after time? And what about teaching us lack? How often have we wished for something through our love of it, and how often has the thing we loved been denied to us? Even our beloved animals eventually die and leave us (temporarily) with naught but our grief.

Mostly what we've been living with in this dense environment is the pain that happens when we chance to give someone or something our love. What good is love when pain is the inevitable result? And so we become closed off, unable or unwilling to open ourselves to the purity of love that is our path out of this density.

So it's fairly easy to see how we've come to be afraid of love. But if we believe - as I sincerely do - that love is the way, then how do we overcome this fear of love?

The process, as the passage above suggests, is simple and straight-forward, though not necessarily easy. It's a matter of recognizing that our painful memories of the past, the things we experience as "not love" were created so that we could fully embrace "of love." It seems strange to say that a being, any being, would wish to experience "not love" when "of love" is so wonderful! But we did.

As pure beings of light and love, experiencing nothing but light and love .. in other words, without the contrast .. there is no way to really appreciate ourselves. It's only by experiencing what we are not that we gain a full and complete appreciation of what we are.

But what many of us fail to realize - and/or fail to remember - is that we are love! We have spent eons of time learning the ins and outs and breadth and depth of not love, and now we're on the journey back to our full knowing of the depth and breadth of being love. It begins with the full and complete knowing and acknowledgement that we created all those experiences - ourselves - to know 'not love'. With that acknowledgement and acceptance we can look at any and every experience that contains hurt and realize the gift inherent in that experience.

As we begin to recognize, acknowledge, accept, and appreciate those experiences, along with all the players who beautifully played the roles we asked them to play (including ourselves!) we realize / remember that who we are at the very core of our being is love. These are the gifts of true love that we forgot. It's time to remember. You are love, and you are magnificent! And so is everyone else. ♥♡♥


Freedom Begins With Sovereignty

When offering to others something that has worked for us, whether that be as simple as a new food sensation, a fun movie, a diet plan or a recipe, or as complex as a complete new way of being, it pays to honor the sovereignty of the individual.

“Here is something that worked for me. I know of others for whom it has worked as well. Perhaps it will work for you.”

Then let it go.


In so doing we open a door. We stand on one side of the door, having experienced what is there. We bring what’s on our side of the door into the awareness of other. It is then up to other to determine whether they wish to walk through that door or not. Their choice.

Maybe what’s behind our door is not for them. There may be other doors, doors more appropriate for them. Perhaps if they experience what’s on the other side of a different door, they will come back and share their findings with us, so that we might choose to experience what’s behind their door too! Or not.

But know this - each chooses for him or her Self. Not a one of us can choose for another. Attempting to do so only results in frustration for us and anger / upset / resentment for them. Is that the road you wish to take?

Or perhaps you prefer to experience each “other” as a sovereign being in their own right, with the god-given right to choose for themselves. As is your god-given right.

Ultimately there is only ever one thing to do. Choose.


The Divine Mother Speaks of The Plan

In a world that feels at times like the grandest, most loving, most beautiful planet in the Universe and at others like the cruelest, most devolved spot in the multi-verse, it's well to remember that there is a bigger plan at work here, and that we are not only a part of that plan, but ultimately the creators of it as well.

The following comes from The Divine Mother through Linda Dillon, part II.

... I am most certainly pleased and honored to speak to you about the plan for Gaia, for the human collective and for Ascension at this time. And for that I bring you back. I bring you back to the beginning.

The Plan was for you to inhabit a form and to know and be love and joy, diverse, unique, flexible. The Plan was for you to be inter- and trans-dimensional. Did you wander and take some of those scenic by-ways, those detours that I have referred to this night? Yes. And that free will, with all the elements of what you think of as evil and darkness, drama, intrigue — you have excelled at this! And you are also very tired and sick of it, aren’t you?

So, now, you return to that alignment of beauty, of truth in form. And this is what is unique about this element of the Divine Plan, that you are holding on to these magnificent forms, what you think of as bodies. And part of that, beloved ones, is admiring and cherishing and loving your body, because you designed it, you chose it. Yes, you were part of the architectural team.

Is it transferring into a different molecular base? Yes. But your bodies, to take your bodies and be in the higher realms, where you have always belonged, and let go of those densities, that quagmire that you got stuck in — for a very long time! — now is the restoration of the Divine Plan. And it is for you to be the embodiment of love. It is you, each of you, bright angels, starseeds, gatekeepers, humans, Earth-keepers, to have a physical experience of being that embodiment of love.

This was part of the plan, the part that involved you and this planet and the ripple effect out to the multiverse of your star brothers and sisters. Why do you think they wish to participate, to witness? This is highly unique. The humans are going to be transdimensional in form, after all this time. They are going to embody love and the Divine Qualities. It is worth having a look at. It is worth participating in.

So, our [inaudible] to use a human word, our essence, to use my terminology, is being brought to bear upon this unfoldment of shift in the consciousness. This is not unconscious, this is not subconscious. So this is a conscious process, an event, if you choose, and it is also, at the same time, the consciousness, as you know, of the heart fully awakening, of the spirit fully awakening, of the soul fully awakening and anchoring in form.


Feeling the Presence of Unconditional Love

Creator of All That Is

through Ron Head, Oct 10, 2012

Dear one, there will be no need to speak with Michael this day. I have an image I wish you to share.

I remind you now of an evening you spent almost forty-five years ago. You were walking along a stone pathway through the quiet evening in a large temple complex at the foot of Mt. Fuji. It was deeply and reverently quiet. There was the murmur of water running over the stones in a river at your feet. You could hear the soft chanting of the sutras by many monks in their quarters. There was a feeling of deep peace.

You came upon a scene of two young monks swinging a huge log that was suspended from two chains. In front of the log hung the largest bronze bell you had ever seen. With one great effort, they swung the end of the log into the side of the bell. You remember now the feeling in every cell of your body as the deep sound reverberated through you and everything around you. Spend a moment with that image.

On this day, October tenth, the energy of our unconditional love for all of humanity, and indeed everything upon your world, has, as it were, rung the bell for the first time. It will ring again on the 11-11, and again on the 12-12. When the sound dies down, meaning when you grow accustomed to your new vibration, neither you nor any other being upon your world will be the same.

Close your eyes now and feel with your heart for the presence of the love energy I am describing. Do this often. It is who you are, resonating with All That Is. That is our short message for this day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/
Did you miss this on October 10? Because all time is Now time, you can connect with the 10-10 energies whenever you wish. Simply know that it is so. Join this wonderful energy with your own, and know that all is well. Indeed that you are one with all.


Our Higher Ego

I've long believed that the ego gets a bad rap in our society. We blame ego for all sorts of stuff, and often work like the dickens to get rid of it. The problem is, we cannot be human and not have ego.

I could go into depth about the subject, but I find the following conversation between Zingdad and his higher self - Joy-Divine - covers the subject admirably. In fact they add a concept that I hadn't thought about before, but I find it extremely helpful in understanding how to work with ego. That concept is "Higher Ego" and "Lower Ego" as associated with "Higher Self" and "Lower Self". I hope that by sharing this information you too will get immense insights in how to work smoothly and in tandem with your amazing and powerful ego!

The full article is available on Zingdad's website here, but for convenience I've reproduced the article in full, below.

Ego – A Message from Joy-Divine

through Zingdad

Joy-Divine: It is time to dispel some of the untruths that have been told about ego. These are misunderstandings that have entered your popular psyche in recent years.

The first idea is that ego is bad. That it is somehow the enemy. That you must beat ego, destroys ego, somehow silence ego, in order to be a good spiritual person.

Well this is just nonsense (non-sense, that which makes no sense).

Because if you are to destroy your ego… who is doing the destroying? If you are to vanquish your ego… who is doing the vanquishing?

If you reply “I am,” then you must understand the “I” that replies IS your ego!

That is the definition of “ego”… it is the “I”. The one that is separate and individuated from the ALL. The one that can say “I” rather than “we”. “I” is ego. And the “I” cannot defeat itself! That is self-contradictory nonsense!

Moreover… you cannot DO anything at all without ego. The ego is the “you” that does. And so certainly you cannot defeat the ego without defeating yourself. It is therefore impossible to defeat the ego!

Allow me to be clear, though: it most certainly is possible to still the ego… to let the ego go to sleep. That is very possible. But if the ego is asleep then, you will probably find yourself in a kind of a trance. Just drifting pleasantly without being aware of “self” and without making any choices. You certainly can’t be a “walking around living your life person” with no ego.

There are exceptions to this. A very few people on the planet manage to train the ego to be still to the degree that they only “observe what is”. They observe their bodies’ needs and desires and they stay out of the way and let the body get on with taking care of itself. They are pure observers. But let me dispel the myth that there are teachers and gurus who are like this. The willingness and the desire to tell someone else about this state… that needs an “I” that sees “you” as separate. An “I” that can desire to share something with “you”. Ego is present! And to gather a group and teach… takes a very powerful ego. To be willing to publish a book take a hugely powerful ego.

Furthermore, with regards to these ones that preach the defeat of the ego: What do you think would happen if you should appropriate their teachings, copy their words from their books and publish those exact words as your own? Instantly they’d let you know, probably via a lawyer, that you are guilty of plagiarism. “You have stolen MY words that I wrote. That book is MY creation and you have broken the law!” they will tell you. You see? In that moment they prove how powerfully alive their ego is. And by their actions they prove that they are not living their teachings… or that they in fact do not understand what they are teaching!

Ego is the attachment to “self”. It is identification. To have ego is to say “this is mine” about certain things: your identity (your self-hood) is the first thing you attach to. But then there are other attachments: your memories (those are MY memories), your creations (I made this) your body (this is my body) and probably, your possessions (this is MY stuff). Sometimes we develop all kinds of other attachments like outcomes (I WILL make that happen) another people (my wife, my children, my friends). Attachments are not wrong. SOME level of attachment is a prerequisite for you to be living the life you are living. The thing you should be aware of though is that, as things change, as your attachments change or come to an end, so this might cause you some suffering.

If you are seeking primarily to reduce your suffering then perhaps you should be seeking to reduce your attachment.

But if you are seeking to DO things in this world, to explore, to create, to discover, to help, to make, to experience… then you will HAVE to have, at least, some minimum of attachments.

Neither of these choices are right or wrong. Both are choices. Both have consequences. You can choose where you want to be on the continuum.

So ego is not wrong. If ego is wrong then everything in the universe is wrong. For it takes ego and will (which is an attribute of ego) to DO anything. Even create universes.

Do you know another name for God is “The Great I AM”. If we speak literally then that could also be said, “The Great EGO”. Well… this is not totally true. The One is much greater than The Great I AM. But, at least, this should give pause for thought for those that engage in this perpetual senseless ego-bashing!

So ego is not wrong. It is just often misunderstood.

You see there is a higher ego and a lower ego.

The higher ego is the limitless self. It is the “All That I AM”. It resides in your body in your crown chakra.

The lower ego is the limited self. It is the “I Am THIS”. It resides in your body in the solar plexus chakra.

The Higher Ego is limitless. Infinite. It is pure consciousness. But it is consciousness that is creative. So the Higher Ego is Creative Consciousness. It is the God-Self. It is the part of self that knows it is one with the All. It is infinite and divine.

But, you see, the higher ego cannot be limited to a physical body. Because a physical body has needs that the higher ego alone cannot fulfil. The higher ego is pure consciousness and the most it can create is a body out of its own light. A light form. But to have a dense physical body such as yours, you need an incredibly complex set of interaction between a whole host of many more consciousnesses than you can imagine. An impossibly intricate co-creation is your body. And your body cannot simply exist on its own energy. It must be fed. It must also be kept warm and so on. Being in a body implies need. You will NEED to do certain things or you body will die and then you will no longer be in it. So, in order to experience yourself as a physical body, as you now do, you must lower your consciousness to the point of polarity. And for, so long as you are identified with a body that has such powerful needs, it is possible for you to fear the lack of those needs. In the event of sufficient lack, that which you are identifying yourself with, can die. So it can seem to you as if YOU can die. And so fear is felt as being very real. The way you deal with and respond to this fear will determine which side of the polarity you are on. The side of taking or the side of giving.

Polarity is where the “give and take” relationships occur. It is when you must feed on something else and give something back in exchange for your feeding. All entities feed on another entity within polarity. So everything in your reality that is of a 2D*, 3D, 4D or 5D consciousness feeds. Even spirit beings of those levels of consciousness feed. They must absorb energy from somewhere or else they dissipate and return to Oneness.

And so this is all lower ego. If you identify yourself with anything that NEEDS input from someone or something outside of yourself (feeding) then you are the lower ego. The “outer self” so to speak.

The higher ego is the “inner self”. It is your god-self. The higher ego experiences everything you experience right with you but the only difference is the higher ego never, even for a second, thinks it is ONLY you. It knows it is in the very same eternal NOW being all kinds of different beings… all kinds of other incarnations and other experiences… all right NOW. That is the higher ego.

The higher ego is not God. It is one infinitesimally small part of God. But it is a part of God that never forgets that it is always One with God. That is to say… One with All That Is and that which creates All That Is. One with the creation and One with the creator.

The higher self resides at 6D and above. At 6D is pure creative consciousness, as we have said. It is still. It only observes. Watches. It is the eternal, watching presence. If you manage to truly still your mind in meditation then you might find your lower ego going to sleep. If this happens and YOU remain awake then you might find yourself at 6D consciousness, but still here within the veil of unknowing. So then you experience yourself as pure stillness. As the eternally watching presence. As pure consciousness.

The Veil of Unknowing is that which stops you from directly creating your reality. Here, inside the veil you can only create it indirectly. You can only create it by resonance and by doing for and to others. This is the indirect way. It works because what you put out is what you get back. And so you create. Put energy out to others, and over time that same energy comes back via others. So you create

But you cannot create directly. You cannot look at the sky and will it to be green. The sky is blue. You cannot will yourself to defy gravity. So you stick to the ground. These things are not subject to your creation because you are blocked from the knowing of exactly how you are One with all these things. They appear to be “out side of you” and also “outside of your control”. And that is the action of the Veil of Unknowing.

So inside the veil… you might come to experience your 6D consciousness but then you will still be constrained into non-doing. Non-creation. You will feel like a point of pure, still consciousness that only observes. That is pure awareness and nothing else. That is what 6D, inside the veil, feels like!

7D you, is the 6D consciousness, but outside of the veil. At 7D you cannot have any kind of physical or even light body. You are beyond form. For you are all form. You are one with the entire formness of this whole reality. You create any form you like. You play with and manipulate energy at will. This is why the 7D self is called the “magical self”. Magic is when, by will alone, can make it so. At 7D, you ARE magic. And at 7D you are, in one way or another helping to create this whole universe!

And then finally there is 8D. I’m afraid there is nothing that one can actually say about 8D. All thoughts and ideas are restrictions. And the 8D-self is truly unlimited, all encompassing and unrestricted. 8D is The One, you see.

If you would wish to understand The One better then you might wish to read these thoughts on the subject.

Now, dear reader, I will address your higher ego through you. Please read the following and allow understanding to come to your higher ego.

Bright Being, I said ego is not “wrong”. It isn’t. Ego simply DOES. And the lower ego does all kinds of things when left to its own devices. Some of the things the lower ego will then do will cause harm to the Self. Some of the things lower ego will do will bring great satisfaction to the Self. And so YOU, the higher ego must just get in charge and teach the lower ego what is right to do. The higher ego must be the boss. The higher ego must say “lower ego, your job today is to do XYZ as that will make me happy.” And the higher ego must condition the lower ego not to do things that are harmful. Take the time to show lower ego the truth of the statement “what you do to another, you do to yourself also” so that lower ego won’t do things to others that which causes harm. Because that harm will come back to all of your Self. So teach the lower ego better.

If you do this, then lower ego is not bad. Then lower ego is good. And you’ll be amazed at how much lower ego wants to be good! Lower ego will LOVE all the good and happy things that come back to the Self when it does good. And then you must take time, be still, and give lower ego much love for the good that it has done. Remember lower ego needs to feed? Remember that? 3D beings need to feed? Well… lower ego is not the body! Lower ego does not feed on food as body does. Lower ego feeds on YOUR energy. YOU keep lower ego alive. You can do this with Love or you can do this with fear. Both will feed lower ego. Love will be very healthy for lower ego and will make it grow straight and strong and true. Fear will be a lot less healthy for lower ego. Lower ego can live on fear but it gets very ill. And if it learns to feed on fear it might begin to seek to feed on the fear of others around it. That is terribly bad news. Lower ego can get into a very destructive cycle then. And it takes aLOTof work from many dedicated and talented Interventionists to eventually free such an afflicted lower ego from the webs of its own creation.

So make the choice now to be a good and responsible higher ego. Make the choice to always love your lower ego. Feed it richly and powerfully on your love. Do so much, much more when your ego does things that are congruent with the Law of One. Constrain your ego with the gentlest withholding of that energy (not because you stop loving but because you stop sending that energy) when the ego strays and acts destructively. This way, you give your energy to Unity Consciousness. This way you create for yourself a lower ego that behaves always as congruent with the truth of Unity Consciousness.

This way YOU can live inside a dense-matter reality like this world is and only experience unity conscious experiences. Because you will have a lower ego, who is inside a body, who is in density and separation… but who is living the unity conscious life.

Now I wish to get out of the way and allow my own lower ego, the one known to you as Zingdad, address YOUR lower ego. He will speak from his own experience about how your incarnated being, the one that feel it is living inside a human body, can best live a happy and harmonious life in alignment with the Inner Self.

Zingdad: Okay, that’s a surprise! But sure, why not? Here goes:

Dear friend,

You are reading these words because you are a part of a consciousness that clearly wants to move into Unity Consciousness. Being of Unity Consciousness is a beautiful and blissful thing. You get to live a life here in separation and experience all the beauty and joy of separation: Things like holding another person in your arms and sharing feelings of love. Like the amazing sensations of eating wonderful food, drinking truly beautiful wines or whatever other culinary delights you enjoy. Like walks on the beach or in the mountains. Like watching sunsets or moon-rises. Like friendship, conversation and laughter. Like… well… all the things you might really enjoy about this life weather it is chocolate or autumn leaves, snow-fall or long drives.

Whatever it is… it’s hard to argue: this world of separation has some truly delightful charms! And so, as a Unity Conscious being you can continue to enjoy all of these things but also come to realise that the fearful, negative, painful things of suffering are actually OPTIONAL. You don’t HAVE to experience those things if you don’t want to. Unity Consciousness brings to you the knowing that you can choose to create the experiences you wish. Walking the path to Unity Consciousness IS walking the path to learning how to master yourself and your creations. And so this is a truly joyful and wonderful way to go. But more than that. I am really, truly sure that there is actually no other way to go! Any other path forward is just an illusion. All is One and so, eventually everyone will HAVE to attain Unity Consciousness. Sooner or later we all have to evolve to this point. Are you ready for that now? Or do you want to spend more time on some other side-path and come Home to this later? I’ll wager that you are ready for Unity Consciousness NOW!


Of course you are!

So here is what I (as an incarnated person right here on planet Earth, just like you) can advise you to do:

1. Make the conscious choice to BE of Unity Consciousness. That means choosing to live AS IF it is true until you know that it is true. You begin by deciding always to only treat any other as you yourself would like to be treated. Put out only the energy that you would most desire to have come back to you. Cease acting and thinking like a victim. Choose to awaken to the realisation that YOU are the creator of your reality and the co-creator of the greater reality. Cease looking to others to rescue you. Cease blaming others for your fears and pain. Take ownership of yourself and possession of your life. Take RESPONSIBILITY for all that you are. If you struggle, by all means look for a get help! But remember: help is not the same thing as rescue. Seek to find within yourself your unique gift that you have to give… and give it!

2. Learn to really listen to your heart. Not the surface emotions that flitter across your OUTER heart but the deepest truths, knowing and inspirations that speak to you from the centre of your INNERMOST heart. Take time to listen to these. Whenever you are in doubt… LISTEN. And if you don’t know what the answer is, wait until clarity arrives; just keep listening. And learn to follow your heart. Initially you will get directives from your Inner Heart to do things or make choices that seem contradictory to that which your ego-mind would think would be good ideas. In those moments you have a choice: are you lead by your ego (duality consciousness) or are you lead by your Soul that speaks to you through your heart (Unity Consciousness). You decide! But if you want to live in Unity Consciousness you can’t do this by half-measures! So be clear and then stick to your choice. Listening to your heart like this IS the way you align with your Inner Self. And that is something I cannot recommend highly enough.

3. Learn to discover and express always your AUTHENTIC SELF.

4. Find others who are of Unity Consciousness to interact with. Find a group where you live and spend time socialising and also engaged in spiritual awakening together. If you can’t find a group… create one! If there is no-one around you, find an online group – such as my online forum (ascensionschool.lefora.com). You will find it invaluable to realise that you are not alone on this journey!

Just those things right there will already be a great start! But of course there will always be healing and integrating that you will need to do on this path too. The difference is that, as you get comfortable with the path so “working through your stuff” becomes something you actually begin to get good at and enjoy. And then, too, you will discover the great gifts you have to give to Life and you will begin to relish giving those. You will come to feel like you have a true purpose and you will love to do whatever that is.

This is a beautiful part of the great journey Home. I welcome you on it!

Joy-Divine: Words expressed by a lower-ego that were very well aligned with the will of the higher-ego. I am well pleased.

Beloved friends, with that we leave you. It is our deep desire that you will have gained the value from this message that you are not “wrong”. Your ego was never “wrong”. And there is nothing for you to destroy, defeat or vanquish. But there certainly is a great deal to Love!

And with that we now leave you with our love…

I am Joy-Divine


The Importance of Shifting Perception

As we get closer to the end of this year we're seeing more and more evidence of the dissolution of time. Which means that our thoughts and beliefs are manifesting in our reality ever faster. For those who understand and accept responsibility for creating their reality, things can be very very good. The better it gets, the better it gets! as Abraham likes to say.

But the reverse is also true: when we forget that we create our reality, we can get stuck in very negative patterns of creation. When things are "bad", we bemoan the badness and thereby create more of it. The more we bemoan, begrudge, resent, the more badness we create. The cycle is never-ending unless we break free by accepting our responsibility in the matter of our own creation. It's really as simple as accepting whatever our reality is showing us in this Now moment, and then focusing on what we want to see rather than what we do see; focusing on the good - what we want to see - instead of the bad - what we don't want to see. Doing that is indeed simple, but it's not necessarily easy.

For those who won't accept any responsibility for their plight, life is going to get (or appear to get) more and more difficult. Our common response in seeing people in pain, in suffering, in turmoil, is to want to fix it for them. And yet there is no fix. All that happens when we try to fix things for others is that we begin to focus on what we don't want, just as those we see as suffering are already doing.

The solution, which is not a fix, is to help others - and ourselves! - to focus on what we want to see and not on what we don't want to see, and offer the same option to others. In other words, to shift our perception. If a person can focus on just one positive thing in their own life and then see it continue to manifest in their reality, it creates an opening for them to begin to see and accept their own power in the creation of their own life.

So we can have our compassion for others, and assist them, without attempting to fix them or their situation. We can offer physical assistance (money, aid, housing, support, protection) while still holding others responsible for their own creations. But the most important thing we can do is offer them a new perspective, a new possibility for their situation, whatever the perceived negative situation is. We often call this "hope". We can be the example of positive co-creation by shifting our own perspectives. But whatever we do, always remember it is each of our own individual choice whether we are willing to shift our perception of the way things are, or not. The same is true of those we desire to help. They are either willing to shift their perception or they are not.

Emmanuel Dagher at Magnified Manifesting has some interesting things to say about this very thing in her Energy Forcast for October 2012, along with some specific ways to shift perception. A portion of that article is reposted below. For the full article, visit the Energy Forecast portion Emanuel's website.

“It’s Like Giving Birth!”
Monthly Energy Forecast

by Emmanuel Dagher | October 2012

Blessings my friend,

What a roller coaster ride the energies have taken us on this past September! For some, the energies were so intense that saying it was like holding on for dear life is an understatement. A great deal of this intensity came as a direct result of the second of seven Uranus/Pluto squares that occurred on September 19th.

With that and the purging process that always precedes an Equinox, all I can say is phew!

For many of who have consciously been dedicated to their spiritual path, the recent energies felt much like the uncomfortable yet paradigm shifting energies many of us moved through at the final quarter of 2007. That cycle resulted in a massive elevation in the collective consciousness and played a big role in leading us to where we are today as a whole.

After the Equinox on September 22nd, the pressure cooker feeling that many of us have been experiencing finally started to loosen up. For those who quickly surrendered to this massive releasing process, a familiar ease, joy, and comfort started to re-emerge soon after. It became much easier to see and connect with the magic within ourselves and all around us. If we had projects or other things in the works that felt as if they were placed on hold, new doors started to open up and things started to move forward once again.

For others who may not have as quickly embraced the releasing process that came right after the Equinox, the challenges we had been facing prior amplified and moved forward with us.

The key thing to note is that challenges are just lessons in disguise. It’s the way we react to a challenge that directs what our experiences will continue to be. A challenge simply allows us to look inside ourselves and gauge whether there is still some inner healing that can be done. In this case, some simple yet empowering questions that can support us in our healing process could be:

• “What can I do right now to fully embrace the present moment?”
• “What can I choose to release and let go of today that no longer feels in alignment with my greatest good?”
• “What lessons and gifts am I meant to receive from this experience?”
• “How can I consciously choose to create more joy in my life today?”

Questions like this light up new and life enhancing neuro-waves in the brain that open us up to higher insights and revelations. These insights have the power to expand us instantly and overtime (depending on how comfortable we are with change) and give us the answers to the empowering questions that can realign us back with the natural flow of life where we can thrive the most. There are many other ways that can support us in thriving such as practicing mindfulness/meditation, connecting with nature, being part of a loving community, expressing our creative gifts daily, pampering and being gentle with ourselves, intuitive development, practicing gratitude, journaling and energy healing just to name a few.

Another important thing to note during times of challenge is to not compare and judge ourselves to others as these energies will amplify the resistance to the challenge itself. If we find that we are feeling out of alignment, let’s simply be willing to hand over the judgments to the Universe and embrace ourselves through the process. If that means a little R&R or alone time is necessary, then so be it.

“It’s like Giving Birth!”

So where are we energetically right now? The contrast between the old world and the new world is clearer than ever. The grey areas have rapidly dissolved leaving no room for second guessing which world we are choosing to be part of.

If we are finding ourselves still in lack, worry, guilt, blame, or a similar vibration for any reason, we are probably noticing that more of those experiences are showing up in our reality instantly. We just can’t hide from the fact that we are extremely power co-creators. We can’t play small or pretend we are these helpless beings. The collective consciousness is currently BEAKING FREE from the hold of these patterns. That’s why everywhere we turn, there seems to be confusion and unrest.

I was recently connecting with a kindred spirit, and she asked me why the energies were so chaotic right now? The first image I received when she asked me this question was a mother giving birth.

Similar to when a mother is giving birth, there’s usually a painful labor process that occurs right before the child is born. Just because labor can be painful doesn’t mean there’s going to be something wrong with the baby or the mother: it’s just part of the process.

We could say that right now we are in month 9 of humanity’s birthing process. In fact, the labor has already started. We are giving birth to a new world. A world founded on core principles of love, oneness and fairness. These principles are radically different than the old principles that promoted separation we somehow bought into and settled on. It’s normal that when something new is being birthed, the contrast it brings to whatever is already existing creates some type of resistance. Resistance is actually a great confirmation that some kind of movement is happening, and a big change is on the horizon. In the case of what’s happening in our world, eventually the old world will shift and become part of the new world, it’s just a matter of when rather than if it will happen.

On the other hand, if we are choosing to embrace the fact that we are these powerful co-creators and are choosing to consistently be mindful of creating our highest visions for ourselves and the world through love, kindness, and gratitude, we are seeing these visions show up in our lives quicker than ever. It really is a miraculous time to be a human being on this planet!

Whatever energy we choose to put out in the world, it’s being mirrored back in our experience instantly. The exciting news is, we can choose whichever vibration we want to be in at anytime.

World Peace Now Site

The team at The 2012 Scenario have designed another website which they have dedicated to developing, creating, encouraging, and reporting about the movement toward world peace. It's called Achieving World Peace Now and I highly recommend it.

For those interested, there are several discussion group associated with the site.

Yahoo discussion group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worldpeacenow/

Google+: https://plus.google.com/108344112319074372099/posts

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/achievingworldpeacenow/124785487669022/

Indeed world peace is something that many of us are working toward, and something that many others are beginning to hope for. And yet some humans - sadly a great many - are still unable to even comprehend that such a thing is possible.

It's important and helpful for us to work together and support each other, and this website is one great way to do so. But to me, we also need to support those folks who despararely want to see world peace but are so mired in the old energy that they don't see that it's even possible. To that end, this and similar websites are going to be extremely important. I live with family, friends, and associates who exist in that very group, and holding the energy of possibility for them is important to me. Since the global media isn't seeing fit to show the great peace initiatives happening all over the globe, this kind of site can be very important.

Posted by Steve Beckow:
Gregory made a beautiful statement that I’d like to repost here:

“I can already imagine the forgiveness amongst people. All the hugging and crying as people start to come to the realization of whats been going on and all racial walls come tumbling down as the oneness starts to materialize. The deep love and emotion that will be going on will in itself shed a huge amount of negativity and thus help them shift into the higher vibrations. The road towards world peace will be paving the way, it will be shining its light for all we are waiting for and freedom for humanity. It comes down to loving your neighbor as your self.”
Feel free to offer up the possibility of world peace to everyone you know!


Whatever Works

I love sharing channels from Veronica through April and Allen Crawford at Inner Whispers. The messages are generally short and to the point, and always a reminder that we are much more than we realize ourselves to be, if only we stop from time to time to connect and remember.

Be The Solution

"It is well known how dense the energy can be in linear reality. The most advanced of souls often find it a maze of difficulty to navigate through.

In these moments, one can decide to be a victim of circumstance, or a creator of the solution.

The energy of such obstacles can be diminished if one keeps aligned with their own soul's purity and resolve. Thus, the importance of establishing a relationship with your soul. If you have not take the time to do so, we feel it is of the utmost importance to do.

There is nothing more empowering than to conquer the linear density, even at the most elementary levels. Decide to be flexible in the pursuit of the perfect connection. Know that if you are disconnected it has taken some linear time to get there. Be fair with yourself and allow the firmness of your energy to regain its position.

Those in spirit never give up, nor should you in the linear.

Roll with the perceived punches from physical reality. Know that no matter what occurs, you have the ability to rise above and conquer it.

Yes it is dense.

Yes it's difficult.

However, you are resilient enough to withstand the difficulty and move through it.

Yes. you are strong.

Yes, you are spiritual as well as physical.

Flex your spiritual awareness, and proceed to a more comfortable space.

Be the solution."



My sister was at a Gathering to learn how to Meditate. The speaker said to concentrate on the GOLD light going out of the top of your head and bottom of your feet to connect to the universe.

Later my sister asked me why she saw a blue squiggling light which turned to a beautiful blue ball that kept getting bigger. Could you tell me why she might have seen blue in her mind's eye, not yellow?

Thank you very much in advance for your assistance with this matter. You do a wonderful thing for all of us on this side.
Dianna Bowers

Dear Dianna,

Your sister may not be aware that she has an intuitive gift. She was "seeing" her own energy and its desire to continue its growth.

We would encourage her to explore and discover her "gifts" so that she attains complete connection with her soul.


Veronica's message to this reader is another reminder, but this time a reminder that only we know what is best for us. We can listen to what has worked for others, and adopt their process if nothing appears differently for us. But if and when something does appear differently, it's always appropriate to go with what comes up for us.

We are each on our own distinct path. We'll have similar experiences, and also completely different experiences. Appreciate and honor others for what they contribute to you, but don't forget to appreciate and honor yourself as well. And go with whatever works for you!