
On Being Yourself

When you affirm your own rightness in the universe, then you co-operate with others easily and automatically as part of your own nature. You, being yourself, helps others be themselves. Because you recognize your own uniqueness you will not need to dominate others, nor cringe before them.

Jane Roberts, author of The Seth Material


On God

If God was capable of being insulted, the greatest insult you could give him/her is to wage war "in God's name."

~ John Cali / Chief Joseph

I love that quote from John Cali's August 3, 2010 Chief Joseph newsletter.

Following is that article in it's entirety.


A dear friend I met many years ago recently asked me about God. Might as well start with the small stuff! ;)

Here's part of what he wrote:

"When somebody is close to God, they are unstoppable. I know God is there but (s/he) keeps well hidden from me. Maybe Joseph would dare to take on the question of how we best attempt to relate to God?"

John Cali

As you might imagine, this is a question we get often in private readings. People want to know who and what God is, what part God plays in our lives, how we can connect with God, and so on.

Good questions.

Here's Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph

We can wrap this up very quickly (humorously):

You are already connected to God because you are God. But you probably want a few more details.

Friends, you need look no farther than the tip of your nose, or the eyes in your mirror, to find God.

You already know that. But you quickly and often forget.

We and others have defined God as all that is -- and All That Is.

We mean that literally. God is not only a part of all that is, but all that is is God. It's that simple.

To put it another way, you cannot be separate from God. It's impossible.

Of course, we realize when you're going through your earthly traumas and dramas you don't always feel close to God. But, as we said, s/he is always right there within you, beside you, all around you. You just forget that sometimes.

We define love as the choice to see the divinity in all beings, all life -- even what you call "inanimate" objects (like a rock). It's all God. It's all good. Period!

When all of you see God in this way, you will automatically put an end to war and to killing one another. If God was capable of being insulted, the greatest insult you could give him/her is to wage war "in God's name." As you have done for centuries.

So to answer our friend's question how you can best relate to God, you don't have to find a way to relate at all. You already are related. It cannot be otherwise.

But again, because you forget, you need occasional reminding. The best way to remind yourselves is to simply say to yourselves each day, "I am God also."

Look in the mirror, deeply into your own eyes, when you say it.

Do you love God? Then you must love yourselves. When you love yourselves, you will love all that is -- and All That Is.

God is always with you. God is you. You are never alone.

Copyright © 2010 by John Cali. All rights reserved worldwide.


Transforming Fear

As we move further and further into accepting our responsibility for creating this amazing and beautiful world that we share, we are being confronted with more and more of our fears. Often we're discovering a recurrence of fears we thought we'd cleared. These fears are reappearing to show us that there is still more healing/clearing to be done.

Sometimes we don't even recognize ours fears as fears, but rather see the outward manifestation of them as "the way things are", implying that it can't be changed. But no matter how things look, everything, but everything, can be changed. Fear based thoughts can be replaced with their opposite - love based thoughts - and must be if we are to fully create as we desire inside the new energy. The key is that before change can occur, we must come to an acceptance and appreciation for that which we have been railing against or hiding from.

But how?

Lysaa Royal has provided the following information from her spiritual group, Germane, to help us move through our fear.

Germane’s 4 Step Fear Process:

1) Ask: What do I fear?

We would suggest that the person list as many things as possible. This is including physical fears (such as snakes or riding in a car). It is also encompassing fear of success, fear of not being loved, fear of being abandoned. It is the tangible fears and the intangible fears. Write down as much as you possibly can. Take as long as you possibly can to do it. It is going to be very illuminating for you.

2) Ask: How does this fear manifest in my life?

For instance, an answer to that question might be, "When I am in fear, I lash out at those I love." It is very important for you to identify the behavior that you engage in when you are in fear. Often you do not know when you are in fear, because it is a behavior or an energy that you are used to. But if you can learn to identify your behavior patterns, you can then examine your patterns and know when you are in fear. That way, every time you lash out at someone you love, you are going to know, "Ah ha! I must be in fear."

3) Ask: What possible value can I find for the expression of my fear?

Let us reword this. What value can you ascribe to the expression of your fear? Example: Your fear is extremely valuable because it points out to you when you are having tremendous growth opportunities. If you can identify, through your behavior, when you are in fear, you can stop and say, "Ah ha! This is an extremely valuable time right now, because it signifies something for me to move through which will be tremendously empowering."

4) Personify your fear.

Take a clean sheet of paper, colored pens and pencils, crayons, whatever you want, and what you are going to do is to personify your fear. Draw your fear. Give it a humanoid form—whether it looks like a witch or a vampire, or an ugly monster, make it is ugly and as sinister as you can, but still keep it having the appearance of human. This is a very, very powerful mechanism. What it is going to do is communicate to your subconscious mind and your ego that fear is on your level. We will call this fear character "Mr. Fear." (You can call it "Miss Fear" if you want to, it doesn't matter). Mr. Fear, when personified, is like fear being revealed. It is now vulnerable. It now stands there in front of you and you can see it is your height. It has two arms, two legs. It is something you can deal with. It is not this big, black void.

When you put fear on your level through personification, you can then use all sorts of techniques such as dialoging with the fear to help the transformational process occur. When you've mastered fear, once again we will repeat, when you've mastered fear, you have mastered self-empowerment. In a sense, fear is the one enemy all of you are fighting on this planet—to speak a little bit dramatically. Each of you have disguised Mr. Fear in a different costume. So Mr. Fear is always something outside of you. However, Mr. Fear is something very alive and well inside. And it is the primary blockage toward mastering personal power. When Mr. Fear is brought to your level and embraced and allowed to express itself, you will be on the path toward absolutely and totally mastering your personal power.

~ Germane, through Lyssa Royal


Becoming Quantumly Self-Aware

No-one can deny that the energies are increasing in intensity faster than ever before. From one moment to the next things are shifting and changing, forcing us in many instances to adjust our perception, therefore, altering our truth. This is necessary in order for us to keep up with the massive changes currently underway. For years the Masters have spoken about this time of change, and now more than ever we have to grow with the flow, like it or not, ready or not!

With quantum physics revealing so much to us, it has become imperative for us to understand how big an influence the little things have on us. The impact is colossal. ... The time is now for us to apply the laws of quantum physics in order to become, understand, and most importantly, perform as the master alchemists we are told we are - hidden beneath all the human conscious, subconscious, and unconscious grunge of course.

We are being asked to step up to the plate and perform by putting what we have learned into practice. It is a critical turning point right now, a turning point which will not only reveal to us the depth of our inherent power, but also the depth of the powerful connection we have to nature, and all things. This is how we influence, and are influenced by life. Quantum Physics states that everything is possible until the observer makes a choice as to where energy will be focused, at which time the possibility, or potential, then becomes a reality. We know this is happening at a sub atomic level, which means we have to be ultra-aware of where our energy is focused. Perhaps it is Quantum Physics which holds the key to understanding the truth about whether free will truly does, or doesn't exist. That said, it is clearly evident that the level of consciousness of the observer influencing their perception at any one given moment, results in many avenues of potential "falling away", or, collapsing so to speak, and only one becoming the reality. The quality of the reality content becomes manifest based on the observers perspective, attitudes, belief systems etc. Therefore, if one's consciousness is toxic, it doesn't matter how many wonderful possibilities exist in the quantum field, the observer will generally opt for the choice they are energetically, or on a consciousness level, most familiar with, i.e focus their energy on what they are familiar/comfortable/programmed with, and never forgetting that consciousness is individual, therefore, limited by it's level of awareness/experience.

What this means is that we as enlightened beings now need to become QUANTUMLY more self-aware, and conscious, in order to make full use of the many potentials available to us. By elevating our awareness of self, as observers, we are able to change our reality on a quantum level, and when things are changed on a sub-atomic level, everything changes. This is an incredible time of growth and change for all of us! The thing that strikes me the most is that this affords us the opportunity to enter the scientific realm of our consciousness, knowing full well, that by being quantumly aware, we are speeding up the process for ourselves, and that these micro-cosmic steps make up the macro-cosmic journey toward incredible individual and collective change and empowerment, therefore, ascension.

Thus, for arguments sake, lets completely accept that free will DOES in fact exist and operates outside space time. This means you HAVE A CHOICE, right now, as to how your current level of consciousness, and perceptions, are going to determine your experience in the future. You are programming yourself on a sub-atomic level right now. What are you programming yourself with? It is currently impossible for us to be 100% positive in every moment of life, however, we do have the power to change our range of perception and the quality of our focus. This is done through self-knowledge, self-awareness etc. We can only truly know our world through knowing who we are, therefore, if we don't know ourselves we will never be able to gain an understanding of our external world and how it is impacting upon us, and vice versa. This means we are really not making much progress at all in terms of aiming to become truly liberated souls who have risen above our fate and met the fullness of our destiny. There is no other way. And if we are serious about changing the world we currently experience as reality, then we have some serious work to do with ourselves. This is the death of the victim and the resurrection of the victor. Bottom line is, are you in or are you out? No sitting on the fence, there is NO MORE time.

Because matter is a derivative from consciousness, we can now see beyond a shadow of a doubt that the level and quality of our consciousness is the key ingredient in determining the quality of our lives and the world we live in. Therefore, regardless of our circumstances, we now need to put all the theory we have learnt into practice and live our best life ever, and believe in it! Another important fact to bear in mind when considering quantum physics, and how to use this science consciously, is that it is volatile. By this I mean, we don't really know how the outcome is going to manifest, this is often determined by many unseen and unknown factors, let's in this case call it our fate/destiny playing out. This is one of the reasons why we are encouraged to stay focused in the moment, creating in the moment, allowing the rest to take care of itself. Although we are working with ourselves quantumly, we need to be aware of the fact that we don't see the bigger picture because of our limited ability to experience the fullness of consciousness in it's entirety. It takes wisdom and faith to let go and let God, but the reward is well worth it.

~ Michelle Eloff, The Lightweaver dot org
The information here stands on it's own, but to help you apply the concepts, Michelle and her Lightweaver team have created a high-level course for those ready to advance consciousness at lightening speed.

From Michelle: Kuthumi-Agrippa and Mary Magdalene have put together a powerful program of advanced initiations called "Pods of Light", which are aimed at helping accelerate our consciousness on a micro-cosmic and macro-cosmic level.

Visit the The Lightweaver website for more information.


Tell Not Your Children

Tell not your children that they are imperfect and must strive to be better.

Tell your children that they are free to follow their hearts desire, that the world is their playground, that there is no reason they need to choose suffering, and that the purpose of their lives is to love all aspects of its experience.

~ Story Waters
If the greatest gift we can give another is our own happiness, surely greatest gift we can give the planet is our children. Not just the ones born to us or in our family, but all the children, everywhere.

Children remind us that we too, were innocent once. Free to love fully and without reservation, free of the push and shove of life, free of obligation, free of commitment, free of worry, free of strife. And they are so wise! We can learn a lot from our children, about simply being, loving, enjoying our own lives, and appreciating the same in those around us.