
Ascension – “What If?” from Steve Beckow

It's a rare individual who has nearly total recall of everything they've heard or read, and remember where they heard or read it. Steve Beckow of The 2012 Scenario is such a one.

Steve has put together the following ascension question and answer list from sources such as the Archangels, the Galactics, and other entities that he - and I - consider trustworthy. If you have had questions / fears / concerns about what our planetary and racial ascension will look like, I hope you'll find comfort in this compilation from Steve.

Since so many "good-hearted" people that we each know don't seem to be awake, this quote from SaLuSa is, for me, perhaps the most important of them all:
It is not even necessary to be fully enlightened about Ascension to ascend, but simply to be of good intent and live the love that is inside your heart for all life forms.

Ascension – “What If?”
2012 AUGUST 23
Posted by Steve Beckow

According to Archangel Michael, many of us have “what if” fears around Ascension. What if Ascension is postponed, what if our loved ones don’t come with us, what if…. our questions go on. In my last reading with him on Aug. 17, he asked:

“Talk about this concern and fear that many are feeling about the ‘what if’ around Ascension. Because … it is lurking in the shadows. …

“What we are talking about is people’s fears. Their fear of ‘what if.’ There is no ‘what if.’ But the fear of ‘what if.’ … What if somehow this is all a cosmic joke. … It is not that we do not appreciate jokes. We love jokes. And our idea of a joke may be very different from yours. But it would never be a joke to hurt so many. “ (1)

So, let’s try to address some common “what if’s.”

• Question: Is there any chance that ascension would be postponed from the given time of Dec. 21, 2012 or before?

Archangel Michael: This is the Mother’s Plan. It is not our plan. It is not your plan. Yes, we are the fulfillment of that plan. But there is no plan for postponement or delay. (2)

• Question: Is there any possibility that I will be in the wrong place at the wrong time for Ascension?

SaLuSa: Be assured that you will all be in the right place for the end times, and follow your prompting if you feel a strong urge to re-locate yourself. At such times it is quite likely that you will feel a desire to be close to your family, and if so follow it through if you can. (3)

• Question: Will families ascend together?

SaLuSa: Many families will ascend together although it will not apply to everyone, as there must be allowance made for each soul’s freewill choice. Bear in mind we are referring to groups of different souls, that come together for the purpose of furthering their evolution.

There will always be comings and goings within them, and very few souls will stay permanently for life after life. Be pleased for all those contacts you have made whether they were brief or otherwise, as they were intended as part of your experience, and each valuable in their own way. (4)

• Question: Will the family’s pets ascend and ascend with the family?

Matthew Ward: Earth’s animal and plant life automatically will go along with the planet and as she ascends, the animal kingdom once again will become peaceable. (5)

The innocence of her animal souls automatically lets them journey with [Gaia]. (6)

Animals who are loved and cared for automatically will travel along with their families. (7)

• Question: I’m having issues with members of my family. Must I stay with them?

SaLuSa: There is no time like the present to review your relationships with friends or family. Often when you incarnate you are placed with souls you have known in previous lives, and it is for the reason that you are likely to have issues between you that need facing again.

Because there is a block between you it carries forward to each life until it is resolved. When you are placed together again in a family you do not know why, but you may have antagonism for each other. Because family members are expected to try and get on with each other, it would be hoped that differences could be more easily overcome. However, that is not always the case and they can become worse.

So if you recognise yourself as being in such a situation, realise how it has come about and make a move to repair the damage to your relationship. Sometimes the hardest part is being able to forgive and it is not a sign of weakness on your part. Be the first one to offer the olive branch and it will release the negative emotions that you hold within.

It will be better to have addressed the problem now rather than let it fester and remain with you. Those who hold on to the idea that they are the victim, should understand that karma is the outworking of problems between two people and both are equally involved. (8)

Matthew Ward: You are your first responsibility. This is not selfishness or egotism, nor is it lack of love and caring for others. It is that only you can make decisions that are in line with your instincts and intuition, your soul’s guidance to your consciousness that nudges you into avenues that in your soul contract you chose to experience during this lifetime. This may include changes in relationships, employment, location, group affiliation or other interests and activities. (9)

• Question: What if a loved one does not want to ascend?

SaLuSa: All is planned to ensure that as many souls as possible are ready to ascend. However no pressure whatsoever is placed upon those who choose to remain in the third dimension, but to continue that experience they will move elsewhere.

Neither is it considered a failure not to have reached Ascension, as you have infinite life and absolute freedom to take as long as you wish in the lower vibrations. Eventually every soul will rise up, as it is impossible to continue resisting the higher vibrations for any great length of time. (10)

• Question: What can we tell young children whose parents choose to die rather than change their religious beliefs, and who will care for all the children who are orphaned?

Matthew Ward: Many whose religious or scientific beliefs are the foundation of their lives will choose to depart rather than accept the forthcoming truths that differ profoundly from what they were taught. (11)

The choice about when to leave this lifetime is made at soul level in original or amended contracts, and no one knows even his own contract, much less anyone else’s. All you can know about someone’s death is that the cause was a vehicle crash, for example, or cancer, heart failure, aneurism or any other medical diagnosis. So it is foolhardy to think, much less assume, that religiously-devout people who die when their children are young chose to do that rather alter their beliefs.

Overt devotion to religion is not the same as what is in one’s heart and mind. Persons you may think never would believe anything that conflicts with teachings of their church may be listening to soul-level messages; conversely, some of the darkest individuals among you attend church services or even hold high offices. …

If both parents die, their children will be cared for by the same family members, friends or legal guardians who would step in just as happens now. With consciousness increasing just as vibratory levels are, children are much more aware and resilient than you may think, and when telepathic connections open, they and their parents may discuss whatever they wish. (12)

• Question: Will many be departing at this time?

The Arcturian Group: Many are choosing to leave at this time. Do not mourn them, but wish them well in their journey back home, for each and every one of you has been given the choice of staying or leaving for the dimensional shift. You know there is no death, no reason to sink into fear and sadness for those choosing to leave for they are simply moving to another place. Those on the other side can always hear you. Send them love and light, but do not consistently engage them, for that serves to hold them in bondage to the earth and the energy they have chosen to leave. It holds them back from proceeding with their own journey.

If someone leaves you with unfinished business, it is appropriate for you to remove any energetic cords, forgive if needed, send love, and consider the issue closed. Unfinished business involving forgiveness can often hold the loved one back because they need closure as much as those left behind. Closure is always possible whether both are in body or not. (13)

• Question: What allows a person to ascend?

Matthew Ward: It is the light within a body that transforms its carbon-based cellular structure into the crystalline form that enables the body to live in the high vibrations of energy planes beyond third density. (14)

SaLuSa: Only those of you who have lifted your vibrations sufficiently, will be able to join those energies. Thereby lies the outworking of a truth, that only those of the Light can exist in the new dimension. (15)

• Question: Must I at least know a great deal about Ascension to ascend?

SaLuSa: It is not even necessary to be fully enlightened about Ascension to ascend, but simply to be of good intent and live the love that is inside your heart for all life forms. (16)

• Question: What is the situation of those who awaken at this late date?

SaLuSa: For some souls who have only just awakened, their reality has been shattered. And for a while, they will cling to what they believed to be the truth.

It is important that they realize that the coming changes are not to be feared. Also, that it is not too late to alter their pattern of thinking to allow their consciousness levels to be lifted and place themselves on the path to Ascension. (17)

Message from the Arcturians - You Are the Openers

Wow. I feel like Suzan Caroll / Lie wrote this directly to me! I wonder how many of you are feeling the same way?
The Arcturians – We Are You
By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – August 22, 2012

Beloved Ascending Ones,

We, The Arcturians, observe that many of you are having a challenge during this final stage of integration of your new Multidimensional Operating System into your old third dimensional thinking.

In other words, a part of you is fully multidimensional while another part, usually your earth vessel, feels like an anchor that you are dragging around with your consciousness.

Actually, that is a correct metaphor. YOU are no longer your earth vessel, but you are still using it to remain attached to the 3D Earth Matrix.

You are much like a Hermit Crab who has grown too large for its current shell and is desperately looking for a larger encasement so that it can still crawl around the ocean to find food. Just as a Hermit Crab sometimes leaves the water, you are increasingly leaving your usual habitat. For myriad lives you have limited your environment to the physical plane. However, the physical reality is beginning to feel like a shell that no longer fits.

The frequency rate of the YOU that is free of your vessel is many octaves higher than the vessel that you appear to be wearing. Hence, there is a constant juxtaposition between the YOU inside your earth vessel and the YOU that is quickly expanding beyond the confines of third dimensional limitation.

There are, also, many changes in your consciousness that are making your earth vessel feel too tight. For example, your thoughts have become too fast for your physical articulators to effectively express. Furthermore, your emotional longing for something that seems impossible by the standards of your physical brain makes you lonely and forgetful. Thus you are beginning to forget, but it is the third dimension that you are forgetting, while your yearning for something new is growing stronger.

Things, activities, people, foods and interest that were once very important are beginning to mean less and less to you. The time-bound thinking that has driven you to do a certain thing, be a at certain place or finish a certain task by a given time is falling away. You are literally forgetting that which you do NOT want to do. Instead, you are choosing to follow the urges of the New You.

Who is the New You? This You is definitely not the person you have always been. In fact, you would never have dared to believe that you could become the version of your SELF that is gradually, or swiftly, taking over your ever changing and expanding life.

The part of you that cared what you should do has been replaced with the New You that only wants to do what you want to do. YOU want to do only that which fills you with this new feeling of calm and contentment. You have gained an inner faith (or is it courage?) that allows you to live via your own inner compass. Therefore, even if it means changing your entire life, you are willing to follow this expanded experience of reality that is arising from within your Core.

Of course, the usual challenges are there for now, but you have a knowing that things are about to change in a very big way. You are not sure in which way your life will change, but you know that YOU will change it. For one thing, you know reality is different because you are changing how you perceive life.

You are choosing to keep your mind open and your heart filled with unconditional love. You can only do this because you have chosen to listen to your SELF and are no longer a captive of a reality forced upon you by someone else.

“Someone else” is a term that is beginning to mean something different. It used to mean everyone, but now it feels like an old term that is no longer necessary in your language, much as a “buggy whip”. You don’t drive a horse-drawn carriage, so a buggy whip is not needed. In fact, if or when you do drive a carriage, you would not want to whip that majestic animal who is doing you a favor by pulling your carriage.

In fact, you have a growing respect for all animals. Hence you no longer feel that you are superior because you have two legs and they have four legs, or no legs. You now perceive animals, as well as plants, as living creatures that have the same rights as you. Being a human is no longer being the most evolved being when you realize that some animals, such as the cetaceans, are just as, if not more, evolved than humans.

The former superiority of your ego is shifting. In fact, you are beginning to grow beyond the confines of ego. Whereas once you identified yourself as your ego and only occasionally listened to your Inner Voice or your Higher SELF, now you ARE your Higher SELF and your Inner Voice is YOUR voice.

Your ego still exists, but it has been relegated to care and maintenance of your earth vessel for as long as you decide to keep wearing it. This vessel is feeling very tight lately, and it seems VERY slow.

Your mind often races far ahead of your body and your brain. Your brain, once only connected to your earth vessel, is now connecting to your Multidimensional SELF. Because of this new connection, you are receiving many messages from the higher frequencies of reality. Some of you receive these messages in your dreams, some of you receive higher messages through your thoughts and writings, and some receive messages through emotions or even actions.

Through whichever manner you are wired into your higher perceptions you are receiving more messages than before, as well as messages from higher frequencies. Of course, not everyone is on the same fast track as you. However, they may suddenly awaken one day and flash into a full awakening.

You are the Openers. You are the first ones to open the myriad Portals into the fifth dimension. Also, you are the ones that will stand by that open Portal until everyone has gone through. “The first will be the last.” However, that third dimensional term does not exactly explain what we are saying.

You, the Openers, volunteered to be the leaders of this Planetary Ascension. Therefore you serve as the Scouts who go ahead into the unknown and come back to tell of your experience. You dash into the Bliss of the NOW, and courageously return to tell of your trek. You have become masters of saying things in a specific manner so that you do not frighten your audience.

There are many who are still fast asleep. If you awaken them too suddenly they will experience fear, which would lower their consciousness rather than raise it. To best “read” the needs of the ones you are assisting, go into your own Core and look IN to the ONE.

From within your inner perspective, you will KNOW just what to say and when. In this manner, you can keep your ego out of the picture and speak only from within your Core of SELF.

A blessed side effect of assisting others is that you will be using the immense, higher-frequency light coursing through your body. The energies that you are now downloading and integrating into your form need to be kept moving.

Therefore, when you are conscious of this incoming energy:

• Accept it
• Share it with Gaia
• Integrate it into your body, consciousness and life
• Love it unconditionally
• And send it out to your reality

Once the energy is sent out, surrender to whatever higher purpose you have initiated. This act of surrender assures that your 3D ego remains disengaged and that YOU are merely serving as a step-down transformer.

Remember that YOU are the Portals that you opening. Some of you have within your Mission the ability to see Gaia’s many Portals and to then open them. Some of you have the ability to perceive the Portals within other humans and to assist them to open their own Portal. By surrendering to the Flow of the unconditional love embedded in the incoming multidimensional light, you are serving as a messenger for your highest expression of SELF.

Beloved earthbound expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, your path of incarnation is coming into a steady curve. That which was once determined from your external world is being replaced by an internal compass which re-calibrates with your every step. As you return to the NOW of the ONE, thoughts feel like an echo and emotions are becoming a way to perceive your reality. Your movements become flowing and your creativity bursts forth into full bloom.

Your once “far-away” guidance is within your every thought, and the unconditional love that you only felt in deepest meditation or prayer is becoming normal. You are very different than you have ever been because you are returning to the Core of your Eternal Being. Honor yourself with your every breath, for YOU are vital to the process of Personal and Planetary Ascension.

You have studied, suffered, forgotten and remembered that which is now easily within your grasp. Reach inward to receive these truths and allow them to meld into the Three Fold Flame of your High Heart. Look inside to see us, your Higher Expressions.

Through many lives of limitation, separation and duality we were with you. We held your hand in your darkest night and filled you with joy and bliss when you were able to receive it. Through your myriad lives, you may have felt alone, but we have never left you. How could we? After all, we are YOU!

The Arcturians and your Galactic Family
through Suzan Caroll


Are You Ready To Give That Up Yet?

All around the world, from friends, family, associates, various group members, stories, and reports, I hear people complaining and arguing, being angry, hateful, and spiteful, seeking revenge and justice. When I see or hear it close to me, my typical response is something along the lines of "are you ready to give that up yet?"

When confronted with that question people will typcially look at me with that wide-eyed stare that says either "are you daft?" or "you are daft!" without quivocation. It's a rare individual (and I must say I love them to pieces!) who will at least think about the question, and often respond with something like "yah, I think I am."

I ask that question because angry, hateful, revengeful responses to the outside world - or the inside world for that matter! - are totally inappropriate where we are going. And I don't mean "where" as in a place, but "where" as in a shift to a higher vibrational reality.

The issues of blame, guilt, revenge, and all related emotion, is based upon duality, the belief that someone can "do something" to someone else without their consent. Yet they cannot. By the laws of the Universe it is completely impossible to do something to another without their consent, albeit soul consent. Most people do not yet understand that they are their soul. When a decision is made at the soul level, that's you making the decision, you simply aren't aware of it on a physical level. But you can be.

You can start by accepting that everything that happens to you is of your choosing. You may not know why, you may in fact be dumbfounded about such an eventuality happening to you. But that inability to be aware that you chose it, to remember that you chose it, doesn't negate the fact that you did choose it.

The key to unlocking the door of understanding is to choose that which you are already confronted with. "I chose this. This is my first choice. Amoung the myriad millions of potentials that could have presented themselves to me in this moment, I chose this one." Can you feel the power surging through you when you make your experiences your choice. It means that you are no longer a victim, no longer subject to the whims of others.

I know, I hear you saying "all well and good for most instances, but trust me when I say that I would never have chosen < insert your favorite despicable instance here ... raped, tortured, murdered, abused, etc. >". You continue "There just has to be some exceptions to the 'I chose' rule for heinous acts. There must!"

But there isn't. There truly isn't. You have no remembrance, no acknowledgment of, the contracts that you and others made before you started this incarnation. You have no remembrance of, nor acknowledgement of, experiences from previous lifetimes where you decided things, acted in ways, that you wish to revisit with hope for a change in response. Maybe you responded angrily or hurtfully and now you want the opportunity to respond out of kindness, generosity, forgiveness, compassion, or love.

So you bring these old experiences into the present, often with the same players from before, dressed up in a different costume, acting on a different stage, to see what you can learn, to see if you can shift your response this time. Or you have agreed to be a player in someone else's play, allowing them to respond to you in a different way. But in either case or in both cases, we all learn and grow from the experience, no matter how heinous an act is or was.

On our planet we often say "wish I could have a do-over." Guess what? You got your wish! Your whole life is pretty much a do-over, you just don't realize that it is! So the next time you respond to some experience in a way that doesn't feel good to you, know that this is your golden do-over opportunity. How you choose to respond Now will affect all those other lifetimes where you experienced the same or similar things, with the same beings! but chose not to grasp the opportunity. Now you can. You may not know why, and from this vantage point you don't need to. All you need to do is acknowledge that you chose it, and go from there.


There's Nothing To Forgive

We've all been working from the standpoint of wanting/needing to forgive those who we believe have wronged us in some way. I completely agree that forgiveness is an important virtue, and one of many steps along the road to fulfilling our destiny as fully embodied spirits in a human vessel. Kudos to any and all who can achieve this milestone of forgiveness, especially when the perpetration has been deep and/or long-lasting. That is a huge step to take, and an important one.

That said, know that forgiveness is only a step. At some point in our growth we come to realize that there is no need for forgiveness at all, because there has been no crime. We are not victims, in any way shape or form. Since we are not victims, others are not perpetrators. Both are third density, duality-based concepts.

In this play called life on planet earth we determine what experiences to draw into our reality, and the game of perpetrator/victim was a part of that game. That game is over.

It may be a difficult concept for many to accept, or even open the possibility for, but when we continue to reach for full and complete responsibility in the matter of our own lives and our own creations, we eventually realize that there is nothing whatsoever to forgive, no matter how heinous an act might seem. In fact, at some point we reach the place where we honor those who we used to believe have "trespassed against us", for they have added immeasurably to our spiritual growth and experience. We have, in turn, provided similar opportunities to them.

Even further along the path of spiritual growth, after forgiveness, honor, and appreciation comes our compassion for the karma that those whom we saw as perpetrators may have to tend with along their path. It's far too easy to get caught up in the density and duality and "over shoot the mark" so to speak in our perpetrator role(s).

So the next time you contemplate forgiving someone, ask yourself if you might instead be willing to honor them for the role they have played - or are playing - in your this-life experience. If you can find the willingness in your heart, thank them for their participation. This action closes the book on that experience and allows you to move along to other things, other people, and other experiences.


If You Knew ...

If you knew,

not just thought,
not just believed,
or hoped,
or supposed,

but knew

that you were the creator of your individual reality,

and collectively the creator of your shared reality,

would you ever again complain,
or judge,
or blame,
or be victimized,
or try to control?

your Self or Other?

At any time, from this moment forward, you can stop thinking and believing and hoping and supposing and begin knowing. Knowing with every fiber of your being, with every cell in your body that you create your reality. Every moment of it, every experience in it, every thought comes to you, because you set it up that way, for your own reasons. You just forgot that you did.

Because You Are God Also.

At any time you can re-empower yourself with the power that you have been giving to others. Well-meaning others in many cases, but others. This includes your parents, teachers, mentors, coaches, experts, books, movies, programs, newspapers, media sources, the government, corporations, banks, doctors, lawyers, neighbors, friends, associates, family members, and yes, even gurus, channelers, and off-worlders. Each and every individual and entity that you believe has answers that you don't have or can't get.

Take that power back. Take your power back. Know - with heartfelt conviction - that you know what is best for you, and behave that way.

The voices in your head are false profits, and they may or may not know what is best for you. Why take a chance about whether those voices are right or not when the voice that knows is the one in your heart?

What comes from your heart is You (the You that remembers Who You Really Are), talking to you (the you who doesn't remember). Listen to that voice, those feelings. Act upon that voice, those feelings. And then take full and complete responsibility for the choices you make and the actions you take. That is how you take your power back and become the Master of your own destiny.

The time to take back your power is Now, and in so doing you will find yourself living the life of ease, grace, harmony, compassion, abundance, cooperation, love, joy, and peace that you came into this reality to experience. You are that powerful, if only you would accept that you are, and act from that stand.


All You Need Is Love

Remember this classic by the Beatles, "All You Need Is Love"? At the time it was released the world was in a period of idealism and major change.

We knew in our hearts that the phrase was true, though we didn't know how to get there from where we were. Nothing in our 'reality' suggested that love was all we needed, because love didn't put food on the table or pay the rent. Love didn't seem to stop aggression and war. Love didn't keep us from getting disappointed that life wasn't turning out the way we'd pictured it as children.

And yet somehow we knew, deep down inside, that life wasn't supposed to be a struggle, people weren't supposed to do despicable things to each other, and things weren't supposed to turn out badly. That knowing only frustrated us even more.

If we only look at what isn't working in life right now, both personally and globally, it still appears that a whole lot more is needed than love. But that's because we don't really understand what love is. We think love is that feeling we get when we find someone that makes our heart go all aflutter. Or that feeling we get when we see a little child giggling and laughing. Or when our dog looks us square in the eyes and we feel like there's nothing in the world they wouldn't do for us, they love us that much.

Those are expressions of love, and wonderful feelings they are. But those feelings aren't what love is. Love is who we are. In its grandest expression it's a total acceptance of all that is, just as it is. A knowing that everything is right and perfect no matter what it looks like on the outside. A knowing that we are part and parcel of everything that exists, physical and non-physical, sentient and not sentient, while still maintaining sovereignty as our own being.

When we live in the knowing that we are Love, we begin to realize that anything and everything in us, about us, and around us that is not that, is simply there to help us know and experience what is not love. When we're done examining and experiencing what is not-love, then we're free to return to Who We Really Are. And that is what this ascension is all about - living our life in every moment knowing that we are love, and we cannot be anything but ... unless we choose to pretend otherwise.


Return of the Dreamer

Ask yourself how it is that you know what you know. How much of what you think you know was fed to you by parents, teachers, ministers, coaches, mentors, books, audios, television, movies, documentaries, newspapers, magazines? When you look back at your life how much do you know simply because you know it, and not because someone else told it to you?

As well-intended as all of these sources of information were for us, they too learned what they learned from their parents, teachers, ministers, coaches, mentors, books, etc. All operating from the third density side of the veil, and all mostly unaware of the greater knowing, or ignoring that knowing based on what appeared as "reality", and what others considered reality to be.

It's time for us to fully examine all the things that we think we know, and begin to realize that in almost every - if not every - case, we know what we know because someone we trusted or accepted as an authority told it to us.

Global change doesn't come from how things used to be, it comes from how things can be. The only way to determine how things can be is to listen to the voice of your heart, your intuition, your inspiration, your dreams. Third density reality neither allowed for nor appreciated dreamers. That reality is done. There's a new reality all around us. It's time to reclaim the dreamer in you.


Time versus Frequency

It is not that you are waiting for a certain time for things to happen. Time is a third dimensional illusion. Instead, you are waiting for a certain frequency of reality for things to happen.

From "Awakening with Suzanne Lie"
I think this statement is apropos to many things that we hope so see, but particularly apropos to the potential for disclosure. Disclosure here referring to when we humans might expect our star brothers and sisters to either be announced by our world leaders, or for them to announce their presence themselves in some way or another. Of course they have been announcing themselves via fly-overs in various parts of the world for some time, but not an in 'indisputable' sort of way that many, myself included, are looking for. There have also been releases of confidential documents that indicate that many of our world leaders have been aware of, indeed working with, particular off-world factions (ETs) for many years, but these have received little attention from the media.

In other words, many of us have been wishing / hoping / intending / expecting full disclosure, indisputable proof, with national media coverage, and yet what we see appears little different than what we have seen before. We want more, we want final resolution, and what we see is not that. We've been waiting for 'the right time' and as Sue reminds us, we aren't waiting for 'time' at all, we're waiting to achieve the right frequency.

Why is this distinction between time and frequency important? Because we don't have any control over time. The way we effect time is to step outside of it. The way we effect frequency is to focus on what we want to see, not on what we do - or do not - see.

It's rather much of a habit for humans to focus on what we can see. We've gotten used to limiting the experience of our reality to our five senses. But when we do, all we're going to get is what those 5 senses have been programmed to provide. Though that's hardly all there is to perceive. We have senses that perceive other worlds vastly different and outside of our third-density, 5 senses world. That's why it's so obvious to many that we are part of a larger community, a galactic, universal, multi-universe reality.

Although it's a habit for us to perceive in this way, it's important that we challenge ourselves - and each other - to perceive with our other senses as well. In this way we won't need 'indisputable proof' that our star brothers and sisters exist. It will be as obvious as the proverbial nose on our face. Which, if you think about it, is only observable as a reflection. :)

So the most valuable thing we can do is to continue to focus on full disclosure as already completed, a done deal, and not allow ourselves to be discouraged or dissuaded because we don't yet 'see' the proof.

Sue's full article is reproduced below.
Two Realities, Two Worlds
By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – August 6, 2012

It is not that you are waiting for a certain time for things to happen. Time is a third dimensional illusion. Instead, you are waiting for a certain frequency of reality for things to happen.

The many changes that are occurring in your reality are happening because your frequency of reality is rising in resonance. When a reality is moving into a higher frequency, there is more Unity and less separation, less time and more NOW.

What happened in the past, or what may happen in the future is becoming less important than what is happening right NOW. In fact, as you continue with your expanding consciousness, you realize that the real question is, “What reality am I creating?” You may also be thinking, “To what reality/situation do I choose to attach my attention?”

Myriad realities are easily perceivable through your fifth dimensional perceptions that are unknown when you perceive reality through your third dimensional consciousness. Because of the “fall into the third dimension” after Atlantis, many sub-frequencies of Earth splintered off, almost as if they were trying to “put on the brakes.”

Now your consciousness, and hence your perceptions, are moving into higher versions of your reality. It is still your life as you have always known it, but it is a higher resonance of that life.

Remember that you are not having a personal Ascension where you see yourself fly off beyond the confines of your physical world. Just as you are all changing bit-by-bit every day in an exponential manner, Earth is changing in the same exponential way. Therefore, your reality is changing because your frequency of reality is shifting.

As the frequency of your reality rises, it moves beyond the frequency of polarity. Polarity is, actually, an unnatural state. There are more inhabited fifth dimensional worlds than there are inhabited third dimensional worlds. Third dimensional worlds are similar to hatcheries where the baby chicks can be born and gradually learn how to fly.

Once they can fly, the chicks leave the hatchery and go off to a new life. This “hatchery” planet is now closing. The grounded baby chicks will soon be flying into new worlds. These worlds were always there, but the chicks could not see them because they were too high up. In the same manner, humanity is “flying up,” but up in frequency, not in space. Therefore, your life will change as your resonance changes. Humanity is ready for adulthood.

Finally, after a very difficult adolescence filled with selfishness and violent actions, much of humanity is ready for adulthood. This time is none too soon, for the destruction to the planet in the last 2000 years of the Kali Yuga was extreme. Some children do not move into adolescence because they cannot learn the lessons of cause and effect that are so important during that cycle of growth.

In the same manner, some Earth Beings put out negative causes and, like an adolescent, they were shocked and victimized when the “cause” returned to them as an “effect.” On the other hand, many of you were able to learn and thus you gained wisdom, power and love. As you have gained this control over your 3D life, you are yearning to fly away and find a new nest.

Fortunately, as you mature in your Ascension process you remember that you are ONE with each other and ONE with the planet. Therefore, you do not feel separate enough to wish to fly off and desert Earth and Her inhabitants.

Furthermore, because many of you have integrated your multidimensional perceptions into your thoughts and emotions, you are realizing how your thoughts and emotions change your consciousness, and how your consciousness changes your perceptions.

With this realization you are beginning to have perceptions of other realities from the corner of your eye. However, when you look directly towards them they often disappear. You may need to have many experiences of higher worlds to make them normal enough that they do not create fear.

In fact, when you realize that you are actually moving into higher frequencies of reality which you once believed were “only your imagination,” you can more easily believe that you experience was real.

Also, since the process of Ascension has taken you beyond many of the third dimensional illusions, your unity consciousness is being fully activated. You may not yet be able to consciously see the high frequency molecules that connect all life, but you can allow yourself to believe that what you think you see can indeed be real.

What is confusing you is that you still observe many humans who appear to be fully asleep and are still experiencing polarities of darkness and/or fear. Also, back in the “real” world of the third dimension, you are still having challenges. Your old third dimensional separation consciousness tells you that someone separate from you, someone or some situation outside of you, is creating a problem over which you have no control.

However, your fifth dimensional unity consciousness, which has been newly activated, tells you that nothing is outside of you and control is a third dimensional concept. Your fifth dimensional consciousness reminds you that you can change your world by changing your state of consciousness.

With a higher state of consciousness you regain your multidimensional perceptions enough to realize that there are many sub-planes within any reality. Hence, for a minute, you were experiencing a reality in which there is only love and everyone seems to be living in unity.

Then, in another moment, you are tired, angry, and having to work hard. Is it your fault that you are suddenly upset? Or has your resonance just dropped out of the fifth dimension and into a lower expression of reality?

Therefore, you have a choice. Is your reality a reflection of your state of consciousness, or are you a victim to the many difficulties that you must face in daily life? For many years, and myriad lifetimes, you were a good person if you worked hard and suffered without complaint.

Now you have a choice to realize that any fear that you send out into your would will return to you as a fearful situation. In the same manner, any love you send out into the world will return to you as love. Unfortunately, when you allow your consciousness to drop, you will forget that you are the creator of your life.

Furthermore, when your consciousness drops you can forget that the quickest way to have more love in your life is to raise your consciousness. The higher frequencies of reality are increasingly more free of polarity and are increasingly founded on unconditional love, multidimensional light and unity consciousness. When you look into your Core, you will expand your consciousness back into the frequency of reality in which you live in Unity with peace, love, wisdom and inner power.

In other words, you can choose to attach your consciousness to the outer third dimensional frequency of reality in which polarity, separation and limitation reign.

Or you can choose to look inside your Core and attach your consciousness to deeper and higher inner layers, which will expand your consciousness into the higher frequencies of realty.

Can you choose to refuse to participate in that which you want to move beyond? Can you then choose, instead, to attach your consciousness to the higher frequencies of unconditional love and multidimensional light?

We are Arquelle, a fifth dimensional member of the ONE that you will find within your Core. We, the higher expressions of your SELF, are here to guide you back to fifth dimensional New Earth.