
Honoring Those Who Give Their Lives

With the recent tragedy in Norway we're again reminded how fragile the human vessel is. No matter how saddened, upset and/or angry we are over events like these, Jennifer Hoffman at Uriel Heals reminds us to look at them from a higher level, the level of our spirit instead of our human. From that vantage point, no matter how upsetting an event is, we can see the amazing gift that all of the people involved have given us - the gift of our compassion, wisdom, and relatedness. We honor those who gave their lives, those left to clean up after, and those whose lives are forever changed due to the loss of loved ones, friends, and associates.
Every time we experience a big shift in energy there are decisions and choices that some people have to make - do they want to be here, have they finished with what they have come to do, are they willing to continue with their life path or do they wish to be part of the awakening process? I have talked about compassion vortexes many times since 2004 and they serve to help raise energies at critical times and on a global scale.

Compassion vortexes are created from an event that awakens humanity's compassion and moves the collective energy to the heart chakra. In that moment the global consciousness has a single focus, love and compassion flow from their opened hearts, and there is a re-connection of humanity through their heart centers. These vortexes are usually created through an event like the 2005 tsunami, the Japan and Haiti earthquakes, this year's tornadoes and most recently, the shootings in Norway. During these times our attention is turned from our problems to those of others, we pray, cry, send condolences and hope, we remember that any life, including ours, can be changed in a moment.

When humanity needs to be awakened, when the collective needs to remember its connection instead of its differences and when hearts need to be opened, compassion vortexes happen.

The people involved are not victims because on a soul level they are active and willing participants. From the person or events that create the situation to those whose lives are forever altered, there is a divine purpose to every event. Amy Winehouse will be remembered as an enormously talented, deeply troubled singer who could not rise above her personal pain; the shootings in Norway are a reminder that despite our collective path, we are still divided by our perceived differences.

We will continue to have these vortexes whenever we need a reminder that it is through our open hearts and minds that we re-align ourselves with our divinity, re-center ourselves in our shared ascension journey and re-member that we are all one, so what happens to one happens to all of us.

~ Jennifer Hoffman at Uriel Heals



Remember, the beliefs you entertain about who you are, whether they are conscious or unconscious, ALWAYS have consequences. You are always responsible for how you choose to identify yourself.

Saint-Germain through Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack at Joy and Clarity

From "What Is My Illness Telling Me?"


Blame and Guilt

In his spirit channel for this week, John Cali tackled what I consider to be an important but difficult topic - blame. Blame is the tool used by each of us when we refuse to accept responsibility for whatever is happening in our life that we don't like. It's an abdication of our power, and it's something we simply have to give up and get over. There are no victims - ever - and therefore there is no such thing as blame. Here's what John and Spirit had to say:

From John: The word "blame" is used almost constantly in the news media, in government circles, even in churches. And certainly among individuals. Most of us have played the blame game at one time or another.

Here's Spirit.

The Blame Game

This whole issue of blame is a diversion. A diversion many humans immerse themselves in.

Why do we say it's a diversion? Well, because it keeps you from taking responsibility for your lives. And it keeps you from owning your power.

The practical effect of blame is it shifts responsibility to where it does not belong. Examples:

"I'm such an unhappy person because my mother abused me."

"I drink too much because I have such a lousy marriage."

"I'm not making as much money as I should because my boss doesn't appreciate me."

"I don't speak to my neighbors because people around here are so unfriendly."

In blaming anyone or anything for whatever has gone wrong in your lives, you are abdicating your responsibility and your power. You are acknowledging you have no control over your own lives. Basically, you’re casting yourselves in the role of the victim.

Any imperfection you are seeing in another is only and always a reflection of the imperfection you see in yourselves.

Courtesy of John Cali's Spirit Speaks Blog

It's a difficult topic for everyone, since we have been raised, generation upon generation, with the belief that someone else is responsible for us. It can start early, with parents seeing themselves as owners rather than stewards, and it only progresses downhill from there. As we grow up we're taught - most often by example - that we are powerless, that we need to be taken care of, that everyone but us knows better than we do what is right for us.

But the truth is, no one .. no one .. is responsible for what happens - or does not happen - in your life but you. Not ever. To think that it does, or to give over your responsibility to another is to perpetuate a belief system in powerlessness.

You are a powerful creator being, drawing to yourself everything that happens to you and around you. The reasons may be hidden from you (in fact, you may be hiding them from yourself), but the fact remains that each of us is responsible for our own personal reality. Globally we are responsible for our co-creative reality, and that is simply each of our individual thoughts, beliefs, and actions joined together, the sum total of mass consciousness.

But mass consciousness can only be affected one individual at a time. Be aware of your own thinking, your own beliefs, your own actions, and let everyone else handle theirs. No blame, and no guilt! For if there is no blame, how can there be guilt?

When you're tempted to generate blame or feel guilty, or notice that you are caught up in those judgements, remember these words: It Just Is. All of it. It just is. No guilt, no blame. You don't even need to know why something is, it just is. Armed with that knowing, it's far easier to let go, and letting go gives us the freedom to move on.


Ascension Choice

Earth is a free will, free choice environment by design. 'Ascension' is not a magical star-dust that immediately transmutes all that it touches - rather it is a newly-opened frequencial doorway that the individual may choose to pass through when ready.


Permit us to stress once again that the rate of an individual's Ascension is determined by and actuated by his intent, and his ability to rise into and absorb the enhanced energy available.

~ Archangel Metatron though James Tyberonn
From "2012: The Mayan Calendar"

In other words, not everyone will choose. Not all were meant to. Some have more experiencing to do in a third density reality, and that is as it should be. However, at some point those particular experiences will no longer be available on Earth. Those who choose to walk through the doorway will be (are!) co-creating the new multidimensional reality. That isn't happening in some faraway tomorrow, it's happening right now. Concern yourself not with what others around you may or may not be choosing, what are you choosing?


On Manifesting Our Reality

In the interests of creating the kind of world that many of us are intent on creating - one where the third density duality game of right/wrong, suffering, restriction, and power plays is put to rest, and the multidimensional game of joy, freedom, and creativity abounds - I'm revisiting a quote from Michelle Eloff that I presented in August, 2010 called "Becoming Quantumly Self-Aware".
Quantum Physics states that everything is possible until the observer makes a choice as to where energy will be focused, at which time the possibility, or potential, then becomes a reality.
Michelle explained a little bit of why this particular phrase is so important ..
We know this is happening at a sub atomic level, which means we have to be ultra-aware of where our energy is focused. Perhaps it is Quantum Physics which holds the key to understanding the truth about whether free will truly does, or doesn't exist. That said, it is clearly evident that the level of consciousness of the observer influencing their perception at any one given moment, results in many avenues of potential "falling away", or, collapsing so to speak, and only one becoming the reality. The quality of the reality content becomes manifest based on the observer's perspective, attitudes, belief systems etc. Therefore, if one's consciousness is toxic, it doesn't matter how many wonderful possibilities exist in the quantum field, the observer will generally opt for the choice they are energetically, or on a consciousness level, most familiar with, i.e focus their energy on what they are familiar/comfortable/programmed with, and never forgetting that consciousness is individual, therefore, limited by it's level of awareness/experience.

What this means is that we as enlightened beings now need to become QUANTUMLY more self-aware, and conscious, in order to make full use of the many potentials available to us. By elevating our awareness of self, as observers, we are able to change our reality on a quantum level, and when things are changed on a sub-atomic level, everything changes. This is an incredible time of growth and change for all of us!
I have to agree, and it becomes even more important when we add the concept of "timelines".

In linear reality, which we are currently experiencing, we think that there is one timeline, that it exists as we see it and know it to be, and no other way. That's the illusion that linear time gives us. When we step out of linear time, we realize that there are many many - uncountable really - other "timelines".

The illusion of time as we know it says that there's some connective tissue between events that lines them up in a before and after fashion called "linear time". In point of fact, there is no linear time, only the illusion of linear time. Outside of linear time, all there is are experiences. Each experience is like a little mini-play, and in a linear-time-illusive reality, those experiences get stacked one before the other, or one after the other, which leads us to believe that (gives us the illusion that) there is a linearity to time. But there is not.

All experiences exist, and they never go out of existence. Because an experience never goes out of existence it can be revisited. During the revisitation new choices can be made. The new choices create a new experience. We can choose to accept the new experience as our reality, if we decide to. Or we can continue to choose the "old" experience as our reality. The choice is ours .. and always has been. We just haven't been aware of it being a choice. As Jim Self at Mastering Alchemy likes to say "we don't know what we don't know". Now we know! .. or can know, if we allow our minds to expand to accept this new (to us) concept.

When we can contemplate the idea of no linearity to time, and combine it with Michelle's comment about everything being possible until the observer makes a choice, we begin to see how we manifest our reality, both consciously and unconsciously. In any chosen (accepted) timeline, if we aren't happy with our experiences we can "insert" new ones. It really is quite a simple process. Not necessarily easy, because we have accepted certain truths about our lives for a very long time, but it is simple.

This is the process of how what we humans create what we call our life. Our "life" is nothing more - or less - than an accepted timeline of chosen experiences. Globally we accept certain experiences as truth, and those who accept the same truths create similar timelines. We might say that it is the Law of Attraction that becomes the connective tissue - those with similar thoughts, beliefs, intents, and choices are brought together and in so doing "co-create" a reality.

If you think about it, that is really fantastic news! It means that we can pick and choose which experiences we want to string together as our accepted version of our life. What anyone else sees or accepts about our life matters not at all, they have their own accepted timeline of experiences, and their timelines will include their experiences of us .. even their experiences of us experiencing! But does their experience of us change us in any way? Only if we let it. And we let it by accepting their version of our experience, rather than choosing our own version of the experience.

Another's experience of an event may or may not agree with ours. Who cares? Our experiences are our experiences, their experiences are theirs. Our timeline is ours, their timeline is theirs. Even if two of us, or a group of us, are in the same physical time at the same physical place, experiencing the same physical "event", the experience of that event will be unique to each of us as individuals. We don't have a say in how someone else experiences an event, nor do they have say in how we experience an event. Again - unless we let them, by accepting their version of the experience rather than our own. Isn't that one of the most freeing concepts you can imagine? You get to choose your experiences, and you can change them any time you want to! The sum total of those experiences becomes the "timeline" of your life, and you can change it at will .. if you only accept that you can.

So the big question that's being asked around the world is .. will there be Armageddon? or will there be planetary and racial ascension? What do you think?

I think that the resounding answer is: Yes. Which one we experience only depends on which timeline we choose. Both are options. In fact, there are numerous options, all in flux, all being co-created as we speak.

The more important question would be: How do you choose to experience life on planet Earth? As a beautiful, generous, cooperative, creative, abundant, free, powerful, and joy-filled place? Or as an ugly, lacking, petty, powerless, and helpless place? In each and every moment you are making just such choices, even when you aren't aware that you are. Make becoming aware your number one priority. Then welcome yourself to the timeline of planetary and racial ascension!


Accept and Allow, then Create

The following, excerpted from "Human 2.0-Christed Edition" by Loren Gorgo, talks about our role as creators. It also reminds us that one of the keys moving forward is accepting and allowing, rather than fixing or saving. Any time we think something needs to be fixed, we automatically attract problems that need such fixing. Any time we think someone or something needs to be saved, we automatically attract those or that which needs saving. It's simply the way Law of Attraction works.

The objective, at this point in the game, is to realize that all is well in all of creation, including what appears to be otherwise. As hard as this can be to accept sometimes, any judgement is in our eyes, Source does not see it the same way. So yes, notice those things that you would change or have be different .. you can't really help doing that, it's the way things work! Next, accept and allow those things that you would change. Allow them to be just the way they are - neither good nor bad, simply not what you would choose. Then focus all of your attention and energy on creating that which you DO choose.

That's how you exercise the power of creation. Those who wish to create the same or similar, will be drawn into your experience .. and you into theirs. In this way we co-create the world as we wish it to be, while freely allowing those who wish to experience something else to have the experience(s) that they are creating. Their experience has nothing to do with you, if you simply allow them their experience. Whether you agree with their experience or not is not the point. The time is now to begin letting go of fixing and saving, and get on with the business of creating the world that we wish to live in.

Here's what the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades through Loren Gorgo had to say. Italics are quotes from the Sisters, standard text is Loren's discussion and explanation.

"One further point that we would like to make with regard to this life-changing transition is that each of you are fully in control of your destinies now. It is no longer a place of coming together to create for the good of mankind, to fix what's broken, but a place of coming together to create from deep passion, from the unrelenting desire to make manifest your YOUnique contribution to the planet thru the pure reflection of your soulular self."

We are finally at a place of fully expressing our divinity in a way that expires our old (clearing) contracts and deeply embedded programming that we are here to "save the world". There is no saving or service required any longer….we are simply here now to share the part of ourselves that will, by default, uplift others. The shift is important here because when work from a place of "saving", we are holding on to the very paradigm that we are now breaking free from.

The unseens want us to deeply understand that the new-earth pioneers are shifting from service to creation, which is a completely different energy construct.

Any need, desire or impulse to "save" the falling world comes from a polarized mind, lends energy to chaos, keeps us attached to the outworn and therefore restricted from our ability to create on the new timeline. Remember those words of one famous Albert Einstein...“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them”? It applies here. As the outside world continues to spiral into chaos it is imperative that we push thru to a higher level of thinking by remembering that lasting change only comes when we transcend the energies that created it.

We are here now to create a new way, to create a new world... to use inspiration as our weapon and love as our shield. And there is no turning back.

"Know that your contribution to the world is nothing more or less than what sets you on fire…it is the reflective radiance of the sun's creative potential within each of you, the core center of your embodied power to create, and for all to benefit from." -Seven Sisters
They went on to say ..

"Understand this...there is no longer a gap between who you are and who you want to be." -Seven Sisters

So the past and the future are merging and we are beginning to operate from still-point, where the universal elixir of creation resides. Its an odd sensation really, like we are no longer participating in our lives, but with them. And nothing outside of the moment can hold our attention for very long. Accessing anything outside of the present is growing in futility which means we are no longer operating from a place of what will be, but what is....and as well, we are shifting from the mental understanding of ascended living to the sensation-based experience of it. This has yet to sink into our full-body awareness, but it will.

As a result of this merging, we are no longer those beings who are here to teach thru information alone…we are here now to teach thru the integrated, embodied understanding that can only be achieved thru first hand experience, and is wholly contingent upon our ability to create our inspired visions on the blank canvas that is now laid before us. When we do this effectively, the universal forces of creation come rushing to meet us…not because we have summoned the force, but because we have become the force. As we merge with these forces of creation thru the sheer magnitude of our presence, we become one with the flow of divinity thru sacred union...and as these energies move us to act, to create, to speak, to dance, to sing, to love…all in perfect allowing...only then we will understand the true meaning of co-creation.

"Those in the collaborative cosmic dance with the divine will be presented with opportunities to take part in the creation of new earth. You are the builders, the planners, and the architects of an ascended earth. We wish for each of you to grasp the enormity of your contribution thus far and especially as you step forth to apply your creative, sculpted vision into the world at large. You hold dominion over the new earth...you are the fiercest of warriors, the pioneers, and therefore the guardians of Eden." -Seven Sisters


Connecting with Your SELF

Thought you might enjoy this peek into a higher aspect of self. The following dialog is from Kepier, a higher* aspect of Suzanne (Caroll) Lie at Multidimensions, who's been channeling a group of multidimensional Arcturians, including higher aspects of her self. Kepier gives us some idea of what each of us is experiencing, and what we have to look forward to. Exciting times indeed!
Connecting with Your SELF

Greetings, I am Kepier,

I am an individual expression of the Arcturian Group Mind who has taken a fifth dimensional form. My body is a hybrid of human and Arcturian, as I have merged with my grounded expression on Earth. To me this unification occurred beyond time, but to my grounded one the merging is still in process. I wish to tell you that many of the grounded expressions of the Galactic Federation are merging with their higher expressions as a component of your Personal and Planetary Ascension.

Within your moment of time, I am holding form on the Starship Athena, and my human expression of self is in the United States. This merging of your grounded self and your Higher SELF is a natural process of your return to multidimensional consciousness. Within that state of consciousness you are able to consciously experience more than one reality within the ONE moment of the NOW.

The merging of me and my grounded one and my self began in the early 1990s, but it initiated a process of “lives review,” which sent my grounded one off into another direction of exploration. This review of alternate third and fourth dimensional realities is common during the closing of a long series of third-dimensional incarnations and is especially important during the completion of living in duality. The examination of experiences gained and lessons learned on a polarized reality, in this case Earth, assists our grounded ones to understand the “source reality” for their internal confusions and conflicts. Knowing the sources of conflict within themselves and with others is very helpful.

In fact, the concept of “others” as a “separate” life-stream is likely a primary source of discomfort for many of you. I, Kepier, am of a resonance in which all life-streams flow as ONE. Even if we appear to have individual forms, our hearts, minds and consciousness are in constant communication. This communication is much like earthly birds that fly and migrate as one being. They have what appears to be separate forms that mate and roost in separate trees at night and fly individually. However, there is a constant communication so that they can respond as one being with many forms.

This type of reality is much like the one you will experience when you return to the fifth dimension, especially in the lower octaves of that reality where you still hold a form. All realities, dimensions and densities have octaves of experience. Many of us who usually hold the resonance of the fifth dimension and beyond have taken forms in the third dimension in order to experience Gaia’s great moment of Planetary Ascension.

We enter these forms by sending our seed of consciousness into a physical vessel so that we can more intimately participate in Earth’s reality. Sometimes this occurs at birth of the earth body, and other times it occurs later. You may even think of this action as logging into a virtual reality game, which is exactly correct. The third dimension is indeed a virtual reality, which only appears to be “real” while you are in your earth vessel.
The above is taken from Suzan Caroll's Newsletter of June 7, 2011. For this and other newsletters see Suzan's newsletter archive.

* Note that "higher" doesn't mean "better", it only means "different". A higher aspect of Self is simply experiencing a different reality, that of a higher frequency. Experiencing a lower frequency, such as life on a third density planet like Earth, is not better or worse, but simply another way for Spirit to experience. That we are all moving into higher frequencies only means that the game of third density on Earth is coming to a close. It's time for us to wrap up the third density experience and move into a reality of higher frequency while still living on Earth.


Insights into Adoption

It's an interesting phenomenon in our culture, the option to "give a child away". We see it that way because it's been an age-old belief that children belong to us. It must be apparent by now that this is not the case. Whether we are talking about a new-born baby or a hundred year old human, we are all spirits first and humans second. We are the stewards for our children, and indeed for each other. We are each powerful beings in our own right, and we have each asked for and agreed to the circumstances of our birth. This is true whether we were born into a "traditional" two-parent family, to a single parent, or in what appears to be the absence of parents. This is a sensitive topic for many, and recently addressed by Jennifer Hoffman at Uriel Heals.

Jennifer gives some insight into the feelings that many adoptees feel based on her experience in working with them and with Archangel Uriel. The flip side of the feelings of abandonment of some adoptees is the anguish and guilt that the birth parent often feels when choosing this option for their child.

Whether you are an adoptee wondering about the circumstances of your birth and early life, have given a child up for adoption or you know someone who has or is, the following message from Jennifer may help you understand what's really going on, and give you some peace of mind.

Are You My Mother?

I have had many client sessions with people who were adopted and who have questions about their birth mother, the reasons for their adoption and the connections they have with their adoptive parents. These are powerful issues that involve soul contracts and karmic cycles from past lives, and expectations and judgments in this lifetime. While many want to understand more about their adoption, what they really want to know is who their 'mother' is and why they chose this path. There are many reasons and they have very little to do with motherhood. In fact, they have a lot to do with Indigo and Crystal children's agreements to fulfill soul contracts and end karma.

There are two kinds of 'mother' energy, the person who agrees to be the birth mother, and the person who fulfills their physical, emotional and spiritual learning needs. While they can be the same person, at times they are not. When an adoption takes place there is a soul contract activation between the birth and adoptive parents and the child. Sometimes the child needs the birth parents' emotional DNA but that is the extent of their connection. Other times the parents have a soul contract to complete that requires that they surrender their child to someone they have a karmic obligation with.

Many adoptees feel that they were 'given away' and each situation is different but one thing that all adoptions share is the fulfillment of soul contracts. And this is very true of Indigo and Crystals who came to complete soul contracts and release karma. Sometimes their soul agreement is to go through adoption to fulfill soul promises between the parents. Other times they need both parents' energies, birth and adoptive, for their own soul's healing. And there are also situations where they are the teacher for the parents whose lives they touch or they offer themselves as the healing presence for the resolution of their soul contracts.

An adoption is not an accident or a mistake, the decisions of the birth and adoptive parents are not random and the child is not the victim, although they may have been in a prior lifetime. Who is our mother? Many different people, from the person who gives us birth to the one who fulfills our emotional, physical and spiritual needs, to the person who is a strong, nurturing presence in our life. There are many souls who are placed on our healing path and when resolving karma is our life purpose, every choice, person and situation plays a part in its fulfillment. You and your birth and adoptive mother are partners on a soul journey of healing and transformation that you agree to undertake with them and you are all sharing this journey to resolve karma and complete soul contracts.

~ Jennifer Hoffman
Uriel Heals