
More On Ascension Symptoms

The following, taken from The Ascension Primer, by Karen Bishop, is one of the most comprehensive descriptions of the symptoms associated with the global raise in consciousness - what many are calling "ascension" - that I have come across. Please keep in mind that ascension doesn't mean dying and going to heaven, although when you die you do "ascend" because your vibration rises immediately. Ascension in the current context means raising your vibration high enough that you become Who You Really Are on a spiritual level while staying in your physical body, firmly planted on Earth. Essentially you are experiencing the death of who you have been, and the birth of who you are becoming, without leaving the body. This is a wonderful thing, and you are a part of it. How exciting is that?!

Whether it looks like it or not when you look out into the world, we are creating a wonderful, beautiful, fantastic new world, right here, right now. Heaven on Earth is the term many use, I find that quite appropriate. So instead of looking out into the world and being upset about what you see, why not ask yourself - each and every time you're tempted to be deflated instead of expanded - "What wonderful and amazing things are happening for me today?" And then allow yourself to get into the delicious feeling of anticipation. That will do more to help you through the symptoms and on to becoming the greatest You that you have ever known. It is, you know, who you really are!

The Grander Plan, and How Are We Connected and Affected?

In the year 2000, a group of souls began an unprecedented process of spiritual evolution referred to by many as “ascension.” It was decided at the highest soul levels that it was now time to wrap things up here on Earth, release and reclaim every form that we had infused our energy within for eons of time since the very beginning, and start completely over by creating a very New Planet Earth before we moved on to our very new adventures as souls. Phew! This miraculous and extremely challenging process created many bizarre, confusing, and at best, unusual experiences of opening to a higher level of consciousness and a greater connection to Source and to our own souls, as we were returning home. (A more detailed description of this process and how you may be affected, along with the explanations for the many symptoms, can be found in most of the books offered by Karen Bishop, but especially in The Ascension Primer.)

“Am I part of this plan and process?” you may wonder. “And how would I know?”

Disregarding the recession here in the US or elsewhere as a cause:

• Have you felt in recent years and months, that you were stretching far beyond what you had the capacity to endure?

• Have you had many emotional ups and downs, strange physical aches and pains, many losses in the form of friends, jobs, family, finances, and much of anything else?

• Have you experienced dizziness and vertigo, neck and back pain, an intolerance for lower vibrating energy, and abdominal weight gain and bloating?

• Do you wonder who you are looking at in the mirror? Had a loss of identity?

• Have you been “removed” from your usual means of employment and cannot seem to find another job, even though you never had this problem in the past?

• Have you recently moved to a new geographical location?

• Do you experience short periods when you are very cold and cannot seem to get warm?

• Have you had hot flashes and night sweats not relating to menopause (even if you are a male?)

• Do you feel you have been pushed out of your groove by lower vibrating people?

• When you go out in public or to an event, do you feel as though you are “acting?”

• Is it hard to remember and identify with the childhood version of you?

• Have you had a serious medical situation in recent years that left you feeling helpless and powerless?

• Do you crave the company of children and when in their presence suddenly feel that everything is now “right” and you can relax as you are home?

• Have you had periods where you wake up at exactly the same time every night?

• Have you had anxiety, panic, or what feels like depression?

• Do you at times have strange and disturbing nightmares that are not normal for you?

• Have you ever had experiences of forgetting what you were going to say and finding it near impossible to “find” the words you were meaning to speak?

• Have you had periods of time when you continually saw repeating numbers, whether on digital clocks, license plates, or other arenas?

• Do you continually mis-spell words or superimpose sentences and spelling when you attempt to write something, even though you may have been a master at grammar and spelling for most of your life?

• Have you had times in your life where you felt “no sense of place?”

• Do you continually have short-term memory loss and at times cannot remember things that occurred only yesterday or even a moment before?

• Have you experienced periods of what felt like low blood sugar forcing you to eat every two hours whether you wanted to or not?

• Are your emotions out of control from time to time (sudden weeping and sadness, or are you just plain over-emotional)? Do you ever feel lost and alone?

• Do you at times feel that there is nowhere left to go that remotely fits you anymore?

• Have you found that the only way to stay sane is to be home in your own personal sanctuary?

• Do you have a strong sense that you are here to accomplish something, but you cannot remember what it is? Do you “miss” something, but are not sure exactly what?

• Do you feel ungrounded and spinning out of control at times but not at other times?

• Do you wonder why things seem to be getting worse instead of better?

• Has it become difficult to be in crowds, large stores, and the like?

• Have you seen lights, heard voices, had ringing or buzzing in the ears, or felt unusual energy pulsing through your body?

• Do you have bouts of allergy symptoms or sinus problems and headaches?

• Have you ever felt energy pouring through the top of your head?

• Have you quit reading spiritual and personal growth material?

• Is it increasingly difficult to spend substantial amounts of time around individuals who seem disconnected, “ego” driven, or who embody many “issues”? Do you just want to flee?

• Do you wonder where in the world you have landed, feel that you do not belong here, and want to go “home”?

• Has the planet earth become "unbearable" for you?

• Do you feel as though your life up until now was all about opening one door after another, but suddenly the last door opened into a closet?

If you have experienced a fair amount of the above, you are most likely having or have had in the past, the most common of the ascension symptoms and experiences. There are far too many to list here, and far too many of us have had these strange and common occurrences to warrant them as an accident or perhaps some kind of bizarre virus. These symptoms and experiences are a direct result of our spiritual expansion process, as we begin to vibrate higher and begin to embody more light than ever before. (A brief note: It is always best to seek medical attention when necessary, as certainly not all of our strange symptoms can be attributed to the ascension process.)

As we evolve higher and higher in our spiritual evolutionary process, the experiences above begin to lessen to a great degree. Making necessary internal changes through much purging and releasing of old and lower vibrating energies, and aligning ourselves with new and higher vibrating energies, ensures an arrival into a new and higher way of living and being. And eventually, we come to find that we do not experience much of the above at all. It is then that we know we are ready for our next level.

The end of 2008 marked a very pivotal point in the ascension process. Up until that time, we evolved in small and continual steps, although at times it did not feel like it! In this way, we completed one chapter of a new book, or rather released much our old lives and old selves, and always moved into another chapter. The end of 2008 marked the completion of an entire book…not just a chapter. This was a monumental time in our spiritual evolutionary process. Enough of the masses had reached a point of critical mass, were then embodying or residing in the space that those who had gone first had been holding, and it was then time for an entirely new book or dimensional residency to occur.

This new book was most certainly new for each and every rung on the ascension ladder…meaning that everyone moved up into a higher level according to where they had been residing before. The ascension process involves many periods of “waiting” for the masses to catch up until we can ourselves progress onto another rung. So then, you may be one who has progressed far and was very tired of waiting! When we are waiting, it can feel that we are trapped, boxed in, or perhaps surrounded by darker and denser energies knocking on our door. Those who had gone before had been waiting for a very long time indeed!
Where are they now? Where have those who had been holding the space for the masses gone? We have gone to a very new space and new reality of becoming Earth Angels. We have stretched, moaned and groaned, complained, and become weary of it all until the very end…and the very end of this massive first phase has brought us to a new beginning which is now about here.

Our New Symptoms and How We have Evolved

• Have you lost your desire to be a healer?

• Have you felt in recent months that the energy you used to embody is no longer there?

• Do you wonder what you are now supposed to connect to and wonder how to connect as well?

• Do you suddenly feel that your life is “here” and not back “home” somewhere?

• Have you given up any desires to save anyone or anything and only simply desire to stay put without extending?

• Have you given up belonging to groups and continually discussing spiritual matters?

• Have you discontinued meditating, “clearing,” and intentional actions involving creating, moving energy, or consulting divination sources?

• Have you lost the desire to bring up the energy of the planet, heal it, or the like?

• Do you no longer have the urge to make anything happen by yourself?

• Are you tired of being alone when it never bothered you before, and now crave the companionship of another or others?
Is your own personal energy more “subtle” than it used to be?

• Do you often feel invisible when you go out in public?

• Are your needs frequently met with ease, with no real effort on your part? Or rather, are you rarely lacking anything?

• Have you begun setting strong boundaries and find that you are not as “open” to everything and everyone as you used to be?

• Have you grown to appreciate the small things and find that you are not so interested in material possessions, getting what you want, or having to have things a certain way?

• Have you come to realize that everything is not about you, that the behavior of others has nothing to do with you, and thus, you no longer take things personally?

• Do you put yourself first in regard to your health and happiness?

• Are you now comfortable refusing to participate in things that feel very “wrong” to you?

• Is it easy for you to close the door on others, knowing that you need not be “nice” and accommodating when interacting with them was not your idea in the first place?

• Do you feel a peace and tranquility that you had rarely experienced in the past, and do you now feel safe and protected?

• Are you ready to retire?

• Do you notice much more of what is around you, instead of what is going on within you?

• Do you easily and clearly see others and what they are here to contribute? Do you acknowledge them and connect to them easily when appropriate?

• Are you aware of the whole, can you interact in groups without taking over or discounting the contribution and gifts of others, and can you allow others to become involved without having a “don't tell me what to do” or controlling attitude?

• Have you come to realize than nothing needs to be “fixed” and never did? Have you discontinued offering your services when you were not even asked (and this includes being asked by nature and the planet herself as well)?

• Do you find the answers within yourself now, rarely consulting any outside sources?

• Do you know that you are not perfect and never will be?

• Do you possess a great gift or ability, are frequently told about this by others, but have no idea what they are talking about?

• Are you comfortable watching another suffer, knowing that this is their path and that it has a higher purpose?

• Are you able to make decisions from your gut, your intuition, or rather what simply “feels” right without any rational explanation?

• Do you know what is yours to do, and realize that much of everything else is someone else's passion or purpose, thereby staying in your own role and not taking over someone else's?

• Have you found that you spend more of your time and focus simply on one of your passions or talents, and not on a variety of interests as you may have done in the past?

If you can relate any of the above, you are most certainly on your way to becoming an Earth Angel. But know as well, that these transitions come to us step by step. This is what evolution is all about. So then, you may be experiencing some of the above, but not all. In time, you will eventually experience most all of the above, and then find that you need to “wait” for others to catch up, as we are all part of one beloved whole. In addition, we will begin having exciting and new experiences as well!

If you are one who has not felt a big connection to Source or a higher vibration in ways that you had in the past, know that there is a good explanation. We have reached a place in our spiritual evolutionary process where we are embodying enough light now within ourselves. We have graduated. Thus, we are now ready to connect to each other. We are holding a very new space of light, through a gridwork of brothers and sisters, and our new connections are with our own souls and with each other now.

Welcome Earth Angels, to the next phase of our journey home.

~ Karen Bishop


Unchartered Lands

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...

..that it is time to move into unchartered lands.

If you want to do something you have never done before,
you have to do something you have never done before.
If you want to go somewhere you have never gone before,
you have to go somewhere you have never gone before.

You cannot do something new by doing old things. If you want your life to change, you have to change your life. So go ahead. It's safe. And it's also...about time.

~ Neale Donald Walsch

That's pretty true, isn't it?
You cannot do something new by doing old things.
But oh how we try! I recommend taking NDWs advice and taking on one thing, any thing, even the tiniest little thing that you've always wanted to do, or try, and set aside some time to do it. If it's big, set out a series of small steps about how you might get started. Now's the time to start new things, the energy's ripe for it .. and so are you!


Up, Down, All Around

Feeling "out of sorts" lately? Sort of all over the map emotionally? one minute up and excited, the next anxious, angry, or hovering near melt down?

You're not alone! Seems all of us are going through some vital last-minute clearing as we move more and more solidly into the new energy.

Here's what Lauren Gorgo has to say about the energy that we are experiencing. The following is an excerpt. See Loren's full article here.

Running Out of Time

Just a mini-update to check in with anybody who may be feeling like June is no better, or possibly much worse than, May....

As mentioned in the last energy update, June is a major gateway month...an amalgamation of both new and old energies...so it can feel pretty tumultuous with regard to extremes. I am hearing that the entire month will be like this...especially with the eclipse period approaching...sort of toggling between feeling all "new-earthy" and completely awful.

Of course, nothing I or anyone can say will take away the discomfort of the healing we all have to go through to get to the other side, but if we can expect that there will still be some "rough" days as we inch into more of the "smooth" ones, at the very least this perspective shift can ease your mind which is always searching for answers when we feel thrown off balance.

Physical Happenings

On a physical level, things are simultaneously getting better and worse...meaning, as our new lives get closer and closer in the physical (and as the energies intensify into a cosmic crescendo), the more physical toxins we must realease to accept and allow these new creations into our lives and bodies. Which can amount to feeling connected and "there" one minute and down-and-out the next. Like an inflatable punching bag, we get nailed with a blast of cleansing energy and then we suddenly bounce back up and prepare to be clobbered again.

The physical (grounding) chakra cleansings have been feeling pretty dramatic and intense because we are more grounded in our bodies than ever before which means we are feeling things more than ever before. We are also right now clearing those issues/dis-eases/e-motions that have been with us and stuck in our cellular memories the longest. It's helpful to remember that in healing, that which has been with us the longest is the last to heal, so if you are feeling deflated, depleted of hope, or just plain fed-up with it all, know that you are right on track as we are all being pushed through this deep cosmic rinse cycle.

Looking up

On the positive side, we are aligning with our true purpose as never before and literally running out of the "old time framework" that we used to live/create by. This means that suddenly, everything we do has to be fully conscious because the result, the backlash, will be immediate. Each and every time we step outside of our integrity now, we will feel it pretty quickly, so its important to continue to align with and make decisions that honor the highest good and avoid all decisions made from a place of lack and/or fear.

So far this month there is also more energy (especially mental energy) available to us for productivity with regard to our new paradigm creations (well, that is on those days we are not flat on our backs with detox symptoms)....but we are also running out of time/energy for the completion of old stuff.

The gauge for this is to notice how little energy and ability you have left to deal with the dense/heavy old-world creations that we are still working to dismantle and reassemble or release themselves completely. (This can be with regard to old relationships, residences, jobs, businesses, legal/ financial matters, etc.)

Because we are so finely tuned to universal energy now, for the most part we can only accomplish that which is supported by the universal cycles...which means, you may find that the tedious paperwork sitting on your desk for months, and in need of resolution, just won't go away. And unfortunately it won't, unless you take care of it. Luckily, we still have 5 or 10 minutes left of supportive energy for past creations available to us to wrap things up.

This wrapping up energy/support will continue to dwindle as we work our way into July, so try to jump on those rare moments when you feel "able" to call your lawyer or accountant. You will be so happy you did because come July, you will want to spend all of your time/energyplaying in the new fields of potential.


Overall, those things with a stable foundation based in love and that still feel good to you...whatever is left after years & years of purifying....are those things that you will be taking with you to your new life. Everything else will be sand-blasted by these new energies (hopefully along with our fluctuating fat suits) leaving you purified, self-contained and energetically sustainable.

This sand-blasting process is intense, can hurt, and at times is REALLY confusing...and even a little scary...so when the ride gets bumpy, just keep in mind that you are only being buffed and polished for the emergence of the YOUniversal YOU and in preparation for your re-birthday!


Think Less, Feel More

The answer to fear is never to think more. It is to think less and to trust the flow of life. It is to fall back into the state of grace that is your birthright. It is to release instead of to grab hold.


By trying to control and dominate life, whether inside you or outside you, you actually try to make reality static and predictable. Ultimately, power is incredibly boring.

When you become aware of this, you realize that your true desire is not to have power but to be truly creative. To be truly creative is to be in touch with your own divinity.*

~ Jeshua, channeled by Pamela Kribbe

*Restated using present tense.