
Freedom and Deliberate Thought

I was reminded recently of a tool that Abraham offers, that of asking ourselves "which thought feels better" and then choosing the better-feeling thought.

Abraham's comments (below) were given in response to a questioner at one of the Abraham-Hicks seminars. The exchange reminded me of how really simple all of this personal growth stuff is, but also that it does take due diligence. Our thoughts are so important to who we are and what we are creating, but we often try to make things appear more difficult than they really are.
Being Deliberate Takes Practice

It takes some practice to say, “which feels better?” Which feels better, this thought of my mother, or this thought of my mother?

"But Abraham, you don't understand. This is who my mother is, mostly."
That wasn't the question. Which feels better, this thought or this thought? "But Abraham, you don't understand..." That wasn't the question. "Which feels better", is the only question—that's the only question that your Guidance System is asking. Which feels better, this thought or this thought?

Which feels better, to praise or to criticize? "Oh, but you don't understand, there's nothing to praise and there's lots to criticize." That's not our question. Which feels better? Which feels better?

"But Abraham, you don't understand. You didn't see what happened." No, we didn't. We're not vibrating there with you. But our question to you is, which feels better, which feels better?

"But, but, but, but Abraham, you need to be here where we are so that you understand what we're trying to tell you." Which feels better? — is the only thing that your Guidance System is asking you.

So which feels better, to pronounce to the world or to myself, "I'm not free"? Or to pronounce to the world, "I can make more decisions"? 

Nobody can get inside your head and make you think. Sometimes it feels like it, because they're clamoring in your face so loud with whatever they're saying. But you have the ability, if it is your desire, to feel good. You have the ability to withdraw from whatever thought is bothering you, get off to yourself, and reclaim your connection to Source Energy. And that is the freedom that you are looking for.

You have the ability to look here where there is not resistance. Jesus said, to turn the other cheek, and that's exactly what he was talking about. Resist not evil. Turn the other cheek -- and achieve vibrational harmony with that which feels better. 

All of you have access to Source Energy! It is always within you, always radiating through you. Sometimes you are providing a shadow that doesn't let it shine, more than others, and sometimes you are letting it shine fully. But the more you are letting the fullness of who you are radiate through you, the better you feel about everything—and the more you are contributing to the whole of things. However, in any case, you cannot get it wrong!
It's a wonderful tool, to continually ask ourselves "which feels better, this thought or this thought?" and by so doing, to keep our train focused on the track of better-feeling thoughts.

The fun part is that as we do that, at some point we notice that the thoughts that pop into our heads are changing, that the worse-feeling thoughts come less often and the better-feeling thoughts more often. We notice too, that our external world is changing—and that change is where our true creative abilities become apparent. We change the world through how we think about it. How exciting is that?!

As the saying goes "you can't control what thoughts come into your head, but you can control what you do about them."


Fear and The Higher Vibrations

As we move forward into the coming years we are going to be confronting more and more of our fears. As physical beings, the way that we confront fear is to manifest experiences that bring that fear to the surface. This is natural, this is expected, this is what we have—by virtue of our agreement to be physical humans at this point in time—agreed to, even asked for.

So what exactly is fear, and how do we clear our fears so that we can live the life of joy and peace and unity that we wish to create?

Here's what Abraham offers us as a way to understand and move through fear:
Question: What causes my fear?

Abraham: Fear is the feeling sensation that is present within you when you have both a desire and a belief that contradicts it.

Fear is a response to the state of your vibration. You are a vibrational being, and every moment offering a signal. Your vibration could be called thought, it could be called memory, it could be called fantasy, it could be called imagination, it could be called Energy. In other words, your vibration could be called, "As I stand in my now, and I think about the present, or I think about the future, or I think about the past—all of that is thought. Whatever it is I'm perceiving is causing me to offer a vibration, and that vibration is being answered or matched by All-That-Is. So when I feel fear, what it always means is, I am offering a thought—that you might call desire—and a thought—that you might call belief—that are contradictory.

The presence of fear always means the presence of resistance. The presence of resistance always means not allowing the Energy of desire to flow through me—always, without exception.

Same with confusion; same with vulnerability; same with anger; same with unworthiness; same with guilt. All negative emotions mean the same thing. You just call them different things because they play out differently in your experience—but they all mean the same thing.

The vibration of fear is usually a very strong vibration, which usually means there is the presence of a very strong desire within you.

Often, when you feel fear, it is because you have a belief that contradicts basic elements that are natural to you. Your natural instinct, from your broadest Non-physical perspective, is to know your power. Fear is a vibration when you feel powerless. Your natural instinctual Non-physical vibration is to know your worthiness, know your rightness, know your value. And the feeling of fear is always when you are contradicting that thought.

We would want you to say, "Quite a bit of the time I feel fearful or vulnerable or limited, and what that feeling means is: I'm in that moment holding a desire that contradicts my past thought, or my beliefs..." Remember that a belief is just a thought you keep thinking, it's just a habit of thought. It's just sort of the way you've always thought it, and so it is the way you are now thinking it. 

And so, as you are feeling fear, all it means is, "I've got a desire that my belief is not agreeing with. Now, what thought feels better about this? I've got hold of this stick, where my desire is here, my belief is here. What thought feels better?" And as you just softly talk to yourself about that subject, reaching for the thought that feels better, what happens is you shift the Energy.

It's like the teeter-totter on the fulcrum, and it's clearly down here, and you would like it to be up here. And so, you reach for the thought that feels better, and you reach for the thought that feels better, and you reach for the thought that feels better...and it doesn't look like anything's happening. And then, all of a sudden, one more time, you reach for the thought that feels better, and there it goes! The fear is gone without even knowing it, just by reaching for the thought that feels better.

There is so much reward in just feeling better in your "now". Because, so often, you're wanting to reach for the thought that feels better because, "Whoop-de-doo, this is big time good fun!" In other words, "I want to get there! I would like every effort to take me there. I would like every thought that I think, and every time I go to a workshop, and every time I make a little bit of effort, I would like it to take me there!" And it's irritating that it doesn't take you there, to that manifestation. 

We want you to not get so hung up on the manifestation, and start taking pleasure in the incremental relief. Pleasure in the fact that this feels a little better. Pleasure in the fact that you can actually, with your own will power and your own determination, choose a thought that feels better. 

We humans are always tempted to run from our fear. None of us is terribly excited about confronting fear. I don't hear a lot of people asking God or Spirit to send them more experiences filled with fear. After all, fear feels awful! And it should—it's a separation from the unity of Source, and nothing feels worse than that.

The more often we've felt a fear, and/or if it's an unusually strong fear, the more we'll desire to avoid experiencing that feeling ever again. So we add to our problems by developing patterns around fears in order to protect ourselves from experiencing that feeling. Those people who are familiar with fear, who use fear to control others (even if they do so unconsciously), count on our desire to run from fear, and count on the patterns that we develop to avoid feeling fearful.

Avoiding the feeling of fear isn't wrong or bad, developing patterns of avoidance isn't wrong or bad. In fact, it's all quite natural. Fear is a low vibrational experience and we are, in our natural state, high vibrational beings. So of course fear is going to feel bad, and of course we are going to try our darndest not to feel it. If we can't avoid it through action or patterning we'll try to pretend it's not there. But we can't run from our vibration, it's who we are in any given moment of time, and it's what determines what we manifest in our reality.

So fear—of any kind—is a low vibration experience. In our natural state as consciousness we don't know fear, our vibration never sinks that low. But here we are, playing the game piece called Human Being in the exciting and often frustrating game called Life on Planet Earth. We had to lower our vibration—you had to lower your vibration—to come here, and that wasn't an easy thing to do. But you wanted to be here, you wanted these experiences and so you did it. You lowered your vibration and joined the game. And here you are.

But what most of us don't yet realize is that that particular game is over now. We played the game of low vibration for many many lifetimes. We played the game of lack and hate and separation and fear. That game is over. It's done. It's time to move into the next phase of the game, and that phase is abundance, and acceptance, and unity, and love. As with all games, however, there's a winding down time and a winding up time. The winding down time was the first part of this century. The winding up time is now. We're gearing up for the new game, creating the new game, and it's going to take all of us.

So the game of being a low vibration being on Earth is coming to a close. Since it is, we now have to re-learn how to hold ourselves in a higher vibrational state. In order to do that we have to learn to recognize when we are in a low vibration (feelings like fear, anger, depression), and we have to learn how to move ourselves up out of those vibrations. It will happen in steps, and it will happen over time. As with anything else, it takes practice. It takes being aware, which you are now, and it takes practice, which only you can do.

As a global community we have many tools already which can both help us to recognize our vibration in any moment and help us to raise our vibration. There are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of teachers, mentors, trainers, ready willing and able to help teach about the tools and help us learn how to use them. More tools are going to become available as more and more of us awaken to the gifts that we each have brought with us into this lifetime, but conveniently forgot so that we could be a part of the grand game.

Not all teachers will resonate with all students, nor should they be able to. In other words, what works for you may not work for someone else, and vice versa. You may be being someone's teacher and not even be aware of it! Use your intuition and guidance to help you determine if something is working for you, resonates with you, or not. Practice using that intuition and that guidance. Practice sharing what you know by being who you want to be.

Every single one of us is re-learning according to our own needs and our own abilities. So let's be patient with each other, patient in the same way that we are patient with our most innocent of children, as we learn about our new tools and learn how to use them. The future awaits, and that future is now.


The 11-sided You

You Are Multi-Dimensional

Steve Rother and 'the group' had an interesting channel for November. You can find the full channel here, but the idea they were focusing on was the multi-dimensional quality of our lives.

They used the analogy of an eleven-sided coin, like the Canadian loonie (pictured below), to depict the idea that we are one soul with 11 different human focuses. We each have 11 'lives', or incarnations, all happening at the same time.

It's an interesting analogy because you can think of your Self (or Soul) as the coin, and each of the 11 sides as a window into a different life. Each window (life) has it's game piece (body) and game board (timeline) but the essence of each is identical—You. You are all of these lives at the same time, you just don't realize that you are. Think about it ... you are playing in 11 different playgrounds at the same time. Imagine how talented you must be to pull that off!

We find this concept hard to accept because we're so entrenched in our 3D reality, with all its separation and duality. But things are changing, and part of that change is us realizing that we are all a part of something much much larger and much much grander than we can imagine in our wildest of dreams.

You Create Your Own Reality

The group went on to talk about how we came to forget that we create our own reality. Talking about humans, they said:
"... they thought that circumstances actually ruled their lives. Because they held that thought, they created the reality that made that true."
Think about that for a minute. If we create the world around us with our thoughts (beliefs) and we think (believe) that we are the victim of circumstances, then we'll create a world where it seems to be the rule that we are the victim of circumstances.

It sounds like a chicken-and-egg scenario, doesn't it? But it isn't. It's clear which came first, and what came first was the belief. The belief that we are the victim of circumstances. You are so amazing that if you believe you are a victim then so you shall be.

The question is, now that we know that, how do we break out of it?

We start to break out of it by accepting the idea that we do create our reality. All of it. We stop arguing for our limitations and start believing in our power to choose.

It's not always easy, but then we all know that old habits can be hard to break. They hang on and they hang on, and we have to be very concious, very aware, very awake, to notice when we are stuck in habits of thought. As Abraham so often says, a belief is just a thought we keep thinking. The moment we stop and realize "ahh! that's just a thought!" and know that we can change it, we start taking back the power of creation that is ours in every moment.

We don't have to become creators, we already are creators. All we have to do is start accepting full responsibility for what we are creating, even if we don't yet know the reasons for it or the mechanics behind it.

We don't need to know how a car works to drive one, and we don't need to know how we create our experiences to know that we do. Once we can accept that premise, it becomes easier and easier to adjust our belief structures until we are creating, in every circumstance, exactly what we wish to experience.

You Are An Amazing Game Player!

It really is a an interesting game, watching what shows up in our reality and realizing that it is our belief(s) that are creating it.

Look around at any circumstance and accept that you may not know why you created being a part of it, just that you did. Then ask yourself if you want to continue to be a part of similar experiences, or if you'd prefer to have things go a different way.

Instead of focusing on the way things are, focus on the way you'd like things to be. Each time you do that, congratulate yourself on being aware of what you're creating, because that's the most important part. Once you've begun to accept your responsibility in the matter of creating your reality it's much easier to shift focus to the way you prefer things to be, and watch them show up that way. You really are an amazing and wonderful human creator!


On Doing and Being

Here's a great reminder from John Cali and Chief Joseph from their weekly newsletter. Find other messages and words of wisdom at John's site, Great Western Publishing dot org.


If you grew up the way I did you know our elders were forever pressuring us to work hard if we wanted to succeed in life. We always had to be DOING something.

John Cali

We live in an action-oriented society today. Even during our so-called "leisure" time, we have to be doing something productive. We work hard at relaxing. After all, working hard is the only way we'll ever achieve anything worthwhile.


I used to think so. But no longer.

The Taoists have a concept called "wu wei." It has various shades of meaning, including doing without doing, acting without action. But it does not mean doing nothing. Sounds like a paradox, doesn't it?

Chief Joseph often talks about be-ing as opposed to do-ing. But, as with the Taoists, he does not advocate doing nothing -- becoming lifeless lumps of clay. Quite the opposite.

Here's Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph

Friends, you cannot live in your physical world without taking action. Even a choice to take no action is, in a sense, an "action."

Where the imbalance lies is in the pressure your society puts on you to always be doing something. To do nothing is a mortal sin. You feel guilty even when you take time from your busy schedules to relax and enjoy a little "down" time.

Often you act almost out of desperation, doing something -- anything -- as opposed to doing nothing.

That is almost always counterproductive because it's forced. It feels uncomfortable. Whenever your force yourself to do anything, especially for the sake of avoiding inaction or to please others, you're getting yourselves way out of alignment with your higher selves.

That is our real point here today.

When you stay aligned with your higher selves -- that is, when you feel good -- your actions will be productive. You will find yourselves able to do much more in far less time.

We call that inspired action.

Any time you do anything that does not feel good to you, you are going to feel frustrated and will accomplish little or nothing.

Inspired action springs from that quiet center of power within you. It springs from your alignment with your higher selves, with the God you all are.

So it behooves you to take time from your busy lives to "do" nothing -- meditate, watch a sunset, sit in silence with a loved one, pet your dog or cat, listen to the birds or the wind, and so on.

"Doing nothing" is good for you. Then you will find all your actions easy and effortless. You will create what you want in your lives in the quickest, most powerful way.

Enjoy your "doing." But enjoy your "being" first. Then all will be well.


Always Remember

Always remember ...

You are worthy.

Always remember ...

You are powerful.

Always remember ...

You are part of something far bigger, far grander, than you ever imagined.

Always remember ...

You are love.

Always remember ...

You are loved

Always and in all ways.


Abraham's Rule of Thumb

Abraham has some wisdom to share about busy-ness. It's a great lesson for all of us:
Just do your best to keep yourself in balance. One of the first things that causes Energy misalignment, is asking or demanding too much of yourself in terms of time and effort. In other words, you just cannot burn the candle at both ends, so that you are physically tired, and then expect yourself to have a cheerful attitude.

So, the rule of thumb has to be: "I'm going to be very, very, very happy, and then do everything I have time to do after that."

Joy and Appreciation, It's All There Is To Do

I want to share with y'all this very important and powerful message from a local teacher and healer, Jan Engels Smith at LightSong Healing Center. Though I did not recieve it directly from Jan as I'm not a student of hers, it was passed along to me from a dear friend. It's one of the most hard-hitting messages I've ever heard, and absolutely appropriate as we sit in the energy of 11-11-11.

As you read along you might be tempted to think she's talking about burying your head in the sand. She's not.

She's talking about accepting, fully and completely, that we create our own reality, and we do it with our thoughts and beliefs. We do this for ourselves as individuals, and we do it together as a community, as a world, as a galaxy, and as a Universe. We are all in this together. Let us remind ourselves, and each other, that in every moment we are creating the next moment and the next and the next. It can be however we want it to be, but it takes diligence and it takes all of us. It can, and should, be joyful!

The next time you want to 'go there' with someone's drama, ask yourself if you want to continue seeing more of it. If you don't, find another way to view the situation, or bookmark it and come back to the thought when you have a better ability to 'see the big picture'.

In your moments of upset, find something, anything, to appreciate, and follow that string of appreciation until the drama no longer holds your attention. Then smile that inner knowing smile that appreciates YOU for the effort you make to find joy in each and every moment. Together we can change the world. We are doing it already.

Greetings dear ones~

Thank you for joining us last night for the Regalia Party.

As I said last night ISIS usually likes to join in on discussions and she kept me up most of the night filling in her insights to most of the questions posed from the audience. I would like to share a few of them with you.

Many of the questions last night stemmed with disaster, fear, or suffering.

The events of Fort Hood in Texas
Why is their suffering?

Isis’ request is that you take a moment and list the feelings that you have around these questions or topics on a piece of paper. Do this before you read any further.


If you have on your list anything that describes:
Compassion which is mixed with sympathy, sorrow, pain, hurt or a heavy heart

If ANY of these feeling are being broadcasted by you – you are contributing to the problem. In fact you are creating events such as these to happen.

All of these feelings are a low frequency vibration that don’t heal, they cause more of the problem. Worry begets worry, fear begets fear, sorrow begets sorrow, sympathy begets sympathy, anger begets anger, horror begets horror, and grief begets grief.

If you want something to be different then YOU need to be different, you need to feel differently about a situation. Many of you will say, but how can I feel good/ appreciative/ or joy about these things?

Maybe you can’t. Then don’t focus on them. Don’t bring them into your consciousness, talk about them, or ask questions about them. As soon as you bring them into your consciousness and feel bad about them you are contributing to them.

Instead, concentrate on the things that bring you joy. Appreciate things, feel gratitude, love life, celebrate the goodness. If YOU would ONLY concentrate on appreciation, gratitude or love you will add improvement to the other situations, in fact you will add so much improvement to them they will stop happening.

Isis said last night that we are all responsible for these events. We can also all be the change and the solution for them. But this will ONLY HAPPEN when YOU decide to ONLY stay in the higher vibrational emotions of joy, pleasure, happiness, peace, contentment, appreciation, gratitude, love, passion, positive expectations and other ones of this nature.

You are the creator beings that walk the planet. This is the new awareness, the awakening, the prophecy of the ages. What you see is your own creation. NOT someone else’s. It is yours. You are in charge. Each of you can change the world single handedly.

The other question that Isis answered through the night was the question about ego.

What is it and how do we control it?

At this time in our evolution the ego is like a young teenager on hormonal surges.

How many of you thought about something different than your surroundings last night?

That is the ego.

Every thought that you have about the past, something that happened, an OPINION of what IS happening, something that is going to happen, is the EGO. The ego has gotten out of control because YOU have let it. It now controls your life and has given you a diluted version of yourself. It is concerned about what has happened, what is going to happen. What happened in Fort Hood, what is happening in Afghanistan? That is all ego. It robs you of your joy by thinking there is sometime more important to think about than the present moment of life. As if there could be anything more important than the amazing miracle of the physical pleasure of the senses.

Even if the ego can tap into the senses and the exquisiteness of life it then worries that it won’t last or someone will take it away or that it might DIE sometime. The ego even believes in DEATH, LOSS, or possibly not existing. It will do anything is can to distract you from the present moment. If you can’t identify with your TRUE SELF, the unwounded, exquisite, brilliant, radiant being that you are, then your ego is in control. When you learn to transcend the ego and move back into your place of TRUE SELF you will be at total peace and so will the WORLD!!!

This is the “new age” that is predicted. The NEW AGE is YOU. We will get there when people such as you decide to spend each moment of everyday feeling good. Appreciation, Gratitude and Love are your tools.

Thank you,


Thank you Jan!



I've been thinking about what to say about Wednesday of this week, November 11, 2009, and the significance of it, in its numerology as 11-11-11.

Wouldn't you know it, the perfect message came in my morning email from Jennifer Hoffman at Uriel Heals. Enjoy!


This week introduces a new milestone for humanity, a powerful day with a powerful date. On November 11, the date will be 11-11-11, which combines 11, the number of the initiate, with 33, the master teacher. 33 is the sum of the master numbers 11 and 22, giving them new definition and the opportunity to express their energies at a higher level. So the question for us this week is how can we express our energies at a higher level and embody our mastery in our life at this moment?

This date is a reminder to us that we are the unfulfilled potential of our mastery and we have to express its energy for it to have a presence in our life. Until we own and use the energy that is available to us, it is just energy waiting for someone to claim it. How much unclaimed and unused energy is in your life? This is the week to start considering the untapped and unused potential that is within you, waiting for expression. What can you do to take action and claim your mastery?

At this stage of our journey, when we have done so much clearing after eons of being led by karma, we easily fall into the mode of waiting for someone to tell us what to do next. But as masters we get to choose what "next" is. We have the support of the Universe but it is not going to tell us what to do. We can create whatever we want, it is up to us to decide what that is going to be. And that is where we get stuck, wondering how we can be masters as we look back on every place where we stumbled, were afraid, despaired, felt powerless and let our power slip through our fingers.

Mastery is not about doing everything at the right moment, it is about taking action with faith and trust, having confidence in our power and knowing that there is a limitless pool of potential waiting to take form at our command. The only thing we have to figure out is what we want. So use the energy of this week to step into your mastery. Use this powerful day to expand your awareness beyond the human and into the spiritual. What is the greatest, most wonderful thing you can imagine for your life? That is your heart's desire, so set your intention for it and use your power to make it happen for you.


What The Sun Never Says

There's something to be said for giving of yourself without asking anything in return. Not only not asking, but not expecting.

Examine your thoughts and actions and see just how often those insidious "expectations" are hiding in the shadows of your mind. If we truly are the creators of our reality—and we are—then it's in our own best interests to remember that what we give we give freely, without expectation of return.

Think of the relationship of the Sun and the Earth as highlighted in the poem below—it's one of the most powerful lessons available about loving and giving.

Even after all this time
The sun never says to the earth,
"You owe Me."

Look what happens with
A love like that,
It lights the Whole Sky.

~ Hafiz

From "The Gift", Poems by Hafiz the Great Sufi Master, Translated By Daniel Ladinsky

With thanks and appreciation to Poet Seers.

What Poet Seers Says About Hafiz
Hafiz is one of the world’s most beloved poets, he is affectionately known as the “Tongue of the Invisible” and the great Poet-Seer Ralph Waldo Emerson himself remarked that “Hafiz is a poet for poets.”
Hafiz was born in the beautiful city of Shiraz in Persia (now Iran). As a young child he was called Shams–ud-din Mohammed. Hafiz proved to have a prodigious talent for literature. At an early age he successfully memorized the Qu’ran, and this is why he took the pen name of “Hafiz” – Hafiz means one who has memorized the entire Qu’ran by heart.


From Kryon - A Reminder of Our Magnificence

The following snippet was taken from the latest Kryon channel called "The History of DNA and the Human Race" given August 29, 2009 in Portland, OR.

I think it's a great reminder that, despite how tragic our world can look at times, how confusing and illogical and upsetting, we are into a new era. Focus on what you want to see and gradually we will see it—first in our lives and then in the world at large. It's an exciting time to be alive, and as Kryon continually reminds us, we wouldn't want to miss this for the world!

For the full article, go here. A list of all Kryon public channels is here.

The lineage and history of DNA started from a precious creation that was appropriate, with the integrity of the angelic realm, and anointed with a sacred purpose. Through free choice, it declined as Humans accepted a lower consciousness state. Mythology is filled with dramatic stories of the “fall of mankind,” but there were no devils involved, only the process of free choice within humanity.

You sit in a shift. You sit in an age you call New Age, but it isn’t new. Instead, it is a remembrance of the ancient knowledge, and the ways of Lemuria. It is, therefore, a return to a Lemurian state, and it’s about time. This is what you call the new energy, and the shift is upon you that allows for gifts to begin a slow and purposeful enhancement of consciousness on this planet. But as we have discussed, it must start within your own DNA.

Oh, Human Being, listen to me: This is the crux of why you’re here. It is what we teach in this day, that the DNA, that quantum sacred part of you, is laying there ready to be enhanced with your pure intent. All that Kryon brought in magnetic service to you was to service this planet in a way where the magnetics could shift and communicate to your DNA.

This new communication is a result of the 1987 Harmonic Convergence and the combination of moving into a new Gaia energy that the Galactic Alignment is creating. It gives the potentials of a return to a state that you deserve… a Lemurian state of awareness, a state where war is not an option and health is intuitive. The Mayans spoke of it! This is the highest vibration that Gaia has ever seen, and you sit in the ramp-up of it all. This was their 2012 information, and it is not taught that way by many.

Bring Human consciousness to match that vibration and your DNA will start to increase in its efficiency. It will begin to be quantum again. You’re going to start to see it in many ways and we’ve spoken of this as well. Look for the signs that Humans are evolving. This evolvement process is starting with what you have called the Indigo children. These children of new consciousness are very different, did you notice? It’s all about how much of the quantum DNA they are using, in contrast to how linear you are!

The clash between the quantum and the linear has only just begun! If you think there are issues now with the new children, just wait until they have their children! Humans are changing.

 Within this “New Age,” you are potentially bringing back an original energy, slowly, that was designed for today. It is time for you to return to the quantum state, which is the spiritual state that the Pleiadians gave to you, and it starts now.

At the moment, you fight a battle on the earth between old and new energy and the new energy is winning. Make no mistake that the old energy will be with you for some time. It continues to create issues that you see as problems, but are actually a “quantum clean-up.” As you clean up your economy, and you’re not done, you will see the ways of a new paradigm of being, of structuring, but it’s going to take some time. Do not fear what it will do, for it will emerge just like you knew it would emerge… one of the strongest on Earth, filled with integrity. It will potentially represent a new paradigm that makes sense for a new age. Count on that, and Indigo adults will help you to design it. New concepts will leap over existing thought, and bring a revolution in the way life can be on the planet.

All this is part of a Human evolvement in consciousness that you can see in your DNA. [You ask] “Kryon, is a scientist going to be able to put this under a microscope and see it?” No. Regardless of what you have been told, they will not see a change in DNA. The current microscope is 3D.

So I say to the scientists this: When you develop the quantum lens, you will see it, for you will actually see the chemistry in the 90% random areas. It will glow under the influence of the quantumness and you will know I’m right. Then it will change colors with the activations you are creating and you will be able to see and track it. But at the moment, you have no quantum lens. There is no device for measuring the quantumness of the Universe that exists on the planet, but you’re getting close. And when you do, the first revelation can be seen within your own biology.

Here is another hint: Continue to examine things in an entangled state, for this is the beginning of the true quantum state that you can alter with 3D technology.

These are the things we wish to bring you today, and these are the things of the teaching for the day. All through this, we’ve been hugging you. Why do we bring these things to you? Why do we care? Because as family, you are beginning to discover a great secret… that your core souls are related to the Universe, and that your Higher-Selves are angelic and forever. Humanity is beginning to come full circle.

Very slowly, and through the next three lifetimes, you may actually create a new earth. These are the potentials we told you about 20 years ago. You wouldn’t have missed this, dear Human Being. You are reading this because of it. You are part of the solution to peace on Earth. I know you.

There will be a certain percentage of those reading and listening who, in these next years, will come see me. There will be a transition that is not new to you. It is a life transition that is appropriate and beautiful. For an old soul, it’s something you’ve done many times, so many you can’t even count. And you will come back to the planet after that, and then you will come back yet again, because you’re not going to miss this! You’ve spent eons working on this planet, and you’re not going to miss this.

This is the shift you have asked for, that you’ve waited for, and that you have prayed for. Many in this room will live out their normal lives, but are coming back with a higher level of DNA efficiency than you left with. We’ll say it again. If you wish to see Human evolution, watch these Indigo children. For they are going to develop into an even more frustrating group than they are now! And some of YOU will be THEM, when you return.

[Kryon smile]

I wouldn’t say these things unless they were accurate and true. See the clarity of the channel today. Feel in your own innate sense the truth of it all. Be aware that you are dearly loved. It is the reason we are here.


The Garden of Life

A tulip doesn't strive to impress anyone.
It doesn't struggle to be different than a rose.
It doesn't have to.
It is different.
And there's room in the garden for every flower.

~ Marianne Williamson

There is room in the garden of life for you, just the way you are.
Love yourself, honor your choices.
Appreciate who you are, who you have been, and who you are becoming.
You are wonderful just the way you are.