
On "The Shift" and About "Change"

The following are some excerpts from a radio interview with Wendy Kennedy at Higher Frequencies, channel for the 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective. It's kind of a mish-mosh of information, but interesting none-the-less. Or so it seems to me. ;) Enjoy!

On The Shift

You have this notion that the higher vibration is going to be completely different. But .. for the most part it’s going to feel very similar, very familiar. Some things will be different, but most things will be the same. It’s not a utopia, it’s just a different set of rules, a different game. You will still have things to learn, issues to still work with, just the rules of the game have changed.

While you are inhabiting a physical vehicle you can hold 12 dimensions of consciousness in your body. You move in and out of those dimensions all the time. You can choose, at any point, which level you go to. Most of you, because you are playing a 3D game, stay in the 3rd dimensional reality. If you have a problem, something you’re trying to solve, something you need a solution to, you have to raise your vibration to see a new solution. But [generally] you don’t stay in that state for very long. What happens now is that you are learning to stay in a higher vibration longer, and as you hold it for extended periods, you alter your physical vehicle, you become your light body.


It depends on what level of consciousness you are holding how you perceive any given event. The other part, and where it gets complicated, is that you now get yourself heart-centered, it will help you process this information. Imagine something that makes you smile, like a beloved animal. The filter for the 3rd dimension is the mind. The filter for multiple dimensions is the heart. You have focused your soul energy so intently that you think this reality is all there is.

You’re actually constantly moving between different streams of consciousness, but your brain, your mind, thinks you are still on the one timeline, the one reality. Think about it as “The Harp of Probability.” We (humans) always have to ask .. which version of reality are we talking about? When someone makes a prediction, checks in on what might happen, it matters what vibrational string they are on. The physical world is going to be a reflection of the seeker/looker’s vibration - each seeing a different probability based on their vibration. While the two worlds have not completely separated, we will see some of the same reality, but our perceptions will be different.

Follow your heart first and your mind second.

About Change

It doesn’t take a majority to change where things are in mass consciousness. It’s not like you are dragging your timeline along with you. It isn’t like it takes 144,000 with a particular agreement/choice to change a timeline. When enough of you have a particular belief/choice, you create that timeline.

What happens is that when you, as an individual, choose an energetic vibration in your energetic body, you shift to a timeline where enough of you believe that, that that vibration exists. You magnetize to a particular timeline. This is why we say that you are constantly moving back and forth between timelines all the time. You all think you have to change the world, but all you have to do is change yourself! When enough of you have a common belief system, then that becomes the reality of that timeline.

This last section explains why it appears that others change, when we know that we cannot change anyone else, we can only change ourself. When another seems to have changed, they have changed in your experience of them. This is because YOU changed and moved into alignment with that version of them!

To aid the growth and expansion of human kind, simply see others as whole and complete. Hold a vision of them in your heart and in your mind's eye. In so doing you align yourself with a new vision of them, a vision that they can align with or not, as is their choice. You allowing them the freedom to be exactly as they are, while holding a higher vision for them to align with or not, is the key to creating a new world. It starts with each of us as individuals, and seeps out into the world-at-large through our own personal vision(s).

There is something to be aware of, and this is your motivation for holding another in a different light. If you are doing it because you need them to change for some personal reason of your own, it's probably not going to work, and/or has the potential to backfire on you. When you hold a vision for another, do it out of your love and knowing that this is who they really are. Don't do it because you need them to be some particular way.

Holding a higher vision for another, while experiencing the reality of them in this present moment (or while holding onto your past experiences with them) is not always easy to do, it requires letting go of controlling and instead allowing. That said, like anything else it becomes much easier once you've seen the results a time or two. There is nothing quite as miraculous as seeing someone shift into a higher consciousness right before your eyes!


The Winds of Change

See? The angels are taking care of you every day in every way.

~ Jonesy
Commented to me this weekend after my plans were completely rearranged by the Universe. Completely! When it became obvious that a change was afoot I had enough confidence in Universal flow to just let things unfold as they would, and it all turned out far better than I could have asked or imagined.

Moral of the story? My friend Jonesy is right. The angels are taking care of me - and YOU! - every day and in every way. All we need to do is get out of the way.

What does that mean, "get out of the way"? Getting out of the way means letting go of how we want things to look; holding an intent for an outcome and allowing the Universe (our angels, Essence, Source, Higher Self, guides, God, or whatever your personal term for these energies is) to work out the details.

It sounds really simple, doesn't it? And it is. Or can be, if we let it. Just step back and allow the Universe to bring what you want. Stop railing against "circumstances" and change. Stop insisting that the path look a certain way. Hold your focus and belief on the result, and let the path to that result reveal itself.

The energies surrounding us right now are very very powerful, and like the wind they are shifting constantly. We don't have to know which way this wind of energy is going to shift, we just need to allow it do so when that shift happens.

Let the wind of change move as it will, and it will softly caress you. Try to stand in its way, or to force it to a different direction and it is likely to blow you out of your shoes. And not in a pleasant way! The choice is yours. It always is.

Note: If you are experiencing similar shifts and changes that are leaving you baffled and possibly beat up, see what Selacia and The Council of 12 had to say about the current Summer Solstice Energies and how to ride the wave of change.



Sometimes we Terrans* forget how difficult the task is that we have set before us, to be a spirit incarnate in a human body. The energy of Earth is so dense that choices often don't seem like choices, they seem like "the way it is" .. with the implication that "it" will always be that way.

In this month's message from Veronica (through April and Allen Crawford at Inner Whispers), we are reminded that hope is the key that unlocks the door to what seems impossible. The impossible only seems that way when we look out from our human eyes. In a sense we could say that hope is the link between human and spirit - between our human and our spirit! - for with hope comes the ability to focus on outcomes that otherwise appear impossible. Hope bridges the gap between human and spirit, so that when we look out into the world we see it through our spirit eyes. Spirit eyes see that all things can truly be different, even when our human eyes insist otherwise.


Participating in the physical environment is extremely difficult. The most advanced souls often find themselves knee deep in the muck and mire of the dramatic linear. It has the potential to defeat the most powerful creative thoughts wistfully if one is not watchful.

While roaming through a life, the one sure tool available to all is hope. The belief that something is attainable is the strongest asset that anyone has. It is important to nurture and protect the ability. Physical life is much too hard to walk through without it.

No matter what dramatic event unfolds, know that your ability to cherish a good outcome with anticipation is a critical ingredient in how it all plays out.

Do not be discouraged if at first glance it does not occur. Great focus is needed to keep hope alive and strong. A lot of you are simply out of practice, having given up a while back.

You have come here to learn great lessons, each of them unique unto you. Not all of them are easy and actually that is by your design.

Maintain a good outlook, learn the lesson quickly with humility, all the while maintaining your relationship with hope.

We realize it is difficult. Nothing worth participating in never is. You are a powerful energy. Do not lose sight of that. Keep the hope alive in you.

It is the best way."


* Terra is the latin word for Earth, and the term commonly used to distinguish between the high vibration (sixth density and higher) Earth of ages past, and the lower vibrational Earth (third density) of today.


Think Different

Recently I was reminded of this quote from the "Think Different" ad campaign run by Apple Computer in 1997.
Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them. Disagree with them. Glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world .. Are the ones who do.

Apple Computer
(from an ad campaign created by the TBWA\Chiat\Day Agency)
Now's the time to dig deep and release the crazy genius inside of YOU!

What ideas, inspirations, creations are you sitting on, thinking that it can't work, that you aren't the right one, or whatever silly notions are keeping you from fulfilling your dreams? Let go the chains that have been holding you in place and let your ideas soar!

You ARE that genius, you just haven't allowed yourself to see it. You haven't allowed youself to do it. Maybe you haven't even allowed yourself to dream it. The time is right to stop playing small.

Whatever it is you've been sitting on .. Do it. Now.


Amplified Energies - Summer Solstice 2011

The following is a message from Selacia and the Council of 12 describing the amplified energies of June 15, the unexpected twists and turns you may encounter over the next few weeks, and how to manage these in your life.

Note from Selacia--"This message from The Council of 12 is intended to address the unusual cycle this month and next - with 3 eclipses occurring within just 6 weeks. During even 1 eclipse there tends to be significant balancing energy occurring and great catalysts for change. As divine changemakers we are here to help create positive changes for a more light-filled world. It's also our role to help others work with the changes and to be voices of sanity in a world that seems turned upside down. The Council's message gives key suggestions for how we can approach this cycle and find more peace." 6-12-11

Tips for Riding June's Roller Coaster
--A Message from The Council of 12--
Copyright by Selacia * www.Selacia.com

This month is full of amplified energies and unexpected developments - being felt on both a personal and planetary level. Most likely you are feeling the effects of this energy in your life as you attempt to move forward and carry out both big and small tasks.

How do your work with these energies in a skillful way? When you're having a challenging moment adjusting to the roller coaster of up-and-down energy, how do you explain things to your loved ones?

The following are some tips for moving through the rest of this month and into July. Allow these ideas to percolate within you as you read and tuck them away for reference later. You can be your own best friend - accessing and applying potent tools that will help to smooth your ride.

As background it's useful to remember that you live during a unique time in history. The revolutionary and transformational shifting now taking place across the planet could not occur in earlier cycles. The time was not right for the major reforms under way today.

Like a seed in the ground, nourished over time to grow into a ripened fruit, the seeds of transformational change needed to ripen. You see the ripening all around you. Some days you may feel excited about it and thankful to be alive now. On other days you may question if you are equipped for the fast-moving roller coaster ride of change. Perhaps you want to slow it down or even get off for a while. You cannot stop the roller coaster, of course, so how can you ride it more skillfully?

Guidelines for Skillful Navigating

Become friendly with the idea of unexpected developments. The current cycle of energy is full of twists and turns. Things that seem out of the ordinary will occur in your own life and in the lives of others. In the moment when they occur, they may take you by surprise. However, most things in fact stem from energies previously put in motion. Accidents in the way that you have learned to think of them do not really occur. There is a divine orchestration at play. Many times you won't fully understand the reason for something until much later.

Develop more patience. You may feel that you are already very patient - even more patient than anyone else you know. You indeed can become more patient and it's vital to your progress on the spiritual path. Invite your higher wisdom to work with you on developing more patience. A good place to start is to become aware of times when you want to force an outcome or when you obsessively ask when something will happen.

Take the initiative in making positive changes. Make them even if others around you aren't doing so. As a divine changemaker you will often be at the forefront. This means you will frequently be a few steps ahead of others around you. Your friends and family have their own path and timetable. You naturally want to see them progressing and learning as you are. However, avoid judging them for where they are now. Find your own language for explaining the energies of these times. You can base it on wisdom you have heard from others but you will want to put things in your own words. Keep in mind individual differences too. You won't be able to discuss spiritual topics the same way with everyone. It's best to tailor each conversation to the person you are speaking with. Factor in that person's understanding and also his or her current state of mind. Invite your inner wisdom to show you the optimal timing and content of conversations. If you choose the wrong time or attempt to discuss something the person isn't ready to hear, you won't have the desired results.

Remember that you are not alone on the roller coaster. When you are having a stressful day or moving through a crisis, it's easy to become self-absorbed. You can forget that you are but one of billions of people alive today - each of them having their own challenges. For you in the moment of your crisis, you are with you of course. You are attempting to resolve things as best you can. You are attempting to remember, too, all that you have learned along the way on your path. Your wise self knows that your crisis is temporary and that there are bright things in your future. You human self, however, may forget. When you are in crisis and encounter others in a market or on the phone, you may forget that they also have challenges living now. No one is exempt. Do what you can to prevent your personal crisis from coloring your interactions with others. Your highest path as a divine changemaker is to be kind to yourself and others - regardless of whether you are happy or in crisis.

Monitor your emotions. Become aware of what you are feeling, when you are feeling it. Only you can do this and it must be done in present time to be most useful. When you are in touch with your anger, it's easier to transmute the feeling before you act on it and harm someone. Don't be afraid of your feelings. Emotions are a tool for your spiritual growth; learn to work with them skillfully. Don't assume others know how you feel when you are upset. Learn to communicate your feelings without blame and without expectation. When you do that you are more likely to have harmony with others.

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.