
When Things Seem Difficult

Physical reality is a dense energetic opportunity for the soul's expansion.

Not all of it is pretty, not all of it is easy to comprehend. However, the moments offered are a perspective that is not so available in the spiritual realm.

Seek the expression boldly, as you have created it for your own purpose. Your actions in difficulty offer a window to who you are.

Be not afraid as you are not alone in all the trials and tribulations. Dig deep into your energy to find the purpose of your soul while embracing the lesson that has been created to serve your energy.

Feel the hand of your entity as it brushes away the tear from your eye. Know that all who love you are encircling you with their love.

Be not afraid. It does not serve the moment. Be connected to your soul who has created your life. Know that you are not alone. Feel the warmth and let it embrace your heart.

The hurt will subside in the connection. You are treasured by all those who love you in spirit.

Rejoice in that feeling and be not afraid. In fact be quite the opposite.....Bold.

From Veronica through April Crawford of Inner Whispers
With all the upsets, downturns, disclosures, and apparent tragedies happening around the globe, it seems like we are moving in a downward spiral. But we are not. Be heartened by the real fact that often times things have to be torn down before they can be rebuilt, and rebuild we shall. We are moving at increasing speed toward a world that lives fearlessly in peace, enjoyment, excitement, and abundance for all.

As things move forward, be not afraid. Search your soul for the peace that lies within. Know that you are loved, that all is well, and that things are unfolding as they should. You really do know this already, sometimes you just forget that you do.


YOU Make A Difference

One person, standing alone in that centered place of peace and power within, is far more powerful than millions standing together in anger, bitterness, and hate.

(Chief Joseph / John Cali)

Not that this quote needs elaboration, but they went on to say:
One person! You can be that person.

Every thought you think, every word you utter, every deed you do has a powerful effect on, first of all, yourselves. But it also affects, positively or negatively, those immediately around you and far beyond that immediate circle.

Now, with the study John talked about [Science Daily, March 10, 2010], you even have a bit of scientific evidence as to how powerful each of you is.

Take some time to think about that. Perhaps do a bit of reevaluating what you habitually think, say, and do -- often without full conscious awareness.

You are all powerful beings of light. The energy you radiate through your thoughts, words, and deeds does indeed ripple out to the farthest reaches of your planet and the universe.

You are that powerful, friends. Use your power wisely, as you imagine God would.

For you also are God.
See John and Chief Joseph's full article here.


Get Happy!

"Get Happy!"

Two simple little words that reveal all that we need to know about living a life fulfilled.

Enjoy this engaging Youtube video created by ImVickieB built around a short segment from an Abraham seminar.

Youtube direct link


Life Is Meant To Be Joyful

Think of your humanness as a costume you have donned for a bit. This thing you call life is really nothing more than a costume party! A party you, as your higher self, chose to attend. And just what are parties? Why, they're fun! Or, at least, they're supposed to be. And so too is your life on earth, in your exquisitely designed human costume, supposed to be fun.

You, as human beings, take yourselves entirely too seriously. You have been so successful at immersing yourselves in the illusion of the earth party, you have forgotten you didn't come here to stay. And you didn't come here to be miserable and joyless. That's not what parties are all about.

Today's wisdom comes from John Cali's Chief Joseph. It's a powerful reminder that we didn't come here to suffer, no matter what things look like on the outside.

Their full message, called Spirit Speaks, reminds us of something else: that if we feel alone, frustrated, fearful or angry, it's because we aren't hearing the always-loving call of Spirit. We don't hear the call of Spirit not because Spirit isn't speaking - we don't hear it because we aren't listening for it.

We all innately have ways in which Spirit speaks to us. But unless you have the gift of clairaudience, you aren't going to hear the call in words - you'll sense it as intuition or knowing; feel it as joy, excitement or enthusiasm; experience it as synchronicity; or experience it in whatever special way that spirit speaks to you and guides you.

In order to recognize the message(s), we have to be watching, feeling, listening, and appreciating our inner guidance. Once we learn the special ways in which Spirit speaks to us personally, we open ourselves up to a whole new way of being - one in which loneliness, fear, and heartache do not exist, or come and go so quickly that they no longer bring us to our knees.

John and Joseph's full message is reproduced below for convenience, or find it on the list of articles on John's website.

Spirit Speaks

John Cali

I've talked to quite a few folks lately who are floundering around, feeling lost and disconnected. They sometimes feel God has abandoned them. All of us probably feel that way at one time or another. I certainly have.

Chief Joseph and I wrote this article years ago, at a time when I was questioning whether I wanted to continue working with him. It was also a time of questioning other choices I'd made in my life. I was feeling lost and alone.

Here's what I wrote, followed by Joseph's response. (His response is longer than typical, but it's one of my favorites of his messages. I hope you like it too.)



Spirit is always speaking to all of us. It's just that we've become so immersed in life on earth, we've closed off our lines of communication to Home -- to the God we all are.

This past year has been a most fascinating and challenging one for me. As I look back on it from the perspective of "hindsight," I realize how much I've grown -- or, I should say, how much I've remembered. I'd like to briefly share with you part of my journey this past year. Perhaps something in my sharing will touch a chord deep within you -- and help you, if only in some small way, along your path of remembering.

I'd been "floundering around" late last year wondering where my path was taking me -- where this work with Joseph was leading. Sometimes, I felt I was making no progress at all.

One late afternoon between last Christmas and New Year's, I was waiting at the Sacramento airport for a flight. I had several hours to wait -- so I decided to take a walk around the airport.

I walked out to the edge of the parking lot. There, in the shadows of the setting winter sun, I saw a large truck with a company name and address painted on its side. The address was Walla Walla, Washington. Walla Walla is just north of Joseph's ancestral homeland in the Wallowa Valley of Oregon.

Was Spirit speaking to me?

I was deep in thought as I walked farther out toward the edge of the airport. Suddenly, I saw a beautiful white feather floating in the air about ten feet in front of me. As I walked toward it, it drifted and danced in the chilly late-afternoon breeze. I was several feet away when it magically took on the shape of a beautiful white dove. The dove stood still in midair as I started to reach out for it. Then, just a couple of feet from me and right before my eyes, it vanished! Nothing was there -- in the air or on the ground.

Was Spirit speaking to me?

I still don't fully understand those two events -- with my mind, that is. Though my heart understands. But what my mind does know is those two events triggered within me a renewed process of growth, of remembering. And that process has led to my making a full commitment to my work with Joseph, something I'd never done before.

The best part is all this has led me to a deeper, far more intimate bond with my higher self. That bond has brought me into a state of joy I've never known in this lifetime. I still have my challenges to deal with, as we all do. But now -- even in the midst of those challenges, even in the depths of the sadness I've sometimes felt lately -- my life is easy and joyful. Magical even. Magic is all around us. We only need to look and listen for it.

Was Spirit speaking to me in the fading light of that cold winter's day in Sacramento? I'd like to think so.

Here's Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph

Just be -- enjoy your be-ing. Focus on that instead of do-ing. You don't have to do anything in this life. Your only mission is to simply be.

Immerse yourselves in your be-ing. Then, and only then, can you effectively do anything. Then, and only then, will you find yourselves empowered to do everything.

Your actions flow from who you are. It's a matter of putting the horse before the cart, if you will. Once you have fully remembered you are God, you will know what to do. You will know your life's work. You will know your life's partner. And it will all flow easily and effortlessly.

The key is simple: Just be. Equally important is for you to totally immerse yourselves in the joy of being God.

Spirit speaks to you often. Yet you do not hear because you're not listening, you're not watching. The signs are all around you. They come to you in ways expected and unexpected. But you'll never hear or see them unless you remain constantly watchful.

This is the single most important task you can do in this incarnation -- be constantly watchful for the signs of Spirit speaking to you. As you persist in your watchfulness, you will find Spirit speaks to you as easily and clearly as your friends and family on the earth plane.

And what is Spirit saying when it speaks to you?

It is saying many things. But the "common thread," if you will, running through the fabric of Spiritspeak is this: Remember, remember, remember!

Spirit has many messages for you. And it speaks to you in ways specifically "tailored," if you will, to the specific being -- the human being, that is -- you have chosen to become for a while.

Think of your humanness as a costume you have donned for a bit. This thing you call life is really nothing more than a costume party! A party you, as your higher self, chose to attend. And just what are parties? Why, they're fun! Or, at least, they're supposed to be. And so too is your life on earth, in your exquisitely designed human costume, supposed to be fun.

You, as human beings, take yourselves entirely too seriously. You have been so successful at immersing yourselves in the illusion of the earth party, you have forgotten you didn't come here to stay. And you didn't come here to be miserable and joyless. That's not what parties are all about.

You came here because your nature, as God, is playful and creative and joyful. As you left Home the last time before incarnating in your current life, you asked your loved ones in Spirit -- your angels, teachers, and guides -- to be ever watchful over you as you bravely ventured down the trail of tears.

You, as your higher selves, knew this life could indeed be a trail of tears. Or it could be a joyful path, a time of happy reunion with those of your loved ones who also chose to be pioneers on the wild frontier of Planet Earth.

And so, as you left Home with this great spirit of adventure burning in your heart, you asked those who remained "behind" at Home to guide you if you should ever become too deeply immersed in the illusion.

Most of you have become so deeply immersed, you have forgotten much of what you knew, including the fact life is just one big party. You have also forgotten the love, the wisdom, the power you once knew -- the love, the wisdom, the power you are.

You are love incarnate, nothing more, nothing less. You are God. You are All That Is.

And so, as you've become "fully engaged," shall we say, in the business and busy-ness of human life, you've allowed fear to have its way with you.

Fear tells you: "Do this - do that and you will be safe. Think this - think that. Conform to your culture. Honor thy father and mother, and any other authorities who happen to be in your life. Honor them. Please them. Do what they say. For, after all, they know what's best for you."

Fear's voice is most insistent, and your mind loves the sound of fear's voice.

This fear-filled environment is the one many of you, as humans, grew to adulthood in. And, of course, this is a most stressful environment. You can see that stress manifested all around -- and perhaps within -- yourselves. Every day, your newspapers and television screens are filled with these manifestations of fear. And so the stress, and the fear, continue in a seemingly self-perpetuating process, one that can feel almost impossible to break free from.

And yet it is critical, at this point in your personal evolution and in your planet's evolution, for you to break free from the self-imposed bonds of fear. When you begin to break free, and when you finally gain full freedom, you will marvel at the way you found so much false comfort and security in the misery of your jail cell. Yet all the time you were imprisoned, you had the key to your cell door in your hand. You had just forgotten you were given the key before you left Home.

So how do you break free of your culture, your authorities, your jail cells? Well, you begin by listening to Spirit speaking to you. And how does Spirit speak to you? In myriad ways. You are awake and aware, or you would not be reading these words of mine. And yet, though you are awake and aware, you sometimes seem to struggle to simply get through just one 24-hour day. It does not have to be so. Spirit is speaking to you constantly. And I mean that literally -- constantly!

It is critical for you to fully remember who you are, to remember your divine heritage, as you move into the new millennium and beyond. It is critical for you to move forward with joy and peace and love. Sure, you can also move forward through struggle and pain. But you don't have to do it that way. It's your choice.

So we come back to the ways in which Spirit speaks to you. It speaks to you in many ways, as we said a few moments ago. But it speaks to you most clearly through your feelings, through your heart. Whenever you are feeling joyful and positive and powerful and loving, it is those times Spirit is speaking to you most clearly. Whatever feels joyful, positive, powerful, loving is Spirit simply reminding you of who you are.

Your soul, your higher self is always in a state of perfect bliss, perfect joy, perfect peace. It is a state somewhat like a deep meditative state, but with total awareness of your total reality and existence in the moment. If you are fully present in the moment with love, there can be no pain, no sorrow. There can be nothing but total peace, the peace, as your bible says, that surpasses all understanding.

When you achieve that state of bliss and ecstasy -- and you can fully achieve it while still incarnated -- you will have once again become one with Spirit.

Then when Spirit speaks to you again, you will hear only the sound of your own voice.


Blessings Are Everywhere

Finding Truth in Blessings

Have you received a blessing today? Have you received your heart's desire, abundance, a miracle or the answer to a prayer? These are the blessings you know and appreciate but there are other blessings that are more difficult to understand, such as honoring someone's choice to separate from you, being removed from a situation that does not honor you, releasing a belief, attitude or thought, or seeing through an illusion. Each of these is also a blessing that brings you closer to the truth of your being, although you may not consider yourself very blessed by their presence.

Every aspect of your life holds blessings but when you judge them as being good or bad, helpful or not, you miss the value of the lessons they have to teach you. To be blessed is to gain in wisdom and understanding, which may appear in the form of lessons that reveal fear and powerlessness. These are just as important as those blessings which bring you joy, what you desire and miracles. Each blessing holds its own truth for you and all blessings enlighten your journey.

The lessons in which you find your power, reconnect to your wisdom and learn to balance your energies are the ones that serve as your most powerful blessings. They are the ones that lead you to your truth and help release the blocks to the abundant and joyful living you desire. But they are also the ones that cause you the greatest hardship, whose learning requires the release of energies you have moved beyond but may still be connected to and that you see yourself in your full power and divinity.

If you will see each person, situation and event in your life as a blessing you will begin to see the patterns of healing, the movement of the energies and the ways in which you can be guided to the understanding you seek on your healing journey. Release your need to be in judgment of any situation as good or bad and instead, seek the truth it holds for you. Then you will find the wisdom and understand that are the true blessings of your journey, which will lead you to release, peace and transformation.

With thanks and appreciation to Jennifer Hoffman at Uriel Heals for this message from Uriel.


A Fresh Approach

We often hear that the way to change our reality is by changing our perception. Yet as we look around and see our world the way it seemingly always has been, it's not always so easy to shift perspective and see things in a different way.

April Crawford's Veronica addresses this concept in a recent class video posted on Youtube. See if their approach doesn't help you to shift out of the old way of seeing things so that a new perception - and a new reality - can manifest in your life.


How to Make Yourself Miserable

Sounds odd doesn't it? Here we have articles about well being, happiness, joy, abundance, love .. yet today we lead with an article entitled "How to Make Yourself Miserable". In our quest for joy, why would we want to look at such things?

Because, sadly, too often we go around making ourselves, not to mention those around us, miserable all the time! Mostly without even knowing it, or realizing that we are.

Thanks to Gina Lake of Radical Happiness for the following reminder that if the ways we create misery for ourselves seem unlimited, the ways that we can be happy must be just as unlimited!


by Gina Lake

- Think about all the things other people have that you don't have (a relationship, a nice home, a new car, a great job, children, a thin body, perfect health, lots of money, success, popularity, beauty, fun, sex, etc.) and imagine how happy they are and how happy you would be if you had what they have. Daydream about what your life should look like.

- Keep a running mental list of your "problems," shortcomings, and how you and your life don't measure up and what you should do about it. Then make this the central topic of your conversation with others.

- Think about what happened in the past that made you upset - and talk about it.

- Go over past conversations you've had and draw conclusions about how that person or persons see you or you see them.

- Think about everything you have to do.

- Have an opinion about everything.

- Notice what you don't like.

- Think about other people and talk about them.

- Think about yourself and how your life is going.

- Think of all the things that could go wrong and all of the terrible things that have happened to other people.

- Spend a lot of time looking at yourself in the mirror.

- Set goals for yourself and your life and wait until you achieve them to be happy.

- Be too busy to let yourself rest, play, do something you enjoy, or do nothing, except maybe watch TV.

Can you find other things to add to this list? How do you make yourself miserable?

How do we make ourselves happy? Don't do the things on the above list.

Happiness is our natural state, and when we stop doing what makes us unhappy, we are naturally happy!


The Importance of Stillness

We lead such busy busy lives that we forget to stop and center ourselves and listen to our guidance from within. In these times as never before, the value of quieting our minds cannot be overrated.

The following comes from our friends Alexandra Mahlimay & Dan Bennack at Joy & Clarity. For the full message go here.

The Importance of Stillness

Imagine that you are in a large concert hall, and that you have come to listen to the world's greatest violinist play your favorite piece of music. You have always been inspired by this composition, and the virtuoso player on stage can perform it, as no one else can do. What a treat and what a privilege it is to be here tonight. All that is required of you is to sit quietly, close your eyes, open your heart, and listen to the exquisite sounds that penetrate the air.

Now imagine that instead of appreciating the importance of silent attention at this time, everyone in the concert hall is making noise. They are talking to their neighbors; they are talking on their cell phones; they are chewing gum, coughing loudly, sneezing, and otherwise making it impossible to hear the performance on stage.

Your moment of inspiration has been ruined.

So what is the point of this little example? Simply this...

Listening to the sound of your Soul, is like listening to the music of an accomplished violinist in a concert hall. Just because the violinist is playing, doesn't mean you will automatically hear the music. First of all, the environment in the concert hall must be quiet, if you are to hear anything at all. Secondly, you must pay attention. Yes, you must pay attention.

In the stillness of your being, you are able to hear the sweet sound of inspiration that your Soul is sending to you all the time. But if your mind is cluttered with worry, and your life is overcrowded with drama, your heart will find it difficult to perceive the music.

In Stillness, Right Action Is Born

It is especially important to reach a place of stillness before acting on anything important in your life. All of you have had experiences making impulsive decisions, and taking actions that you have later regretted. But your regret does not come from the unexpected outcomes of your actions. It comes from an inner recognition that you did not listen to the One Guide, your Soul, that was giving you wise and compassionate counsel all along.

Always remember to listen to the voice of your Divinity. It is there to support you. When you empty the mind of worry and anxiety, and release the need for drama in your life, you leave room for only one authentic sound to be heard – that is the sound of your Soul.

When your Soul speaks to you, it comes through very noticeably. It is crystal clear. It may be a feeling; it may be words; it may be the synchronicity of an encounter with a friend. But when it happens, you are not only able to listen, – you are also able to understand the Divine Energies that are being transmitted to you. They penetrate you, and you will find yourself acting upon these words in a way that feels inherently right to you.

The action that you take, will be action driven by clear thinking and joyful feeling. It will not be subject to your worries and confusion, your fluctuating emotions, or the unpredictable drama in your life. In your moments of quiet stillness, you will discover the inwardly-focused attention that you need to hear the Inspiration of your Soul. And this is what will propel your actions in a direction that feels right for you.

When your actions are driven by clear thoughts and joyful feelings, you will also find yourself accomplishing everything with greater ease, – and in a flow that you couldn't possibly achieve otherwise. Confused thoughts and fluctuating emotions only disturb the heart, and make the accomplishment of any task or purposeful activity seem slow and arduous.