
The Uniqueness of Perception

Quoted from "The Ascension Papers, Book 2, Chapter 1, Dimensions, Densities, Space and Time" by Zingdad and friends.

The ideas I am going to present to you are all convenient fictions. That is to say they are one way to describe and make sense of your reality. They will have a great degree of validity but, equally, there might be other ways to understand your reality that might be equally valid to you. So enjoy the concepts and use them as you might need to but don’t get too attached to them. Remember this: these are DESCRIPTIONS of your reality. They are not your reality itself. And the reality they are describing is an illusory one anyway so there really is no point in getting too rigid about any of this.
If you were to stand looking at a rainbow and say, “my goodness how beautiful the white light and water spray is!” you would get you some pretty odd looks. Because white light is not what you are perceiving. It does not describe your experience. You see colours. Then you describe it as seven colours. But that is just a fiction that you are inventing to conveniently describe your perception of your reality. It is not your reality itself which is something quite different.

But what REALLY is your reality?

... From another perspective it is an interplay of creator-beings co-creating a dance of pure energy. Everything is energy. The light is energy knit into parcels that have been called photons and those photons are bouncing off the water. The water is also that same energy but this time it is knit into sub-atomic particles that are dancing together in a tight little dance as atoms of hydrogen and oxygen, which are clinging together as water molecules, which are clinging together as little droplets. But you see the light and the water is all just energy. And that energy is created in the mind of a being of great consciousness and shaped and manipulated in other great minds.

Z: So it’s energy.

8: Yes.

Z: Unless it isn’t?

8: You got it. There is another perspective in which it is all just consciousness. It is all The One creating a multiplicity of points from which to experience Itself in new and different ways. That is, ultimately, what everything is. And you, taking a moment to marvel at the rainbow, are really a moment of The One putting on a show for Itself.

You are the viewer and you are the mirror by which you are observing yourself. And once you have awoken to the reality of the situation you will come to see that you are also that which you are viewing. You’re the rainbow too.

You, the world you are standing in and the rainbow are all The One experiencing Itself, observing Itself, creating Itself and loving Itself. And it is ultimately impossible to separate you from the body you inhabit, the planet you are standing upon and the rainbow you are observing because, indeed you are not a passive observer as you might think you are… you are creating all that you see. It does not happen outside of you for there is indeed no “outside”. It is all happening inside your god-like creator mind.
You have worked very hard to create for yourself this powerful illusion. It is meant to delight you no end that these wondrous and beautiful things occur in your world without you needing to pre-meditate them. Your world is a paradise-wonderland of pure delight. Or it should be but for the fact of the way the game is being played at the moment. But the old way is coming to an end soon and then it will be as it was meant to be. It will be a paradise for those that are willing to remain here for that.

... When you look at a rainbow, it does not appear to you as if you are The One creating all this for yourself. It does not appear to you that you are observing an interplay in consciousness. It does not appear to you as if you are observing energy or even white light and droplets. It appears to you as if there is an arc in the sky made up of a range of colours. But which of these descriptions are TRUE?

Z: They all are?

8: Indeed they are! There are always layers and layers and layers of truth to everything in your reality. Depending on how you are asking the question, who you ask the question of and the level of consciousness you are able to bring to the answer, you will get a different answer to the same question. You see, there is no one true description for how your realty works that will be true from every perspective.

If you observe what occurs in science then you will discover this to be true. Science attempts to find definitive answers and explanations for the phenomena of your reality. And the reason science is as successful as it is in describing your reality is that the scientific method is predicated upon an understanding that there ARE no absolute truths. Good science recognises that there are no scientific facts. Instead there are only scientific theories which can be tested experimentally. If the experiment confirms the theory then the theory is accepted. It is still just a theory, but an accepted one because it is understood that in due course a different experiment conducted in a different way may very well disprove the theory and then it will have to be replaced by a new one that better explains that which you observe in your environment. That is the way science should operate if it were functioning in a healthy way. Twisting things with egos getting too attached to particular theories and behaving as if they are facts or, worse, heavily funding experiments that prove a particular theory and denying all funding to experiments that might counter that theory debases science. It ceases to be a tool of discovery and becomes instead a tool of manipulation, power and control. Alas what passes for science in your current planetary culture is more of latter than the former.

But that is actually peripheral to the discussion at hand. What I wish you to understand at this juncture is that the insights you will gain from this chapter are a description of your greater reality as given from my perspective. This is how it looks from where I stand. But it is not possible for me to describe your reality in such a way that it cannot be described equally accurately in another. Some will read what I have to say and will conclude that I am wrong because I describe a rainbow of seven colours plus pure white light being the 8th. They will get in a huff and say there should be three colours… or ten… or whatever other number they are attached to. But what I wish you to see is that this is trivial. It is of no meaning whatsoever how many colours you see. This is a function of your own perceptions and it is really quite unimportant how many colours or I are describing. What is important is what lies beyond that: what is the true nature of the reality that gives you the very temporary illusion of experiencing these colours.
So can you begin to see that it matters not one whit what someone else is experiencing, even at the same time and place that you are? It's all perception, and each individual mote of consciousness will have their own unique perspective. Another's perception isn't wrong, it's simply their perception, from their perspective.

Their perception may or may not have similarity to your perception. If their perception differs from yours, does that invalidate your perception? Not at all! That you don't agree with their perception, does that invalidate their perception? Again, not at all.

You can continue to rail against the fact that, in any given moment in time another does not agree with your perception, and work tooth and nail to get them to "see things your way". Or you can simply accept that their perception, while different than yours, is equally valid - for them.

What will you do, at that moment when you realize that you and "other" disagree?

Which perception brings you the most joy? You could continue to insist that your perception is the right one, if you enjoy engaging in argument. Or you could allow them to have their perception while appreciating your own, if you enjoy harmony. Or you could even engage with them in what they are perceiving, to get an idea of what the view looks like from where they sit, if you enjoy exploration and expansion. But even if you do this - engage them in an exploration of what they are experiencing - remember that whatever you get from that interaction, it will always be their perception as viewed from your perspective. Unless you become who they are, this will always be the case.

So your perception isn't right. Nor is it wrong! It's simply your individual and unique perception, because what you perceive is always from your perspective. And the same is true of everyone else.



This Is Not The End, This Is The Beginning

Helpful reminders from Victoria through our friends April and Allen Crawford at Inner Whispers.

Upon Waking Each Day...

Upon waking each day, be sure to decide that whatever occurs will be an adventure. In the linear, there are moments that one would define as unusual. To have the opportunity to explore that unknown territory is indeed a gift.

As soon as your eyes open, breathe in the life you are creating. Place your feet upon the floor and boldly begin the walk through your day. Being an energy that moves through risky, often thick physical environments can feel awkward if you are hoping for a calm easy run.

You came into the physical for experience. Know that that experience can have many layers of texture. By being bold while expecting the adventure, you are being the person you intended to be.

Leave fear at the door and walk into the life you are creating. Be positive in the face of negativity. Be sure when you start to feel uneasy. See the beauty in the most uncomfortable moments.

The outcome of any situation is uncertain until you make the decision of how you intend to handle it. There is only victim-hood if you decide so.

Stand up and embark upon this adventure called "Your Life". It might not be easy at first, but with focus, it is easily attainable.

The journey is what you believe it is. Decide that the adventure begins now and move through it with assurance. You come from a powerful position. Maintain it while living it."


Our world seems to be spinning out of control. Is this a true sign of the beginning of the end? Or just our energy adjusting until we settle back into a more positive state of being?


Dear Carla,

There is a raising of consciousness occurring in your reality. It can be considered a "clean up" of negativity.

As in any dirty space, when one begins to clean it up, there is always a momentary feeling of how difficult the clean up is going to be. However, if one moves through those thoughts, one usually finds great comfort in knowing the beauty of the space beneath all the dirt and grime.

Likewise, your world is going through a clean up. It will take a bit of linear time to complete the process. The final perspective of the space will be wondrous for all. There is great beauty and higher awareness under the current grime.

Be patient.

It is not the end, but the beginning.

When things aren't going the way we wish they were, it's helpful to remember "All is well in all of creation and all is well with me."

If we say it often enough, we begin to believe it. And as we begin to believe it, so our world begins to reflect it. Take comfort in the fact that it is absolutely true, every day in every way, no matter how things look on the surface. The world that awaits is more vast and beautiful than anything we can currently imagine. Start imagining!


Moving Disclosure Forward

Since our governments aren't taking their responsibility to announce the very real truths that our star brothers and sisters are here in our skies and already helping to clean up our planet, lightworkers around the world are taking matters in their own hands - our own hands! - and bringing forward this truth. The Galactics have not been able to announce themselves (though they have taken a much greater visible presence in our skies), as too many of us are still mired in fear of their presence. Before first contact can occur we need to address and release that fear. So it is up to those of us who know better to inform and support the rest as they awaken to these truths.

World governments and certain big business interests - including those who control our mainstream media - have known of the presence of our star brothers and sisters for a very long time. Rather than share this information with the rest of us, they have instead condemned those who would speak of it, lumping these truths into "conspiracy theories", all the while using "alien" (off-world) technologies for their own purposes. These technologies could have freed our world and each other years ago, but instead were used to perpetuate war and hatred among us, with greed and power as the base motivation. We have trusted in the untrustworthy for too long, it's time for this crucial information to be brought out into the open.

Here forthwith is a video created by the contributors and editors of The 2012 Scenario called "I Know My Galactic Family Is Here, Do You? (UFO Disclosure)". Feel free to pass this video along to everyone you know who might benefit - hopefully embrace! - this revelation. For some it is going to be difficult to accept, but accept they will as more and more human beings stand up and say "yes, the Universe is filled with sentient beings, and we are among them."

As a starseed myself and Ambassador of Truth from Arcturus, I welcome this push toward disclosure. "No more secrets, no more lies" as Steve Rother and the group like to say! A new and wonderful life awaits all of us. And frankly, it's about time! I know my galactic family is here, do you? I know that they have nothing but our best interests at heart, and are looking forward to assisting us in creating the New Earth. I know further that in truth, we are them. :) Enjoy!


Message from Gaia

A Message from Gaia

through Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie
September 3, 2012

Dear Gaia,

Please repeat what you told me last night.

Dear One who has heard me,

I am pleased to repeat what you heard during your meditative time. However, first, I will soften the blow.

As more and more of my humans are discovering, they are not alone in this reality. They have seen movies and had visions, dreams and “fantasies” of “little green men”, a title given to the majestic Galactics to soften the fear of those who were still in denial.

However, that denial must come to an end, or those who refuse to accept the Truth that the Galactics are coming NOW, will miss the most momentous moment I, Gaia, have experienced throughout this entire 2,000 years of the Kali Yuga. This darkest, dark before the dawn has been difficult for my SELF and for ALL my inhabitants. My planet has not known such worldwide destruction since the falls of Lemuria and Atlantis.

Fortunately, the time of destruction is ending, and we are poised on the precipice of an entirely New Earth. I want to thank my Beloved Ones who toiled through the long dark night, hiding their true identity and presenting the Truth to anyone who would listen. You, my Beloved Leaders, have made this peaceful transition possible.

Yes, my/our transition into New Earth will be peaceful! However, it will not be easy for those who still slumber. For my brave warriors who have fought for Truth through the many years of restriction, my return to SELF will be the most glorious experience of your myriad lives upon my earth body. Therefore, my dear friends and companions through the process of our transmutation, I speak to you, so that YOU can best speak to others.

Beloved humanity, the Time is NOW! This is NOT another “dress rehearsal.” Therefore, open up your High Heart and Third Eye, fasten your seatbelt and shift into high gear. People are going to need your leadership and counsel, as they will be receiving truths that will rock their perception of reality. We can wait no longer for those who will not see. Therefore, they are unprepared for what is about to commence.

You, my dear Leaders of fifth dimensional Earth, will be called upon in many ways to assist those in need and to bring order to any ensuing chaos. The Wisdom, Power and Love that you have had to keep a secret through our dark night, must now come into the Glory of our Dawning World.

I ask you, my fifth dimensional Leaders, to take off your masks and reveal your True, Multidimensional SELF. When the newly awakening ones see that their fellow humans are of the same ancestry as those who have come from the sky, they will be greatly reassured. Then, as you assist them to understand their own multidimensional nature, they will swiftly adjust to their new world.

However, YOU will be the vanguards of that world. YOU will be the Light of Knowledge as the revelation of the myriad lies comes into public view. YOU will counsel others through their fear and sadness when they realize that those whom they had trusted had no concern for them in return. Most important, YOU will guide them into their New World.

My dear Leaders, I invite you into the Core of my being where you may learn more from your Lemurian family. They will advise you as to how you can best prepare others for their resurfacing into “normal society.” Of course, your society will never feel normal again.

As your third dimensional perceptions are neurologically integrated into your Multidimensional Operating System, perceptions of your third dimensional reality will continue to dim, while perceptions of the fifth dimension and beyond will become “normal.”

You, my dear Spiritual Warriors, have fought for me, your planet, in many ways. Through your dedication to the planet on which you live, you have expanded your consciousness into Planetary-Unity Consciousness. Now, with the landings of my inhabitants from my past and protectors of our presents, you are expanding your consciousness into Galactic-Unity Consciousness.

As your Higher Expressions of SELF from your various Homeworlds meet you, their grounded and ascending Earthly Self, your consciousness will expand to embrace ALL the memories and information of your Multidimensional SELF. This meeting of which I speak could occur either within your consciousness and/or in a physical manner.

Hence, just as my many plants and animals know when it is “time” to sprout leaves and grow flowers, mate and give birth, you my human ones, will KNOW that the season for change has come to you NOW.

In return for all that you have done for me, I have come to you in this NOW to offer you my assistance. You may ask, “How can a planet assist me to transmute my form?” I will answer your unspoken question by sending each and every one of you, collectively and individually, my unconditional gratitude and unconditional love.

Please take a moment NOW to deeply feel my gratitude for all that you have done…

Feel how I AM embracing you, just as you might embrace one of my trees or animals…

Feel how my gratitude spurs you on to do one more thing, to contribute one more task. Then as you absorb my gratitude, please pass it on to all those who have assisted and worked with you.

Now, take another deep breath to absorb the unconditional love I have sent to you…

Feel how my love lives within you as a blue sky, a clear pond, the dawning Sun shining through the forest…

Feel my unconditional love within every molecule of your earth vessel…

Allow this unconditional love to transmute those physical molecules into their higher expression of light…

Experience the light coursing through your body…

Hone in on individual cells that are having difficultly accepting my love…

These cells are the places in your body where you have stored fear. Therefore, these molecules are the most resistant to change. Fear hates change and love embraces it.

Hence, focus your unconditional love on these wounded components of your body…

Send each wounded molecule your deep gratitude for having the courage to protect the rest of your body by holding the fear within its cellular structure…

Observe as the density of fear disarticulates from each molecule…

Now, send unconditional love to these dear living components of your earth body…

Also, send this love into your fourth dimensional Elementals…

Thank them for their service to your Spiritual Essence and send them your unconditional love…

Now, feel your gratitude for the assistance of your Galactic Family…

Send that gratitude off in a wave of unconditional love…

Please do this exercise as often as you can. Feel free to alter it in your own creative way. Remember, my dearest humans, I AM your Mother. I have loved you through your myriad incarnations on my form. Sometimes you were a hero, and other times you were a coward. You were royalty and peasantry. You were deeply asleep and fully awakened.

You, my Ones, have completed your journey through time and polarity and are ready to return to the NOW of the ONE. Hold on tight Beloveds. We will be moving very fast now, and YOU will be called upon to be the Doing of your Being.

Time is ending, and the NOW is returning. Can you see my New Earth through the dimming veils of illusion?

Yes, I knew that you could. That is why I, Gaia your Earth Mother, have called you to: Remember to BE your SELF.
