
Medicines of Light from The Hathors

The following, a channel from the Hathors through Tom Kenyon, gives clear instructions on how to protect ourselves - through conscious intent and simple applied action - from situations that we have been told are impossible to survive, like radiation poisoning, neurotoxins, and certain strains of bacteria and viruses. Nothing - nothing - is beyond our ability to handle, no matter how much society, over time, has convinced us to the contrary.

Hopefully none of us will find ourselves in such dire situations, but if we do, armed with the following knowledge we can move into our future with great confidence and intent, and lead those around us to the same place.

Medicines of Light: Protection and Healing from Radiation Poisoning, Neurotoxins, Bacteria and Viruses

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

With the earthquake in New Zealand, followed by the earthquake in Japan, it is clear that you have entered a more complex phase of the Chaotic Node.

We wish to impart a method for protection and healing from radiation poisoning as well as other physical conditions. We call this Medicines of Light.

This is obviously related to current events unfolding in Japan, however, as future earth changes unfold, you may face similar challenges in your near future from other locations around the world.

This method will assist you to both protect and heal yourself from exposure, not only to radioactivity, but also to neurotoxins and to mutating forms of bacteria and viruses. From our perspective you can expect to see an increase of these in your near timeline.

The method involves connecting to your Celestial Soul, the BA [the Hathors speak of the Celestial Soul or BA as what many of us call the Higher Self]. This action is to connect to the realms of light that are a part of your being.

Everything that exists in your cosmos can be viewed as a qualification or energetic expression of light—even your densest forms of matter are essentially a form of light.

In this method you connect to your Celestial Soul, holding the intent and expectation that it will impart to you an energetic that protects and/or heals you. You send this intent to your Celestial Soul with the emotional vibration of appreciation or gratitude. This is simply the vibrational resonance that activates this higher aspect of your being.

Once you send this intent conjoined with appreciation or gratitude to your BA, you shift your awareness into your heart chakra, receiving the energetic of healing or protection into the heart chakra. You might experience this energetic as a form of light, or as geometric patterns, or you may feel the sensation of a descent of energy. You may also experience this energetic simply as a thought/feeling.

Once the energetic is received in the heart chakra, it is ready to send.

For this phase you will need some pure* water, since water holds this type of information extremely well. Holding a container of water in your hands, through intent, you send this energy that is in the heart chakra down the arms into the hands and through the chakras that are in the center of each palm. The energetic enters the water through this pathway.

We suggest you amplify this energetic by repeating the procedure three times, for a total of three times—two more times in addition to the first. You then drink the water. The water permeates the water element of your body, and the healing and protective qualities eventually enter every cell.

Through this action you are qualifying light, causing it to descend through the central pathway of your body into your heart and sending it into the water element. The consciousness of the water receives this energetic, and when you drink it, the body receives it.

If you find yourself in a situation where you have been exposed to radioactivity you would engage this procedure as we have described it, qualifying the energy that descends from the BA to protect and heal you from any possibility of radiation poisoning. If you have other means to protect yourself, you should obviously engage these as well, but even if you are left with nothing but the tools of your own consciousness, you can protect and heal yourself.

If you have been exposed to neurotoxins you would do the same. If you are in the midst of an epidemic that involves bacterial or viral infections, we advise you to do the same.

As you collectively enter more deeply into this more complex and intense phase of the Chaotic Node, bacteria and viruses will mutate faster. This method will allow you to protect and heal yourself from these mutating life forms.

It is important to understand that you are creating the protection and healing through the powers of your own consciousness. You have direct access to your own light realms. You have the sovereign right to engage the light realms on your own behalf and on the behalf of your loved ones.

If you find yourself in one of these difficult situations we have described, we suggest you take the Medicine of Light—which is the water that you have charged—several times a day, as your intuition guides you.

The physical ramifications of the earthquake activity in Japan and the resulting tsunami are very difficult to deal with. But we wish to shift our attention from the physical to the mental, emotional, and spiritual effects created by such a disaster.

Due to the fact that you are in a Chaotic Node and energies from deep space conjoined with solar flare activity are affecting your energy bodies, you, as a collective, are more affected. What we mean by this is that witnessing the suffering of your fellow humans shatters the heart. There is a recognition that their predicament could easily be yours. This recognition can create an opening in your heart, and it is through the heart—your heart—that higher states of consciousness are realized, and so the earthquake in Japan is, in many ways, an earthquake of the collective heart.

The times before you are not easy. From our perspective, increased earth changes are upon you. But one result of such events is that you are shaken to your roots and the mass hypnosis pauses for a moment. And in such utter and surrealistic devastation, many of you see very clearly that your civilization rests on tenuous grounds. We mean this both literally and figuratively.

And so our advice for this phase of the Chaotic Node is to learn and master the ability to create Medicines of Light for yourself, so that when the time arises, you know how to engage this power of protection and healing that you possess in your very nature. And we suggest you navigate through these times not only with your minds, but with your hearts—and let your hearts be touched, for it is through your hearts that you will ascend the spiral pathway to your own greatness.

The Hathors
March 16, 2011

*What we mean by pure water…

We have suggested using water for creating Medicines of Light since water holds this type of information extremely well. By “pure water” we simply mean clean water. It does not matter what type of water it is. You can even use tap water.

If there is no pure water available…

For rare instances when you do not have access to drinkable water, you follow the procedure we have described previously, but instead of sending the energetic of protection and/or healing from the heart chakra down your arms into you hands and into water, you send the energetic of protection and/or healing from your heart chakra directly into the water that comprises your body. In other words, you do not need any external water at all. Since your body is mostly water, it will receive the Medicine of Light and work with it in similar ways as if you had taken a drink of charged water.

We suggest, however, charging water whenever possible, because this external ritual of intent is the most powerful way to create Medicines of Light for most persons. Since most humans are familiar with taking medicine in a pill or liquid form, this ritual of drinking charged water impresses the subconscious mind and activates deeper levels of your self-healing abilities.

If your only drinking water is radioactive…

Should you find yourself in a situation where the only water source available to you for drinking has been contaminated with radioactivity, and you are forced to drink it in order to survive, we would suggest following two simple steps.

First step: Charge the water with protection and healing from radiation poisoning (before you drink it) just as you would do for creating a Medicine of Light. Drink this water for survival, in as small amounts as possible, knowing it has been charged with protection and healing from radiation poisoning through your own intent.

Second step: Now create a Medicine of Light without water (as we described above) for protection and/or healing from radiation poisoning. With this second step you are charging the waters of your body directly. Think of this second step as a form of energetic insurance.

This step uses the water in your body as the water that is charged. So to be clear: after treating the water you need for survival and drinking it, you send the energetic of protection and/or healing from your heart chakra directly into the water that comprises your body. You are not using any external water for this step. Since your body is mostly water, it will receive the Medicine of Light and work with it in similar ways as if you had taken a drink of charged water.

Throughout the day, whenever you drink water, engage the two steps above until there is no suspicion of radioactive contamination.

We do realize that in such dire circumstances it may be very difficult to transcend the emotions of paranoia and fear, but this is what you must do just for the short time you are charging the water. Remember, no matter what your external situation may be, your Celestial Soul (your Higher Self) resides in the light realms and always brings with it a peace that passes all understanding. In that island of peace, even in the midst of great difficulties, you can find a passage to the emotional states of appreciation and/or gratitude (which activates your Celestial Soul). This is the vibratory realm from which all Medicines of Light are created—regardless of their form.

The Hathors
Comments from Tom about the above process:

Your BA [Celestial Soul, Higher Self] does not have a location in time and space since it is transcendent to both.

But it does have an entry point to your energy field, which is about arm’s distance above your head. If you were to raise your hands over your head and touch your fingertips together, your fingers would be in the vicinity of this entry point. And this is where you place your attention in the first phase of their method for creating a Medicine of Light. (Do note that placing of your hands above your head is only for orientation purposes. You do not actually put your hands over your head when creating the Medicines of Light).

Once you place your awareness in the area of your BA point, you hold in your mind the qualification of light you wish to receive. Let’s say, for example, that you have been, or will be, exposed to dangerous forms of radioactivity and are in danger of radiation poisoning. After focusing your attention on your BA point above your head, hold the intent that the energy that descends from your BA will be an energetic of healing and/or protection from radiation poisoning.

You then send the feeling of appreciation or gratitude upward from your heart chakra to the BA point above your head—as you hold the intent or qualification that the energetic imparted to you from your BA will protect and/or heal you from radiation poisoning.

Next you shift your attention from your BA point to your heart chakra (in the center of your chest beneath the sternum) and then wait to receive the energetic of protection and healing from your BA.

Those of you new to this may need to send the intent or qualification along with the feeling of appreciation or gratitude to your BA several times before you notice a response. But just keep sending this intention joined with the feeling of appreciation or gratitude upward to your BA until you feel a descent of energy. When you feel the descent of energy from your Celestial Soul, shift your awareness to your heart chakra. Allow your heart center to receive this energetic of protection and healing.

You then place your hands around or over a container of pure water and send this energetic received from your Celestial Soul into the water. The energetic of healing and/or protection that has entered your heart center will move down your arms and into the water through the two chakras that are in the center of the palm of each hand.

Repeat this process for a total of three times. Then drink the water.

If you are in a precarious situation, the Hathors advise that you create a Medicine of Light several times a day and drink it according to your intuition.

As the Hathors point out, Medicines of Light have many more applications than just protection and healing from radiation poisoning. You can use these to protect and/or heal yourself from neurotoxins, as well as bacterial and viral infections. Although they did not mention it, I asked the Hathors after they gave this message if the method would work for other physical challenges such as cancer. And they said that Medicines of Light could most definitely be created in the same way to deal with this type of situation—as well as others.

Obviously, if you are dealing with a serious situation such as radiation poisoning, exposure to neurotoxins, and/or epidemics of bacterial and viral infections, you will want to avail yourself of all medical remedies. In other words, this method is not meant to replace medical or public health solutions, but is meant to be an adjunct, something you can do yourself—for yourself.

After giving their message, I asked the Hathors about making Medicines of Light for those who are unable to do it for themselves, like children and pets. They said that you would use the same method, except for the fact that you would qualify the intent for the child or animal you are going to give the Medicine to. For example, if you were creating a Medicine of Light to protect or heal yourself from radiation poisoning, you would send the thought that the energetic you are going to receive from your Celestial Soul is for your own personal protection or healing. If you were going to do this for a child or a pet, you would send the thought that the energetic you are going to receive from your Celestial Soul is for the protection or healing of the being you are going to give the Medicine to, i.e. your child or your pet.

It is here that I would like to interject something. It is far better to teach someone how to create a Medicine of Light than to create a dependency. The ability to create Medicines of Light is an inherent ability in all human beings. It is part of our multidimensional legacy. And to empower someone to do this for him or her self is a service to his or her mastery.

I would personally hate to see this method being used by “healers” to create Medicines of Light for others under the guise that they have some special powers that others do not. This method for creating Medicines of Light is a human birthright, and my feeling is that it should be shared with all persons.

Tom Kenyon


World Energy and Standing Above the Fray

As the world continues to languish in the negativity that the news channels, newspapers and other news sources insist on dwelling upon, it becomes even more important to remember that we are powerful, powerful beings.

Powerful enough to either add to the negativity, or to stand above it and hold energy for the resolution of issues in the best possible way. It's always our choice: we can create the world as we wish to see it through our conscious choices, or we can create it the default way based on old history and the beliefs of the still-sleeping masses.

As we manage our own conscious choices, mass consciousness shifts, and then our external environment shifts. Win-win all the way around, if only we can remember to hold our individual vibrations at the highest level.

Here's what Veronica, through April and Allen Crawford at Inner Whispers, had to say on the topic of World Energy:

A Message From VERONICA:

World Energy

We have shared before the importance of a good ebb and flow of energy in the linear reality. In this time frame of great transition to a higher level, it is important to maintain the consistency of a positive ebb and flow.

Much misalignment may occur when one becomes engaged in any way with the current negative energy that is being eliminated. It is very easy in your culture to participate with all the negativity even while not being in close physical proximity.

We realize all of you are interested in what is called the news of the day. However, the engagement of its energy improperly
will only beg it to linger.

The advice of those spiritual may be effective to permanently eliminate such dramas eternally. Consider keeping your own energy removed from these dramas as they dissipate. Refusing to enable the energy reinforces what is needed..... complete elimination.

We encourage all those in physical not to become distracted. The direct focus of your energy is imperative to the "clean up".

Imagine if you will a very dirty room that must be cleaned. The first several passes to eliminate the dirt always reveals the
job to be much more difficult than thought. It is always important to focus upon the end result.... a clean room. Focusing on the dirt distracts one from the goal and can offer feelings of depression.

It is of a similar vein in your current surroundings. Remain clear about the end result.

Stay focused, rise above the fray. Keep your energy aligned until the new level is reached.



Fatigue and Our Physical Evolution

As our bodies move forward in the evolution of mankind that is our ascension, tiredness becomes a force to reckon with. Celia Fenn at Starchild Global gives us some information about why this is happening, and how we can work with our bodies to lessen the impact.

Why We Feel So Tired So Often

by Celia Fenn

Many people who are going through the Indigo to Crystal shift find that intense fatigue and tiredness are two of the predominant symptoms of their shift. They feel exhausted all the time, and just want to sleep. And when they do sleep, they sleep deeply and do not want to get up.

So, what is happening, and why do we feel this way?

Archangel Michael explains that there are three different processes that cause the fatigue. These are:

• Emotional Body Clearing
• De-toxification of the Physical and Subtle Bodies
• Full Multi-Dimensional Consciousness

Each of these aspects can be handled in a different way.

Emotional Body Clearing

At the beginning of the process, we undergo intense emotional body clearing. This involves clearing the psyche and the subconscious of all old patterns of trauma and self-sabotage. The intensity of this process will depend on how much clearing you have already done in your preparation for ascension. I am a healer, and I helped many people to prepare, but never really found the time to fully complete my own process, so when I hit the transition I experienced intense emotional body processing for several months. The stuff just poured out of my subconscious, and I had weird dreams and anxiety attacks as I battled to process the trauma of my inner child.

This kind of trauma release is exhausting! Some people don't fully realize what is happening, as they do most of their releasing through dream work at night. But those who suffer anxiety attacks are often doing this processing during the day.

At this point you may need help to work with letting go of old patterns being held by the Inner Child. This is where you need to really do your Inner Child work. Find a good therapist, do a workshop, or find a good book, but let go of the patterns of your wounded child!

And then understand that while you are doing this clearing you will be exhausted. You have spent most of your life repressing these energies. Processing them is hard work. But worth it! When you are finished you will have cleared your psyche of subconscious patterns of self-sabotage, and will be able to function from a space of complete clarity and purity of intention.

De-Toxification of the Physical and Subtle Bodies

This process of deep cleansing is associated with the processes mentioned above. As the emotions are released, so are all the old mental and physical blocks and patterns that are associated with them.

These old "toxic" energies are passed through the subtle bodies and cleared through the physical. In addition, any old toxins that the physical body is holding will be cleared at this time.

This process of cleansing and de-toxification puts considerable strain on the organs of elimination, being the kidneys and the liver. Hence many of you may experience having bags under your eyes, evidence of kidney stress, and digestive disturbances such as heartburn and flatulence, evidence of liver stress. In addition you may experience pains in the joints, which is also a characteristic of detoxification, as excess acids are released from their storage in the body.

In addition, these processes of elimination will also make you feel tired, and you may be prone to headaches - all symptoms of detoxification. That is why you will need to drink lots of clear, clean water and try to eat a healthy diet as far as is possible.

Full Multi-Dimensional Consciousness

This is the most exciting part, and happens throughout the process. It is responsible for the "spaciness" that so many of you are feeling.

Archangel Michael asked me to explain this to you in terms of the frequencies of the brain waves. As you enter mutli-dimensional awareness, you expand the range of consciousness that your body can handle and the ways in which it is handled.

The brainwave frequencies are as follows:

• Beta- "normal" waking consciousness
• Alpha - light meditation
• Theta - deep meditation
• Delta - the sleep state or deep hypnosis
• Gamma - rapid eye movement or the deepest state of sleep/hypnosis where operations can be performed without pain

A third-dimensional being functions in the Beta range, and moves into Alpha in states of creativity and prayer.

A fifth-dimensional being functions between Beta/Alpha/Theta in the normal waking state.

Your multi-dimensional awarenss allows your consciousness to shift in this range, while you are awake!!! But this is what causes "fatigue". Your body has always recognized Theta as a state of deep relaxation prior to sleep, and so when your brain waves shift to Theta it sends you a message to say that you are tired and about to go to sleep! And so because we are conditioned to respond to that cue with tiredness and sleep, we feel that we need to go and sleep.

A sixth-dimensional being in training for full 9D Christ Consciousness will be learning to move through Delta to Gamma in the normal waking state!! Now your body definitely thinks it's asleep!! The trick is to learn to move with these states, without panicking or getting "lost" in a dream-like state. Those of us who are doing this work often feel like we are living in a slow-mo dream world, and this is in fact true. We are living in the dream state in our waking consciousness.

This will take a while to master, but once mastered it is the key to immense creativity and the manifestation of "miracles". In this deep state of consciousness we can literally bend and shape time and matter with pure intention. So, understand that your body is learning to adapt to a different range of brain-wave frequencies.

A Note of Caution

Please be careful when in any of the above states that you are aware of the following:

Stay Grounded. Work at keeping in your body. Do not take recreational drugs or smoke dope at this time, it will intefere with the natural expansion of consciousness.

Distinguish between real tiredness and expanded consciousness. Be kind to yourself. If you feel tired - rest. In fact, you will need significant amounts of rest as you pass through this process. if you try to overdo things you will become hyper and will probably crash into exhaustion anyway.

Be careful. If you are driving a car, concentrate and focus. So many people are having accidents because they are unaware of what happens when their brain shifts frequencies. It is just a matter of being grounded and concentrating. Tell your body and your guidance that for the duration of the journey you need to be able to concentrate fully on what you are doing.

Relax - it will pass. Soon you will become used to working with these different frequencies.

I have begun to have a lot of fun with the dreamy, spacy state, and I am learning to use the creativity that it engenders. I am also learning how to shift frequencies at will. Yes, we are truly becoming Crystal or Christed.

In an interview with Jim Self of Mastering Alchemy, Celia and Jim had this to say about ascension symptoms and how to limit the impact:

Celia: Grounding and being balanced, grounding the body into the physical reality. Being fit, making the body strong. You really have to take care of yourself physically in order to take this spiritual step.

Jim: The ascension is occurring. It’s not going to go away. And as it continues to step up, there is more and more light coming into the electrical and the electromagnetic systems of the body, which are in addition [to the impact on the] nervous system of the body. And as that energy is coming down through those channels, where we each hold “I’m not ok” “I don’t deserve” “I’m not worth anything” that energy, that erratic vibration that is not aligned, is now being “pushed on” [amplified] by the new light. And that new light is going to prevail.

So where we each argue for our limitations, and you continue to argue for your limitations, you are going to lose this battle with the light. The light is going to win this battle. So in addition to the physical body needing to be in motion and exercised with proper health and proper minerals, the emotional and mental bodies, where you hold those thoughts of “not ok” and those emotions of resentment or anger, if you can clear as much of that as possible, the light is going to move through the body smoother and smoother.

Where you argue for “I don’t like them” and “I’m never going to forgive him” and “she’s never going to be ok” that’s all third dimensional [part of duality] and when the light starts pushing on that, that’s going to begin to be the ascension symptoms. So that emotional and mental body, and getting out of the judgments, and finding well being, it’s critical as we go through these next two years.


Deep Contact, An Expanded Way to Communicate

This piece on Deep Contact is a continuation of the December 2010 Beacons of Light from Steve Rother and The group at Lightworker.

Part I of The group's December message, "Releasing the Human Template", is posted here, and the complete December channel as given by Steve and The group is here.

The December message about Deep Contact follows up on the initial information presented about this concept, which The group gave in September of 2008. Here's a portion of that initial message:

Deep Contact; A New Level of Communication

There is one other point that we wish to cover. You have reached many levels of communication in your lifetimes. You have ways of communicating with people on very superficial levels, on 'business' levels (which you love to call it), and on romantic levels. Yet your communication with your children can be quite deep and to-the-point, which is quite different from the normal interactions in your workplace, for instance.

However, there are new levels of communication coming that are based on timeless love. That is starting to happen on planet earth. It was never, ever expected, but that is your latest human creation. This is new and at this moment is very rare in the human experience. Yet, due the rate of vibrational change on this planet right now this is now a possibility. As with similar possibilities in the past you have quickly made them daily experiences. With this new contact, now it is possible for one person to make a connection with another soul on the deepest possible soul level, while you are still in the human bodies. That was never possible before. In this way a major part of the veil will be removed over time.

When you make that contact or connection with a person on that level, everything changes outwardly for you at that point. It is easy to see how it has already begun. Many of you will start to move into this area and start to work with your relationships to reach this new level. Over time, you will find one or two of these connections that you can make, and you will develop them strongly. You will work with them to make that deep contact, a point at which it does not require speaking to share what is in your heart.

There is a level of connection that does not always require spoken words, but still their meanings will go right to the heart and energy that you are intending them to. That is only possible once you reach a level of trust within yourselves to be able to reflect that beauty, and to be the Light that you are. That is starting for each and every one of you at this point. Look for those people that you can make this deep contact with, because once you start establishing this deep level of connection you will find that you have no time for those old connections. You will find yourself getting very intolerant of superficial relationships wherever they are. Many of you will actually leave your jobs as a result of the superficial connections and the inability to truly express what is in your heart. Only when you make these deep connections, these deep contacts, can you reflect someone else's beauty.

That is the key and what we wish to ask you to do this day. Do you like to see your own beauty? Would you like to see who you really are? Reflect someone else's beauty in your eyes. Reflect someone else's beauty in that heart of yours that you have come in with, with that part of the Home you brought in. If you are able to be the mirror and connect to others in that fashion, your life will have purpose and meaning beyond your understanding, for you are a creator. Your creations are going to now begin to grow, because you no longer have the restrictions that you once had. You no longer have those difficulties and old belief systems that kept you from moving in that direction. So, look for these people to make this deep level contact with and start practicing this concept that we have told you about -- timeless love -- and you will see an exciting change on this planet. You will start to see your heart come alive, and see creativity in areas that you never thought you were creative in. You will start to see magical things happen, and experience doors opening at just the right time.

Coincidences? We love the word 'coincidence'. We call them 'cosmic winks' because nothing is by accident. You have brought something very beautiful from Home. Find people to share it with. Find people to make that deep level soul connection with, where you can be on the same path that they are even if it is only for five minutes. Work with that on a daily basis and you will change the world from the inside out, Dear Ones. You will start connecting in ways you never dreamed were possible. That is what is happening; you are beginning to channel the Light from Home. As it comes through your physical being, your eyes, your smile, your words, whatever it is that you do to express your beauty to planet earth becomes magical and very powerful.

Own Your Beauty

Own your beauty. It is time. Look for those beautiful opportunities to make that deep level soul contact at every chance you can, for it will change this planet overnight. We cannot wait to see what you do with that.

Dear Ones, we can spend so much time with you here because your hearts are ready to take this next step. Your experiences have placed you in a position where you are ready to jump off the cliff. You are ready to make the next step no matter where it leads you, because you know in your heart that there is a path that you have chosen and you are on it. You cannot get off the path. Isn't that wonderful? Dare to play! Dare to have a beautiful human experience, and above all do not fear that beauty which is yours. It is directly from Home. It is your gift to humanity.

Here's what The group had to add to that original information in their message of December, 2010:
Deep Contact

Now here is the beautiful part and the piece we wish to share this day. We have talked before about a level of communication that we call deep contact. Deep contact is done by each and every person on this planet on a regular basis, but it makes up less than one percent of total conversation. That will change soon as many more of you start to consciously use this level of communication. Let us give an illustration. Imagine a conversation, speaking back and forth using words which do not quite fit. Over the next few years humans may experience challenges with all languages as the meanings set forth no longer convey the deeper meanings needed for high level communication. This will motivate you to come up with new words as you try to package your thoughts differently. The person receiving the message may grasp a piece of it, but the languages humans use now will begin to fall short of needs.

Deep contact can be described in current times in this scenario. Imagine two people talking, yet not really communicating. They are shaking their heads and just as they begin to walk away from one another, one says four words that go right to the heart of the energy; those four words shifted everything. That is deep contact. In the years ahead, all of the languages on Earth will use fewer words for this very reason. Yes, some of you that play Scrabble will love that. Literally, all of your energy is starting to shift to where you can start using this today. This is what we wish to suggest. It is the piece, the tool, that we want to give you this day to play with…to try new energy shifting tools that you can use on a daily basis.

Tools for Deep Contact: Thought Projection

First, let us start this message with thought projection. Humans do it all the time, but they generally do it unconsciously. Start to consciously project your thoughts as part of every conversation, especially in situations where conversations are not getting through. If you re-word it once or twice and feel you are still not connecting, we ask that you simply stop for a second. Just take a moment, a breath, and send them your understanding of the larger picture of what you are trying to express to them. It is not necessary to tell them you are using thought projection; stop and communicate with their soul without words. Then, pick up your conversation again and watch what happens. Watch how easy things start to become.

There are many of these are tools which have worked well before, but human consciousness was not high enough to recognize them. Before these were thought to be ethereal, fleeting, and imaginary, but now you will find them to have real and practical uses in daily life. We have mentioned that deep contact will be a way of life. There are people who have developed deep contact over several years of a relationship, or perhaps through many lifetimes of having relationships. Right now where deep contact is the most prevalent on Earth is through twins. These are beings who have actually shared and split a cell, and for them deep contact was built in from the very beginning. Once that deep contact is mastered between two people, it is also remembered in future lifetimes.

Those of you who have experienced that and have ever been a twin, you have a little bit of that deep contact in place with that person even if you do not see them for five or six lifetimes. All of a sudden you meet this person you never have before, and you know them and they know you; you are able to communicate. The biggest challenge most of you will have as this transition takes place is because you have become accustomed to using so many words, the communication media of Earth will have to change radically. The way humans present themselves will start to shift. It will be possible to use very precise meanings in your words, which will actually increase communication and the use of words at the same time. This will also be a motivation for developing common languages of Earth that will be coming soon. It is already in motion, as more to the point versions of all languages will start to emerge as each language develops a shortened simplified international version.

There are lots of pieces starting to fall into place, but the tool we wish to give you to work with over this next month is thought projection. For instance, instead of having something to say to someone, let us say that you are going to present—to stand on stage or in front of a camera. Again, before you stand on that stage, go live, or you actually take that step up, thought project the overall picture of what you wish to convey. Send out a mental picture of the message before you say it. Clarify it, see yourself sending it and then open your mouth and you will experience the stronger connection with the audience. We have said many times that the truth is always simple, yet humans must complicate things just enough to understand them.

© Lightworker 2000 - 2010, www.lightworker.com

Many people are already discovering this very rewarding method of communication, hopefully you are one of them. If not, you will be discovering it - and I dare say enjoying it - soon!

Releasing The Human Template

The following comes from The group through Steve Rother at Lightworker. It's from the December 2010 Beacons of Light. Because two slightly different topics were covered, I'm posting it in two parts. For the full and complete version as given by Steve, go here.

Today's topic is the human template. It refers to the energetic organization of human beings, necessarily limited at inception as a way to organize the game called "being human" on planet Earth. Now that the game has changed, here's what Steve and The group had to say about the human template:

Greetings from Home

Releasing the Old Templates

We watch as all humans take another step up into an area never before entered. Your energy on an individual basis is starting to explode and it is the most beautiful thing we have seen. We know it is difficult because you have built your entire existence in a very limited space which you call “safety.” Now, there is no limited space any longer and most of you are starting to release the body templates already. We did not think this would actually happen for several more years for most humans. Yet many humans are already starting to release the old templates that held your energy for so long, as you step even further into a new being. It is a new existence for each and every one that will allow you to carry more of your own spirit on a physical level.

It is very challenging for many of you as you start to release this because the emotions flood in, take all of your attention and quite often distract and ground the energy in inappropriate places. Much of your emotional structure is starting to take a new form during this re-wiring process where you are working on the emotional body’s connection to the other ethereal bodies. Starting to work with this new connection you will feel that all of your safety is gone and everything you have worked on, this little label you call yourself, does not fit any more.

We know it is difficult because you worked so hard to come up with that label, or that idea or voice of who you think you are. Now you are starting to expand into the universe and discover that you are a part of everything…every being, every tree, every planet, every cosmos, every shooting star that you see in the sky. All of the connections are reaching a point where you will not only be able to see it yourselves, but you will be able to feel it through your newly wired emotional bodies. Of course it is easy to see, but any time you move from one level to the next very rapidly all your safety mechanisms seem to go away and it can be very scary for many of you.


What to Expect When Releasing the Template

All humans have had a personal energy field around them that we call the human template. There are a total of 500 templates and you have chosen the one that best houses your energy. You are starting to release these templates as part of the human evolutionary process underway.

One of the primary physical symptoms you have had with these templates is what humans call being overweight. These templates have served humans well for a very long time, but are now becoming a problem. You have literally not been able to expand your energy field so your body has expanded in its place. Some have tried a variety of methods to lose weight, finding only a few that seem to work and only for a short time. That is not the idea, so please do not make it a game or a competition because that turns the energy very quickly. Do not think that you need to be the first person on your block to lose your template, because it is very lonely when you do things like that.

What we will tell you is that over the next four to five years, all of you will have an opportunity to fully release this template which has been holding your energy in a physical form. When this happens, the first thing that changes is part of the physical being and of your own connection to the higher self starts unraveling the veil.

Speaking Your Truth

You have a veil in place which has kept you from seeing your magnificence. It has kept you from seeing that you are sons and daughters of the king, that you are of royal heritage. Now, you can know it inside. Each and every one of you is starting to feel that pull not only to move to the next level, but to speak what is in your heart. By doing so you bring that light which you have brought from Home, that piece of the puzzle which is uniquely yours and can only be expressed through your energy field—your part of god. Today you have reached a level that was never thought possible.

However, we tell you that you have already started a ripple effect throughout all of humanity that will never be stopped again. Your spirit is ready to play in a larger arena no longer limited by the energetic boundaries that you have always been restricted with. This will open a space for all pieces of the puzzle to come back together. In this state of expanding awareness there is a strong pull for everyone to bring their unique piece to the table.

Emotions will rise to the top for many as this happens. Embrace those emotions as they show up. Depression is an experience most would like to avoid, but do not many of the most beautiful songs come from depression? Does not much of your beautiful poetry come from depression? Did not a wonderful book in this room come from depression? Take the energy and use it in a different way. That is the idea, use it. Depression is a cycle that begins when creativity stops. Take that energy and find a use for it, any use for it. Anchor it and you no longer have to feel the pain.

The Spark of Light Enlightening Bodies of Dust

Dear ones, some of the most difficult changes on planet Earth have been in times where you have moved to higher levels. It has happened over and over again during mankind’s brief existence on this planet. In the larger timeframe, mankind has only been here for a very short time pretending to inhabit these physical bodies. Your spark of god is enlightening one of these pieces of dust that you call a physical body. Now that spark of light is being re-wired so that each spark can come through with much more intensity, with much more brightness, with much more of the light of Home, and we thank each and every one for being a part of that. This is the work of those called Lightworkers.

Over the next few years we will share with you many ideas and tools to help you stretch beyond the boundaries that you have found comfort in. We tell you that it can be a comfortable growth. It can be fun, especially if you share it with those around you and share it with those that you love.

Cosmic Reality Show

There is another point we wish to address, for deep contact is something that is very important. We wish to correct something that the Keeper said earlier when he was asked a question about ETs. He answered accurately with the way we have spoken to this point, but we wish to re-fine something this day. When asked about Extraterrestrial visitation he said that most of the ETs that have been on planet Earth have been here for a very long time, and they are part of the six original races that helped create the physical body for your spirit to pretend to play this game. We wish to add more here, as there are millions of what you call ETs and millions of races that are now watching planet Earth every second of every day. Dear ones, this is the greatest cosmic reality show throughout the universe. Human beings are evolving to the next level without leaving their bodies and physical structure. This has never happened before. It would be easy to see how you had planned this, for planet Earth was supposed to end between the years 2000 and 2012. It would have taken you roughly 12 years to finish this game and to close the door, and hopefully the last person out would remember to turn out the lights. That process was well underway.

This would have created the energy that you were looking in a totally different manner. What would have happened is that mankind as you know it would have ceased on planet Earth and your spirits would have formed a new game. That is what you have done over and over before, as it is what typically happens in games throughout the universe. These games are evolved as far as you can stretch these physical beings. Yet this is the first time that any race of beings has made a conscious step without leaving the physical bodies behind; this is our definition of ascension. It is not about going Home, for that part of ascension is easy because all you have to do is die. But you have chosen to stay here in the physical body while you shine the light. This is underway now, but there are literally millions of races of beings that are now in overtone levels of planet Earth. In other words, other dimensional states which you cannot really see. They are all very aware of their multidimensionality and most of them can walk through what you call a solid wall, for it is not solid to them. It is easy for them to shift in and out of the shadows just out of your peripheral vision, as they have been doing this for a very long time.

There are not just the six parental races watching. All eyes throughout the universe are on this tremendous game that is going on right now as you humans take these steps. So in those times when you are depressed, in those times where you are feeling, “Who am I? What happened to my label? It does not fit who I was and in the expression of who I was.” In those times when you are questioning yourself, know that there are no less than a billion eyes trying to send you love and pat you on the back for playing a very difficult game that everyone throughout the universe benefits from.

You are actualizing god in your new vehicles, your new physical bubbles of biology are forming for each and every one of you. Happening on the energetic structure first, then on the physical level, but it has begun and the easiest way to make it through this is to share your information. Reach out and hold one another’s hand as each one of you takes these steps to the next level, because the time is very magical. We tell you that most of the struggle of humanity is happening right now. We promise you, by the end of this year (they mean the end of the next year on 11-11-11) you will be riding a wave of excitement that humans have created everywhere. For there are no magical alignments that take place on the 10-10-10, 11-11-11 or the 12-12-12. There are no cosmic shifts of energy coming in. There is a human wave of excitement and you are expecting miracles, therefore you are creating them. Have you wondered how that works? We have told you, dear ones, the joke is on you.

You have been on a search for god and it is so hard to see god in the mirror when you look, but that is the reason there are so many religions on planet Earth. Are the religions correct even though they doubt each other? Even though they contradict each other? Every one of them works perfectly. How can that be? Because whatever you put your power into works. Whatever you love, works. Whatever you decide to speak or put your energy into will have a more profound effect. The universe is the missing piece that you are holding.

Espavo, dear ones, for you have been playing a difficult game completely blinded from each other and are now pulling away the veil. We hope to greet every one of you as you pull aside that veil and welcome you Home. You are creating it right here, right now and we are so in love with you. We hope you feel that connection. We hope you feel our hand on your back every time you feel that depression—every time you feel that downturn. It is not what you feel with the energy, it is what you do with it that makes all the difference.

It is with the greatest of honor that we leave you with three little reminders. Treat each other with the greatest respect because you are looking in the eyes of god when you look at another human being. Nurture one another every chance you get. Please re-member that it is a beautiful game and play well together.


The group

© Lightworker 2000 - 2010, www.lightworker.com

Next up: The group talks about Deep Contact


Abraham on War, Pets, and Alignment

Suffering has been the way of mankind for a long while. It's time for each and every one of us to let that go and move on to the lives we are not only entitled to, but that we came here specifically to create. Here's a little message from Abraham that may help you get there from here, wherever "here" is for you!

Comment posted on youtube about this video:
The veteran is my husband and I must say that since this interaction with Abraham, his entire life has changed. The appreciation I have for Jerry & Esther for their selflessness in bringing Abraham to the masses goes beyond words. I truly love them all for what they have given to me and to my family.


No, You're NOT Going Crazy!

Despite how you might feel or how things might seem, you're NOT going crazy! And what you're experiencing isn't because you're getting old. You're experiencing an expanded and speeded up evolution. Yours. Ours. The planet's. It's real and it's happening, and knowing what it looks like and feels like can help. So too can knowing that you're not alone! .. and that those who aren't experiencing it yet will be soon. ;)

Twelve Signs of Your Awakening Divinity

By Geoffrey Hoppe and Tobias at Crimson Circle

1. Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. This is the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the "Christ seed" awakens within. This too shall pass.

2. Feeling of deep inner sadness for no apparent reason. You are releasing your past (this lifetime and others) and this causes the feeling of sadness. This is similar to the experience of moving from a house where you lived in for many, many years into a new house. As much as you want to move into the new house, there is a sadness of leaving behind the memories, energy and experiences of the old house. This too shall pass.

3. Crying for no apparent reason. Similar to #2 above. It's good and healthy to let the tears flow. It helps to release the old energy within. This too shall pass.

4. Sudden change in job or career. A very common symptom. As you change, things around you will change as well. Don't worry about finding the "perfect" job or career right now. This too shall pass. You're in transition and you may make several job changes before you settle into one that fits your passion.

5. Withdrawal from family [or other close] relationships. You are connected to your biological family via old karma. When you get off the karmic cycle, the bonds of the old relationships are released. It will appear as though you are drifting away from your family and friends. This too shall pass. After a period of time, you may develop a new relationship with them if it is appropriate. However, the relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic attachments.

6. Unusual sleep patterns. It's likely that you'll awaken many nights between 2:00 and 4:00 AM. There's a lot of work going on within you, and it often causes you to wake up for a "breather." Not to worry. If you can't go back to sleep, get up and do something rather than lay in bed and worry about humanly things. This too shall pass.

7. Intense dreams. These might include war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as wars, running to escape and boogiemen. This too shall pass.

8. Physical disorientation. At times you'll feel very ungrounded. You'll be "spatially challenged" with the feeling like you can't put two feet on the ground, or that you're walking between two worlds. As your consciousness transitions into the new energy, you body sometimes lags behind. Spend more time in nature to help ground the new energy within. This too shall pass.

9. Increased "self talk." You'll find yourself talking to your Self more often. You'll suddenly realize you've been chattering away with yourself for the past 30 minutes. There is a new level of communication taking place within your being, and you're experiencing the tip of the iceberg with the self talk. The conversations will increase, and they will become more fluid, more coherent and more insightful. You're not going crazy, you're just Shaumbra moving into the new energy.

10. Feelings of loneliness, even when in the company of others. You may feel alone and removed from others. You may feel the desire to "flee" groups and crowds. As Shaumbra, you are walking a sacred and lonely path. As much as the feelings of loneliness cause you anxiety, it is difficult to relate to others at this time. The feelings of loneliness are also associated with the fact that your Guides have departed. They have been with you on all of your journeys in all of your lifetimes. It was time for them to back away so you could fill your space with your own divinity. This too shall pass. The void within will be filled with the love and energy of your own Christ consciousness.

11. Loss of passion. You may feel totally disimpassioned, with little or no desire to do anything. That's OK, and it's just part of the process. Take this time to "do no-thing." Don't fight yourself on this, because this too shall pass. It's similar to rebooting a computer. You need to shut down for a brief period of time in order to load the sophisticated new software, or in this case, the new Christ-seed energy.

12. A deep longing to go Home. This is perhaps the most difficult and challenging of any of the conditions. You may experience a deep and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and return to Home. This is not a "suicidal" feeling. It is not based in anger or frustration. You don't want to make a big deal of it or cause drama for yourself or other. There is a quiet part of you that wants to go Home.

The root cause for this is quite simple. You have completed your karmic cycles. You have completed your contract for this lifetime. You are ready to begin a new lifetime while still in this physical body. During this transition process, you have an inner remembrance of what it is like to be on the other side. Are you ready to enlist for another tour of duty here on Earth? Are you ready to take on the challenges of moving into the New Energy?

Yes, indeed you could go Home right now. But you've come this far, and after many, many lifetimes it would be a shame to leave before the end of the movie. Besides, Spirit needs you here to help others transition into the new energy. They will need a human guide, just like you, who has taken the journey from the old energy into the new. The path you're walking right now provides the experiences to enable you to become a Teacher of the New Divine Human. As lonely and dark as your journey can be at times, remember that you are never alone.