
The Energy of Pets

One of the most precious experiences we have on this planet is with our animals. I have often said that our dog was the one who taught me what unconditional love is; he had it in spades, as they all do. The following message from Veronica through April and Allen Crawford, reminds us that the relationship we have with our pets goes far beyond the physical realm.

Loss of Pets

The physical environment offers an intense participation of energy not felt anywhere else. Often the lightness of one's spirit becomes entangled in all of the drama, making one feel burdened and isolated.

The representation of energy in physical form has great impact upon others whether it is arriving or leaving. The ones left behind, so to speak, feel the absence of energy and respond to it often dramatically.

Enter the animal with its unique ability to remain unconditional in the worst of circumstances. Pets as well survive the end of physical life, move into spiritual arenas, and reincarnate.

Know that these experiences are valid and important just as those of the human nature. A dog or a cat are different vibrations of energy participation in their own evolution. Often they are more advanced then their human counterparts. The same animal may reincarnate repeatedly with the same human to assist in their ascension.

One only need to look deeply into a pet's eyes to know that this is true.

Be assured that reconnection is in place regardless of circumstance. You will participate again with them.

The connection is stronger, sometimes more profound, than a human one.

Animals lack the ability to be judgemental, selfish, or unloving. All of the drama is meaningless to them. It is only the connection with you that is meaningful.

They allow themselves to be tortured, abused, and rescued so that humans will get the lesson.

They will return.

Without doubt.



The Power of Intent

Love this gentle reminder about the power of our intent from Jennifer Hoffman at Uriel Heals .. especially the reminder that every thought has equal value. Which means the thoughts we don't particularly want to manifest have equal value with those we do want to manifest.

What Jennifer doesn't mention is that emotion adds to the power of a thought. And guess what? The thoughts we give the most emotional energy to are generally the ones we don't want to manifest! There's real power in knowing that. Here's what Jennifer had to say.

The Energy of Intention

Once we begin to view ourselves as energetic beings living in an energetic world we can understand the relationship that exists between the soul and the human, which is a mirror of that between heaven and earth. While our focus tends to be fixed on our humanity, because it is what we are aware of, we are a blend of many different energies, which we control through our thoughts. Each thought is an intention, a command we issue to the energy that surrounds us so it can manifest into being.

It is the nature of energy to become, that is its sole purpose. And we are the ones who have the power to command it. In fact, it only responds to us. Imagine being surrounded by a multitude of beings, all focused on you, waiting for you to tell them what to do. That is exactly what we are as humans living in an energetic world. We are surrounded by energy whose only purpose is to do what we ask. And we ask through intention.

Every thought is an intention, a commandment that goes out and is manifested exactly as it is. Does this change the way you view your thoughts? It should because each one is equally powerful and is responded to in the same way. There are no good or bad thoughts, there are only thoughts. There are no good or bad manifestations, as each one depends on our level of vibration, the energetic frequencies we carry and how connected we are to our power and aware of it. The more power we put into our thoughts, the greater the energetic response.

While we focus on using intention as a tool in manifestation, we are not aware that all of our thoughts are part of intention and they all manifest. So the powerless, limiting, self-defeating thought gets as much attention and create as much as the powerful, limitless, self-affirming one. When we have a mixture of thoughts, they tend to cancel each other out and our creation is blocked. What is your intention for your life, success, relationships or love? What are you thinking about them? Each thought is an intention so to create the highest and best outcomes for yourself, remember that each one gets the same response and is going to create in the same way. Choose the ones you really want and that is what you will get.

© Jennifer Hoffman, Uriel Heals


Parallel Realities

The following, taken from Suzan Carroll's Parallel Realities Part I, in a channel from her Multi-Dimensions newsletter for February 2011, gives us an important and interesting look into our own - and our planet's - multi-dimensionality. It helps us remember that we are not the one-dimensional creatures that we see through our physical eyes, but so much more, and connected both to each other and to all that is.


Your physical planet is a mental creation. It is a personal creation when viewed through the perception of Personal Consciousness, a collective creation when viewed through Collective Consciousness and a planetary creation through the perception of Planetary Consciousness. Furthermore, your personal, collective and planetary creation is perceived in an entirely different manner through your Galactic and Cosmic Consciousness.

Whenever you expand your consciousness into a new octave, you can perceive and experience more parallel realities of Earth. Therefore, the process of traveling to sixth dimensional Earth is actually the process of expanding your consciousness to encompass that frequency of reality. Below is a message from Kepier, Suzille’s fifth dimensional stepping-stone self, received on 2-12-1997, which best explains parallel realities:

I, Kepier, your expression of SELF on a parallel reality, am able to assist you from my vibration of the fifth dimension. First, however, allow me to explain the difference between “realities” and “dimensions”. Each reality of the many parallel realities has a vertical flow, which streams through all the dimensions. Each dimension also has a horizontal flow, which is specific to the frequency of that reality. Upon the third dimension, each of these parallel realities appear to be totally separate, as one of the main laws of the third dimension is the law of separation.

The Law of Separation

The law of separation was instated upon the conception of the third dimension to separate consciousness into small, single units. This reality was created because consciousness wished to slow itself down and to itemize itself into individual units for the purpose of training through experience. Therefore, one experience at a time was set up so that Consciousness could experience itself in an individualized, polarized, sequential fashion.

In your fifth dimensional reality, you are able to connect any of your parallel realities that you desire to experience. On the sixth dimension, you are able to simultaneously be aware of and consciously live multiple realities in many dimensions, galaxies, planets and “third dimensional times.” I know that this is a difficult concept for your physical brain, but think of it as multi-tasking. For example, imagine that you are doing dishes, eating an apple, talking on the phone, and talking to someone next to you while you look out the window, observing someone walking down the street. Now think of each of these “tasks” as a different reality, and you are living them all at once.

Also, one can experience dimensions in a lower vibration, but can only observe higher dimensions if they raise their consciousness to that frequency. Therefore, you can easily see the second and first dimension, but you have to raise your consciousness to perceive the fourth and fifth dimensions. Your process of ascension begins by raising your consciousness into the vertical parallel realities of the higher dimension to accustom you to that frequency of reality.

When I say I am your expression of SELF on a higher dimensional parallel reality, I mean that I am living a life on a different page than you, but it in the same book. If you were to compare the book to the space-time continuum, you would say that the first pages are the past. Therefore, you feel as though you are remembering the pages you have read and you are creating the pages you have not yet read.

The Book of Life

However, YOU are the creator of the entire book. This book is beyond the limits of space and time, and you are writing this book you with your every thought. With every thought and emotion you write and re-write the book of your myriad expressions of SELF. When you edit one expression of SELF, you change all the expressions of your SELF, for they are all ONE.

As another example, think of your “Book of Life” as having clear pages with images rather than words. These pages are overlays, much as you have seen on your anatomy books. From a horizontal viewpoint you only see one page, which would be only one of your myriad realities. On the other hand, from a vertical perspective you see all of your parallel realities existing within NOW. From this viewpoint you can see how all the “pages” interact and intermingle to create ONE book. If you change anything in any of the images (realities) on any of the pages (dimensions), the entire collective picture (reality) changes as well.

If you were to look down through the pages, you would have the perspective of your higher expressions of SELF looking into the lower frequencies of expression of your SELF. If you looked up into the book, you would have the experience of your third dimensional self looking up into your higher dimensional expressions of your SELF. However, since time and space is an illusion of the third dimension, the above terms of down and up are only used to clarify your image. In reality, all realities are functioning within the NOW of the ONE, and you perceive each parallel reality by adjusting your consciousness to a specific frequency.

In other words, when you change from one reality to another, you are actually changing your consciousness!
(THE RETURN blog post starting on 1-3-11)

Multidimensional Operating System

Third and fourth dimensions are based on the illusion of space-time. All the “files” for these realities are recorded on the Akashic Records that resonate to the highest sub-plane of the fourth dimension. You have the innate ability to have access these Akashic Records, such as is done by the Lemurian, Atlantian and Aghartan societies of Inner Earth. When you active your Multidimensional Operating System, you will be able to gain access to the collective information of the third and forth dimensions stored on the Akashic Records.

However, much of modern day establishments are limited by the Third Dimensional Operating System of thinking, as well as their addiction to old models of reality that place them at the top of the “food chain.” Therefore, it is up to you, the awakened and awakening ones, to download and activate the Multidimensional Operating System. This multidimensional system is the system that is used by the Galactic Federation. Once you download and integrate this system into your consciousness and thinking, we can better communicate with you and you with us.

The writer of this message, whom has been identified as our channel [Suzan Carroll], is not actually channeling us, but instead she is listening to us. She has moved along her path of awakening enough to realize that we are not speaking through her, but actually, speaking to her. On the other hand, she can only perceive her self as talking directly to us when her consciousness resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond. It is at that resonance of consciousness that the Multidimensional Operating System is activated. All of you have the innate ability to consciously communicate with your higher expressions of SELF. However, while you, our grounded ones, are still functioning within your Third Dimensional Operating System, your mind is limited by the beliefs of your ego/self.

This grounded expression of your Multidimensional SELF does not have adequate SELF-esteem to believe that you are "WE" in a higher expression of your Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, in order to perceive our communications, you have to release your attachment to your human consciousness and allow us to “channel” through you. Eventually, you will be sufficiently awake to be able to listen to our message with your fifth dimensional consciousness and translate it into your linear earth language. This translation is much like translating cuneiform, hieroglyphics or Light Language, because you are translating collective images into individual words.

Soon, you ALL will be awakened enough to listen with your Multidimensional Mind. Your Multidimensional Mind is free of all third dimensional processing issues of linear space and time. Hence, you will be able to receive our messages, which are actually sent to you from a higher expression of your SELF. These communications from higher expressions of SELF will lead you to a full understanding of the manner in which you will fulfill your purpose, as well as guide you to your fifth dimensional stepping-stone life.

The rest of the article takes us on a journey into our personal fifth dimensional space, and can be found here.


Stewards for All Time

It's a rare time that I will post anything that smacks of "preaching" on this website. But we had an interesting discussion in our family yesterday that I'd like to share with you. The conversation was about investing, and it centered around the question "what are the best ways to invest?" with options like stocks and mutual funds being explored. I wasn't really participating in the discussion, but rather going about my business, letting the discussion swirl around me but not impact me, as I'm sure we all do with talk that we can hear but that doesn't particularly interest us.

However, my ears perked up when I heard one of the group say "Mutual funds are probably the overall safest investment, but the most profitable investment right now would be oil." This was followed with a discussion about the economy, the scarcities of resources, and how one should always seek out the best profit they can. My response was immediate, measured, and - totally unlike me - completely calm. I said, clearly and matter-of-factly, "profit should never come at the expense of the planet and those who live upon her." By "those who live upon her" I mean humans of course, but also all creatures and indeed, all of consciousness.

My comment was met with the following statement "one should never invest from the heart or from the emotions". To which I replied, again calmly, clearly, and matter-of-factly, "profit should never come at the expense of the planet and those upon her." The conversation continued for a short while, using arguments for profit over welfare like "profit is always first and always has been, this is the society that we live in" and other similar "they do it so we need to do it" mentality. I added that the world is changing, that around the world people are beginning to impact and change the way that "society" acts. At that point some show or other came on TV that everyone wanted to watch, and the discussion was dropped.

What I did not say, that I wish I had said, is that we are not the owners of this planet. We are the stewards. We don't own the planet, therefore we don't get to behave as if we did. If you get right down to it, we don't own anything. Not the land we build our homes and businesses on, not the homes and businesses themselves. We don't even own our own bodies. We are consciousness incarnate in a sentient being called the human body and our relationship to that body and everything around us is as stewards.

As stewards of our world, it is up to us - each and every one of us - to live our lives as if it mattered what beliefs we hold, what words we speak, what decisions we make, what actions we take. While some of us accept the existence and assistance of benevolent ETs, no one, not even ETs is going to change this planet for us. We are. We are the top of the food chain, the conscious beings left in charge - the stewards. It is up to us, one individual at a time, one decision at a time, to take responsibility for our own behavior in regards to that responsibility. That doesn't take speeches or rallies or gatherings, although those can certainly help raise awareness. It takes each one of us as individuals living ours lives as if we personally were responsible for this planet and everything upon her. Because we are.

I will say it again, and again, and again if necessary, until the entire human race has awoken to the fact that profit can no longer be put before the welfare of the planet. We are her stewards, and as such it is our responsibility to bring about the changes that will take this world into our next evolutionary stage of development. No longer can we afford to follow the lead of those "in authority" whether that authority be government, business, schools, organizations, or even family, when we know clearly in our hearts that the decision(s) being made and/or the method(s) being employed go against the best interests of our planet, ourselves, and all manner of creature and beast.

It's time we each looked deeply into our hearts - and into our souls - for the image of what we want this world to be, and then live our lives continually gauging how things are going and how we are doing based on that image. Mass change doesn't happen over night, and it doesn't happen from a big rally. But it does happen, and It happens one individual at a time. It happens in each home, in each classroom, in each office, in each grocery store, each and every day, by the thoughts that we think, by the words that we speak and by the actions that we take.

Live as if the world already was exactly as you wish it to be .. and it will become that. One individual - one steward - at a time.