
A Reminder

I enjoyed this reminder from Suzan Caroll's Arcturians, about the amount and depth of troubles that are arising for ourselves, our loved ones, the earth, and all of humanity.

The reminder is that it's necessary for all of our fears to surface so that we can clear them, and that we clear them by remembering Who We Really Are, creator of our own reality. When we see our 'issues' and upsetting events as simply fears to be acknowledged, accepted, loved, and released, we will have learned the lessons and be re-creating our reality with joy, happiness, peace, and love.

There is also to remember that whatever cannot thrive in 5th density will need to be released. We can continue with our anxiety and upset as material things and/or people are pulled away from us, or we can release these things and relationships with the knowing that we are moving forward into the life that we have always wanted.

Change is required to move up the vibrational ladder, and change cannot happen without things .. changing. We might not always know why certain events are occurring, but we can love ourselves and our journey, and remember that it's all for the greater good—ours and everyone else's.

Here's what the Arcturians had to say. This piece is from Suzan's newsletter of January, 2009:
Our Dear Ones,

We the Arcturians wish to remind the Grounded Ones that one of the biggest challenges in 2009 will be to remember that YOU are the creator of your reality. Therefore, YOU can create a reality where you live in the survival mode and “do without” in order to ride out the storm. On the other hand, you can choose the reality where “consciousness is your only eternal treasure.”

You and you alone can choose the level of consciousness to which you calibrate your experience of daily life. These experiences will be relatively the same to the eyes of an external observer. However, in your experience, the same reality perceived through different states of consciousness can feel worlds apart.

2009 is an 11-year in which you can gain the mastery over your consciousness. What do you say to yourself when you confront a challenge? Are you able to feel your fear, release it and rise above it? Can you remember to feel, accept and integrate the abundant resonance of unconditional love that is increasingly streaming into your life just above the limitations of the third dimension?

To choose an external guide from whom you are separate and to whom you must always be subservient, you will choose to remain in the third dimensional paradigm of the Piscean Age. On the other hand, should you choose instead to find your spiritual fulfillment and illumination deep within your Multidimensional SELF, you will choose the multidimensional paradigm of the Aquarian Age.

Dear Grounded Ones, we know how you are awakening. More and more of you are remembering who you really are, both in your physical reality, as well as in the many other planets, galaxies and dimensions of your expanded SELF. You are now coming Home in your true state of consciousness. Before you react to the illusions of fear and loss, see each challenge as a mystery to be solved, a message to be translated.

Trust your inner SELF. Whatever leaves you at this time will do so because it cannot stand the resonance of the fifth dimension. Hence, it will serve as anchor until you are ready to release it. Raise these anchors into your hearts to be unconditionally loved as the harbingers of change. Look through the tattered veils of illusion to accept the sweet, comfort of unconditional love. In this manner, the veils of illusion will become thinner and thinner as the truth shines through brighter and brighter.


The Arcturians


Unconditionally Loving Earth

We strive to achieve that magical ability to love all things unconditionally. We know that the dimensions beyond third are of non-duality, where judgement simply does not exist. Knowing that the higher dimensions are where we are heading, we strive to get to that place of non-judgement, and yet .. often our judgements persist. We know that every time we judge, other or ourselves, we disallow the well-being that is our birthright.

Loving unconditionally is extremely important, not only to those around us, but to All That Is. More important than we may realize. And it can be easier to put ourselves in a feeling of unconditional love than we may have thought.

Next time you find yourself struggling with your own judgements, unable to create unconditional love for the circumstances surrounding you, take a moment to send some unconditional love Gaia's way. It will not only bring peace to yourself, but to the planet itself, the elementals, and all of humanity.

The following is part of a larger channel by Suzan Caroll at Multidimensions called "The Process Has Begun."

This piece talks about how to spread unconditional love to the planet and everything on it:
Once you embrace unconditional love, it automatically expands your sense of self beyond your individuality, beyond your loved ones, beyond your home, your city, state, country and into the very land, sky, water and spirit of Gaia. The body of Gaia is beloved and will be raised, transmuted, ascended into the fifth dimension. The land that has been unconditionally loved, protected and respected will expand. On the other hand, the land that has been scarred with human fear, hate and greed, will cease to exist, as the animals, plants and minerals have been too damaged and defiled by humanity to raise the frequency of their land.

Fortunately, initiated and awakened humans can step into their duty of being Keepers of the Land and transmute the areas of Gaia that have been destroyed or harmed by humanity's fearful choices. Of course, the Cetaceans, whales and dolphins, have done a stellar job of being the Keepers of the Water. However, even though they have constantly filled the oceans and waterways with unconditional love, humans continue to create more damage. Humanity needs to follow the lead of these great, ancient Beings and fill our reality with unconditional love.

Fortunately, the light of the Awakened Ones is ten times stronger than those still lost in the darkness. Therefore, if you the Awakened ONES, remember to unconditionally love all of Gaia's elements and Elementals, you will greatly contribute to the process of Planetary Ascension. If you can remember to unconditionally love the land of your home, your neighborhood, your route to work, the place of your employment, the land beneath your children's schools and every place you visit, you will create ribbons of fifth dimensional Crystalline Light across, around and within the body of Gaia.

Dear Awakened ONES, do not forget the power that you now possess. Share this power through the unconditional love that resonates within your aura. Take a moment in your busy life to extend your aura out across your surrounding land, down into the fiery core of Gaia's body, up into Her sky and down into Her waters. By taking a moment to send your intention to assist Gaia with your unconditional love, you will immeasurably assist in Her process of Planetary Ascension.

To further assist Her, send Gaia your deepest gratitude for holding the form of the planet on which you have taken many embodiments. Through all of these embodiments your sense of self has expanded to encompass your Planetary SELF. Take a long, slow in-breath as you realize that your SELF is not just one small human. Your SELF is all the elements and Elementals that make up your planet.

Begin your day as a PLANET.
Look into YOUR sky.

Feel YOUR feet within your earth.

Look into YOUR horizon.
Follow the pathway of YOUR rising and setting Sun.

Feel YOUR Moonlight as its cycles wax and wane.

Nourish and love the plants,
animals and people living on YOUR land.

Experience the flow of YOUR oceans and waterways.

Feel the rain as it feeds YOUR land and clears YOUR sky.

Know that YOU are the Planet.

The Solar System is YOUR family.

The Galaxy is YOUR clan.

At ONE within 
the Cosmic Whole.


Honoring Life As A Journey

One of my favorite spiritual teachers is Story Waters, author of many books, CDs, and channelings including "The Messiah Seed" and "You Are God. Get Over It!", a title that just makes me chuckle every time I think about it.

Story posts daily "Thoughts for the Day" both on his website and on Facebook. I thought his last two daily posts were particularly thought-provoking and worth reproducing here:

Thought for the Day, Sep 25, 2009, by Story Waters:

To sacrifice for another is to take away their power, their choice, their own journey of discovery. It is to live someone else’s life rather than your own. No matter what the short term benefits may seem, to sacrifice is to simply delay the moment when you will take back whatever it is you are sacrificing. There is no dream or wish of your soul or heart that exists to be sacrificed. Live without sacrifice.

Thought for the Day, Sep 24, 2009, by Story Waters:

Know what love is: what it is to truly love someone. It is to desire, and act, to make them more 'their' self and not more 'your' self. It is to fuel and empower them, but not direct them. You are love. You are free. Free your love. To love is to free.

Both remind me that we cannot live someone else's life for them—nor they for us—no matter how much we think our way is better. What a wonderful world we are creating as we allow each individual to be who they are for themselves, support them in their journey, and be available for them when and if they seek help or guidance. That doesn't mean not saying what is true for us in any moment, it means being able to say what is true for us in a way that doesn't demean others, but instead empowers them.

It's a tough thing to remember, but looking from the standpoint of "the bigger picture", no one needs to be "saved". We can offer opportunity, but it is everyone's right to accept the opportunities before them or not. By honoring each other's journey we honor our own, no matter what that journey looks like in any snap-shot moment in time.


The Secret of Joy ..

.. by Suzan Caroll at Multidimensions.com. Thanks for the beautiful reminder Suzan!

The Secret of Joy

There is a glimmer
in the back of my mind
and the core of my heart.

This glimmer knows
the secret of joy.

This secret is trying to reveal itself

and I am trying to "stop trying"

so that I can accept.

For joy can only live in peace

and peace cannot abide struggle

and when I "try"
it feels
like I am struggling.

I know that if I surrender,

surrender to the knowing,

I will gain all that I seek.

But the struggle persists.

Then suddenly

it is gone.

Gone into a moment of insight

a feeling of peace,

or love,

a thought of acceptance

of myself.

I know,

not with my mind,

or even with my heart,
I know with my Soul

that for a breath of the NOW

I am united with Spirit.

And all is peace,
all is joy,

all is love,

and acceptance.

But then I forget
what I know
and how it felt
to know it.

I remember that I must do something
or go somewhere.

I remember my worries
and I remember
my fear.

That fear then
blocks the glimmer

and buries the core

and I forget the love.

I forget the love that can

calm the fear

that made me forget.

I forget the love that can

help me to remember the glimmer

and allow it to grow.


and I know that day is soon,

the power of the fear

will be reduced to a shadow.

A shadow of the glimmer

that has grown
into a beacon of Light
the light of LOVE.

A Love I have for myself!



We have kind of an odd set of beliefs about what it means to 'be creative.' In truth, we are being creative every moment of every day, since each of us creates our own reality. But since most of the time we're creating that reality unconsciously, it seems to us as if we have to do something special before it's considered creating.

Think about being in art class, for example. You're sitting there listening to the teacher, maybe daydreaming a little bit, and then she says to you "create something!" Your mind starts to race as you think about what you might like to create. Maybe a picture, maybe a sculpture, maybe a photograph .. all things that are considered creations in the world of art. The 'creative juices' start to flow and you take the first steps toward making your creation.

But I ask you .. isn't that a pretty limited view of creating? What if everything, absolutely everything, that you do is creation? What would your life look like if you started to take the view that everything you do IS creating? What if you were doing household 'chores' and began to realize that you were creating? What if mopping is creating a sparkling floor? What if putting away the groceries is creating a foundation for wonderful, delicious meals? What if mowing the lawn is creating a beautiful yard? What if driving to work, rather than being a hectic commute from here to there that feels like an interruption to what you'd really like to be doing, is instead creating a journey?

If we can begin to be aware of the creations that we are a part of each and every day, aware that nothing we do is mundane, it just feels that way because we're so out of tune with what we're doing, wouldn't life be a whole lot more rewarding?

For the greater part of my life I've disliked house cleaning. It was a chore and a bother as a child—I never did it good enough to satisfy, it always interrupted something (anything!) that I'd rather be doing, and I frequently got punished for avoiding it. Once into the autonomy of adulthood I decided I just couldn't be bothered. And so here I am today, struggling between wanting a nice clean space to live in and not wanting to "waste the time" cleaning. Mostly I just can't be bothered. So I keep things tidy and clean enough so that I'm not embarrassed to have people over, but I don't look forward to cleaning, and I don't enjoy it when I do it. I do it because it "has to be done." That attitude alone is an enormous waste of time and energy!

Generally, in our society, we think of 'creating' as joyful. I couldn't quite get on board with house cleaning being a joyful endeavor—although I know some do, and I've always been envious of them! One day not long ago I realized that everything I do is creating; that the joy of creating can be applied to anything.

One of the housecleaning duties that I definitely feel are 'chores' are sweeping and mopping. So I decided to try sweeping and mopping as creating. As I swept and mopped the kitchen floor, I became consciously aware that I was 'creating' a clean floor. I started embellishing my creation, and magically the burden of the task became lighter. It started feeling really good, far better than doing this activity with the mindset that I was doing it because it had to be done. I couldn't get to doing it because I love it, or doing it to have fun (although that's a great way to go about it!) but I could get on board with 'creating' a clean floor. After awhile I began to feel like the Karate Kid—wax on/wax off—and I have to say it was the most rewarding kitchen detail I've ever pulled.

It's not easy, continually remembering that what I'm up to doesn't have to be broken down into "fun things" (what I want to do) and "chores" (what I dislike doing), instead it's all creating. It takes being aware that we are creating in every moment, bringing that creative effort into everything we do. Like "oh, what else could I do to add to my creation?" To me it's worth the effort. I realized that I can be as artful as I please when I look at everything I do as my creation.

There's a freedom, and a different way that energy moves, when we are creating as opposed to blindly, or unconsciously doing, especially when what we're doing seems like a chore. Whatever we're doing, whether that's sitting in heavy traffic, doing a project for our boss, dealing with angry customers, stacking firewood, paying bills, doing dishes, cleaning gutters .. it doesn't seem mundane or annoying when we are creating as opposed to just doing.

Next time you're doing that thing that makes you bored, or makes you fume, or when that annoying person cuts you off in traffic .. what will you create?


Raising the Ceiling

Do you ever wonder if who you are, even when you aren't interacting with others, helping others, healing others, matters?

It does. Just being you, expanding your own consciousness, working through your own fears, loving what you love, enjoying life, being in the Now, going with the flow of your life .. matters. A lot. Know that you are contributing immensely to the positive changes in the world just by being.

From the Pleiadian Collective through Wendy Kennedy:
Moving yourself into the higher vibrations is .. like holding up the ceiling. After awhile the others realize that the ceiling has been raised and that they’ve been bending over for a long time, but now they can stand up.


Of Death and Friendship

An inspiring poem of the after-life, by Henry Scott-Holland:
Death is nothing at all.

I have only slipped away into the next room

I am I and you are you.

Whatever we were to each other

That we are still.

Call me by my old familiar name

Speak to me in the easy way you always used.

Put no difference into your tone

Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow

Laugh as we always laughed

At the little jokes we always enjoyed together.

Play, smile, think of me, pray for me

Let my name be ever the household word that it always was.

Let it be spoken without effort

Without the ghost of a shadow in it.

Life means all that it ever meant

It is the same as it ever was

There is absolute unbroken continuity.

What is death but a negligible accident?

Why should I be out of mind

Because I am out of sight?

I am waiting for you for an interval

Somewhere very near

Just around the corner

All is well.

Nothing is past; nothing is lost

One brief moment and all will be as it was before 

How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!

~ Henry Scott-Holland, 1847-1918, Canon of St Paul's Cathedral

'The King of Terrors', a sermon on death delivered in St Paul's Cathedral on Whitsunday 1910, while the body of King Edward VII was lying in state at Westminster. Published in Facts of the Faith, 1919

With thanks to Poetic Expressions


Those Amazing Dolphins

Watch the dolphins at SeaWorld Orlando's "Dolphin Cove" as they artfully create and play with underwater bubble rings and hear what SeaWorlds trainers, educators and guests have to say about this fun and fascinating behavior.

Many thanks to Maja at The Smiling Soul for sharing this incredible story!

Note: If the imbedded ads box appears at the bottom of the video screen, click the 'close button' ( x ) of the ads box to make it disappear.


Power Comes in Small Packages

I've just been picking through the articles on John Cali's Chief Joseph website. Again. Funny thing how I end up on this website when I'm feeling stressed or anxious. I find the "space" John has created to be very calm and relaxing. Not in appearance necessarily, but certainly in energy. There's seriousness here, and humor too, but overall I always feel a sense of calm, of "all is well" when I visit his site.

The following message, from John's newsletter of August 11, 2009, struck me as a great reminder for us in these trying times. We really are bigger (energetically) than we give ourselves credit for!

God and Glaciers

Last week the Washington Post talked about the Great Aletsch glacier in southern Switzerland. What do glaciers have to do with God?

John Cali

In 1678 the devoutly Roman Catholic people of the isolated Swiss mountain villages of Fiesch and Fieschertal made a deal with God. They vowed to live virtuous lives if God would spare them from devastation by the then-expanding glacier descending upon them.

Today Great Aletsch is Europe's largest glacier. And it's melting, posing a different threat -- flooding and the potential loss of the area's primary water supply.

Now the villagers want to reverse their vow. As their pastor, Father Pascal Venetz, said, they want "to pray against climate change, global warming and the receding of the glacier." But there's a catch.

As a former Roman Catholic, two things struck me about this story.

First, the villagers need to get Pope Benedict's permission to reverse their vow. That's the catch -- because for now they're morally obligated to go on praying for the glacier to continue melting. Talk about a dilemma!

Second, the villagers sincerely believe their only salvation is to bargain with God. Effectively, they're saying, "We'll be good, God, if you will save us from destruction."

I respect and honor all religious and spiritual traditions, as does Chief Joseph. But this story is about "old energy" thinking. It no longer works.

Here's Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph

As John said, this "old energy" thinking does not work any longer.

You live in an era of rapid change and stunning transformation. You do not need us to remind you of that. God does not "need" you to bargain with him/her -- never did. This bargaining mentality was the old way -- it's now a tired old way. It never did work. Today that is becoming more apparent to all of you.

To put it simply, God doesn't care. It just doesn't matter.

First, you need to remember "who" God is. God is that divine energy that defines and creates all that exists. Everything that exists now, or ever has existed, or ever will exist -- to put it in linear time terms -- is part of that energy you call God. God is simply all that is -- or All That Is.

So you can see the futility of bargaining with God.

Second, God doesn't create your human experience, your reality. You do.

Third, you do not need an intermediary between you and God. The intermediary in this story is Pope Benedict.

You all have a "direct line" to God. You don't need a pope, a guru, a teacher, an "authority" to intercede for you. You don't need Chief Joseph.

Do you know why?

Because you are God also. Each and every one of you is God.

It's long past time for you to acknowledge that, and to accept your role as the powerful divine creators you are.

Sure, that puts all the responsibility squarely on your shoulders. But it also gives you a freedom that will exhilarate and empower you beyond anything you've ever experienced before.

It's time, friends. Accept your divinity. Exercise it. You can transform the world. You can transform your own lives.

Know you are God. It is truth.

Copyright © 2009 by John Cali. All rights reserved.


Some Differences Between 3D, 4D, and 5D

We talk a lot about the consciousness 'shift' that is taking us from a 3D reality into a 4D/5D reality. But the question often arises "What does it mean, and what does it look like, when we make such a shift?" It's not such an easy question to answer, unless we suspend our beliefs about what life needs to look like. Bear with me as I try to explain a little bit of what these transitions look like, and what that can mean to you.

Firstly, be aware that if you are reading this, you are already transitioning. You already spend time in at minimum in 4D, probably the higher levels of 4D, and most likely you spend at least some time in 5D. It's true that 2012 is a gateway for Earth's planetary ascension, but each of us is experiencing this change in our own way, metaphorically stepping a toe, and then a foot, into these dimensions/densities, stepping backing out, integrating the experience, and then stepping in again, often more deeply. We do this pretty much without knowing that we are. So 2012 will be significant on a planetary scale, but it's important to know that we as individuals are already experiencing what life in a different dimension/density will be like.

About the Terms Dimension and Density

Depending on what source of information you read, moving 'up' (or 'down') to a new level of vibration is called different things. Some say that we currently live in the third "dimension" while others refer to it as third "density". Both refer to the same concept.

I prefer 'density' because it's both more descriptive of the differences in energy from one to the next, and doesn't have as much of a double meaning as the term 'dimension' does. There are an infinite number of 'dimensions', we create them all the time. But that's a topic for another day. Suffice it to say that I prefer the term 'density' when referring to the shifts that are happening on Earth at this time, and will use that term from here forward.

In third density, energy is heavier, or more dense. Comparatively speaking, oppressive, if you will. Fourth density is less heavy, and 5th density less heavy than that.

What Is Third Density?

In third density, matter feels completely solid. Even science tells us that matter is not solid, but in third density our focus of vibration is such that we relate to matter as if it is solid. In fifth density matter is seen for what it truly is: props that make up the playground for our games. The increasing lightness of energy continues up the densities until we get to the higher densities where energy hasn't any form at all, unless we create the forms. It's where matter can be created and manipulated at will, as intent and desire changes.

What third density isn't, is matter. Your car, your house, the trees, the animals, make up the world of matter, or form. Matter, or more correctly, form, exists in other densities, it's just that as you change densities your relationship with matter changes. Matter makes up the props in our playground in third density, but we don't relate to matter that way; we relate to matter as if it is real—because from a third density focus, it is!

In third density we experience lies, distrust, deceit; anger, upset, fear; pain, resentment, suffering. We experience time as linear, with a past, present and future, where the present is just the past in different clothing; looking at something 'bad' that happened yesterday, and hoping it doesn't happen tomorrow. Taking feelings from our past and projecting them into our present; not being aware that time is simultaneous; recreating the past in the future because "that's the way it's always been."

Third density is reaction rather than choice; rigid structures of beliefs like 'always' and 'never'. "I will never amount to anything","I will never forgive them", "they will never change", "we will always have war". Rigid, inflexible beliefs like "those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

In third density we experience paradox* as a perplexing concept, not able to be understood. We relate to things with a rigid rational mind.

*Definition of Paradox: A statement or proposal that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory.

Third density is the arena of duality (opposites), but so is fourth density. It is our relationship to duality that changes in fourth density. In third density, duality includes judgements like right and wrong, good and bad, whereas in fourth density we have opposites like left/right, up/down, male/female, light/dark, but without judgement that one state is 'better'.

What Is Fourth Density?

In fourth density contrast is the primary tool, but minus judgement. We experience time as a singular state of Now, where all is present time. We can appreciate beauty, we have compassion. We act out of choice versus acting out of reactions.

Fourth density includes a paradox shift from "two opposing things cannot both be true" to "what was true a moment ago may not be true right now" and "what was false a moment ago may not be false right now". It's remembering a person from the past, but not engaging with negative emotion that may have been stored from that past experience (you remember the information but you don't engage with the emotion).

Fourth density is opening up to possibilities that 3D logic would tell you is not possible at all; having a 'flexible' rational mind.

Think of fourth density as a bridge, a transitionary density between third and fifth.

What Is Fifth Density?

In the fifth density, vibrations like fear, anger, hate, and resentment don't exist. Those vibrations are too heavy, too dense, to be supported in fifth density.

In fifth density we understand that we don't exist in some 'place' but have our experiences within the vastness of All That Is. We know that we can create 'places' in which to play (physical realities) but our experience isn't limited to places. In fifth density we allow all things, without judgement and without needing everyone, or anyone, to agree with us. We see the 'game' of reality for what it is, a game, a playground, a theatre production, a living canvas, with ourselves as the writer/director/creator/actor, in concert with others. We know we are all a part of the whole, the One, All That Is, God; none better or worse or higher or lower, but all experiencing, sharing, enjoying, evolving—together.

Fifth density includes compassion with wisdom, cooperation, co-creation, kindness, respect, unconditional love. Fifth density brings wisdom and instant manifestation. The lessons of compassion learned in fourth density lead to wisdom in the fifth. In fifth density we may dissolve one manifestation and create another at will.

Fifth density includes fields of awareness outside the rational mind. In fifth density, all possibilities exist. We experience sound and color as richer, deeper, more vibrant, and we will experience more primary colors than in other densities. In fourth and fifth density we will be united with the star energies and extraterrestrials that have been assisting our planet and cultures for eons—we become aware of our participation in the galactic community.

Moving into fifth density involves reintegration of the 90% of brain function unavailable in humanity's 'lower' densities; also reintegration of the full set of DNA (all 12 strands reconnected). When you attain fifth density consciousness you experience the reintegration with your Higher Self. This reconnection with the higher parts of you brings higher awareness and allows you to know yourself at the Soul level. You begin to Be who you came here to be. Your innate spiritual abilities increase and reveal themselves. These include clairvoyance, telepathy and abstract intuition.


Be aware that there is no absolute dividing point between one density and the next. They merge at the edges, like the colors of the rainbow. With a rainbow, in the middle of a color band you can clearly individuate color, but toward the edges of each rainbow color band, the colors merge one with the next. So it is with densities. You can't really say, nor does it matter, "oh, now I'm in this density .. and now I'm in this one." Remember that densities are a focus of vibration. As you change your focus, change your perspective, you automatically change your vibration. As you do this more and more, it becomes easier and easier to stay focused in a higher density.


Here's an example of the difference in densities: Think of a time when you were worried, or upset, or angry—all third density emotions. Now think about how you felt when you shifted out of the worry, upset, or anger and replaced it with hope, acceptance, or forgiveness. Did you 'feel' lighter? Did you 'feel' as if a weight was lifted from you? Those lighter feelings were your indication that you shifted out of one density into another. The term 'enlightenment' is pretty literal. You literally feel 'less heavy' or as if a weight has been lifted from you, when you experience enlightenment.

In third density, we're so focused on survival, concerns about our future, hurts that have been experienced, what has happened in the past, what might happen in the future, our complaints, our own habitual ways of being, that we don't have the capacity to appreciate beauty. "Stop and smell the roses" is a fourth density ability - in third density we don't stop 'doing' long enough to be aware of, let alone appreciate, the beauty that surrounds us in every moment.

In third density we meet someone who has wronged us and we can't be with them, because the hurt, anger, or resentment are all that we can feel when we are around them. In fourth density, we don't feel the emotion of that previous hurt. We might be able to remember it but we no longer feel the emotion that was attached. We can accept another's request for forgiveness, if they offer it, and allow them to be whoever they have become rather than who they were .. and if they aren't ready to ask for forgiveness, we can love them anyway, and hold for them the space to become more than they are.

In third density we might ask someone for their forgiveness, and if they don't give it, feel slighted and even more hurt than before. In fourth density we realize everyone moves at their own pace, along their own journey, and we don't need to receive forgiveness from anyone, even if we ask for it. In fourth density we realize that we are asking forgiveness for our own closure, not because we need others to forgive us. In fifth density we realize that forgiveness truly doesn't exist, because we all create our own reality—we create and agree to the experiences that we experience, for our own reasons. There's no judgment so there's nothing to forgive.

In third density we're so caught up in doing something now in order to get to something else "I need to hurry and get the dishes done so I can get out to the tennis court", "Dammit, I hate all this traffic, it's going to make me late!". Often in third density we aren't even aware of what we're experiencing 'right now.' In fourth density we begin accepting and appreciating all moments without judgement. It doesn't mean we just wishy-washily go through life without desires and intents, it means we appreciate 'undesirable' moments for their ability to generate new desires and intents, rather than focusing on them as things that make us unhappy, upset, angry, fearful, or resentful. After becoming aware of our Now moment, we can begin to appreciate what is there, present in the moment, without judging it. We're better able to create our moments as we wish, because we pre-pave our path with conscious intent.

In 3D/4D we keep going back to the rational mind to figure things out, and—and here's a paradox—esoteric things can be understood, but not with the rational mind.

To move into fourth and fifth density, instead of trying to 'figure things out' simply ponder new ideas, especially things that seem impossible. Allow ideas to 'sit with you' for awhile, without trying to make sense of them. As you ponder them, trust that if the meaning or understanding is important it will come to you, through those channels of communication that you have with your 'higher self' such as intuition, knowing, creativity, awareness. You can meditate, or just be quiet and listen to the stillness within, to open up even more to these communication channels. Also, be aware that you may never know what you 'got' from pondering an imponderable, as it may have been experienced or processed within your other-dimensional awareness. Your intent and sincere desire to process imponderables is all that is needed for understanding.

As I mentioned before, anyone awake and aware enough to be interested in the information here has been moving, probably unknowingly, between third, fourth, and fifth densities for some time, although potentially unaware of having done so. Now you will be able to recognize, as you consciously shift your focus, movement between the densities. So shifting densities is really about focus and perception. As with anything, the more effort you put into changing focus, changing perception, the easier it will become.

You Are Not Alone

Also keep in mind that there is nothing 'wrong' with 3D reality. It's a playground that we all, because we are here in it, have chosen to participate in. We can have experiences, and experience growth from those experiences, that can be had in no other place or density in exactly the same way.

Because we've learned our lessons—integrated our experiences—so well, we are now ready to move on to other kinds of experiences in other densities of reality. For some of us, that will be with Earth as she moves into higher densities. For others, that may be in physical or non-physical realities outside of Earth.

Our situation is not dissimilar to going to school. We don't think of third graders as bad or wrong because they aren't in high school. We recognize that there are many many exciting things to do and learn in third grade, and we celebrate our "graduation" from third grade to fourth grade. We recognize that most of us will continue into fourth grade in the same school, while others will move away and continue their education in another place, while still others will come from other schools and join us as new friends in our new classroom. Honor your friends, relatives, and associates who are leaving Earth, for you may never know what other 'games' they are up for.

Learning is a process, and one that goes on eternally. Recognize that you are a multi-dimensional being who has already experienced higher dimensions. You are here now, in this density, to experience what is here, and to take the physical body of homo sapiens to the next level.

Humankind, as a species and a planet, has never experienced a successful shift from third to fourth/fifth density before. Humankind's vibrational movement has important implications for our Solar System, our Galaxy, our Universe, and indeed, All That Is. Congratulate yourself for being here, incarnate at this moment in time, to be a part of that movement. The numbers of entities who would like to have been here, incarnate at this time, to participate in this shift first hand, is beyond most of our ability to comprehend. Simply know, if you don't already, that it's an honor and a privilege to be on Earth at this time.

Your job as an evolving human has been a difficult one, but you are being assisted, and cheered on, by uncountable numbers of entities, both physical and non-physical. No matter how it appears to you from a third density point of view, you are doing an amazing job of shifting to and holding new vibrations, you are appreciated and honored more than you know for that service, and you are never alone.

Appreciation and Thanks to Jim Self

Although I've learned from countless sources over time, much of the material in this post is my understanding of these concepts taken, in large part, from Jim Self and his Mastering Alchemy teachings. This material would not be complete without thanking Jim for his ability and willingness to share what he knows with the rest of us as we continue our incredible journey together as spirits in human bodies.