
Taking Back Our Power

There's been a lot of debate going on in spiritual and ET circles in particular this week, about what's happening or not happening in our world right now. Have you been following it? If not, the controversy is around when and how our world (the Earth and all those upon her) is going to be restored to the freedom and sovereignty that is our natural state, albeit a state we haven't experienced for millenia.

If you've seen the documentary movie called Thrive, you'll have realized that human beings have been operating under deception and lies for our entire lifetime, and who can say how many lifetimes before that. It's not an easy thing restoring an entire race to their individual sovereignty, and even more challenging when you realize that we are, as a race, at the forefront of doing this for our entire Universe. The stakes are high, higher than any of us can even begin to comprehend on a human level.

No matter how challenging it may be, however, the outcome is not up for debate. This planet, and this race, are being returned to the sovereignty, peace, love, joy, cooperation, and freedom that is our innate nature. How that happens, when it happens, and what it looks like as it happens is up to us.

Make no mistake, this is our world, and we, collectively, say how it's going to be. We have all the help in the Universe at our disposal, whether we can see those who are helping, whether we even know they exist, or not. Because in all truth we are them, and they are us. Our inability to know that is the basis of the fear paradigm that has been running this planet.

The question of "what's really happening right now?" is unanswerable at the human level. In most cases we are working blind, not knowing who to trust. To me, that's really the crux of the issue. If we're looking for someone else to tell us what to think, how to feel, how to be, or what to do, then we are continuing to operate inside the old fear paradigm. We can no longer require our fellow humans to carry the weight of this burden for us. We must, each and every one of us, stand in our own knowing, our own feeling, listening to our own hearts. Of course we can be informed by the words, beliefs, and actions of others. But to rely on those sources, to expect them to be responsible for our dreams, our hopes, our desires, to ask them to be what we ourselves are unwilling to be, does nothing but disempower both them and us.

It probably seems really simplistic to say that the solution to all of this is to follow your heart, speak your truth, stay out of fear, drama, upset, remorse, anger. To be the light, the unconditional love, the joy, the cooperation, the understanding, that we really are, and to beam that out to the world simply by being it. Simplistic, but true. The absolute, most helpful thing we can do is to BE the joy, the love, the fun, the spontaneity, the acceptance, the forgiveness, the compassion, the wisdom that makes up Who We Really Are.

It doesn't matter if we're being deceived, and it doesn't matter if/when others disagree with us. On an individual basis, we aren't them, we cannot know their individual path. What matters is that each of us, as separate and unique individuals, respect and appreciate our own sovereignty, and that we respect that same sovereignty in everyone else - even if those others don't appear to us to be exercising their sovereignty. When we recognize, accept, and act from the stand that no one - No One - has any power over us that we do not agree to give them, that is when we are our own sovereign being. It's all about learning to believe in ourselves, in our connection to Source - by whatever name you give it - and following that inner guidance no matter where it leads us.

I hope you will join me in the knowing - as an empowered, loving, compassionate, from the core of our beings knowing - that all is well in all of creation, including with each and every one of us, right here, right now. Despite what may seem to be going on around us.

"We are the ones we've been waiting for." Not Obama is the one we've been waiting for. Not David Wilcock is the one we've been waiting for. Not Drake is the one we've been waiting for. Not friendly ETs are the ones we've been waiting for. Us. Each and every one of us, holding our power, creating joy in our lives, releasing fear from our lives, taking responsibility for everything that comes into our awareness, are the ones we've been waiting for. Make no mistake, we have arrived. And we support those in the forefront best when we act from within our own sovereignty.

With love, joy, fun, and appreciation for each and every one of you, this message is my gift to you: You are a treasure to the Universe, you are more powerful than you can even imagine, and you are deeply loved.

~ k


Differentiating Male and Female Energies

This is a followup to a previous post called The Energy of June 2012, which primarily addressed our welcoming of more and stronger feminine energy, with the goal of at last balancing the masculine and the feminine on this planet.

This article is from Jeshua, channeled through Pamela Kribbe in 2005, and explains the difference in the two energies. It also talks more about why the balance of the two is so important.

What we are talking about here is a monumental shift in our world, and something that is going to come to a head very soon. Well worth being apprised of what's happening and why, with the intent to do our part to help the process unfold smoothly, with appreciation and with love.

Male and Female Energy

Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe

Dear friends, it gives me great pleasure to be with you again. I am so glad to be in your company. You have a tendency to look up to me, or to beings like me, as masters but we do not see it that way. We see you following your path on earth at a challenging time, a time when much is changing, and we see you growing towards your own mastery. We see you becoming the masters that you still look up to at times. And this is what it is all about – finding your own mastery! Do not follow any master that is brought before you by tradition or by books or by anything someone else is telling you. Find your own mastery – that’s what it’s all about.

The Male and The Female

Today I would like to speak about a theme that reaches back far into your history: the energies of the male and the female. These are old energies and a lot is going on with them right now.

First I would like to say something about the nature of the male and the female. These energies are two aspects of the One. They therefore are not really opposed or dualistic, they are one; they are two faces of one energy.

The male energy is the aspect that is outwardly focused. It is that part of God or Spirit that drives outward manifestation, that makes Spirit materialize and take form. The male energy therefore knows a strong creative force. It is natural to the male energy to be highly focused and goal-oriented. In this manner the male energy creates individuality. The male energy allows you to separate yourself from the One, from the Whole and to stand alone and be a specific individual.

The female energy is the energy of Home. It is the energy of the Primal Source, the flowing Light, pure Being. It is the energy that has not yet manifested, the inner aspect of things. The female energy is all encompassing and oceanic; it does not differentiate or individualize.

Now, imagine the energy of the female becoming aware of a certain movement inside of her, a slight restlessness, a desire for… reaching out, outside of her boundaries, moving outside of herself to attain experience. There is a longing for something new, for adventure! And then an energy comes to her that answers that longing. It is the male energy that wants to be of service and help her manifest in matter, in form. The male energy defines and shapes the female energy and by their cooperation the total sum of energies can take a completely new direction. A new reality can be created in which everything can be explored and experienced, in ever changing forms of manifestation.

The dance of the male and the female brings forth the fluctuating spectacle of created reality, of your creation. This is a spectacle of great beauty wherein the male and female energy worship each other and celebrate their cooperation and playful joining. And this is as it should be. The male and female energy belong together, they are two aspects of the One and together they celebrate the joyful manifestation that Creation is supposed to be.

It has been said that in the final realization of who you are, the only truth that matters is: I AM. And in this mystical mantra, precisely those two aspects merge. In the I is the male energy, in the AM is the female energy. The I is constricting, differentiating. It gives focus, it gives direction, it individuates: I, not the other, I. And then AM. AM is oceanic, all encompassing. It reflects the ocean of Home, the female energy, the inexhaustible source that knows no bounds, no differentiation. The flowing and joining aspect is the core of the female energy. In the I AM, the male and female come together and blissfully join their energies.

Now in the history of humanity and even before humanity existed, a conflict arose between the masculine and the feminine. I shall not go into the origin of this conflict now. But in your history there is a drifting apart of male and female energy so that they appear as opposite forces. The yin-yang symbol demonstrates the true situation very well. In the masculine there is always a core of the feminine, and in the feminine there is a core of the masculine, just as there is a white dot in the black and a black dot in the white. But in the course of history, this mystical unity of the masculine and feminine has been forgotten and these energies have become opposed to each other as black and white. The underlying unity was no longer recognized.

Right now, you are in the last phase of this history of conflict, in which the male energy has played the part of perpetrator for many centuries. The male energy has long been playing a part in which it oppresses, mutilates and destroys the female energy. It was not always like that. There have been times in which the female energy had the upper hand and wrongly manipulated and ruled the male energy. But that time is over. The conflict took a different turn at a certain point and the roles of perpetrator and victim were reversed. The male energy has been in power for a long time now and has misused this power in such a fashion that the female energy has been weakened and does not realize the integrity of her Being anymore. Whenever the masculine and feminine are in conflict, the disintegration of both is inevitable. Where the feminine gets victimized more and more and gets lost in self-denial, the masculine energy loses itself in ruthless violence and the kind of aggression you know from the many wars in your past.


The masculine and the feminine depend on one another. When they battle each other, the consequences are disastrous. But times are changing. Since the 19th and 20th centuries, the female energy is regaining its strength and rising above the role of victim. This resurrection comes from deep within the feminine energy. She has finally reached the outer limit of her self-denial. At this point she has looked herself in the face and has stated: this is as far as it goes.

By the way, this is how it always goes in the dynamic between victim and perpetrator. Change starts when the victim refuses to accept any more. The perpetrator could well hang onto his role for a longer while, for he has less of a reason to stop. Revolution starts where the victim refuses to accept any more and finally takes back her power. In all situations of repression, for example of women in their family or in society, the real moment of change is when the woman - or the feminine energy within a person - decides for herself: I will not take this any longer. This is when change truly starts to happen. External measures are useless until this moment presents itself.

The female energy has arisen and its star is rising. Actually the most urgent matter in this time and age is the transformation of the male energy!! It is now time for a new definition of male energy. I could have easily called this channeling “the rebirth of the male energy.” For I want to stress that it is only in reunion with a matured and balanced male energy that the female energy can flourish again.

The female energy has in the past century and even before that regained power and strength. It has begun to flourish in a new and more balanced way. Despite the inequality of the sexes that is still present in your society, the rise of the female energy is unstoppable. However the female energy cannot gain full strength and vitality without cooperation with the male energy. This goes for the collective level as well as the individual. The female energy cannot make its final breakthrough without the support of and connection with the male energy. This is not because of an inherent weakness in the female energy. It is because of the essential nature of male and female energies: the fact that they are intertwined and can only fulfill their brightest potentials in cooperation. This is why it is imperative now that the male energy reshape itself and venture into the new!

When you look at the interplay between male and female on a collective level, the female energy is now in a position of waiting. She is waiting. At present there is a struggle going on within the collective male energy between the old and the new. A new wave of energy is dawning within the collective male energy that honors and respects the female energy. This new wave of male energy wants to join with the female and together enter the New Age. But at the same time an older wave of male energy is still active and trying to persist. This energy is clearly working in the series of terrorist attacks that has taken place all over your world. The male energy in its old role of heartless aggressor is thereby showing its nasty side. In the ones who commit these horrendous attacks there are very dark emotions: aggression, anger and at the same time utter powerlessness and helplessness. It is from this utter helplessness that they appeal to the most brute and destructive types of power display. This male energy we are speaking of is in its death agonies. It senses that there are important changes going on collectively and that humanity is on the threshold of a new era.

Dealing with Ruthless Energy

One of the problems you are now facing, while growing towards a more balanced cooperation between male and female, is how to deal with this kind of ruthless energy. What are we going to do about this old male energy that is trying to create as much havoc and destruction as possible in its downfall? Let me tell you this: its downfall is a fact. The struggle has been lost by the old male energy, but it will not surrender easily and it will resist to the very last with aggression and merciless attempts at domination.

Much will depend on how the inner collective attitude will be to these aggressors. Will you allow anger and powerlessness into your own energy field as a reaction to acts of violence? Then you open up to the energy field of the aggressors. At the very moment you feel overpowered by anger and resentment toward them they have reached their target. You are then sucked into their energetic vibration and you would be willing to kill as well: kill the murderers of the innocent. This is all very understandable, but is it vital to realize what’s happening here. As soon as there are intense emotions rising up, it is wise to make a pause, in silence. Go back to the quiet, knowing part of you and ask: what is really going on here? It is all about your wisdom and discernment now, your ability to see through things and to feel what really is at stake. The world will not be taken over by terrorist powers; the old male energy has served its time and its dying hour is at hand.

The most important message I have about terrorism, this manifestation of old male aggression, is: stay conscious! Do not let yourself be taken off-center by emotions of powerlessness, i.e. by getting victimized. Know that no one will be touched by this aggressive energy if they do not allow it into their energy field. If you do not react with anger or hatred, you will not draw it to you. You will be safe and protected by your own light.

I now would like to pay attention to the more mundane individual level, the level at which you deal with the male and female energies within yourself. For on the individual level as well there has been a struggle between the male and the female energies. Everything that happens collectively mirrors processes at the individual level.

Balance and the Chakras

To illustrate the importance of balance between the feminine and the masculine on the individual level, I will speak of the energy centers in every human, which are also called the chakras. There are seven of them that you know of now and these are located along the spine, from the tail bone to the crown. I will go into all of these chakras briefly, to show you that they are all characterized by either a predominantly male or female type of energy.

The tail bone (root) chakra is the energy center that connects you to the earth. The energy in this chakra reaches out to the earth and allows you to manifest your soul energy in physical form on the dense, material level of reality. In view of the reaching out and manifesting type of energy in the tail bone chakra, you may call it a predominantly male chakra. A chakra is never completely male or female, but one may say that the male energy has the upper hand here.

The second chakra is called the navel (belly button) chakra and it is the center of emotions. This center allows you to experience emotions, mood swings, in short all the highs and lows of emotional life. It is a receptive center. That is why I call it a female center, a chakra in which the female flow of energy dominates.

The third chakra, also called the solar plexus, is a center of action and creation. This is a center which reaches out and allows energy to manifest in physical reality. You may compare it to the sun, the outpouring of rays and the power of the yellow sunlight (the natural color of the third chakra is yellow). In the solar plexus your thoughts, ideas and desires are transformed into outer manifestation. It is the chakra of action and outward expression. It is also the seat of the ego, meaning the earthly personality, without negative implications. The predominant energy is male.

The heart chakra is a receptive center like the navel chakra and it has the special ability to connect different flows of energy. It is the center in which the energies of the lower three chakras (earth reality) and the upper three chakras (cosmic reality) connect. The heart is the bridge between mind (head) and emotion (belly). From the heart you are also able to connect with others and transcend yourself. The heart transcends the boundaries of the ego and enables you to feel oneness with anything outside of you, even with All That Is. The heart chakra is the gateway to the energy of Home. It is clearly a center of connection and it is therefore predominantly feminine.

The throat chakra is male. From this center inner promptings, ideas and emotions are given physical shape through speaking, crying, laughing, singing, yelling etc. Here the inner life is expressed outwardly by communication through the voice and through language. This center enables you to make your inner life known to others by means of physical signals: words, sounds, concepts. It is a center of manifestation that enables you to focus your energy outwardly into the physical plane. It is also a center of creativity.

The sixth chakra, also called “the third eye” which is located in the middle of your head, is feminine again. It receives extra-sensory, intuitive impressions and transcends the boundaries of the physical (the five physical senses). It is the seat of clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc. Through this center you can feel the energy of someone else – the emotions, the pains, the joys – as your own. With this ability of empathy, you transcend the boundaries of the ego and you connect with “that which is not-you.”

Finally there is the crown chakra, on top of the head. This chakra is neither male nor female. Or you might say: it is both. In this chakra, you rise above the duality of male and female. The crown chakra is an interesting combination of both energies. When this chakra is balanced, the consciousness therein is in a state of receiving as much as reaching out. There is a reaching “upwards” to other dimensions, where it seeks spiritual meaning or support, or to deeper layers of the Self. And at the same time there is a quiet and tranquil receptiveness, a knowingness that the answers will come in good time. It is a type of consciousness that is both highly focused and highly receptive. In this “state of mind” you come very close to the unity that underlies male and female energies, the energy of Spirit or God.

I have now sketched very roughly the movement of the male and female energy flows throughout the energetic body of the human being. Now I wish to speak of the lowest three chakras in particular. These are the chakras that are most connected to the earth, that are most involved with being in the earthly realm. This area of the lowest three chakras is of utmost importance in your inner road to healing, for in this area lie the deepest traumas and emotional scars.

You often feel you are earthly beings opening up to the spiritual. But we see it the other way around. You are spiritual beings opening up to the earth. The earth is a brilliant destination, a hidden diamond that has yet to reveal its true beauty. The earth is the Promised Land!

Heaven is your birth place. But you will not return to the state of consciousness that you remember as “Home” or “Heaven,” to a state of purely spiritual being. The adventure of Creation brings you to new destinations; you are always expanding and progressing towards a wholly new type of consciousness. (We have spoken of this before in the last chapter of the Lightworker Series). Earth is an essential part of this journey.

However in your manifestations on earth and your attempts to express yourself there, you have suffered much pain. Almost all of you have severe emotional wounds in the lowest three chakras caused by experiences of rejection, violence and abandonment. This may have happened in past lives as well as in this lifetime. Almost all energy blocks in the upper chakras are related to emotional hurts in the lowest three chakras.

I will say a little about the tail bone chakra first. Your connection to the earth has become emotionally burdened, especially for lightworkers. Because you have met with grave resistance over many lifetimes, there is much fear and reserve in you when it comes to truly grounding yourself. Grounding yourself means being fully present in your earthly bodies and expressing your innermost inspiration in material reality. The resistance to grounding yourself fully has been discussed before (in the Lightworker series). It has mainly to do with you “being different” and having been rejected for it.

In the second chakra, the emotional center, you have also been affected deeply by experiences of being threatened or deserted (literally or emotionally) and by being severely restricted in your self-expression.

With these traumatic burdens in the lowest two chakras, the solar plexus (third chakra) is also heavily affected. The solar plexus has to do with life force, creative energy and power. You know few examples of what true power means. With this I mean power that is not aggressive and destructive. In the solar plexus chakra you often see that a person manifests himself or herself either in an aggressive, controlling way, or in a subdued, overly modest way. Both ways are the result of underlying feelings of helplessness, stemming from a wounded first and second chakra. In the third chakra it is all about finding a balanced way of dealing with power and control, it is about a balanced ego.

Ego is okay! The ego has a proper function; it lends focus to your consciousness which enables you to create and manifest as the separate individual that you are. Yes, you are part of a greater Whole but you are also “I,” separate and different from anyone else. The ego is a necessary complement to the spiritual part of you that transcends the “I.” The energy of the ego is fully honorable and justified in the energetic reality that you live. True power is in the joyful alignment of ego and Spirit.

The area of the lowest three chakras is the most important area in self-healing and inner growth. The greatest spiritual challenge to you now is to take care of this wounded area in yourself. Meditating to transcend physical reality or connect to elusive cosmic levels is not your main goal now. Your goal is to give your gentlest understanding and loving support to that hurt inner child within you and to restore its beauty and playfulness. This is your spiritual journey; herein lies the greatest treasure. Cherishing and respecting the human side of you, the child part of you, is your road to divine compassion and enlightenment.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that within this energetic area, two out of the three chakras concerned are male. This shows that especially with regard to the male energies within each of you, much healing work is to be done. Therefore my message to you now is: heal the male energy within! The feminine energy is in many ways recovering and acquiring the strength needed to express itself fully and beautifully. The female qualities of intuition, sensitivity and connectedness are being appreciated more and more, individually as well as collectively. But it is not so clear what a balanced male energy truly looks like. The male energy somehow got lost in false images of what it means “to be a man,” stereotypes that always boil down to power through aggression. It is vital to recognise and express the true nature of male energy. The female side now needs the balanced male energy to be able to truly fulfill her role. The female energy is waiting, not just at the collective level but also on the individual level. The female energy is getting out of its victim role, regaining its self-esteem and it is now wanting to manifest itself powerfully and joyfully through reunion with the male.

The Power of Balanced Male Energy

So, what then is the power of balanced male energy? This goes for the male energy in both men and women.

In the first chakra, a healed and balanced male energy leads to self-consciousness. The male energy does not have to fight and struggle anymore, it is present through self-consciousness. Presence, i.e. being fully present with all of your soul, is an essential quality of the first chakra. Being present self-consciously means to stay aware of yourself, remaining centered, not getting lost in someone else’s opinions, expectations or needs. It is about finding the balance between connecting with others and being true to yourself. A balanced male energy in the tail bone chakra allows you to remain centered and aware of yourself while you interact with others and the outside world.

It is essential to develop this quality of self-consciousness, for it will protect and guide your female energy. The female energy is naturally inclined to connect with others (other living beings) and to be present with the other in a caring, nurturing way. The male energy makes for boundaries and helps find a balance between giving and receiving. With regard to the flowing, connecting female energies, the male energy in the lowest chakra fulfills the role of anchor and backbone. It is the point of coming home to yourself, the point of releasing ties to other energies you have connected with.

The solar plexus or third chakra fulfills the same role in a different way. This chakra is, as I said before, the energy center of the ego. You still have trouble with this concept of the ego. Especially among lightworker souls, there is a tendency to look upon the giving, self-transcending energies in the human being as “higher.” But it is not so. You live in a world in which two energies play together and form the building blocks of Creation. One tends to connect and seek for unity, the other creates separation and individuality. And the latter energy is just as viable and valuable as the former one.

It is important to make peace with the male energy, to embrace your individuality, your uniqueness, your “I-ness.” There is an essential “aloneness” in life which has nothing to do with loneliness, but which has everything to do with you being an “I,” a unique individual. To embrace this aloneness does not stand in the way of experiencing deep connections to others. If you truly embrace your individuality, you become an empowered, independent and creative individual able to share your energy deeply with anyone or anything, because you are not afraid to lose yourself in it or give up your individuality.

The male energy of the solar plexus helps you become truly creative and empowered. That is what the female energy in you is waiting for. Your heartfelt inspiration wants to make itself known on the material level, it wants to come out in a very earthly manner and bring tidings of love and harmony to the earth. The female energy is the carrier of the New Age but it needs a balanced male energy to truly manifest itself and grow roots into material reality. That is why it is of such great importance that the energies of the first and third chakra are healed.

Your Own Self-confidence

The energy of a healthy ego, the healed solar plexus, is self-confidence. In the first chakra it is self-consciousness, in the third chakra it is self-confidence. This is not the kind of arrogance you see in an inflated ego. It is about simply trusting yourself: “I feel that I can do it!” It is being aware of your own deepest inspiration, your own creative abilities and then acting accordingly. Let your energies flow out of you, trust your natural talents and gifts, trust who you are and show yourself to the world! Especially for you lightworkers who carry so much inner knowledge and wisdom, it is now time to show yourself and not hide anymore. It is time. This is your destination and in this you will find your greatest fulfillment.

Make peace with the male energy within. Do not hesitate to stand up for yourself, to receive abundance and to take good care of yourself. Be egotistical, in the pure and neutral sense of the word. You are an ego, you are an individual. You cannot and need not be forgiving and understanding all the time. It is not spiritual to tolerate everything and anything. Clearly there are moments at which you have to say “no” or even “farewell” and not compromise who you are. Do this without guilt or fear and feel how the male energies of self-consciousness and self-confidence empower you to let the delicate flower of your female energy flourish and shine.

It is all about the cooperation between the energies. Male and female energies have gone down together in a long and painful struggle. They will also rise together, for one cannot be balanced without the other. Now that the female energy is ready to rise from the ashes of humiliation and repression, there is an urgent need for a rebirth of the male energy. This rebirth of the male will become visible on a collective scale eventually, but it will first manifest in each of you separately, man and woman. You all are the keepers of these ancient energies within you, and it is your birthright to make their partnership equal and joyful.

© Pamela Kribbe 2005
at jeshua dot net
We are seeing this ruthless aggression play out all over the world, from the corruption in the very systems that run our world, like banking, health, and education, to attempts by different factions to start another world war, to continued harassment in government, business, organizations, communities, and families. Do not allow yourself to be swayed by these attempts of the old energy to regain its foothold. Recognize that the power does reside in the hands of the people, we just forgot. Now it's time to remember. No one holds any power over us that we do not give them. Regain and retain YOUR power, and in so doing you will regain and retain your SELF.


The Energy of June 2012

... get in touch with, and befriend the fear in your body in the now, so that you are once more clear and open to everything and prepared in yourself for anything. Catch the parts of you still living in the old story of physical survival. You are more than physical. You have always been more than physical.

~ Zachary through Lee Harris

Although this month of June, 2012 is quickly coming to a close, it's not too late to discover what the energy of this month is all about and where it's pointing us.

Where it's pointing us is in the direction of a softer, gentler world, one where the powers of the outward-focused, goal oriented masculine are balanced with the inward-focused, loving forces of the feminine. The key word being "balance."

Many understand and have written about this shift from masculine dominance, my favorite being Lee Harris at Lee Harris Energy. As Lee says:

... nurture yourself, stop achieving, stop trying to control, and don't attempt to remove emotional discomfort through displacement action or organisation. STOP. Just sit with the discomfort for a moment and allow it to be present and invite it to move through you.

Lee and Zachary, one of his channeled entities, had more to say on this topic. See the full article below, or on Lee's blog.

June Energy Forecast - Living the Feminine Road Less Travelled

by Lee Harris at Lee Harris Energy

The feminine energy is enormously powerful, and we would not be here without its presence. Yet for so long, the power of the feminine has been feared and suppressed within the psyche and attitude on Earth. The feminine represents the felt and unseen. The feminine power is nurture, creativity, intuition, and heart-centred living and loving. In recent years, these qualities and their value have been rising and are increasingly demonstrated in many men and women worldwide.

This month, the lid comes off the volcano where the feminine is concerned. June 5th, the day I finish writing this, is the day of the Venus Transit. The first in 8 years. The suppressed feminine will rain on and through all of us throughout June, and the results will be electrifying and destructive in equal measure, depending on your relationship to masculine and feminine energies in your life.

Experiences will be:

• Speaking your truth (regardless of reactions or disagreement with your words)

• Clearing out anger (ingested from others or suppressed in yourself)

• Recognising the magic, beauty and power of being incarnate, alive, and in the moment

• Grieving for life moments, relationships or loved ones lost (emotional purging for renewal)

• Celebrating the loss of a need for 'structure' around your experience of being human

The irony of the gender imbalance and suppression of women that our world has created this past few thousand years is that every single man is born of a woman. The gender war seems almost laughable then, where many men throughout history have chosen to reject the equality of women – their point of birth. It is an act of disconnection and fear of inequality, both of which are rooted in unconsciousness and shadow. Yet the ways that women and feminine energy have been suppressed and subjugated in our society is anything but laughable.

The tide has turned now, and this month sees the rise of the feminine in all it's glory and fury. This will deeply affect the experiences around male and female energy in all of us, to subtle or great degrees, depending on your own personal balance and place on the scale. Reading the following paragraphs, you may apply the 'energy' analogies to yourself or those around you, but don't see this as 'gender' I am referring to, for that would be misleading. Remember, there are many men who are deeply rooted in the feminine and many women who exist dominantly in their male energy. But at a societal level, we have been male-energy led for a very, very long time.

The 'old' male energy is currently lost in its leadership on Earth, which is why many men (and women who lead with their male side) are bewildered, burnt-out and direction-less within a male energy engineered society which is currently reaching an inevitable point of collapse.

So if you are trying to make the 'old structure' work in your life using male energy (seeking external 'success', achievement, society position, accumulation of wealth or materialism) you will likely be in great suffering or frustration right now. For these ways are exactly that – old. The male shadow energy can also be found in competition with others, or comparison with others. Comparison is of course an illusion, as we cannot be anything than ourselves, and we are all connected. But the inner wound which can drive this illusion comes from fear of survival, thus the need to fight or take from another in order to survive.

So be aware of others unconsciously burning off these fragments around you, as some will be fighting their way through this 'power struggle' in themselves throughout June.

Or if any of these thoughts or feelings arise in you, ask yourself if you too are burning off the male shadow in yourself, as part of your opening process. If this reveals itself to you, do not be afraid if you see it, but consciously bring in some feminine energy, and you will balance.

The way to do this is nurture yourself, stop achieving, stop trying to control, and don't attempt to remove emotional discomfort through displacement action or organisation. STOP. Just sit with the discomfort for a moment and allow it to be present and invite it to move through you.

There is a great grace and heart energy coming into our world in June, which will allow the emotional movements to be fast and deep if you are willing to let them go. Conversely, if you resist or insist on sticking to 'the story' of your pain or suffering, things will feel chronic to you until you start to feel rather than 'think' your way through.

So invite the growth of the feminine to become your new way. Start taking moments to slow down, stop, and take in what is going on around you more. Even now, as you read this, stop, look out of your window at a tree, or a person nearby, a picture on the wall. Just take a moment to practise stopping and come back to your senses of the world around you, outside where you are placing your focus right now. This is the feminine in action – sensory, feeling, and perceptive.

In surrendering to feeling more and more, and just allowing each moment to exist in you, you are surrendering to the inner flush of the old and ingested masculine drive.

One metaphor for this drive is that in your male energy you have been driving along a tarmac road, always happy when driving to your destination, but less comfortable when you arrive and have to stop. We have now run out of tarmac road in our world, so it is time to allow the feminine driver in you to emerge, whether you are man or woman. This way of driving will involve getting off the usual track and seeing instead what is to your left and right – the wide open grasslands that are the feminine roads less travelled. The spaces you hadn't before seen which are fertile for you to plant new seeds of life within.

The rise in feminine energy will beautifully and abundantly support heart and community-centred growth this month. Community building, and heart centred actions will flow easily, and you will find yourself connecting quickly with others who are also in this flow. Energy shared with others multiplies within you, so stay open, get eye contact with those who are willing and open to meet your gaze with heart. Be present. Allow love through the eyes as often as you dare. Both giving and receiving.

Have gratitude for the feminine you have already experienced on Earth, as this way you celebrate what you are inviting. You may wish to thank your mother and your father for their feminine nurture of you. You may wish to thank our Earth, who holds and carries us. Also thank yourself, and the feminine in you which leads you everyday, nurturing you, loving you, supporting your life on Earth.

Finally, love the divine masculine within you. Do not reject any wounded parts of your male energy or the wounds you see in the male elsewhere. The healing of all sides of us is always possible, as rejection of any part of you simply creates further wounding. Compassion and openness for healing are vital energies. As an Energy Master of yourself, this is why learning how to be in your centre is so vital. For then you are not knocked or engaged by the wounded behaviours of others. But can be a silent, compassionate observer of their process and an advocate of positive, heart-centred action in the world.

The Divine masculine and feminine in each of us is rising to create a more heartfelt way of being and living in unity with our planet and each other. We simply need to invite and allow the process.

The life of the soul is infinite.

The life of the human, is momentary.

Enjoy the moments and trust that what arises in you as each moment occurs, will also, move. Just as the mother who births the infant knows that one day, that infant will be grown.

Message from Zachary:

There is a great balancing taking place on Earth, before your people and planet move into the next level of life and evolution. The importance of this year, 2012, is often spoken of, but we say to you it is 2012-2015 which will shape the immediate future of Earth and your people, and in many ways your perception of '2012' energy began as early as 2008.

The offering of this time for more people on your planet than in the last few thousand years, is a leap opportunity where many at one time will be able to wake up to the cosmic mystery of the energy of life, which until now on Earth has been heavily veiled for the mass.

Many of you have been aware of this rising intensity ('the quickening') since the leap points in 2001, 2003 and 2007 which accelerated the evolution of linear time and physical matter, and in response, the experience of being human.
As human bodies, you are physically 'following' this curve of planetary evolution rather than leading it. As souls, you are aware of all aspects of what is occurring and very 'in the moment' with your process.

So, rather than being in 'the quickening' as some of you knew it, you can see yourselves as in 'the happening'. You will move through this time with the most grace if you attend to working with your body and your consciousness in equal measure. Balance the body and its consciousness as much as possible. For balance will be hard to maintain during the rising geomagnetic intensity you are experiencing, so extra diligence and new approaches will be required with these physical vehicles of yours.

Many of you wish to know what is coming, and feel fear around this. Yet ask yourself what is this fear? Why is the fear of 'what is future' so great that you are anxiously focusing on the future and forgetting 'what is now'. In fact the fear is of 'now'. So get in touch with, and befriend the fear in your body in the now, so that you are once more clear and open to everything and prepared in yourself for anything. Catch the parts of you still living in the old story of physical survival. You are more than physical. You have always been more than physical. And if you deny this part of yourself, you deny the truth of what is occurring in this stage of 2012. Resistance to what you experience within your body emotionally will only lead to struggle and prolonged suffering. Willingness to live internally, and allow the external to shape itself around you according to that, will provide the most illuminating moments.

The balance of the feminine is a power balance. The full power of the human has been suppressed and denied for as long as this imbalance has existed. Even in those already developed in the feminine, even greater power (of seeing, of feeling and of creating) will now be released into the feminine within you. This is due to the shift taking place in individual consciousnesses and then, politically and culturally around the globe. For politics and culture, also 'follow' the curve of planetary evolution, with politics being the slowest to change and having the strongest resistance currently. Politics is a wonderful marker of human resistance to change. It shows you where the 'weight' is heaviest. In most countries worldwide, it is still dominated by male 'old' energy, so be conscious that this is what you are focusing on when politics frustrates you.

So when your 'story' about yourself, your life, your politics, or even 2012, becomes tight or constricted in you, remember that to release the limited definition of the story in your mind is to release the internal struggle in the body and the emotions. Thus freeing yourself back into the width of the universal matrix.

And remember that you are not alone, that the Earth is her own being, and that this, is a very big universe.


I open to the feminine within me, and I invite balance into my energy field.

I open to the feminine outside of me, and with new eyes, I see and feel its presence, everywhere.

I open to meet the heart of the world through the heart of myself.

In love and in peace to all



What About Those Who Aren't Ready for The Shift?

The Rest is Up to Them
June 10, 2012
by Jennifer Hoffman

I am often asked what happens to those who are not ready or willing to shift into the new paradigms that are being created and the answer is that they will, in their own time and in their own way. It’s not our place to judge or criticize their choices and if we do, we are pouring our energy onto their path when we need all of our energy for ourselves right now. While others’ life choices are not in our control we can impact them through the choices that we make for ourselves. We have to live our truth, in our light and our power and do what’s best for us. What others choose is up to them.

So much of our karma is being cleared and released right now that we are feeling, through our emotions, the fear of not being present, of not holding up our end of our soul contracts and of not owning our responsibilities to others. Yet their joy, success, peace, abundance and fulfillment was never our responsibility in the first place. We took it on as part of our karma with others, believing that if we had done something different, they would have too. And while we have, at times, been the abuser, tyrant, oppressor and a cruel taskmaster, we did so at their request for them to learn about their power.

There is a higher aspect to every lesson and multiple paths we can choose. But when we are focused on what someone else is doing, there is only one path available to us, the one that includes their healing and what we think that is. Now we’re on their path, hoping to get back to ours with them in tow but we can no longer do that. When we’re working within our power, connecting to our divine mastery, the rules are very clear—we need to stay on our own path and let others be on theirs. We can impact their lives most powerfully by being our most powerful selves and yet, even by being the best example we can be, the rest is still up to them.

These are such powerful times and we have been waiting for so long for them to happen and yet, we are diluting their power when we spend time in regret, guilt, longing for others to change or hoping that we will be successful in completing the healing we believe is part of our karmic cycle’s closure. It isn’t. We heal our karma when we take ourselves out of its energy, when we make powerful choices for ourselves, no matter what others do. And as we accept others choices and know that the rest is up to them, we move forward on our own path with a peaceful heart, and all of our energy intact to power the new life that we have to create for ourselves, our personal heaven on earth. And we’re going to need all of our energy to do that.

Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

It's such an important thing to remember, that the way we can best help others is not through our words, but through holding the highest vibration that we can in any and every moment. When we do that, the words take care of themselves. We can offer guidance, awareness, options, and choices, but we cannot bring others into their own ascension any more than we can force an unwilling horse to drink from the proverbial water trough. In fact the very act of attempting to force anyone or anything is contrary to the way energy works.

Ascension - raising our vibration and living life as the spirit being that we are rather than simply as the human being that we have come to know ourselves as - is not for everyone. Some players in the game of duality are not complete with their experience(s) and it's unlikely that they are going to budge more than temporarily from their seemingly defeatist point of view. Things like "It's always been this way and it's going to always be this way and I don't understand why you can't see that!" are frustrating to hear and deal with, but that's their point of view and they are entitled to it.

In situations like this the best and most effective thing you can do is to let go. Getting (particularly staying) angry, frustrated, upset, or hurt by their refusal to see things differently does nothing but bring you down to that level. Not only is that uncomfortable for you, it doesn't shift energy in any way.

This isn't about giving up, this is about letting go. Letting go of the need for people to behave in a way that you think is better for them, while quietly holding a vision for them of what and who they really are. When we pave the way for others with our vision of their higher knowing based on our higher knowing, it's like taking a machete to the weeds that block their path through the jungle. It's still their choice whether to get on the path or not. In fact, they may not even be able to see that a path has been cleared. So it's not your job to push them onto the path, but instead to allow them true freedom to choose. Freedom to choose means that you're not so invested in your desire for them that choice doesn't seem like a choice. As my amazing and insightful son likes to say about offering people choices: "It's not a real choice if there's only one option."


Riding the Wave

I hope these words from my friends Eddie BenAbraham and the "e" are a comfort to you as you ride your own personal wave of ascension!

Quantum Living

By Eddie BenAbraham NT in The "E" Channelling 2012 and Beyond (a Facebook group)
Channeled 6-11-12

Greetings sweet ones we are the e and are at your service.

No where in the universe will it be calm in the next few months, the anticipation, the excitement, the love and the sheer joy of the transition you are going through will shatter every old paradigm known throughout the universe.

You are known to those who are watching as the children of the single sun, a single sun which has the outmost unique properties enabling the pristine life on your planet of free choice.

Your solar system was not one which reflected signs of life since many other solar systems out there, which support life, have more than one sun to evolve with. Now your emanating high vibration has eliminated the notion of lifeless system and they are all aware of you.

Your energy stamp has created a frequency thumper the same way your heart’s pulse can be felt in many parts of your body, so is your frequency array is traveling the lattice reaching the farthest reaches of the universe.

So grand it is, so immense is your importance. So many times we hear you think how alone and helpless you feel, but... if you could only see what we see, if only we could show you just for one moment the level of care and the love you are all being exposed to at any given time. That would be a life changing experience even for one who is filled with anger and darkness, it will shake the one to its core knowing so much is done to make sure you are not in harms way.

Sounds like science fiction, well we are sure it would have toped the charts should any one made it into a movie.

The months ahead are all about the shift, the weeks, days, hours. Living in a time where you are going to shift the course of history into a reality which no one has ever experienced anywhere on any planet. The momentum has been building for the last 20 years and now it is time to take the actual step and cross the bridge.

The inner spark

There is a spark within each and every one of you, this spark is the very door to the energy you call home, it is a door, it is a commonality of a whole which exists with-in each and every one of you. This commonality is becoming more aware of its existence; many more are growing and learning to play with the connection. The grid is the key for this connection, this intelligence is your entire existence living and growing continuously in one location... with-in you!

There are many ways we can describe the commonality of human consciousness, which means many will identify it with many names at first but then, as time progresses you will all discover it is one and the same. It is all of you in one big soup of god consciousness.

Tapping into this place, this dimension, this reality is not one which requires days, hours, or minutes of meditation, it is instantaneous it is immediate, it is quantum. Your field is changing to match the frequency of the Mantel Grid which is enabling you the free access to this grand source of love, knowledge, connection to all there is and so much more that it will sound just like part of our science fiction movie if we try to offer more.

The actual layers of energy are now folding into place, it is no longer possible to say “I cannot feel anything”, each and every living expression on Gaia is now experiencing something that is of direct effect of the shift.

What we are saying is hang on and get ready for the ride of a lifetime.

Long Lines

Did you know that there are more humans on Gaia than any other time; do you think it is a coincidence? Hardly! The lines to come in to earth are “jammed”, they are rejoicing with excitement, who will be next to enter the only planet of free choice during shift that has never taken [place] before anywhere.

Is it that hard to believe? Is it that hard to imagine that you all are part of this amazing experience that so many want to take part of?

Some will say yes “I don’t believe it, look at what is going on in the Middle East, in Africa, the economy. Why come to this place? it is full of misery” harsh indeed, the old is still playing its roll trying to grab to the last strands of diminishing threads and while it is doing so, it will make sure it does it with a loud outcry.

Dear souls, we know you are in a place where it is hard to see the entire picture, even more when so much is hidden from you but, we ask of you to find the time emanate the love with-in to those spots which are in need of healing the most in this time. It will enable you to find calm and peace and at the same time, work magic as it did so many times before.

The Keyword

Compassion is the keyword and with it you can make the darkest place shine with love using one single breath. In your scriptures it is written that God said let there be light and so it was. So we ask you now dear human angel… now that you know where god resides, what is stopping you from shining the light of God? Compassion will lead you there and love will turn the switch.

It will not be as clear as day and night, where the path is leading you, Quantum Living is as unknown as the word itself and time; will show the solutions and the tools for living under a new set of “rules” and “conditions”. Nowhere will it be hidden, even in the tribal areas of the hidden jungles, it will be a transition each and every one will be aware of and it has already started.

The ripples of energy waves are folding, the days are becoming challenging to maneuver we can see it is not easy dear human angel. So then we would like to remind you of something we talked about in the past, something that was written in a channel by our speaker, (they are referring to “The Unthinkable Era”) thinking your way through has its limitations which posses a challenge, even to the ones who are not at a place of stress.

Allow your thoughts to settle and make your intuition the “driver”. You will notice that things are not that difficult once you allow your conscious mind to rest. Living your daily life using your intuition fully, is what you would call Quantum Living.

You are on the path for making this the new way of living, it is part of the equation, it is part of what you have been waiting for so long. A relief from the old way, a relief from that which you would call - living in the third dimension. It is not that difficult dear ones it is rather simple however, the one making it tough is the fear of your conscious mind to let go.

Freedom is attainable if you only choose to, the lifetime you have prepared yourself for so many lifetimes before is now on your doorstep, take the step, walk tall and proud.

We love you so dearly sweet ones wishing you an unthinkable moment.

And so it is.

The “E”

Copyright 2012 Eddie BenAbraham NT


Really? Nothing Is As Bad As It Seems?

On this day of your life I believe God wants you to know...
...that nothing is as bad as it seems. Nothing.

There is a benefit and a blessing hidden in the folds
of every experience and every outcome. That includes
every and any 'bad' thing that may be happening to
you right now.

Change your perspective. Know that nothing happens
ever that is not for your highest good. All that needs
to change for you to see this...is your definition of
'Highest Good.'

~ Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations With God
Really? Are you sure? Nothing is as bad as it seems? Because sometimes things seem really really bad! I mean, I didn't ask for this to happen you know. There is sooo much suffering in the world, so many bad things happening to me, around me, and to many people that I know. Surely there are exceptions?

Hard as it may be to accept (and it can be very hard), yes, we're sure. And no, there are no exceptions. NDW is absolutely right: nothing is as bad as it seems, and there is a gift in every event that we call negative.

Nothing ever simply "happens" to us. Even if we haven't the ability, in our current situation, to see what our part is in anything that we experience, there is no doubt that we did play a part. If something is happening to you or around you, if something is in your awareness, there is always a reason and there is always an agreement to participate.

We are creators on the grandest scale. We incarnated here to create our experiences, and in so doing to expand. Each and every one of those experiences is part of our creation, whether we like the experience or not. The greatest benefit you can be to yourself is to remember that you are the one responsible for your circumstances, not the other way around.

If you are still struggling to accept your responsibility in the matter of creating your own life, there are now hundreds and thousands of healers, teachers, tutors, and mentors available to help you find your way. But they are only going to guide you, they cannot do the work for you. It is up to each of us individually to awaken once and for all to the very real truth that we are responsible for ourselves and everything that happens to us. Individually we are actors in our own play, creators of our own reality. Together we are actors in our shared play, co-creators of our shared reality. But more than actors, we are the writers, directors, and critics of that play too!

On a spiritual level no one - no one - judges us. Any judging that goes on is ours and ours alone. And it's only judging if we insist on making it so. Examination of any experience is from the perspective of "I went to Earth to learn/experience thus and so, and to grow from it. How did I do?" and those are questions no one asks of us but ourselves.

But .. we don't have to wait until we die to do that! In fact, "the shift" is all about being awake and aware enough to be able to do that now, in this body. To become Spirit embodied, and live the remainder of our physical life here on Earth from that perspective. To view every experience as an exciting, interesting, event that we created for our own purposes. Our interactions with others is our co-creation with them, whether it looks like that or not to the human being part of us. Taking back our power means remembering that, as the saying goes "we are the ones we've been waiting for."

So the most empowering way we can live is to simply accept our responsibility in the matter of our own life and what happens to us, even though we do not, and may never, understand it. A helpful question to ask is "What's the gift in this experience?" and see what answer comes forth from the heart. If none comes, live in the knowing that there is a gift, even if we cannot yet see it. All will be clear soon enough. In the meantime all there is to do is simply accept, forgive - ourselves included - and move on.

One of my favorite Abraham quotes relates to this topic:
The premise of your life is Freedom;
the purpose of your life is Joy.

~ Abraham
Stated differently, the purpose of our lives is not suffering. Suffering is what gets added onto an experience that we do not understand and cannot accept. In the acceptance, without needing to know the reasons, comes freedom. In freedom comes power. And from power comes joy. Even in what others might call the worst of times.


Veronica Asks: Why Can't We All Get Along?

I've wondered that my whole life. Even as a very little girl, when I would see people having arguments I wondered "Why can't we just get along?" Why do we have to fight to be right at the expense of relationships? As I got older and would have disagreements with others, often I would say "let's agree to disagree." I was shocked at how many times people could not - or would not - give up the argument, insisting that everyone come to their point of view. Even more shocking to me, sometimes that person who wouldn't give up was me!

I think for most people - especially now that the entire of mass consciousness is moving up in vibration - it feels really bad to be engaged in arguments with others. Really really bad. So bad that many of us simply cannot "go there" anymore. I know I still get sucked in occassionally, fall to old patterns of habit and start arguing for my point of view. But it doesn't take very long these days for me to realize I've gone to a place I don't care to be, then choose differently. I hope you-all are beginning to do the same.

Here's what Veronica through April and Allen Crawford at Inner Whispers had to say about this topic:

Why Can't We All Get Along?

In the linear, energy ebbs and flows between all participants. When the energy is a good match, the consistency of the exchange creates harmony. As one might suspect, disconnecting energy often indicates a poor match.

Relationships with others while physical are an important part of soul's development. Some are obviously more dear to you than others. Those less important, often allow you to walk away from a relationship that just doesn't work.

How then does one decide what to do when the relationship is very important to the structure of your reality?

First, it is important to understand that a poor energy match has probability of improvement. It may never be a perfectly harmonious one, but there can be a reconstruction if both parties are interested. The emphasis being placed on "both parties".

Working to achieve balance in an unbalanced energy requires great focus from all. A decision to be honest, with clarity of intentions, is important. There may be sticking points that will never resolve, but the two parties may be be able to come to energetic agreement. Enough to maintain the relationship in a positive fashion is the desire here.

Secondly, learn to participate. Be active within.the relationship. Waiting for others to come toward you in a conciliatory manner may keep you waiting a long time. Decide to set your ego aside and reach out to an energy who may not be as clear as you are in the moment. In the end, it doesn't matter who wins the argument. There are no winners when the relationship is abandoned.

Third: Try thinking with your heart. Again, both parties need to be on th same page here. Often a singular attempt may be met with negativity if both parties are not engaged.

We realize we will be asked why we have not addressed the world with all its people. Certainly there is a remedy to cure the world of its troubles.

Yes, there is a remedy.

It is you.

If all begin with themselves, the energy will spread to others. A peaceful virus that the world needs begins with you.

Why not?


Through April and Allen Crawford at Inner Whispers
The point they make about being in harmony is a good one. Thing is, we don't have to wait to find other people who are already in harmony with us to get along, nor do we need to avoid those who are not. Though as a highly sensitive empath, that's how I've habitually lived my life. Avoiding has been a way to protect myself. Perhaps you've done the same, or know of others who are like that. There is another way, and you don't have to be a sensitive empath to take advantage of it.

It's all quite simple. Recognize that no matter how disharmonious an interaction might be, there are levels we can meet at - energetically - that are harmonious. These might not be the levels that we vibrate at typically, but if we set our intent to harmonize with another at the highest possible level, it's amazing how smooth things can get. Instead of us, as higher vibrating individuals, getting pulled down to a lower level, we bring the other up, meeting together at the highest level we can together achieve.

This is your intent, and you can do it without the other(s) being aware that you are doing so. The part that takes some discipline and effort is interrupting a habitual pattern of dropping your vibration to a level close to the one you're disagreeing/fighting with. You may not be aware that you are dropping your vibration, but as Abraham likes to say, the fact that you don't feel good is a pretty good indication that you've stepped out of your joy.

As with all things, you can pre-pave your way to harmony. If you've got a situation coming up that generally "pushes your buttons", intend to have the interaction be at the highest possible level for all concerned. If this is someone close to you, practice harmonizing before you are actually interacting with them. That will make it easier when you actually are in their presence.

If this is going to be a business transaction, a meeting, or something similar, don't attach names or faces to the interaction, simply intend to harmonize at the highest possible level. The reason not to attach names or faces is that you might not be interacting with who you think you are going to be interacting with. For example, if you're going to see the IRS about an audit, and this has you all irritable and fidgety, imagine the interaction going smoothly, quickly, and in total agreement. Intend to harmonize at the highest possible level with whomever is in this interaction. That way, even if the person you expected to interact with is replaced by someone else, your harmonizing will be in place. In fact, your harmonizing might be what causes a different individual to show up for you!

You don't need to know how the harmonizing is achieved anymore than you need to know how your body moves you from place to place; you intend to walk and you do. Your intent to harmonize - along with your faith that it works - is all you need.

Try it! I think you'll find this simple tool startlingly effective. And as Jim Self likes to remind us, practice when it doesn't count.


Living As Source

Is it becoming ever more evident to you that our thoughts are meeting us in physical reality more and more obviously, more and more quickly, sometimes at lightening speed?

When I take the time to sit back and simply notice the way life is unfolding, I'm amazed and -- when it isn't in the process of impacting me negatively -- I'm often bemused at the way what I've "asked for" through my thoughts is showing up, whether I wanted to have asked for it or not. Becoming a master of one's desires is certainly a challenging endeavor!

This being on my mind, it's not surprising that I stumbled across (thank you Universe) the following message from the Arcturian Circle, a group of 12 conscious beings of light experiencing a 9th density reality. Although it was channeled in 2009 (thank you Debbie), the Arcturians' comments and suggestions fit perfectly with everything that I have come to know from the many sources of such information that I trust, including my own connection to Source. I particularly enjoyed their reminder that it really is as simple as we think it is. Simple, but not necessarily easy, it does take diligence. But the more we practice shifting our thoughts to what we want to see, the easier it gets. Those times when we haven't been as diligent as we'd like to be, we get to see that the system works even when we don't want it to. Not a bad reminder in itself!

Keep on keeping on my friends. No matter how bad things may appear, no matter how bad others may insist that the world is, no matter how annoyed we might get that what we want doesn't appear to be happening fast enough, the golden age that we are together creating is within view. The evidence is clear and all around us, if we only open our eyes to see it.

Manifesting Your Source Energy

We’d like to talk about a theme that you’ve been talking about for a little while, but we’d like to take it to the next level and to help you really ramp things up big time.

We want you to know that nothing is ever as bad as it seems, and things are pretty bad right now if you look in the outside world. Things look pretty dim, pretty dark. But we don’t want you to look there, and we would ask you why are you looking there to begin with. You shouldn’t be looking there. You have the ability to create your own reality in the blink of an eye, and it is really time to start using that ability. We don’t want to hear any of this idea that you can’t do it, it’s not possible. We promise you that it’s absolutely possible to be able to create things very quickly.

You have all talked about tonight things that have manifested very quickly for you, and we promise you that it is very easy to do. It is simple. It is as simple as clearing your mind. Ah, but that’s the tough part, isn’t it, clearing your mind? So, this is where we want to start talking about this mind of yours. Your mind is an amazing piece of machinery. And that’s exactly what it is. It’s a biological machine, and you have the ability to program it.

What is happening right now for many humans on the Earth is that your left brain and your right brain are beginning to become connected again. They are growing together, but until that fully happens you will need to work some to stop the overywork of your brain. You have been programmed life, after life, after life to use your brain, and now we want to ask you to deprogram your brain. The only thing that you want to think about are the things that you want to create. You don’t need to think about things over and over and over again. It is the energy of now. You have shifted into a fourth dimensional reality. All that means is that your energy has moved up several vibrations, and you are living in a fourth dimensional reality. We will call it that because we do not know what to call it that you would relate to. It is simply a higher vibration than where you were residing a year ago or even three weeks ago. A major vibrational change happened three or four days ago. Some of you recognized it even seven days ago, but all of you and your families have been through a huge vibrational change within the last week.

So we want you to begin thinking about what you want to create, and we want you to detach yourself from the outside world because you believe that there are structures in the outside world that keep you from having and doing and being what you want. Did you hear what I said? You believe that there are structures and policies and procedures and agencies and people and the government that keeps you from doing and having and being who you want. And why do you think that is? Because you allow it to be so. This is not about disallowing things to happen. This is about allowing you to be who you want to be. And you have to take charge and take responsibility. And it sounds like this would be a difficult thing to do, but it is not. If you think about what you believe God to be, if you think about what Source Energy is, is there anything that Source Energy cannot do? We know that you already know the answer to that or you would not be here. We know that you believe that Source Energy is omnipotent. It can do and be anything. So why do you think being in a physical suit limits you? It does not. It doesn’t. But yet when you come forth into physical manifestation, all of the programming that has been with you from the first day that you became a human being is still with you. And we say that you can’t get rid of that programming. We say that you simply need to reprogram yourself again. The children get it. The animals know. The plant kingdom knows. And now it is time for humans to match up their energy with the animals and the children and the minerals and all the beings that are in light.

We want you to start thinking of yourselves as being Beings of Light. The Arcturians that you talk to, who we are, you are also them. That energy is you. If you were in spirit form or if you were in Source form or if you were God, would there be anything that you could not do? Would you be limited? We think not. It is simply the programming and all of the cellular memory that you carry from yourselves from all of the existences that you have been. But here is another little tip. It is not just your cellular memory that you tap into because you are connected, you have access to all cellular memory from everyone around you. And bigger than that, you have memory of the species that you exist from. That seems like a lot to carry around, and we are telling you that you can block access to that by simply allowing your Source to flow through you and to set an intent to act and think and feel and believe only from Source Energy.

All you do is, when you get up in the morning you say, “I will act and feel and exist through Source energy. Everything that I do and everything that I feel, everything that I think, all decisions that I make, everything that I am will allow Source Energy to flow through me. I will allow my physical experience to enjoy the Source Energy flowing through me. And I will allow Source Energy to guide me and to make the decisions that I make on a daily basis. I will not do it from my physical mind. I will allow Source Energy to guide me.” You can do this because we are all a part of that Source Energy.

Here’s another little thing that is so amazing. We can’t believe that this sometimes goes unknown. But when you begin to act from Source Energy as often as you can, the people around you, the people that are sitting in this room, also get the benefit. How exciting is that? Remember the numbers that we told you about regarding amplification of energy? That amplification happens not just when you are setting powerful intentions to heal the world or yourself, but it also happens when you are experiencing wonderful things.

So, tonight we ask you to set an intention to allow Source Energy to flow through you. That means your soul, divine Source, God, whatever you want to call it, your higher self, will guide you and will act through you. That’s truly the integration of the energies that you have let go of through your many lifetimes. As you have lived, less and less of your Source Energy has flowed through you. And as you live now, today is the day, this is the lifetime, this is the time for you to realize that you can allow that Source Energy to guide you.

And we will remind you one more time that it is something that is very simple to do. This is not a hard thing. You just ask every morning, you connect to your soul and ask that your soul guide and experience everything that you do during that day. And then you need to get out of the way and allow it to happen. Many of you don’t listen to the gentle nudges that happen. And those gentle nudges are the things that guide you. And if you get a nudge, make sure you act on it because it is your soul guiding you.

We thank you for your time and your energy. We thank you for your connection. We thank you for allowing us to be with you, for through this connection we expand with you and through you as you expand yourselves.

We are complete.

~ The Arcturian Circle through Debbie at Our Return Home
November 2009