May the joy of the season be with you no matter how, what, or when you celebrate.
And may you enjoy the best of the best in 2012!
No matter what happens now or in the coming year, remember that YOU are one powerful individual, that you are loved, and that you are never alone. Treat yourself with the love and respect that the Universe holds for you, and the world will beat a path to your door.
With love, appreciation, and affection for who you be and all you do ...
~ k
A Call to Action and a Return to Love and Reason - A message from Saint-Germaine
“A Call to Action and a Return to Love and Reason.”
December Solstice 2011 and New Year's 2012 Message.
A Saint-Germain Channeling
Alexandra Mahlimay & Dan Bennack
I AM Saint-Germain. The December Solstice, 2011 and the New Year, 2012 will arrive with energies that are intense and sometimes chaotic. They will unfold quickly toward the March Equinox, and then continue throughout the year. Our advice for now is to expect the unexpected, but to fear nothing.
Agitation will be common in the coming year, but you are reminded to remain calm. Conflicts, as well as negotiations will be difficult for awhile, so remember not to collapse into fear or worry. Stay connected to the feeling of joy that is present in every moment of your life, and all will be well. Embrace these energies and use them constructively. Let your wisdom and maturity guide you. Do not fight against them impulsively or react in haste.
Rash actions will only confirm your mistaken belief that there is something wrong with the world, when fundamentally there is not. In error, you will seek to blame each other for your problems, rather than find workable solutions together. The energies that are entering your lives now are ones of expansion and liberation, not chaos and confusion, as they will appear to be. Allow them to transform into this higher expression, and you will soon see that this is so. Trust your Inner Guidance in this.
Remember that a shift in awareness often appears destructive and chaotic to the existing order of things. This is why the stabilization and transmission of awareness requires patience, tolerance and care. You are asked to avoid excessive haste in this, and to keep your hearts open to the Love that permeates all things.
The Wheel of Transformation.
During the December Solstice and into the New Year of 2012, major transformation will continue to take place on Earth. Each phase of transformation that you have undertaken in recent years has built on previous ones – and what you have established this past year will certainly carry forward into the next one. But now, as you go into the New Year, there will be a strong infusion of intense and expansive energies that will assist you in a global awakening of awareness. This shift is for the betterment of all, although it will not always seem this way.
Remember that in addition to the personal goals that you have set for yourselves, your collective task at this time is to offer love and reason to a world that has forgotten how to do this. As you demonstrate your readiness to step forward, your Soul will give you opportunies to serve. Remember that you are always encouraged to live your life with Soul purpose and conviction.
In the coming times, you will be called insistently to take a position. You can't stand to one side any more, because the energies are shifting too often and abruptly. You will need to participate in what is happening and maintain a your equilibrium in this. You will be asked to declare your position, to move ahead with courage, and to take appropriate, but not impulsive action – trusting that you will see positive results as you hold your course.
As you move through the New Year, you and many others may feel the temptation to act impulsively, and even ruthlessly, to satisfy your needs and ambitions. And while it is true that the constraints to acting are being lifted now, you should remain calm, present, conscious, and conscientious. It is important to take one step at a time, rather than to try to do everything at once.
The wheel of transformation is turning on Earth – and the New Year will certainly bring more of this. Yet, the December Solstice invites you to bring balanced, harmonious change into your life, and the wise use of power and authority that assists others, even as it benefits you. You are invited to use self-discipline and personal mastery to attain your goals, rather than to follow your impulses. As I said before, a shift in consciousness – just like a change in your circumstances, can come in an instant. But consolidating and stabilizing such changes does not happen so quickly. There is no need to rush.
Patience and tolerance is the key here. It will save you time in the end, because you will not have to start all over again. Why repeat history, when you can author your own story, instead? That's why you are called to understand the limited but real possiblities available for transformation at this time, and then use intelligent action as you advance – to act in the spirit of forward movement, but use self-control and inner restraint when necessary.
Don't get lost in activities that dissipate or waste your energies, or confuse your mind. Stay on track, and stay clear. Bring clarity into your life, when everything else is chaotic, and you can’t go wrong.
Misery Loves Company?
As the year winds down, you are invited to work with the energies of harmony and balance in the midst of change. Maintain your sense of equilibrium, even as you move forward into the New Year, 2012 and remember that effective action is always birthed in stillness.
When it is time to act, you will feel this from inside. You will be guided by your Soul in this, and you will receive assistance from your spirit guides and helpers, too. You will not have to force anything. There is no need to yield to impulse or chaos, or to fall prey to apocalyptic thinking or rumors of darkness. Until then, remember that we are supporting you, and sometimes nudging you forward. Remember to smile often and to keep a resilient attitude, dear friends.
With the intensity of the current transformations, many will fall into chaotic thinking. Yes, soon you will encounter many who will “muddy the waters” for everyone else. They will fuss, they will complain, and they will draw attention to themselves. They will find fault with everyone and everything, yet propose nothing in return. They will hold to the status quo and fail to recognize the need for change that is arising from within them. Instead, they will fear the changes they are called to make, and regard this as a descent into chaos, madness and misery.
As the saying goes, “misery loves company” and they will certainly seek your company there. That is why you are encouraged to offer compassion when it feels appropriate to you, but to do this with a healthy dose of emotional detachment and intellectual disinterest. Avoid anything that drains you.
Your role in the coming days is to maintain your clarity of mind and will-to-goodness, to practice tolerance, and to trust that the changes taking place are for everyone's highest good. Stay present and and move forward, without falling into the chaos that others generate. When you do this, you will offer others a point of reference that will help them find their higher ground, rather than drag you down where they are.
So, in the turbulent and chaotic times that are coming to others, remember to maintain your inner balance, your sense of compassion, and your presence of mind. These are the best things that you can offer the world and yourself at this time.
A Call to Action and a Return to Love and Reason.
As the December Solstice and New Year’s energies arrive, you will feel that you are starting to speed ahead again. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't pause and reflect, as you begin this transition. You should. It only means that the momentum you are gaining now, is the new freedom that is entering your life in areas where you felt constrained before.
The coming year will ask you to find this freedom through focus and self-discipline, rather than in haste and waste; and to plan your progress in managable steps. Do not throw away your opportunities through impulsive behavior, or by submitting to the chaos of those around you. You are here to work in a positive way with the changes that are coming. Not to fear or resist them because they ask you to do things differently.
If you are feeling stuck and don't know how to move forward, don’t be hard on yourselves now. Just remember to find harmony and balance in the changes that are coming. This attitude toward your life will make it possible for you to use much less energy as you move ahead, and to make decisions that favor your growth in awareness without offering much resistance.
As you move into the New Year, 2012, the changes that are coming will require a lot of your attention. Do not fear them. Simply accept what is offered, if it feels right to you. Remember that the opportunities your Soul brings you are always for your highest good. This is how the Universe works. Change is always a call to action, and a return to love and reason. Trust this, and it shall be so.
Indeed, I AM Saint-Germain, and you are dearly loved, my friends.
2012: The Year of Love
The earth that you once knew is no longer…there is a new vibrational pattern that has permeated the blueprint of the planet and you now exist as members of the galactic community, cousins to the enlightened citizens of your galaxy.
- Pleiadian High Council*
The new blueprint of earth requires LOVE now more than ever, and for those who hear the call, the impacts will be greatly lessened. For those who refuse the call, the impacts will be greater. We say this not to elicit fear, but to remind each of you that true healing is possible now but requires the firm commitment to release all that is not LOVE. For those who have been dedicated to the work of releasing these patterns of fear, unprecedented openings are before you.
- Pleiadian High Council*
We would say that these energies are coming to uplift humanity in certain sectors, and to equally dismantle corruption in others. The way for each of you lies in the choices presented to you now…how you choose will determine the path of your soul in the coming year. Choosing LOVE over fear is the only path to redemption.
- Pleiadian High Council*
The coming calendar year, the greatly anticipated year of 2012, is a monumental breakthrough in what we term, planetary consciousness. By this we mean that those who have laid the plan for a new earth have far exceeded our expectations. Because of this, what is coming to pass is much grander, much more comprehensive and more delightful than even we imagined.Pretty awesome stuff! Time to congratulate - and thank! - yourself for being here and being a part of the change. Their admonition of love reminds me of something that touched me deeply some time ago:
- Pleiadian High Council*
Definition of unconditional love: The choice to see the divinity in all beings.The group, through Steve Rother at Lightworker, likes to encourage us to spread love through seeing the highest version of everyone we come in contact with, rather than the image that presents itself to us in any given moment in time.
~ Chief Joseph through John Cali
The way I see it, they're all saying the same things using different examples, different words, and different means of expression. In other words, the time is NOW to release all fears and allow the opposite of fear - which is universal love - to fill your being. No matter how good it gets, it just keeps getting better and better!
Read more on this very exciting subject from the Pleiadian High Council and Loren Gorgo on Loren's website.
* The Pleiadian High Council through Loren Gorgo at Think with Your Heart
Healing Isn't What You Think It Is
Steve Rother and the group (at Lightworker) consistently and repeatedly give this definition of healing:
It sounds like a nice concept, but what does it mean, really?
In an absolute sense, it means that we don't heal others, and others don't heal us - we each heal ourselves. Healers facilitate healing, whether they realize that this is what they do or not. Conversely, patients heal themselves, whether they realize that they do or not. Those are hard concepts to come to grips with, because for hundreds, if not thousands, of years society has taken a different view of healing.
This idea of "creating a space where others feel comfortable [safe] enough to heal themselves" is an important one, and it's in all of our best interests to understand it, begin to accept it, and begin to operate within it. For in doing so we accept our own responsibility in the matter of our own healing, and healers accept their responsibility as facilitators. This shift changes the very dynamic of healing, which in many cases has perpetuated itself due to the dualistic nature of the healing dynamic as it currently exists.
That is, in the past we have assumed that we are somehow broken, and we go to a healer (traditional healers, like doctors and therapists, or alternative healers, like energy workers and channelers) to get fixed. We assume that the person we go to knows more than we do, and in so doing, relinquish our power to them. It's important now that we realize who really has the power to heal, and both accept responsibility for our own healing, and assign our healers the task of facilitating that healing.
Tough concepts, I know, with lots of questions attached. How is this so? Does this mean healers are useless? How do I make this shift from expecting someone to heal me? I don't know how to heal myself, why do you think I go to healers in the first place?!
Below is one of the best explanations of this dynamic that I've seen, presented by Jeshua as channeled by Pamela Kribbe at
Although this information from Jeshua focuses on the spiritual aspect of healing, it truly applies to all healing, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. This is because all "dis-ease" starts on an energetic level before it ever manifests in physical reality. So all healing is energetic in nature, even though it is the physical body or emotions that we experience as being healed.
To make the most of the way healing actually occurs, when seeking assistance from someone - be it doctor, therapist, alternative healer, or simply a friend - first accept your own responsibility in the matter. See the other as your guide, aid, helper. See them as being there to shine a light that in your current experience you temporarily cannot see. Know that it is their responsibility to continue to shine that light, and yours to step into what is being offered or revealed .. or not. Your intent is all important, and your acceptance of your own responsibility in the matter even more so.
If you find this concept difficult, think about what happens when you go to a coach, for example, as opposed to a healer. When you see a coach, you are fully aware that they are going to guide you, offer suggestions, show you techniques. But you also know that it is you who need to put those ideas, suggestions, techniques into use. If they are coaching you in game play, such as tennis, you are clear that they aren't going to play the game for you. What fun would that be? You go to them for help in learning to play better. You know that you control the racket, you move your feet, you hit the ball either on or off center. Sometimes you'll perform a good return volley and sometimes you won't.
Healing can be viewed in the same way. Begin to approach your doctors, therapists, healers for the information, insights, and techniques that they can offer you, knowing full well that it is up to you to use what they've given you. It's also your responsibility to determine if the healing you've sought is appropriate for you, as you would when choosing to work with or not work with any particular coach. In this way you not only empower yourself, but you automatically empower healers to begin to see their role as facilitators and not 'fixers.'
To give the power of healing to a healer of any sort is to abdicate your role in your own development. When you begin to take that responsibility back, you'll feel more and more excited about your own role in the creation of your own life. And that is a very empowering feeling!
Healing is creating space where others feel comfortable enough to heal themselves.
It sounds like a nice concept, but what does it mean, really?
In an absolute sense, it means that we don't heal others, and others don't heal us - we each heal ourselves. Healers facilitate healing, whether they realize that this is what they do or not. Conversely, patients heal themselves, whether they realize that they do or not. Those are hard concepts to come to grips with, because for hundreds, if not thousands, of years society has taken a different view of healing.
This idea of "creating a space where others feel comfortable [safe] enough to heal themselves" is an important one, and it's in all of our best interests to understand it, begin to accept it, and begin to operate within it. For in doing so we accept our own responsibility in the matter of our own healing, and healers accept their responsibility as facilitators. This shift changes the very dynamic of healing, which in many cases has perpetuated itself due to the dualistic nature of the healing dynamic as it currently exists.
That is, in the past we have assumed that we are somehow broken, and we go to a healer (traditional healers, like doctors and therapists, or alternative healers, like energy workers and channelers) to get fixed. We assume that the person we go to knows more than we do, and in so doing, relinquish our power to them. It's important now that we realize who really has the power to heal, and both accept responsibility for our own healing, and assign our healers the task of facilitating that healing.
Tough concepts, I know, with lots of questions attached. How is this so? Does this mean healers are useless? How do I make this shift from expecting someone to heal me? I don't know how to heal myself, why do you think I go to healers in the first place?!
Below is one of the best explanations of this dynamic that I've seen, presented by Jeshua as channeled by Pamela Kribbe at
Healing and Lightwork
You who are reading this, and who feel drawn to the Christ energy, are someone who longs to shine your inner light out into the world. You long to manifest as a lightworker, meaning that you feel the desire to spread light and raise awareness on Earth. Your passion is pure and real; it comes from the core of who you are, from your soul. It is the spark of God within you which leads you to this desire, for it is natural for God to want to share joy, light and compassion. Whenever you feel happy in expressing who you really are, you are feeling God’s happiness too, for you and God are one at heart!
The Traditional Healing Perspective
You often wonder what light work is really about. What does it mean to spread light, or to offer healing to other people? This is the question I’d like to address today.
First of all, we need to take a closer look at the relationship between people when one is helping the other. I would like to point out that something strange is going on with the distinction between healthy and sick, or between whole and broken, as it is used in your society. When you go to the doctor with a medical problem, you are a “sick person in need of treatment”.
Doctors are supposed to know something you do not. They are the expert and you easily get the feeling that your health is in their hands. It is not so much different when you suffer from mental or emotional problems. If people see a therapist, psychologist or a healer, they silently presuppose that these experts have some superior knowledge or skill which can help them solve their issues. By the very way the relationship between patient and doctor, or client and therapist, is defined, something happens to the self perception of both parties involved.
By framing this relationship in terms of one having more knowledge and insight than the other, it is suggested that the client needs the therapist/healer/ doctor to receive something that they themselves lack and cannot give to themselves. It is assumed that the therapist is whole and healthy, offering light and healing to the one who is ill and/or broken. From this viewpoint, the therapist or healer is ahead of the patient, and is in possession of something that they hand to the one who is lacking this knowledge or ability.
From a spiritual perspective, this viewpoint is false and distorted. It starts you on the wrong foot right away. However, it is deeply ingrained in your society, in both physical and mental health care. Notice how easy it is to feel smaller than the person you are seeing for medical or spiritual advice. You are the one with the problem; they are the one with the solution.
It’s a common pitfall for people who help other people on a daily basis to identify so much with their role of helper, that they cannot let go of this role. They define themselves by it and this makes them dependent on their clients or patients, as much as the other way around. The client may feel they need the helper to cure or heal them, but the helper needs the client as well to sustain their image of being the helper: the knowledgeable, bigger person who is willing to share their achievements with the ones in need. It is easy now for unbalanced relationships to arise, which center around power and dependency.
Lightwork and Spiritual Healing
Light work is something very different. To understand what light work or spiritual healing is truly about, you need to let go of the traditional image of “therapist helping client” or “doctor curing patient”. You need to let go of the very idea that helping is about giving something to someone else. The very notion that the other person is lacking something is detrimental to their healing process. The truth is that the only way to help someone is to make them aware of their own power and ability to heal themselves.
It is the mark of a good teacher that they make themselves small rather than big. Real teachers invite you to take back your inner power and they do not buy into the suggestion that you are small, needy and dependent upon someone else. Real teachers never present themselves as authorities. It is a silly thing to do. The true gift of a healer is to make the other person aware of their own inner authority, the fact that they are a spark of God and have all the knowledge available to them that they need.
True healing is very simple. It does not require elaborate methods or knowledge. I am speaking here of healing for the soul. Of course, physical problems may need to be attended by medical experts which have very specific knowledge and skills [but even so, it is wise to see their input as facilitating]. Healing that affects the soul is very simple. If you go to the root core of mental as well as physical problems in people, you will somehow encounter the belief that they are powerless, unworthy, unlovable, lonely and doomed.
The root cause is that people feel disconnected from their true being, the spark of divine light that they really are. To offer healing to people is to open up their memory of Home, to remind them of their perfect beauty, strength and innocence.
But How?
How do you do this? First of all, there is no fixed method or medicine. It is not a mechanical procedure. It is an energy transmission which can happen in a variety of ways. I’ll get back to this.
Second, no one heals unless they decide to open up to healing. You cannot force healing upon anyone. It is their decision. In fact, real healing is something of a miracle: it is the birth of a new consciousness in the soul. It is their creation and it cannot be predicted ahead. In everyone’s life there are moments in which you face the choice between dark and light. The dark represents giving in to self-judgment, self-hatred, negative thinking and fear. The light represents opening up to the kindness, forgiveness, joy and abundance that is truly the mark of divinity. It is up to you to choose. Even if the most beautiful angel is beckoning you to let go of the past and enter the kingdom of God, meaning to merge again with the spark of Light that you are, it is up to you to decide. If you are still immersed in deeply negative pictures of yourself or other people, if you are in the thralls of fear and anger, you may not even notice the angel. In truth, the angel of healing is always near you. It is your higher or true self, your divinity trying to remind you of who you are.
Sometimes, in your life, you meet with people who play the role of healing angel for a while. They may not even be aware of it, but they remind you of who you really are. By the way they listen to you or speak with you, a spark of the true you suddenly enters your awareness and you feel joyful and inspired after having been with them. This may inspire you to choose for the light, to make decisions in your life that serve your higher self, your true passion and love of life. The presence of the angel may serve as a reminder, and it may be the key to changing your life, but even then, it is your decision to trust and take the leap of faith. Only you can make the miracle happen!
You may have encountered angels of healing in your life and you probably have been an angel of healing for others on several occasions, even if you did not know. My point here is that this is what light work is about. It is not about curing or fixing people, it is not about offering solutions to their problems. It is not about teaching them certain skills, or knowledge or ethical rules. All of these actions presuppose they are lacking something, that they are small and helpless.
Spiritual Healing
Spiritual healing turns this picture upside down. What you offer someone else if you mean to offer spiritual healing is really a change of perception. Instead of focusing on their problems, their issues and their feelings of disempowerment, you focus on their essence, their wholeness, their radiant beauty.
If there’s anything to give by the spiritual healer, it is the gift of the true vision. If you are able to look beyond someone’s pain, anger, fear and self-destructive behavior, and see the angel of light in their face, you offer them something very precious. By seeing their true essence, you are gently summoning it and beckoning it to come forward. Perceiving someone else’s true power and inner light, even if they don’t show it on the surface, is like calling someone by their true name. Nothing is as powerful as being called by your true name.
What I did when I performed so-called miraculous healings in my life on earth as Jesus, was that I got in touch with the divine essence of someone. By seeing and feeling the spark of the divine in someone, it became awake and it was their divine essence that performed the healing, not I. It was their self-remembrance that restored mental and even physical health to them. Not always did such a meeting result in healing, for it would always depend on whether the other person decided to open up to healing. The miracle was upon them, and this is important to remember whenever you work with people for the purpose of spiritual healing.
All spiritual healing comes from within. You are not healing anyone as a lightworker. You are creating a space of openness, of being without judgment, which invites the other person to look at themselves with openness and compassion. Instead of trying to solve any problems on the outside, you are connecting to the other person’s soul and you are holding a vision of trust and clarity for them. This is the way of the lightworker. You are trying to return to the other person their greatness, instead of focusing on their smallness.
Working with someone on the soul level means that you show them their responsibility for their own life. Because you do this lovingly and without judgment, this responsibility will not feel as a burden. It will feel empowering and liberating to take responsibility. By really believing in the creative powers of the other person, you mirror their own strength back to them through your eyes and words. By focusing on what is whole and untainted in them, you reinforce it.
You can only do so if you truly believe it. If you doubt at some level that they can do it, you affirm their sense of weakness instead of invoking their strength. You are most powerful as a healer if you completely trust the other person’s ability to solve the problems and let go of any notion of them being dependent on you. Many of you feel that returning responsibility to people in this way means to abandon them or to tell them to solve the issue all by themselves. However, to release all ties of dependency does not mean you are not there for them anymore. You are still there, holding your faith in their true strength and inner power, encouraging them to go beyond their self-imposed limitations and be all that they can be. It will be their choice what to do with the healing space you offer.
I know that many of you have a very hard time watching other people suffer, especially if they are loved ones. It may seem impossible to stop “helping them”, to let go and put your energy elsewhere. But, please take a moment and consider if you are really helping them by holding on. If they are dependent on your energy of kindness and support to feel good, how will they ever face up to their own lack of kindness and support towards themselves? From the soul level, you may be reinforcing their weakness instead of awakening their true inner power. This affects both of you negatively.
Being a lightworker or spiritual healer means that you seek to connect with someone from soul to soul. On the soul level, every being is equal and no one is ahead of anyone else. You are all sparks of the divine beingness you call God. It may seem on the human level that one person is more knowledgeable, evolved or wise than another person. However, if you look at it from the perspective of the soul, this kind of judgment becomes obsolete.
All souls are travelling through the infinite universe and go through various cycles of experience and growth. It may be that you are helping someone who is suffering from severe emotional imbalance due to very difficult circumstances they encountered in their life. You may be the one offering assistance at this point of time. But later on, once the suffering one has regained their strength, they may become your teacher and show you a depth of wisdom and compassion that will blow you away.
To offer spiritual healing or be a lightworker, it is important to always remember you are equal to the other person on the soul level. It is essential that you recognise your own humanness and that you are really in the same boat as the other person. You may be holding a space of light and compassion for someone, but that does not make you different from them, in the sense of ‘being higher’ or ‘above’ them. Don’t identify yourself with being a lightworker. If you feel drawn to helping people discovering their true inner power, follow your passion and do whatever you love to do. Light work may take all kinds of forms; it is certainly not limited to offering therapy. Generally, if you do what you really love to do, you will see that you inspire others to do the same.
Being one with the God spark in your heart will naturally lead you to the right type of work, or relationship or place to live. Living from the heart is really very simple. It is about connecting to your heart’s desire, your true joy, and daring to act upon it. Doing this will make you a lightworker and not necessarily because you are “helping other people”. It is because you are bringing your soul’s unique song to the world that you will inspire other people to also believe in themselves and bring out the best in them. Light naturally radiates outward. You don’t have to focus on the question on how to spread light in the world. Don’t try to be good and helpful. Try to live according to your own unique and divine nature, and the world will be a better place because of it.
© Pamela Kribbe 2011
Although this information from Jeshua focuses on the spiritual aspect of healing, it truly applies to all healing, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. This is because all "dis-ease" starts on an energetic level before it ever manifests in physical reality. So all healing is energetic in nature, even though it is the physical body or emotions that we experience as being healed.
To make the most of the way healing actually occurs, when seeking assistance from someone - be it doctor, therapist, alternative healer, or simply a friend - first accept your own responsibility in the matter. See the other as your guide, aid, helper. See them as being there to shine a light that in your current experience you temporarily cannot see. Know that it is their responsibility to continue to shine that light, and yours to step into what is being offered or revealed .. or not. Your intent is all important, and your acceptance of your own responsibility in the matter even more so.
If you find this concept difficult, think about what happens when you go to a coach, for example, as opposed to a healer. When you see a coach, you are fully aware that they are going to guide you, offer suggestions, show you techniques. But you also know that it is you who need to put those ideas, suggestions, techniques into use. If they are coaching you in game play, such as tennis, you are clear that they aren't going to play the game for you. What fun would that be? You go to them for help in learning to play better. You know that you control the racket, you move your feet, you hit the ball either on or off center. Sometimes you'll perform a good return volley and sometimes you won't.
Healing can be viewed in the same way. Begin to approach your doctors, therapists, healers for the information, insights, and techniques that they can offer you, knowing full well that it is up to you to use what they've given you. It's also your responsibility to determine if the healing you've sought is appropriate for you, as you would when choosing to work with or not work with any particular coach. In this way you not only empower yourself, but you automatically empower healers to begin to see their role as facilitators and not 'fixers.'
To give the power of healing to a healer of any sort is to abdicate your role in your own development. When you begin to take that responsibility back, you'll feel more and more excited about your own role in the creation of your own life. And that is a very empowering feeling!
The New Empathy
At its lowest vibration empathy is experienced as sympathy, where you are aware of others' powerlessness and this is where your empathic connection is felt. You also believe that by transmuting their energy you raise the earth's vibrations and while this has been one of Lightworkers' roles in the past, it is no longer true for you today. Today, empathy is evolving into powerful connections that allow healing to occur through conscious choice and free will.
Lightworkers hold the fear that the earth will not ascend, that ascension will be stopped or blocked, that some force or energy can prevent ascension from happening. Yet it always happens at some level although it has not yet achieved its full aspects. Remember there are many dimensions in the Universe so ascension is always occurring beyond dimensions you can know or imagine at this time. As empathy evolves so do your human connections and you must choose to connect to others by realizing their power and showing them how they can reconnect to it.
It is not possible to help others heal by showing them their pain - they are already aware of how painful their life is. You can [create a space for them to] heal by showing them their truth, which is that they are powerful, divine beings whose life experience can be shifted through awareness of a more powerful aspect of themselves.
Practice empathy by being your most powerful self and be a mirror of the joy, peace, abundance and love that are available to all when they can learn to seek and find their own truth and find the power within that heals all pain.
~ Archangel Uriel
through Jennifer Hoffman
Uriel Heals
Kryon on Toning
QUESTION: Dear Kryon: When I chant mantras I know they affect my body, but can they also affect the bodies of my horses, dogs and cats? I play different mantras 24-hours a day on our horse farm (chants like ‘Lumen De Lumine’, ‘Om Mane Padme Hung’ and ‘Om Nama Shivaya’). I was also wondering, can these chants help raise the vibration of the Planet as well? I sure hope so, because this is my humble intent; even though the main reason I use them is because they make me feel good.
ANSWER: All toning and sound vibration has energy. When you combine it with intent from Human consciousness, it is very powerful. Don’t spend too much time on the details of exactly what notes or what mantras you use, for these details are only there to keep you pleased that you are fulfilling a system. Humans love systems and respond well to them, but following a system isn’t necessary from the perspective of Spirit.
It’s true that almost everything around you, including your body, has specific tonal attributes. However all Life around you will respond even if you don’t say or sing its specific frequency. This is because the intent of your actions is seen as a “carrier” for all the tones. So, even if – through your lack of knowledge or vocal ability – you miss the note, the intent carries the correct note at an interdimensional level.
This is true with the mantras you mention. They are only powerful due to the intent that you place upon them and the words that you feel are meaningful to you. The animals respond to the same energy. They feel the intent and they like the vocal sounds you make. They wouldn’t care what language or what mantra. Do you see the power that your own Human consciousness has on nature and everything around you?
From the Kryon Q&A Archives
If you aren't aware of this film, it looks to be a fantastic starting point for a lot of humanity that are just beginning to awaken.
What is Thrive? In the team's own words: "... a feature length film and website whose purpose is simple: To empower a more informed and leveraged movement for global transformation!"
The film isn't being released until 11.11.11, but based on the information I've been receiving from them, and the trailer below, I've every belief that this is a significant step in the direction of the human race taking back our power. In that light, I can't do anything but encourage and support this and similar movements around our world.
Message from the team at Thrive:
What is Thrive? In the team's own words: "... a feature length film and website whose purpose is simple: To empower a more informed and leveraged movement for global transformation!"
The film isn't being released until 11.11.11, but based on the information I've been receiving from them, and the trailer below, I've every belief that this is a significant step in the direction of the human race taking back our power. In that light, I can't do anything but encourage and support this and similar movements around our world.
Message from the team at Thrive:
Dear Friend,
Wow. It is hard to believe that the moment is almost here.
For more than eight years we have worked diligently to consolidate a lifetime of research into THRIVE - What on Earth Will it Take? a feature length film and website whose purpose is simple: To empower a more informed and leveraged movement for global transformation!
And in two days, at exactly 12:01am PST on 11/11/11 the film will be released into the world.
THRIVE is the culmination of our journey to seek answers to the most critical questions of our time, including:
Is it possible for humans to thrive? And if so, why aren't we?
If nature teaches us anything it is that Life is meant to work. And like every living thing, our purpose is to thrive.
And yet, for the majority of people on the planet, life is not about thriving... It's about surviving, just trying to hang on.
Is this really the best we can do? Did the universe labor for nearly 14 billion years only to bring forth a species that would end up as an enemy to life itself, and to its own Home?
We don't think so.
Like so many of you, we have spent nearly a lifetime trying to figure out what happened - what is happening that could account for the staggering agony and deprivation on this planet.
Our research led us to places we never expected to go, revealing surprising discoveries that seemed unrelated at first, but which turned out to be crucially connected, as you'll see.
We came across a code - a pattern in nature that's been embedded in arts and icons throughout the centuries. We believe this code holds the key to a new source of clean, sustainable energy that could completely revolutionize the way all people live.
We came to understand how our economic system is rigged. And we found out what we can do about it.
Our journey revealed ways we can claim our power to create liberating, healthy systems everywhere on Earth!
We have realized that we are not a mistake. We are simply mistaken. We've been blinded to our brilliance, shorn of our strength, ignorant of our genius, unaware of our true power and magnificence.
But all of that about to change.
We encourage you to share this worldwide event with your friends, family and colleagues by forwarding this email notifying them of THRIVE's exciting launch on 11/11/11 in 10 languages. Like you, they won't want to miss this!
Foster, Kimberly and the THRIVE Team*
* Please understand if we are unable to respond to individual emails at this time.
Aligned By Consciousness
The following article, written by protester extraordinaire Naomi Wolf, has been reposted a number of times, most commonly with the rather lengthy title "We May Be Witnessing the First Large Global Conflict Where People Are Aligned by Consciousness and Not Nation State or Religion".
The original post was called "The People vs the Police", a much less interesting title, but the one actually chosen by the author. I don't normally post political pieces or participate in political activism on this blog, but in this case I make an exception. Mostly because I think that the "Occupy" events going on globally are one of many, if not one of the primary, ways in which humankind - on a global basis - is showing that it is waking up. Thanks to so many people standing in their own power of choice, freedom is becoming less of a catch-word and more of a reality. This is possible as all of us continue to join to together to create a world that is different than most believed would ever be possible, let alone feasible, let alone real.
I'm including Naomi's entire piece here for completeness, but to me the most important observation that she makes is the following:
The original post was called "The People vs the Police", a much less interesting title, but the one actually chosen by the author. I don't normally post political pieces or participate in political activism on this blog, but in this case I make an exception. Mostly because I think that the "Occupy" events going on globally are one of many, if not one of the primary, ways in which humankind - on a global basis - is showing that it is waking up. Thanks to so many people standing in their own power of choice, freedom is becoming less of a catch-word and more of a reality. This is possible as all of us continue to join to together to create a world that is different than most believed would ever be possible, let alone feasible, let alone real.
I'm including Naomi's entire piece here for completeness, but to me the most important observation that she makes is the following:
... most commentators have not fully grasped that a world war is occurring. But it is unlike any previous war in human history: for the first time, people around the world are not identifying and organizing themselves along national or religious lines, but rather in terms of a global consciousness and demands for a peaceful life, a sustainable future, economic justice, and basic democracy.We still have a long way to go, but make no mistake, as we join together emotionally, energetically, and physically, enormous positive change is in the making.
The People versus the Police
By Naomi Wolf
NEW YORK – America’s politicians, it seems, have had their fill of democracy. Across the country, police, acting under orders from local officials, are breaking up protest encampments set up by supporters of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement – sometimes with shocking and utterly gratuitous violence.
In the worst incident so far, hundreds of police, dressed in riot gear, surrounded Occupy Oakland’s encampment and fired rubber bullets (which can be fatal), flash grenades, and tear-gas canisters – with some officers taking aim directly at demonstrators. The Occupy Oakland Twitter feed read like a report from Cairo’s Tahrir Square: “they are surrounding us”; “hundreds and hundreds of police”; “there are armored vehicles and Hummers.” There were 170 arrests.
My own recent arrest, while obeying the terms of a permit and standing peacefully on a street in lower Manhattan, brought the reality of this crackdown close to home. America is waking up to what was built while it slept: private companies have hired away its police (JPMorgan Chase gave $4.6 million to the New York City Police Foundation); the federal Department of Homeland Security has given small municipal police forces military-grade weapons systems; citizens’ rights to freedom of speech and assembly have been stealthily undermined by opaque permit requirements.
Suddenly, America looks like the rest of the furious, protesting, not-completely-free world. Indeed, most commentators have not fully grasped that a world war is occurring. But it is unlike any previous war in human history: for the first time, people around the world are not identifying and organizing themselves along national or religious lines, but rather in terms of a global consciousness and demands for a peaceful life, a sustainable future, economic justice, and basic democracy. Their enemy is a global “corporatocracy” that has purchased governments and legislatures, created its own armed enforcers, engaged in systemic economic fraud, and plundered treasuries and ecosystems.
Around the world, peaceful protesters are being demonized for being disruptive. But democracy is disruptive. Martin Luther King, Jr., argued that peaceful disruption of “business as usual” is healthy, because it exposes buried injustice, which can then be addressed. Protesters ideally should dedicate themselves to disciplined, nonviolent disruption in this spirit – especially disruption of traffic. This serves to keep provocateurs at bay, while highlighting the unjust militarization of the police response.
Moreover, protest movements do not succeed in hours or days; they typically involve sitting down or “occupying” areas for the long hauls. That is one reason why protesters should raise their own money and hire their own lawyers. The corporatocracy is terrified that citizens will reclaim the rule of law. In every country, protesters should field an army of attorneys.
Protesters should also make their own media, rather than relying on mainstream outlets to cover them. They should blog, tweet, write editorials and press releases, as well as log and document cases of police abuse (and the abusers).
There are, unfortunately, many documented cases of violent provocateurs infiltrating demonstrations in places like Toronto, Pittsburgh, London, and Athens – people whom one Greek described to me as “known unknowns.” Provocateurs, too, need to be photographed and logged, which is why it is important not to cover one’s face while protesting.
Protesters in democracies should create email lists locally, combine the lists nationally, and start registering voters. They should tell their representatives how many voters they have registered in each district – and they should organize to oust politicians who are brutal or repressive. And they should support those – as in Albany, New York, for instance, where police and the local prosecutor refused to crack down on protesters – who respect the rights to free speech and assembly.
Many protesters insist in remaining leaderless, which is a mistake. A leader does not have to sit atop a hierarchy: a leader can be a simple representative. Protesters should elect representatives for a finite “term,” just like in any democracy, and train them to talk to the press and to negotiate with politicians.
Protests should model the kind of civil society that their participants want to create. In lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park, for example, there is a library and a kitchen; food is donated; kids are invited to sleep over; and teach-ins are organized. Musicians should bring instruments, and the atmosphere should be joyful and positive. Protesters should clean up after themselves. The idea is to build a new city within the corrupt city, and to show that it reflects the majority of society, not a marginal, destructive fringe.
After all, what is most profound about these protest movements is not their demands, but rather the nascent infrastructure of a common humanity. For decades, citizens have been told to keep their heads down – whether in a consumerist fantasy world or in poverty and drudgery – and leave leadership to the elites. Protest is transformative precisely because people emerge, encounter one another face-to-face, and, in re-learning the habits of freedom, build new institutions, relationships, and organizations.
None of that cannot happen in an atmosphere of political and police violence against peaceful democratic protesters. As Bertolt Brecht famously asked, following the East German Communists’ brutal crackdown on protesting workers in June 1953, “Would it not be easier…for the government to dissolve the people and elect another?” Across America, and in too many other countries, supposedly democratic leaders seem to be taking Brecht’s ironic question all too seriously.
Naomi Wolf is a political activist and social critic whose most recent book is Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries.
Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2011.
Understanding the 11/11 Gateway
There's been a lot of speculation about 11-11-11. Recently, almost as much as speculation as surrounds 12-12-12, although much of it outside the radar of the global media. But what exactly is the meaning of this date? Below, in a message from Selacia's Council of 12, is an overview that summarizes the majority of what I know (or think I know ;)) about this auspicious time in mankind's history.
The one thing that I know for certain is that whatever meaning you personally attach to 11-11-11 or 12-12-12, or any other date for that matter, you're served best by staying out of fear about it. If fear comes up, note it, and then find a way to perceive whatever feels fearful with something more uplifting. Each and every time you do this, it gets easier for the next time, until eventually you'll notice that fearful thoughts just don't come up as often as they once did, and when they do, they have far less power. To me, un-learning fear is the most critical part of this amazing journey that we are all on. Together.
The one thing that I know for certain is that whatever meaning you personally attach to 11-11-11 or 12-12-12, or any other date for that matter, you're served best by staying out of fear about it. If fear comes up, note it, and then find a way to perceive whatever feels fearful with something more uplifting. Each and every time you do this, it gets easier for the next time, until eventually you'll notice that fearful thoughts just don't come up as often as they once did, and when they do, they have far less power. To me, un-learning fear is the most critical part of this amazing journey that we are all on. Together.
Understanding the 11/11 Gateway
On 11/11 you and humanity are entering an energy gateway. It is one of a number of gateways you will experience in the coming times. What do these gateways really mean and how can you prepare?
People across the planet are waking up. As this awakening occurs, light shines on things that were previously in the dark. This is a natural process. You as a divine changemaker are an integral part of this process.
Your energy is crucial to what unfolds next - impacting your own spiritual evolution and the shifting of the Earth. Since your energy is such a pivotal factor, it is helpful to understand evolutionary cycles and gateways like 11/11.
The awakening now under way has been in progress over time, gathering momentum as more people evolved spiritually. This process is faster now, in part because of humanity's evolutionary development over the decades and also due to the acceleration
of time.
The changes you are seeing now did not happen overnight - they have been unfolding, bit by bit. Change during the unfolding process can appear in such a subtle way that it is beyond mundane detection. It takes discernment, training, and practice
to learn to decode the subtle elements of existence.
A Knowing in Your DNA
Throughout the ages, symbolism has been attached to images and numbers and dates. You have recorded in your DNA a knowing of these things. In another time and place, you may have had an understanding of numerology, astronomy, or other esoteric studies involving energy cycles anddates. In your studies you may have learned about the
symbolic communications of the spirit world.
The numbers 11/11 have long been associated with the idea of synchronicity, showing up on a clock or even within the mind's eye as a kind of wake up call. It is like your inner being is reminding you that you are divine. When you see 11/11 flash
on a clock as you go about your day, it is like spirit wants to bring attention to your divine self. You are, after all, divine! As you connect with that idea, your entire being is energized, you have a greater potential to progress spiritually, and therefore you can move into greater harmony and joy.
The number 11 is one of the master numbers and is related to spirituality, illumination, and a balancing of opposites. Examples of opposites include male and female, active and passive, love and fear. Adding an 11 to 11 for the date 11/11 creates a powerful opening for spiritual growth and awakening. To experience the 11/11 during the year 2011 adds to this potency, in part because of the 2 in 2011 being connected to duality. Joining the 11/11 with 2011, therefore, helps to illuminate duality.
What does it mean to illuminate duality and how does this impact you and everyone you love?
The mega crisis you and the planet now face involves waking up to the destructive force of old paradigm approaches involving fear. Only when you can see the dysfunctional structures and ways of being for what they are can you change them. Anything that's fear based is the polar opposite of what's needed to create the love-fueled world you seek to inhabit.
Duality Must Become Visible
You must be able to see the dysfunction in order to know that it's something you don't want. The duality must become visible in order for you to address it. For you to see it clearly and fully, the unworkable must be illuminated. That illumination is happening right now all across the planet - showing you what's not working in relationships, in business, in politics, in religion, and more. This unveiling is happening for you personally, for those you love, and for humanity at large.
The 11/11 on 2011 is like a magnification of the illumination effect that has been under way for some time. It therefore is a gateway - an opportunity for you to join with others across the planet to focus on love and light-filled ways of being.
Doing so on 11/11 and on other dates like solstice will allow you powerful opportunities to shine your light - in ways that can catapult you and humanity into a more loving configuration. Each time you focus your energies in this way you are contributing
significantly to the shift in consciousness.
To supplement that, you add to these positive energies by how you live your daily life. Each time you make a choice to be more loving and more kind, you raise your frequency and contribute to creation of a new type of reality based on love. Consider
what you can do today to add to this momentum - this is the perfect moment to begin.
False Notions about 11/11
False notions about 11/11 and other upcoming dates include a number of ideas based on prophecy, superstition, and wishful thinking. Learn to be mindful and discerning of media messages about dates such as the 11/11 of 2011. The Internet is full of
articles linking 11/11 with outcomes that cannot be substantiated.
Here are a few examples of false notions to question:
* Everyone on the path of light will ascend on 11/11.
* When you ascend you leave behind loved ones who are not yet ready.
* You will be united with your twin flame on 11/11.
* All of your work is done - the 11/11 is the culmination of your mission.
Get into the habit of questioning more deeply what you hear and what you read. Do you really think that everyone on the planet, including those who have yet learned to love themselves, will automatically be united with a twin flame on 11/11? This
is nonsense.
Also, there is no automatic ascension. The great shift now in process is a gradual one and does not happen on a single day. Each person has his or her own spiritual path. You can help others and show the way but from a higher spiritual perspective
you are not responsible for how quickly they develop spiritually. No one is left beyond - each person has a divine spark and it is his or her eventual destiny to remember that and to live as soul.
You Are Not in a Race
You are not in a race. There is a divine timing for everything and for each person's path. As you open to your own inner wisdom and act on it, you connect with your own divine timing. This is what you want to focus on now and in the times to come.
As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings.
We are The Council of 12.
From Intolerance to War
Reuben James
From John Cali's Spirit Speaks Newsletter
November 1, 2011
Seventy years ago yesterday, October 31, 1941, the USS Reuben James, a destroyer (class of US Navy ship), became the first American ship sunk by the German navy in World War II. Torpedoed by a German submarine off the coast of Iceland, it took 115 of its crew to the bottom of the sea. Only 44 survived.
I know this might seem a strange subject for a spiritual newsletter, but please bear with me.
The legendary American folk singer, Woody Guthrie, wrote the song, The Sinking of the Reuben James. I first heard it, as sung by The Kingston Trio, when I started college years ago.
The song resonated with me because I'd just finished a tour of duty with the US Navy on a destroyer, The USS Rowan. It also resonated with me because I did not believe in war, a conviction I hold even more strongly today. (The only reason I went into the navy was back then, unlike today, young American men were legally required to serve in the military.)
Fortunately (for me), I never served in the military during wartime. In this lifetime, that is. But I was a warrior in other lifetimes,
and I know that accounts for my convictions in this lifetime.
Here's Spirit.
Your history books are filled with war stories -- wars down through the centuries virtually from the beginning of human history on your planet. You do not need us to remind you of the human horrors and tragedies resulting from your inability to get along with each other, individual to individual, nation to nation.
Some of you have even fought wars in the name of God -- or in whatever name you chose to call the divine energy. It's ironic to us that humans would choose that course, or that "justification," for war. God would never choose to inflict harm on humans. For you are all part of God, as we have said many times. God is incapable of hurting himself/herself.
Some of your religious traditions even have the term "just war."* No war is just, or justified, in our view, no matter what the final
No one ever wins a war. Neither the "victor" nor the "vanquished." War is an exercise in futility. The only good that ever comes from it is the lesson --which humans still have not mastered -- that war only perpetrates more war. And the lesson there is no good reason for war except for humans to learn just that -- there is never a good reason for war. Nor does the good you seek ever come from it.
And yet we acknowledge all the wars you've waged down through the centuries have been part of your growth, as a race and as individuals.
You keep saying you want peace on earth, even as you go marching off to war. War can never bring peace. Only peace can bring peace. When each of you finds peace within yourselves, you will create peace all around you.
When enough of you find that inner peace you will transform your world into the peaceful planet you've always yearned for.
There is no war to end all wars. Only peace can end war.
* Spirit is referring here to the Roman Catholic Church's so-called "Just War Doctrine."
Now that you've read what John and Spirit have to say about war, do you feel good inside knowing that you feel the same way? The words "war is an exercise in futility" really resonated with me. I remember from the time that I first heard the concept "man's inhumanity toward man" I held that as the ultimate problem in the world.
But then I wonder .. how does war get started? Surely people don't just wake up one day and decide "today is a good day to go to war." There's a lot of anger, frustration, righteousness, and intolerance in war, and all that doesn't just happen. It builds up. And it builds up in a lot of people on either side of any issue.
None of us is innocent when it comes to war, no matter how much we'd like to think that we are. We want to think that we are "above" such things, that if the world were ours to design (and it is ;)) that we'd never choose war as a way of being.
Then I think about my own life, and how intolerant I can be when someone disagrees with me about something that I feel strongly about. Like injustice from corporations. While I've gained a lot of tolerance over the years, I still I get really agitated, upset, and even angry at certain "injustices" that I see in the way corporations treat people, especially when it affects me directly. When that anger about how they treat me/us over takes me (and it does) I just want to scream. While I'm in this state, whoever is on the other side of the phone conversation runs the risk of being the target of my anger, and sometimes even my rage.
In metaphysical terms, we call outbursts like that "spewing energy", and spewing energy is the first step towards .. you guessed it .. towards war. Because intolerance escalates - I want you to behave differently so that I don't have to deal with the discomfort of my anger, and you (obviously and for good reason) don't want to appease me at the expense of your own comfort. One thing leads to another, and before you know it, an individual war is started. As that anger builds over time, more intolerance is created, and eventually, somewhere down the road, global war is started.
It really starts that simply; it starts with each one of us. So the next time we feel good about how we are against war by being FOR peace, think about those little intolerances that still exist in us personally. Because that's where the real march toward peace comes from, it comes from within. It comes from realizing that our little intolerances build and build and build until war is the only possible "solution." When we set aside or diffuse our own intolerance - for anything and everything - then we will truly be a peaceful, war-free, society.
How do we set aside our own intolerances? First, by realizing that the intolerances that we see in the world, either our personal world or the global world, aren't about "others". That external representation is actually how we feel about ourselves, internally.
So the next time you feel intolerance rising, or any extreme negative emotion, ask yourself this "what is it about this experience that I don't like or can't accept about myself?" The solution, no matter what answer you get, is to love that aspect of yourself, and to keep loving it until it can accept that love unto itself. Because loving yourself, at all times and in all situations, is the true and only path to a peaceful life, a peaceful community, and ultimately, a peaceful world.
Does Your Happiness Depend On The Actions of Others?
Recently I received an email from a dear friend. Included in the email was a humorous, or what appeared to be humorous, commentary from a famous comedian. Perhaps I should say "used to be" humorous rather than "appeared to be" humorous because there was a time when I could appreciate a piece like this. But not now. Right now, with how I feel about life and how I hope others feel, or begin to feel, it didn't occur to me as funny at all. It was full of sentiment about how awful life is and talked in turn about all the reasons, all the people, all the groups, responsible for that feeling. The commentary came across to me as depressing and sad, and I was struck with enormous compassion for the person who wrote it, and the many many people that must be feeling the same way, since this piece seemed to be streaking it's way across the internet via attachment from friends like mine.
I responded to my friend that I was glad he found comfort in this piece, but I hoped that he could see the futility in wallowing in thoughts of self-pity and blame. It was - and is - my hope that ALL people be uplifted and invigorated by life, not defeated by it. We create our own reality. We really really really do. On a mass level, we co-create our joint reality through the additive thoughts, beliefs, and actions of each of us individually. Wallowing in blame and pity only brings more experiences that give us cause to blame and feel sorry for ourselves. That's an endless cycle, and the cycle is speeding up. At some point that cycle has to be stopped, and the only one who can stop it is each one of us.
Difficult to do? It can be. Because it means we have to give up trying to get our validation, appreciation, love, and/or energy from other people and other things. Instead we have to find those things within ourselves. It always - always - is available from within. We never need to get it from another. I was reminded of this in reading John Cali's weekly message from Spirit, which turns out to be a re-post of a message they provided two years ago. Yet it's every bit as meaningful today. May YOU be uplifted by life and not defeated by it!
I responded to my friend that I was glad he found comfort in this piece, but I hoped that he could see the futility in wallowing in thoughts of self-pity and blame. It was - and is - my hope that ALL people be uplifted and invigorated by life, not defeated by it. We create our own reality. We really really really do. On a mass level, we co-create our joint reality through the additive thoughts, beliefs, and actions of each of us individually. Wallowing in blame and pity only brings more experiences that give us cause to blame and feel sorry for ourselves. That's an endless cycle, and the cycle is speeding up. At some point that cycle has to be stopped, and the only one who can stop it is each one of us.
Difficult to do? It can be. Because it means we have to give up trying to get our validation, appreciation, love, and/or energy from other people and other things. Instead we have to find those things within ourselves. It always - always - is available from within. We never need to get it from another. I was reminded of this in reading John Cali's weekly message from Spirit, which turns out to be a re-post of a message they provided two years ago. Yet it's every bit as meaningful today. May YOU be uplifted by life and not defeated by it!
In his brilliant best-selling book, Illusions, Richard Bach said "We teach best what we most need to learn." I had a minor, but painful, reminder of this recently.
John Cali
Spirit and I are forever telling people it doesn't matter what other people think or say about you, especially if it's critical or destructive. All that matters is what you think of yourself.
The details of my painful experience don't matter. What does matter is I allowed myself to get upset by a remark about my channelling from someone I love and respect. It threw me into an emotional downward spiral for about half a day.
Then I realized the remark had nothing to do with me. I also realized I had an unhealthy attachment to what this dear person thought of me. Not a good place to be at!
Here's Spirit.
We understand how easy it is for humans to become attached to the things of your physical world -- the people, the relationships, the possessions, etc.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying these things, with taking pleasure in them. But it's far too easy to cross over that line between enjoyment and attachment. This creates huge problems for so many of you. And it often throws you into "an emotional downward spiral," in John's words.
We certainly do not advocate you remove yourselves from the world around you. Nor do we want to see you abandon that world, as some of you try to do in your own particular ways.
There is no need to abandon your physical life and all the people and experiences it holds for you. In fact, you cannot abandon physical life -- it's not an option. Unless, of course, you choose to leave your physical bodies.
Friends, life on Planet Earth was intended by your higher selves to be a joyful experience. Certainly not without its challenges and opportunities for growth. But you, as your higher selves, knew there would be those challenges and opportunities -- that's one of the reasons you chose to reincarnate to begin with.
Life is a big game you've chosen to play. It's supposed to be fun. That's what games are all about -- fun!
When you remember that -- when you remember who you are -- then life becomes easy and almost effortless.
Where you often go astray is when you take life so seriously. You just drag your bodies out of bed in the morning, dreading yet another day of joyless living.
It does not have to be that way. You were never meant to be so attached to this life that it drags you down, as John described in his experience.
If you will take the time to reflect on your attachments (which are always unhealthy), you will start to see them clearly. You will realize they are robbing you of your birthright -- joy.
Joy is what it's all about. When you can find your joy within yourselves in every present moment, and know you are your only true source of joy, you will then feel such an incredible sense of relief and release. You will be free again.
Free to enjoy your lives, your relationships, your possessions. Free to enjoy them fully and passionately. But without depending on them for your happiness. Even if you lost them all, you know your true and only source of happiness is within you.
Attachment to the world around you drags you from your happiness, your joy. When you seek happiness within you will empower yourselves to create and live the most joyous, abundant lives you have ever known.
Dying to Be Me
If you haven't heard about the author of this new book (due out in early 2012) called "Dying to Be Me", it's an amazing story of and by a delightful gal, Anita Moorjani. Anita had end-stage Hodgkin's Lymphoma. She was in the hospital, and in a coma. Her organs were shutting down and her doctors told her family she had, at most, 36 hours to live.
During this time, Anita experienced "going beyond the veil", what many call a "Near Death Experience." Anita's story is a little different than other NDEs though, and as powerful as those other stories are (and they are!), hers is unique. Through this experience she learned so much in such a seemingly short time, and she's been retelling the story ever since. In essence, she had to "die" to discover who she really was. Then she "came back" to live her life that way.
Here, in an interview with Lilou Mace posted to Youtube, is Anita's story in her own words.
Imagine this: Here is a gal who fully recovered - in a very short time - from a disease that had wracked her entire body, and she recovered with no assistance from the medical profession, even though they insisted on continuing to treat her, because, after all, the cancer cells had to be there - they thought - they just couldn't find them! Not only that, but she had this amazing experience in another dimension. Then she remembered enough of that experience to come back and tell the rest of us about it. On top of all that, she is extremely articulate about what she learned, and offers incredibly profound conclusions about all of it. And as if that weren't enough, she is living the very life that she expounds, day by day, moment by moment. If there were a better example of what's possible for human beings, I'd be hard pressed to know who it is!
From another posted interview Anita talks about the concept of unconditional love:
During this time, Anita experienced "going beyond the veil", what many call a "Near Death Experience." Anita's story is a little different than other NDEs though, and as powerful as those other stories are (and they are!), hers is unique. Through this experience she learned so much in such a seemingly short time, and she's been retelling the story ever since. In essence, she had to "die" to discover who she really was. Then she "came back" to live her life that way.
Here, in an interview with Lilou Mace posted to Youtube, is Anita's story in her own words.
Imagine this: Here is a gal who fully recovered - in a very short time - from a disease that had wracked her entire body, and she recovered with no assistance from the medical profession, even though they insisted on continuing to treat her, because, after all, the cancer cells had to be there - they thought - they just couldn't find them! Not only that, but she had this amazing experience in another dimension. Then she remembered enough of that experience to come back and tell the rest of us about it. On top of all that, she is extremely articulate about what she learned, and offers incredibly profound conclusions about all of it. And as if that weren't enough, she is living the very life that she expounds, day by day, moment by moment. If there were a better example of what's possible for human beings, I'd be hard pressed to know who it is!
From another posted interview Anita talks about the concept of unconditional love:
NDERF: Can you tell me, how does one become unconditionally loving in a world that is not always loving?For more information about Anita and her story, visit her website Anita Moorjani dot com.
First of all, remember that I feel that the universe is only a reflection of me. So the unconditional love is not extended out to the world (or universe), it is unconditional love that I extend inwardly, towards myself! Each day, I learn to love myself unconditionally.
Also, let me explain that there is a difference between “being loving” and “being love”.
Being loving means giving love to another whether you have any for yourself or not. It means giving what you yourself may or may not even have to give. This type of giving of love can eventually drain you, because we don't always have a limitless supply. And then we look to the other to replenish our pool of love, and if it is not forthcoming, we stop being loving ourselves, because we are exhausted.
Being love, on the other hand, means loving myself uncondi-tionally so that it overflows, and anyone and everyone around me just becomes an automatic recipient of my love. The more I love myself, the more it flows out to others. It almost feels like being a vessel for love to flow through. When I am being love, I don't need people to behave a certain way in order for them to be a recipient of my love. They are automatically getting my love as a result of me loving myself. So to stop being love, to me, means to stop loving myself. Hence, I will not stop being love on account of another.
NDERF: So how would you suggest someone elevate their own loving energy?
I feel it’s my self-dialogue that either elevates or diminishes the energy I radiate outwards. When my inner dialogue turned against me, over time, it depleted my energy, and caused a downward spiral in my external circumstances. I was always really, really positive on the outside, effervescent, loving, etc. etc. and still my world was crumbling around me, and I was getting depleted, and sicker and sicker.
Sometimes, when we see someone who is really positive and effervescent and kind, yet their lives are crumbling around them we may think “see, this being positive thing doesn’t work”. But see, here’s the thing. WE DON’T KNOW that person’s own inner dialogue. We don¹t know what they are telling themselves, inside their own heads, day in and day out.
Remember, I am not advocating “thinking positive” in a Pollyanna-ish sort of way. “Thinking positive” can be tiring, and to some people it can mean “suppressing” the negative stuff that happens. And it ends up being more draining.
I am talking about my own mental dialogue to myself. What am I telling myself, day in and day out inside my head. I feel it's so very important not to have judgment and fear in my own mental dialogues to myself. When our own inner dialogue is telling us we are safe, unconditionally loved, accepted, we than radiate this energy outwards and change our external world accordingly.
I also think it is very important to see perfection in the moment. The present moment is very powerful. Each moment holds promise, and each moment can be a turning point for the rest of your life.
I am often misunderstood when I say that each moment is perfect. And that everything is perfect. People are afraid of seeing perfection in a situation that is not of their liking, thinking that seeing perfection means not changing it. To me, seeing perfection does not mean keeping the situation static. It means seeing perfection in exactly where you are in your journey right now, no matter where that may be. Seeing perfection in the journey. Seeing perfection in the becoming. Seeing perfection in the value of the mistakes as you are becoming. Seeing perfection in the moment, wherever in the journey that moment might be. That is seeing perfection.
Power of a Fleeting Thought
When I think about some of the amazing miracles and synchronicities in my life, I'm reminded that in most cases I didn't spend a lot of time on what I wanted, I simply decided to have it (be it, or do it) and let it go at that. The Arcturian Circle through Debbie at Our Return Home had some interesting insight into just that perspective of manifestation. A lesson for all of us, to be sure!
Power of a Fleeting Thought
You are powerful creators, and we want to help you understand how powerful you are. We also want to assist you in understanding the nuances involved in creating. They seem to be very subtle, but we can assure you they are powerful!
Let us begin.
We would like you to think about a small body of water, a lake or a pool. It really does not matter. Just envision a body of water with two people at opposite ends of this body of water. Each individual is creating powerful waves, the waves are heading for the middle of the pool or lake and will eventually crash into each other. What happens when they crash into each other? They stop. There may be some reverberating waves that occur, but the original waves stop when their power is met by another equal power. If one wave is a little bit stronger then the other wave, it will overcome the other wave and move on, but in a diminished form.
Now imagine the same body of water, and one individual is creating one very small wave at one end of the body of water. You can watch it, and it goes on forever or until it reaches the end of the body of water.
We have asked you to envision this so that we can help you to understand how the power of your thoughts work and why a small, fleeting thought can be more powerful then many larger, repetitive thoughts.
Many of you, when you are concerned about something that is very important to you, will think about it all the time. You have recurring thoughts about it, what it will be like when it happens, how you will react and what you will do when it happens and how you really do not want it to happen. Because you are aware to some extent of the power of your thoughts, you will also remind yourself that you should only be thinking about those things you want to create. So you then begin thinking about what you want from this situation, what you want to happen. This process occupies a great deal of your energy and your time.
Thinking repetitive, opposing thoughts is very similar to the example of the two waves that are coming at each other. When you think about what you want and what you do not want at the same time with equal force and energy, those opposing thoughts will stop each other. If one side has a little bit more force than the other, the energy will begin to materialize but more slowly than one deliberate thought without opposing force.
A very simple, fleeting thought that is not opposed will manifest very rapidly just like the small wave made it to the other side of the body of water. It was a very small wave, but there was nothing in the way to stop it or slow it down.
We feel that this illustration will be very powerful when you apply the underlying truth to your daily life. Many of you expend lots of energy thinking, re-thinking and thinking again about a situation, person or experience. You roll it over and over again in your mind. You think about what you do not want, and you also think about what you do want. You are creating and recreating at the same time. You are thinking about one thing, and then you are thinking opposing thoughts about this one thing. You know you do this, but because it is something that is very important you continue to do it. You have been taught that you must put all your energy and effort into something that is very important to you.
We ask you to re-think that premise. We want you to be more relaxed and to have more energy within your bodies and minds for you. Repetitive thinking is a waste of time and energy. You have much more important things to do than to dwell on the same thought over and over again. We also understand that many of you do this type of repetitive thinking because it has become a habit and is embedded into your cellular memory as a way of doing. We assure you that you can reprogram your cellular memory if you have clear focus and desire to do so.
We ask that you set an intention right now that you will release the need for repetitive thinking. Set one very clear and strong intention and then let it go. We then suggest that you maintain consciousness about your thinking for 33 days. Be aware of your thoughts, and when you find you are thinking repetitively orthinking about things that you do not want in your reality, stop and think one very strong, powerful and focused thought about what you want. Then let it go! We promise you that if you do that for 33 consecutive days, you will have reprogrammed yourself!
It truly is very easy once you understand how powerful the energy of your thoughts are. Another way to think about this is that it is very similar to placing an order. If you place an order for exactly what you want and then let it go, the order will be fulfilled. But if you place an order and then change the order, it takes longer. Or if you place an order and cancel it, then place it again and then cancel it again and so on, it may never get to you or you may get an order that you do not want.
You are a very powerful creator. When you choose your thoughts consciously and clearly, you create with ease. It is our greatest desire that you clear your minds and have more time for relaxation, joy and happiness.
We are grateful for this interaction and connection.
We are complete.
~ The Arcturian Circle
The Movie of Your Life and The Law of Reflection
Your external world is simply the movie screen of your internal journey.
~ The Eloheim through Veronica Torres
I find this a fascinating way to view the concept of the "mirror" that the external world brings to us through our experiences.
The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective through Wendy Kennedy explains this idea using The Law of Reflection (Law of Reflection audio, June 2010). It starts with the understanding that each of us has a unique vibration, a unique signature that all of our thoughts, beliefs, expectations add to. If you know anything about carrier waves, you can think of your personal "base" vibration in the same way.
Paraphrasing the Ps (as Wendy lovingly refers to the Pleiadian Collective), here's what happens:
As we have thoughts, dreams, hopes, expectations, and/or fears, anxieties, upsets, angers, etc., we "pulse out" our unique frequency combined with these other frequencies. As those frequencies pulse out from each of us, the Universe responds back with a reflection that is a vibrational match - that's where the Law of Attraction comes in. It doesn't matter whether those frequencies are generated consciously or unconsciously, we are always generating this energy field and the Universe is always responding to it.
Each experience is a refection, and all the experiences/reflections combined comprise the movie. In essence, as the Eloheim so eloquently remind us, "the movie of your internal life is always playing out on the screen of your external world". That's A Good Thing™ because it allows each of us to see what we're pulsing out by looking at the experiences that we're having. Armed with that information, if we don't like what we see we can change it!
So the goal, if we want to create the kind of personal reality (life) that we individualy wish to create .. and the kind of joint reality (world) that we wish to create together .. is to continue to be conscious of what we're creating by watching what shows up, rather than creating unconsciously or, as Abraham says "by default."
Consciously being aware of what we're experiencing - and if an experience doesn't please us, choosing to experience it in a different way - is what the journey is all about. Through our continued choices we shift the movie internally, and shifting it internally causes the external representation of it to shift as well.
You might think of it this way: You're the writer, director, actor and producer of the movie of your life. You're also the guy in the cutting room, so you can make the movie of your life come together however you like. If you don't like a portion of the movie after you've seen it on the screen, leave that portion on the cutting room floor. It's your movie, and you don't have to continue to "include" anything in the film that you don't choose!
If you want to carry the analogy a bit further, you might think of your Soul (Higher Self / Inner Being if you prefer) as the creative consultant to your movie. Staying in contact with your creative consultant can result in your movie living up to its full and complete potential .. and being a heck of a lot more fun too! ;)
In His Own Words ..
Pamela Kribbe at has been channeling the energy of Jeshua (sometimes spelled 'Yeshua'), the human incarnation of Jesus, since 2002. In a fascinating interview early in their time together, Jeshua told the story of who he perceives himself to be, why he agreed to incarnate on the earth at the time that he did, and what he hoped to accomplish in that lifetime.
It's not a surprise to many lightworkers and spiritual healers that Jeshua's story differs significantly from the stories that have been told and handed down through the ages about Jesus. As with all things, use your own discernment as you read this very loving and open account of the story of Jesus the Christ from the perspective of his human incarnation, as channeled by Pamela Kribbe.
It's not a surprise to many lightworkers and spiritual healers that Jeshua's story differs significantly from the stories that have been told and handed down through the ages about Jesus. As with all things, use your own discernment as you read this very loving and open account of the story of Jesus the Christ from the perspective of his human incarnation, as channeled by Pamela Kribbe.
Conversation with Jeshua, October 2002
Jeshua, who are you?
I am the one who has been among you and who you have come to know as Jesus.
I am not the Jesus of your church tradition or the Jesus of your religious writings.
I am Jeshua-ben-Joseph; I have lived as a man of flesh and blood.
I did reach Christ consciousness before you, but I was supported in this by powers which are beyond your imagination at present. My coming was a cosmic event - I made myself available for this.
It wasn’t easy. I did not succeed in my endeavours to pass on to people the immensity of God’s love. There was much misunderstanding. I came too early, but someone had to come. My coming was like throwing a stone in a large fishpond. All fish flee and the stone sinks into the deep. There are ripples noticeable long after though. One might say that the kind of consciousness I wished to convey, did its work underground after that. At the surface of the pool there were constant ruffles; well-meant but misguided interpretations rose to meet and fight each other in my name. The ones who were touched by my energy, moved by the impulse of Christ energy, could not really integrate it with their psychological and physical reality.
It has taken a long time before Christ consciousness could set foot on earth. But now the time has come. And I have returned and speak through many, through all and to everyone who wants to hear me and who has come to understand me from the quietness of their hearts. I do not preach and I do not judge. My sincerest hope is to speak to you of the vast and unfailing presence of Love, accessible to you at any time.
I am part of a much larger consciousness, a greater entity, but I, Jeshua, am the incarnated part of that entity (or field of consciousness). I do not like the name Jesus much, for it has become so caught up with a distorted version of what I stand for. ‘Jesus’ is owned by the church traditions and authorities. He has been molded to fit the interests of the church patriarchs for centuries, so much so that the prevailing image of Jesus is now so far removed from what I represent, that it would truly please me if you could just let it go and release me from that heritage.
I am Jeshua, man of flesh and blood.
I am your friend and brother.
I am familiar with being human in every way.
I am teacher and friend.
Do not fear me. Embrace me like you’d embrace one of your kin.
We are family.
Jeshua, Jesus and Christ
The Christ energy that I came to offer you stems from a collective energy that has gone beyond the world of duality. This means that it recognizes the opposites of good and bad, light and dark, giving and taking, as the aspects of one and the same energy. Living from the reality of Christ consciousness means that there is no struggle with anything. There is a complete acceptance of reality. This absence of struggle or resistance is its main characteristic. Since Christ (or the Christ energy) recognizes the extremes of all thoughts, feelings and actions as the manifestation of the one divine energy, there can be no duality, no judgment in the way ‘he’ (the christed energy) experiences reality.
Let’s give an example here. When the Christ in you watches an armed conflict between people, her heart weeps for the fate of the beaten one, but she does not judge. She feels the pain and humiliation with each blow, and her heart is filled with compassion, but she does not judge. She watches the offender, the one with the gun, who has power, who inflicts pain, and she feels……..the hatred and bitterness inside of him, and her heart grieves, but she does not judge. The heart of Christ embraces the whole spectacle with deeply felt compassion, but without judgment, for she recognizes all aspects as experiences she has gone through herself. She herself has lived out all of these roles, of offender and victim, of master and slave, and she has come to the understanding that she is neither of them, but that which underlies both.
The Christ energy has passed through all the energies of duality. It identified itself now with the dark, then with the light, but through it all, something remained the same. And when she realized this “sameness” underlying all her experiences, her consciousness obtained a new kind of unity: it was “christed”. The christed energy was the energy I came to offer you.
Who I was is quite difficult to explain. I will try so by distinguishing between three ‘identities’: Jeshua, Jesus, and Christ.
I, the one who is now speaking, am Jeshua. I was the human being who carried the Christ energy in my incarnation on Earth. This energy may also be called Christ.
Jesus - in my terminology - is the name for the Godlike man who was the result of the infusion of Christ energy into the physical and psychological reality of Jeshua.
This Christ energy was poured into Jeshua from spheres of Light which are - from your standpoint - located in your future. Jesus was the man who performed miracles and put forward prophesies. Jesus was an emissary from the spheres of light, incarnated in me. In fact, he was my future self. Jesus was, from my perspective as the man Jeshua living on earth, my future self, who had become one with the Christ energy. Because the Christ in him was clearly present and visible to many people around him, he appeared to them as divine.
I, Jeshua, was a man of flesh and blood. The unique and to some extent artificial aspect of the “Jesus-construction” was that I received his/my Christed self from the future. I did not become christed on the basis of my past and the experiences therein. I did not achieve enlightenment in a natural way, but by means of an intervention from outside so to speak, by an infusion of Christ energy from the future. I had agreed to play this role before I began this lifetime. I agreed to be ‘overshadowed’ by the Jesus presence, as an act of service, and also because of a deeply felt longing to get to know the reality of my deepest potentials.
Jesus, my future self from the spheres of light, had become one with the Christ energy. Yet he did not represent the entire energy of Christ here on earth, for this energy encompasses more than Jesus. He is one part or cell of it.
Christ or the Christ energy (it is more like an energy field than a personal entity) is a collective energy which has many aspects or “cells”, which are cooperating in such a way that they function as one “organism”. All cells make a unique contribution to the whole and experience themselves as individuals while being part of the whole as well. One might call these several aspects of the Christ energy angels or arch-angels. It is the hallmark of angels that they have a sense of individuality as well as a high-degree of selflessness, which allows them to feel one with collective energies and be joyfully in their service. The notion of (arch) angels is elucidated in the last chapter of the Lightworker series ('Your Light Self').
Jesus’ mission on earth
Jesus was an energy from the future who came to earth to bring illumination and knowledge to humanity. He came from another world or even dimension, and he brought with him the elevated energy of this reality. His awareness of his own Greater Self remained intact while he incarnated on earth. Because of his presence in me, Jeshua, I could easily realize the flexibility of material laws and “perform miracles”.
The reason why the Jesus/Jeshua personality came to earth was to create an opening or doorway to a different state of consciousness. I wanted to set an example of the possibilities that are available to each human being.
In the spheres of light where Jesus came from, it was felt that the earth was going into a direction which would end up in great darkness and self-alienation for the souls involved in the earth experiment. It was decided that a powerful impetus for change was going to be given which would clearly show human beings the choices available to them. By sending the energy personality of Jesus, we wanted to hold up a mirror to human beings and remind them of their own divine origin and the dormant potentials they carried within. The potentials for peace, freedom and mastership over yourself.
Every human being is the master of his own reality. You are creating your own reality all the time. You are able to let go of a miserable or unsatisfying reality and allow Light to enter and transform your creation. Man is his own master, but he tends to give his power away to outside authorities who claim to know the truth and to want the best for you. This happens in politics, medicine, education, and etcetera. Also, your “entertainment industry” is full of false images about happiness, success and beauty, which serve no one except the ones who construct them. Have you ever thought about how much money is spent just creating images? In the media, the newspapers, the movies, on radio and television, images are spread all the time. Where do these images come from? Why are they there? Who designs them?
Images are a means of exerting power over people. Images can make people subservient and disconnected from their true needs, without the use of physical force or violence. Images can make people voluntarily give away their own power and self-worth. They delude you in such a way that you need not be violently forced into anything; you will accept the values portrayed by the image as your own and act accordingly. This is what we would call invisible mind-control and it is rampant among your ‘free’ western societies.
The function of Light is primarily to bring clarity, awareness and transparency to the invisible structures of thought and feeling that shape your life. Light is the opposite of mind-control. Where Light enters a reality, it breaks the bonds of mere power and authority and it breaks down the hierarchies based on it. It holds misuse of power up to the light and it frees people of delusions and illusions that take away their power for self-determination.
Jesus was a threat to the ruling order at the time he lived. By what he told people and sheerly by what he radiated, he caused structures of power to be seen for what they truly were. This was unbearable and unacceptable for the existing hierarchy.
The role of Lightworker, which Jesus took upon him, was heavy; especially for me, Jeshua, the human being who agreed to carry this intense, bright energy in my lifetime. I, Jeshua, was almost overshadowed by the force of Jesus’ presence, the presence of my future self! Although it filled me with great insights, love and inspiration, it was quite a challenge physically to carry or “hold” his energy. I could not really integrate his energy into my physical being - the cells in my body were ‘not ready’ for it yet - so on a physical level my body got exhausted from carrying these intense energies of Light.
Apart from the physical aspect, there was also a psychological burden to carrying the Christ energy. I found it very hard to watch the nature of the Christ energy being misunderstood frequently, even by my closest friends or ‘disciples’. As the human being that I was, I sometimes became desperate and doubted the value of the journey I undertook. I felt that the world was not ready for the Christed energy. I felt that its essence was not recognised. Jesus was truly a pioneer in his time.
Results of Jesus’ coming to earth
By the coming of Jesus to earth, a seed was planted. It was the seed of the Christ energy. People were moved by what I said and did, and unconsciously, at the soul-level, they did recognize the Christ energy. Deep within their souls, a memory was stirred. Something was touched and set in motion.
At the surface, on the level of what can be seen and felt in the physical world, my coming created much commotion. In virtue of the law of duality, the powerful infusion of Light creates a powerful reaction from the Dark. This is just a matter of logic. Light is confronting. It wants to break structures of power and set the imprisoned energies free. Darkness is the energy that wants to suppress and control. So these two energies have opposing interests. Where one gains in power, the other will strike back to defend itself and regain balance. Thus, my coming to earth also initiated much struggle and violence, as a counter reaction to the Light I came to spread.
The persecution of my followers, the early Christians, is one example of this violent counter reaction. But the Christians themselves, the founders of the Church, did not shun violence either in their pursuit to spread my teachings. Think of the crusades and the Inquisition. In the name of Christ, the most barbaric deeds of darkness have been performed, by Christians as well as non-Christians.
The masters of Light, who decided to send me as an emissary to earth, were aware of the fact that the intense and unprecedented energy of Jesus might invoke strong reactions of darkness. Jesus penetrated the reality of earth like a comet. It was a kind of emergency measure from the spheres of light, from energies which were deeply concerned with earth and its inhabitants. It was an ultimate attempt to divert the direction in which the earth was heading, a way of interrupting cycles of ignorance and destruction which kept on repeating themselves.
The results were ambiguous. On the one hand, the Light of Jesus invoked much Darkness (by way of counter reaction). On the other hand, the seed of the Christ consciousness was planted in the hearts of a number of people. An important reason for my coming was to awaken the lightworker souls on earth. (See the other channelled material for an explanation of the notion of lightworker). They would be most sensitive and receptive of my energy, although many had become lost in the density and darkness of the earth plane as well. Lightworkers are in fact emissaries of Light with the same mission as Jesus. The difference is that in their incarnation in a physical body, they are less connected to their wider divine Self than I was. They are more subject to the karmic burdens and illusions of the earth plane. They are more bound to the past. With the incarnation of Jesus, something special was occurring. Jesus did not carry any karmic burdens from the past and he could therefore more easily keep in touch with his divinity. He was here in a somewhat artificial way, a presence from the future, being here and there at the same time.
The consciousness of the beings of Light which jointly decided to ‘insert’ the energy of Jesus into earth reality at the time was not perfect and all-knowing. Every conscious being is in the process of developing and understanding itself all the time. Among humans, there is a persistent belief that everything is predestined by some divine plan; behind this belief is the notion of a dominant, omniscient God. This notion is false. There is no predestination by an outside force. There are only probabilities which are the result from inner choices you yourself make. My coming to earth was based on a decision made by a collective energy of light, which Jesus was a part of. It was a choice that involved risks and an unpredictable outcome.
The collective energy of light I am speaking of is an angelic realm that is deeply connected to humanity and earth because it helped to create man and earth. Actually, you are part of them and not separate from them at all, but we are now speaking multidimensionally, i.e. on a level of consciousness that is outside of your linear framework of time. In another dimension or framework of time, you are these angels that make up the spheres of light, from which Jesus descended to earth. (See the last chapter of the Lightworker series ('Your Light Self') for an in-depth explanation of multidimensionality and your angelic nature).You – lightworkers - are much more interconnected with ‘the Jesus event’, this infusion of Christ energy on earth, than you suppose. It was to some extent a collective endeavour, to which you all contributed, and from which I, Jeshua, was the visible, physical representative.
My message was that the Christ energy is present in all human beings as a seed. When you look up to me as some kind of authority, you have misunderstood my message.
I wished and still wish to invite you to believe in yourself, to find the truth within your own heart, and not to believe in any authority outside of you.
Ironically, the official Christian religion has placed me outside of your reality as an authority to worship and obey. This is quite the opposite of what I intended. I intended to show you that you can be a living Christ yourself.
I now ask you to recognize the Christ within, and to return to me my humanness.
I am Jeshua, man of flesh and blood, and truly a friend and brother to you all.
© Pamela Kribbe
Jeshua dot net
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