
All Gardens Take Time

All gardens take time to plant, blossom, and flower. They must be nurtured, fed, and watered. The garden of New Earth is no different. Growing this garden doesn't need to be difficult, it can be a labor of love.

Here's Veronica, through April and Allen Crawford at Inner Whispers:

Always Fulfilling

Being a physical incarnate is a huge undertaking. The best laid plans can and will go awry. However, even though you may feel like a small insignificant pebble in a vast universe, you are indeed so much more.

Many have asked us what they should be doing, what the definition of their purpose is, and why am I here? In the eye of the hurricane of life, it is often difficult to see an outside view.

If you are plagued with these questions, it is important to be able to take on the responsibility and know that you are capable. The smallest action can create an abundance of goodness. Perhaps stop analyzing and just be.

Bring love and awareness into your life whenever you can. Allow love into the lives of each and every person you know. Stop being afraid of the unknown and participate fully in what is known.

You are a beacon of light. Be aware of that and respond to it by being fully you. No apologies. No worries. No holding back.

You have the ability to set an example even though it may not be totally understood by others. It can blossom in their thoughts as inspiration. That small spark will affect them in further moments.

Planting seeds of knowledge takes time. Be patient. By continuing your path there is hope that all will be a part of the light in future moments.

Continuing planting.

Flowers will grow.

Beauty and love blossoming is always fulfilling.

Be patient and aware.



The question about intelligence (last week) was a good one. I have wondered about that subject for years. I know that a college education improves a person's knowledge, but not his intelligence.

I believe that is a widespread misconception. Could you tell us if we just know what we have learned in past lives, or if we choose what we will be good at. I know that all of us are good at some things. Mine is not communication.



Dear Don,

Each energy that incarnates has definite gifts and talents. They are enhanced by experience in the linear. Some are artistic, some are healers, while others are gifted with leadership abilities.

The gifts are from the source of energy from which they came. It is up to each soul to expand them.



My Personal Confrontation With Fear

Dear Readers,

I want to share with you a very powerful growth experience that I worked through today, centered around a gut-wrenching fear. I share my experience in the hopes that you gain whatever insight might be available for you in your own life.

It all started with a message I sent to what I call my "inner circle" of friends and family:

Dearest friends,

The time we have awaited appears to be near at hand. What time is that you ask? The time for disclosure of the fact that we are not alone in the Universe, that our governments and numerous corporate leaders have known this fact and have kept it a secret from humanity for their own reasons.

I could give you links that you could read for yourselves, but my knowing goes far deeper than anything that has been said or posted. Besides, the information is easy enough to find if you care to do so. I personally recommend The 2012 Scenario as an information source, but the internet is a big place, and you each likely have your own trusted sources already.

Exactly how disclosure will be revealed, by whom, and exactly when, is unknown. What is known is that the time is very close. The event window that has been given is the current Olympics in London. Certain world leaders have been asked to provide disclosure themselves, but for their own reasons have not done so. A final deadline for their voluntary action has been given. That deadline is Aug 4, 2012. If voluntary disclosure has not happened by that date, our star brothers and sisters will disclose themselves.

Again, exactly how, when, and where are not known, but since so many human beings all over the globe are focused on the event of the Olympics, disclosure is expected to fall within the window of this two-week event. That could change of course, but I don't expect it to. If it does, simply know that all timing is divinely inspired and it will occur when it occurs.

As you all know, there are many many human beings for whom disclosure will be a profound shock. The deception in our world has been deep and long, going back thousands of years. The potential for fear and acting out is very real. It is our combined job at this point to help ensure that those who react in fear have someone who is not in fear to turn to. In your circle of friends, family, and associates, that someone is you.

This is what you have been preparing for. Now is the time to be the light that you came to be. You don't need to forewarn others unless you feel inspired to do so, simply be aware that it is coming. Be ready to field questions, calm hearts, and hold the energy for this to pass quickly, joyously, and for the highest good of all concerned.

Be assured that any negative events on a global scale will not happen. That said, humans are humans, and on an individual basis, acting out could occur. It is our job as the awake and aware to minimize those possibilities.

We all know that global ascension cannot proceed until this crucial information is revealed. And what a joyous time it will be after the initial shock, disbelief and potential fear has passed! I find that my own excitement is hard to contain, combined with a fair share of relief that finally, finally, action on this front is happening. Maybe you feel the same way. This is the key to world-wide changes that are about to blow our socks off, and I for one am honored to be able to play a part. Exciting times these are!

On a personal note I want to thank each of you for being my partner in this energy. We are on the very threshold of the future that we have been creating and waiting for, for more lifetimes than we can count. I couldn't be more pleased or more proud of each and every one of you.

If there is anything that I can do to help you, any information or guidance that I can provide, please do not hesitate to ask.

As always, I caution you to listen to your heart and follow your own guidance above all else, above what I or anyone else would say.

Light, love, and blessings to you all.


- K

PS - Each of you may hold whatever feelings you have about our US president and that is perfectly fine. But I feel it's important for me to share that I, among many lightworkers and lightmasters, hold Obama as an aware being of the light, one of many around the world who is supported by the light factions and ready to help us usher in the new era. When finally freed of the tethers of the old political structure, I think you are going to see a whole 'nother side of this man.
In case you aren't aware, there is a huge amount of controversy about this particular potential, the potential that world-wide disclosure is imminent, and the exact timeline of it. Although I'm rarely one to drop squarely down on either side of any issue, preferring to keep all my options open, I felt compelled to share what little I know - or think I know - about this potential with those closest to me. But as important as this message, this email, might be (or might not be), this post isn't about the message.

A funny thing happened after I hit "send" on that email. Or maybe not so funny, depending on your point of view. ;) What happened is that all of a sudden I was nearly overcome with fear. "What if I'm wrong?" "What if disclosure isn't even close, let alone imminent?" "What if I look like a fool?" "What if they misunderstand what I've said?" "What if they don't agree with me?" "What if I lose credibility with those closest to me?" "What if I haven't used my own discernment and have been fooled myself?" And finally "Why did I think sending this message was a good idea??" After all that self-doubt and questioning, my heart was racing and my body shaking from all the adrenalin these fears were causing to be pumped into my system.

I should state that I'm no stranger to heart-pounding anxiety and fear. These are feelings I've come to know well over my lifetime. In fact for the longest time I didn't know any other feeling. Along with being extremely sensitive, I was what people referred to as "jumpy." The smallest noise, movement, or touch, known or unknown, could have my heart leaping into my throat. I thought this response was normal. When people would rub my shoulders and comment that they could feel my tension or anxiety, my response was always "Really? I don't feel anything, feels like normal to me."

After many years of personal growth and seeking my own truths, I've realized that the anxiety that I lived with wasn't the way people were supposed to feel. But it was the way I felt. Getting a bit of prolonged relief from the anxiety led me to realize just how much fear ruled my life. After that it became a mission of mine to get to the root of my fears and release them. Suffice it to say that over the years I've made great strides with anxiety and fear, such that when I feel anxiety now I know it for what it is.

After all that growth, the degree to which sending out this message threw me back into a state of high anxiety shocked me. Knowing that all fear must be released before we can hope to enter into a 5th density reality, I was determined to experience it fully so that it could be released. I realized that this fear that I was feeling had little to do with the message itself, the message itself was irrelevant. The feeling had everything to do with my expectations. In other words the fear wasn't coming from what I had said, it was coming from what I believed might be the result for me personally of what I had said.

And so I sat down and tried to allow the feeling of fear to come to the surface. It wasn't terribly easy. I had my rational mind to give me all the reasons why I wasn't feeling what I was feeling, or shouldn't be. My rational mind is really good with admonitions like "Buck up! Be strong! Stop being a sissy!" But my body was telling me something different. My body was telling me that the fear was very real, and I knew that this time I needed to listen to my body and not my mind.

So rather than hide from it, or pretend it didn't exist, or rationalize my way out of it, or listen to the thousand and one thoughts coming to me about what an idiot I was for thinking I could make a difference in the world, I allowed the fear to be present. I felt it in my heart. I felt it in my chest. I felt it in my throat. I felt it in my stomach. I felt it in my skin. I felt it everywhere. I tried to remember to breath, but sometimes all the breathing did was send me into a convulsion of choking. This was the core fear that I'd been hiding from, running from, all my life. I felt it taking me over and for a moment, a split second in my reality, I felt like the fear was all that I was, and that I would never be anything but fear.

When that happened I got really pissed. No longer did I feel afraid, I felt pissed. I wasn't about to be controlled by this feeling. I proclaimed to the Universe and anyone who could hear that I would not be cowed by fear. Never again. Not ever. I have as much right as the next guy to be free, and being afraid is not the road to freedom. This declaration was like a revelation for me. With it I realized that it was me who had allowed fear to rule me. I further realized that I was the one, the only one, who could release myself from it.

And then I cried. And cried. And cried. I think I cried for the myriad aspects of myself over many lifetimes who had been told that fear was necessary, who actually believed that other beings and other things had power over me, who believed that it was right and proper to fear. Not only right and proper, but in fact, necessary, even required.

Only it isn't! That's a tough one for us who have been so indoctrinated over centuries, potentially millenia, to respond to fear. Yet no one, no being, physical or non-physical, has the god given ability to induce fear in another, and no being has the god given imperative to accept fear into their reality. Fear is a choice. We don't have to choose it.

God is not fear. God is in fact the opposite of fear. The age old adage "God is Love" is absolutely true. God IS Love. You are God. Ergo You are Love. Love and fear cannot be present in the same moment. You are either God / Love or you are not. If you are not, then you are Not God / Fear. All emotions are simply variations of the state of love or the state of fear.

Fear is a paper tiger. It's the ace-in-the-hole for any being who in the moment does not know and/or cannot accept love. Because another flings fear and fearful experiences doesn't mean the rest of us need to take that fear and carry it around. We do not. We have the ability - and I would assert the responsibility - to refuse to accept the offering of fear, or to accept fear as a part of our reality. Certainly not as a requirement of our reality!

As a society and as individuals we've bought into fear as a way of life. It's been handed down generation after generation, and we have continued to give it credence. But I ask you, what kind of life is that, a life of fear? Not the life that our Creator gave to us, that's for sure. We bought into the fear for our own reasons, for our own growth, for our own desire to experience what it is like to be "not God".

It's time to give that up. We have experienced "Not God" for a good long while; now it's time to experience "As God". 'As God' is not fear, 'As God' is love. Not the kind of love we think of as love, the conditional kind that has all sorts of "need to's" around it, but unconditional love, God-Love, the kind of love that allows each of us to be who we are, with no need to satisfy anyone. That is Sovereignty. That is Love. That is God.

Do I think that because of my declaration I'll never have fear come up again? Hardly. But I know now that I can choose how I respond to fear. I know now that I've finally allowed myself to feel fear, fully and completely. I didn't try to hide from it, I didn't pretend I wasn't experiencing it, I didn't try to rationalize it away, and I didn't chastise myself for succumbing to it, all things that I had done in the past when confronted with fear. It may seem like an odd thing to say, but I know now that fear is a paper tiger, and that makes all the difference.


High Heart and Higher Mind, the Portals to 5D

The following comes from Suzan Caroll at MultiDimensions through her personal blog. This is the most succinct explanation I've found yet about why our personal ascension is so important to the ascension of humanity at large, how and why our physical bodies are so crucial to this transition, how to forward our own progress, and why not everyone on Earth right now may be ready for such a transition.

Not to say an individual cannot become ready, this opportunity is open to all! But as Jim Self at Mastering Alchemy likes to say "some assembly required."

These are only portions of Sue's posts, please see "Conversations with My Selves", Part I and Part II for the full articles.

From a conversation with the Arcturians in Part I:
Arcturians: The Pineal Gland allows you to transform your higher desire into manifestation via the power of your thoughts. This transformation begins with shifting your thinking from the third dimensional thinking of your ego self to the multidimensional thinking of your Higher Expressions of SELF. Third dimensional thinking stems purely from your brain, whereas multidimensional thinking stems from your Higher Mind.

Your human brain transforms every thought you generate into bio-chemical messages. If your thoughts are based on fear and/or survival they will be transmuted into lower frequency bio-chemical messages. These thoughts will NOT connect you with your Higher Mind, which is in constant contact with your Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland’s objective is to be the interface between the higher dimensions and the physical realm.

The Pineal Gland is focused on opening the Portal to the Divine so that the higher light and unconditional love can enter into your physical form to facilitate multidimensional thinking, mastery of energy and manifestation via thought waves. Therefore, it will filter-out the lower frequency thoughts and leave them for the Pituitary Gland.

The purpose of the Pituitary Gland is to keep the physical form alive. Therefore, it recognizes all thought that contains any form of fear for survival and dispenses adrenalin throughout the physical body to give it added strength to address the cause of the fear. In other words, the Pituitary Gland is interested in keeping the human alive, whereas the Pineal Gland is interested in transmuting the human body into its true, multidimensional nature.

The Pineal Gland serves as a bridge or Portal between the physical and nonphysical, the human and divine, the brain and the mind. This Portal will not open until the human thoughts begin to generate bio-chemical frequency waves that resonate to the fourth and fifth dimension. There is a protective reason why the Pineal Gland is so selective.

The Pineal Gland also serves as a filter. If you are trapped in negative thinking and have the power to manifest with your thoughts, your life would manifest all your fears. Fortunately, the adrenaline that the Pituitary Gland releases sends a message to the Pineal Gland that you have NOT achieved mastery over your emotions, and are having difficulty with the physical reality. Therefore, you are not ready for the next frequency of reality.

This is not a punishment. Instead, it is a form of protection. You would not give a child the keys to your new sports car, nor would you give the power of manifestation to one who cannot master their own fear. There is also another form of protection.

Even if you cannot hear your own sub-conscious thoughts of fear and doubt that underlie your conscious, positive decrees, your Pituitary Gland can hear it. In fact, the Pituitary Gland can hear your subconscious mind even more clearly than it can hear your conscious mind, for your unconscious thoughts primarily communicate at a biochemical level.

When these fearful biochemical messages are detected, the Pituitary Gland comes to the rescue with adrenalin. The release of adrenalin serves as a Stop Sign to the Pineal saying, “Fearful, not yet ready to manifest.”

From a conversation with Mytre, a portion of Suzanne's higher dimensional Self, in Part I:
The separation between the masculine and feminine polarities of your personal self need to be resolved so that you can release the polarities of your planetary self. These polarities still remain in your thoughts.

Your male polarity of logical, sequential, scientific thinking is the cause of your doubt about Ascension. On the other hand, your feminine polarity of holistic, imagistic, metaphysical thinking fully embraces your Knowing about Ascension. Because you were raised in a reality in which these two types of thinking were incompatible, you need to heal that social message.

Fortunately, the generations after the Baby Boomers have experienced a reality in which the lines between masculine and feminine have merged into a spectrum rather than a polarity. It was the free-thinking of many Baby Boomers who allowed their children to live in the in-between of male and female that assisted this process of merging of polarities.

However, the Baby Boomers must now merge that polarity within themselves. Again, each human holds the same polarity issues as the planet. In order to deeply participate in Planetary Ascension, you must all participate in your Personal Ascension. Therefore, the voice of the feminine must be measured as equal to the voice of the masculine.

When the feminine voice was dominant, the Goddess was worshiped and the planet was a sacred Being to be protected and revered. Then, when the masculine voice became dominant, man set out to “conquer” nature. Many great technologies were invented, but much of the body of Gaia was damaged, or destroyed, in mankind’s quest for domination.

As each human balances the masculine and feminine energies within themselves, they assist Gaia to heal those polarities within Her earthly body. This personal participation in Planetary Ascension is greatly accelerated when you open the Personal Portal of your High Heart. Your High Heart is more easily opened when you are free of “scientific” doubt and/or fear of survival.

This healing of doubt and fear occurs when you:

• Love your self unconditionally

• Forgive your self unconditionally and

• Accept your self unconditionally.

• At the same moment of the ONE, you, also, need to open the Portal of your High Heart so that you can fully accept the inflow of Unconditional Love, Forgiveness and Acceptance from the higher frequencies of reality.

M. You do see the problem there, do you not?

S. Yes, I do see the issue. In order to BE who I want to be, I have to act like I am already that person. Is that correct?

M. Congratulations, you are totally correct. AND, in order to act “as if” you love yourself unconditionally, you will have to accept that sometimes you will be successful in this challenge, and at other times you will fail miserably.

That is called “accepting yourself unconditionally.” Therefore, the unconditional acceptance and unconditional forgiveness will actually precede the unconditional love, which you will need to have in order to forgive and accept yourself unconditionally.

From a conversation with Mytre in Part II
M: ...many of you have also experienced that your life flows more easily than ever before. This flow is because you have downloaded and integrated more and more higher frequency light into your consciousness and your earth vessel.

This highest frequency of this light is unconditional love, which is the source of the Sacred Geometry that can alter the personal and planetary 3D Matrix. Unconditional love, in fact, all unconditional expressions, change your life because it raises the frequency of your personal matrix. Then, each human who raises the resonance of his or her personal matrix, contributes that higher frequency of reality to the planetary matrix.

A frequency shift at the baseline frequency of the matrix changes everything within your reality for it shifts your entire reality. Hence, all your perception, and, thereby, your experience, resonate to a higher frequency. There are infinite frequencies of reality, which are based on the frequency of your reality’s matrix. When you raise your personal resonance, you move into a higher frequency version/matrix of your present reality.

Thus, your entire world changes as you change because your consciousness has adhered to, and experiences, a higher frequency of the reality. Because your “ascension” is incremental, and your entire reality reflects your higher frequency of expression, you may not know that you have just ascended beyond your former frequency of reality. Therefore everything appears the same, but better. The boss who was grouchy becomes kind and supportive, the children that were causing your grief move into their next, higher stage, and the better job your wanted is revealed to you.

No, this does not mean that you don’t have to work on yourself. You have to work on yourself a LOT in order to become Master of your Energy, so that you can raise your consciousness. However, you don’t actually “work” at all. Instead, you choose to face every situation with the fifth dimensional energy field of unconditionally love, unconditionally forgiveness and unconditionally acceptance.

By making this choice of “unconditionally” loving, forgiving and accepting every aspect with your life, you are infusing the fifth dimensional energy field into the matrix of your third/fourth dimensional reality. When you do this, you raise the resonance of your life at the level of your personal and planetary matrix. With this higher resonance, you are able to expand your perceptions into the higher and higher frequencies of each situation.

Within these higher frequencies of perception/experience you are free of third dimensional thinking, which allows you to attach your attention to an even higher frequency of your reality. Where your attention is, there you are also. One warning, if you choose to place your attention onto a lower frequency of reality, you will lose your hold on the higher world and return into its lower frequency expression.

Yet, do not be concerned if this happens. It takes practice to respond to your physical life in a fifth dimensional manner. Fortunately, if you forgive, accept and love your self unconditionally, you can easily return to that higher frequency of reality.

From a conversation with the Arcturians in Part II:
Arcturians: You can expedite your power of transmutation by stretching your perceptions. By stretching your perceptions we mean that you can choose to:

• Believe that there is a higher frequency of reality that is just beyond your current spectrum of light.

• Go into a meditative state to expand your consciousness into a frequency of reality beyond the one to which you are accustomed.

• Believe that what your imagination perceives during this meditation is real.

• While in your daily consciousness, stretch your imagination to perceive this higher reality with your eyes opened.

For example, if during your meditation you perceive that you are riding through your city in an antigravity car, allow an overlay of that image to enter you imagination while you actually driving on your 3D road.

In this manner, you will stretch your perception to include the possible reality of the higher expression of your personal / planetary life-matrix. Remember to allow yourself to believe that your higher perceptions are real and that which you experience via these perceptions are real, but in a slightly higher version of reality.

If you do not believe that your higher perceptions are real, you will not adhere your consciousness to these perceptions. Adhering your consciousness to a given perception is similar to saving a file in your computer. In fact, save these files to your “desktop,” your Third Eye, where you can easily find them again.

When you choose to imagine, which is fifth dimensional thought, a higher frequency of reality bleeding into your daily life you:

• Give yourself hope of a higher frequency life

• Keep your consciousness focused on the positive

• Calibrate your consciousness toward the higher perspectives of every situation

• Allow and guide yourself to live the higher reality that you perceive from INSIDE your SELF

“Miracles” often occur because you have expanded your consciousness into a higher frequency reality. Then, what was impossible in your former frequency is easy in your higher expression reality. To facilitate your ascension, live your life with the belief and expectation of an ever-expanding adventure of personal and planetary ascension.

Remember that as you ascend, your reality will change with you. Therefore, you may not experience life as “different.” With each incremental shift of your consciousness adhering to a higher frequency of your personal/planetary matrix, your life may not appear different, but it will definitely be better, lighter, more loving and increasing filled with new expressions of your ever-expanding creative abilities.

To release all “effort,” which is the domain of your third dimensional ego, focus on your wish fulfilled. In fact, you can imagine your aura as a bulletin board at a restaurant that has it latest menu posted. The Flow of the ONE is ever-present and fills your every thought. Repeating your wish is a form of doubt. Therefore, just post your wish on your aura one time. Then, relax and allow the Flow of the ONE to manifest your wish at the perfect “time” and in the perfect way.

In this manner, you will not limit your fulfillment to the thinking of your former self. Instead, you are allowing the impossible to come true. Once you “post your menu,” release all wishes and surrender your life to the Flow of the ONE. In this way, you release all ego-based desires, let go of all process, and relax into the Flow of your higher expressions of life. To free yourself of your habit of third dimensional EFFORT, remember to “release, let go and relax.” In other words, just open your Portal of the High Heart and allow your new life to flow through.


Being Right or Being Love

Jesus: Lay Aside Any Desires to Condemn and Punish
As channeled by John Smallman – July 22, 2012

Life is tricky for some of you, as the moment for humanity’s grand awakening approaches.

All the personal issues that you have neglected or denied are breaking into your conscious awareness, quite forcibly if necessary, and it can be very unsettling. All you have to do is allow them to present themselves to you.

You do not have to do anything with them or about them; they hold an energy that needs to be released because it is causing blockages in your energy fields. Just observe them, experience the feelings they bring up for you — and just observe. They may sit with you for quite a while, possibly being rather painful, but if you allow them, they will pass, leaving you feeling somewhat renewed or freed.

This is a time of enormous change in the way humans deal with one another — change that is essential for you to embrace as you prepare to awaken from the nightmare of violence, conflict, suffering, and betrayal that has been endemic on Earth for millennia.

Your true nature is Love, because it was from Love that you were created, but your earthly experience has been far removed from that because of the distrust that separation has encouraged and nurtured.

The change that is required is for you to see, acknowledge, and then release those attitudes that have served you so ill. Wherever you choose to cast your gaze you can see the enormous damage that these attitudes have been, and still are, causing all over the world, and you can also see how totally ineffective have been your attempts to alter those situations and bring in peace, whether it be in your own families or between nations, when you “declare war on” the issues that you believe need to be addressed.

Declaring war on a situation, issue, or problem is to make a decision that others are wrong, you (or “your side”) is right, and that “they” need to be taught a lesson, which will force them into line. And how many lessons has humanity attempted to teach itself over the eons, and with what success?

What humans keep on doing would be amusing if it were not causing so much unjustifiable and unnecessary suffering to so many. How many times do people attempt to alter the behavior of others by disapproval or by force, find that it does not work, and then when another issue arises, use the same tactics? And the arrogance of the belief that “my team / my side / I am right” is truly quite stunning. Finally, this is becoming apparent to even those who are keenest to continue “shooting themselves in the foot.”

Humanity has collectively decided to change its attitudes and behaviors, and as a result the divine energies pouring down on the planet are intensifying so that you have the strength to “walk your talk” despite the ridicule and contempt that those who hold the reins, and who claim to be wiser and more intelligent, shower on your efforts.

They cannot succeed, for it is they who lack wisdom and intelligence and who continue to believe that their righteous and inflexible outlook will win the day. They are riding for a fall, and it will not be long in coming.

You, the enlightened ones, insofar as you have finally realized to what a sorry state your old ways have brought you, must accept that the people who have designed, planned, and perpetrated these corrupt and heartless practices are themselves, just like you, beloved children of God.

It is therefore incumbent upon you to lay aside any desires to condemn and punish them, and to ensure that any attempt at reprisals against them is contained. Everyone who has ever inhabited the earth plane has at some point behaved atrociously – no one is without stain of sin.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Through John Smallman


The Emotions of 2012

Every human is engaged in the unavoidable process of addressing the personal issues that he has neglected or denied, whatever the reason maybe, as they break into his conscious mind, sometimes very forcefully indeed.

For those who have been unaware of their spiritual side — or who have been avoiding considering the possibility that they may have one! — these issues, arising in their awareness unbidden, can be very alarming. Some may think they are going mad, others may feel that they are about to have a nervous breakdown.

For those who have lived with their emotions, as they imagine, completely under control, and who have tended to judge those who show their emotions as weak, ineffective, hysterical, etc., this is a grave shock. To become overwhelmed with emotions is unacceptable! They may seek medical advice and prescriptive drugs, or they may increase their alcohol intake or that of other drugs. But, when the effects wear off, they will be unable to ignore the presence of these issues. They have to be addressed and released, and for that forgiveness is essential, of self as well as others.

Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness – this is the key to sanity and inner peace – and still more forgiveness. It dissolves guilt and leads to freedom. Without forgiving yourselves, and anyone or any group who have offended you in any manner, you remain trapped in a state of judging and blaming which causes you constant unhappiness, as you endlessly mull over the words and actions committed against you while wondering how people could be so unkind and hurtful to you.

If you are living like this, then you are aware of others who seem to be happy, and that often seems very unfair to you! And that thought cycle just keeps on repeating, offers you no respite or solutions, and prevents you from living, experiencing, and enjoying each now moment as it arrives

To be happy, you have to stop endlessly playing those old mental tapes that remind you of how unfair life is and how badly you have been treated. Everyone experiencing life in the illusion has suffered frequently and intolerably over the eons, and dwelling on it only distracts you from living and being aware.

When you live in the moment, you perceive all the delights – children happily laughing, birdsong, a beautiful sunset, music, a smile from a stranger – that are forever all around you. However difficult your present life may be, there are always moments in which to rejoice. So focus on those and not on your traumas, however constant and painful they may appear to be.

From "What you are experiencing is totally unreal"
Saul through John Smallman
As Archangel Raphael has told us "Everything that is not of love is coming up for clearing". Be aware that it is, and allow the emotion to pass through you, as a wave would wash over you as you sit upon the shore. While the wave is washing over you it seems as if your view is completely cut off, perhaps you find it difficult or impossible to breathe. You might be cold and soaked to the bone, wondering if you'll ever be right and warm again. But soon enough the wave moves back out to sea and you can once again see and breathe, you have an opportunity to dry off, and you realize that the wave is a natural part of life and the sea.

The waves of emotion that you are feeling are natural during global ascension, just as the waves of water are natural, whether the emotion is coming from crises associated with relationships, finances, health, well-being, or anything else. Refuse to engage with these waves of emotion, as you would refuse to follow waves from the ocean back out to sea. Allow the feelings to come and go, knowing that with each incoming wave they "stick" less and less. At some point you'll realize, if you haven't already, that you're less and less prone to be engaged by things that have "triggered" you in the past. Revel in that knowing, it will give you the strength and assurance that all is well and proceeding naturally. And so it is.


The True Role of A Lighthouse


"Kryon, what if I shine my light and it affects another person? Doesn't that interfere with free choice? Kryon, you said that this is not evangelical work. Have I not interrupted their lives? Tell me how this works."

Dear ones, the lighthouse is not proactive. It is not evangelistic. It simply shines. Let's say you walk into a dark room where it's difficult to see. Others in the room are simply walking in a darkened room, doing their best. As the lighthouse you are, you shine the light in their direction, and suddenly it illuminates where they are going. They now have a choice to see the path or not - to head in another direction or the one that is now illuminated. I ask you, have you interrupted their choice? NO. You have instead given them some silent options.

Some might say you have affected their lives, and they would be correct, but you have not interfered. You have not coerced or prodded. All you have done is to be silent, anchored, and you shined the light. Some might not even know you were there! That's how it works. There is integrity in the silence. There is integrity in the humanity that honors the free choice and will of each Human family you meet. There is integrity, therefore, in being a lighthouse! Lightworker, you have crossed the Bridge of Swords. I sit in front of hundreds of lighthouses right now!"

~ Kryon, Book VIII as channelled by Lee Carroll ~

With thanks to Marshmallow Messages


Learning to Direct the Ego

... the ego has become overly influential in your lives. Its true purpose is to free you from the mundane tasks of day-to-day living enclosed in a body, but it has, over time, rather usurped that role, and now spends inordinate amounts of energy offering you advice and guidance — a task for which it is inordinately ill-prepared and for which it has neither the wisdom nor the appropriate intent.

You can see this every time that you behave egotistically by pushing another person’s buttons, or respond inappropriately when someone pushes yours. And still you give it credence! Your egos are constantly on the defensive because they are very aware of their inadequacies and they live in fear.

They transmit that fear to you and fertilize and encourage it at every opportunity. Their fear is that you will disregard them, forget them, and dismiss them, and that they will die. So they struggle constantly to instill in you their fear of death, and to a large extent they have succeeded in that aim.

Nevertheless, they continue to reinforce it because if you are unafraid, then you would have no need of them. And indeed, without their constant reinforcement your fears would dissolve.

As I have frequently told you, meditation and relaxation daily are essential tasks for which you need to make time no matter what is going on in your lives, because that is what enables you to silence your egos and become aware of your intuition — that wise and divine assistance that comes to you from the spiritual realms.

Noise, distraction, and impatience are of the ego, and meditation enables you to move beyond it into the peace that is your birthright, your place of comfort within the alarming disturbances of the illusion.

~ Saul, as channelled by John Smallman – July 11, 2012

The full channel from which this blurb was taken is available from John Smallman on his website.

I think Saul's comments about the ego are important. Our ego is not our enemy, it is truly our friend and partner. But over time - and that is over time as a race, not just as individual humans - the ego has been given too much power. It has been allowed to control, when control is not its job or its purpose.

The ego has tried to control for the best of reasons, that being to protect us from what we have decided is fearful. In deciding that something is to be feared, rather than something to shift, the ego has willingly obliged. It has come forward to protect us. Since it believes it is in charge of protecting us - we gave it that power after all - it knows it must protect itself first. It cannot protect us if it dies, now can it? And so the ego will protect itself at all costs, even at the cost of the physical body.

What the ego fails to grasp, because it is not within the purvue of the ego to grasp, is that there is nothing to fear. Does a painter fear his painting, even if the painting does not yet portray what he wishes it to portray? Does an actor fear the role he plays on stage, even if the role is of evil intent? Does a writer fear his stories because they describe unpleasant events or experiences? The answer to each of these questions of course, is "no."

We, as part and parcel of Prime Creator, God, All That Is, or whatever you wish to call Source presence, create that which we call our reality. We do so in the very same way that a painter creates a painting, that a writer creates a story, that an actor plays a role. We do it from outside the reality that is created, just as paintings, stories, and plays are created from outside the painting, story, or play. We control the content, expression, and experience of our lives just as we control the content, expression, and experience of our paintings, stories, and plays.

Whether it is clear to us that we create our reality or not, whether we know how we create it or not, doesn't matter. The truth of it is that we do. When we can stand from that place, the place of knowing beyond any shadow of a doubt that everything that we see, everything that we experience, is by our personal choice and agreement, then we can truly direct the ego back into an appropriate role. Then we attain the true freedom that is the Creator-given right of every being that exists.

To access that space of "outside the creation", we need to quiet the rational mind, which is a tool of the ego. We need to stand apart from the decisions that we have made that are being attended to automatically by the ego, in order to determine if those actions are in our true (soul-level) best interests or not.

Sometimes they are, more often they are not. When they are not, we have essentially lost control of the vehicle. We have allowed the ego to not only drive, which is its role, but to tell us where we are to go, and what route we are to take. The destination and the path are not the ego's role, that is our role, as creator-beings.

At any time in which we are not taking responsibility for that which we are experiencing, you could say that the ego is driving without our input. Or perhaps better said, since we aren't offering any input, it's driving us where and how we have told it to drive in the past, based on decisions that we have made that we may not even know that we made, decisions that may or may not apply to the current situation. Doesn't matter. Awareness of a decision is not required; the ego listens even when we don't know we're talking. The ego takes instruction and does its job the best that it knows how. Whether we intended it that way or not.

"This is my first choice."

So it happens that very often we don't provide appropriate guidance to the ego. We aren't used to doing so, we were never taught to do so, and many of us don't even believe we can do so, let alone agree that this is truly our role as creator-beings.

The Eloheim, through Veronica Torres, offers us a tool to get back in charge of the vehicle. They call it "This is my first choice", and suggest we use it when confronted with experiences that we fear and/or rail against. Not simply "I chose this" but more strongly "Among the infinite possibilities available to me at this precious moment in time, I chose this one"; "I chose it above and beyond all others, this was my first choice." Very powerful way to take responsibility for what the ego is doing. Because, again, the ego is only following our instruction, following the program, so to speak.

Having been in the computer industry for over 30 years, I know that computers do exactly as they are told. If there's an error in computation, in execution, in presentation, it's because some programmer somewhere erred in the instructions that were given, or through malfunction of some sort, an error was created. The computer, much blame as we would like to assign to it, is not responsible. We, the programmers and users, are responsible for the instructions that we give the machine. To rail at the machine is fruitless, as fruitless as railing against the ego. The ego, like the computer that it is, is only following our instruction. Change the instruction, change the experience. It's really as simple as that. The key is that one has to stand outside the experience to do it.

So once we've accepted full and complete responsibility for an experience, it becomes much easier to choose differently, by either responding differently in the moment, or by accepting the current experience and intending/envisioning a different result. Generally the situation will shift in the moment, but if it doesn't, be confident that you've directed the ego to a new and different experience in the future. This is how we take charge of our lives - we no longer let past decisions drive us. What was an appropriate decision for the ego in a reality of duality is generally not appropriate in higher density realities. As soon as we see our role as creator in any given situation, we have the opportunity to shift the energy by choosing again.

Note: Saul suggests that we gain access to the ability to direct the ego through meditation. I agree, meditation is an amazing and wonderful way to step outside of the rational mind and duality, and experience the bigger picture. I've seen the results in people that I know, and I highly recommend it to everyone.

I would add, however, that traditional meditation is not the only way to achieve a feeling of oneness with all. Some of us - and I am one - don't meditate. I have a strong connection to Source without formal meditation, and a seemingly innate ability to quiet my mind without what most people would consider formal meditation. I have been an observer of life since I was a child, able to distance myself from whatever drama is going on around me and stand in a place of calm, compassion, and understanding of both sides of any issue. I suppose you could say it's one of the special gifts that I brought to the planet. I know others with the same abilities. If you are one such as me, do not concern yourself if meditation is not for you. The objective is to be able to quiet the rational mind, move into a space of over-viewing, such that the ego can be directed appropriately. That can be done with or without meditation. Or maybe we simply need to adjust our definition of meditation. :)


You Have Come to a Crossroads. What Will You Do?

We are at a crossroads, each of us. There are horrors being uncovered and exposed in every part of our world from government to banking to business to education to health care to .. you name it, deceptions and abuse of power abound. It's a shock to the system to realize just how deep and how far the deceptions go.

As typical people going about our lives the best we know how, it's challenging to figure out what to do about all of this. A feeling of helplessness pervades. We want to be innocent bystanders. But we cannot. No one is innocent, there are no bystanders.

We the people, the residents incarnate of planet earth, are responsible for all of it. ALL of it. For every bit of greed, lust, anger, retribution, heartache, death, destruction, maiming, injustice, you name it, we're responsible for it. Each and every one of us.

When we don't accept our role in creating this world we are saying we don't believe that we create our reality. And that is just not true. There are few real truths in our Universe, but that is one of them. Individually we create our personal reality, and together we create our joint reality. We are creator gods. It can be no other way. It is no other way.

But you know what? Not only are we responsible for the death and destruction in our world, we are also responsible for the compassion, the cooperation, the happiness, the beauty, the exhilaration, and the joy that surrounds us everywhere we look, if we only take a moment to acknowledge the beauty that is there, and realize that we are responsible for that, too.

There's a serious question that I would ask every single human being on the planet, and that is this: If you were God, if you were all-powerful, with the ability to create Universes, to create trees and oceans and life forms of all nature and variety, if you had everything you needed at your disposal - food, money, shelter, interesting things to do, interesting places to go, interesting people to interact with - would you continue to rail against anything or anyone?

Or would you simply look at your creation and say "Oh. Huh. Not what I envisioned when I created it. But okay. Let me now regroup and recreate differently." Remember, as God You are all-powerful, all-seeing, and all-knowing.

If you believe that if you had such power, that you would still continue to feel victimized, I cannot help you. Because you are deceiving yourself. If you think that such an all-powerful being would spend one second lamenting their creations, blaming them on someone else, trying to destroy them, then you aren't being honest with yourself. Look to any hobby, sport, or creative activity that you love to participate in. When what you created doesn't turn out to be as you had intended or desired, do you blame those around you for it? Or do you start over, modify or recreate as necessary to achieve your goals?

Does the artist blame others for the painting that doesn't express what they intended to express? Or do they modify the painting such that it does express what they intended to express? Does the athlete rail against their coaches or their parents or their peers for them not making that important basket, hitting that perfect return volley, reaching the finish line before their competitors? No, they look to themselves, to what they might do next to get closer to achieving their desired intent.

If you continue to hold everyone else responsible for what happens in your world, what you're really doing is refusing to see that you ARE God. You are as much responsible for the horrors - and the beauties - of this world as those whom you blame, or in the case of beauty, appreciate. To say that you are not is to refuse to accept the inherent power of that which you really are. It's to refuse to accept that you are them and they are you. All connected. All One.

It's time for each and every one of us to stop foisting the blame for this reality onto others. In the first place, there is no blame to be assigned. We agreed to be a part of this reality, to help shape it, mold it, participate in it, experience it. For better or for worse, as the saying goes.

Not only did we agree to have our own experiences, we jumped at the chance! But the world is a joint effort, a co-creative effort. We aren't the only ones creating within it, all of our fellow humans are creating it too, in their own way, in accordance with their own desires, intents, and beliefs. We are that powerful. We just forgot.

It's time for us to remember.

Time for each of us to remember Who We Really Are. To stop pretending that we aren't the powerful creators that we really are. There are no victims. There are no perpetrators. What there is, is a world of human beings that fell asleep and forgot that they were playing a game. That game is over. It has been over for years, we just forgot to notice.

So, the conundrum we are in is this: Knowing that we are all participating here by agreement, knowing that we can experience life any way we wish to, what do we do with those who continue to perpetrate crimes against humanity? What do we do with those who continue to want to create conflict, to create war, to create upset, to steal from their fellow man, whether that stealing be money, goods, services, freedom, or well-being?

In response to that question I would ask: What would you do with a child who is misbehaving? Would you yell at them? Would you call them debasing names? Would you lock them up? Would you hit them or spank them or throw them against the wall?

Or would you, with love in your heart, realize that they are learning and guide them in that learning? Would you continue to allow them to misbehave? No. But neither would you come at them with hate, fear, anger, rage or hopelessness. You would simply guide them in learning what behavior is appropriate, through whatever loving means you have at your disposal.

Can you see that those in a position of power that you hate are no different than a child? Albeit a child with much more responsibility, and therefore much greater ability to negatively impact the whole of society rather than a single family or peer group.

Yes, it is time to remove from power those who cannot see the negative impact that their actions have had on their fellow human beings. But to hate them? To wish them harm? Or worse, to wish them to die or to be abused? To wish them to "suffer" in the way that they have intended others to suffer, just because you can?

Remember, You Are God Also, you just forgot. Would God treat his/her children with hate and retribution and punishment? Or would a God love all their children equally, hold them responsible for their actions, yes, but do so through love instead of through hate?

Make no mistake, you are that God. What will you do?


An Invitation From Spirit

Divine Partnerships

By Peggy Black and the ‘team’ [Hathors]
at Morning Messages

July 3, 2012

We are here and ready to invite and empower you to step forward in partnership with the divine stream of consciousness.

We have often acknowledged you as a multidimensional being; the physical aspect that you are experiencing is only a small part of who you truly are. In this reality it is an important aspect, we know that you would agree with us on that matter.

Your human form allows the interface with this dense dimension, yet your true essence is expanded consciousness. As multidimensional starbeings, it is time that you recognize and claim that you are galactic and inter-galactic citizens with incredible abilities that mold and sculpt your very existence, as well as give you privileges and rights to interface with other realities and kingdoms.

We realize that humans love the aspect of the thinking mind; it is this aspect that many humans “think” defines who they are. However, it is the feeling nature, the emotional component that is truly the most powerful. It is the emotional frequency felt from within the heart that truly elevates consciousness and transforms your reality. We continue to invite each of you to bring the thinking mind and the feeling heart together in your awareness.

Humans are rarely taught or made aware of their incredible authority, their omnipotence, their personal power to bring into reality and manifest their highest vision as well as join the counsel of other conscious life forms.

We continue to invite you to transform the dense incoherent emotions of fear, hatred, judgment and prejudice, any and all emotional vibrations that are life diminishing.

Many of our transmissions have focused on this invitation and this service. We have offered many tools to support this work, always acknowledging that it is the chalice of the heart that is the true transformer. The use of intention, sound and other conscious energy work will continue to uplift the dense vibrations of dysfunction in the collective matrix.

When your awareness is within your heart, it becomes the portal or the gateway to the non-visible realities. You heart is the doorway and the connection to other streams of consciousness and other dimensions. This is a most important aspect for you to realize and understand. Part of what is occurring within the evolution of humanity is that many humans are beginning to realize that part of their role is to be the inviter, the physical connection to these higher realms of vibrations and frequencies.

You are awake and aware, an intuitive in a physical and human form, and you are also an anchor or receptor in your reality, capable of connecting with other beings and forms of consciousness that vibrate at a different frequency. It is time that you acknowledge your ability to interact and reconnect with the energy streams of consciousness offered by other expressions of life.

Your world is teeming with non-physical beings ready to make contact and offer information and guidance. You are not meant to be in the dense physical reality without support. There are beings of light and love awaiting your invitation. However, all beings in the non-physical will never impose themselves, they will always honor your free will.

We know that many are beginning to connect to the essence of these invisible beings. Each individual person is unique in the ways that they connect and with whom they connect. We just want to remind you of this ability and this privilege.

Remember that your experience with this suggestion and this expanded exercise will depend on your beliefs and your openness to all possibilities.

There have been those in your history and your myths who have connected and been guided by their ability to sense, hear, or see these beings and receive and translate their guidance. You have given those with this extrasensory ability titles and names, such as sage, seer, oracle, channel, medium or prophet.

These words that you are reading at this time are offered by our beloved ‘transducer’. She receives our energy and is able to translate or transduce that energy into a form of words and transmissions we offer to you. This is an ability that more and more human/multidimensionals are experiencing.

You are free to travel or to visit other realities and dimensions. It is just a matter of where you place your attention. Remember that energy follows thought. Shift your thoughts and shift your feeling nature, throw off your limited beliefs and the limited net that keeps you anchored in only one reality. Everything you experience as solid and “real” is vibrations of energy, held or locked in place by belief systems. If you could set aside all the mental programs about your reality, you would experience a different reality.

There are dimensions and multi-realities available to those who can allow and invite.

We are inviting you to expand and connect with these higher vibrations of consciousness. This is your next step in your own personal evolution. Begin to consider an active partnership with the divine, allow yourself to connect with your own personal ‘team’ or guides. Begin to consider that you can willingly open the possibilities to receive communication and guidance from ascended masters, avatars, celestial or star beings, angels as well as the consciousness of the elementals, the elements and the faerie realms.

If you reviewed your life experiences you would recall times in which you did receive guidance that supported your well-being and your safety. This guidance is always available when you willingly begin to open that portal or doorway. Begin to ask, begin to invite. Divine Spirit in all its many forms of love and light wants to be in conscious partnership with you.

It is time.

It is valuable to meditate, walk and allow quietness and creativity to flow. It is in these places that you gently slip into another frequency and allow yourself to begin to sense other forms of vibrational expression. Nature is an excellent place to practice connecting with other subtle realities. Increase your personal vibration to a higher resonance. Balance, laughter, joy and gratitude are vibrational tickets that allow you to move into these new realities of wonder and awe. Be open and receptive to the possibilities.

Allow yourself to be playful with this; being lighthearted is the key here which will open the doors to the realms and the other realities. Imagine for a moment that you might be able to hear/feel/sense the vibrations of the essence and the overlighting elemental of a beautiful tree or an amazing stone formation. Allow yourself to imagine and visualize a meadow of grasses and flowers and call forth the energy of a divine being to join you there. See yourself traveling to a star and be open to intuitively connect with what is offered. These are simple and basic processes, we know that you will be creative in your exploring of these possibilities.

Remember to put aside any and all expectation of how the connection might occur. You are unique and you are beginning to open to all your paranormal abilities as a starbeing.

So allow your connections to the other realms to unfold with ease. It might be visual, or a sensation that is felt within your body, you might hear within your inner awareness. We assure you that in time, with practice and willingness all your extrasensory abilities will emerge and you will connect and form partnerships with loving non-physical beings of love and light.

It is with communication and divine partnership that together you will transform your world. Imagine that you could receive information and methods that would assist your planet in cleaning the water and the air, or processes which would replace the detrimental use of oils and gases as a source of energy. Imagine receiving a download of data which would shift the entire paradigm of health and healing within the human body.

We believe that you get the idea of what we are suggesting.

We hold you with great respect and honor. We delight in sharing this invitation with you, for we know that you are ready to expand. You are feeling and sensing these shifts realizing that the veils between the worlds are becoming more and more transparent. So step into your true magnificence as a galactic citizen in partnership with other divine and magnificent beings of love, light and truth. This Divine partnership is the next step for humanity. We are available to all who invite; we offer our gratitude for your courage to be the anchor for this service.

The ‘team’

Morning Messages
With thanks to, and reposted from, The 2012 Scenario.


Trite But True: Love Is All You Need

"Nova Earth cannot and will not be built on violence, on hatred, on revenge. It cannot be."

~ Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon
July 2, 2012

This one quoted sentence from my post "Update on Current Events, July 2012" is so important I decided to emphasize it by giving it its own post.

Make no mistake, this is the mantra for Earth and Humanity going forward.

There is only one possible way to move forward into the paradigm shift that is upon us, and that is to release all anger, revenge, blame, need for justice, and all judgements. On other AND on self. In fact especially on self.

I'm going to take you on a little journey ... Pretend that you have died, that you are on the other side of the veil, and you can now see that all has and is unfolding in perfect order. There is no judgement here, there is no pain, there is no lack; there is nothing but peace, joy, love, cooperation, beauty, and excitement. Now look down upon your human body and notice those same qualities shifting the ether around you and around all on earth, such that we are all living every moment of our human lives in the higher fourth, fifth, and sixth densities and beyond.

THAT is who you are. Whoever you might have thought you were, whoever you might have been pretending to be throughout this lifetime, throughout all your physical lifetimes, you are not that.

YOU are a Master of Creation and you have been playing a role. You have played your part well. Now is the time, N O W, right this minute, to acknowledge that you have been playing a role, that you have played that part well, and that you are ready to step out of it.

Are you ready to step out of it?

Then STEP OUT OF IT. Continue stepping out of it every single time the density of those around you, of your circumstances, of your old habits, of your old self, of mass consciousness, attempts to drag you back into it. That is NOT who you are. It isn't who you've ever been, it's only who you pretended to be.

The final shift is upon us my friend, and we need you - yes NEED! you - to take back the power of your own sovereignty that is your birthright.

Each time you want to blame - especially yourself - just stop it. Let it go. Step out of the drama of those still believing that this dense, difficult, angry, victimized, lack-filled reality is all there is. Stand above, in that place of peaceful knowing that all is well, and let the love that is you spill out naturally. Everyone around you can see the love in you, it is only YOU who forget that you have been playing a role. That role is not you. Give it up, it only acts like an anchor to keep you mired in third density. You already know everything you need to know to be able to do this. All that's left is to do it.

There's a phrase that's used in the Love and Logic ® program that I think is especially useful right now, and that is "Love you too much to argue." Amazing how you can diffuse just about any argument that is brewing with those words. I suggest you use them not only with others, but with your human self as well. Whenever you find yourself mired in the density that has been this reality, with an internal wink and a smile remind yourself "Love you too much to argue." Then stand back as you find yourself filled with the knowing, joy, peace, beauty, and love that is Who You Really Are.

All the best to you on your continuing journey. And I thank you for being a part of mine!


Update on Current Events, July 2012

…if it feels like drama, if it feels like revenge, if it feels lower vibration, then bless it, pray for it, and let it go…the final discernment is your heart. And when you go to your heart and say, “Does this feel like love, or does it feel like it is trying to trap me back in the old third?” trust the answer that arises within you. Trust that the new realm, Nova Earth, cannot and will not be built on violence, on hatred, on revenge…

Archangel Michael through Linda Dillion
July 2, 2012

Much has been happening with the shift in consciousness on planet Earth. Depending on your awareness and interest in such matters you may or may not be aware of all that has been transpiring on both energetic and physical levels. Whether you've been aware of it or not, much has been happening. It's an on-going process of course, one that's been with us since the decision to shift our reality was made during the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 (which was an etheric as well as physical event). Now that the end of 2012 is nigh, that effort has necessarily increased.

As we all know from our personal experiences, in order to create something new we have to either tear down what stands in the way, or if a solid base exists, clear down to the base and rebuild from there. Creating the "New Earth" from and using expanded consciousness - which is the goal of humanity at this time - is not so different. A lot tear-down is going to be happening! What was built out of fear, or built as a way to control through fear, must necessarily be cleared away. This includes each one of us, and it applies physically, emotionally, and energetically. Since it includes each of us individually, it also includes everything that we've co-created in this reality, including but not limited to, government, business, education, health care, religions, organizations, even what we consider entertainment. Not a small task, and one that we are receiving enormous amounts of help with.

But even with all our help, which has gone and continues to go nearly completely unseen by human eyes, the actual changes are up to us. That is, the opportunity to anchor "heaven on earth" lies with each and every one of us. But to do so takes releasing how we've been in order to allow space for who we are becoming. Or perhaps better said, who we have always been, but under the density of the veil, were unable to recognize and therefore unable to consciously connect with.

All of the needed tear down has led to a lot of mis-information and fear. In an effort to find clarity and put to rest potential false rumors about the current state of events, Steve Beckow of 2012 Scenario participated in an interview with Archangel Michael channeled by Linda Dillon. The opening quote was taken from this interview.

For me personally, the interview was a verification that we are both responsible for our own future, and completely supported in that effort. Most importantly, that the paradigm of perpetrator/victim can now be allowed to dissipate .. but that it is the job of each of us individually to flow into the new, empowered, paradigm with each choice that we make, whether that be through thought, word, or action.

The full conversation/interview is reproduced below, or see one of two sites where the full transcript of the article appears:

From Linda Dillon's site, Council of Love:
Archangel Michael Speaks to Current Events

From Steve Bechow's site, 2012 Scenario: Archangel Michael on the Containment of the Cabal

As Archangel Michael alludes to in this post's opening quote, to shift all of humanity we have to shift ourselves. Shift out of fear and anger and into love and acceptance. This means setting aside anger, upset, blame, guilt, revenge, remorse. Does acceptance mean allowing that which was negative to continue? No. Not any more than you would allow a child who is misbehaving to do so. It only means allowing those who've been responsible for perpetrating the fear paradigm the opportunity to discover for themselves how inappropriate their actions have been. The article explains how this is now possible, because the energy of the perpetrators has been contained. The negative energy of the perpetrators can longer affect anyone but themselves. This is their opportunity to grow spiritually. The forgiveness and allowing for that shift is up to us. As with a child that we lovingly place in time out, to allow them to both settle down and contemplate their actions, I suppose we could say the "containment" of these deeply troubled humans is a similar action. They are able to continue to function, but any negative energy is reflected back rather than allowed to affect others.

Note that what we're being asked to provide for these humans is exactly what Spirit provides for us when we die: When we step out of our body and enter the etheric realms we are given the opportunity to examine the life we lived, free of judgement, in order to learn whatever lessons were there to be learned. This opportunity is given to us in freedom and in love, and we are emotionally supported in making our assessment. It is our soul choice whether we choose to see and accept the lessons or not. This is the same choice we are being asked to provide for the perpetrators of many horrors on our world. Can you shift your being out of anger, resentment, and revenge and give this freedom of choice to what in third density you would call your enemy? The choice is yours, it always is. But doing so elevates your own energy to the higher fourth, fifth, and sixth densities. Not doing so keeps us stuck in third density.

That is, to wish for others to experience the horrors that they've inflicted on us and this world (revenge), no matter how much we may be conditioned to want to do so, and especially when we've personally experienced those horrors, is to lower our own vibration to the level of the perpetrator. This is not something that is in our, or humanity's, best interests to do. Lowering our vibration only prolongs the ability for humanity en masse to awaken to a new reality, a new way of being. That new way of being is, after all, why we are here.

It is our job, the job we agreed to take on when we came here, to do so. It is our job, as lightworkers, lightbearers, and lightholders, to be the first ones to do so. Doing so allows others to see and experience - by our very nature and actions - that such a shift is possible. It allows others to make the choice, by their thoughts, words, and actions, whether they too are ready to shift out of third density or not. The time of final choice is very near, and we each are called upon to make it, whether we realize that a choice is being made or not.

Here is what Archangel Michael had to say, in his interview with Steve Beckow:
In this edition of An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael explains what is occurring with what we have called the “mass arrests,” which he encourages us to call the “containment.” The containment began on June 25, 2012 and is now ell underway. It will see the leadership of the Illuminati removed from power and constrained from acting in harmful ways against others.

The containment is happening worldwide to all governmental, financial, and military leaders who have worked against the Shift. It will not see them harmed but it will see their sphere of influence disappear.

In my view, this is the news we’ve been waiting for. It will clear the way for Disclosure and NESARA.

Thanks to Ellen for this exceptionally quick turnaround of the transcript.

~ Steve Beckow

An Hour with an Angel with Archangel Michael, July 2, 2012

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenario. I’m Graham Dewyea. Our guest today is Archangel Michael.

So with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: Thanks very much, Graham. And Archangel Michael, before we begin, first of all, welcome.

Archangel Michael: Thank you.

SB: And we’ve had our first indications today that the mass arrests have begun. SaLuSa said this morning, “The really exciting times have arrived, as you are getting confirmations of the arrests that have started taking place.” And Blossom Goodchild’s Galactic Federation sources said today, “This is D-Day. This is the time you came here to be part of. This is the moment that you have been longing to happen. This is the reason you came down here. This is the purpose you came to serve. This is what you have been preparing for all along.”

We’re now waiting to hear from you with bated breath, on whatever you can tell us about what is happening and what is to come.

AAM: Greetings, I am Michael, archangel of peace, warrior of love, bringer of truth. And yes, my beloved friends, before we begin this day, let us call upon and ignite that blue flame of truth in everyone who attends or listens to this broadcast this night, within their heart, within their mind, within their third eye, and within their root chakra, for this is a time of anchoring, clearly and fully, upon the planet of Earth as well, and of being present in the fullness of your reality. And yes, it is a time of joy, it is a time of fulfillment, and it is a time when many of the what you think of as predictions or prophecies come to pass.

But let me also say, as your brother, as your friend, as the archangel of peace, you did not come to participate solely in destruction, solely in things like mass arrests — for really what does this mean? What I would suggest to you is that the idea or the term of mass arrests, whether it is with the Intergalactic Council or the [Galactic] Federation, or your star brothers and sisters scattered far and wide, for lightworkers and lightholders, has a very different meaning.

And that is why I wish to address this usage of language, because, dear hearts, when you speak of mass arrests, you are speaking of violence. You are speaking of retribution, you are speaking of revenge. And that is not who you are, it is not who you have ever been, and it is certainly not why you have come.

So let us alter this phraseology slightly. And before we adjust the phraseology, let us also say that the intergalactics, the Galactic Federation, are not responsible for what you think of as mass arrests, of herding those that you hold responsible for the pain and injury and the duality polarity, the false paradigms of Earth. Have they held that energy and held it very strongly? Yes. But also know, each one of you has also held those paradigms, perhaps not in this life, but in other times and other places. And of course that is why each of you knows exactly what it entails and what it infers and what it feels like.

But let me be very clear. These false paradigms, the grids, the illusion that has penetrated Gaia and the planet for eons came from the human collective, not from simply a select few. And yes, there have been a select few who have played their role in this drama, but also, as I have said before and will continue to say to the end of time, each soul, each essence, each being carries the bright essence of love, carries the divine spark of Source, of Mother/Father/One. So they are not to be judged.

So let us change the language, because language is how you communicate upon your dimension, and let us also say that when you are speaking of mass arrests, of the herding up of the guilty, what you are also referring to is an activity that would be very strictly of the old third dimension. And that is not where any of us within the Council of Love or the Company of Heaven are encouraging you to live.

So why, why, why do you keep reaching back into that quagmire? This we truly do not understand. Now, your question really is, are those who are the resistant group, who are the hold-outs, who have been responsible for what you think of as holding up many of the institutions that are not of love, not of light, and certainly not for the benefit of the collective, being dealt with? And to that, I am ready to say yes.

We have a process that you do not understand, because you tend to think in terms of your reality on Earth, of course. But you can think of it as a process of containment and of restraint so that these beings are restrained and contained, and for all intents and purposes, for your purposes and references, they are taken out of action. Or the actions that they are permitted to participate in are mostly illusion, and they do not affect the collective. In fact, if anything, they simply bounce back at the individual.

Each of you is fully aware of the bubbles and the shields within which you operate. And the purpose of those containers, or those layers of protection, which we have spoken very often of, is that nothing that is less than love is allowed to penetrate. But we have never spoken to you, or we have not spoken in such a public forum, let us put it that way, of putting restraints or containers around those who do not wish to contribute to the growth and the evolution and the shift of Gaia and of the human race.

But if you are looking for storm troopers, dear one, if you are looking for the activation of forces, then you are looking in the wrong place, because what you have need to do and what I am asking you to do is to begin to look with your third and fourth eye, and to begin to witness and to observe how these beings are being restrained and contained. And how what you think of as their sphere of influence is simply disappearing.

And it is disappearing because the new is emerging. Each of you, each of you is in the process of creating Nova Earth, and in that process, of course, you are creating Nova Being, Nova Community, Nova You. So what I am asking of you, in every sense of the word — and you, dear Steve, have been very good, very clear within your platform that I also claim as my own, of being very clear of saying — do not engage in the drama, this is the time to be the observer, to watch and to allow the unfoldment to occur.

Where you are right now, my beloved friends, is in the creation of the new. Yes, part of that still entails destruction of the old, the removal of the old, the cutting of the cords with those illusions, which we have been asking, pleading, begging you to do for months now. But your biggest activity is in the creation of the new.

So this I ask of you. Do not become entrenched in what you think is going to be a third-dimensional quasi-military maneuver to go to people’s homes and put people in jail or in contained environments. The containment is on a whole, completely different level.

Has the fun begun? Yes. But it began with you. It began with the human collective that has already reached the tipping point. It began with you saying that we demand peace on Earth, that we demand truth, that we demand equality, that we require the ability to go forward.

And you have done so and you are doing so. And let us suggest you are doing so magnificently. Now, the excitement — yes, on our side as well, and certainly with all your galactic and inter-galactic brothers and sisters — is that as that containment proceeds, and it is well underway, what occurs is the resistance to movement forward — such as disclosure, NESARA, all of these undertakings — dissipates and disappears. It simply — that resistance can’t be felt, either physically or emotionally or within your realm of what you think of as societies.

And what we also say is that that containment is done much more rapidly by this side than any military action or police action that could possibly be conceived of on your side. There is not that much cooperation amongst nations. Let us be very clear, much of the attention seems to be focused on the United States of America, but these darkness, these what you think of as agents of control, of manipulation, are all over your globe. You know that.

And so it is far easier for us to address this issue. This is part of what we have spoken of, oh, in the past year, of when you have asked what is the role of the Company of Heaven in the unfoldment of the Divine Plan. And I have said to you that there are ways and means, and actions, that will be felt, witnessed, upon the planet that are being taken. And they are numerous, far more numerous than you are even aware of, or even need to be. What you need to be aware of is the transition, and how your hearts are shifting and opening, and that you are dreaming and creating in new and positive ways. That is what your job is.

Yes, of course, to speak to what many have waited for in terms of a physical reality, of containment, that is but one piece. The true excitement of what each of you has come to Earth to do is truly to participate in the shift, and to create the new reality.

Part of your question to me has always been, “Well, what is the timeline?” And you know that because of this channel [Linda Dillon and Steve Beckow oppose giving deadlines, few of which have materialized] we are reticent to give timelines, but we have never varied from this timeline of the end of the year of 2012.

Now, we are fully aware that there are many timelines out there — 2o13, 2015, 2030, 2050. What we are saying to you, it is not that this information is incorrect, it is simply a matter of perception. Because as the shift occurs, as the change becomes solid, as solid as anything is in the fifth, sixth, seventh dimensions is that you are creating. You do not arrive on the other side of a particular date with everything there intact. What is intact is your expanded self, your true essence, the understanding of our partnership, and the partnership with your brothers and sisters of the stars.

But my beloved ones, that is when the real fun begins. That is when truly what you have thought of in the past [as] the work begins. But it is not work, because it is co-creation.

So are there new institutions to be built, that reflect love and equality, integrity, and knowing? Yes. But do not forget, you are in the full business of co-creation with us. So this is not arduous, this is not tedious, this is not difficult. It is a blessing, that if you choose to remain upon the planet, you assist in the restoration of what she, in concert with all of you — the kingdom and the humans — choose to bring forward. That is why the cities of light hover. When this began, they were in the very, very distant future, 80,000 years away.

There is much I wish to say on this subject, but I know, dear heart, you wish to stick to current events, and so do I. So let me rest, and you may proceed.

SB: All right. Thank you, Lord. Well, I know that our listeners will want to know, from you, any particulars of what’s happening. Is there anything you can tell us, are there any specific details you can give us about the containment, about the operation that has gotten underway? For instance, when could it have been said to have begun? What are the galactics actually doing? Or can any of these details be shared?

AAM: Yes. Some of the details of containment can be shared.

And it may feel to some of your listeners as harsh, but it is not. And it is certainly less harsh than having a paramilitary operation arrive at your doorstep. Think, because we have been speaking of each of your fields, yes, even the resistant, as expanding as the love of God, of One, of Mother/Father/Son, has penetrated you. Now, that expansion has been according to your own desire and will and your acceptance of the energy. Some have accepted it and who have expanded as big as all of Vancouver. And some have resisted, even though they are still being penetrated, and their field is no larger than their chair or their office.

Now, think of this as a method of containment that has been shared with very few upon your planet and that we are not suggesting that any of you are to undertake. So think of it as if we put the person, the individual who is … perhaps had a life of what you would think of as negativity in the drama, and we would put a container. That is why we call it containment. Think of a box, think of a storage box. Think of a box that you see coming off the large ships, containers. Only these are containers of light, these are containers of pure energy, these are containers of love. And the individual — or the group, by the way, because there are several where we have simply put an entire group; it is easier that way, and more rapid, by the way — we are placing these beings in containers of light and love.

Their energies that may be disruptive or based on the old paradigms of hatred or greed, control, cruelty, just plain nastiness, my brother — they’re placed in these containers and that energy has no way, because they are sealed, and they are sealed by the mighty ones — myself, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel and Gabriel. They are sealed. And in that sealing, their negative actions, emotions, et cetera, cannot escape.

They remain there, continually and constantly penetrated by love and light. Now, the reason we tell you, ask you, guide you not to do this — first of all, you are not strong enough, and this is something that is done only in very extreme cases. If you look closely at one of these who are contained, sometimes you will hear screams, cries for mercy, false promises of good behavior, but they remain there until such time as the purification is absolutely complete. And that decision of removal lies in the hands of the Mother and Father.

This is a method of bringing peace that has not been utilized — well, it has been utilized by a few select people, human beings that we have given this to, but it has not been used as a strategy, let us put it that way, since the time of intergalactic wars. Even when we removed what you have thought of as the, hmm, negative forces of the ETs, those who were abductors and slave masters, even when they were removed to a different universe about a decade ago, we did not utilize this method.

So that is what we are doing. That is the methodology that we want you to understand. Now, your true job — yes! — be the very vigilant observer. That is your job. But at the same time, join with us, because we can multitask, you know. Join with your star brothers and sisters in preparing for this co-creation and the arrival of your star brothers and sisters and new ways of being. Because we are helping to simply contain those who have need to be contained so that things can go forward.

It is an act of love. We only do this because we know these beings and these groups deserve, just like all deserve, to be fully embraced in love. And they have been so reticent to do so. We are not altering their free will. They can act out or not within these containers. But it will not go anywhere.

So can you look for radical change? This began last week. This began last Monday. When I have said to you that the boulder bounding down the hill was picking up speed, this is part of what I am talking about. And I know that sometimes we speak in metaphors, but we do so so that you will understand. We do not do so to be confusing. So let us be even more specific.

You may look to those, and what we have begun with is those who are what you would think of as heads of state or military coup leaders on the negative side, because it is not the military themselves. This is a disciplined, in many cases loving group that believes that they are acting in the best interests of the country, the nation, regardless of what the nation is. There is a sense of loyalty. Is it misguided loyalty? In many cases, yes. And that is being adjusted. It is being adjusted by love.

So you can look to the removal of effective power by many who have been in positions of leadership. And we don’t just mean the heads of state, we also mean those in positions of social leadership, financial leadership, because that is very connected to the equalization of resources. Similarly, those who have positions of power in the military, all militaries, who have been fully aware of your star brothers and sisters but who only wish to engage in warring scenarios — well, that is never going to happen. So they are also on our list of containment.

So look to the changes that all of a sudden things get terribly quiet. That is your sign. Now, in that quietness, we are also joining with you.

There has been a great deal of chaos upon your planet, upon Gaia, and a great deal of misunderstanding. It matters not. Now, as your beloved friends and channels say, now comes the time you have awaited. Now comes the purpose that you have returned to, and that is not only simply the ride to accompany Gaia through this magnificent shift — which we are in awe of, as well as your star brothers and sisters; we are all in concert with this — but you have also to look beyond. Let me put it this way — and I have been very reticent to say this, because as you know there is no desire on the part of my beingness or all of the Council or all of the Company of Heaven to ever give false hope or mislead — but I tell you, the tide has turned. The worst is over.

Yes, you may continue.

SB: Thank you, Lord. And of course, for the benefit of our listeners, I should mention as usual that you’ve anticipated questions of mine, and answered them already. And I’m always amazed when I see that happening, but perhaps I shouldn’t be.

Is the mechanism of the container the dominant manner in which the Cabal is being incapacitated? We’ve heard of things like stardust and nanotechnology that will be introduced into their bodies. Are those credible statements about stardust and nanotechnology, or is the container the predominant way you’re immobilizing the cabal?

AAM: The container is the predominant way. Let us think of this in terms of gradation. So it is not that many are not being sprinkled with what we would call stardust, or Jophi dust, or Tralana dust or UFOG [United Forces of the Outer Galaxies] dust, or golden dust. So yes, you are on a very dusty planet now! And that is simply to allow these particles of energy to penetrate the being, in addition to the energy that is already being sent from Mother/Father/One, in addition to the energy and the cocooning that is taking place by your star brothers and sisters — do not forget that.

The nanotechnology is not being placed into those who are, hmm, can we say, who have been part of the false grid. The nanotechnology, which is truly a gift from your star brothers and sisters, is being placed primarily — and we have to distinguish in this regard — but it is being placed primarily and voluntarily within those who are getting ready to be the recipients of new technology. Such as yourself.

SB: Are you talking to me, Lord? Myself? [laugh]

AAM: Yes, I am.

SB: I’m happy to be the recipient of new technology and I can’t wait.

Can you please spell out for us Jophi dust and Tralana dust, so that we know how to …

AAM: Yes. Jophi dust is the dust and the essence of Archangel Jophiel, and he gives this gift freely to awaken, enliven human beings. So it is the Jophi, J O P H I. Tralana is from the healers of Tralana, and this often appears as tiny particles of dust as well. And they have been extremely busy upon your planet. T R A L A N A.

So yes, you are being bombarded by gifts, and by assistance. So are the containers the only thing that is being done? Absolutely not. It is simply the most radical thing that is being done.

SB: All right, Lord. What can we expect to see now? There will be some people who are in containers, but in the case of a lot of them we won’t know they are.

AAM: Look at them. Look at them. Choose one that you think, or know — because there is a lot of false thinking, as well [Steve: As with President Obama, for instance] — choose an individual who you know has been part of a negative drama. And with your heart, and yes, your third and fourth eye — which has been activated, do not deny it; and I am not simply speaking to you, Steve, I am speaking to everyone who is listening — go into your heart and look at your favorite evil villain, and observe, from the place of observation.

Look at them. Now, do not interfere with the container. Do not even go close. And then, track them. Pay attention to the impacts or the actions that that individual is actually able to have, and you will see, it is nil.

SB: Being contained doesn’t interfere with their ability to eat, or things like that, does it?

AAM: No. It only contains them in terms of their ability to do harm. If their actions are of love and light, then they are harmonious with the container. But if they are not, they simply bounce back to the individual.

And that is a very, very intense experience to have. It is of such intensity that the individual usually chooses to simply shift.

SB: Okay. Now, you said that one of the visible signs is that things will fall quiet. You’ve told us to look with our third eye, fourth eye and heart. Other people out there will immediately, I think, begin to say, “Well, what else? What else can we see? What else will we notice?” Will President Obama speak about this soon?

AAM: We have said, and we continue to say, that President Obama will speak about the need for peace. And as you know, not as a primary election announcement, that quietly, softly, Disclosure will come, and then very shortly thereafter you will see the beginning of a shift in what you think of as your financial or your currency systems. And that is already underway. You are seeing the dissolution.

Now, we are not pushing that so rapidly so as to cause people to be in panic, that we do not wish to have people rushing on the banks and feeling that they have no resources. That is not the idea. So it will be orderly, and it will be quiet. And it will be an equalization process the likes of which the Earth has never witnessed.

SB: That’s very good news, Lord. We will want to know who we can rely on for credible information., and we have a number of Earth Allies who are offering themselves as spokespeople. Are these Earth Allies, first of all, credible? And second of all, where in the mainstream media, where in other sources, can we go to to find the best information on these events?

AAM: Go first and foremost to your star brothers and sisters, to the Company of Heaven. And I do not say this in any way to discredit or diminish the Earth Allies. It is simply that the perspective and the understanding of perhaps a larger picture is very desirable at this time.

Now, I do not wish to say to eliminate Earth sources — of course not. Because you are human beings and you want to hear, you want to experience what each of you are saying, experiencing, perceiving. And it is in the Earthly realm that you are tracking and sharing the experiences of the change that encourage you to go forward and do your co-creation with us.

But what I would suggest first and foremost is to look — no, not just to this channel, of course not, but to the many channels that have beautiful, clean track records of speaking for their star brothers and sisters, and for those who are very much in the purity of connection with the Company of Heaven.

So if it feels like drama, if it feels like revenge, if it feels lower vibration, then bless it, pray for it, and let it go.

Now, having said that — and I say this not only to you, my brother in arms, my fellow warrior of peace, I say it to each listener — you have our ultimate trust. We are constantly amazed by you. The final discernment is your heart. And when you go to your heart and say, “Does this article feel like love, or does it feel like it is trying to trap me back in the old third?” trust the answer that arises within you. Trust that the new realm, Nova Earth, cannot and will not be built on violence, on hatred, on revenge. It cannot be.

First of all, Gaia will not have it. And let us speak of that as well. Let us speak of all the fear that is rampant amongst many of you with regard to Gaia and her shift. Now, let us also suggest to you that Gaia and her shift is mostly accomplished. So you are catching up, and she is embracing you and catching you and lifting you up even as we speak — as are your star brothers and sisters.

Please, look into the night sky and see. And if you are in the isolated places, if you can go to a field, a meadow, the deep woods, a mountain, go, during the day, because they are there and they are waiting to welcome you and show themselves, particularly the Pleiadians.

There is not going to be a pole shift of Gaia. We do not know how many times we have need to say this, but we are pleased to repeat it one more time. There will not be a pole shift of Gaia. Was this the original plan? Yes. Have you, as lightworkers, lightholders and your star brothers and sisters changed this plan? Yes. You are mighty creators. And Gaia came to realize that this did not need to occur in order for her to transcend dimensional reality, that the humans did not need to be shrugged off, but could accompany her in peace and joy and love and be part of the new creation.

Is there some cleansing that is already going on? Yes. Is it part of what you think of as the Cabal? No. Is it a part of some misplaced human efforts? Yes. But you have a series of questions on this, and I jump in front of you, dear Steve. Go ahead.

SB: Well, I just hope our listeners understand that those are the next questions that I was about to ask you. I think people really need to get that you are answering my questions one by one ahead of time.

So you said no pole shift, which I was going to ask you, and that includes no three days of darkness, right?

AAM: That is correct. Because the electrical magnetic grid is being readjusted, you may have some short outages. You may have, oh, 24 hours sometimes, without full power. So of course, it is always prudent and wise to keep some supplies on hand, and water, of course. And that is something that we will wish to address in another situation or another show, because we have a lot to talk about with water.

But no, there will not be three days of darkness. That would not be a good way for us to start out with you, would it?

SB: No. No, it wouldn’t.

The wildfires in Colorado, the storms in the eastern United States — they were natural. Could you tell us, are you saying that the wildfires in Colorado were part of cleansing?

AAM: Part of the cleansing, yes. Now, one of the fires was started by a human being, erroneously, by accident. And that will come to be discovered. But no, that is simply part of cleansing.

The storms that have been raging throughout the southeast — and you aren’t done yet — no, there will not be massive hurricanes, but there will be mighty storms.

There is so much you are releasing, as a collective. And might I say there has been a great deal historically stored in the northeast. I do not say that in criticism, because this is also a place of high creativity, and of density. I do not mean emotional density, spiritual density, I mean population density. So there is a lot being released into the air, and the storms are clearing it.

They are working with the elements, who are also your brothers and sisters, to simply dissipate what is being let go of.

SB: All right, Lord. What about the prediction that there would be significant seismic activity that will cause extensive coastal flooding that will necessitate the galactics coming down and relocating large segments of the population? Is that true? Is it in the cards?

AAM: It has been in the cards at one point, at one juncture. And it is certainly within the potential of what your brothers and sisters of the stars are capable of — let us be very clear about that. And would it not be a wonderful way to play hero and helper? But no, that is highly, highly, highly, highly unlikely.

Will there be some flooding? Yes. Will there be flooding of that magnitude? No.

SB: All right, Lord. There was a recent channeled message that said that the clones of negative aliens, the archons, were still around the planet. It’s my understanding that all negative aliens and — well, let’s start with negative aliens — have gone from the planet.

AAM: They were removed quite some time ago.

SB: All right. And what about their clones?

AAM: No, their clones, think of it as a beetle that simply dries up and dies. So their clones are not present upon the planet.

And if they were, they would be herded up as a collective and put in a container. But they are not here.

SB: So that particular channeled message was bogus, was it?

AAM: It was old. This is the thing that some people do not always understand. Sometimes a message comes through, but it, as it is traveling through what you think of as time and space, it is an old message.

SB: All right. I’m trying not to give the name of the channeled message I’m referring to, which appeared just a few …

AAM: No, there is no need. Simply know, no aliens of negativity, no clones of negativity. The brothers and sisters of the stars that are here to help you hold only love, on Earth and off.

SB: All right. So there’s no need for the population of Earth to go up in ships, to go down to the Inner Earth? Is that correct?

AAM: You may go up on the ships. And you may go into Inner Earth. And I am inviting you, as is Gaia, to visit her council fire every night. Is there a need in terms of survival? No.

SB: All right. A listener from Colorado asked me to ask you to bless the people of Colorado and New Mexico who are suffering.

AAM: I would be glad to do so. And I will add the blessing of our beloved Universal Mother to these beautiful states, this country of our Lady of Guadalupe, and the home of the Emerald Heart, Colorado, where, by the way, many, many of your star brothers and sisters are arriving, and have for 20 years.

[music up]

We bless you, we shield you, we love you. Farewell.

SB: Thank you, Lord. Thank you very much for that wonderful information. Farewell.
