
2012 – what will happen?

There's probably as much speculation about 2012 and the coming days - about what might or might not happen - as there are people to have an opinion. But no matter what the specifics - and specifics are hard to come by as we are creating our future one moment at a time - most lightworkers agree that powerful energies continue to flood into our world, and that as each day passes it becomes more and more crucial that we focus on raising our personal and global consciousness.

On this topic, I found the following from Diana Cooper to be interesting and helpful. I particularly appreciate the Vision Prayer she gives near the end of the article. Note that this article was written in September of 2008, so any predictions given would have been a snapshot of that moment in time, not necessarily true today.

From Diana's Newsletter - September 2008
September 8th, 2008

2012 – what will happen?

As this date approaches more and more people are asking what is going to happen on 21st December, 2012 – and what afterwards.

The moment of 11.11 on the 21st December 2012 marks the end of the 26,000 year outbreath of Brahma or Source. There will be a cosmic moment of silence throughout the universe, during which time anything can happen.

Kumeka [Diana's spirit guide] says that, based on the current consciousness 11% of the population will become enlightened and could ascend at the cosmic moment, most of them choosing to remain in a physical body carrying a higher level of light.

He said that the vast masses at the third dimension had not progressed as hoped and were holding everything back. However, they will be very much affected by the climate of change, depending on the level of mass consciousness. We have important work to do.

The majority of those currently at the fourth dimension will rise to the fifth dimension. Those currently in the fifth dimension may ascend. This will accelerate after 2012.

He adds that another sudden step in consciousness will take place at 11.11 on the 11th November, 2011. At this moment many will become enlightened. Some will open up psychically, which may cause them to panic. These changes may be frightening for the masses, so those who carry more light will be able to help them, acting as beacons and teachers. For those who are ready there is a great deal to be done and many opportunities for accelerated spiritual growth available.

In between 11th November 2011 and 21st December 2012 there is a period of huge opportunity when the gateway to heaven will be open.

After 2012 people will become conscious co-creators and many will have their full psychic and spiritual gifts restored.

Preparing for the cosmic moments

These are divine moments when anything can happen. Miracles and wonders beyond imagining might take place. At this time anything can happen and this is why the ancients could not see beyond this point. We are due a step change in consciousness.

For some time I have been meditating on the best way to help us all to utilise the cosmic moments, 11.11 on 11.11 2011 and 11.11 on 21.12.2012. The latter is the Friday before Christmas 2012. I was walking a labyrinth when Melchizedek, the head of the Melchizedek priesthood, who is overlighting the Diana Cooper School connected with me.

Melchizedek communicated that the most effective way to prepare people to receive the energy would be to offer a prayer, then an 11 minute ohm, to raise everyone’s frequency. This would be followed by a one minute silence during the cosmic moments.

Melchizedek said that the whole world needs to start now building up the energy for that time.

How to use the Law of Prayer

Remember the Law of Prayer, give thanks for what you ask for with faith that it is already granted. First state your request or vision, then express gratitude, knowing that it is already granted.

Vision prayer for 2012

I have a vision where all people are at peace, fed and housed,
every child is loved and educated to develop their talents,
where the heart is more important than the head and wisdom is revered over riches.

In this world justice, equality and fairness rule.
Nature is honoured, so the waters flow pure and clear and the air is fresh and clean.
Plants and trees are nurtured and all animals are respected and treated with kindness.
Happiness and laughter prevail
And humans walk hand in hand with angels.

Thank you for the love, understanding, wisdom,
courage and humility to do my part to spread the light.
May all the world ascend.
So be it.

If we start to do this alone or in groups, by the time 11.11.2011 and 21.12.2012 arrive there will be a huge build up of light. 12 minutes is possible for everyone and this is suggested as a programme.

Programme for 11th November, 2011 and 21st December 2012

• 10.59 Vision prayer
• 11.0 11 minute ohm
• 11.11 1 minute silence during the cosmic moment

And after this - celebration! When you are celebrating, your thoughts are happy, light and positive and this is what is needed at this time.


Focus on Your Self First

As we move further into Unity consciousness, as our consciousness raises and our heart expands, we often find ourselves reaching out to others without first focusing on ourselves and our own needs. Sometimes this can feel like duty or obligation, and as such isn't entirely helpful.

When we find ourselves experiencing life in such a way, the best thing to do is step back and address our own needs first. We are the one - the only one - responsible for meeting our own needs. We have all the help in the multi-verse to do that, but it us who has to accept our responsibility for it, and reach out for that help. And when we do, something magical happens .. we find the energy and the resources to help others easily and joyfully, without the feelings of duty and obligation that have plagued us for lifetimes.

In this month's public channel, taken from a private session with Saint-Germain, Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack at Joy and Clarity tackle that very subject. Following is the Saint-Germain portion of that session, the full session can be found here.

Help Wanted: A Steady Job with Soul Purpose, too.
A Saint-Germain Channeling
By Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
August 21, 2010

The following is part of a Soul Purpose Reading for a client. It includes important astrological information about Soul purpose (here) and a channeled message from Saint-Germain (below).

Dear Saint-Germain, I love the field of health and nutrition which I studied in college, but I hate the place where I'm working. It's a teaching environment, and it just doesn't feel right. I only studied this field to please my parents. I would have preferred something more artistic. Needless to say, I'm too scared to break out on my own now, and I don't have the certification I need to do counseling work. I can't take extra time away from my children to get certified because I'm a single mother. I feel so stuck. To the outside world, I look like a huge success. But inside, I'm falling apart regarding life path. I feel that these conflicts are connected with my over-eating, too. Can you help me? Thanks very much.

Saint-Germain's Message, Channeled by Alexandra:

Greetings, dear friend. I AM Saint-Germain. I am here, along with Alexandra and your spirit guides and friends. We are by your side – ready to talk to you, to greet you, to welcome you, and to encourage you, indeed.

Yes, it IS an important time in your life right now. We know that you’re struggling to get through it, and that you are asking for answers. But before these answers can come to you, I would like to invite you, right now, to stop for a moment and breathe with me. Breathe deeply. I invite you to breathe in life, to breathe in the joy of living, and to welcome whatever is coming your way next.

Yes, my friend. You have told us many times that you feel stuck… that you feel frightened and confused about this situation in your work life. We remind you that you have been seeking comfort and nourishment from your profession and work relationships because you were denied this in the home. There is no blame or judgment in this. It’s just information that you can use to come to a greater understanding of your situation and an eventual healing of it.

We know that you feel stuck and frightened because your work and career are not nurturing you in the way that you need, deep inside. And now, you are turning to the only way you know how to nourish yourself, which is through over-eating foods that give you comfort in some way. And this is one of the main reasons, as you already suspected, for your weight gain. It’s a kind of unconscious compensation. You have gained this weight, because you need to nourish yourself with loving kindness, acceptance, and recognition for the wonderful being that you really are. And because this is not coming from anyone else around you – not from your family, or the people you work with, or those who employ you – this is causing you to fill your need for emotional nurturing with a substitute. And that substitute is physical food.

But now you are beginning to realize that this kind of comfort is not the nurturing that you seek. This comfort is just keeping you in the same place. It's neither the emotional nurturing you would like to receive from others, nor is it the peace that self-love and acceptance would bring to you. Instead, it is the false comfort of continuing along the same path… of continuing with something that is familiar to you, but not really in your higher interest. Not in your Soul's interest. Your Soul is encouraging you to break with this now, and to turn to something better.

It is necessary that you nurture, love, and be kind to yourself now, and that you accept yourself as you really are – a Child of God, and God also. When you are willing to accept the truth of your Core Divinity, then you will find that profound changes start taking place from the depths of your being. These changes take root and begin to seek expression in your outer world, too. And one day, you will realize that you are completely transformed.

I would like to encourage you to take this one step at a time, and not expect immediate relief or results. You are working with a process of profound inner change. If you focus on the goal or end results instead, such as immediate weight loss or greater appreciation from those around you, then you will miss the magic of the transformation. Transformation is about process, not the end results. The outer results will come because you have allowed yourself to fully experience the inner process of change.

Yes, dear friend, engaging this process is a major part of your Soul’s purpose for you now. And it’s something that has been neglected for many years because of the demands that were made upon you by having to serve others, while sacrificing yourself and your interests.

Now you are needing love and attention from your Soul and Higher Self. Your inner child is calling for you to allow this kind of nurturing, love, and attention. This is what it needs now. Pay attention to this inner voice.

We are here by your side, day and night, and we encourage you to put your focus on yourself. Be with yourself first. Then you will discover how your relationships and career will shift. Things will become clearer to you. You will see what nourishes you and what does not. And then you will be able to choose again. Don’t force or push yourself. Just allow your process of inner transformation to take place within the loving shelter of your heart.

This is our message for you today, my dear friend. You can feel encouraged by the changes that are taking place in your life. You've already stepped across the threshold. Take heart and be glad.

We love and encourage you, and we are there in every moment of your life.

I AM Saint-Germain.


The Energy of January 2011

What's in store for us this month of Jan 2011? Following is a message from Jen Erimath at Akashic Transformations regarding the energies of the month and how we can be attune ourselves to it.

It's important to note the emphasis on focusing on what we want and not on what we don't want, not getting drawn up in drama, and when we do, to let it go and refocus on more positive outcomes. This is going to be an important theme for upcoming years, that is, training ourselves out of the habits of the past when they don't bring us the joy that we are naturally entitled to. It's our work to create the kind of world that we want to see, and it all starts with our thoughts and beliefs. Enjoy!

A Channeling from the Akashic Records of January 2011

By Jen Erimath at Akashic Transformations

What energies and experiences can we expect in January 2011?

There is so much light available on Planet Earth this month. There is a sense of things moving forward, and things being out in the open and available for you to work with. This is a month when you do not need to get lost in the mystery of things or feel overwhelmed. The image that they are giving to describe what this month can be like is surfing on the waves of the ocean. You are the surfer and this energy is swelling up and lifting you up.

Just like with the sport of surfing, occasionally you might get swamped. You might get knocked over and tossed about, but this month it is more possible for more of you to achieve a balance where you can be on top of things. This month it is more possible to see the big picture and get things done -- and where you can feel like your life is moving in the direction you want. Even when things do not go your way, you have a greater ability to steer yourself this month than usual.

Do not tolerate anything that disempowers you this month; do not accept things that overwhelm you. Find a way to get on top of them or get out of the way. Move on, do something different. This is not a time for wallowing; it is not a time for feeling paralyzed. If something is not working for you and you cannot find a way to get on top of it, walk away from it and try a new solution. Do something different.

This month is about light and visibility. There is a sense that there is not much room for secrets or deception this month. This means you are likely to see big secrets being revealed this month. You might find that things in the news will appear, revealing secrets that have been long held by different groups, organizations or institutions. Be prepared for scandal and do not buy into the drama and fear in the stories of those scandals. Instead, allow yourself to feel a sense of relief that the truth is finally coming to light -- finally you can all look at it and move on. Do not get mired in drama. Do not bother with people who want to stir the pot or make trouble. Do not bother with deception. Step out into the light, take things as they are, and find a way to work with it and move on.

What more can we do to work with the energy of this month?

An important mantra you can use when things are difficult this month is to brush yourself off and try again. When you fall down, when you make a mistake, when you are not sure what to do -- find a way to stand up, recover, get a new balance and start again.

Try again is a great mantra for this month because just like surfing, you will fall over sometimes. There will always be another wave. There is so much energy available this month that you do not need to worry about you have missed your chance or run out of choices. There will always be a new way to accomplish what you really want. This month that new path, new resource, or new approach will arrive pretty quickly if you just stand up, shake yourself off and find a new balance. Try again.

That might be the most important thing you can do this month in addition to avoiding the drama and fear that might come up from others. Do not stick around for gossip or conspiracy theories. Instead, step toward the light, step toward the parts of your life where you can feel good things are happening. Put your attention there this month. The other things will fall into place eventually.

Is there anything else the Keepers want to tell us about January 2011?

This is a very intense time, but also a very hopeful time on Planet Earth. There is a lot going on, you all have many challenges, but every single one of you is stronger than you have ever been before. Every single one of you has more resources available than you have ever had before. Do not imagine that when you feel overwhelmed that you are actually going to fail. Feeling overwhelmed is a sign that you are stepping into something big, something new, and something that you have always wanted.

Have faith in yourself and draw upon your resources. Take quiet moments to listen to your intuition. Reach out to your friends and loved ones. Take good care of your bodies, use all of your resources to set you up for success.

January 4 will probably bring many of you a sense of a real challenge. Do not let yourself fall over that day. If you do fall over -- do not fall apart, just pick up and try again. If you pay attention on January 4, most of you will find that whatever challenge comes to you that day will continue to be a challenge for you in months to come. This day can be an opportunity for you to get a preview of what is to come and start to get a handle on that challenge. You will not respond to the challenge perfectly on January 4, instead it is an opportunity to try something and see how it works and then collect information about what worked and what did not. That is a good way to use the day of January 4.

Otherwise, the month seems to have mostly and expansive energy with gentle, undulating waves. You will all go up and down in your own rhythm this month, so just take those waves as they come.

All audio and text protected under copyright
© Akashic Transformations
All rights reserved


The Challenges Of Intent

With the intent to become more of who we really are come the challenges we put in place to allow us to choose a new path over the habits of our past.

The following message from shamanic healer and teacher Jan Engels-Smith helps us understand this process. The only thing I would add to Jan's message is remembering that we are the ones putting these challenges in front of us. A hurdler doesn't strengthen her ability to jump hurdles by never having hurdles to jump. Neither does a new energy human strengthen their ability to grow by never experiencing what stands in the way of that growth.

Stop, breathe, choose, re-focus on the new choice. It's what there is to do. It might just be all there is to do ..

From Jan Engels-Smith at LightSong

Manifesting Your Intentions

As I contemplate the end of this year I have decided to look over the intentions that I put in motion for 2010. I am amazed what I have manifested and where my challenges have been. I notice that the challenges I have endured are a great part of the manifestation that is trying to come about. With this epiphany I am guided to remind you of a few things that I noticed:

· Spirit is always working for you, not against you.

· When you put something into motion with a prayer, intention, desire, or dream, there is an energy that goes into action in order to make this manifest for you.

· The greater resistance you have, the more difficult will be the manifestation and the more beat up or defeated you might feel.

For example, you might say, I want to live in my true self, I want whatever is blocking me from my true self to fall away and I want to live with unconditional love. (I have used this example because it by far the most common intention I hear from students.) Even though this intention is beautiful and loving, you can guarantee that you will find yourself in all kinds of situations that will require you to forgive, step forward, allow, not judge, be the bigger person, move out of fear, move out of judgment, or basically move out of ego.

Unless you actually practice these acts of love you will be challenged. You will be challenged with the things that have a high priority of knocking you out or blocking you from your true self. The universe will, without judgment, create incident after incident for you to claim your desire and your intention of being in your true self by giving you ample opportunity to choose accordingly. Again, the universe will be working for you, to help you reach your goal.

The opportunities presented may not be immediately apparent. They might feel like challenges or hardships and your choice could then be denial, avoidance, or resistance. In fact, you can become so delusional with a situation that you miss the whole message and teaching. The choosing you will be faced with may appear to conflict with your desires. It is often this conflict that creates the growth. If you are already showing your true self to your friends, co-workers, family, or whomever you relate to easily, the opportunity may show itself in the people who challenge you-- those who you want to avoid, those who have hurt you, or those who may have betrayed you. Your real growth to become your true self or to live unconditionally will be in these arenas of challenge.

The intention of living in your true self or being unconditionally loving will not manifest in a Pollyanna scenario where you will be unchallenged. Instead the intention will provide all kinds of scenarios where you will have to reach deep within yourself and understand that in order to live in your true self or with unconditional love, you have to change!

Resistance to these challenges is the block that you seek to remove. You must let go of your judgments, your opinions, and your fears. You must develop a loving, kind, sincere, honest, courageous, and open personality that will stand up in any situation without defense, opinion, judgment, pressure, or concern for yourself. In fact, your only concern would be for the other.

So, the questions are: What have you put into motion? What are your desires? Where are your challenges, which often show up as resistances? What is your next choice? If you think that this is too hard or is asking too much of you, then change your intention. You can always change what you wish to create in life. You get to be in charge! The universe will never judge your choices; it will only act on what you put into motion. Remember the universe does love unconditionally and allows anything.

My recommendation is that you spend some time during these dark days of the North... to discern your behavior; to accept that love is always the answer; to give up what doesn't serve you; to mend bridges; to think about what you can do. Self-discovery is not who has hurt you, but who have you hurt? The irony is that often these challenging folks are in your life by your own design. You have pre-contracted with them to help you gain what you have come here on the Earth to achieve. The contrasts are in alignment with your own personal desires for growth. The contrasts can make you reach and change, or they can stagnate you. The choice is always yours.

Heart to Heart



Rebirth and Renewal, 2011 Style

In the spirit of renewal, which the coming of a new year always brings for me, I offer the following from Kryon. It was given in response to a question asked in 2003, but I find the response appropriate even today .. maybe more so.

Have a spectacular and wonderful journey through and beyond 2011!
Dear Kryon, how much in life is just plain and simply habit? Habit meaning doing things away from awareness or away from the knowledge of the "free-will" (Earth) project? Any good tips for quick transformation? Thanks.

Answer: What a grand question! The answer is this: Unless you actively seek to know more about this, your life will follow this "habit" until the end.

It goes like this: You are born with an imprint that many call contract. It's so strong that even Lightworkers feel that it's something that is honored so strongly that they should follow it completely. They are on their knees asking for help to fulfill it, never realizing that the entire work of a Lightworker is to alter it!

This is therefore only a beginning contract, if you will. It's what you select to arrive. You selected your parents, your race, your country, and even your biological attributes and predispositions. Your past karma is all part if it, and what you call your "past life experience" is also there. It's complex, but you often feel it at the cellular level. It's what makes Humans drive toward a passion to be artists, musicians, mothers and fathers, or even criminals. It's a powerful force.

And… it's only a habit.

If you do nothing, it will fulfill itself to the degree you pursue it. You have free choice to move around it in any way you wish, but many don't understand that you have always had free choice to also cancel it!

There are many walking around today who have changed their names. Why? When they cancelled this beginning energy… a groove that did not suit them (the habit), they felt as though they had a new life! Many have had profound changes of passion due to this. They studied all their lives to be one thing, and now they are another. They have given themselves permission to take control of the interdimensional "rudder" of their own ship!

Change your DNA. Rewrite the past. Eliminate the biological predispositions of your Human family. All of this is not only possible, but is what we are teaching you to do.


Happy New Year!

One day at a time - this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.

~ Ida Scott Taylor*

From Quotes Cafe

* English Author and often quoted Pseudonym of Frances (Fanny) Jane Crosby, famous hymnist. Crosby used nearly 100 different pseudonyms during her career, of which Ida Scott Taylor is believed to be one (reference Hymntime).

Have a wonderful and joyous new year! May all your beautiful dreams become manifest, from the most magnificent down to the very least.