
The Different Faces of Experience

Recently I came across this gem of wisdom from Gina Lake at Radical Happiness. It's profound and worth remembering, especially when we get all caught up in our drama. And I love that term "radical happiness" - what a concept!
Experiencing what you are experiencing and experiencing your thoughts are very different realities—very different experiences. When you are experiencing what you are experiencing, you are at peace, relaxed, content, absorbed, with no thoughts about “me,” how “I” am doing, or any other stories, which are the ego’s version of reality. Instead of experiencing reality, the ego tells a story about it, and that becomes its reality.


Looking for God in All the Right Places

Ra (Ra's messages are transcribed and condensed into online book form here) said, when asked what we could do to further our own growth:

The Universe is one Being. When you view another, see the Creator.

Gaze within a mirror. See the Creator.

Gaze at the Creation which lies about the mind/body/spirit of each entity. See the Creator.

It’s challenging to see the Creator in everything, to see god in everything. We tend to see god in another as a static thing, something outside them, loving them, but not them. We just don't see others, or ourselves, as that powerful. It's somewhat easier for us to acknowledge the god aspect of animals and flowers, rather than ourselves or other people.

Watch a bird and see god. Watch a tree and see god. Watch the grass and flowers and clouds and see god. Pretty easy to do, yes?

Watch a child and see god. That's easy too! Watch another doing good things and see god. Very doable. Watch another doing not good things and see god. There’s a challenge!

Now … look in the mirror and see god. Can you? Can you accept that You are the same Creator that created the Universe and everything in it? Can you accept that You continually create your reality? Can you look in the mirror and see, acknowledge, and love, the Creator that is you? I hope you can, because you are that creator. All you need to do is remember.


Why Do They Hate Me?

Have you been wondering lately why, despite your best intentions, people are in upset, and often that upset is directed at you? So much so that some of those friends/relatives/associates are starting to move out of your life, or already have?

It's hard to remember, when people you care about are casting you aside that it is, as Tobias has said many times, "not about you." The upset is their response to a mismatch in energy, one that, yes you created, but by your spiritual growth. That's A Good Thing™ it really is! But it doesn't seem that way does it?

The following message from Jennifer Hoffman at Uriel Heals addresses that very thing. Her message is powerful and speaks for itself.

Why Do They Hate Me?

From your emails and readings, I know that many of you are confused with what is happening with relationships at this time, not the romantic ones but friends, family and other associations where suddenly you go from being friends to being their worst enemy.

Sometimes you can make an innocent comment and are bombarded with words and feelings that shock you. These are situations that end long time friendships and while you may feel like the victim you are somewhat responsible for this because you are helping others heal and many are going through healing crises that they blame you for.

Every shift in your vibration has an effect on everyone and everything around you. Those who are ready to shift will join you, those who are not will reject you, in an unpleasant way. You have created a void in their energetic space, a gap that where they can no longer connect to you in the same way.

On an energetic level they lost an important resource that helped them manage their fear. Without your energy, they have to deal with their fear in another way. Since they have been using your energy and not their own, as soon as your energy is removed, the fear rushes in because there is nothing to buffer it.

Many of us act as energetic buffers for our friends and partners. We do this unconsciously, sharing our vibrations with them to help them with their healing journey. And we can do this as long as our vibrations are fairly close to theirs. But as soon as we shift enough that we are out of their range, the connection can no longer exist and they have to use their inner resources to fill that void.

But since they have been using our energy, they do not know how to use these resources and feel the fear they have successfully avoided. They have the resources to deal with the fear, they just do not know how to use them. So they see you as the problem and are angry with you when the real problems is with them.

Their reaction can make you feel terrible if you take it personally but you should know that there is nothing you can do in this situation except to release them with unconditional love, send them light and blessings and go your own way.

We are now able to experience the full volume of our energy for the first time in many lifetimes. But to do so we have to take back the energy we have been sharing with others, creating a predicament for them. And they may hate you for it but each person is responsible for their healing and has to find their energetic center.

Enjoy your energy, power and use it to create the reality of your dreams. Remember that everyone has this ability and now they have an opportunity learn how to do it for themselves.


Finding Lost Things

Ever lost something, looked every where for it - and searched some places more than once! - then later found that thing right there, in one of those places you know you had already searched thoroughly? Welcome to living in a multi-dimensional reality!

The question that naturally arises, though, is how do you implement the finding of articles lost in such a fashion? Cynthia Sue Larson has some ideas about that. She hosts a ezine called Reality Shifters where folks write in about their experiences with shifting realities. Interesting stuff. Check it out!
Top Six Tips for Finding Lost Things
by Cynthia Sue Larson

Have you lost something recently that you want to find again? Perhaps you've misplaced a book, an important photograph, a favorite piece of jewelry, or a pet. You've checked all the obvious places, and still can't find it. At this point, you might wonder if there is anything else you can do besides give up. Fortunately, there is!

Most all of us lose things. We lose socks in the laundry as well as keys, coats, wallets, and pens a lot more often than we'd like to. Have you ever noticed how you tend to lose more things when you're feeling anxious and upset? For some of us, being in a foul mood is all that's required to find ourselves crashing computers, blowing out light fixtures and appliances, and all sorts of other exciting things. While most people don't notice such dramatic psychokinetic effects, all of us are energetic beings, and we all exert a powerful effect on our physical environment with just our thoughts and feelings. 

If you follow these tips, you'll greatly increase your chances of bringing what you've lost back to you. I've found all sorts of things (pens, keys, glasses, wallet) that reappeared in places I'd already checked after I followed these simple steps. 

(1) Ground Yourself

It might seem that the hardest thing to do when you've just lost something is to relax... but it's also the most important. Your anxiety can and does create conflict in the physical world. By calming your mind and your heart, you will allow for harmony to manifest in the outside world.

We ground our electrical appliances to prevent them from sparking and starting fires... and we need to do the same thing for our energetic bodies. You can ground yourself by visualizing a long cord running down from you, down below your feet, far into the core of the Earth. Imagine that all the worries and troubles that beleague you are falling down, down, down that cord, never to return.

(2) Hope for a Reality Shift

When my young daughter used to lose things, she would say, "Hope for reality shift! Hope for reality shift!" over and over again as she walked around the house. Her intention of allowing for her lost item to return (even to a place we'd already looked) helped make such a reunion possible.

I now make sure that I say my intention out loud any time I've lost something that I dearly love and wish to find again. I know that it is possible for lost things to reappear in places I have thoroughly searched—and even sometimes in very strange or unusual places.

This intention is extremely important, because it gives the universe permission to return your lost item to you when you allow for a miraculous shift in reality to occur.

(3) Meditate

An easy meditation for finding lost things is based on breathing. As you exhale, imagine that you are breathing out all your worries and fears. As you inhale, imagine that you are breathing in love. You are letting go of any sense of panic or loss, and feeling more and more loving and loved. If you have another favorite meditation, this is a very good time to do it. The main idea now is to remain grounded as you relax further, while opening your mind and heart fully into experiencing whatever this moment brings.

(4) Feel Your Love for What is Lost

While all the previous steps are very important, feeling your love for what you have lost is undoubtedly the most important. While you continue staying grounded and breathing in love, remember all your favorite memories about what you've just lost. Allow yourself the luxury of feeling as much of that love as possible. Feel your heart growing warmer and warmer with those feelings of love. This love you are feeling is the bond between you and what has been lost, and by feeling your love as strongly as you can, you are calling what you love to return to you.

(5) Let Go

You've now done all you can do. It's time to trust that the universe will consider your request for a reunion with what you've lost. It's time to let go of any worries, fears, doubts, or concerns that might still be lingering. Just trust that everything is exactly right somehow, and continue with your everyday activities as usual. If you find your mind obsessing about what you've lost, go back to the first step and go through all these steps again. You'll find that the more you practice grounding and meditating, the easier these things become, and the easier it will be for you to stop worrying.

(6) Appreciate the Surprise Reunion

One moment, when you least expect it, you'll find what you lost. It may appear in a place you know you thoroughly checked... it may appear in a completely ridiculous place (like the time my daughter's favorite shoes once appeared on the pillow of her bed). Savor this moment, and fully absorb the improbability of your reunion and your delight and joy at finding what you lost. The appreciation and gratitude you feel will help bring more lost things home to you.


Unconditional Love

Knowing that we all want to help each other, sending energy and good wishes and all—especially when we know that the ones we love are working through times of great upset or stress—it's worth remembering that we can't necessarily know what their greater good is. This message from "The Teachers of the Universal Mind" through Jo Amidon at Light Connection gives an excellent perspective and explains why 'pure love' energy is the best kind to focus on.

What Is Unconditional Love?

Unconditional Love is the highest energy form that can be sent. It is pure, without intent or focus. It does not attempt to control, steer or interfere. It simply sends pure love which can then be used by the receiver (most often on a higher self level or spirit level) for the purpose which is most needed and for the overall best interest of the receiver. In sending Unconditional Love, this should be understood. You do not choose it's focus, label it with judgment or personal opinion. Simply having the intent to send Unconditional Love allows you to do so, and having the understanding within that it is unconditional allows it to flow through you more freely.

When Should Unconditional Love Be Used?

Unconditional Love is always recommended rather than a specific focused type of energy. This is more beneficial than conditional energy. In any situation where you choose to send energy to a specific individual, unconditional love is suggested. This allows freedom for the individual to use as needed. Perhaps you think healing energy is needed, but on higher levels, energy may be more needed for help with releasing, emotions, or decision making. All of these will in turn affect the physical well being, while simple healing of a physical problem will often create the need for re-creation of a physical issue. Physical problems are a result of activity in another area, not a natural state of being. If there are intense physical issues, such as illness or accidents, we would suggest a combination of healing energy and Unconditional Love. This will give assistance with the immediate physical issues, and allow other areas in need of work to be aided at the same time.

We would also remind you that at any time, one may not be open to receiving energy. It must be accepted by the receiver to be used. It is good to ask permission before sending energy. If the situation is such that you do not feel free to do so, ask the higher self of the individual for permission. You will receive a response, through feelings, hearing, or other signs you will be given.

What Unconditional Love Means In Everyday Life

Working with Unconditional Love is a combination of things. It is being in a state of mind where you allow and accept where you are; knowing that you are where you need to be and for a reason. It is having the intention that you will use each moment to be what you are, enjoy where you are, and to learn and grow from each experience. However small or large it may seem. It is allowing yourself to see the beauty, light and love within each person, animal or plant that you encounter.

Learn to slow down, detach a bit from the "importance" of details which compose much of everyday life, then allow yourself to feel and be "in" the things that you do rather than just doing them. This helps to allow the energy of unconditional love to flow through you. The simple daily intention of allowing yourself to be a channel for the energy of unconditional love will do much for beginning to create this "place of being" within yourself.

Every activity that you do allows you an opportunity to send unconditional love. Know that you are in a lifetime selected for its growth, learning and experiences. Although you may not have consciously chosen all your experiences, some level of your being aided in the creation of your experiences. This can be higher self, other dimensional selves, the spirit self or parts of the personality and ego.

Take the time to enjoy the reality you have created to experience. Feel the Earth, spend time in nature, experience flowers, hug trees, talk to animals and listen to them. Take time with people. Feel them, look within for the inner being of light and spirit. Know that all living beings are a part of the God Force, and as such have beauty and light within. When people talk to you, take time to listen. Feel them as they speak, go beyond the words. Be allowing.

Know that each being has a different pathway to follow, different things meet their needs, different things fulfill them, different types of experiences teach them and help them grow. Allow these differences, and know that these very differences among the parts of the God Force are bits of what compose that overall energy which is "Prime Creator". All are bits of the God Force, which while in physical experiences choose and create many different types of reality. This is how the God Force learns and grows. All are teachers, all are students, all are God.

The Teachers of The Universal Mind

Through Jo Amidon