
Does Your Happiness Depend On The Actions of Others?

Recently I received an email from a dear friend. Included in the email was a humorous, or what appeared to be humorous, commentary from a famous comedian. Perhaps I should say "used to be" humorous rather than "appeared to be" humorous because there was a time when I could appreciate a piece like this. But not now. Right now, with how I feel about life and how I hope others feel, or begin to feel, it didn't occur to me as funny at all. It was full of sentiment about how awful life is and talked in turn about all the reasons, all the people, all the groups, responsible for that feeling. The commentary came across to me as depressing and sad, and I was struck with enormous compassion for the person who wrote it, and the many many people that must be feeling the same way, since this piece seemed to be streaking it's way across the internet via attachment from friends like mine.

I responded to my friend that I was glad he found comfort in this piece, but I hoped that he could see the futility in wallowing in thoughts of self-pity and blame. It was - and is - my hope that ALL people be uplifted and invigorated by life, not defeated by it. We create our own reality. We really really really do. On a mass level, we co-create our joint reality through the additive thoughts, beliefs, and actions of each of us individually. Wallowing in blame and pity only brings more experiences that give us cause to blame and feel sorry for ourselves. That's an endless cycle, and the cycle is speeding up. At some point that cycle has to be stopped, and the only one who can stop it is each one of us.

Difficult to do? It can be. Because it means we have to give up trying to get our validation, appreciation, love, and/or energy from other people and other things. Instead we have to find those things within ourselves. It always - always - is available from within. We never need to get it from another. I was reminded of this in reading John Cali's weekly message from Spirit, which turns out to be a re-post of a message they provided two years ago. Yet it's every bit as meaningful today. May YOU be uplifted by life and not defeated by it!


In his brilliant best-selling book, Illusions, Richard Bach said "We teach best what we most need to learn." I had a minor, but painful, reminder of this recently.

John Cali

Spirit and I are forever telling people it doesn't matter what other people think or say about you, especially if it's critical or destructive. All that matters is what you think of yourself.

The details of my painful experience don't matter. What does matter is I allowed myself to get upset by a remark about my channelling from someone I love and respect. It threw me into an emotional downward spiral for about half a day.

Then I realized the remark had nothing to do with me. I also realized I had an unhealthy attachment to what this dear person thought of me. Not a good place to be at!

Here's Spirit.


We understand how easy it is for humans to become attached to the things of your physical world -- the people, the relationships, the possessions, etc.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying these things, with taking pleasure in them. But it's far too easy to cross over that line between enjoyment and attachment. This creates huge problems for so many of you. And it often throws you into "an emotional downward spiral," in John's words.

We certainly do not advocate you remove yourselves from the world around you. Nor do we want to see you abandon that world, as some of you try to do in your own particular ways.

There is no need to abandon your physical life and all the people and experiences it holds for you. In fact, you cannot abandon physical life -- it's not an option. Unless, of course, you choose to leave your physical bodies.

Friends, life on Planet Earth was intended by your higher selves to be a joyful experience. Certainly not without its challenges and opportunities for growth. But you, as your higher selves, knew there would be those challenges and opportunities -- that's one of the reasons you chose to reincarnate to begin with.

Life is a big game you've chosen to play. It's supposed to be fun. That's what games are all about -- fun!

When you remember that -- when you remember who you are -- then life becomes easy and almost effortless.

Where you often go astray is when you take life so seriously. You just drag your bodies out of bed in the morning, dreading yet another day of joyless living.

It does not have to be that way. You were never meant to be so attached to this life that it drags you down, as John described in his experience.

If you will take the time to reflect on your attachments (which are always unhealthy), you will start to see them clearly. You will realize they are robbing you of your birthright -- joy.

Joy is what it's all about. When you can find your joy within yourselves in every present moment, and know you are your only true source of joy, you will then feel such an incredible sense of relief and release. You will be free again.

Free to enjoy your lives, your relationships, your possessions. Free to enjoy them fully and passionately. But without depending on them for your happiness. Even if you lost them all, you know your true and only source of happiness is within you.

Attachment to the world around you drags you from your happiness, your joy. When you seek happiness within you will empower yourselves to create and live the most joyous, abundant lives you have ever known.


Dying to Be Me

If you haven't heard about the author of this new book (due out in early 2012) called "Dying to Be Me", it's an amazing story of and by a delightful gal, Anita Moorjani. Anita had end-stage Hodgkin's Lymphoma. She was in the hospital, and in a coma. Her organs were shutting down and her doctors told her family she had, at most, 36 hours to live.

During this time, Anita experienced "going beyond the veil", what many call a "Near Death Experience." Anita's story is a little different than other NDEs though, and as powerful as those other stories are (and they are!), hers is unique. Through this experience she learned so much in such a seemingly short time, and she's been retelling the story ever since. In essence, she had to "die" to discover who she really was. Then she "came back" to live her life that way.

Here, in an interview with Lilou Mace posted to Youtube, is Anita's story in her own words.

Imagine this: Here is a gal who fully recovered - in a very short time - from a disease that had wracked her entire body, and she recovered with no assistance from the medical profession, even though they insisted on continuing to treat her, because, after all, the cancer cells had to be there - they thought - they just couldn't find them! Not only that, but she had this amazing experience in another dimension. Then she remembered enough of that experience to come back and tell the rest of us about it. On top of all that, she is extremely articulate about what she learned, and offers incredibly profound conclusions about all of it. And as if that weren't enough, she is living the very life that she expounds, day by day, moment by moment. If there were a better example of what's possible for human beings, I'd be hard pressed to know who it is!

From another posted interview Anita talks about the concept of unconditional love:
NDERF: Can you tell me, how does one become unconditionally loving in a world that is not always loving?

First of all, remember that I feel that the universe is only a reflection of me. So the unconditional love is not extended out to the world (or universe), it is unconditional love that I extend inwardly, towards myself! Each day, I learn to love myself unconditionally.

Also, let me explain that there is a difference between “being loving” and “being love”.

Being loving means giving love to another whether you have any for yourself or not. It means giving what you yourself may or may not even have to give. This type of giving of love can eventually drain you, because we don't always have a limitless supply. And then we look to the other to replenish our pool of love, and if it is not forthcoming, we stop being loving ourselves, because we are exhausted.

Being love, on the other hand, means loving myself uncondi-tionally so that it overflows, and anyone and everyone around me just becomes an automatic recipient of my love. The more I love myself, the more it flows out to others. It almost feels like being a vessel for love to flow through. When I am being love, I don't need people to behave a certain way in order for them to be a recipient of my love. They are automatically getting my love as a result of me loving myself. So to stop being love, to me, means to stop loving myself. Hence, I will not stop being love on account of another.

NDERF: So how would you suggest someone elevate their own loving energy?

I feel it’s my self-dialogue that either elevates or diminishes the energy I radiate outwards. When my inner dialogue turned against me, over time, it depleted my energy, and caused a downward spiral in my external circumstances. I was always really, really positive on the outside, effervescent, loving, etc. etc. and still my world was crumbling around me, and I was getting depleted, and sicker and sicker.

Sometimes, when we see someone who is really positive and effervescent and kind, yet their lives are crumbling around them we may think “see, this being positive thing doesn’t work”. But see, here’s the thing. WE DON’T KNOW that person’s own inner dialogue. We don¹t know what they are telling themselves, inside their own heads, day in and day out.

Remember, I am not advocating “thinking positive” in a Pollyanna-ish sort of way. “Thinking positive” can be tiring, and to some people it can mean “suppressing” the negative stuff that happens. And it ends up being more draining.

I am talking about my own mental dialogue to myself. What am I telling myself, day in and day out inside my head. I feel it's so very important not to have judgment and fear in my own mental dialogues to myself. When our own inner dialogue is telling us we are safe, unconditionally loved, accepted, we than radiate this energy outwards and change our external world accordingly.
I also think it is very important to see perfection in the moment. The present moment is very powerful. Each moment holds promise, and each moment can be a turning point for the rest of your life.

I am often misunderstood when I say that each moment is perfect. And that everything is perfect. People are afraid of seeing perfection in a situation that is not of their liking, thinking that seeing perfection means not changing it. To me, seeing perfection does not mean keeping the situation static. It means seeing perfection in exactly where you are in your journey right now, no matter where that may be. Seeing perfection in the journey. Seeing perfection in the becoming. Seeing perfection in the value of the mistakes as you are becoming. Seeing perfection in the moment, wherever in the journey that moment might be. That is seeing perfection.
For more information about Anita and her story, visit her website Anita Moorjani dot com.


Power of a Fleeting Thought

When I think about some of the amazing miracles and synchronicities in my life, I'm reminded that in most cases I didn't spend a lot of time on what I wanted, I simply decided to have it (be it, or do it) and let it go at that. The Arcturian Circle through Debbie at Our Return Home had some interesting insight into just that perspective of manifestation. A lesson for all of us, to be sure!

Power of a Fleeting Thought

You are powerful creators, and we want to help you understand how powerful you are. We also want to assist you in understanding the nuances involved in creating. They seem to be very subtle, but we can assure you they are powerful!

Let us begin.

We would like you to think about a small body of water, a lake or a pool. It really does not matter. Just envision a body of water with two people at opposite ends of this body of water. Each individual is creating powerful waves, the waves are heading for the middle of the pool or lake and will eventually crash into each other. What happens when they crash into each other? They stop. There may be some reverberating waves that occur, but the original waves stop when their power is met by another equal power. If one wave is a little bit stronger then the other wave, it will overcome the other wave and move on, but in a diminished form.

Now imagine the same body of water, and one individual is creating one very small wave at one end of the body of water. You can watch it, and it goes on forever or until it reaches the end of the body of water.

We have asked you to envision this so that we can help you to understand how the power of your thoughts work and why a small, fleeting thought can be more powerful then many larger, repetitive thoughts.

Many of you, when you are concerned about something that is very important to you, will think about it all the time. You have recurring thoughts about it, what it will be like when it happens, how you will react and what you will do when it happens and how you really do not want it to happen. Because you are aware to some extent of the power of your thoughts, you will also remind yourself that you should only be thinking about those things you want to create. So you then begin thinking about what you want from this situation, what you want to happen. This process occupies a great deal of your energy and your time.

Thinking repetitive, opposing thoughts is very similar to the example of the two waves that are coming at each other. When you think about what you want and what you do not want at the same time with equal force and energy, those opposing thoughts will stop each other. If one side has a little bit more force than the other, the energy will begin to materialize but more slowly than one deliberate thought without opposing force.

A very simple, fleeting thought that is not opposed will manifest very rapidly just like the small wave made it to the other side of the body of water. It was a very small wave, but there was nothing in the way to stop it or slow it down.

We feel that this illustration will be very powerful when you apply the underlying truth to your daily life. Many of you expend lots of energy thinking, re-thinking and thinking again about a situation, person or experience. You roll it over and over again in your mind. You think about what you do not want, and you also think about what you do want. You are creating and recreating at the same time. You are thinking about one thing, and then you are thinking opposing thoughts about this one thing. You know you do this, but because it is something that is very important you continue to do it. You have been taught that you must put all your energy and effort into something that is very important to you.

We ask you to re-think that premise. We want you to be more relaxed and to have more energy within your bodies and minds for you. Repetitive thinking is a waste of time and energy. You have much more important things to do than to dwell on the same thought over and over again. We also understand that many of you do this type of repetitive thinking because it has become a habit and is embedded into your cellular memory as a way of doing. We assure you that you can reprogram your cellular memory if you have clear focus and desire to do so.

We ask that you set an intention right now that you will release the need for repetitive thinking. Set one very clear and strong intention and then let it go. We then suggest that you maintain consciousness about your thinking for 33 days. Be aware of your thoughts, and when you find you are thinking repetitively orthinking about things that you do not want in your reality, stop and think one very strong, powerful and focused thought about what you want. Then let it go! We promise you that if you do that for 33 consecutive days, you will have reprogrammed yourself!

It truly is very easy once you understand how powerful the energy of your thoughts are. Another way to think about this is that it is very similar to placing an order. If you place an order for exactly what you want and then let it go, the order will be fulfilled. But if you place an order and then change the order, it takes longer. Or if you place an order and cancel it, then place it again and then cancel it again and so on, it may never get to you or you may get an order that you do not want.

You are a very powerful creator. When you choose your thoughts consciously and clearly, you create with ease. It is our greatest desire that you clear your minds and have more time for relaxation, joy and happiness.

We are grateful for this interaction and connection.

We are complete.

~ The Arcturian Circle