John Cali
Last week I was talking to my good friend Harry. Having known each other all our lives, we have a special bond.
Harry mentioned he needed some electronic equipment, and asked if I knew where to get it at a good price. I said, "Sure, I'll check it out for you."
I found exactly what he wanted, bought it, and had it shipped to him. Then I told him I wanted this to be my gift to him.
He refused, saying I'd done so much for him over the years, he could not accept the gift. He insisted on paying me for it. I was disappointed, but deferred to him.
The truth is Harry has also done a lot for me over the years. But that had nothing to do with my wanting to give him a gift. It was just a spontaneous gesture on my part. Simple enough.
As I thought about it all, it suddenly became crystal-clear to me. Harry is one of the kindest people I know. He's forever doing favors for other people, often to his own detriment.
He almost always puts others before himself. Because I've known him all our lives, I know he suffers from occasional low self-esteem. And, not surprisingly, from frequent sadness and depression.
Obviously, I realized, he didn't feel worthy of receiving the gift I wanted to give him.
In his refusal to accept it he was depriving me of the pleasure of giving. And depriving himself of the pleasure of receiving.
How often do we feel unworthy of receiving the abundance freely available to us?
Too often, I think.
Here's Chief Joseph.
Chief Joseph
Abundance and deserving -- these are huge issues for so many humans.
You all desire abundance, in one form or another. Not necessarily money -- or only money. But an abundance of other things too -- love, romance, good health, peace of mind, joy, etc. Anything good you can think of, you've probably wanted one time or another.
Do you have all the abundance you've ever wanted? Right here, right now? Probably not.
So many come to us and explain in exquisite detail all their desires and dreams. And then comes the inevitable question:
"Joseph, why can't I have what I want, what I've asked for so long?"
Our answer is always simple:
"You can."
"Then why don't I have it?"
That usually leads into detailed discussion of the various "whys" and "wherefores." But often it comes down to a very simple truth: They do not feel deserving.
As they see it, other people are deserving. But they themselves are not.
The roots of that sense of not deserving often run deep. But it is not necessary to dig out those roots. All that's necessary is to start from where they are now, and to know they are as deserving as all others of all the abundance available to them.
John's dear friend Harry is a perfect example of all this.
Harry, and many of you, often put others before yourselves. Not a good idea!
Some disagree with us on this, but we always say you must always put yourselves first. Always! Enlightened selfishness, as we call it, is a good thing.
Only then can you serve others best. Only then can you receive all the abundance you've ever wanted and asked for.
Love yourselves unconditionally. The abundance will then flow to you in ways that will amaze you.
It's pretty simple.
Chief Joseph on Receiving
Sometimes we wonder why we aren't receiving the abundance that we think we are asking for. Then someone comes along and helps us realize that we aren't necessarily in a receptive mode for that which we are asking for. Here's a brief message from John Cali and Chief Joseph.
About Suffering
Suffering is no more and no less than the belief that something has gone wrong – that there has been a mistake. The very fact that we can believe that to enter suffering is a mistake or that the creation of suffering was a mistake, is what suffering is.
Part of what makes the illusion of suffering so incredible is how lost you can become in it. When you enter the illusion of suffering the entrance/exit behind you vanishes. It is sealed over by the illusion that something has gone wrong – the feeling that you just made a mistake. Every time you have that sinking feeling you are literally walking deeper into the illusion of suffering. Every time you have that feeling your vibration drops a little and physicality becomes that little bit denser, that little bit less magical.
- extract from Story Waters Weekly - Issue 11 - What is Suffering?
Love Is ..
Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves, without any insistence that they satisfy you.Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!
~ Wayne Dyer
International author & speaker in the field of self-developement
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham,
drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
From the poem by Max Ehrmann
©1927 (renewed) Bell & Son Publishing, LLC
Desiderata, which in Latin means "things desired" has been a favorite of mine since I first heard it in my early teens. I've never had much of a head for memorization, but I found myself remembering this last portion of the poem after having read it only a few times. Its haunting words have drifted back into my mind often throughout my life. I have found that each time I remembered them, the words brought me back to center and refreshed my knowing that all is well, no matter how things might appear on the surface.
You can find the full poem in many places on the internet, like here.
Ask the Keepers: Orbs and Extraterrestrials
We each have our own individual beliefs about the existence or non-existence of extra-terrestrial life forms. Some of us have experienced, even interacted with, beings that are not human but yet physical. Others of us question the existence of such beings. Others of us believe firmly that such things do not - cannot - be real. All manner of thought and belief exists, and that is as it should be. But no matter which believe system you have adopted, the following may be of interest to you.
Ask the Keepers is an open forum with the Akashic Records, channeled by Jen Eramith at Akashic Transformation.
Ask the Keepers is an open forum with the Akashic Records, channeled by Jen Eramith at Akashic Transformation.
From Jen: The current installment [of Ask the Keepers, February 2010] is posted below. A new installment is posted twice each month for public display, but only members [of Akashic Transformation] can submit questions and access the archives for dozens, and eventually hundreds, of questions and answers.
New from the Akashic Records of Orbs and Extraterrestrials
Question: Will human beings ever be able to see extraterrestrials (ET’s)?
Yes. In fact you are already able to see beings from outside this world. “Beings” can be spiritual beings such as angels, so we will use the term “ET’s” to describe actual physical beings or physical manifestations of beings from outside this world. ET’s are currently visible to human beings. The question of whether or not you are able to see them or if you actually do see them depends on you.
Some of you have a contract to work with extraterrestrial life or you have a contract to go through a lesson or personal growth process that will stem from an encounter with an extraterrestrial being. Those of you with these contracts are able to and will see ET’s at the times and in the ways that help you fulfill those contracts.
Many of you do not have these kinds of contracts and do not have any divine purpose for seeing ET’s. It would not serve you to see physical beings, though you will interact with them in the form of spirit. You do this often with angels and other spirit beings. Even if you have the physical ability to see ET’s, you will not see them and you will not cross paths with them unless your higher self determines that it will serve you to do so. In the same way, it is the very same function by which if you are not meant to meet a certain person in this life, you are not going to cross paths with that person.
That being said, every one of you has the mechanical tools needed to be able to see ET’s. Anything that exists physically can be seen optically. But the human mind is brilliant at blocking things out. Many tests have been done to show that one might look at a picture and see something entirely different from what another person sees in the picture. Your vision depends on who you are and how your mind has trained itself to shut out certain information and notice other information. Some of you may actually have an encounter with a physical being from another planet but you do not remember it or you do not register it as real in your mind. Again, there is always a reason for what you experience in this life. Your minds are brilliant for protecting themselves from seeing things that you are not ready to see. Even if you have an encounter with an ET, if you are not ready to deal with the questions the encounter will raise for you about the nature of reality and what is possible in this world, then your mind will block it out. This function is actually a brilliant and very advanced mechanism you have in your minds to protect yourselves.
Question: When will First Contact occur?
This idea of First Contact is one that has been created by people, and we are going to define it here because it has several definitions in your collective consciousness. For the purpose of this answer, First Contact as an event in which all of humanity comes to recognize the physical presence of ET’s on your planet. This is the kind of event that you have seen depicted in movies. It occurs when there are either enough ET’s present and physically seen, or there are enough people who have had encounters and there is enough evidential proof to kind of force the majority of humans to acknowledge the physical presence of extraterrestrials.
There is no scheduled date for the version of First Contact, though it does not appear to be coming any time soon. First Contact will most likely occur not through a large singular event like a spaceship arriving in a massive way that can be documented on television. Instead it is most likely to continue to occur the way it has been occurring which is one by one, as each of you who has a contract to work with ET’s awakens to that contract either by having an encounter or by coming to recognize and honor the fact that ET’s have already been a part of your life.
Your individual contacts with ET’s are beholden to the same rules and dynamics as your contacts with fellow human beings. ET’s can appear as humans or as something other than human. When you encounter an ET, it is only because your higher self and the highest part of that being have agreed to meet. There is always a reason based on your highest ultimate benefit, though that can sometimes come in the form of a challenging experience.
Encounters with ET’s are most often for a benevolent purpose and many of you who have these contracts to work with ET’s will not suddenly meet an “alien.” Instead, you come to realize that some of the people who have been in your life were actually ET’s visiting you from outside this world.
Encounters with ET’s, like human encounters, help you come into a new perspective about the meaning of your life, your relationships, and your choices. What you learn from relationships with ET’s, and ultimately the conclusion you should come to (as you would with any relationship whether it is with a regular human being or an extraterrestrial human being), is to realize a deeper sense of your own power and connection with love and light. Ultimately as a human being in any encounter, you are remembering and reclaiming your power to direct your life and to bring more light into the world.
Again, it is possible for First Contact to occur as a singular, massive event. Right now, however, that is not the plan and therefore there is no timeline scheduled for it. It serves you best not to wait for First Contact, but instead to work in your sphere of influence to bring Love into the world.
Question: Can you give us more information about spiritual orbs? They show up in photographs and some of us can sense their presence. Please tell us who they are, what they want, and what they are doing here.
This is more complex than many of you wish to believe. As we mentioned, many of you are awakening and coming to realize that there are different beings in this world that are not of this Earth. These beings are assisting humanity to evolve toward Love and Light. Sometimes they help by getting in your way, just like people do, but always it is assistance and it is always with your permission.
These beings come in all kinds of different forms. They come in physical forms such as ET’s, but it is far more common for them to come in energetic forms. The energetic forms of beings in this world are incredibly numerous. There are angels, fairies, nature devas and nymphs; there are animal totems and ancestor spirits, spirit guides and protectors. There are so many variations of energetic beings and they are incredibly numerous. Most energetic beings who are here working as spirit guides for humanity, and many of you are awakening to their presence.
This awakening involves redeveloping your six senses (yes, we mean six!) to enable you to interact with these beings in a more conscious way than you ever have before. You have already been interacting with angels and other spirit guides on a subconscious level. Unconsciously, you are constantly in communication with them helping to determine the safest way for you to learn your lessons, always leading you to the right place at the right time to fulfill your destiny. You are constantly in communication at a spirit level.
The awakening that is happening through Enlightenment is bringing many of you to an expanded gift of sight. The connections between your physical eyes and your physical brain are being rewired to enable you to visually see more than you could before. Just like with any new form of sight, at the beginning, it is blurry. It is the way for an infant, and it occurs for you when you are learning to see something that was previously not visible to you. At the beginning those connections between your eyes and your brain are so basic that you cannot make out the subtle or even not-so-subtle differences between different beings that you are encountering.
When human beings capture orbs on film or when you are able to see them or sense them in your presence, what you are seeing or sensing could be one of hundreds of different kinds of beings. It might be an angel, a fairy, a spirit animal, or countless other kind of being. What or who it is depends on what your soul has called to interact with you at that time. What you tend to see is a circular ball of light, because that is the message that your eye is capable of conveying to your brain and that your brain is capable of conceiving in response to what you see. That is the basic image that you are able to process at this beginning stage of expanding your sight.
All of you, as you continue to expand your consciousness, utilize things like faith and intuition. You also utilize logic and reasoning to come to new conclusions about reality. You are going to further develop this connection between your eye and your brain that enables you to see more than you were able to see before. Many of you have done this already and many of you have even graduated to the next step. Some of you are able to see different outlines, colors, and shapes. Some of you are able to see the aura of energy around other human beings. Some of you can differentiate between different kinds of beings, and some of you are able to see the potential for what is to come.
There are many things you are able to see, not just as visualization in your mind, but actually by using your physical eyes and your optic nerves.
Most of you are at the beginning of building this new connection. In this stage, what you see are orbs. People would like to believe that orbs are a single category. That all orbs are the same kind of being, but actually orbs can be your way of seeing an angel or an animal spirit, or any other kind of energetic being. What you will see is an orb because that is what your eye is capable of registering. You will need to listen to your heart and listen to your intuition and use whatever clairvoyance you have to determine what kind of being is there and what message or what energy they are bringing for you.
It is vitally important that you enjoy the period of time when you are seeing orbs. This is a magical new beginning, and the orbs are sign of your progress. They are cause for celebration, and the vision of orbs is meant to bring an experience of joy, love, and excitement. Do not strive to skip past this stage. Just as an infant is curious and delighted with the slow development of shapes and colors, allow yourself the same delight with what you see. Trust that your vision will develop further in perfect timing for you.
Ultimately this should be really fun. Those of you who can see orbs are at the forefront for humanity in developing this new technique. In the past it would have taken many generations for humans to evolve a new capacity for their eyes, but it is actually possible for all of you to develop this in the current generation. That is how quickly you all are moving now. Some of you will develop it more than others and there is no use for judgment. What you see will simply be a matter of what you have been called to do. Have fun! All of the beings you see as orbs are beneficial. They appear as light because they are a manifestation of Light and Love. Have fun, embrace the magic that they are bringing and enjoy this phase of infancy and the magic and mystery in it. It is a delightful time on Planet Earth!
Ask the Keepers was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith MA through Akashic Transformations. Copyright
The Akashic Records
In my first post this month "Energies for February 2010" I featured the work of Jen Eramith of Akashic Transformations. Today's post expands on the first, by explaining, from Jen's vast background, what Akashic Records are, and how to access them and use them.
What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records are an energetic imprint of every thought, action, emotion, and experience that has ever occurred in time and space. The Akashic Records can also be understood as the imprint of all experiences of all lifetime in all realities. They are an etheric, holographic repository of information for human consciousness for the past, present and potentials for the future. The energy that makes up the Akashic Records is the energy of Love! The knowledge contained in the Akashic Records is imprinted upon a subtle substance called the Akasha, which describes the energy of Love that permeates and creates everything in the Universe.
The Akasha is available everywhere, all the time. Everyone can access information from the Akashic Records at any time, and indeed we do! The flashes of intuition and knowing hunches that occur every day are glimpses into the divine wisdom contained in the Akashic Records. Every being in the Universe contributes to and accesses the Akashic Records. Because we are all created by and connected to the energy of Love, our divine birthright includes having access to the divine wisdom and knowledge contained in the Akashic Records.
The Akashic Records contain all past, present, and future possibilities through the vibrations of compassion and joy. They are like the DNA of the universe. They contain a collection of everything that has occurred in the past, and they hold a complete set of information regarding possibilities for the future. Every individual soul has its own, unique Akashic Record. The souls of groups, events, organizations, and locations also have a unique Akashic Record.
One way to understand the Akashic Records is to envision them as a book that contains the entire history of your soul, as well as every aspect of who you are now and all the potentials for your future. This metaphorical book is so vast that it could never exist physically. Instead, it is recorded energetically in the vibration of the Love that makes up everything in the Universe.
The clear truth contained in the Akashic Records allows us the freedom to choose grace in all things. When we know the truth, we can release any illusions we have created that cause us to believe we are separate from God, Spirit, or Source. The Akashic Records are one of the most powerful tools available on the planet today, to help us remember our Oneness with every being in the Universe, and to find our personal and collective power to create the realities we desire.
What is the history of the Akashic Records?
The concept of the Akashic Records has been referred to in every spiritual tradition on the planet. In the Bible, it is referred to as the Book of Life. The Akashic Records are also referred to as the Cosmic Mind or Universal Mind, as well as the Eye of God and the Word of God. References to the Akashic Records, or the eternal Book of Life, date back to antiquity. References in the Old Testament and beyond give us the sense that there is a collective storehouse of knowledge that is written on the fabric of reality.
The energy that contains the information in the Akashic Records is called Akasha, which is a Sanskrit term meaning “primary substance.” This is the energy that makes up everything in the Universe. It is the energy of love. In Hindu mysticism Akasha is thought to be the primary principle of nature from which the other four natural principles of fire, air, earth, and water, are created. Every vibration that occurs in the Universe through our thoughts, words, and deeds creates an indelible imprint on the Akasha, leaving an energetic recording of every soul and every creation.
The word, Akasha, is derived from two ancient Tibetan or northern Indian words. “Aka” means space, storage place, or repository, and “Sa” means sky, hidden, or secret. A simple translation of “Akasha” is “an unseen space or storage place.” The Akashic Records are, then, a hidden library of records imprinted on the subtle space of the Akasha. The Akashic Records are believed to have existed since the beginning of the time-space continuum of planet Earth.
Who has access to the Akashic Records?
Everyone! Just as we have various kinds of physical libraries, such as law libraries and medical libraries, there are various ethereal libraries in the Akashic Records. Every person, animal, group, organization, event, and location on Earth has a unique Akashic Record. By divine birthright, we have the ability to access our own personal Akashic Records, as well as the Records of any group of which we are a part.
Every being on the planet can access the areas of the Akashic Records of which their soul plays a part. Alternately, no one can access our personal Akashic Records without our express permission. The Akashic Records are protected by spiritual beings who are referred to as the Guides, the Keepers, or the Guardians of the Akashic Records. These Spirit Keepers help us access our Akashic Records, and they hold strong energetic protection for the information contained therein.
How can I access the Akashic Records?
People access the Akashic Records often through intuition, prayer, meditation, and flashes of insight. Many of us experience these glimpses of the Akashic Records on a daily basis. For many people, intentionally opening ourselves to our intuition and inner guidance provides a powerful opening to the information in the Akashic Records.
We can learn to access the Akashic Records more specifically through learning techniques for opening the Akashic Records. These techniques can include the use of meditations, breathing techniques, and a sacred, spoken prayer of opening. While there is no institution that governs this work, there are many teachers who are skilled and reliable to help you. Jen occasionally offers workshops for groups to learn how to access the Records. She also offers one-on-one Mentorships by which you can develop this training through an in-depth, personalized program.
In addition to opening the Records ourselves, we can find great clarity through an Akashic Records consultation. A Consultation, or Reading, consists of having someone who has experience and expertise in working with the Akashic Records open your Records so that you can receive information from them. An Akashic Record Consultation can be extremely valuable, because it offers specific information that arises directly from your personal soul journey. Every conceivable question regarding your life and your soul journey can be answered during an Akashic Records Consultation.
What information can I get from the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records contain every thought, emotion, action, and experience that has ever occurred in time and space. Your personal Akashic Records contain every piece of information regarding your soul’s experience. In the Records, you can learn about your relationships, your health, your soul path, and every other conceivable topic regarding you! Because the information in the Akashic Records is held in the energy of love, the answers you receive to questions during an Akashic Reading offer helpfulness and hopefulness as well as profound empowerment through knowing the truth of your situation and the possibilities unfolding in your life.
To access channelings from the Akashic Records, become a member.
To schedule an Akashic Record consultation, please contact Jen.
Welcome to a magical conversation with Spirit!
All audio and text protected under copyright. © Akashic Transformations. All rights reserved
Energies for February 2010
What energy and experiences can we expect in February 2010?With thanks to Maja at The Smiling Soul for sharing this information.
This month will seem to go by very quickly for many of you, but it is a very important month. The experience may be something like the experience of being on stage in the spotlight. This month is something you have prepared for, for a very long time. Now that you are here the adrenaline kicks in and everything seems to go by in a blur. The next thing you know it will be over and you cannot believe it all went by so fast. February feel this way for most of you.
Many will feel a sense of being in the spotlight and some of you may feel somewhat vulnerable and exposed. The thing that is really happening is that pieces of information about you, your lives, the choices you have made about your relationships, are coming to the surface. The light is finally shining on them and you are going to see some things about yourself or about your surroundings that you have never seen before, or have a perspective that you have never had before. This exposure can lead you to feel somewhat vulnerable. You may feel self-conscious this month, and you may find yourself behaving defensively and losing patience with others.
This month is an opportunity to see who you become when the spotlight is on you. It is an opportunity to explore how you deal with feelings of stress and vulnerability. Do your best to be as grateful and generous with yourself as possible. Be patient with the people around you. People are going to feel vulnerable, so they may lash out or become defensive more than usual. It is important to have patience with one another even as you protect yourself. Do not stay close with anyone being abusive or hurtful to you, but do have patience when somebody flies off the handle or loses their patience themselves.
This month will not present new challenges, but it will present new perspectives on old challenges. In preparation for this month, or at the beginning of this month, it can be really useful for you to make a list of what you feel your life issues are. What are the big lessons you have learned in your life? What are the challenges that arise over and over again? What are some of the patterns that you have identified? By patterns, we mean patterns of behavior, habits that you tend to fall into, and storylines that you tell yourself. If you can make a list of what you have identified thus far as being some of your life issues or life lessons, then you can assume that each one of these will arise anew in February.
If you see it coming, you can be more graceful with it. When you make a mistake that you have made before, you can smile to yourself and say, "Oh I knew that was coming. Now what do I have to learn?" Rather than beating yourself up or imagining that somehow you have fallen behind. You have not fallen behind. You are reaching a new iteration and a new layer of truth in regard to the issues and the patterns that you have already been working with in your life. As you can imagine, the more honest you are willing to be with yourself and the more clearly you are willing to look at yourself, the more information you will get about preparing for this month and the more prepared you will be to ride through the challenges this month with grace.
This is not a month for quiet contemplation. It will seem that things will just come one after another. You will not feel you have time for quiet contemplation so do not set up the contemplation that you will have a lot of time to process things. It is okay to just rush through and do your very best as you go. Try to keep your wits about you, try to keep yourself focused, calm and centered. Know that it is okay if you find yourself rushing from one thing to another this month. Things will quiet down later on in the spring or you will become centered in a new way in the spring.
How can we best work with the energy this month?
Something that will serve all of you this month is to keep a priority list; keep an ongoing list of the things that are most important for you. The list can include things that are most important in your life in general and also priorities for everyday. If there are several things that you want to get done on a day, put those on top of your list and make sure those get done before you get distracted by other experiences. Keeping lists of things to do and continually setting up what is the highest priority for you will help you feel grounded and will help you feel on track with yourself this month. It will keep you from making the kind of decisions you regret later.
A second thing that will help this month is to give yourself a free pass for mistakes. Many mistakes will be made this month by you and everyone around you. If you expect mistakes then they simply become learning experiences. If you do not expect mistakes, then you can imagine that there is something wrong when a mistake is made. What you might do for the month of February is give yourself five mistakes a day and you assume every day you are going to make five mistakes. Then as each mistake occurs, you simply mark it off as being expected. When you do make a mistake, avoid thinking to yourself that you have failed; do not invite your inner critic to beat up on you. Instead, when you make a mistake, smile to yourself and say, "Oh good! I can mark one off my list!” Then move on.
An exercise like that can help you unhook your inner critic because many people will have their inner critic loud and strong. Many people will be feeling badly about themselves this month. If you can be generous and gentle with yourself, you will make it far easier to be generous and patient with others.
Are there any power days this month?
February 7 may be a difficult day. It will be a day when your patterns, challenges and lessons will become very apparent. This will be a clarifying day if you have prepared by reflecting on these issues in advance. If you have made a list, you will just learn a lot more about yourself on this day and learn a lot more about what you still need to learn in your life.
If you are not prepared, you are likely to feel like everything falls apart on February 7. You may feel like the whole world comes crashing down on you. Preparation is taking some time in advance to consider what your life issues and lessons are, and to notice what you have learned so far and consider what still feels unresolved; where you still have room to grow.
February 15 has a really strong sense of light. That light can be very beneficial, a sense that everything is clear, supported and filled with energy. If you have not yet gotten on track with yourself -- if you have not yet found a way to be generous, kind and patient with yourself -- then February 15 will lead you to feel like a deer caught in the headlights. You may feel overwhelmed and a little confused on this day.
Ultimately, there is a big batch of clarity available on February 15. If you are on top of things, you can take that clarity and have some further insights. If you are not on top of things or if you have been unwilling to see things for what they truly are, then that clarity is going to be overwhelming.
February 22 through 27 provides a quieting. There is a feeling that there is an energetic blanket beginning to fall over the earth, creating a sense of security and safety and beginning to quell and quiet the storms that were stirred up earlier in the month. This is a great time to embark on a healing process; to start to plan out and put together strategies for you to deal with the issues that have arisen for you. This is a good time to make appointments for healings, schedule personal time or change your habits or routines for the months to come to give you more space to grapple with those issues and patterns that have made themselves known to you in the month of February.
Is there anything else the Keepers want to tell us?
The challenges available this month are all beneficial. All of this is happening because you and the human race as a human family, have committed so deeply to seeing into the darkest corners, to looking at the truth of your deepest shadows so that eventually you can shine the light into them and let them go. Know that while things may feel difficult and even dark for some of you, the only reason you are looking into the darkness now is because you have acquired so much light that you are now able to shine it into darker corners.
Do not let yourself imagine that you are trapped in a cave. Do what you can to bring light to any situation even if it is the smallest flicker. Any way that you can remind yourself that you are loved, anyway that you can reach out a hand of kindness or connection to another human being, anything you can do to comfort yourself this month will help you bring even just a little bit of light into those shadows.
Just as if you were in a cave, the tiniest flicker of light can make the biggest difference if you are in a dark enough place. Have faith. Hold to those things that center you and bring out the best in you; do your best to see what there is to see as you explore the darker space in February. Ultimately this is a journey of light and a journey toward the light. You will not get lost. Have faith and hold onto love.
Copyright © Akashic Transformations 2005 - 2009 All rights reserved.
The Monthly Message Preview was channeled from the Akashic Records by Jen Eramith, M.A. Permission is given to copy and redistribute the Messages Previews provided that the contents remain complete, all credit is given to the author, and it is freely distributed.
Information about what Akashic records is available in numerous places around the web. Jen Eramith offers her own insight on the Akash on this page of her website: The Akashic Records
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