
An Age Old Question: Who Do You Trust?

There's so much controversy these days, so many people stating so many different Truths, that finding THE truth is quite a challenge. Who do you trust?

The group, through Steve Rother at Lightworker have long reminded us that we have moved from the era of "Follow the Leader" to "Follow Your Self".

In the greater scheme of things, it doesn't matter what you think or do or say or don't think or don't do or don't say, it's all perfect, it's all experience, it all leads to expansion. Which is the whole and all-encompassing purpose of life, the Universe, and All That Is.

That said, what helps enormously in making life go smoothly and joyfully is following your own guidance in all matters.

As humans, we each have our own reasons for being on Earth at this time. We each have our own individual piece of the puzzle called Life on Planet Earth. So in that way, while eternally being a part of the whole, we are each separate unto ourselves. But in addition to that singular purpose, we all have something in common by being here at this time. Simply by being encased in this suit called physical human, our mission* is to bring Who We Really Are into this body, and live our lives that way. That is, live our lives from the perspective of our Spirit-being rather than from the old beliefs/attitudes/actions of our Human-being.

That necessarily supposes that we follow our own inner guidance in all matters. All matters. Even if an experience turns out (to our human mind/belief/vision) as a misstep, a mistake, a sin, or a failing. It doesn't matter what other humans - or even our human! - might think about our words or actions, or about us in general. It doesn't matter.

All else aside, following inner guidance is the most important concept for each of us. In doing that, we aren't tempted to judge others for their thoughts, comments, or actions. We aren't them, and we cannot, from the human perspective, know what they are up to. Nor can they, for the same reasons, know what we are up to. For that matter, from the human perspective alone, we can't even know what we ourselves are up to! In listening through our Spirit-heart though, if/when we find ourselves judging self or others, we can choose to perceive differently.

In that light, I find this question/answer from Spirt through John Cali to be yet another great reminder of this all-important concept.

Reader Question: How Do We Know Our True Path?

One of our readers recently asked us that question. Here’s his full question, which I’ve edited slightly:

“How do we know our true path? Our true spiritual teacher? Or who to follow?”

Here’s Spirit’s response.


This is a good question, one we’ve been asked many times over the years.

You’re probably aware of the recent controversies surrounding some of your religious and spiritual teachers — or gurus, as you sometimes call them. Particularly those whose gatherings have not turned out well. (Spirit is referring to the James Arthur Ray sweat lodge ceremony where three people died.)

While we see nothing wrong with following the wisdom of others, especially your highly evolved spiritual leaders, it is of no benefit to you — ever — to replace your own inner wisdom with their wisdom.

There is no right or wrong here. But for each of you there is no higher or better authority than your own inner guidance.

As far as we’re concerned there is only one valid criterion for deciding to follow a particular teacher or guru: Do they encourage you to follow your own spiritual path, and not theirs?

Any teachers who encourage, or coerce, you to rely on them at the cost of denying your own inner wisdom, your own path, are false teachers. True teachers only want you to get to the point where you do not need them.

The only purpose of any teacher is to show you how to find your own path, to become your own teacher. As we said, there is no higher teacher for you than you. There is no higher path for you than the one you have chosen.

Use your teachers only to get clear on what spiritual path is best for you — a path you, not they, have chosen. There is nothing to seek, nothing to find, nowhere to go — except within.

The purpose of any teacher is to show you exactly that — it’s all there within you.

~ Spirit through John Cali
To answer my initial question of "Who do you trust?": Why, You yourself of course!

* Note: My comment about "our mission" is more accurately stated as "our opportunity".  Opportunity because each soul incarnate on the planet has given themselves the option of welcoming their Soul Self fully into the body by being here at this time. Not all will choose this. Some souls are not complete with third density reality / duality, and as Earth and Humanity's ascension continues, will pick up their lessons in that level of reality somewhere else. That doesn't mean they can't become complete with it while still here. This is the opportunity. Some of us, in particular those who see themselves as light workers, but all who simply through living their lives ground love and acceptance onto the planet, have a greater interest in waking to the opportunity, and potentially a greater ability to do so.


Financial Tyranny - A Call To Action

The following message comes from Jennifer Freer at FreerSpirit. To me it's a powerful opportunity to see if we really believe in our own words.

Posted by Freer Spirit on May 26, 2012

Greetings to our ground crew and Earth brothers and sisters. This is Peter, and I do apologize for our long delay in communication. We have been very, very busy, as you can probably guess. As you know, we are the surveillance crew – the hunters and gatherers of intel for the Galactic Federation of Light and Ashtar Command and a few others who have joined us at this time.  We pretty much snoop around the satellites and intercept what the cabalists think is “top secret” and “highly confidential” communication. We assure you it is not. We have extremely diligent code crackers, and, of course, we speak all languages – even the very obscure ones that they try to use from time to time.

So, yes, we have been busy filtering their whirlwind of communication, and we can tell you that they are most assuredly in a panic over all the recent bank officials resignations and other financial blunders that are all now out in the open. And they have been in this panic for some time now. As you have been hearing for some time now from many other channels, they know that they are defeated. Some of them are still trying to hide out and prolong their own arrests, but we all know their exact whereabouts, and, in time, with the proper warrants in place, they will soon find themselves completely incapacitated.

We know you all loathe the “soons,” but we cannot give you exact dates, otherwise they will know exactly when, themselves, and they might try to pull another fast one. It’s not their “escape” that we worry about. They can never escape. It is their ability to do harm to others that we worry about.  We’re not talking nukes and missiles. We assure you that the big guns have been disarmed. It is the smaller arsenals of weaponry they have stockpiled all over the Earth that we currently can’t do anything about.  There is still free will. And they are still being given the option to use it to either make good for themselves or to buy themselves a one-way ticket to no-man’s land. We ask you at this time, out of the goodness of your hearts, to focus on them making the right choices for themselves.  Send them light and love and this will encourage better behavior. At the very least, it will ensure the safety of innocent people in their path.

You have all become very, very powerful in the past few months. Collectively you have been combining your energies and powers in extraordinary ways to create magnificent changes on your planet. Excellent work. We applaud and commend you!  We are quite sure that you are feeling the improvements already as you incorporate more and more of the positive energy that is being gifted to you and Mother Earth.

Many of you are discovering that there really is nothing to fear. That you are actually far more powerful than you ever thought yourselves to be. You are learning that when you join together in loving ways, you can change things in a positive way without force or violence. You are learning that love is all there is, and, when you apply it in liberal amounts, it can soften even the hardest of hearts and harshest conditions.

Now, for those of you who are impatient about the financial situation, we have a suggestion for you. Nothing “new” will ever come to you until your current system completely fails. At this time, many of you are still paying these very thugs who control you. And you are completely funding their control over you. Do you realize that, dear ones? Has this thought crossed your mind at all? How many credit cards do you have in your wallets? Consider the department store cards, too. Who is the real financial institution behind those? Don’t know? Look into it. You will find that many of the larger world banks are the owners of your debts, and they are still benefitting from your monthly payments on all of your loans and credit cards. If you are still paying them, you are contributing to keeping them afloat. So now we have to ask you…


Why are you keeping them afloat?

The financial system won’t fully collapse, dear ones, until you collectively say “no more.”
That’s right. YOU are the ones who hold that power. YOU are the ones who must collapse the financial system.

If you want your new system RIGHT NOW, that is.

We have watched you collectively organize global meditations. We have watched you gather in huge numbers to protest all over your planet. And we have watched you continue to struggle.

Look, standing up for your beliefs and protesting, that’s all well and good, but, at this point, we see it as wasted energy when you can all just very simply – but it must be collectively – just stop paying these people who control your world.

If EVERYONE stops paying, we ask you…what could they possibly do?

Go take a look right now at all your amounts due this month to loans and credit cards. Total it up.  What is the amount? Wouldn’t that be put to better use putting food on your table and funding YOUR efforts to make this planet a better one? Or, perhaps, you can help out a family member or friends who are struggling to meet their own basic needs.

So here is your mission, should you choose to accept it, ground crew. Organize an enormous collective to stop paying monthly bills in the month of June. Just STOP. All across the globe. Worldwide. Shut down the banks. Stop funding their control over you. Stop paying them and render them powerless. Do this, and you will have your new financial system (or non-financial system) by July.

Again…it is all up to you.

What are you waiting for?

I am Peter, member of the Pleiadian 500 and affiliate of the Pleaidian Council of Light. We love and adore you, and we implore you to empower yourselves at this time. We are behind you 100 percent.

Peter through Jennifer Freer at FreerSpirit
In following this message on different websites, I notice that there's been very little discussion and absolutely no action. So often we say "vote with your wallet!" yet when it comes to really putting that into action, we don't act. Instead we go right into the "yah but ..."s. In other words, we waffle and head right into our fears.

Noticing those fears is a good opportunity in itself. Unless and until we notice them, we've no chance to clear them. Clearing them is all-important right now, so noticing is a good start.

Giving such a radical idea a chance to sink in and ponder the possibilities is good too. Sometimes it takes awhile to free our thinking and come up with outside-the-box plans.

It's interesting to me, though, that we can easily and instantaneously pull together global mediations. We can, with some planning and forethought pull together sit-ins and demonstrations to express our desires. But when it comes to not paying our creditors in order to tell the financial tyrants that we've had enough, the coordination of effort is slow in coming, if it comes at all.

So the question becomes, are you one who is willing to participate in such a co-creative event? Why or why not? What would it mean to you personally? What would it mean to us globally?

And if you are one who is willing to act, how might we go about pulling such a thing together?


Kick Doubt To The Curb!

We have a lot coming at us these days. There are energies from other realms and dimensions making their way into our reality, not to mention the huge solar flares and the celestial movements of our angelic families. Our aspects are prodding and poking, and there are major changes and gyrations in mass consciousness as 2012 gets into full swing. To top it all off, there are those crazy, crazy dreams.

We seem to be managing all of this with a respectable degree of grace. By taking a few deep breaths, indulging in a square of chocolate and an occasional glass of red wine, we’re able to cope with just about anything
that comes our way.


There’s always that but.

But, what seems to be tearing us up right now is doubt. DOUBT. I’m so worn down by the word that I can barely type it. I know many other Shaumbra around the world are struggling with it as well because it’s one of the most frequent topics of discussion during our travels. Doubt. That two-headed killjoy monster that lurks at every twist and turn in the path. Doubt has a way of intruding in this new and rapidly changing energy:

• You get a clear and powerful insight… and then a day later Doubt yourself.

• Something really good happens for you… and then you Doubt that you created it.

• You feel into a magnificent,expansive interdimensional energy that sends you into a state of ecstasy… and then Doubt pulls you smack back into the limited 3D.

• You get a very clear message from Adamus or one of the other angelic friends. You even write it down and promise to never Doubt what you received. But the next day, under the influence of Doubt, you think about throwing it away.

• You have an inspiration for a new creation that radiates from deep within you. Suffocated with Doubt, you soon dismiss the whole idea as wishful thinking.

Sound painfully familiar? Did you think you were the only one having these experiences? Not at all. Doubt is so epidemic amongst Shaumbra that it could be labeled a virus. But the question is, why?

I wrote down a few theories the other day but I don’t think they’re very good. So I checked in with Adamus but I’m not sure I was tuned in enough to get a clear message.

Just kidding. But you see how Doubt works?

Doubt comes from the mind. It’s a growling watchdog that’s been trained to protect and inhibit. Its cousins are Guilt and Shame. It quickly chases the sunshine out of an otherwise glorious day, replacing it with gloom and despair.

Doubt cleverly conjures up bad memories of past events. It’s quick to remind us of negative incidents in the past but never, ever reminds us of the positive experiences. It scares us from moving “out of the box” for fear of rejection, ridicule, failure and pain. It acts like an invisible but potentially lethal fence around our dreams and aspirations. It knows precisely when we are coming to the boundaries of our comfort zone so it can threaten us back into submission.

What’s a Shaumbra [lightworker; human; you] to do with all of this Doubt?

It’s simple. First of all, recognize that your Doubt is just mental programming. It’s like a television that's set to only play old horror and drama shows; you can actually tune beyond Doubt into your more enlightened potentials. Doubt draws from the dark side of the past; you can make a conscious choice to imagine into the fulfilling potentials of the future. Doubt manipulates your old aspects; but you, as a sovereign creator, can take a deep breath and transmute Doubt into pure energy to serve what you want to create and experience.

It doesn’t do any good to battle Doubt. That only feeds the monster. The moment that you try to defeat Doubt you get into a mental scuffle. The Mind is Doubt’s turf, where it’s been trained and where it has a long list of successes. You can’t use rationalization with Doubt.

The moment you attempt to apply logic to your Doubting Thoughts you’ll fall into its game. Checkmate, Doubt.

To be free of Doubt is to imagine beyond it. Yes, you’ll still hear it howling in the background, trying to scare you back into submission, but the howling will eventually fade into a distant murmur, one that is hardly a distraction as you venture into new life experiences.

Undoubtedly, Doubt is very present right now because we are moving beyond our limitations. We’re going beyond the mind, into our divine potentials. We have a deep desire to expand out of mass consciousness, old Atlantean programming, social hypnoses, wounded aspects and the Norm. We’re commanding new, creative energies into our lives. We want to fulfill the very reason for choosing to be here in this lifetime – our embodied Sovereignty.

So dear Doubt, you are hereby relegated to the past. You can lurk around in my history’s junkyard waiting for game-on, but you won’t find me picking through my old emotional trash. I choose the new frontiers of my expanding consciousness and my new potentials. You’re now just an impotent ghost of the past.

From Geoffrey Hoppe at Crimson Circle