THE SEVEN QUESTIONS THAT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE!After reading through the examples you may come up with terminology for the questions that resonates better for you than what is given, but the concept is the same. By all means use whatever words feel comfortable for you, and trust that the process works. Because it does. Enjoy!
By Sarah Biermann at ImagiCreation
These seven questions are designed to break free from the limitations of 3D Reality so you can create your life as YOU choose.
Quantum Physics tells us that the universe exists as an infinite number of possible futures until it is observed. These possibilities follow a wave function. It's like each possibility is represented by a hump in the wave. Once a choice is made, the wave collapses. A question creates a wave of possibilities. Once the possibilities exist, then all you need to do is choose.
These questions are particularly expansive and empowering. When you ask the question, do not expect an immediate answer though it might happen. Sometimes just the act of asking the question creates the change. Pay attention to your dreams and notice what jumps out at you in your environment. It could be words in a book, a picture, a memory, etc. However, just asking the question shifts the energy. Keep asking until you feel like the question is no longer useful.
During the transition to the New Energy the frequencies here are fluctuating dramatically and rapidly. When the planetary vibration is higher you feel expansive and blissful. At these times you feel like you are really "getting it". You feel calm and content, as if everything is going to turn out well.
When the planet fluctuates into the lower frequencies you start to struggle. Old limiting patterns that you thought you had cleared come back. These can be mental, emotional and physical. At these times you feel like you are not "getting it". You can feel tense and/or exhausted. It can seem like things just aren't right and you can slip into old habits. You might say, "On no, I thought I was over that, but I guess I was wrong…again." Does this sound familiar?
You are more psychic than you even realize. Not only do you sense the frequency shifts of the planet, you also pick-up the thoughts, emotions and physical sensations of other people. It is a wonderful ability, and part of the nature of your New Energy being. The problem is that you are unconsciously aware of the energy and you translate it to fit the pattern you expressed in the past that matched that frequency! The old patterns can be negative emotions, limiting thoughts, pain or illness, or old habits that do not serve you anymore. You perceive the energy and you think that it is yours.
The way this worked for me is that I got back pain. That is an old pattern for me. For a whole lot of my life I was limited by my back problems, particularly sciatica. Recently, that problem went away. OK, it didn't just go away. I worked hard, clearing the programming and learning to be in harmony with my body. When the pain returned, at first I went into judgment of myself, "Oh no, Why am I creating this again?" Then I stopped and I chose instead to look at it from the place of my expanded being. That was when I realized that I was translating the energies that I perceived into an old pattern. In my inner vision it looked like there was a wind blowing through me. Only I wasn't letting it just blow through, I had hooks that were catching the wind and locking it into my body. There was a familiarity to the energy and because it was familiar I thought that it was mine.
Another example is when I found myself obsessing over memories of all the horrible (I thought) things that my ex-husband did before and during our divorce. I was well into the maze of troubling thoughts before I caught myself. "Whoa! I am so over that story. How did I get into that loop?" I understood then that I was perceiving thoughts and emotions that weren't mine. That energy pattern matched what I had experienced when I was in the thick of the drama and story of divorce. That energy was familiar and it triggered the familiar reactions in me. My mind created thoughts to match the energy.
You do not have to take on all these outside energies. By being conscious of what is going on, you will be able to disconnect from reacting to the energy and stop the symptoms of that reaction. Stay aware and question everything you feel and think. Ask yourself, "Is this mine?" Your inner knowing will give you the answer. You might get the answer, or you can muscle test or use cards to get your answer.
If the energy is not yours then it will lighten up just by asking the question. Say the words, "Thank you for the awareness but this is not mine. Let it pass through." Use your imagination, breathe and let it go. Dissolve the hook(s) and "let it pass through”. Relief may not be instant. Give it some time. Continue to breathe and release.
Here is an exercise that is excellent practice for this process.
Go for a walk in a neighborhood where people live. As you walk, notice every thought, emotion or sensation and ask, "Is this mine?" I was amazed when I did this. At one point I started to feel sad, immediately my mind found something in my life that I could feel sad about. But I caught it and asked, "Is this mine?” The answer was "No". "Let it pass through", I said and the sadness went away, just like that. Later my hips started to ache, also not mine. Within a few minutes the pain went away. This type of thing happened over and over and none of it was mine!
With consistent awareness of this process I think you will be surprised to find how few of your thoughts, emotions and physical sensations are truly yours!
Everything that has ever been created has first been imagined. When you ask the question, “What would it be like if ____?”, imagine what it would feel like. When you use your feeling sense to perceive a potential reality, it activates the part of you that can create that reality. Focus your imagination to create a new sensation. This starts a flow or wave of energy to manifest the desired effect. Focusing on the physical manifestation creates a limitation to only that option. You want to keep all your options open, even the ones that you can’t imagine right now.
Here are some examples:
What would it be like…
* if I always had plenty of money?
* if my body looked like I wish it did?
* (or better yet)if I loved the way my body looked?
* if I was brilliantly successful?
* if I knew what to do in this situation?
* if I didn’t have to worry about my son (daughter, mother, etc.)?
If you are having difficulty imagining the feeling, don’t give up. Keep asking the question. You could ask, “What would it be like if I could imagine _____?” The more time you spend in the feeling of the desired effect the better.
In the New Energy we create without effort. When you want something to happen and you are not sure how to go about it, ask this question. Do not ask, "What do I need to do?' or "What are the next steps?" Do you feel the difference in the energy between those questions. If you ask what to do you are setting yourself up to create in a linear way and with effort. "What is it going to take?" is an invitation for it to appear without struggle or effort and it allows for possibilities that you haven’t thought of. This question invites the universe to support you in your creation.
So often we focus on what is wrong or bad about a situation. Then we start judging ourselves and/or others as being wrong for letting it happen. What you focus your energy on is what gets bigger. So asking, "What's right about this that I'm not getting?" focuses your energy on what's right and off of judging.
Think of how many times things have happened that you have judged as being bad, like losing a job. When you look back at it (perhaps after you get a better job) you realize that losing the job was actually a good thing. Asking this question shifts your perception, and that shifts your experience.
When you ask, "How did I create this?" you are asking for awareness of that moment of unconsciousness when you made the decision that led you to a less than expansive outcome. My daughter was ill with an ear infection. One afternoon I started to feel bad, really exhausted and achy. I asked, "How did I create this?" I remembered that my ear had started to hurt earlier in the day. At the time, I realized that I was taking on my daughter's pain and suffering. I thought that my body would be able to clear the illness faster and easier than my daughter would. She was not getting better after six days. Then I went unconscious. I just thought about something else. Within a couple of hours I was feeling sick. Asking the question, "How did I create this?" led me to the awareness of that moment of unconsciousness. From there I was able to un-create it. The good news is that we both got better, fast.
DO NOT ASK, “WHY DID I DO THAT?” When you ask “why” it takes you back into a loop of your own failures, to all the times in the past when you did something like this and all the emotions and judgments that went with that. WHY brings up all the stuff that you believe makes you do stupid things, like your abusive parent or two-timing ex-spouse. This solidifies that limiting reality into your current situation. Instead I asked how it started, what was the point of creation of this experience.
Use this question after you ask, “Is this mine?” if it doesn’t go away. The experience of pain is an interpretation of sensory input. This question gives you the option of interpreting it in a different way. If there is something that your being is trying to communicate to you and you are not listening, sometimes it comes out as pain. Emotion can be translated into pain also.
Say this when anything happens that you like. If you find some money… "How does it get any better then this?" If the waiter brings you a delicious dessert for free…"How does it get any better than this?"
A woman found a penny on the ground. She asked, "How does it get any better than this?" Shortly after that she found a ten-dollar bill in the back of a taxi and asked, "How does it get any better than this?" A shiny object in the rain drain caught her eye. It was a diamond bracelet. Unfortunately, she said, "It can't get any better than this!" and it didn't.
Say "How does it get any better then this?" when anything happens that you that you don't like. If your car gets a flat tire…"How does it get any better than this?" If your child gets in trouble in school… "How does it get any better than this?"
It is an invitation to the universe to show you how it can get better.
If you can't think of what question to ask...try:
This may sound silly, but it is probably the best question of them all!
Consistent use of these questions will change your reality. Here’s the big secret. “We’re making it all up!” We created this game of life on Earth. We continue to create it every day. Why not do it the way we wish? Why not have fun and play with it?
What would it be like if you could make it up however you wish?
7 Questions That Can Change Your Life
The following "7 Questions That Can Change Your Life" comes from Sarah Biermann at ImagiCreation. The list is quite a good compilation of ways to break out of the automaticity or "programming" that we created for ourselves as a way to navigate the third density environment and protect ourselves from its pain, be that pain physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. May using these tools help you gain and maintain access to your true Self, a connection that gets stronger and closer with every breath.
You Are Not A Victim
If you've been following my comments for very long, either here or elsewhere, you'll know that I continually insist that no one is a victim. Not ever. Not under any circumstance. You can generate all the potential victim circumstances that you like and I will still insist that no, the people involved in whatever circumstances you can describe, whether it's you or someone else, whether that someone is old or young, barely born or never completed being born, or whether the experience involved one person or a thousand people, none of the people involved were victims. You may never understand or ever be able to accept this concept, but that doesn't make it not true. :p
However, there's a vast - unlimited really - amount of power in realizing that you are the architect of your own experiences, and so is everyone else. A vast amount of power - and freedom - in realizing that whatever circumstance you find yourself in, you either created it for your own reasons, or you agreed to participate in it for your own reasons. And so with everyone else. What those reasons are seems mostly unknowable to us, and that's where we tend to get off track. The reasons aren't really unknowable, but they may be well hidden. You may have compassion for the circumstances that you or others are caught up in, whatever they are, and that is as it should be. Compassion moves us toward higher frequencies. But none of that makes the concept of no victims untrue.
In an attempt to drive home this concept, here's a quote from Ramshi, 12th Dimensional Master Geneticist / Universal Architect, as channeled by Wendy Kennedy.
So bless those who are responsible for putting fear right in your face .. for the opportunity they have offered you is profound. Whether you take the opportunity to work with the fear or not is always up to you, and there is no judgement - ever - on the part of Spirit whether you do or whether you do not. But the opportunity is there, and it's far more powerful to realize that you set it up that way than to continue to wallow in self pity insisting that someone or some thing did something to you.
The most beautiful part of this process is that once you realize how it works and take advantage of the opportunities to experience and release your fear, moving through life with fluidity becomes far easier. Once confronted, integrated and released, a fear will never haunt you again. And it will make confronting and releasing other fears far easier.
But don't worry, if you don't confront your fear this time, you'll get the opportunity to do so again. Until it's released it's not going anywhere. But that's a good thing. :)
However, there's a vast - unlimited really - amount of power in realizing that you are the architect of your own experiences, and so is everyone else. A vast amount of power - and freedom - in realizing that whatever circumstance you find yourself in, you either created it for your own reasons, or you agreed to participate in it for your own reasons. And so with everyone else. What those reasons are seems mostly unknowable to us, and that's where we tend to get off track. The reasons aren't really unknowable, but they may be well hidden. You may have compassion for the circumstances that you or others are caught up in, whatever they are, and that is as it should be. Compassion moves us toward higher frequencies. But none of that makes the concept of no victims untrue.
In an attempt to drive home this concept, here's a quote from Ramshi, 12th Dimensional Master Geneticist / Universal Architect, as channeled by Wendy Kennedy.
As a Creator Being you manifest [an] experience to encounter [a] fear, observe it and release it. You are not a victim. As you see yourself in the driver’s seat, attracting the vibrationally appropriate people into your life, you breathe deeper as you no longer see yourself in the victim role.What Ramshi is alluding to is the idea that you can't clear a fear that you aren't aware of. A part of your current mission is to clear your fears (an absolute must if one wants to shift into higher frequencies). How can you clear something that you don't know is there? How can you stop tripping on a stone hidden under the rug if you never pull back the rug to find what you're tripping on? It's the same idea with fear. Unless and until you are confronted with a fear, you may not even be aware that it's sitting around, just under the surface of conscious awareness, causing you all sorts of grief.
~ Ramshi
So bless those who are responsible for putting fear right in your face .. for the opportunity they have offered you is profound. Whether you take the opportunity to work with the fear or not is always up to you, and there is no judgement - ever - on the part of Spirit whether you do or whether you do not. But the opportunity is there, and it's far more powerful to realize that you set it up that way than to continue to wallow in self pity insisting that someone or some thing did something to you.
The most beautiful part of this process is that once you realize how it works and take advantage of the opportunities to experience and release your fear, moving through life with fluidity becomes far easier. Once confronted, integrated and released, a fear will never haunt you again. And it will make confronting and releasing other fears far easier.
But don't worry, if you don't confront your fear this time, you'll get the opportunity to do so again. Until it's released it's not going anywhere. But that's a good thing. :)
About Our New Crystalline Structure
Most of us who've been actively involved in assisting the ascension process of both Earth and Humanity are aware that, over time and as we evolve into the higher frequencies, we're being "rewired". Our DNA is changing back to include the properties that were removed at different times in our (mostly unknown) history, from the two physical strands that science is aware of back to the original 12 strands, the vast majority of which are multi-dimensional in nature. As we integrate the divine male and divine female into one, and as the "veil" between the dimensions becomes more transparent, we are aware that our brain is evolving back to a single unit, rather than continuing to operate as two separate halves.
We're also aware that while we've been a carbon-based lifeform up to this point, we're becoming a crystalline-based lifeform. And we are aware that all this is happening without having to leave the body. Quite an amazing feat if you think about it. Mind-boggling really, assuming we can even begin to wrap our rational minds around such a concept. But what does all that really mean?
There are answers in many books written over the past dozen years, and information all over the web, including much information given on this site. For a little bit different take on the crystalline aspect of this evolution, here's a small section taken from a series of questions found in "Conversations with Nomar, May 2006". Nomar is an Arcturian embassador channeled by Wendy Kennedy, well-respected channel for the 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective.
We're also aware that while we've been a carbon-based lifeform up to this point, we're becoming a crystalline-based lifeform. And we are aware that all this is happening without having to leave the body. Quite an amazing feat if you think about it. Mind-boggling really, assuming we can even begin to wrap our rational minds around such a concept. But what does all that really mean?
There are answers in many books written over the past dozen years, and information all over the web, including much information given on this site. For a little bit different take on the crystalline aspect of this evolution, here's a small section taken from a series of questions found in "Conversations with Nomar, May 2006". Nomar is an Arcturian embassador channeled by Wendy Kennedy, well-respected channel for the 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective.
Question: Could you comment on the crystalline circuitry?This is why you'll find so many energy workers and healers doing DNA activations, pineal activations, and similar. For those who want to move along faster - help lead the way, lay the groundwork, open the pathways, etc - these activations are important. For anyone else, the activations will simply be a part of the process of our mass evolution into the higher frequencies. If you're interested enough in the topic to seek out these activations there are many reputable sources. Just remember to use your intuition and discernment in finding an appropriate source to work with.
Nomar: Yes, what would you like to know about it?
Question: How you can describe it in our bodies?
Nomar: You have markers within your DNA. When those markers have been flipped "on" the crystalline structure appears in your energetic body. There are connecting points within your physical structure that anchor just as your chakras are anchored between your physical and etheric body. So, it is not necessarily your physical body that is changing completely to the crystalline structure. It is your energetic body which is aligning.
Think of it as laying cable for your phone line. It is the crystalline cable that will accept the new energies that are being offered. And your physical body will be plugged in through certain power points. These points lie within the meridians. Primarily on your pineal gland, your thymus, your pituitary, all on the glandular system.
Question: Is there anything we can do to enhance this?
Nomar: It is automatic as you raise your vibration, as you are working within the frequency of love. The human coding at this time is such that the points are activated when you are working through compassion, through the frequency of love.
Thriving through Chaos
There have been a number of sources recently - Steve Rother and 'the group', Jim Self at Mastering Alchemy, Kyron through Lee Carroll, Adamus through Geoff Hoppe, the Hathors through Tom Kenyon to name just a few - who've been telling us in similar but different ways that things are heating up on the planet, both literally and figuratively. The space in which we live is getting more chaotic, and will continue to do so for the next 18 months or so.
Effects of this chaos include such diverse physical things as shifting weather patterns, and more planetary upheaval in the form of storms, eruptions, earthquakes, floods, and other “natural” disasters. On a societal level, there will be the continued breakdown and reworking of systems like banking, government, schools, and industries. The ramifications on our way of life, and our emotions in particular, will be severely impacted. Areas where we have counted on agriculture to sustain us may shift and no longer be areas where we can grow things. We are going to be pressed upon to make changes in nearly every area of life. The impact of all this chaos on human beings is going to continue to be intense, resulting in more upset, and in more dissociative and mental health disorders globally.
Yet despite how it all sounds, this is not a cause for panic, nor even upset. What it is cause for is standing back and seeing things from a different, higher vibrational viewpoint. Look at it as the final wake up call, the one that we can no longer ignore if we are to create the kind of world that we wish to create. This is the point at which - if we haven't already - we'd be wise to pay attention to what our responsibility is, both to ourselves and to the planet. Kind of a spiritual "hey! listen up here! your beliefs, thoughts, and attitude matter!"
But why is this happening?
There is good reason for all this chaos. As we move toward ascension (recall that ascension here means raising our vibration while remaining in the physical body) there are many patterns of energy, ways of being, that cannot exist in the higher vibrations. Any and all thoughts, beliefs, actions, or emotions that are fear-based will be brought to the surface for healing. Healing here meaning integration and clearing. It's pretty easy to see this happening in our personal lives, as upsets and issues we thought we'd put to rest are once again right in our face. No one is immune from this need for integration and clearing, the energies bombarding us are just too intense. But that’s A Good Thing™.
Since the planet is affected by our mass consciousness, fear-based beliefs held in mass consciousness are coming to the surface to be cleared and integrated as well. And what affects large numbers of the population, especially for those unaware of the deeper meaning of what’s going on, will only add to and exacerbate the issues. As within our own personal lives, the process of clearing and integration for the planet can be gentle or it can be severe, and the degree to which it is one or the other is - believe it or not - under our (humanity's) control.
It can be a bit (or a lot) daunting to think that we humans have the ability to affect not only ourselves but the world around us. Are we really responsible for the seemingly horrific things that happen in the world? The answer is an emphatic "yes". But keep in mind, we're also responsible for the miracles .. of which there are many! The problem - if you want to look at it that way - is that we've been gliding along for thousands of years blissfully unaware that what we think, what we believe, what we say, and the actions that we take don't simply disappear into the ether, they have an impact on ourselves and the world around us. Indeed, those things create the world around us.
The beauty in recognizing this is that we have the power to change it. As Kryon likes to say, it takes only one half of one percent of the population to change the outcome of any given scenario on the planet. That's good news, yes? But what about the other 99.5 percent? The answer to that is simple too: Focus on living life as you wish it to be no matter what is happening around you, and not only will others notice and want the same for themselves, they’ll be impacted in ways that we, in our humanness, cannot even imagine. Through you living an empowered life, others' vibration will rise, and as it does, so does the vibration of mass consciousness.
And how do we accomplish that?
It's a far simpler process than one might imagine. If you've been paying attention, you'll note that huge numbers of sources of ascension information over the last 10 years or more have been offering us one very simple (not necessarily easy) and very powerful concept by which to make miracles happen in our individual lives, and by extension, globally.
It goes something like this: Be in your joy. Develop an on-going attitude of appreciation and gratitude. Notice what's happening around you, but refuse to focus on it or participate in it energetically. Focus your attention on what you want to see, and not on what you don't want to see. If you aren’t happy with your current experience change your perspective.
This is, after all, a planet of "free choice". What that means is that we are spirit incarnate in human flesh. We might look like ordinary animal matter but we are not. We are children of god and god also. We have the inherent gift of our own unique and individual abilities to create the experiences that we call “our life”. We can change our vibration through our will. These are abilities that no other consciousness (plant, animal, mineral) on Earth has. Yet every human being alive today has those inherent abilities, whether they are aware of it or not, whether they consciously use their abilities or not. We are all the stewards for this planet and everything upon her. We are partners with Gaia/Earth, finally becoming aware enough of our own ability that we can take on our true role to support her needs, and that of others, without compromising our own.
In other words, our choices matter. Our thoughts matter. Our beliefs matter. Our actions mirror our thoughts and beliefs, and in that way our actions also matter. You might be tempted to think I got that backwards, that the most important quality is our actions, our “doing”. But backwards it is not. Why? Because our actions always mirror our thoughts and beliefs, and not the other way around. Manage the thoughts and beliefs, and the actions take care of themselves.
It is an honor to be a part of this world at this time, and with that honor comes responsibility. The responsibility to manage the power that comes with being spirit incarnate as human. I'm reminded of a comment made by Spirt through John Cali: "Use your power wisely, as you imagine God would. For you also are God." Powerful, meaningful words.
The Specifics
Each source of ascension information has given - and continues to give - their own version of how to shift energy. All are helpful, useful, and indeed powerful in their own right, and each speaks to different people at different times and in different ways. Seek out the one(s) that speak to you intuitively, but keep in mind how very simple it really is. As Jim Self at Mastering Alchemy continually reminds us, don’t confuse “simple” with “ineffective.”
That said, the Hathors through Tom Kenyon, in their message “The Emergence of Multiple Chaotic Nodes” offer what I see as a most simple and meaningful process to change the reality in which we live. I have used - and am using - this very simple technique to great advantage. May it assist you and guide you to an ever-more increasing love and appreciation of the life and opportunities that you have given yourself.
Here is Tom’s explanation of The Hathors' very simple and straight-forward process.
~ k
Effects of this chaos include such diverse physical things as shifting weather patterns, and more planetary upheaval in the form of storms, eruptions, earthquakes, floods, and other “natural” disasters. On a societal level, there will be the continued breakdown and reworking of systems like banking, government, schools, and industries. The ramifications on our way of life, and our emotions in particular, will be severely impacted. Areas where we have counted on agriculture to sustain us may shift and no longer be areas where we can grow things. We are going to be pressed upon to make changes in nearly every area of life. The impact of all this chaos on human beings is going to continue to be intense, resulting in more upset, and in more dissociative and mental health disorders globally.
Yet despite how it all sounds, this is not a cause for panic, nor even upset. What it is cause for is standing back and seeing things from a different, higher vibrational viewpoint. Look at it as the final wake up call, the one that we can no longer ignore if we are to create the kind of world that we wish to create. This is the point at which - if we haven't already - we'd be wise to pay attention to what our responsibility is, both to ourselves and to the planet. Kind of a spiritual "hey! listen up here! your beliefs, thoughts, and attitude matter!"
But why is this happening?
There is good reason for all this chaos. As we move toward ascension (recall that ascension here means raising our vibration while remaining in the physical body) there are many patterns of energy, ways of being, that cannot exist in the higher vibrations. Any and all thoughts, beliefs, actions, or emotions that are fear-based will be brought to the surface for healing. Healing here meaning integration and clearing. It's pretty easy to see this happening in our personal lives, as upsets and issues we thought we'd put to rest are once again right in our face. No one is immune from this need for integration and clearing, the energies bombarding us are just too intense. But that’s A Good Thing™.
Since the planet is affected by our mass consciousness, fear-based beliefs held in mass consciousness are coming to the surface to be cleared and integrated as well. And what affects large numbers of the population, especially for those unaware of the deeper meaning of what’s going on, will only add to and exacerbate the issues. As within our own personal lives, the process of clearing and integration for the planet can be gentle or it can be severe, and the degree to which it is one or the other is - believe it or not - under our (humanity's) control.
It can be a bit (or a lot) daunting to think that we humans have the ability to affect not only ourselves but the world around us. Are we really responsible for the seemingly horrific things that happen in the world? The answer is an emphatic "yes". But keep in mind, we're also responsible for the miracles .. of which there are many! The problem - if you want to look at it that way - is that we've been gliding along for thousands of years blissfully unaware that what we think, what we believe, what we say, and the actions that we take don't simply disappear into the ether, they have an impact on ourselves and the world around us. Indeed, those things create the world around us.
The beauty in recognizing this is that we have the power to change it. As Kryon likes to say, it takes only one half of one percent of the population to change the outcome of any given scenario on the planet. That's good news, yes? But what about the other 99.5 percent? The answer to that is simple too: Focus on living life as you wish it to be no matter what is happening around you, and not only will others notice and want the same for themselves, they’ll be impacted in ways that we, in our humanness, cannot even imagine. Through you living an empowered life, others' vibration will rise, and as it does, so does the vibration of mass consciousness.
And how do we accomplish that?
It's a far simpler process than one might imagine. If you've been paying attention, you'll note that huge numbers of sources of ascension information over the last 10 years or more have been offering us one very simple (not necessarily easy) and very powerful concept by which to make miracles happen in our individual lives, and by extension, globally.
It goes something like this: Be in your joy. Develop an on-going attitude of appreciation and gratitude. Notice what's happening around you, but refuse to focus on it or participate in it energetically. Focus your attention on what you want to see, and not on what you don't want to see. If you aren’t happy with your current experience change your perspective.
This is, after all, a planet of "free choice". What that means is that we are spirit incarnate in human flesh. We might look like ordinary animal matter but we are not. We are children of god and god also. We have the inherent gift of our own unique and individual abilities to create the experiences that we call “our life”. We can change our vibration through our will. These are abilities that no other consciousness (plant, animal, mineral) on Earth has. Yet every human being alive today has those inherent abilities, whether they are aware of it or not, whether they consciously use their abilities or not. We are all the stewards for this planet and everything upon her. We are partners with Gaia/Earth, finally becoming aware enough of our own ability that we can take on our true role to support her needs, and that of others, without compromising our own.
In other words, our choices matter. Our thoughts matter. Our beliefs matter. Our actions mirror our thoughts and beliefs, and in that way our actions also matter. You might be tempted to think I got that backwards, that the most important quality is our actions, our “doing”. But backwards it is not. Why? Because our actions always mirror our thoughts and beliefs, and not the other way around. Manage the thoughts and beliefs, and the actions take care of themselves.
It is an honor to be a part of this world at this time, and with that honor comes responsibility. The responsibility to manage the power that comes with being spirit incarnate as human. I'm reminded of a comment made by Spirt through John Cali: "Use your power wisely, as you imagine God would. For you also are God." Powerful, meaningful words.
The Specifics
Each source of ascension information has given - and continues to give - their own version of how to shift energy. All are helpful, useful, and indeed powerful in their own right, and each speaks to different people at different times and in different ways. Seek out the one(s) that speak to you intuitively, but keep in mind how very simple it really is. As Jim Self at Mastering Alchemy continually reminds us, don’t confuse “simple” with “ineffective.”
That said, the Hathors through Tom Kenyon, in their message “The Emergence of Multiple Chaotic Nodes” offer what I see as a most simple and meaningful process to change the reality in which we live. I have used - and am using - this very simple technique to great advantage. May it assist you and guide you to an ever-more increasing love and appreciation of the life and opportunities that you have given yourself.
The Basic Technique - The Hathors Speak
… simply reside in the feelings of appreciation or gratitude, without any reason to do so. In other words, you are not looking to something in your environment or your life to feel appreciation or gratitude for. You simply enter into this vibratory state for no other reason other than choosing to do so.
This vibratory state creates a coherency in your body and mind, and it is a type of mental/emotional upliftment that acts as a counter-balance to the downward spiral many humans will be experiencing.
We recommend that you enter this emotional state several times a day. Just a minute or two is all that is needed, but by entering into this vibratory state throughout the day, you train your brain/mind/body to enter into a coherent state at will. And this will be a very helpful and important mind-skill as you enter further into this planetary transition state (i.e. the emergence of multiple Chaotic Nodes).
One reason we say that this mind-skill will be helpful to you is due to the inherent effects of multiple Chaotic Nodes.
Many of you will find greater opportunities for frustration in your daily life. This is because actions taken will increasingly not lead to the result anticipated. Even those of you who are intellectually gifted and masters of manifestation may find blocks and unanticipated hindrances, due to no causation on your part, but rather due to the actions or inactions of others, as well as unanticipated problems caused by the increase of chaotic events in the world around you. Thus, when you find yourself at your wit’s end, so to speak, if you have cultivated the positive attractor of appreciation or gratitude you can use it to intervene into your own emotional turmoil, for if you succumb to your own emotional stress the contagion of mass hysteria is more likely to reach you.
Think of this simple technique as a lifesaver. It’s something passive, you just rest in it, and it creates a vibratory field that by its very nature protects your emotional and spiritual essence.
~ The Hathors
Here is Tom’s explanation of The Hathors' very simple and straight-forward process.
The Basic Technique - Tom’s explanation and expansionI'm reminded of these two quotes from Abraham:
The idea here is to enter into the emotion, or feeling-state, of appreciation or gratitude. And you enter this state of body and mind for no reason other than choosing to experience it.
In other words, you don’t look to something in your life that you feel appreciation or gratitude for. You enter into this feeling-state through an act of will.
According to the Hathors, when you reside in this state of body and mind, you create what they call a positive attractor. It positively affects your mood, your thinking, and your behavior and, they would say, your vibrational energy-field as well.
The Hathors are suggesting that we enter into this feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude several times a day—so that we become masters of it—meaning that we can enter it anytime of day or night at will.
They say that this ability will serve us greatly as we, and the other nearly 7 billion people on this planet, enter more deeply into the consequences of so many Chaotic Nodes. In other words—the feeling state of appreciation or gratitude is an antidote, a mental/emotional protection, against chaotically induced stress responses.
The more often you practice this flipping of your mental/emotional state into the feelings of appreciation or gratitude, the better you will become at it. This type of emotional brain skill is just that—a skill. And like all skills, mastery is gained through repetition. We have to build the neuro-circuits in our brains before we can count on the response to be there when we most need it.
If you are the type of person with a well-developed neural network that gives you access to your emotions, you can probably just recall the feeling of appreciation or gratitude. And as you do so, you will notice the quality of your emotions changing into the coherent and positive feeling of appreciation or gratitude. Now all you need to do is choose to enter into this feeling-state several times a day. Do it as a type of mental experiment. Do it in situations when it is easy and do it in situations when it is difficult to do, like when you are annoyed, impatient or angry. See what happens when you intervene into your own mental/emotional experience with this coherent emotional state (i.e. appreciation or gratitude). And remember, the more you practice this, the more adept and masterful you will become.
If you are the type of person who does not have direct access to your emotions, you might try the memory recall method. The idea, here, is that when you remember an event or a situation in which you experienced an emotion, the emotion tends to come back into your awareness when you access the memory.
Thus, the first step is to recall something in your past that you felt appreciation or gratitude for. It does not matter what the reason was. It could have been something big, or it could have been something small. It really doesn’t matter so long as you felt some degree of appreciation or gratitude.
The next step is to recall the actual memory. Remember the situation, the details of where you were. Bring all your senses into this experience. Imagine yourself actually physically being there. See it; hear it; feel the physical sensations. As you fine tune your memory of what it was that made you feel appreciation, you will find yourself feeling that emotion again.
The final step is to let the memory drop away so that what you have left is the feeling-state itself. As you rest in this coherent emotion of appreciation or gratitude, familiarize yourself with its quality. Eventually you will be able to recall the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude without having to go to the memory. At this point, you are ready to enter into the coherent feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude several times a day. And remember… practice makes perfect.
Some people are unable to access the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude either directly or through the memory recall method. This is usually due to many different factors such as neural networking in the brain and especially past history. In other words, when these persons go searching for something in the past they felt appreciation or gratitude for, they come up empty. They simply cannot recall any positive experience that would generate these types of feelings.
If you happen to be this type of individual, you can create a new neural network in your brain that will allow you to experience the coherent feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude even though you have never actually experienced it in your life.
To do this, you will be engaging something called creative fantasy. And as odd as it may sound, in certain situations the body/mind cannot tell the difference between a real and an imagined event.
When you create a healing fantasy, you release powerful healing responses in your body/mind even though the source for these healing responses is your imagination!
The first step in this particular method is to think of something that would make you feel appreciation or gratitude. It doesn’t matter what this imaginary something is. It could be something really big, or something simple. It just needs to be something that would make you feel appreciation or gratitude.
Next, you start to build the fantasy by imagining yourself in the situation and receiving whatever it is that would make you feel appreciation or gratitude. Imagine yourself fully and completely in this situation, as if it were actually happening. See it; feel the physical sensations; hear the sounds.
As you fill in your senses, the fantasy will seem more and more real to you. When you feel the emotion of appreciation or gratitude rising up within you, let the fantasy drop away so that you are left with the feeling.
Sometimes people have a secondary response to the fantasy in addition to the feeling of appreciation or gratitude. These secondary responses can include such feelings as sadness, regret, or anger that they never had anything in their life that made them feel either appreciation or gratitude.
If this happens for you, allow yourself to experience the secondary responses. The idea here is not to cover anything up, especially authentic emotional responses to situations in your life. The idea is to introduce a new feeling-state that you can work with.
If you let yourself feel the secondary responses long enough, they will eventually fade in their intensity. At this point, return to the fantasy and let the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude rise up again. Then rest in this coherent feeling-state as long as you are comfortable with it so that you begin to recognize its quality.
Some people with a lot of secondary responses may have to go through this creative fantasy method several times. Stick with it, as both it and you are worth the effort.
When you sense the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude arising from your fantasy work without secondary responses, you are ready to start experimenting with the coherent feeling-state as described above. Experiment with it. Try it in all types of situations. The more you practice entering into appreciation or gratitude at will, the more masterful you will become.
There is another, often unexpected benefit from doing this practice. As you enter into this coherent feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude over and over again at will, you create a positive attractor. And you will eventually attract to you situations, people and opportunities that will make you feel appreciation or gratitude in your real life.
~ Tom Kenyon
Appreciation is the secret to life. Become a person who appreciates and you will thrive; you will fulfill your reason for being.And
The greatest gift that you could ever give to another is your own happiness, for when you are in a state of joy, happiness, or appreciation, you are fully connected to the Stream of pure, positive Source Energy that is truly who you are. And when you are in that state of connection, anything or anyone that you are holding as your object of attention benefits from your attention.With love, appreciation, and gratitude for who you be and all that you do!
~ k
Kryon on Dreams
The following information from Kryon (through Lee Carroll) offers some insight into what's going on with us physically, psychologically, and spiritually when we dream. It was given during a Question and Answer session in April, 2003. Fascinating stuff that I enjoyed reading and pondering. Hope you enjoy it too!
First, let's give you, as best we can, the reasons for dreams, and the process involved. This Human dream function is extremely complex. Even after our explanation, you may not fully understand.
Biological: From a biological aspect, dreams are actually a memory release and rewrite. They are a form of mental clearing that the body must perform in order to actually reorganize the brain during the sleep state. It moves things around and prioritizes the places where memory is stored. In the process, you often get flashes of what it's doing. So this is the clinical truth, not yet seen or accepted by science. Soon, however, as you're able to map the energies of the brain in real time, this will be shown. Remember where you read it first!
Psychological: The memories that are moved from place to place are often done in a priority that's driven by your fears, loves, passions, and even your addictions. This is a hierarchy that remains very telling in analysis, and hasn't changed much through the centuries of Human existence. The nonlinear attributes... seeing people in places they never were, or couldn't be within a real 4D time line, are common, since the brain is moving these things in a nonlinear way. Think of it this way: You're carrying a box of photos of all your life experiences. Suddenly you drop the box, and the photos go everywhere. As you pick them up, they're not in any order. The past and present are all mixed up. As you hold the photos in your hand, your Aunt Sally is next to a home that she never saw, visiting your children whom she's never met. In addition, you pick up certain photos first that have more energy for you than the others, since they're going to be filed in a specific place that needs to be more available to the brain for remembrance. So the brain actually prioritizes the memories in an order that's telling. This is where psychological analysis has been so valuable in the past.
Spiritual: With the coming of the new energy, Lightworker and ascension status has changed all the potentials, and a brand new piece of the dream puzzle emerges. Your newfound awareness is suddenly part of this memory rearrangement. In addition, if you're working at it (being a Lightworker), the dream process has changed its purpose. It's now actually a rewrite of the past within your DNA (in addition to the biological sorting of neuron storage, as seen above)! This is very difficult to describe. Think of it this way: Return to the photos on the floor. Now, as you pick up each photo, you get to rewrite the emotions and energies around them with a new, enlightened mind. The father that abused you is now the "partner in karma," and an entity who did a good job of stirring your life up. The brother who committed suicide and shamed the family is now the one who gave you a gift... a kick in the pants to find out more about spiritual things. The partner who loves you, who may be lying next to you, is becoming more precious with your new divine eyes. So you're not just rearranging the memories. The brain is rewriting them. This is a powerful new attribute that shows a new enablement for Humans, and is primal to the teachings of Kryon and the other channellers of the New Age. Now, the photos you pick up first are the ones that you're rewriting and are thereby changing your very time line in this place called Earth.
The biological and psychological aspects cooperate fully with your enlightened state. They're subservient to the divine plan in your body, and have rearranged the priorities to help you fulfill a change in your DNA.
How to interpret the dreams? Well, those other channellers were correct - if you're working on your enlightenment. For the old interpretations discount the new spiritual aspects of the process. Now you may look at the interpretations completely in a spiritual light. Did you dream of Aunt Sally? Why? Perhaps you're rewriting how you felt about her and bringing her into a new light? Perhaps she's visiting you in an interdimensional way to help you process and rewrite her history within the scope of your life? This is very, very common. Parents return; those you lost during your 4D time line show up. You see, it's very complex, but it has indeed changed. Look for far more nonlinear things in the dream state.
Finally, a hint: If some of you have dreams that repeat and repeat a process or a song or an action seemingly all night (although dreams are actually happening in just a few seconds), it doesn't mean anything. Don't try to read into it. Instead, it's a smokescreen to let the brain and the divinity unify. The brain creates a feedback loop that runs while it does things that are beautiful, out of sight, and filled with new abilities for your consciousness.
- Kryon
The Future - Getting Prepared
I'd been pondering the terms "action" and "reaction", terms that indicate whether we are consciously aware of how we are responding to a situation and "acting", or consciously unaware and (unconsciously) "reacting". I decided to create an article that talks about these two distinctly different states of being.
Then, as fate .. or law of attraction ;) .. would have it, I came across a post I made almost a year ago entitled "Cleaning Up After Ourselves - Emotions and Empowerment". That was a pretty long post, and the concept of action vs reaction and the ramifications on our future of these two concepts, while addressed, got rather buried in the rest of the message. But in re-reading that old article, I realized that it addresses what I'd been thinking about pretty well, and is worth reposting the last portion of it .. though slightly edited for clarity.
No matter how you proceed or with whom - even if that 'whom' is yourself and your own guides - know that we are all on this journey together. I wish you good fortune, immense joy, and grand mastery. May you truly be In Joy on your adventure!
Then, as fate .. or law of attraction ;) .. would have it, I came across a post I made almost a year ago entitled "Cleaning Up After Ourselves - Emotions and Empowerment". That was a pretty long post, and the concept of action vs reaction and the ramifications on our future of these two concepts, while addressed, got rather buried in the rest of the message. But in re-reading that old article, I realized that it addresses what I'd been thinking about pretty well, and is worth reposting the last portion of it .. though slightly edited for clarity.
The FutureAs with all things, look to your heart for guidance in who to seek out for assistance in managing thoughts and managing energy. For those of you looking for aid and not knowing where to turn, I suggest - and highly recommend - Jim Self and Roxane Burnett at Mastering Alchemy. They offer a lot of free information and "webinars", as well as pay-for classes, but you do have to register on their website to gain access.
In times past, that is, in those thousands of years before humanity (at the higher self level) decided to attempt to move (back) into a higher vibration as a race along with Earth/Gaia - in other words before "the Shift" - humans were given help in cleaning up their emotional "messes". Protections were in place, and other entities worked with us, to transmute much of the strong emotional energy that we released unawares. While "bad things" did happen as a result of our "negative" thoughts and desires, as bad as some things were, there was not nearly as much havoc created as there might have been, due to the help provided and our buffer of time.
For most of us alive on the planet today, that kind of help is either no longer available or in the process of being removed. We are at the point in our evolution where we each have to be responsible for our own thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions. We must learn how to manage our energy ourselves. If we cannot, we will not be able to move into the higher vibrations. Not because we wouldn't be "allowed to", but because we'd self destruct from the attempt.
In the higher vibrations, manifestation is instantaneous. Can you imagine the havoc we could create if we were to instantaneously manifest "I hate you! I'm going to kill you!"? We say things like that, but usually we don't mean them. All something like that generally means is that we are so enraged in the moment that we don't know how to respond to our rage, we don't know what to do with it. So we say things like that. It releases the energy that has built up, energy that is so strong it cannot continue to be contained in the human vessel. We think such explosions of energy are harmless.
In a protected third-density reality we had a time lag that protected us from thoughts like those. (We had, in fact, and unbeknownst to us, teams of entities who could transmute some of that energy for us). In the time lag we had an opportunity to reconsider, to move off of an unwanted intent ("come to our senses"), and thereby not manifest it. As time collapses, the buffer of time - and the protection it brings - diminishes. Soon it will be completely gone. Will you have mastered your thoughts by then? Will you be ready to see your every whim and upset manifest in your reality instantly?
You can be. Simply by beginning now to be aware of the impact that your thoughts and words and actions have. These are fantastic times. More fantastic than most people can even begin to grasp. Teeming with opportunity! But with the opportunity comes responsibility - the responsibility to manage our own thoughts, our own energy.
We have lots of help. An unbelievable amount of help. Our helpers come from places, and help arrives in ways, that most of us aren't even remotely aware of. In some cases wouldn't be able to comprehend - or accept - even if we were aware of it. Suffice it to say that we are under a kind of Divine Dispensation, given in part to help us learn how to manage our thoughts and emotions - our energy so that we can create "heaven on Earth". Extraordinary help is being provided so that humanity, as a race, can move into the higher dimensions, so that we can aid and follow Earth on her journey there, join her in her adventure.
Take advantage of the fact that this help exists, and ask for it. Tell the Universe, your Higher Self, your guides, your angels, the Ascended Masters, whatever beings you trust or whatever terms you use, that you wish to master your thoughts and ask for help. Use whatever words or methods feel right to you, but ask. Then listen for the guidance. You can use ceremony, you can use meditation, you can get quiet in your own mind, or you can just .. ask. Your thoughts are no secret to those dedicated to helping you. But this is a planet of free choice, and that means that help cannot be imposed on you, you must ask for it, consciously and with purpose.
Begin now learning how to manage your thoughts, to ground energy, to empower others, and to find joy in everything you do. Leave judgement, guilt, resentment, and retribution in the past. Move forward consciously, as if the past never existed - for to create the future that you wish to create, truly the past does not matter.
There are thousands, if not millions, of human teachers/mentors/healers available to help you, if you want help. Like anything, managing our thoughts - acting instead of reacting - takes practice, but as you practice you will gain confidence - and pride! - in your ability. Then, when the time comes and you find yourself in a realty in which your every thought is manifest almost before you think it, you will be confident in the knowledge that you are ready.
No matter how you proceed or with whom - even if that 'whom' is yourself and your own guides - know that we are all on this journey together. I wish you good fortune, immense joy, and grand mastery. May you truly be In Joy on your adventure!
Grounding the Light
The following comes from Steve Rother's Beacons of Light channel for July 2011 called "Don't Wait". I think it's a terrific insight into what's happening with energy right now and why just being YOU, doing what you love and what excites you, and letting everyone else be THEM, doing what they love and what excites them, is so very important .. and profoundly satisfying. For the rest of the channel, go here.
You have been reaching up into different vibrational levels never experienced before and, we tell you, you are actually stepping into these now. It was not supposed to happen until 2012. However, you have moved everything forward so quickly that we are hoping 2012 will not be a disappointment for you because of the expectations you have.
Everything that you were expecting, except for the final pieces of the cosmos aligning, are being experienced right now. Do not wait! That is our message to you. If you are uncomfortable with where you are, change direction. Do not wait. If you are worried about it being the right direction, that is not the connection for there is no right or wrong direction. There is a motion of forward movement, or a lack of motion.
Once you are moving forward, you can change course or steer in the direction of your passion with no problem. But standing there waiting to move forward until you see the correct dimension or direction is what is causing many of these challenges. Until now it has worked very well for most of you to wait until all the cards are on the table, so to speak, and then make your best deal or choose your preferred direction. But in the higher vibrations these rules are now starting to change. Dear ones, we still do not like that word, “rules.”
So, this is the way you have been playing the game. Now what is taking place is that there is a need for grounding the light the moment it comes in. You are not accustomed to this either, but it is what we are bringing you this year. This is a piece that we want to work with you on from many different levels.
Before we have called it light grounding. There is a technique we have given the Keeper [the channeler, Steve] that he will begin to show you. But re-member that it is not about the technique. Instead, it is about the overall idea of what is happening. So let us explain this to you, because it is a piece that each and every one of you can embrace today and begin using in your life.
Unplugging from the Universal Subconscious Mind
You walk around all day long experiencing light. We tell you this because it is not possible to be conscious without having ideas. Just for the sake of argument, we will put your ideas just above your head. They do not belong there because they are everywhere. But let us just say that there is a universal subconscious mind that each one of you are a part of. Many times you get lost and unplug from that subconscious mind.
Why do you unplug from the subconscious – from the universal piece that connects all of you? Because many of you are not comfortable with having strange ideas go through your head. First of all, understand that you are like a radio station. You are picking up other people’s thoughts all the time. It is not about trying to keep negative thoughts from coming into your mind, because that is a trap of its own. You try to block negative thoughts from coming into your mind and think only positive thoughts. Yet by doing so, you will build up such a vacuum that you experience all the negativity at once to maintain the necessary balance of pretending to live in a world of duality.
Now you are stepping out of the world of duality. You are stepping out of the black and white world into a world of triality where you have a new connection. You have always seen the black on one end and the white on the other. Now there is a third point that we are calling the higher self, which gives you a new view of the line. You can start to see that it is not black and white after all, for those are only the end pieces that tend to stick out the most. Then new point is actually where all the differences blend; the truth is really in the middle, and not necessarily at the ends where you have always believed it to be.
Light Grounding
Now here is the situation. Even in a field of triality you are experiencing connections and feeling other people’s emotions and thoughts, but you can bring these to a level where they simply go right over your head and do not attach themselves to you. It is not the negative thoughts that drain you, but it is their attachment to you that does. You reach up and grab those thoughts that add to you, and then you ground them. This is very common because you have been doing this from the very beginning of your existence on planet Earth.
But you have been waiting, because that is what happens: You try on an idea. You bring it in and if it works, you think about doing something with it. It adds to you, it helps you raise your own vibration, and after a while you think about maybe sharing that with someone else. After a few months it will happen and after a couple of years, you may actually write a book about what you are working with. You may even start to teach other people about a secret of life. Now everything is starting to shift because of your own connection to the planet, which is mostly water. Yes, we are going to get to that. This is the piece that connects everyone very quickly. What is now taking place is that there is an immediate need for the grounding of these light pieces when you experience them.
Most people will bring in a new idea, then wrestle and fight with it to make it their own. Finally, if they can justify it, they will write it down and ground it. We are asking you to start grounding things quickly. Stop waiting and do it now! Find a way to write something down. “Oh!, I cannot write! I cannot say anything that has not been said before,” you think. Yes, we have heard them all.
We tell you, dear ones, that you have a message from Home that nobody else can carry. It is the reason you are here. Whether that message becomes a painting, book, piece of music, or even a smile or kind words that you pass on to someone else. Any of these can be your trigger, but we start asking you to ground the energy now.
Figure out a way—whether it is something you hear, a thought, an idea, the sound of music, whatever it is. How can you anchor that in your life in some way? Most of the time we just ask you to write it down and express it in your own words in some way. Does writing it down ground the energy? Yes, because it is taken out of the ethers and brought down for you to express that piece from Home. That is the part that each one of you has been hesitant to do, for you have wanted to perfect yourself first. No, because the light is coming in so fast, now it is about grounding each piece as best and quickly as you can, letting it flow through you.
Sometimes when the Keeper [Steve] is speaking to someone in what he calls a channel, as he is getting ready to say something we will slip in a little idea. Every once in a while he stops to think about what we are sharing, and he might even stutter, lose his place or stop. That is because he is taking that idea and thinking too much. It is about being able to speak about the idea very clearly and if he is worried about that, he can simply say, “I do not know what I am getting right now, but I am supposed to tell you this. Take it for whatever it is worth.” That is grounding the energy. That is bringing something out of the ethers, bringing it into the Earth and anchoring it in some way in your life.
You do this all the time with everything you are passionate about. We tell you not to wait for the big picture. Do not wait until you become an author, or until your book hits the New York Times best seller list. Anchor the energy at smaller and more regular intervals. When you find something that excites you, bring it Home. Anchor it in some way to make it a third dimensional reality, and all five dimensions start acting accordingly very quickly.
It is about finding practical uses for everything you are experiencing and anchoring the energy. It is not necessarily that you have to build on that one piece. Because you will be anchoring so many points of light, you will have many more choices about which ones you choose to build on and which ones you choose to go forward.
~ Steve Rother and the group
July 2011
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