
Responsibility, Choice, Freedom, and Hate .. A New Beginning


For a long while now I've wanted to use this space to tackle the subject of responsibility. Not responsibility in the sense of doing a good job at work, obeying the laws, or taking care of your family. But responsibility as in taking full and complete responsibility for our part in creating and allowing everything - absolutely everything - that we experience.

We live in a litigious society, one where finding fault and assigning blame has been a way of life. The need to assign blame is an obvious response in a world where responsibility is shifted off of self and onto other. We learned how to be that way from being in a society that is that way. It's a circular thing, and not surprising that we find ourself in such a world. But this cycle has to be broken. As we enter into a new year, aided by a new and profound energy, it makes sense to start building a world where we recognize - and accept - the power inherent in each of us. Maybe now is a good time to find another way.

It sounds strange, maybe even impossible, to look at life as a creation that each of us has control over. The obvious question is "If we can create everything, all of our experiences, why would we - do we - create the world the way that it is?" That really is a great question .. why do we create the world in the way that we do, with all the hate, war, struggle, and atrocities that we hear and read about?

I admit that I don't have an answer to that question. The only thing I can say is "but we do". We each create our own portion of it, and all those "our portions" add up to complete the whole. The Law of Attraction is unwavering in her fairness, she will bring together like vibrations even if those vibrations are (to those standing on the sidelines) despicable.

Can we control the thoughts, beliefs, and actions of other people? Think carefully here, there are nearly 7 billion "other" humans on the planet right now! The answer is .. "of course not". It's ludicrous to even try. But try we do! We think that everyone should think as we do, believe what we do, behave like we do. Generally speaking we have very little tolerance for those who oppose our stand on about any issue up for discussion.

The key phrase attributed to Jane Roberts' Seth was "You create your own reality". Seth was speaking of both you singular and you plural, meaning that it's through each of our individual thoughts, beliefs, and actions that the world becomes what it is.

So instead of trying to change everyone else, the more useful action would be to manage our own personal reality, allowing others to see what's possible for them through their experience of us. Allowing them to see and feel and know that they can live a different way, bring different experiences into their reality, if they choose it.

The underlying issue here is that we don't want to believe that we really are that powerful. But we are. From the most exciting facets of our lives to the most mundane to the most upsetting we create and allow them all. "You are a child of God and God also" as Saint-Germain through Alexandra Mahlimay continually reminds us.

And the key to acknowledging and accepting that power is to accept responsibility for everything - everything - that comes into our awareness. We don't have to know how or why, and we certainly don't need to dwell on it, we only need to acknowledge that we had a hand in it, and then let it go. In the letting go we can choose a different reaction, a different creation, a different possibility, a different probability. For each and every thing that happens there are untold other experiences possible, if we only stop for the half second it takes to choose something different.


An empowering question to ask, in any and every moment in time is .. "Is this what I want to create?" This question can easily be understood in relation to what we are living through in our personal lives, but it has huge implications on what's happening in the world at large also. Yes, we are that powerful.

If the answer to the question "Is this what I want to create?" is "Yes!", "Yes, this is something I want to create!" .. woohoo for us! A time to celebrate our creation(s), revel in the moment, accept that we had a hand in the creation, reiterate to the Universe that yes, this is grand! .. more please!

If it's not what we wish to create, if we're left thinking "I would like something different", all there is to do is accept the creation as it is, then re-focus attention on what we want to create instead. As Abraham likes to remind us, we don't need to know how to bring our desires into reality, that's the Universe's job. We only need to focus our attention and feelings on what we want and not on what we don't want. Focusing on what we don't want (on the creation or experience that didn't turn out to our liking) only gets us more of that. This is true for both personal and global experiences. Don't want war on the planet? Don't focus on people not getting along, focus on all of us coming together in love, joy, and acceptance instead. The good news is .. it starts in your personal world.

I should add here that the common response - for me and everyone else that I know - isn't generally "I would like something different." My/our typical response is "omg, this sucks! I didn't create this. No way. They (the infamous 'they') did this to me! I would never have created something like this!"

I never said this was going to be easy. But it is simple: Did you create your own experience? Yes, you did. Yes, you did bring that upon yourself. You didn't necessarily do it consciously. In fact, it's almost guaranteed that you didn't do it consciously, and that's really the point. Being aware of our thoughts and beliefs helps us regain power over them. All that's left to do, once an experience - whatever it is - is right in your face is stop and acknowledge that yes, you did bring this to you. You may not know how, or why, but you did. Accepting your responsibility in the matter is key, followed by a shift in focus.


There is such a sense of freedom in accepting our own responsibility in the matter of our own lives - and in the happenings on our planet - even if we don't know how it came about. We don't need to know how a car works to drive one, likewise we don't need to know how the human vessel works in order to create from within it. All it takes is acknowledging the god in you, and accepting that we are all connected. As an individual one cannot possibly experience everything that there is to experience, that's why all this uniqueness was created - to give All That Is uncountable numbers of experiences that could not be had as a single unit. Hence the creation of "other". Inside of that massive creation, each experience counts, whether it's an experience you like or don't like, agree with or don't agree with.

Once we acknowledge that everything, absolutely everything, that comes into our awareness/experience is something that we had a hand in creating, we have access to choosing differently. If we don't accept our part in the creation of our own life experiences, we live forever inside the victimness that says someone else can do something to us. They cannot. "Other" is not more powerful than each of us inside the parameters of our own lives. They only appear to be more powerful when we don't accept our part in the creation of our experience.

It's an amazing and powerful tool, likely the most power tool we have at our disposal, the tool called Choice. We can choose, in any and every moment, to continue on the path we are traveling, or we can choose differently. All it takes is stopping long enough to remember that we have choice, and then being willing to give up being right for the opportunity to be what we desire. Would you rather be happy or be right? The tiniest little shift in awareness, in attitude, in acceptance, unlocks the door.

So how do we get there?

Hate and ... a New Beginning

One place to start is by choosing not to continue with feelings of hate. At this time in our evolution, hate is an emotion whose work has been done, it's time to release it and move on to the more powerful emotions of joy and love. No matter what someone did to you, no matter what you did to someone else, the time is now to release those feelings and choose acceptance instead. Inside acceptance is the opportunity to shift the energy, and our work now is all about shifting energy away from what we don't want and toward what we do want.

A very wise woman once told me that the answer to every question that I have at this time is "It Just Is". "Why this?" "why that?" "why something else .. ??" These are questions that I would ask constantly. Nothing about my own behavior or the behavior of others made sense to me, and it was driving me crazy. But the reasons are no longer important, and rehashing the question only keeps us stuck in the energy of it.

So I would ask you this - do you think that it is possible to live without any kind of hatred at all, even the "baby" variety like resentment, blame, guilt and revenge? Are you willing to give up victim feelings and embrace your own power to choose differently instead? Can you look at every experience that you have - good, bad, or indifferent - and say "I did that!" "I created that!" "I allowed that!" And if it's not something you'd like to experience again, refocus. Accept responsibility for the event or experience and choose something different going forward. Can you start, right inside your own life, using your own power of conscious choice to refocus, recreate something beautiful out of negative experiences?

John Cali and Chief Joseph had some interesting comments on releasing hate. It might help you to move toward acceptance and forgiveness and out of blame and guilt. Here it is in its entirety:

A Life Without Hatred

This week's video gives us a glimpse into the life of an amazing woman, Alice Herz-Sommer. Alice's story is perfect for this holiday season when many folks' thoughts turn to peace on earth.

John Cali

A few weeks ago, on November 26, Alice celebrated her 107th birthday. She's the oldest living Holocaust survivor.

Alice, an accomplished pianist, says music helped her and others survive the horrors of the concentration camps. As she put it, "Music was our food." Today, at 107 years young, she still practices the piano three hours a day.

Despite enduring the horrors of those concentration camps and losing her family there, today she leads a happy, fulfilling life. She does not hate the Nazis. As she put it, "Hatred brings only hatred."

Alice is a powerful shining example of what a life without hatred can do to help heal a wounded world.

Here's Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph

While most of you have never experienced what Alice did, you still harbor what you might call "minor hatreds."

Is there a family member you feel resentment toward? Is there a co-worker you don't like? Do you hate your job? Do you hang on to hurtful experiences after they're long past? Do you resent, or harbor grudges against, even yourself for your past mistakes?

Most humans have had these experiences, or some variation of them. And that's fine. All such experiences are simply part of your growth as human beings.

But you create problems and barriers when you insist on hanging onto those memories, those experiences, and all the pain and anguish.

In fact, we observe you so often creating memorials to your pain and suffering. How many "war memorials" do you have? Monuments to suffering, pain, and hatred?

While we respect your natural desire to honor those who have suffered and died in your human struggles, we do not think it's a good thing to keep all the suffering and pain fresh in your minds and awareness. The saying you have -- "We shall never forget." -- dooms you to continually reliving what you'd be far better off forgetting.

The only way you will achieve world peace is to follow Alice's example and refuse to let hatred live in your hearts. No matter what has happened in the past. As she said, "Hatred brings only hatred."

And love brings only love.

Every hateful thought you hold contributes to the wounding of the world. Every loving thought you hold contributes to the healing of the world.

Live a life without hatred. Live a life with only love. Then you will create the world you've always dreamed of.


However you celebrate this time of the year, Chief Joseph and I wish you and all your loved ones a most beautiful and blessed season. God bless you all!
This is going to be an extraordinary year, and you are here, on planet earth at this time, being a part of it. What a joy! and what an honor! to be a human at this time. It is my honor to be here creating and experiencing it with you! As the days move forward may your awareness continue to increase, and the life you choose continue to unfold.

With much love and appreciation for what you do and who you be,



The Immensity of Your Being

To begin with, what seems to be never really is. From that intellectually disturbing premise, I urge you to launch into a much more hopeful and, at the same time, realistic imaging. One might almost say, to redesign the world doesn't take war machinery and diplomacy. Rather it requires the enormous courage to remember: to remember the dreams of childhood, the hopes of Now, and the infinite possibilities in the name of Love that exist within each of you. You have all forgotten that you are men and women of God. You have forgotten the empowerment that this offers.

So, what have I said? That this is not a time for despair or gloom and dire predictions, but a time for recalling the immensity of your being, the golden intent of your coming, and the courageous willingness of your presence here and now, again, in the name of Love itself. Please do not be afraid to believe. Faith in the inherent goodness of humanity is the path out of the forest of conflict and back to the garden of peace and compassion.

Emmanuel, through Pat Rodegast


Happy Winter Solstice!

12-21-2010* .. what an auspicious day! Today enters into the atmosphere of Earth a new energy. Profound. Filled with possibility. But an energy that brings with it a huge responsibility to each and every one of us. A responsibility to release the game of third dimensional reality, with its inherent duality and lack of choice, and embrace who we are - and who we are becoming - as greater dimensional beings.

In this new energy, life can be joyful and full of ease and excitement, or it can be difficult, upsetting, and painful. The choice lies in what we choose to hold on to, what we choose to embrace. If we hold onto anger, upset, blame, guilt, revenge, "you're not ok", "I'm not ok", "they're not ok" we are going to get back those things - in spades. If not released, these negative emotional qualities - mostly born out of training and habit - are going to send our physical and emotional bodies reeling. If, on the other hand, we continue to release release release judgement, blame, guilt and similar thoughts, beliefs, and emotions - about ourself and other - we will have smooth sailing into the new world.

Although it might sound like it is, this is not a time for fear! In fact, this is a time to release fear and embrace trust once and for all. Make no mistake, the time is now to be that which we know ourselves to be, in all our loving glory.

The following was received a year and a half ago, but fits so perfectly with where we are now. May it help guide you on your amazing journey!

A Message From The Arcturians
The Arcturians through Suzan Caroll
April 24, 2009

Dear Ones,

Perhaps, deep inside your consciousness, or even in your dreams, you have been hearing:


You may have also heard your ego/self trying to make deals and bargains, as if there is a cost to your full awakening. In your Soul, you know that this third dimensional “deal making” is the very thinking that restricts your full awakening. Therefore, we wish to assist you to better understand and accept this message, which we have been whispering to your consciousness.

You, dear Ones, are the First. You awakened, or never forgot, while most of the world still slumbered in illusion. Your Truth set you apart from others, so you kept your knowing buried deep inside. You entered into the many dramas of third dimensional life, as well as the joys of imagination, creativity, nature, friends, family and love. But your complete SELF was always a secret—to others, as well as to your self.

Fortunately, as you walked your Path, you gradually awakened to your Complete SELF. We have seen the many disclaimers and challenges that your ego/self has created. Furthermore, your human still seeks recognition, reward if you will, for a life well lived, a job well done. It is this seeking for acclaim that sidetracks you in your process of awakening, for it is the voice of your wounded ego seeking to be healed. We wish to say to you that only YOU can give your ego that gift.

Take this moment now to fully recognize your ego/self for a job well done, for walking the arduous journey through the fears and illusions of the third dimension. Congratulate your ego for remembering to call upon Spirit to remember your SELF. Love your ego as a huge tree loves the small seed from which it once sprouted.

Plant this seed of your SELF deep in the body of Gaia and commit your courageous, victorious ego/self to being the core of Gaia. What greater recognition could your ego ever achieve than to become ONE with planet Earth.

Feel the radiating pulse of your ego/self as it breathes the breath of Gaia and beats within Her heart.

Within the core of your planetary heart, begin the process of BEING your Complete SELF. In this way, you become not only your Complete Human SELF, but your Complete Planetary SELF, as well.

Once you have awakened to your Planetary SELF, you will begin to awaken to the many expressions of your Galactic SELF who has taken form on other planets, galaxies and dimensions.

Love your SELF who is a mighty Being, a wondrous Planet and a glorious Galaxy.

With every footfall, with every breath and with every thought—remember to say

“I AM ready to BE my Complete SELF!”

We have sent you this mantra to assist you to be your SELF in your daily life.

The Game is ending, the veils of illusion are lifting, the polarities are merging and YOU are becoming your SELF.

The Divine POWER
Unconditional LOVE
And Infinite WISDOM
Of your Complete SELF is being called forth to create your new reality.

Remember your Complete Human SELF
Remember your Complete Planetary SELF
Remember you Complete Galactic SELF

This is the Clarion Call to awaken NOW!

We are here to guide and advise,
The Arcturians

Copyright © 2009 Suzan Caroll, Multi-Dimensions
* In numerology, 12-21-2010 is a triple digit number 3-3-3 (interestingly enough, there are four 3-3-3 dates this month). It's also the Winter Solstice. And we're having a complete lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse falling on the Winter Solstice is an event that hasn't happened since 1378. Fun!

Remember that you are loved, and you are never alone.


Reconnecting with Spirit

In these times of extraordinary changes (read: stress), sometimes it's difficult to remember that we're never alone, that our Higher Self, our guides, and all who love us are as close as simply remembering that they are. I loved this recent reminder from our friends at Inner Whispers on that very topic:

Rough Times In The Linear

In the linear the feeling of separation is often expanded as one feels his or her way through the sea of chaos. Most feel the void and become fearful that their connection with their soul may be forever out of their reach.

It is important to realize that those in spirit are always moving past any impediments to connecting with those they love in the linear.

Close your eyes when fearful and feel the touch of spirit. The warmth of that embrace can supersede any detachment one may feel while in the physical form.

Spirit senses when the disconnect occurs and moves forcefully to reconnect. Allow the energy to proceed. We realize it may be difficult but open yourself to the probability if at all possible.

We have stated before that spirit will never abandon you. This remains the most stable connection in the linear world as spirit moves forward to connect.

Always know that these moments of warmth and love continue. Pay attention in times of trouble so that the connection may become more stable.

It is the best possible moment when the soul can smooth the rough edges of a linear moment. It is not your imagination, the work of spirit is profound. Believe in the moment and all will be well.

The soul has the power to smooth out all of the roughness. One simply needs to allow for that to occur.

Close your eyes and believe.

Relief will be forthcoming.

VERONICA, through April and Allen Crawford


Be Careful of Your Thoughts ...

Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions. Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits. Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character. Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.
Attributed to Paulette Francesca Sedgwick, as posted at QuotesDaddy


Kryon on Astrology

As we learn more and more about how our physical bodies are affected by magnetics and energy, it's important to note the connection - on a physical level - to the movement of the heavenly bodies. If you know much of computer programming, there are many similarities between how we operate on a day-to-day basis and programming.

I don't present this so we can look at human beings as an automatons, far from it! I present it only to raise our awareness that - in case you weren't aware of it - there is a strong connection between the stars and planets and our reactions/behavior. We don't have to be ruled by the activity of the stars (given free choice as we are, we can always choose how to respond), but it's wise to be aware of it, and even use it.

The following comes from one of many Question / Answer sessions given by Kryon.

We’ll summarize the way astrology works: The sun is the fulcrum of the solar system and the center of energy for life for you. There is a physical mechanism for the sending of information from the sun to the other planets and it’s called the solar wind. This energy stream carries with it whatever pattern of interdimensional energy the sun has at that moment, and delivers it to whatever is in reach of the sun's magnetic field [the Helios]. It’s always there, but it has cycles of intensity. Although science sees the solar wind as an energy player in the solar system, they have yet to see the interdimensional patterns it carries to the planets as this wind blasts out from the sun.

These patterns reflect the posturing of the sun as the other planets exhibit their tugs and pulls on it via gravity and magnetics (both are interdimensional energies). Therefore these sun patterns change continuously as the planets provide new gravitational and magnetic situations to the sun.

When the solar wind, carrying this sun pattern, hits the Earth, it deposits the pattern upon the magnetic grid. The magnetic grid is dynamic (changes all the time), and is responsive to being constantly repatterned. The grid lines of the planet alter the pattern slightly due to fact that your grids aren’t consistent and have greater and lesser areas of influence in different Earth locations.

Human DNA is sensitive to magnetics, since it is a magnetic engine itself. At birth, when the child is separated from the parent, there is a signal sent to the brain of the infant that says, “Your system is now active and on its own, apart from your mother.” During that first breath of independent and unique life, the child’s DNA receives the pattern from the magnetics of the Earth’s grid, and takes on what you have come to call “astrological attributes.”

Different places on the planet will carry the basic pattern, plus or minus what Earth’s magnetic field has contributed due to geographic location. This explains why world-class astrology must take into consideration the location of birth. Astocartography is also based on this principle.

Astrology is the oldest science on the planet, and can be proven to be accurate. In addition, “generic” astrology is also a significant influence in Humanism, from the cycles of the female’s system, to the profound changes in Human behavior when the moon is full. You can’t separate yourself from it, and those who don’t believe in it might as well not believe in breathing, because it’s that much of an influence on your life.

The new energy on the planet invites you to change your DNA. This is the teaching of Kryon. When you change your DNA, you’re working with the very core of the pattern you had at birth, and so you’re able to then work on some of the attributes of your astrological blueprint, and actually change it—even neutralize it. We told you all about that in 1989. Masters did this, and you’re now coming into a time where your abilities are those of the masters. Look into your life and eliminate the things that are challenges and keep the attributes that support you. This is the true balanced Human Being.

You can change your sensitivity to attributes within your own individual astrology type, but the generic influences of the planets’ and moon’s movements will always affect you to some degree, since you’re not an island apart from others. These would be things such as retrogrades and the moon’s influence (as indicated). You might say, “I’m no longer affected by retrogrades” and sit and smile all you want. Meanwhile, you still shouldn’t sign contracts during that time, since all those around you are still affected. Think about it.


Who Are You?

In a fascinating channel titled "Energetic Consciousness", Kryon offered the following:
Let me give you something to think about. I'm going to ask a question right now. It's going to be a rhetorical one. Who are you? I have old souls in front of me and reading this. There's a woman in the room who won't wear red, and you know who you are. I'll tell you why. Because it got you killed! Because that was the color of the plume on your helmet, warrior. Because you were the captain and the enemy before you in that battle knew if they would take you out, your whole regiment would be in disarray and that's what happened. Wearing red not only killed you, it killed everyone around you! You'll never wear red. You just don't like the color. It's just not for you. You shun it, don't you, old soul? Therefore, as you sit here, who are you? Are you the warrior who got killed, or the woman in 2010 who won't wear red?
We are both - and neither. We are the sum total of all of our experiences as a Soul, and all of that information resides energetically in both our DNA and in the Akashic records of the planet. And it affects us subconsciously, if we allow it to.

Whenever we aren't being aware of the Now moment, we're living from the information of our past. That information can serve us in achieving what we want, or it can be a detriment, keeping us from what we want. In either case, it's just a habit of thought, and thoughts can be changed .. and so can habits! It all starts with awareness. Awareness allows us to see or realize that a door is there. Intent to make the change opens the door, and inspired action moves us through the door. Change is on the other side!

I was reminded of that profoundly this week when my daughter-in-law showed me some sale literature for a set of dishes that I've been wanting. Even on sale, the price struck me like a tidal wave of energy. My immediate (and I have to admit, typical) response wasn't to thank her for doing research and offering this opportunity! instead my immediate (and typical) response was "hooo! that's expensive!" Which for me translates to "can't afford it." It's a well-ingrained habit for me to think of things as "can have" or "can't have" based on cost. "That's affordable" but "that is not". It's a habit I'm focusing on breaking up, and these types of reminders come to me often, allowing me to see what's on the other side of the door, if I choose to look. It takes awareness, and - thankfully - it only took me an hour or so to reflect back and become aware of that automated response, how effectively it keeps me from the things I want, and to shift the energy around that habitual thinking.

In pondering that automatic response, I realized that I view money issues completely differently than I view love issues. For some people it's just the opposite. You might be one of them! Maybe you have plenty of money but love seems to elude you. For me, it's the opposite, and it goes like this: I never concern myself about the love that surrounds me. I know, deep in my heart, that my husband, my kids, my family, my friends, and my pets love me deeply. Nothing they do shakes that belief in me. It simply doesn't matter to me what they say or what they do, I never question the love that I hold for them or the love that they hold for me. Simply not an issue. There is always "enough love" in my life. But with money, I question it all the time.

Questions pop into my head about money constantly .. like "can I afford that?" "did I earn that?" "do I deserve that?" "how will I pay for that?" I tend to have the same judgements about others "how do they afford that?" "did they earn that?" "do they deserve that?" It's almost insidious how often I am aware of money, generally the lack thereof. Yet I never question love. In my life, love is, money (for more than what I consider the essentials), generally isn't.

Clearly a shift in belief about who I am regarding money is in order! When I can see money flowing to me as automatically and absolutely as love flows to me, money will no longer be an issue. Does it matter where, when or how I got into this lopsided relationship with money? Not to me! All that matters is that I become aware of my habits of thought as they occur, and consciously shift my thinking until I see the manifestation in physical reality of that shift. I don't doubt the process, and I hope you don't either. It takes diligence, but the rewards are great.

Soo .. who are you? Can it even be defined? Maybe the question would better be asked .. Who do you want to be? .. and how will you become that?


Compassion with Wisdom

Let a man know academics to the max; let him know all the lists; let him wallow in the years of training. But if he does not have compasion, he is just a small noise in the wind of life... and has learned very little about God.

~ Kryon, from The Secret to Mastery, May 2010
Have you noticed how many things are happening globally that are awakening compassion in the masses? Maybe you are one of many who are feeling, deep in your heart and in your soul, a crying out for an end to humanity's suffering, or indeed to all suffering in all kingdoms on earth. It's a vital step in the evolution of consciousness that compassion be embraced as a way of life.

When compassion is touched in a human heart it can cause great emotional pain. But it doesn't have to. Just above the painful feelings that arise when our compassion is touched is another type of compassion. We call it compassion with wisdom, and in this compassion there is no pain. There is understanding that what is unfolding is perfect in every way, that the event was orchestrated with purpose. That those that need to feel the pain will do so, as a way to open the door to compassion. But once the door is opened, the pain can be released.

Compassion with wisdom is an awareness that, from the outside, can look like a lack of caring. It can look like you don't care because you may "feel" nothing at all. Nothing could be further from the truth. You actually do feel something, but rather than pain what you "feel" is a deep abiding understanding that all is well, no matter how it appears. Compassion with wisdom is the ability to see beyond pain into the reality of the event. Compassion with wisdom is a paradox, a contradiction between appearances and reality. Only you can know what you are experiencing, and that's an important point - being strong in your own knowing that you are experiencing not a lack of caring, but a deeper, more profound understanding of caring.

Humanity has suffered enough, the time of suffering is past. Know that suffering is simply a way to open the door to compassion, and once opened, we can let suffering go. Use it to begin to see events from a higher perspective. One person standing above the fray with wisdom allows others to do the same, even if that person says nothing at all. Letting pain and sadness go is a service you provide first to your Self, yes, but it has far-reaching implications for all of life on Planet Earth.

So if an event grabs you in the heart, has you reeling in emotional pain or agony, just notice. Don't dismiss the feeling if it's there, feelings are real. Your feelings are real. So feel what you feel .. then let it go. Allow the pain and/or sadness to be transmuted by grounding it into the earth or releasing it into the ethers. Simply breath and allow the pain to subside.

Your willingness not to dwell in the painful feeling is what allows it to be transmuted, and transmuted not just for you but for others. Once in a place of calm, if you are inspired to action, then act - you will likely find that you have been inspired to action for something rather than against something - and that can make all the difference!


Like a Kid in a Candy Store

The real treasure in this moment is always to be found in the awareness of this moment, not in the content of our experience. So it's not that important if something you like is happening or not. Discovering this simple perspective is like discovering you live in a candy store: Everywhere you turn is another goodie! Beyond that, is the recognition that this endless supply of goodies is what you really are.

You are not the content of your experience; you are the awareness that brings life and joy to every experience.

Talk about not having to worry about what happens! Nothing that happens can change what you are, and what you are is the biggest treasure. It is hidden in plain sight, right in front of you, always in the experience you are having right now.

From "That Is That" by Nirmala at endlesss-satsang


Embracing Wholeness & Money

Within your experience many of you “lack” much of what you desire in terms of material things, and the financial resources to choose and create lifestyle experiences which you feel strongly would bring you happiness and peace.

In this enlightening time, it’s important to begin to qualify your sense of lack by questioning how this relates to the innate Oneness you now believe IS.

I challenge you in this way because you are ready.

For in Oneness you are not separated from anything.

Archangel Michael / Meredith Murphy
In our world of duality we've often separated spirituality from money. So much so that over lifetimes of experience many of us have accepted a belief system that keeps the two separated. "If we're truly spiritual we can't be wealthy" and/or "if we're wealthy we can't truly be spiritual". These are things that we sometimes think, or behave and react as if they were true.

But in truth, there is no separation, as we are beginning to get very clear about. There isn't any need to come up with reasons why we deserve to have our desires met, the reason already exists: we are worthy because we ARE. That's it, end of story.

Or is it? .. If we know that we are innately deserving, why don't we live in a world in which everyone thrives, including us? This channel from Archangel Michael through Meredith Murphy (reproduced in full below) speaks to that very issue. May it help you discover new and powerful ways to relate to money in your own life, so that you can create for yourself that which you desire .. and so richly deserve! Thank you for sharing it with us Meredith!
The Implications of Embracing Wholeness & Money

Message from the Archangel Michael
Channeled by Meredith Murphy | www.expectwonderful.com

Telepathic Transmission 19 October 2010

My beloved ones! I greet you now in an entirely new location in time and space...and in greater awareness of the Unified Field which you are and which is an extension of you. Today I wish to share with you some of the amazing liberty available to you in this innate state of being; wholeness.


During this past year, there has been a huge focus on re-orienting you to your heart. This was necessary for balance in the progressive movement toward wholeness. So many of you had for years lived primarily within your minds that re-orienting you to the heart was critical to facilitating a felt sense of Unity and the desire to BE-love. Now, beyond the 10-10-10 Stargate, we have emerged into a domain of wholeness. Within wholeness, we re-claim the vital and beautiful aspect of the mind, incorporating and aligning it in harmonious balance with the heart!

Mental focus is a requirement for clarity and function. It is not possible to have a productive and happy human life without learning to make peace with your mind. Your mind, and your thinking capabilities give form to your energy! They organize and synthesize your experience. The awareness you experience exists in part through your minds ability to discern what information to share and make present to you. As you cultivate your relationship to your mind, your mind, like a TIVO box on the TV learns what “programs” you prefer and starts to orient around your preferences!

This is the wonderful, adaptive and amazing powers of your mental faculty and your mind!

Thinking is an important and highly creative aspect of the human experience. Now that you have reconnected with an orientation to oneness, to unity and have opened your hearts to expect and flow and BE-love, your mind will participate in your creative life in an entirely new way.


Within your experience many of you “lack” much of what you desire in terms of material things, and the financial resources to choose and create lifestyle experiences which you feel strongly would bring you happiness and peace.

In this enlightening time, it’s important to begin to qualify your sense of lack by questioning how this relates to the innate Oneness you now believe IS.

I challenge you in this way because you are ready.

For in Oneness you are not separated from anything.

Separation exists only as a mindset, an emotional and even a mental habit or pattern. Belief in or living from a perspective of separation makes experiencing financial and material abundance or prosperity difficult to impossible for many of you.

The New Earth is not a place which simply caters to entitlement. Being Lightworkers does not mean that you suddenly become magnetic to things which are not a vibrational match to your emotional beliefs and patterns. You experience what is a match for your energy. You are not “rewarded “ in life for being Lightworkers.

The New Earth will not solve all of this by magically taking away the experience of money, nor by releasing you from the incredibly fun and joyful experience of aligning with that which you desire and discovering your POWER!

That would be insulting to you. And although you may say, “No, Archangel Michael, I would be relieved. Trust me—please just bring it on, that prosperity experience!” It will not come into your experience in this way.

Now that I’ve directly spoken to these lingering illusions, let’s explore wholeness and unity as it relates to money in some depth! I intend to share with you, to remind you of ideas that you may use to allow the true nature of reality to flow freely within your experience and loosen up and release your amazing energy!


First of all, you are free and powerful.

You are one with All-That-Is and live as a particularized aspect of Source Energy or the Unified Field in the focus of this spiritual energy embodied in your human life experience.

To treat you as though you cannot master this is to deny your innate Divinity!

Creating Money and turning the Keys to Abundance on the Earth Plane is a shift which you can experience most easily in small steps. The part of you that embraces and nurtures a scenario in which there is a sudden shift and everything in your life in this way is immediately and suddenly resolved is a debilitating intention for most of you, and ironically puts an enormous amount of pressure on you, rather then improving yoru experience! Very few humans are able to align with such an enormous shift and change. It is far easier to make small changes, see movement, be uplifted and inspired and create again with this momentum, more.

I am here to encourage you to claim your power, which for starters means realizing if you are not yet experiencing material and financial abundance - and you wish to - then begin by considering you might revise your understanding of this from, "It doesn't exist," or "In the new earth there won't be any money," to something a bit more accurate in our Omni-verse comprised entirely of energy: You are not yet a match for what you desire.

You may have ideas how. You may have heard things and tried things. But essentially, if you aren’t living it, you don’t yet consciously know how to get in sync with it. So for starters, what if you realized this, with complete love and affection and instead begin to learn-remember-realize what will get you in sync? What if you acknowledged, that no matter how old you are, how enlightened you are, how many lifetimes you’ve lived, how spiritual or “good” you are that perhaps, there are some wonderful and amazing things you might learn (locally) or truthfully remember (non-locally) which would shift all of this financial stuff more toward what you’d enjoy!

I know some of you are already learning and practicing, and those who are have had moments of insight, moments of suddenly having more money, or things come to them effortlessly and freely even. [Maybe you've had] the experience of the floodgates opening when one comes into alignment with what they intend and create immediately in form...So you know what I mean.

I speak for a moment here directly and personally to those who are honestly, deeply tortured by financial experiences in their life. Who experience profound stress, self-hatred and pain even based on their relationship to money. As a result, you often find yourself angry with those who charge money or seemingly “too much money” for that which you want. You feel critical and express negative energy to those who do this. You find yourself looking at wealthy people and finding all kinds of things wrong with them and I tell you my beloved ones: YOU ARE THAT. You are the wealthy person. Innately. So if you criticize them, you criticize you. And then, that part of you cannot come forth freely in your experience. It lurks in your shadow, angry and unexpressed. It comes forth in resentment toward those who are in the flow of prosperity or abundance—to one degree or another—and instead of observing and noticing how these people live as a way of learning what of that might speak to you directly and seeing how you might begin to live with a mindset more like theirs—you create a separation between you and them. And in this separation, you also separate yourself from your own financial abundance.

Years ago there was a great writer who spoke that you were meant to experience EVERYTHING which you were capable of appreciating. This is indeed true. This does not mean that since you have that potential, these experiences will flow to you without you coming into alignment with this truth. This again would rob you of your own power.

So let’s refresh our memory as to what we’ve re-memberd together and celebrated over this past year or so about our beautiful Universe! For hasn’t this past year revealed you and deepened your appreciation of some of the key themes of the Universe and indeed of the present human condition?

Unity. Harmony and Balance. Love. Oneness. Multidimensionalality. Completion. Divinity.

All of these qualities are innately YOU. And as many of your have experienced firsthand—getting into sync with these qualities; allowing them to flow into all aspects of YOU and your experience, has taken some major effort and has been physically, emotionally and mentally challenging.

You have to let go of a great deal to get there, don’t you? And you do this so well.

To extend this, the same is true with the quality of Prosperity. To claim the financial abundance which is yours, you have to let go of issues/contrary ideas you have with wealth. With wealthy people. With money. With charging money. With asking for money for your work. (OH MY!! Yes, I really said that!)

You see? So many of you don’t really like yourselves that much. You don’t realize that first of all money, is just a form of energy. It’s a resource. It’s just energy. And it flows and flows and flows into all kinds of situations and forms, and just like energy sometimes it gets stuck and that creates problems, and sometimes there is resistance to it and that creates problems. And as long as you trust it and use it and love it and play with it, and don’t hold on, but open to receive, and allow yourself to ask for it and want it, and let it flow freely without fear…it will work fine for you.

But you only get as much as you deserve. And guess what? YOU decide what you deserve. So perhaps you ought to do some serious internal inquiry as to why (if you’re not experiencing the prosperity you wish) you think for some reason NOW, RIGHT NOW you don’t deserve it.

And it will likely come down to either not loving yourself enough and/or not believing you’re enough just as you are and/or thinking you have to “do” something to make it happen and that “something” is always out in the future. It’s never now or here.

Well all of this is just getting you nowhere but unhappy.

So I ask you. May I please come forth and simply show you another way?

Open up some doors by making peace with money and everything about it. Make this as important as making peace with Unity. And Love. And Oneness. As sending energy to heal the Gulf of Mexico or support the Earth. I tease you with love my dear ones.

You react to these comments because there is still duality in your belief system! You still have some beliefs and patterns of living which are rooted in the concept of separateness and a “lack” of worthiness. Realize all the value judgement that exists still in your experience. There is a lot of it on Earth and it will take some time and some doing to release the charge of it by including everything in your experience as something you can love and appreciate, and realizing you are not separate from wealth! Or anything!

So for starters, let’s just be beginners.


You’ve just met money for the first time. I am showing it to you. Look! Here is this amazing energy form which you can use to create things in your life! You can use it to pay for lumber for your new dog house. You can use it to buy a pizza. You can use it to create labels for your new essential healing oils. You can use it to buy a new computer monitor so you can write without your eyes getting tired. You can use it to pay for Lasik surgery so you can open your eyes underwater and see when you’re swimming!

Now, let’s consider the another side of the game! What would you like to do and be during the day? Do you want to read? Talk to people. Make things with your hands? Create rituals. Play with your kids. Would you like to learn how to heal broken bones? How to create pastries? How to advise people on making career changes. To help people as they prepare to die? Whatever you would enjoy learning, being, doing--imagine that being a way you receive money. IF you’d like to receive money from this. If not, imagine how you’d like to receive money. But be careful here—take small steps and don’t violate other people’s free choice. For example, decide what you’d like to do for work and if it’s with others in an organized setting, then ask to be guided to it and pay attention. Tell people you know what you’re looking for. Expect it to show up. Find ways to start living and being in that mode already.

Tell money you love it. And if you don’t love it, you’re disconnected from money somehow! All forms of separation in thinking and behavior limit your innate divine creative power! Money is an energy which allows you to exchange, affirm and create experiences you value! Money is another way you express appreciation for that which you value and which gives you joy! Like that beautiful haircut which makes you feel so handsome. Or that spa treatment that turns all of your muscles into noodles. Or that dinner with your daughter to celebrate her piano recital and treat her to a luxurious experience as she enters young adult hood. Or that animal shelter which helps to find homes for dogs--that you love knowing exists and want to make sure is thriving. Money helps you create in the world. It’s energy. Just like focus. Just like attention. It’s just energy.

So for starters. Make peace with money. Then make peace with people who make money. Make peace with people who charge money. And really really really make peace with people who make LOTS AND LOTS of money because it shows you that it’s an option if you want it—be appreciative for the idea! And begin to see if you can embrace the mindset of someone who has money. The freedom to make choices, to do things, to create things, to have experiences, to live with ease and focus on creating and expressing, on loving and learning, on understanding and thinking and inventing and transforming and KNOWING ALIVENESS! The sense of expecting to have the ability to choose freely more and more to your liking.

Take this seriously and begin. Accept that learning to master the keys to prosperity, and release all that stands in your way, is gonna take up your focus for a while. And it ought to. To get yourself to a place where that part of life is ironed out a bit is important for it will give you a platform which you all desire from which to create and express yourselves.

The size of this energy flow will vary. Some prefer more some prefer less. But most of you are still learning how to allow in what you prefer. And that, my dear friends, is what I’d like you to claim as the next theme for 2010 that you will master.

So Unity, and Balance, and Harmony, and Oneness, and Love and Alignment, and Expansion and Multidimensionality and Divinity are all extended by Prosperity and Wealth. And the other thing which is very very very helpful is physical well-being.

So you see? The New Human is emerging in a way you perhaps did not anticipate. Ascension is not a one-moment event. Ascension happens continually. It’s an ascending energy arc you want to be riding on, living on, attuned with, as often as possible.

The New Human has resolved the duality of the past. In the past spiritual pursuits were not very integrated with mastering commerce and money. Spirituality was pursued as though it was separate from money, and Religion was often the path, and yet that often was separate from any concept of energy. So much of the old paradigms involved separating things—sex from holiness, money from spirituality, goodness from financial aspirations. All of these old paradigms were based on separateness.

We’re all about ONENESS now, and inclusiveness and unity. Not because we think these are "nice" ideas, but because we know that reality IS one, interconnected, expanding, diversifying energetic field. So let's get on with mastering that which will allow each of you beautiful beings to diversify the Universe with the specificity which is yours alone! That's your role here--to create newness!

So the new human might meditate, get a facial, work with homeless people, drink martinis, live in a city, be divorced, channel angels, have memories of being abducted (willingly) on a spaceship for upgrades and teachings…the new human is as diverse and beautiful and complex and unique as the Earth is…

And all the ways you hope ascension will remove things that you have not yet mastered is also an old paradigm which says that you don’t have power and need to be rescued by something… and Ascension is not about rescuing you. It's about each of you finding your own limitless point of creativity and alignment and flowing it! And inspiring others by your example! And activiating their codes with your expansion. And collectively creating phenomenal, already unstoppable momentum!

It’s something you create. It’s entirely about YOUR AMAZING POWER! And finding it and flowing it and enjoying it!

Ascension is about Unity. And the entire experience is about a club which welcomes everyone, everything and all ways of doing it.

It’s a lot to get your head around, isn’t it?

That’s why you have a heart. It opens and lets everything in, very naturally. It’s made for it.

I will continue to remind you, support you, challenge you, in any ways in which you ask. I AM available to you in all-ways, and especially at this time, as it relates to work, love, money, health, hope, clarity, and ultimately energy!

The ascending energy will take you everywhere you want to go…but, you gotta ride it. You gotta let it surface things within you to clear the way for the new, really fabulous stuff. And you have to welcome it.

Ascension isn’t going to override your own belief system. Your belief system, will simply weigh down the arc a bit, and you’ll look up to see people riding high like you’d like. You can join them at any time if that’s your preference. Just throw a few things out of your “ship.” Lighten the load people. That’s all.

It's all yours anyway...in this amazing, endless wholeness.


I AM Archangel Michael. You are profoundly loved!



Is Activism a Useful Activity?

"Is activism a useful activity?" .. That's a question I've been asking myself for many months, based on awareness of many things that are happening on the planet today. While I believed that I knew what the answer was, I was intrigued to see the article below, this week's channel from John Cali and Chief Joseph, about that very topic.
Is Activism a Useful Activity?

John Cali

One of our readers recently asked, "I am wondering if Chief Joseph would comment on whether he thinks activism is a useful activity."

Here's the rest of her letter:

"Regarding the channeled message (she's referring to this article, Fighting for Peace, 2006), I am wondering if Chief Joseph would comment on whether he thinks activism is useful activity. Activism for the environment, for progressive social change, for political change, in favor of the people rather than the handful of elites, etc.

"I sign a lot of petitions for what I consider to be worthy causes and like to think that it is doing some good. While it is, in a sense, fighting against the old paradigm that is so destructive to life on this planet, it is also working towards creating a better way, a better future -- even though change is very slow in coming!

"It would be helpful if Chief Joseph would delineate between 'fighting for' and 'fighting against.' And is perhaps a different effect created when we are acting out of love and concern, rather than anger and recrimination?

"Thanks for the wisdom you are imparting along to us. I believe I have had contact with Chief Joseph before, and his words were very helpful to me."

Here's Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph

"Yes," is our one-word answer to that question. But there's more.

We outlined our position in that earlier newsletter our reader referred to. But we want to add a bit in response to several of her comments.

In her words, "Activism for the environment, for progressive social change, for political change, in favor of the people rather than the handful of elites, etc." is a good thing in our view. You're standing for something rather than fighting against something.

While that may seem to be splitting hairs, it is not. There is a huge difference between being for something and being against something. It's a matter of vibration.

Standing against something creates a negative vibration because you're focused on what you do not want. Standing for something creates a positive vibration because you're focused on what you do want.

Do you see the difference? You always get more of what you give your attention to, be it something you want or do not want.

Your so-called "war on drugs" is a perfect example of that. Is that "war" helping to stem the flow of drugs and the violence that goes with it? Just look at your daily news media. That war is a complete failure.

Our reader asked if we'd "delineate between 'fighting for' and 'fighting against.'"

We'd say take the word "fighting" out of the equation. Whether you're fighting for or against, you're still fighting. You're resisting what is, what you see as reality.

Instead focus not on the reality that exists today, but on the reality you want to create tomorrow. Then all your wars will come to a peaceful end.

As we said in that earlier newsletter:

"Get your own life in order first -- before you start protesting or marching against anything. When you are fully centered in that quiet place within, you are fully aligned with your higher self. And you will radiate an energy far more powerful than any other energy in your entire Universe.

"When you get to that place, you will be inspired to take action. But it will not be the action of 'fighting against' someone or something. It will be action deeply inspired by the certain knowing you are all one. In that place of knowing your oneness, your actions will always be inspired, and they will always be loving.

"Then you, standing alone, will wield far greater power than all the hordes of armies and governments who've ever marched through the pages of your human history."

That's the "bottom line" here today.

Copyright © 2010 by John Cali. All rights reserved worldwide.
I think it's important to note Chief Joseph's comment
When you get to that place, you will be inspired to take action. But it will not be the action of "fighting against" someone or something. It will be action deeply inspired by the certain knowing you are all one. In that place of knowing your oneness, your actions will always be inspired, and they will always be loving.
It's the inspired action that is so important. Each of us is on our own unique journey, and each of us has an important and necessary piece of the overall puzzle. It's our inspiration that leads us to providing that very special piece whenever needed and wherever we are. It could be as simple as a smile, as common as offering a comment, or as long term as a total commitment to some project - and all of those put together.

When you are listening to the guidance from within, acting with love and appreciation for all - whether others oppose you or disagree with you - that's when you know that you are on track with Self. That's when you feel the most invigorated, excited, and fulfilled, no matter what the eventual outcome.

Even if, later on, you can't see what your contribution was from some inspired action, know that there was a contribution, and an important one. Even if, later on, for whatever reasons you wish you hadn't done something you were inspired to do, know that you followed your heart, your guidance, and that the true results may never be clear to you. All that questioning is just judgement and habitual ways of thinking that come from lifetimes of being human. Live in the knowing that following your inspiration is following your true Self, and as one of the New Humans, that's the most satisfying life available.


The Importance of Being Aware of Your Focus

Imagine what would happen in the world if millions of people began to focus on what is right instead of what is wrong? You can be one of those millions today -- trust that this makes a difference. Your light and focus does matter. It will change your life, and your world.

~ Selacia, Council of 12
It seems like such a simple thing - Abraham talks about it all the time - focusing on what we want and not on what we don't want. But old habits die hard, and focusing on what's "wrong" instead of what's "right", focusing on what we don't want instead of what we do want (both personally and globally) is so ingrained in us that it takes an extraordinary effort of will and intent to focus on where we want to be, not where we've been.

We all know how important our thoughts are, and it becomes more and more obvious every day. So it becomes more and more important that we use our will and intent to continually re-focus our attention where we want it, not where we are necessarily used to putting it, or where it automatically goes. The power resides within each of us as individuals, in the moment, not in what we've been told or even in what we've experienced. None of that is present in the Now moment, all of that is brought into the present moment by us, by our memories, beliefs, and habits of thought. It's so simple! but not necessarily easy .. it does take determination! But the rewards are ever so sweet, and we have each experienced our power of choice in just such a way.

Along those lines is another reminder from Selacia, one that I think is particularly important as more and more new Masters are being born on planet Earth. We who have been here for a couple decades or more are in a bit of a precarious position. We're being asked to interact with our young ones in ways that we weren't interacted with. So we have to not only unravel our own training and habits, but do that while being responsible for bringing up our children differently, as if we'd already achieved that unraveling. This is, and has been, the goal for all of us.

But in our day-to-day efforts to negotiate the path of our third density lives, we tend to forget that there's so much more going on. We tend to forget that our children are great great beings in tiny little bodies .. as are we. We made an agreement (if not consciously, on other levels of being) to protect and guide these young ones in the ways of physical reality as they grow, while not stripping them of their multi-dimensional power - as was done with us. It is indeed a challenge to be the ones responsible to "cut the cord" of old thinking, training, and beliefs. But it's a task that we are fully capable of, as we continually work to consciously focus on what we want rather than what old beliefs and old habits have taught us.

Here's what Selacia had to say:

Shifting Your Source of Validation

... Consider for a moment your [need for] outside validation, and remind yourself of times when you still feel more comfortable seeking validation from others. Allow your own higher self to join you in a further exploration of how to liberate yourself from approval seeking. When you begin to recognize the patterns of approval seeking in relationships and your personal health, it is then useful to monitor similar patterns that may exist in other areas of your life. These areas include your work and your involvement in organizations.

As you perform your work, consider the times when you compare yourself with others to gauge your performance, success, or worthiness. For example, perhaps you measure your performance relative to how your colleagues or competitors are doing. You may think that you are greater than or lesser than others depending upon your salary, your title, and your ranking within your work environment. For example, a seminar leader may view success in terms of how many attend seminars, or based upon how much money is made. List some of your own work-related comparisons and a few of the ways they affect:

- your choices about work
- your negative self-talk
- your detours into nonproductive areas
- your motivation to be the best that you can be.
- your desire and tendency to seek approval from others

These patterns of comparison are established in your early training. At home, children learn to compare themselves with siblings and with other children. With such comparisons and other societal conditioning, young children begin to lose their inner connection with spirit, and hence inner knowing. They begin to doubt their own truth, and to seek validation from others around them.

~ Selacia and The Council of Twelve
As you're observing your own need for validation from others, have the intent to simply observe, without judgement. Judgement is never coming from Higher Self, but always from the voices within that we decided - for whatever reason at whatever time - to listen to. As we interact with our children, we become those voices in their heads. Is that what we want to do? Or do we instead want our children to question authority - even ours - and listen instead to their own internal guidance? As we continue to drop our own need for outside validation, we are less prone to force - accidentally or on purpose - the same validation on our children. In this way, the whole world - and all of the multi-verse - benefits.


Great Reminder from Saint-Germain

You are here now to move beyond the feelings of conflict, guilt, and identity confusion that may have troubled you. You are here to get back to the beginning – back to the starting point. You are here on this planet to remember the Truth of your Divinity. To remember that you are a Child of God, and God also.

There is no greater Truth than this about you. And remembering this will correct any other misperceptions about you that you may have had.

You see, your Soul and Creator are not concerned with any perspective you have that contradicts the reality of your Divinity – whether this be your gender, your sexual preference, your nationality – or your race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, or anything else. The only identity that has any fundamental or lasting relevance to your Soul is your Divinity. Any other way you may label or identify yourself is transitory. It changes from one incarnation to the next.

Your Soul encourages you to remember your Divine Identity, instead. You are a Child of God, and God also...This IS the Truth About You. And this fundamental Divinity is what you share with others, too.
The above was taken from a Saint-Germain channel Challenges of Being a Gay Man by Alexandra Mahlimay and Dan Bennack at Joy and Clarity.

Although it was part of an answer given to a specific question, I think it applies equally to all of us. We are living as if the human being that we see in the mirror is who we are, and it isn't. It's only a role we are playing at this particular point in time, and that role changes and shifts all the time. We respond and act from who we believe ourselves to be, and that too changes and shifts over time, even moment by moment.

Remembering that we are so much greater, so much grander, than the labels we put on ourselves - and on each other - helps us get refocused on what's important. There just isn't anything more important - or more satisfying - than remembering Who We Really Are and living from that stand.

That human that we've defined as us is just a role we play, and we can opt out of that role at any time. It might not be easy, or necessarily quick, but as we continue to distinguish the role we play (complete with limitations) from who we really are (no limitations), we can change our role to something that suits us better. And in doing so live a life that is much more joyful, much more complete, and much more satisfying.


Embracing 10-10-10

As we celebrate this momentous day in our countdown to 2012, we are all experiencing great change, both in our private lives and as a community and a world. There are so many things we want to see change, but in order to invoke change, the old has to go.

We can wish that the new would come and allow us to simply let go of the old easily, out of the excitement of the new. But that's not generally how it goes. Most often we are being asked to give up the old without being able to see the new, and that can be terrifying. It's that very feeling of not knowing, of fear, of upset, guilt, shame, the feelings of not being able to trust in the future, that needs to be surfaced and released.

Trust in your Self that you wouldn't be inviting upsetting things into your life if there wasn't something to learn from them, and what there is to learn is so simple we can't even grasp it: all is well in all of creation, and all is well with you. No matter what things look like on the surface, know that right now, in this moment, all is well.

Jennifer Hoffman of Uriel Heals offered this message of hope. She invites us to treat this like a new beginning in all ways.
There is a law of physics which states that two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time. And this is so true of endings and beginnings. When we ask for something new, it takes the place of something that already exists. So we have to release the old to make room for the new. That's easy enough to do when it's something we do not care about but when it is important to us, the ending has become personal, a testimonial of who we are and a sign that we failed or lost. Allowing it to end means that a part of us ends too and if we are not ready to detach from it, let it go or have judgments then our endings will be quite disruptive and painful.

On this date and on future dates like it, for there will be more waves of the energy of new beginnings as more shifts occur, we open more energetic portals and step into higher dimensions, we will be asked to make room for new beginnings by allowing endings to occur. Are we as open to the ending as we are the beginning?

Along with any new beginning that you experience on October 10, 2010 and afterwards, give yourself the gift of an ending. This could be an actual ending, a symbolic ending or an affirmation to release something that you know does not serve you. Could you be more confident, positive, happy, grateful, self assured, or loving or appreciative of yourself? Imagine the ending as the closing door that allows the new beginning to enter.

If you want to be more confident or successful, release any guilt, shame or other blocks that prevent you from expressing your full potential.

To be happy, close the door on an unhappy experience that you hold in your memory.

To create love, be grateful for every unloving teacher you have had, for their purpose was to help you find love within yourself.

To know your new life purpose, embrace where you are in this moment and everything you have learned.

To be at peace, be grateful for every experience of chaos and that you have the power to choose the energies that manifest in your life.

Embrace your new potential as you give yourself the gift of the endings that make beginnings possible.

Many blessings in these amazing, miraculous times.

Jennifer Hoffman
I couldn't agree more. So right now, in this moment, embrace the feeling that all is well, then carry that feeling into your next moment, and the next. At any point when you are feeling less than whole, less than happy, less than vital, remember that all is well. That you are loved. And that you are never alone.

Have a wonderful 10-10-10 .. have a wonderful life!


Toxic Emotions

As you begin to enter into the multidimensional perspective you will begin to see that the most toxic “chemicals” you subject the Earth to are your emotions. The war you create is absolutely devastating. The more anger, fear, and hatred, the more limitation and lack you create. That is far more damaging to the Earth than any chemical you could pump into the air.

Wendy Kennedy, Higher Frequencies, from the article Global Warming.

The idea that it matters what we think, what we feel, what we say, how we behave, is becoming more and more crucial. If it seems I'm spending a lot of energy posting about this topic .. well .. I am! (see my previous post Cleaning Up After Ourselves - Emotions and Empowerment.) But it's not without reason. Time is running out, literally, on our ability to spew emotions without being aware of the impact they have on ourselves, the environment, and everyone around us. Now is the time to be becoming aware of what drives us unconsciously, and bring that into conscious awareness.

That doesn't mean "watch-dogging" ourselves, or putting restrictions on our thoughts, words, or activities. All that's needed is to become aware of what we're thinking, aware of what we're saying, aware of how we're acting.

When we become aware, we automatically begin adjusting. So when you notice a way of being - a thought, word, action, or feeling - that doesn't fit with who you want to be - who you know yourself to be! simply notice. No judgement, no recrimination, no guilt .. just notice.

In the noticing you stop, and like the ball thrown into the air that pauses ever so slightly at the top of its arc before gravity pulls it down, that little stop is all you need. It allows you to breath, to gather yourself together, to stand back from the current situation. It gives you that tiny foot in the door to choosing differently. The future changes in that instant, that tiny instant where you paused at the top of your "upset arc". So simply take that opportunity to choose differently. How would you like your experience to be? Set an intent for that, and let whatever happens, happen.

It might be that you're caught up in a very strong pattern of behavior, so it might take many iterations of noticing, stopping, breathing, and rechoosing before it begins to manifest differently. Be patient with yourself! You didn't set these patterns into motion in one sitting (in fact you might be dealing with lifetimes worth of patterns), they might not clear up in one sitting. Then again, they may! These are amazing times, and like never before in the history of mankind, anything and everything is possible. Give yourself some of that compassion that you give so freely to others. Your "Self" will thank you!

As you begin being more aware of your thoughts, "choosing" differently by directing your thoughts toward what you want and not what you don't want, remember that this applies to the Earth as well. Wendy and the Pleiadians had more to say in their Global Warming article about Earth and how we can help her:

It is important at this time that you begin to look at your connection to all living things and how you utilize the natural resources of the planet. Are your habits in harmony with Mother Earth? Consumption of natural resources is not the cause of a toxic world. The toxicity is created when you are not consuming in balance with other living creatures.
As you question the best method to heal your planet, know that perceiving your world as toxic and working externally keeps you in the 3rd dimensional mindset. Until you begin to see the situation from a multidimensional perspective, you will remain on the treadmill forever striving for a goal that is unachievable. And it is unachievable until you can shift your perspective and see that the Earth is a reflection of you and you begin to heal yourself.

When you understand that Earth is simply a reflection of your inner emotional state as a group, as a mass consciousness, you can change the toxicity of the Earth by changing the toxicity of your own body. Currently, there are many beings on your planet who are quite ill and Earth is a reflection of that. You are holographic in nature. What happens to the microcosm happens to the macrocosm. Or simply put – as above, so below.

It is also important that you begin to see your world as flourishing. She is teeming with new life and opportunity. It is vital that you see her as healthy and in a state of growth rather than something that is ill that must be fixed. This notion of illness can be very detrimental to the psyche of the planet. The more you think of Earth as a toxic world, the more toxic a world you will create. You create that which you are focused on.


On Integrating Experiences, and Mass Ascension

When you place yourself firmly in the driver’s seat of Creation, you determine what occurs to you. It doesn’t happen upon you. As you hold more light and release fear, those of lower frequencies must match your frequency to be in your presence. Only through a vibrational match will you recreate the persecution*, and in so doing, allow yourself an opportunity to see why you created it, how it was of service, and release judgment thus integrating the experience.

From Allowing Yourself to Be Seen, by Ramshi through Wendy Kennedy at Higher Frequencies.

* [or whatever your personal issue is]

In this piece, Ramshi reminds us that none of us is a victim, ever, no matter how much it looks like - or feels like - we are. Whatever "good" things happen to us are because we desired to experience them and allowed them into our lives. By the same token, whatever "bad" things happen to us are because we desired to experience them and allowed them into our lives.

Now why on earth, we might ask, would we invite "bad" things into our lives? Especially at the levels of being that we are becoming? We keep accepting and clearing, accepting and clearing. Why aren't things (life) getting easier?

Because on a spirit level (which if you recall, is the basis of our being) we choose to experience all of what physical reality (any reality really) has to offer. That has been the case since spirit began incarnating as a human species however many millenia ago that started. What's different now is that we're taking this race through ascension - bringing the race as a whole into a completely new level of vibration and awareness, that of the 4th and 5th density and beyond.

The race of man held these higher vibrations at earlier times, such as during Lemuria and Atlantis, but after that our mass vibration lowered, which means that Earth, as our host, was lower in vibration also. Now it's time for Earth to return to a more natural state. Earth's ascension at this time is a cosmic event, mapped out in the alignment of the stars. Which means that Earth will raise her vibration and eventually no longer be a third density planet; that is not in question. The question is, will the race of man go with her?

A favorable outcome to that question was never guaranteed, and indeed for most of our history it looked like it could never happen. If you examine just our relatively short written history you'll see why that was so. What we have done to each other, to our beloved Earth, and to the creatures and things upon her has been - in many cases - unspeakable. Sometimes a third density reality is not a fun place. Nevertheless, it has been humanity's intent to raise in vibration as a mass consciousness. Now is the time we're finally doing it.

That is, in fact, why you are here, at this momentous point in time - to help ensure the success of that intent. Take a moment to let that sink in. If that doesn't give you a sense of how important you are, just in being here, just in being who you are, no matter how paltry you think your life is or has been, I don't know what will.

So although it seems like business as usual on planet Earth - or worse than usual - something very important is going on here, something that most humans don't understand: Never has the race of man raised to higher vibrations from 3rd density. Individuals have done so, but never the mass consciousness. And never in all of creation has a third density free-choice species raised the entire race from third density at the same time as their planet. We humans are doing that very thing, right here, right now. This is a huge big deal. This is cause for celebration around our universe, but we don't seem to get it. We are, in truth, keeping ourselves away from our own party! .. but only because we don't yet remember - fully - Who We Really Are.

There were a lot of perceived negative experiences for spirit-as-human, both individually and as a race, along the road that took us from those high vibrations to lower ones. Note that this is not a "bad" thing. We chose our experiences then, as we choose them now. Still, with our goal of moving up the vibrational scale, those experiences (fear, anger, resentment, blame, guilt, etc. and the actions we associate with those emotions) whether they originated in this lifetime or another, have to be - must be - integrated into our being before the race can move on.

So each of us as individuals, is working - on mostly unaware levels - to become consciously aware of these old thoughts, beliefs, behaviors, patterns, so that we can integrate them into our being. Integration is what many call "healing our emotional wounds". Same idea, different words. I refer to it as "integration" because we are integrating those aspects of our personality that we have pretended did not exist. Pretended them out of existence because we think we can't face them. "No!" we protest. "I couldn't, I wouldn't have done that on my own, they made me!" This is such a hard topic for most people. We all want to believe that we are not powerful enough to create our personal reality. Someone, somewhere, must be doing something to us, because trust me (we say), if I were that powerful I would not create this! Oh but you are. And you do. And no, what we create isn't always pretty.

Why is that? Because we all have a "dark" side. The dark side is just our human word for what we term "negative experience." No being is without "negative" experience. One simply cannot fully experience anything without seeing both sides. We all understand that when it comes to physical things - we know that we don't look at anything and fully comprehend it until we see all sides of it. The same is true of the experiences of consciousness. Facing that we have a "dark side", that we have knowingly and willingly had negative experiences, is part of the process.

So over the many years of human history we had all these different experiences, both as individuals and as a race. Some good, some awesome, some not so good, some truly despicable. All these experiences have to be integrated. The awesome ones integrate pretty easily. We mostly (not always) accept our wonderful experiences and intend to have more of them.

It's generally the negative experiences that we don't want to accept. The times when we got hurt and decided we'd never do that again, whatever that was that caused us pain. The times when we abused our wealth and swore never again to have money. The times when we raped, plundered, murdered for whatever (in retrospect) ridiculous reason we decided we needed to do that (anger, revenge, fear, greed). The times when we felt so powerless that we abused our power in an effort to compensate. Or the times when these kinds of things were perpetrated against us, and we decided whatever we decided in an effort to protect ourselves.

Fear, anger, rage, revenge, abuse, greed .. all of these are very natural responses for a human being caught up in a third density "play". Which we were. Now we aren't. That's the difference between "then" and "now", and that difference is huge. Then we were fully engaged in the human drama. And it wasn't always bad! There's a lot to love about a third density reality, for what it teaches us about ourselves. But we're done with that game now, it's time to move on. Time to stand apart from the drama, recognize our experiences as our creation, accept them, embrace them, and let them go. Let them go so we can begin to create consciously, fully aware. So we can create what we want and no longer what we do not want. Our experiences are not who we are, only what we did or what we decided, and that distinction is all important. Until we understand that, we'll be stuck on auto-pilot, endlessly recreating the same old stuff.

So these old experiences, the ones that aren't fully integrated, are visiting us again. In all honesty we are bringing them about. We are creating situations in our lives that highlight these experiences that need to be integrated, and some of them are really unpleasant. Sometimes unspeakably awful. We're driving ourselves crazy trying to understand why these things are happening, without the knowing that sometimes they aren't going to make sense. There isn't a lot of time left on our ascension calendar. We have to get these experiences integrated and move on. As we clear one we grow and our base vibration rises. At the same time we free up space to tackle the next one.

Another great thing happens as we integrate our experiences, one that we mostly aren't aware of: Not only do we benefit as individuals, the whole of humanity benefits. We are all connected. We know that at very deep levels, and yet we constantly forget. So what the one learns, all learn. As you raise your vibration, all of humanity benefits. Never - not ever - think that you don't matter. You do. Enormously.

One of the problems in handling all these experiences coming at us is that we don't get much breathing room between them. Another is that we don't understand where these negative experiences are coming from and why. We often don't understand why we react the way we do. Where and why aren't important - accepting experiences as our own creation is. That is all important. Accept that you created whatever experience you are having, whether you like the experience or not, whether you like your reaction or not. No blame, no guilt, no judgement. "It just is." "I just am." Those are the keys to integration.

So for each incident that has us feeling like a victim "He did that to me!" "They made me do it!" "I didn't ask for this!" "Why me?" "She shouldn't have .." we have an opportunity to - once and for all - accept that we are not a victim at all. We have an opportunity to begin to see each experience for what it is - another chance to recognize our personal powers of creation, to accept and love ourselves no matter what, to recognize that there are still things from our "past" that may need to be acknowledged and cleared. That's what integration is. It's accepting ourselves, and everything that happens to us, without judgement. Embracing "it just is" as the response to every emotional "why" question we can ask.

Tall order? Of course it is, we'd expect it to be. At the higher vibrations manifestation is instantaneous. Having access to manifesting our thoughts and beliefs instantaneously brings a fair share of responsibility, wouldn't you say? But we are all up to the task. We wouldn't be here going through this if we weren't. It just requires diligence and the willingness to be brutally honest with ourselves about our experiences.

Feel what you feel when confronted with your living nightmares (my term for those negative experiences we can't believe we're creating), then step back into the higher heart/higher mind and try to see the experience for what it is. Have compassion for the human being (you) who's experiencing this unpleasant thing, offer love and understanding to that human who suffers. Embrace the experience as your creation, then let it go. Assign no blame, either to another or to yourself. Remember "It Just Is."

There are numerous ways to do this, you may already have techniques that work for you. If not, a teacher that I recommend is Jim Self at Mastering Alchemy. Jim offers a slew of both free and for-cost programs. His basic energy tools, like the Rose Tool, help you learn how to release and neutralize negative energy, something that will help you integrate your experiences and be able to detach from the drama, your own and everyone else's. (Note a change in the Mastering Alchemy website, registration is now required for access to even the free programs.)

After acceptance and integration, then what? The answer is: Choice. Once we are able to stand apart from the drama that is our experience, we gain the ability to choose what to do next. More on that next post. In the meantime, remember always that you matter. That you are loved. And that you are never alone.


The Habit of Not Listening

I was just thinking the last few days how often I'm so caught up in my own thoughts and activities that I don't really listen to those who interact with me. In looking at that, I began to realize that often I give - at best - about half an ear to those around me. It's become a habit, and one that isn't serving very well.

So yesterday I made a conscious effort to listen more and talk less, and wouldn't you know it, the first thing that showed up was a huge misunderstanding between my daughter and myself. I wasn't hearing what she was saying, and since I wasn't, she wasn't hearing what I was saying. Lots of drama from both of us, very little communication. Oh my, how the universe responds with our lessons when we ask to learn them! It's almost annoying how consistently that works.

Given my recent interest in this topic, I was intrigued today to get April & Allen Crawford's message from Veronica having to do with that very subject. Maybe more people than just me can use the reminder. Here it is:

In the linear reality many aspire to be proactive in their participation. They gallantly display their energy to anyone who may be near. Seeking the connection to their existence they often speak of the connection of mind, body, and spirit.

It is a habit of those embodied to speak more than they listen. The resonating tenor of their voice makes them feel productive and vital in the physical environment. It is happening everywhere one looks.... a lot of talkers but very few listeners.

We are sure that the many who have much to say are lacking when it comes to hearing the whispers of their own souls. An unfortunate moment since it is often the subtle expressions that provoke the most growth.

We would advise all who aspire to connect with their souls to listen carefully to the breath of a newborn, the song of a grass hopper, and the cry of a kitten as it searches for its mother.

The vibration of your own soul can be heard on a clear evening in the garden. It is the desire to focus on these simple moments that begins the greatest growth.

Be still.

Listen to the pulse of your soul.

The rhythm will sound out a clear message to your heart. If only you would listen the wonders of the universe would be revealed.


See what occurs.
