
Death of the Victim

No-one can deny that the energies are increasing in intensity faster than ever before. From one moment to the next things are shifting and changing, forcing us in many instances to adjust our perception, therefore, altering our truth. This is necessary in order for us to keep up with the massive changes currently underway. For years the Masters have spoken about this time of change, and now more than ever we have to grow with the flow, like it or not, ready or not!

With quantum physics revealing so much to us, it has become imperative for us to understand how big an influence the little things have on us. The impact is colossal. ... The time is now for us to apply the laws of quantum physics in order to become, understand, and most importantly, perform as the master alchemists we are told we are - hidden beneath all the human conscious, subconscious, and unconscious grunge of course.

We are being asked to step up to the plate and perform by putting what we have learned into practice. It is a critical turning point right now, a turning point which will not only reveal to us the depth of our inherent power, but also the depth of the powerful connection we have to nature, and all things. This is how we influence, and are influenced by life. Quantum Physics states that everything is possible until the observer makes a choice as to where energy will be focused, at which time the possibility, or potential, then becomes a reality. We know this is happening at a sub atomic level, which means we have to be ultra-aware of where our energy is focused. Perhaps it is Quantum Physics which holds the key to understanding the truth about whether free will truly does, or doesn't exist.

That said, it is clearly evident that the level of consciousness of the observer influencing their perception at any one given moment, results in many avenues of potential "falling away", or, collapsing so to speak, and only one becoming the reality. The quality of the reality content becomes manifest based on the observers perspective, attitudes, belief systems etc. Therefore, if one's consciousness is toxic, it doesn't matter how many wonderful possibilities exist in the quantum field, the observer will generally opt for the choice they are energetically, or on a consciousness level, most familiar with, i.e focus their energy on what they are familiar/comfortable/programmed with, and never forgetting that consciousness is individual, therefore, limited by it's level of awareness/experience.

What this means is that we as enlightened beings now need to become QUANTUMLY more self-aware, and conscious, in order to make full use of the many potentials available to us. By elevating our awareness of self, as observers, we are able to change our reality on a quantum level, and when things are changed on a sub-atomic level, everything changes.

This is an incredible time of growth and change for all of us! The thing that strikes me the most is that this affords us the opportunity to enter the scientific realm of our consciousness, knowing full well, that by being quantumly aware, we are speeding up the process for ourselves, and that these micro-cosmic steps make up the macro-cosmic journey toward incredible individual and collective change and empowerment, therefore, ascension.

Thus, for arguments sake, let's completely accept that free will DOES in fact exist and operates outside space time. This means you HAVE A CHOICE, right now, as to how your current level of consciousness, and perceptions, are going to determine your experience in the future. You are programming yourself on a sub-atomic level right now.

What are you programming yourself with? It is currently impossible for us to be 100% positive in every moment of life, however, we do have the power to change our range of perception and the quality of our focus. This is done through self-knowledge, self-awareness etc.

We can only truly know our world through knowing who we are, therefore, if we don't know ourselves we will never be able to gain an understanding of our external world and how it is impacting upon us, and vice versa. This means we are really not making much progress at all in terms of aiming to become truly liberated souls who have risen above our fate and met the fullness of our destiny. There is no other way. And if we are serious about changing the world we currently experience as reality, then we have some serious work to do with ourselves. This is the death of the victim and the resurrection of the victor. Bottom line is, are you in or are you out? No sitting on the fence, there is NO MORE time.

Because matter is a derivative from consciousness, we can now see beyond a shadow of a doubt that the level and quality of our consciousness is the key ingredient in determining the quality of our lives and the world we live in. Therefore, regardless of our circumstances, we now need to put all the theory we have learnt into practice and live our best life ever, and believe in it!

Another important fact to bear in mind when considering quantum physics, and how to use this science consciously, is that it is volatile. By this I mean, we don't really know how the outcome is going to manifest, this is often determined by many unseen and unknown factors, let's in this case call it our fate/destiny playing out. This is one of the reasons why we are encouraged to stay focused in the moment, creating in the moment, allowing the rest to take care of itself. Although we are working with ourselves quantumly, we need to be aware of the fact that we don't see the bigger picture because of our limited ability to experience the fullness of consciousness in it's entirety. It takes wisdom and faith to let go and let God, but the reward is well worth it.

~ Michelle Eloff, The Lightweaver

The information above stands alone, but if you're interested in special help in applying the concepts and ideas to your life, Michelle and her Lightweaver team are developing a new program to do just that.

From Michelle: Kuthumi-Agrippa and Mary Magdalene have put together a powerful program of advanced initiations called "Pods of Light", which are aimed at helping accelerate our consciousness on a micro-cosmic and macro-cosmic level.

Each "Pod of Light" becomes a light transmitter awakening sleeping souls, including the "sleeping" aspects of their own human soul "seed". This is one of the most exciting bodies of work I have had the honour of being the channel for in a long time, and I know this will break new ground for all of us.

For more information visit the The Lightweaver website.


Include Rather Than Exclude

Discrimination doesn’t require conflict or indeed much besides the flimsiest designation of otherness. As American psychologist Henri Taifel demonstrated in a study, when a batch of adolescent boys were simply told that certain others had scored the same score as them at a computer task, they began to band together and discriminate against those who hadn’t achieved the same score.

Difference of any sort that gets emphasized is enough to create a ‘minimal group’ and, consequently, an outgroup. All it takes is any kind of a wall, no matter how flimsy.

Lynn McTaggart, from her blog article "All in this together"
A very effective way to disempower someone is to create an environment in which they feel excluded. Rather than disempower each other by exclusion, why not include others by appreciating our differences? Our differences are neither bad nor good, but simply allow us to experience each other's uniqueness. Isn't that worth striving for?


Discover The Child That Is You

Have you recently noticed that the child within you is very present; experiencing his or her fears and issues? It is so! It is that you must not only familiarize yourself with this child, you must embrace this child as the most precious part of you.

All of your adult issues are rooted in childhood experience. ... Most of your perceptions of life come from that which you experienced as a child. The child within you learned his or her defenses early in life in such a way that many of them are buried far in your subconscious. It is not necessary to identify specifically that which comes forward in seemingly negative ways. Instead, it is to familiarize yourselves with the feelings that you experience that come without apparent explanation and yet with a subtle power that causes you to reflexively act.

Once you have moved through identification of these feelings, it is then to speak to the child of its perfection, of your acceptance of all of the feelings and thoughts brought forward to you from him or her and to assimilate the child into the adult. The child within you is nothing more than a harmonic aspect of your experience as a soul. There is no reason to feel as if the child did not have what it needed. On the contrary, it is to recognize that you as an adult being have the power and the ability to change anything in your life.

From "Messages From The Masters", Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D. at Spirit Light Resources. Author of "Pyramids of Light", the "Online Messages" and "The Children of Now."

As you begin accepting, appreciating, and cherishing the child in you, acknowledging the painful experiences as gifts that you gave yourself for your own Soul purposes and then releasing the pain and trauma around those experiences, you'll automagically discover the very child-like presence that you are - free spirited, inquisitive, fun-loving, energetic, whimsical. Welcome the loving spirit of that child as an integral part of who you are, and life will ever be sweet for you!


The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift that you could ever give to another is your own happiness, for when you are in a state of joy, happiness, or appreciation, you are fully connected to the Stream of pure, positive Source Energy that is truly who you are. And when you are in that state of connection, anything or anyone that you are holding as your object of attention benefits from your attention.

Abraham, Ask and It Is Given


For the Love of Animals

Lynn McTaggert, of The Intention Experiment, in her latest blog article entitled Feeling Like An Animal, shares some recent research that helps debunk the notion that "an animal is essentially ... nothing much more than a robot with an array of chemical processes, without the ability to register much more than the crudest pain or fear—certainly none of the more complicated human feelings such as excitement, boredom, annoyance, anger or suspicion."

Two things struck me deeply about this article. One is that there is still a large segment of the population who believes that animals are throw-away creatures. With all the work that we've done, we still have holdouts on what seems to the rest of us to be a most obvious truth.

Two is how profoundly our missteps in understanding who we really are have affected even the wild animals - according to Lynn's information, wild animals have begun to suffer over death just like most of us do! Animals [used to] innately understand that death is a natural transition from one form to another. Sadness and grief for them, if evident at all, was fleeting. From the observations given in Lynn's article, some animals are losing that perspective. It appears that human mass consciousness is affecting even the non-domesticated animals. That both shocks and saddens me.

I can only hope that such "discoveries" as Lynn refers to will help the rest of humanity wake up to the preciousness of all life, and to the consciousness inherent in all things. If we're to understand the relationship that we have to all things, including trees and plants, water and rocks, I guess we have to start somewhere - the most obvious place being the animal kingdom.

For convenience, Lynn's blog article is posted below:
Feeling like an animal

To the scientific community, an animal is essentially still perceived as nothing much more than a robot with an array of chemical processes, without the ability to register much more than the crudest pain or fear—certainly none of the more complicated human feelings such as excitement, boredom, annoyance, anger or suspicion.

Mark S. Blumberg, of the University of Iowa, and Greta Sokoloff, of Indiana University in Bloomington, number among the most vocal proponents of the behaviorist view, claiming that the idea that animals process emotion is pure fiction and ‘anthropomorphic’.

A variation of this theme is the suggestion that animals have a kind of ‘animal consciousness’ that is far less sophisticated than ours.

So it came as a shock to many in the field when researchers at the University of Stirling in the UK published stills in Current Biology last week from video footage they’d taken showing how chimpanzees in a UK safari park handle both the deaths of their children and one of their senior members.

Funeral cortege
What made this footage so precious and rare was the fact that very few researchers have been witness to the response of chimps at the very moment of death among one of their group members.

The evidence to date had showed that chimpanzees react in a noisy, frenzied manner to the traumatic death of one of their members. Nevertheless, in this instance the dying and ultimate passing of the old female was dealt with in a highly dignified and empathetic manner.

In the days before the old chimp’s death, the group focused attentively on her, offering much caressing and grooming. As soon as she died, they attempted to test her for signs of life. Although the group grew quiet and left quietly shortly after her passing, her adult daughter returned and spent the night with her. All of the others avoided sleeping on the platform where she’d died, even though previously it had been one of their favorite spots.

For some days afterwards, the chimps comported themselves with a subdued dignity – as though they were part of a funeral cortege.

“We found several similarities between the chimpanzee’s behavior toward the dying female, and their behavior after her death, and some reactions of humans when faced with the demise of an elderly group member or relative,’ said James Anderson of the U of Stirling team.

Although chimps are not thought to have a religious beliefs or rituals surrounding death, they certainly were acting like they did.

After death do us part
In the other study, a University of Oxford team observed the rituals surrounding five deaths among an isolated community of chimpanzees in the forests near Bossou, Guinea.

When two infants died, the mothers continued to carry their babies’ corpses on their backs for weeks, even months. Even though the bodies had mummified, the mothers continued to groom them, brought them into their nests during rest periods, and carried them always on their backs throughout the course of the day.

This extended ritual enabled them to gradually ‘let go’ of their attachment to the infant’s earthly presence. As time when on, they allowed others to handle them, separated from the bodies for longer and even consented to having other young chimps carry off and ‘play’ with the corpses.

Human beings have been credited as the only species with the ability to reason, speak language, make and use tools and to create cultural variation.

Increasingly, scientists are having to concede that animals have sentience — the ability to have a conscious experience, to compare and understand experience, to have an internal representation of what is going on in their lives — in effect, to know that they know.

In fact, as these studies demonstrate, animals display an array of sophisticated emotion as well as a great degree of self-awareness, possibly even a sense of larger consciousness after death.

The boundaries between us and other species are nowhere near to being as clearly defined as many people used to think, ” says Anderson.

Sophisticated emotion
‘Specism’ — our usual attitude to animal emotion — is also being challenged with the advent of sophisticated brain-imaging technologies. A number of scientists, in studying the brains of both animals and humans, have discovered remarkable similarities in emotional biology between species.

We now know that the brain biochemistry connected with certain sophisticated human feelings is found in a range of other species.

According to Jaak Panksepp, professor emeritus of the department of psychology at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, animals display evidence of a vast array of secondary ‘social’ emotions: separation distress; sexual attraction and lust; social attachment and bonding; and play.

These secondary emotions are of the more complicated variety as they require reflection and choice — a weighing up of the effects of different actions.

Panksepp and others now believe that secondary emotion is not a uniquely human trait. As noted animal scientist Temple Grandin says, the difference between animal and human emotions is a matter of degree, rather than of kind.

Through understanding that animals lead complex emotional lives, have passionate relationships with each other and adore their children, and may even have a respect for death must come a moral obligation to change the way we treat animals — for testing in science, for food or as adornment, or purely as an object of our amusement.

Perhaps our most important lesson as beings tortured by choice and cognitive reasoning is to learn from an animal’s purity of emotion. Unconditional love comes naturally to a dog or cat; animals aren’t ambivalent or repressed about their emotions.

As Grandin says, there’s no such thing as a love-hate relationship in the animal kingdom. “If an animal loves you, he loves you, no matter what. He doesn’t care what you look like or how much money you make.”


Individuality Inside Unity

I take it as a given that we are all ultimately One, but each of us must come to our own understanding of the nature of our individual consciousness.

~ Russell Boulding, Earth Energy Healing
This is a wonderful reminder to me that, while we are all connected and ultimately One, we are each who we are as individuals. We each have our own unique perspective and experiences, our own unique and individual skills and talents. As each of us strives to remember Who We Really Are, and live that, the whole is greatly served.


With Thanks ...

Leah Dieterich's mother always told her to write thank you notes. So she does. To everything. thxthxthx is her daily exercise in gratitude.
Enjoy more of Leah's sometimes poignant, sometimes whimsical, but always thought provoking thanks at thxthxthx. Thank you for being you Leah, and for sharing you with us!


Forgive First, Speak Second .. A Reminder from Uriel

There are countless levels of energy in the third dimension, each of them has a purpose and a place in the grand plan of ascension. Even though you have chosen the level at which you will function, there are many levels that will wish to interact with you. Some of them will be challenging and will bring forth anger and hurt. Others will be supportive and will confirm your growth and healing. When you choose to walk the path of ascension you stand in unconditional love that allows you to respond to every energy with forgiveness, before you speak.

By extending forgiveness to each person and situation, you are accepting everything in its state of divinity and acknowledging your role as creator of your reality. Nothing 'happens' to you and there are no accidents or challenges you face which you did not create for your learning and healing. Yet you are tempted to attack those who challenge you, believing that it is their responsibility to treat you with kindness and respect. But each person connects with you at the energy level they are comfortable with, not the one you desire.

Those who are in fear wish to maintain their fear level and bring you to that level. When you extend forgiveness you respond to their fear with love and allow them to know that energy. This allows them to choose it for themselves because you have awakened them to the possibility of ascension through your forgiveness. In this way you control the energies you allow in your reality. After you extend forgiveness, you can speak or interact from your most powerful self and deflect any lower level energies that have been directed to you. Without forgiveness, you can feel hurt and angry. With forgiveness, you extend compassion and stay in your own power.

There are times when you will be tested by those who wish to experience your light but who can only do so at their level. The person who attacks you is acting from their level of anger and frustration and reflecting their level of self love. You can respond to them through their anger or from your position of power. By extending forgiveness you remove the cords to every connection you have at the level of fear and maintain control over the ego's desire for validation. Before you speak, forgive those who hurt or challenge you, any situation of lack or fear and every experience of pain. Then you can allow your words to come from the place of light where love exists and stay in your power.
Copyright (c) 2004-2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. Uriel Heals