My husband and I had a conversation this morning. He teased about wishing something for me (it was not too kind of a wish, which is typical as he always enjoys goading people, me most of all ;)) and I said “You can’t create in my reality.” To which he replied “Oh yes I can.”
He understands the Law of Attraction and You Create Your Own Reality, even if he doesn’t always follow those concepts or believe them to be true in all circumstances. So I understood what he meant. He meant that he can influence my reality by saying something or doing something, and once I’ve accepted that influence, the result looks no different from him actually creating in my reality. It’s a deception that humanity is slowly waking up to. I instantly saw what he was up to and responded “You can influence my reality, yes. But not create in it.” He laughed, knowing that we both got the point he was trying to make.
Remembering that my reality can be influenced, if I allow it to be, lets me see that what anyone says about me or to me that has any kind of strong emotional reaction—whether I consider that reaction to be good or bad—is simply an indicator of one or more beliefs that I hold. If I find that I’m empowered by a comment, I don’t need to do anything, aside from appreciate the other and myself for another wonderful opportunity to feel good. If I find myself hurt by a comment, it tells me I still have some beliefs that don’t serve me, which means to me that the point of upset could use some examination. Not recrimination, not remorse, not guilt, but examination pure and simple.
If I’m truly aware of an unwanted influence, I start digging a little bit to see where the hurt is coming from, what in the comment was upsetting. That invariably leads to awareness of beliefs that I hold that don’t serve me. When I see a belief I hadn't seen before, or when I see that my reaction is just the result of some habitual way of thinking based on old beliefs that I used to hold, then I can laugh about it and appreciate again what a magnificent mirror people are for me.
What I found most interesting in our short playful conversation was the reminder that we can allow others to influence our creations, or not. We can allow that influence to be toward things that work for us or toward things that do not. But in all cases, we allow or disallow the influence.
Do you want to create what you want, or do you want to continue to create what others think you should want? It’s bad enough that we have our own beliefs, our own ‘already-always thinking’ that doesn’t always bring us the happiness we say we want, accepting someone else’s judgement can really put us off our game.
As you travel the path of discovery of who you really are, even the influence of ‘good’ judgments from others begin to fade away. Eventually you find yourself able to stand in any judgement—which is just duality in full swing—and not be affected by it. You think I’m nice? Wonderful! That says more about you than me. You think I’m beautiful? Fabulous! That says more about you than it does about me. Yay for you for being able to see that in me, because what you see in me is simply the reflection of what is there to be seen in you! It’s an amazing and wonderful system, one that always works to our benefit.
What you come to realize more and more, and more and more deeply, is that you can get to a place where you know who—and what—you are so profoundly that nothing anyone says truly penetrates, influences you in any way. You don’t need it to. You can simply allow those around you to do what they do, say what they say, be who they are, and it doesn’t influence you in any way—unless you want it to.
You come to realize more and more that you, in your individuality are so very important to All That Is! You come to realize more and more that you are the perfect expression of god experiencing Itself as you. You come to realize more and more that each of us is that—our own individual expression of god experiencing Itself as each of us. How could it be any other way? Why would we want it to be?
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too
Here's a powerful and entertaining article from Suzanna Kennedy at Reality Crafting.
Have Your Cake and Eat It TooGreat stuff Suzanna! She has a number of interesting articles on her website, like Warrior Goddess: How to Transform the Feminine and Manifesting from the Heart. She also offers online and self-directed classes on CD. Check it out!
by Suzanna Kennedy
I want to have my cake and eat it too. And I don’t want it go to my hips! I’m in a cliché bustin’ mood and I have to tell you that, “You can’t believe everything you hear,” especially when what you are hearing is limiting your ability to get what you want.
My intention with this article is to stimulate you to examine how many limiting beliefs you subscribe to. I further invite you to explore the possibility that when you believe in abundance and understand the Creative Process, YOU CAN HAVE EVERYTHING YOU DESIRE.
Consider these statements: “There’s only so much to go around.” “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
And what about all the trade-offs? How many of us believe: “If it tastes good, it must be bad for you.” “If it tastes bad, it must be good for you.” “If it’s fun, it can’t be safe.” “If it’s worth having, it's worth working hard for.” “You can’t have fun unless you’re high.” “You can’t always get what you want, but you get what you need.” “If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, don’t make a pretty woman your wife.”
It seems as if you have to choose between fun and safety; between sexy and nice; between wealth and love; between smart and pretty. Do you want handsome or faithful? Do you want beauty or a nice personality? Then you are told, “Don’t set your sights too high, you might be disappointed.”
These are limiting beliefs. Why should I have to choose one over the other? I want to have my cake and eat it too.
Arnold Patent says, “You Can Have It All.” I choose to believe him.
Here’s an idea: pretend it is your mission in life to identify what you want and then create it. How would you go about it? Consider this metaphor. You are a young prince or princess. Your father, the king, has ordered his servants to bring you a large variety of life experiences so that you may choose the ones you want.
At first the servants will not know exactly what you are looking for, so they will show you experiences that they are most familiar with. They show you their poverty and their fear. They show you their belief in not being in control of their lives. And you say “This does not feel good. I do not like this. Show me wealth and power.”
So they show you an example of a wealthy baron who lives in a wonderful castle and commands a huge army. But with all of his wealth and power, he is not happy because he has a fatal disease and only months to live. So you say, keep the wealth and power and add perfect health. So they bring you another example of a man who is rich, powerful and healthy. He too is unhappy because the responsibilities of his position prohibit him from enjoying his life. So you say, keep the wealth, forget the power, keep the health and add time for fun.
Now they show you an example of a wealthy woman who enjoys good health and has time to pursue any leisure activities she desires. As you watch her move through her life, you notice that she often feels lonely because she has no one to share her fun experiences with. So you say, “Now add a companion.” So they add a handsome, wealthy, intelligent male who also happens to be a drunk and a womanizer.
This process continues. You are given many examples and you sift through them adding and subtracting until you find just the combination you are looking for. You allow yourself to identify what you want by observing those things that make you feel good. You get better and better at identifying those things you don’t want because you pay close attention to those things that make you feel bad, and quickly identify what you do want instead. Then you put together some very definite statements about what you want, allowing and expecting to receive them, because after all, you are royalty. Of course you get exactly what you ask for.
After you get what you want, you notice that what you want -- changes. This is all right. This is wonderful. Of course what you want will change, for you are developing into a king or queen who is a growth-seeking, joy-seeking being. As you want, and allow and receive, you change your perspective. As your perspective changes, so do your desires; and you are continually wanting, allowing and then joyfully receiving your desires.
Guess what? You do not have to pretend. It IS your mission to identify what you want and then create it. And this is not really a metaphor, but a true description of your position in God’s plan. We are all magnificent co-creators of our own life experience because He created us in His image. Our presence in these bodies on this physical plane is undeniable evidence of our co-creative ability.
Isn’t it wonderful that we are all so unique, wanting different things at different times? It is because of this wonderful diversity that we may be confident in the Law of Abundance. Parmahansa Yogananda describes how the Law of Abundance works, “Human consciousness should become an unobstructed channel through which the divine intelligence may flow freely. Divine Will and human will then operate in harmony to manifest whatever man may need from God’s unlimited supply of health, happiness and abundance.”
There is more than enough of everything in this Universe to fulfill everyone’s desires. And if it does not exist now, you can create it. You need not be concerned that your wanting and receiving will interfere with the wanting and receiving of another.
Consider this personal ad:
Queen of Deliberate Creation seeks King of Deliberate Creation to share and co-create a joyous life experience while granting freedom to all others to create the life experiences they desire.
Would you like some ice cream with your cake?
Negative Thoughts
I love this comment from The group about negative thoughts:
Back then I didn’t know about Law of Attraction, didn’t realize we were all part of the Universal Mind, didn’t know that, depending on all sorts of things that we don’t necessarily have any control over, just about any thought could show up in my mind, bidden or unbidden.
Sometimes I’d have what I considered to be some pretty bizarre thoughts. I’m a fairly even tempered person, not at all prone to suicidal tendencies, and more than once I found myself thinking “wouldn’t it be fun to just run my car right over a steep embankment?” I pictured this scenario in my mind, and it scared me. It was like I wanted to feel the thrill of flying through the air in a several ton vehicle, wanted to experience the out-of-controlness of it, and I didn’t seem all that upset that I might crash and burn—hard.
It shocked me to find that thought wandering around in my mind. Knowing how powerful our thoughts are I wanted to do a computer-like “CANCEL CANCEL” before it took root and I found myself sailing over a guard rail someplace, with only the road crews around to pick up the pieces. I didn’t know what to do, how not to have a repeat of a thought like that. You may laugh, but I was more than a touch concerned about having thoughts like that, thoughts about things that didn’t seem to fit at all with who I am.
Now that I know more about what it takes for thoughts to become manifest, more about the time lag that protects us from our every whim and fantastical thought, more about how each of us have a dark side and that it’s nothing to be feared, more about the Universal Mind and mass consciousness, I don’t worry so much about negative thoughts anymore.
I still examine my thoughts, probably more so than I ever did. But they no longer frighten me. I know that my thoughts don’t control me. Nor do I control my thoughts. What I do control is what thoughts I agree with and which I don’t; which thoughts I focus on and which I don’t; which thoughts I will pursue with more thought, and which I won’t.
By carefully selecting which thoughts I follow and which I let cruise by, I’ve found that the Law of Attraction really does work. (As if we thought it didn’t /snicker). I’ve found that I think weird thoughts far less often than I did. I think thoughts that disturb me far less often that I did, I think thoughts that upset me far less than I did. I still have weird thoughts, angry thoughts, upsetting thoughts, frightening thoughts, but they don't come as often, they are easier to dismiss, and often I even find myself laughing at or about them.
It isn’t always easy to just let a really negative, derogatory, or upsetting thought go. I still find myself occasionally wanting to make something of those kinds of thoughts, have them mean something, particularly have them mean something derogatory about me for thinking them. But I continue to work at it. I’m pleased with my results and looking forward to even more freedom from my thoughts.
I have discovered a fun way to get rid of thoughts that I don’t want. It works for me anyway. If you’ve ever used a Macintosh under OS X you’ll be familiar with the Dock. The Dock allows you to easily access favorite application icons. To remove an icon from the dock, you drag it to the desktop and release it, at which point the icon disappears in a cute little animated puff of smoke. I started doing that with thoughts I don’t want to keep around: I envision dragging them out of my mind into the ether and releasing them, at which point they disappear in cute little animated puff of smoke. For the more annoying thoughts I might add something verbal while I’m mentally performing this action, the specifics of which I won’t share with you, but it’s something like “adios amigos!” only generally not that nice. ;)
Suffice it to say that it is possible to filter your thoughts by taking advantage of the Law of Attraction. Abraham calls it selectively sifting, and if my experience is any indication, it really does work. That is, the more you focus on the thoughts that serve you, allowing the ones that don't serve you to wander through and be gone, the more the kind of thoughts that you like will visit you, and the less other thoughts will. The Law of Attraction starts doing the sifting, so you don't have to. It’s kind of like anything else that you work on—once you start seeing success it can even be fun.
And there's a side benefit: more space for creative thoughts, intuition, inspiration, and joy!
You have no control over the thoughts that enter your mind. You do have complete control over which thoughts you allow to stay there.I think for a long time—years—I was kind of afraid of negative thoughts. I didn’t want to have them, but I did. I sort of kept a watchful eye out for negative thoughts, trying not to think them. If you’ve tried that, you’ll know that it doesn’t work so well. In fact it seems to have the reverse affect.
Do not worry about keeping all negative thoughts from your mind. Let them go through, as they are a needed part of your human experience. Just know that they can travel through your mind without attaching, and choose to hold and keep only the thoughts that add to you in some way—and do not judge yourself for having difficult or negative thoughts.
Back then I didn’t know about Law of Attraction, didn’t realize we were all part of the Universal Mind, didn’t know that, depending on all sorts of things that we don’t necessarily have any control over, just about any thought could show up in my mind, bidden or unbidden.
Sometimes I’d have what I considered to be some pretty bizarre thoughts. I’m a fairly even tempered person, not at all prone to suicidal tendencies, and more than once I found myself thinking “wouldn’t it be fun to just run my car right over a steep embankment?” I pictured this scenario in my mind, and it scared me. It was like I wanted to feel the thrill of flying through the air in a several ton vehicle, wanted to experience the out-of-controlness of it, and I didn’t seem all that upset that I might crash and burn—hard.
It shocked me to find that thought wandering around in my mind. Knowing how powerful our thoughts are I wanted to do a computer-like “CANCEL CANCEL” before it took root and I found myself sailing over a guard rail someplace, with only the road crews around to pick up the pieces. I didn’t know what to do, how not to have a repeat of a thought like that. You may laugh, but I was more than a touch concerned about having thoughts like that, thoughts about things that didn’t seem to fit at all with who I am.
Now that I know more about what it takes for thoughts to become manifest, more about the time lag that protects us from our every whim and fantastical thought, more about how each of us have a dark side and that it’s nothing to be feared, more about the Universal Mind and mass consciousness, I don’t worry so much about negative thoughts anymore.
I still examine my thoughts, probably more so than I ever did. But they no longer frighten me. I know that my thoughts don’t control me. Nor do I control my thoughts. What I do control is what thoughts I agree with and which I don’t; which thoughts I focus on and which I don’t; which thoughts I will pursue with more thought, and which I won’t.
By carefully selecting which thoughts I follow and which I let cruise by, I’ve found that the Law of Attraction really does work. (As if we thought it didn’t /snicker). I’ve found that I think weird thoughts far less often than I did. I think thoughts that disturb me far less often that I did, I think thoughts that upset me far less than I did. I still have weird thoughts, angry thoughts, upsetting thoughts, frightening thoughts, but they don't come as often, they are easier to dismiss, and often I even find myself laughing at or about them.
It isn’t always easy to just let a really negative, derogatory, or upsetting thought go. I still find myself occasionally wanting to make something of those kinds of thoughts, have them mean something, particularly have them mean something derogatory about me for thinking them. But I continue to work at it. I’m pleased with my results and looking forward to even more freedom from my thoughts.
I have discovered a fun way to get rid of thoughts that I don’t want. It works for me anyway. If you’ve ever used a Macintosh under OS X you’ll be familiar with the Dock. The Dock allows you to easily access favorite application icons. To remove an icon from the dock, you drag it to the desktop and release it, at which point the icon disappears in a cute little animated puff of smoke. I started doing that with thoughts I don’t want to keep around: I envision dragging them out of my mind into the ether and releasing them, at which point they disappear in cute little animated puff of smoke. For the more annoying thoughts I might add something verbal while I’m mentally performing this action, the specifics of which I won’t share with you, but it’s something like “adios amigos!” only generally not that nice. ;)
Suffice it to say that it is possible to filter your thoughts by taking advantage of the Law of Attraction. Abraham calls it selectively sifting, and if my experience is any indication, it really does work. That is, the more you focus on the thoughts that serve you, allowing the ones that don't serve you to wander through and be gone, the more the kind of thoughts that you like will visit you, and the less other thoughts will. The Law of Attraction starts doing the sifting, so you don't have to. It’s kind of like anything else that you work on—once you start seeing success it can even be fun.
And there's a side benefit: more space for creative thoughts, intuition, inspiration, and joy!
The Story of The Flowers
I bought a bouquet of flowers yesterday. I bought it because I wanted to. I looked at the flowers as they sat there in a floral display in the grocery store and I felt good. It felt really good to look at those beautiful flowers, to feel the feelings that they evoked in me. I loved what I felt, standing there, absorbing the feeling of the flowers. I wanted to feel that feeling for a longer time than just while standing there in the store. And so I brought those flowers, and I brought them home.
I questioned if I should. I questioned if it was worth the money. I questioned if I should spend my money that way. That might tell you something about how I feel about money right now. I stand in the belief that I am abundant, yet I’m being confronted with all the ways in which I perceive lack. Isn’t that a wonderful thing? The Universe keeps showing me all the ways in which I don’t believe what I want to believe.
Of course I didn’t think it was such a wonderful thing at first. When I first realized I was again perceiving lack, I thought “dammit!” and then I had to laugh. Because I’ve been seeing this perception of lack quite a lot lately. Would I rather be in abundance than in lack? Damn straight! But if I’m not, it’s far better to be seeing where and how I’m perceiving lack so that I can do something about it, than to continue to be blissfully unaware that my manifestation on this topic is headed in the wrong direction.
It’s pretty amazing actually. In this one little incident I got to see how insidious considerations about money, particularly the lack there-of, are in my life. I was considering not spending money on something that I was clearly feeling good about. Something that cost almost nothing compared to most things I spend money on. If I’m not willing to feel abundant about this tiny amount of money, how do I feel about spending big sums of money?
In the end of course, it isn’t money that matters. Experience matters. The experience is all that matters. Experience should be the criteria under which all decisions are made. Do I want this experience or do I not? If I do, then do it. If I do not, then don’t do it. Another way of looking at it is, “Which feels better, this choice or that choice?” Then go with which choice feels best in the moment.
When you’ve chosen or acted, then pay attention to—be aware of—what feelings, thoughts, and beliefs surface about the experience. How do I feel about what I just did, or what just happened? What gift is there for me in the experience? You may even find a gift just from the experience of choosing! The gift could be what you saw about your beliefs, what you experienced, what you decided from it, the feelings you had–good, bad, or indifferent, any number of things. Only you can say what gift there is in any experience that you have.
Regarding my experience with the flowers, I decided I wanted the experience of enjoying the flowers more than giving in to my concerns about money, so I bought the flowers and brought them home. That decision brought me joy.
I found quite a lot of joy in those flowers, actually. More joy than I even thought possible. I enjoyed the flowers sitting in my cart as I completed my shopping. I enjoyed the flowers as I toted them out of the car and into the house. I enjoyed them as I chose the perfect vase to display them in. I enjoyed them as I cut their stems and arranged them in the vase. I enjoyed them as I decided on the perfect place to display them. I enjoyed them as I admired the way they looked in that perfect place where I decided to display them. I am enjoying them now as I look up and see them, in all their colorful goodness, from where I sit. I will continue to enjoy them until they are no longer sitting there to be enjoyed.
I should add that if my decision to buy the flowers had not brought me joy, if it had left me feeling worried or concerned about the money I was spending, I would not have bought them. I would still have processed my concerns about money, but instead of actually buying the flowers, I'd have found a good-feeling way to think about the experience like "Not yet, but soon. I'm looking forward to being able to buy whatever I want whenever I want! For now I will enjoy these flowers in the display and in my thoughts."
It’s not about the money, you see. It’s not even about the flowers. It’s about the enjoyment. It's about feeling good with whatever decision I make. It’s about me allowing myself to create what brings me joy, whether that is having something tangible or simply through having good-feeling thoughts. I even enjoyed realizing the habitual thoughts that I have about money, because that awareness, that realization, brings me one step closer to manifesting my abundance in all areas.
I questioned if I should. I questioned if it was worth the money. I questioned if I should spend my money that way. That might tell you something about how I feel about money right now. I stand in the belief that I am abundant, yet I’m being confronted with all the ways in which I perceive lack. Isn’t that a wonderful thing? The Universe keeps showing me all the ways in which I don’t believe what I want to believe.
Of course I didn’t think it was such a wonderful thing at first. When I first realized I was again perceiving lack, I thought “dammit!” and then I had to laugh. Because I’ve been seeing this perception of lack quite a lot lately. Would I rather be in abundance than in lack? Damn straight! But if I’m not, it’s far better to be seeing where and how I’m perceiving lack so that I can do something about it, than to continue to be blissfully unaware that my manifestation on this topic is headed in the wrong direction.
It’s pretty amazing actually. In this one little incident I got to see how insidious considerations about money, particularly the lack there-of, are in my life. I was considering not spending money on something that I was clearly feeling good about. Something that cost almost nothing compared to most things I spend money on. If I’m not willing to feel abundant about this tiny amount of money, how do I feel about spending big sums of money?
In the end of course, it isn’t money that matters. Experience matters. The experience is all that matters. Experience should be the criteria under which all decisions are made. Do I want this experience or do I not? If I do, then do it. If I do not, then don’t do it. Another way of looking at it is, “Which feels better, this choice or that choice?” Then go with which choice feels best in the moment.
When you’ve chosen or acted, then pay attention to—be aware of—what feelings, thoughts, and beliefs surface about the experience. How do I feel about what I just did, or what just happened? What gift is there for me in the experience? You may even find a gift just from the experience of choosing! The gift could be what you saw about your beliefs, what you experienced, what you decided from it, the feelings you had–good, bad, or indifferent, any number of things. Only you can say what gift there is in any experience that you have.
Regarding my experience with the flowers, I decided I wanted the experience of enjoying the flowers more than giving in to my concerns about money, so I bought the flowers and brought them home. That decision brought me joy.
I found quite a lot of joy in those flowers, actually. More joy than I even thought possible. I enjoyed the flowers sitting in my cart as I completed my shopping. I enjoyed the flowers as I toted them out of the car and into the house. I enjoyed them as I chose the perfect vase to display them in. I enjoyed them as I cut their stems and arranged them in the vase. I enjoyed them as I decided on the perfect place to display them. I enjoyed them as I admired the way they looked in that perfect place where I decided to display them. I am enjoying them now as I look up and see them, in all their colorful goodness, from where I sit. I will continue to enjoy them until they are no longer sitting there to be enjoyed.
I should add that if my decision to buy the flowers had not brought me joy, if it had left me feeling worried or concerned about the money I was spending, I would not have bought them. I would still have processed my concerns about money, but instead of actually buying the flowers, I'd have found a good-feeling way to think about the experience like "Not yet, but soon. I'm looking forward to being able to buy whatever I want whenever I want! For now I will enjoy these flowers in the display and in my thoughts."
It’s not about the money, you see. It’s not even about the flowers. It’s about the enjoyment. It's about feeling good with whatever decision I make. It’s about me allowing myself to create what brings me joy, whether that is having something tangible or simply through having good-feeling thoughts. I even enjoyed realizing the habitual thoughts that I have about money, because that awareness, that realization, brings me one step closer to manifesting my abundance in all areas.
Why Are You Here?
From the group:
From Abraham (Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, April 20th, 2002):
(Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 7th, 2000):
(Excerpted from the workshop in Albuquerque, NM on Wednesday, September 1st, 2004)
From Tobias (Excerpted from Shoud 8 of The Returning Series):
Why are you here? You are here to define god. You are playing this game so that you can see god, because in an infinite state god cannot study himself-herself. There is no definition. There is no beginning or end. By coming into these bubbles of biology, you are actually a definition of god. That is beautiful.and
Is it not interesting that it is only possible to be afraid of the unknown? Once you fill in that vacancy with the information that was missing, you cannot be afraid of it any more. You may not like it, but you cannot be afraid of it any more. Fill in the information. Embrace the fact that humans are evolving. It is an exciting time. This is why you chose to be here right now.
From Abraham (Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, April 20th, 2002):
Mining the moment for something that feels good, something to appreciate, something to savor, something to take in, that's what your moments are about. They're not about justifying your existence. It's justified. You exist. It's not about proving your worthiness. It's done. You're worthy. It's not about achieving success. You never get it done. It's about "How much can this moment deliver to me?" And some of you like them fast, some of you like them slow. No one's taking score. You get to choose. The only measurement is between my desire and my allowing. And your emotions tell you everything about that.
(Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 7th, 2000):
The beasts that came before you, who banged around on this planet, denoted, at cellular, conscious and unconscious levels, their preferences. And that is how the atmosphere was prepared for you. They did not write one thing on their "things to do today" pads. They just be'd and perceived and concluded and asked vibrationally. And the Universe expanded as a result of their willingness to have exposure to the contrast.
And you are not different from them. You have no greater responsibility than they did. The contrast produces the desire within you, and the Universe expands as a result of it. The only question is, the question that we want so much to answer is, are you letting it in? Are you letting yourself experience the benefit of your precious focus and your vast experience in the here and now? You'll never get it done. You cannot get it wrong. So don't you think it's time for you to lighten up and start having more fun with all of this, and accept that you are Eternal Beings? And since you are Eternal Beings, then there's no point in rushing, because there's never going to be a time when you don't exist.
(Excerpted from the workshop in Albuquerque, NM on Wednesday, September 1st, 2004)
It [your striving] is ill-placed if you're trying to get things fixed, if you're trying to figure it all out, if you're trying to get to the place that you think you were sent here by God to conclude. But when you get it, that whether you are focused in 1930 or 1940, or whether you're focused right here, today, your work is about being; observing; vibrating; concluding new preference, aligning with preference—and the world just goes around and around, and around—for what? For what?
Were those in the 1930's sent here to make it some way so that by some deadline it will be some way? There are so many who want you to believe that "We've got to get ready! Gotta get ready!" For what? For eternity? For more opportunity to be? What is it for? What is any of it for? What has any of it ever been for? What will any of it ever be for?
What it is for, is for your creative pleasure in your NOW. It is for your opportunity to conclude what you would prefer and for your opportunity to align that preference with the Source that is You. And when you use the Guidance that comes from within you to help you know whether you're in sync with the desires that you have set forth, or whether you are not—then you're in alignment. Then, you're in alignment with your NOW. Then, you're in alignment with your Source. Then, you're in alignment with All-That- Is. Then, you are living that which you came forth to live.
You didn't come to earn worthiness—you already are worthy. You didn't come forth to become intelligent—you already are Intelligence. You didn't come forth to achieve godliness—you already are God. You came forth for the pleasure of being the powerful creator that you are, and you knew that there would be a world full of others doing the same thing, and that you would mix and match. And sometimes you would agree, and often you would not agree. But out of all of it a powerful thing would happen: New ideas would be born.
You knew that the new idea would be born. And you knew you would have the opportunity to feel the thrill of being on the leading edge as the new idea is born, and to feel the rush of creative Life Force flowing through your focused viewpoint. You knew you would have an Emotional Center that would let you know whether—in this moment—the idea that has been born within you, aligns with other conclusions that you have already achieved.
As Non-physical Energy—you decide that you will focus into this time/space reality, and this worthy, loving, Pure Positive Energy Consciousness focuses here, for the express purpose of providing an opportunity for Broader Perspective to move forward, for the achievement of what? Expansion? Yes, but expansion is inevitable. Joy? Yes, for the purpose of joy. That's why we all exist.
From Tobias (Excerpted from Shoud 8 of The Returning Series):
You live in the best of times and the worst of times. You live in the times of wisdom and the times of foolishness, and it doesn’t matter. You live in a time of great change and you live in a time that doesn’t need change at all, because it’s already there. So I ask each one of you today, I ask all across this world: why are you here? What is it that you choose?
... Do you have to have such a mission and do you have to have such a purpose? Do you have to be needed by someone or something else? Do you have to be a crusader still? Do you have to get on that horse and cross vast lands to tell and to show other people how to live and what to believe?
Or can you be here on Earth right now as yourself—just because? That’s a good enough reason, I discovered—just because. Why are you here on Earth? “Just because, damn it, it’s the best of times, it’s the worst of times. I wouldn’t want to miss it for anything!” (laughter) Why are you here? “Just because I can be here, because I can be in a body and what a luscious thing it is. Just because I can feel human emotion, I can taste human food. I can actually feel human pain and human struggling—that’s a reason in itself. Because I can feel this thing called love from one to the other. I can pet a dog. I can sing out loud and hear myself.”
Just because. What a grand and marvelous thing it is for a creator to do it, just because—if nothing else—for the experience.
Where Quantum Physics and Metaphysics Meet
I'm fascinated by the way that the quantum sciences—Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics—are coming into agreement with what channeled entities have been saying about the nature of reality, namely that everything is energy and that we shape that energy with our thoughts.
Einstein, in his work with mass and energy, discovered that everything is energy, and that energy and matter are interchangeable. Quantum Physics goes further, indicating that nothing is fixed and everything is in a state of potential. It postulates that our thoughts influence energy. That indeed we are Creators, that we shape, form, and mold the energy of our thoughts into the energy of our reality.
Theoretical Physicists and others from Newton to Einstein, and today’s physicists including David Deutsch, John Hagelin, Fred Alan Wolf, Amit Goswami, Stephen Hawking, and scientist Gregg Braden among others, are acknowledged leaders in this area.
One of my favorites is Stephen Hawking, not just because of his search to find answers to seemingly unanswerable questions inside of science, but to do so despite of his personal struggles with his physical being. He continues to attempt to prove his theories despite what would have easily stopped many. He asks:
In other words, both Quantum Physics/Mechanics and Metaphysics attempt to answer the question “what is the nature of reality”. One does it with hard science, the other with esoteric science. The thing that’s so exciting to me is how much in agreement the two are becoming. Both agree that the Universe is made up of energy, and that our thoughts mold that energy into the reality that we perceive. That’s pretty exciting stuff!
About Stephen Hawking
From his section of the PBS website Stephen Hawking’s Universe here is a little bit about this amazing human, if you aren’t familiar with who he is:
For a general (but lengthy) explanation of quantum physics I suggest What is Quantum Physics.
For a wholly entertaining look at Quantum Physics and it's connection to metaphysics try Quantum Physics. In the author's own words "Once you accept the paradox that unrealized probabilities have a tangible existence, almost anything becomes possible." I can't wait until the concepts that make his head explode become real. *grin*
Phishna added this link to information on Fractal Time. Interesting work you've done, with some amazing results. Thanks for contributing!
Einstein, in his work with mass and energy, discovered that everything is energy, and that energy and matter are interchangeable. Quantum Physics goes further, indicating that nothing is fixed and everything is in a state of potential. It postulates that our thoughts influence energy. That indeed we are Creators, that we shape, form, and mold the energy of our thoughts into the energy of our reality.
Theoretical Physicists and others from Newton to Einstein, and today’s physicists including David Deutsch, John Hagelin, Fred Alan Wolf, Amit Goswami, Stephen Hawking, and scientist Gregg Braden among others, are acknowledged leaders in this area.
One of my favorites is Stephen Hawking, not just because of his search to find answers to seemingly unanswerable questions inside of science, but to do so despite of his personal struggles with his physical being. He continues to attempt to prove his theories despite what would have easily stopped many. He asks:
Where do we come from? How did the universe begin? Why is the universe the way it is? How will it end?I agree, Professor Hawking, I agree. It’s just that my search is through the non-physical science of Metaphysics, while yours is through the more physical sciences of measurement and observation. You observe with mind and instrument, I observe with the less easily defined non-physical senses. Each is equally valid, and equally worth pursuing. Perhaps that’s the most amazing discovery of all.
All my life, I have been fascinated by the big questions that face us, and have tried to find scientific answers to them. If, like me, you have looked at the stars, and tried to make sense of what you see, you too have started to wonder what makes the universe exist. The questions are clear, and deceptively simple. But the answers have always seemed well beyond our reach. Until now.
The ideas which had grown over two thousand years of observation have had to be radically revised. In less than a hundred years, we have found a new way to think of ourselves. From sitting at the center of the universe, we now find ourselves orbiting an average-sized sun, which is just one of millions of stars in our own Milky Way galaxy. And our galaxy itself is just one of billions of galaxies, in a universe that is infinite and expanding. But this is far from the end of a long history of inquiry. Huge questions remain to be answered, before we can hope to have a complete picture of the universe we live in.
I want you to share my excitement at the discoveries, past and present, which have revolutionized the way we think. From the Big Bang to black holes, from dark matter to a possible Big Crunch, our image of the universe today is full of strange sounding ideas, and remarkable truths. The story of how we arrived at this picture is the story of learning to understand what we see."
In other words, both Quantum Physics/Mechanics and Metaphysics attempt to answer the question “what is the nature of reality”. One does it with hard science, the other with esoteric science. The thing that’s so exciting to me is how much in agreement the two are becoming. Both agree that the Universe is made up of energy, and that our thoughts mold that energy into the reality that we perceive. That’s pretty exciting stuff!
About Stephen Hawking
From his section of the PBS website Stephen Hawking’s Universe here is a little bit about this amazing human, if you aren’t familiar with who he is:
The British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking (1942-) has devoted much of his life to probing the space-time described by general relativity and the singularities where it breaks down. And he’s done most of this work while confined to a wheelchair, brought on by the progressive neurological disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Hawking is the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, a post once held by Isaac Newton.To read more about this amazing man, visit his official website.
In the late 1960s, Hawking proved that if general relativity is true and the universe is expanding, a singularity must have occurred at the birth of the universe. In 1974 he first recognized a truly remarkable property of black holes, objects from which nothing was supposed to be able to escape. By taking into account quantum mechanics, he was able to show that black holes can radiate energy as particles are created in their vicinity. But perhaps his most impressive feat was writing the international bestseller A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME. The book spent more than four years on the London Sunday Times bestseller list—the longest run for any book in history.
For a general (but lengthy) explanation of quantum physics I suggest What is Quantum Physics.
For a wholly entertaining look at Quantum Physics and it's connection to metaphysics try Quantum Physics. In the author's own words "Once you accept the paradox that unrealized probabilities have a tangible existence, almost anything becomes possible." I can't wait until the concepts that make his head explode become real. *grin*
Phishna added this link to information on Fractal Time. Interesting work you've done, with some amazing results. Thanks for contributing!
A Message from the Group
The following is a copy of the March 2009 channel from 'the Group' by Steve Rother at Lightworker. I thought it was a particularly exciting and informative message, well worth sharing here. Feel free to visit their website for the full message and other Beacons of Light messages.
March 15 2009
~ Technology Download ~Uniting the Hearts of Humanity
The Beacons of Light Re-minders from Home are presented Live on the internet, transcribed and posted here on the 15th of each month. The next Lightworker VirtualLight Broadcast will be on Saturday March 28 2009.
Greetings from Home
Dear creators of Heaven on Earth. You are closer than you ever imagined. Your dreams are about to come true in many ways. We tell you this in the midst of what you call a crisis which is not a crisis. It is the natural evolution of where you are going. We told you we will speak of an unusual event that will take place on July 21st and July 22nd. It is not possible to predict the exact moment or hour it will take place as humans continue shifting. Let us explain what is taking place in concepts we have already presented so that you can see this cosmic event.
Humans are evolving at an incredible rate. It is causing many difficulties on many levels. The biggest challenge on planet Earth is that humans no longer have much of the time lag that protects you from your own thoughts. Because of the fact that you are creators, each and every one of you, the moment you have a thought, it happens. Because of that, the fear that can be held in the hearts of humans becomes the greatest challenge at this point in your evolution.Your creative powers are increasingly getting stronger. Yet your attachment to the old energy of light, dark and polarity is also creating a negative situation, because you can create your greatest fears more easily than ever before. This is happening in many places where people are not aware of their own powers, and it will be a critical part of what is happening on these two days. A measurement will be taking place which is not the typical type taken of planet Earth. Instead it will be a measurement of the collective vibration of humanity, which is being measured for a specific reason.Technology Download on July 21 and 22, 2009
We have spoken many times about the balance between technology and spiritual evolution. The level of technology on your planet is determined by the level of the overall—or collective—vibration of all humans on Earth. There have been many times on Earth where new technology was literally dropped on this planet by other life forms. Although this was usually done in an honest attempt to help humanity evolve, that technology did not work. It worked for the other life forms, but it did not work for you. Quite simply, it did not work because the collective vibration of humanity was not high enough to support that technology. There is a rather large download of technology that is coming to this planet on July 21st and 22nd. If the vibration on those days is high enough to support it, it will immediately take hold and grow.
Do you re-member what your lives were like without computers only a few years ago? Harnessing the technology of computers was a huge step that has to some degree impacted nearly every facet of your daily lives. This next step could be 12 times as powerful as the last one. Not only will computers change radically, but technologies that have been in the collective thoughts of humanity may now quickly manifest. Some of these have been in the collective thoughts for many years just waiting to activate. Those technologies never manifested before because the collective vibration of humanity was not high enough to support it. We get to tease you this day with one of the many things that may happen as a result of your own evolution.
Transporter Technology
There was a television series years ago titled Star Trek. Today, most of the technologies in that program have already manifested on Earth. But one technology that has never manifested is the molecular transportation of live, human, biological material. It was called a transporter. That is directly in front of you at this time, if the collective vibration of humanity is high enough to support it. Do you see how quickly that will shift some of the major challenges that face humanity today? How quickly you will be able to start helping Mother Earth re-juvenate, helping her birthing process.When this new technology takes hold on Earth there will be many changes very rapidly. It is no secret that if this technology does take hold at this juncture, there will be many who will fight it because it will seem too good to be true. There are many corporations and governments who are heavily invested in oil who will not be too happy when this unfolds, and they may attempt to prevent or hide it.
Understand the changes that are right in front of you, dear ones. These are the same things that have created wars on your planet many times, but it does not have to be that way now. Today, there is more communication on planet Earth than ever before because of the technological advances. We are using your technology right now to reach your hearts, and it is beautiful because you have created that.What If We Don’t Make It?What happens if you do not make it? Well, that is simple. The new technology will be downloaded again, over and over until the collective human vibration is able to receive it. For the first time, it will be downloaded on this planet July 21st and 22nd in 2009 when part of the veil is being removed, so this could be an optimum time for the new technology to take hold and develop.
Every time you have watched those science fiction television shows or movies and thought how wonderful it would be for a person to be able to instantly disappear here and reappear there, you have been planting the seeds that are now about to sprout. It has been marvelous to watch. Every time you think how wonderful that would be, you send those thoughts out as a creation. When the collective vibration reaches a level high enough to support it, then it manifests. That energy is about to manifest. For the first time this technology may be supported by the collective vibration of humanity.
Please understand that the human transporter is only one of many technologies that will emerge very quickly. We use the transporter as the example, because one can see how such a technology could change the face of planet Earth practically overnight. It is also one of the easiest technologies for us to describe, because you have been dreaming about it for many years now. Many of you as children came in with the knowledge that you could transport without machinery, yet you could not quite seem to get it to work when the teacher was looking or when you had to prove it to somebody. Those are deep memories that you have of your own capabilities, and when the collective vibration is high enough planet Earth will take a giant forward leap.
Do not fear these technologies, for they can be the salvation of planet Earth and the human race. If you think these technological advances will make life easier, they will not. Mankind will have more choices than ever before, but even that can be seen as a difficulty, because it is during these times that many of you will be called into action. Many will come to you because they are stuck, unable to move forward even though a new world awaits them. Many of you will know how to help people during these times of great change. It will be one of the common ailments of the new Earth and many are even experiencing it prior the first drop.Collective VibrationWe have been using the term “collective vibration,” so first let us describe it more clearly. There was a cosmic event that took place in the days of Lemuria. Out of a pure desire, many Lemurians created a separation of humanity and souls that had never before been seen on the planet. It did not work the way they thought it would. Instead of helping humanity to ascend to the next level, the separation resulted in the sinking of Atlantis. In the days directly following that tragic event, many collective decisions were made to hide certain technologies from the human race because they could so easily be misdirected. Those same technologies are the ones that will be revealed to you very soon. They no longer need to be hidden and the Earth can greatly benefit from them at this time.
There was a collective decision that was made because of these events. The separation caused so many problems, as separation always does. After the sinking of Atlantis humans decided they would never try to separate again. This time the ascension process will only happen when the lowest person is high enough to ascend. This time, everyone goes or no one goes. That is your decision, not ours. You are on the planet of free choice but that was your collective decision and is still standing to this day.
What to Do?
In the time between now and when this technology appears in your world, seek out a way to reach anyone you can with your smile, your heart, and your unconditional love. Judge no one for their path or actions during this time. Forgiveness will be one of the most important tools on Earth during these times.Figure out ways to empower every person around you, no matter what your relationship to them and without regard to your history with them or their status. Now is the time to reach out and have your light felt on planet Earth in some way. Offer assistance and empowerment to those around you, paying special attention to those who may have fallen and have difficulty getting back in the game. In this way, you will be the light at the end of the tunnel.
You never know when you make the big connections. It is easy to look at another’s life and think of them as a low vibration. Yet we tell you that it not possible to see another’s soul path and the life lessons they have already mastered. You may be looking at a master in hiding and never know it until you do something to help them in some way. Some of you think, “Who am I when I go Home? Why would anybody celebrate my life? I did not win the Nobel Prize, and I did not create peace on planet Earth.” But you never know. It could be that the stranger your smile briefly catches in passing may be the one who has the big hand that reaches out and touches the rest of the entire world, who could not have done that until you activated and empowered them.
This is the time for you to carry your power as a conscious creator on planet Earth—the time to know you are an activated Human Angel. You are the arms, legs and mouth of god. You reflect that to people through your laughter and joy, and through the smile of a spirit pretending to be human. This is what will make the difference in this technology being able to take hold.
The Evolution of Humanity and Earth
There are many other possibilities that will now open up. There are some incredible events that are happening to align Earth and humanity for what is ahead. For the past five years on planet Earth there has been a bottleneck of technology, and now it is being released in a very big way. It will happen in many areas, so brace yourselves, dear ones. You are getting ready to go through the evolution of planet Earth and the evolution of humanity. You have asked for it, you have created it and we have only one answer: And So It Is.
We are in such joy to see you take your power. As you pull away the veil, you start to see who you really are. That, to us, means more than you will ever know for you have completed your sacred contracts with us already. It does not mean that we need to leave you. What it means is that you are now activated as a conscious creator and a Human Angel.You have a part to play on this planet, and it is time for each and every one of you to take responsibility for your energy and your own happiness. Start by finding what makes you smile and do it as often as you can. Touch others as often as you can, for it is a gift of humanity. With all the might of heaven, we cannot touch you the way you touch each other with compassion, reassurance and hope. It will be happening in a very big way, so work with all of humanity. Work with every part of every heart because it will be the lowest vibration on this planet that will determine whether this technology will stick. There is still plenty of time. You only need one day to do it and you have many.Celebrate Light
July 21 and July 22 of 2009 are days to celebrate. We will not tell you if you succeeded, because that will put us in a position of taking your power from you and we will not do that. You will know and if not, trust that it will be coming soon anyway. The new technology will be dropped again at regular intervals until it takes. Many trigger points will take place, far too many to try to tell you about. Although this is not a formal measurement of any kind, it is a measurement of the collective universal vibration of humanity. You should be very proud of this, because those of you leading the way have done an incredible job on planet Earth already. If we could only show you what you have already done on an individual basis, you would never doubt yourselves again.No More Time Lag
Know that the time lag of conscious creation on planet Earth is almost gone. Only small parts remain for your own safety, because the time lag kept you from creating your greatest fears. It gave you the opportunity to say, “No. Never mind. I don’t think I want that after all.” Now, it is going to happen so fast that you will not have time in the same way so brace yourselves, creators. The veil is coming off. You have asked for it. Yes, it will create some havoc on planet Earth. You designed it that way. Watch what happens next, because all of it is leading toward something higher and better that you will see much of over the next five years. In the next five years this planet will experience a huge evolutionary process. It has already begun. The clock is ticking, but we want to tell you that when you touch another soul, it will make a tremendous difference on the planet almost overnight.
Enjoy the ride, dear ones. You have created a very beautiful road to travel on. You have created an incredible path not only for the collective vibration of humanity to follow, but for you to individually follow as you find your own passions and those things that bring you joy. That is what grounds the spirit in the physical body, and that is now more possible than ever before. Enjoy the ride, dear ones. It will be a tremendous joy to see what is ahead. It is all your creation. Know that you are god and we are very proud of you.
It is with the greatest of honor that we give you these messages. It is our sacred contract to be here just in case humanity awakened, and here you are. Welcome Home, dear ones. Now you have a chance to do it again. The days of Lemuria and Atlantis are back, and you are here correcting it, doing it differently this time. Welcome Home. We ask you simply to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another and play well together.
The group
God Mode
In an earlier message this month ("More About The Game") I talked about ‘god mode’ and how games aren’t fun, or aren’t fun for very long, when played in god mode. The reason for this is that games aren’t fun without challenges. We create games specifically to overcome some kind of challenge, no matter how small or large that challenge might be. Looked at in a certain way, even our jobs are games, because they provide us with challenges that, on some level and for some reason, we want to participate in.
Each of us as individuals fluctuate on how much challenge we find enjoyable in any moment. Sometimes we’re 'chomping at the bit' for big, tough, challenges, eager and ready to do whatever it takes to solve a puzzle or resolve a challenge. Other times we prefer to relax with a very small challenge or no challenge at all, content to bask for awhile in the deliciousness and ease of whatever we are currently experiencing.
If we think about it for even a little while, we realize that neither of these modes—challenging or basking—is effective without the other. We really need both, at different times, for our games to be fun, to be enjoyable, to be worth the time and effort of playing.
Since You Are God Also, you can choose the moments when you approach life from that god mode standpoint, and when you don’t. Which simply means, you can choose the challenges inherent in being human, or not. In any moment you can make that choice.
It’s been our desire to play this game of pretending, and we have been enormously effective at it over time. So effective that now, even though the game has changed, even though consciousness has shifted, we find it difficult to remember, let alone accept, that we inherently have all the power and capability that a god would have. That we have.
But it is time. It is time for us to remember that we are Spirits having a Human experience, not the other way around. What’s changed is that we are still playing the game rather than leaving the game. We are wanting to stay in the game, still play the game, it’s just that now we’re able to do that with the full realization that we are god, with all that that means, with all the powers of conscious creation that that implies.
This analogy isn’t all that different than who Samantha was in Bewitched. Samantha was a witch of course, with all the powers given witches and warlocks. But Samantha longed to be human. Mostly Samantha lived life as a typical human being, putting her powers of witchcraft aside. She very much enjoyed doing typical human things, enjoyed overcoming typical human challenges.
We tend to think of Samantha, and her powers, and her game, as fantastical. A fantasy, a fun thing to watch, but a fantasy nonetheless. But think about it for a minute. Think about it from the knowing, or the possibility, that we are gods in a human body.
Are we really any different than Samantha? She had to wiggle her nose to create, but that was simply because she had to do something physical to let us know when she was going into ‘witch mode’. If she hadn't done that, or something similar, watching her wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun. We had to know when she was creating, and because of that she had to do something to show us.
We don’t have to wiggle our noses to create, though we can if we want to! but we have the same innate powers that Samantha had. We can choose to experience life on planet earth as a human being—we are here, in human form, afterall. But we can also, at any time, in any moment, choose god mode. We can choose to step out of the challenge of human being and call on our god powers. We can do that in any moment, at any time, with conscious (aware) knowing and intent. We only need to believe that we can, to trust in ourselves, and to allow it to be.
Sounds simple doesn’t it? And it brings up all sorts of questions. If it’s true, if we can be as Samantha was, do as Samantha did (or Jeannie the Genie from I Dream of Jeannie, if you like that analogy better), then why does our life suck so much of the time? If we truly have those powers, why don’t we have the kind of loving, fun, supportive relationships that we want? Why do we get sick, why do we have physical pain, why do our bodies appear to be deteriorating as we age? Why do we struggle to pay our bills, struggle to find the money to buy and do the things that we long to buy and do? If we are god also, why are these things so hard?
Because we don’t yet believe that we are god also. We want to believe it. Somewhere, deep down in the farthest reaches of our Being we know it’s true, we feel it’s true, but in our humanness we don’t believe it’s true. It would seem that our ability to pretend is unparalleled in the Universe.
All there is to do, really, is keep wanting to remember, keep determining that we will remember, keep repeating to ourselves that we can choose, and that we can choose whatever experience we want in any moment.
All there is to do is keep repeating that We Are God Also until it starts to sound possible. Because when it sounds possible, then it will start to sound plausible. When it feels possible and even plausible, then it will start to feel right. “I am god also. Yah, that sounds right. That feels right!” When it starts to feel right, we start to be aware of what’s happening around us. We start to realize, to notice, that what we think about, what we believe to be true, is showing up around us.
When we start to see this connection, the connection between what we believe to be true and what shows up in our experience, well, when that happens you could say that we have crested the hill. You could say that at that point we are topping the hill—topping it and starting down the other side. Because when we get to that point, our beliefs starts to pick up momentum, pick up speed, and we begin to see all of our experiences for what they really are—our creations.
When we reach that point, where we see that we are the ultimate creator of all of our experiences, when we see that we create what we consider to be good as well as what we consider to be bad, then we have access to the knowing of why we came here, and by extension, what we are here to do both individually and collectively.
When we get to that point we have access to the power to choose in any and every moment, exactly what we want to experience and how we want to experience it. When we get to that point we will know, with absolute certainty and beyond any shadow of a doubt that we are god, we are all god, with all the beauty and power that that implies.
When we get to that point, where we accept everything in our experience as our own creation, then we can begin to remember the process of how we create what we create (how we manifest things in physical reality), and better yet, to use that power for our own—and humanity’s—benefit. Abraham has said, many times, "it's as easy to create a castle as it is a button" and Einstein has channeled "to manifest a green pencil is the same process as it is to manifest a red Ferrari."
Each of us as individuals fluctuate on how much challenge we find enjoyable in any moment. Sometimes we’re 'chomping at the bit' for big, tough, challenges, eager and ready to do whatever it takes to solve a puzzle or resolve a challenge. Other times we prefer to relax with a very small challenge or no challenge at all, content to bask for awhile in the deliciousness and ease of whatever we are currently experiencing.
If we think about it for even a little while, we realize that neither of these modes—challenging or basking—is effective without the other. We really need both, at different times, for our games to be fun, to be enjoyable, to be worth the time and effort of playing.
If you can see that life is, at its heart, no different than any other game, and you accept or hold open the possibility that we are each a part of god, then it won’t shock you to imagine that we can play at life either in god mode or out.
Since You Are God Also, you can choose the moments when you approach life from that god mode standpoint, and when you don’t. Which simply means, you can choose the challenges inherent in being human, or not. In any moment you can make that choice.
Confronted with anything that you are up to in life you can say “oh! this is a delicious challenge! I love doing this!” and in all joy and love, continue with that challenge in a very human way. Or .. you can think to yourself “ya know, I’ve gotten about all the joy I can out of this experience. Been there, done that, and I’m really not interested in that anymore. At least not right now.” At that point you choose god mode. You choose to realize that you are god, and that you can experience any thing from any vantage point that you like. You simply put forth that power of god that you have and choose differently. For that moment, or moments, you choose god mode.
It’s all tom-foolery anyway, thinking that we ever leave god mode, because of course we don’t. But we did come here to play a game, and the only way to truly be in a game is to pretend. All games involve pretending in some form. The game of life on planet Earth is no different in that respect. In order to play it we have to pretend that we aren’t the gods that we are, that we don’t have the powers that we have.
As a group, as humanity, we’ve been doing this for eons of time. We’ve been pretending that we aren’t the gods that we are, that we are peons, powerless, looking outside ourselves for solutions, trying to take power from each other, or ascribe it to aliens, or angels, or god-beings, when the power has been with us all along.
It’s been our desire to play this game of pretending, and we have been enormously effective at it over time. So effective that now, even though the game has changed, even though consciousness has shifted, we find it difficult to remember, let alone accept, that we inherently have all the power and capability that a god would have. That we have.
But it is time. It is time for us to remember that we are Spirits having a Human experience, not the other way around. What’s changed is that we are still playing the game rather than leaving the game. We are wanting to stay in the game, still play the game, it’s just that now we’re able to do that with the full realization that we are god, with all that that means, with all the powers of conscious creation that that implies.
It’s time to remember, it’s time to choose.
This analogy isn’t all that different than who Samantha was in Bewitched. Samantha was a witch of course, with all the powers given witches and warlocks. But Samantha longed to be human. Mostly Samantha lived life as a typical human being, putting her powers of witchcraft aside. She very much enjoyed doing typical human things, enjoyed overcoming typical human challenges.
But sometimes, for whatever reason, Samantha wasn’t so interested in the human way of resolving something, wasn’t up for the human challenge. This is when her ability to do witchcraft and her desire to be human came into conflict. This continual conflict within her, added to by the desire of her witch friends and family that she not give up those powers, are what made the series so entertaining and enjoyable. In those moments, when she wanted a faster or better way, she would chose to use her powers of witchery.
At the heart of her Being, Samantha never forgot that she had the powers that she had, but for her, the game was to experience being human. Experiencing being human meant to not use those powers. So while she never totally forgot her powers, she put those powers in abeyance and enjoyed experiencing what it was like to live life as a fallible human being in a very fallible human world.
We tend to think of Samantha, and her powers, and her game, as fantastical. A fantasy, a fun thing to watch, but a fantasy nonetheless. But think about it for a minute. Think about it from the knowing, or the possibility, that we are gods in a human body.
Are we really any different than Samantha? She had to wiggle her nose to create, but that was simply because she had to do something physical to let us know when she was going into ‘witch mode’. If she hadn't done that, or something similar, watching her wouldn’t have been nearly as much fun. We had to know when she was creating, and because of that she had to do something to show us.
We don’t have to wiggle our noses to create, though we can if we want to! but we have the same innate powers that Samantha had. We can choose to experience life on planet earth as a human being—we are here, in human form, afterall. But we can also, at any time, in any moment, choose god mode. We can choose to step out of the challenge of human being and call on our god powers. We can do that in any moment, at any time, with conscious (aware) knowing and intent. We only need to believe that we can, to trust in ourselves, and to allow it to be.
Sounds simple doesn’t it? And it brings up all sorts of questions. If it’s true, if we can be as Samantha was, do as Samantha did (or Jeannie the Genie from I Dream of Jeannie, if you like that analogy better), then why does our life suck so much of the time? If we truly have those powers, why don’t we have the kind of loving, fun, supportive relationships that we want? Why do we get sick, why do we have physical pain, why do our bodies appear to be deteriorating as we age? Why do we struggle to pay our bills, struggle to find the money to buy and do the things that we long to buy and do? If we are god also, why are these things so hard?
Because we don’t yet believe that we are god also. We want to believe it. Somewhere, deep down in the farthest reaches of our Being we know it’s true, we feel it’s true, but in our humanness we don’t believe it’s true. It would seem that our ability to pretend is unparalleled in the Universe.
Evidence is everywhere around us that supports the notion that it’s not true, that we human beings are not god, at least not all of us! We just can’t reconcile what we see as the tragedies in life, and the despicable way we sometimes treat each other, with any notion that we are creating these things, either individually or collectively. We haven’t—yet—made the leap from being in the game to being the creators of the game. When we do, we’ll know how we create, and we’ll be able to create consciously, instantly, automatically, just by wiggling our nose, or snapping our fingers, or just by making it so.
All there is to do, really, is keep wanting to remember, keep determining that we will remember, keep repeating to ourselves that we can choose, and that we can choose whatever experience we want in any moment.
All there is to do is keep repeating that We Are God Also until it starts to sound possible. Because when it sounds possible, then it will start to sound plausible. When it feels possible and even plausible, then it will start to feel right. “I am god also. Yah, that sounds right. That feels right!” When it starts to feel right, we start to be aware of what’s happening around us. We start to realize, to notice, that what we think about, what we believe to be true, is showing up around us.
When we start to see this connection, the connection between what we believe to be true and what shows up in our experience, well, when that happens you could say that we have crested the hill. You could say that at that point we are topping the hill—topping it and starting down the other side. Because when we get to that point, our beliefs starts to pick up momentum, pick up speed, and we begin to see all of our experiences for what they really are—our creations.
When we reach that point, where we see that we are the ultimate creator of all of our experiences, when we see that we create what we consider to be good as well as what we consider to be bad, then we have access to the knowing of why we came here, and by extension, what we are here to do both individually and collectively.
When we get to that point we have access to the power to choose in any and every moment, exactly what we want to experience and how we want to experience it. When we get to that point we will know, with absolute certainty and beyond any shadow of a doubt that we are god, we are all god, with all the beauty and power that that implies.
When we get to that point we will be able to manifest exactly what we wish to manifest, in the moment that we wish to manifest it, without the time lag that we currently need. The only reason that we need, that we choose to accept, a time lag, is because we don't yet have complete understanding and acceptance that we are creating everything that is happening in our experience. The time lag is our way of protecting ourselves. We could say its like training wheels on a bicycle. We choose it because it helps keep us from falling—it protects us—until we begin to balance on our own.
When we get to that point, where we accept everything in our experience as our own creation, then we can begin to remember the process of how we create what we create (how we manifest things in physical reality), and better yet, to use that power for our own—and humanity’s—benefit. Abraham has said, many times, "it's as easy to create a castle as it is a button" and Einstein has channeled "to manifest a green pencil is the same process as it is to manifest a red Ferrari."
These things are inherently doable, the processes inherently knowable. When we get to that point, what a joyous time that will be! What a joyous time it already is.
A Letter to Awakening Humans
The following message was given by Tobias of the Crimson Council through Geoff Hoppe in June of 2008. It is as pertinent now as it was then, and will be for some time to come, as more and more human beings awaken to themselves as Spirit. May it guide you on your journey and help you realize that you are not alone.
And so it is, dear friends, we have heard your call. We have heard your prayers, we have felt your pain, and we know your confusion. That is why we bring this message to you. It has found its way to you on the wind. It’s found its way to you through your processes – you might call the Internet – through a friend who has given this to you, or perhaps strictly what appears to be at random, but we have heard your call and your prayer. We have come to answer.For more information about spiritual awakening please visit Crimson Circle website.
I am Tobias of the Crimson Council, an angelic order that’s here to work with teachers of consciousness both on Earth and in the other realms. I join together today with the angelic beings who come from a place of love and compassion to support you and to love you.
We also bring together this message from a group of human angels. They are in human form on Earth right now, but they are indeed angels. They have been exploring consciousness and Spirit and God for eons of time. They are physically embodied on Earth right now. They could be your next door neighbors, your family members or friends, perhaps people you don’t even know. But they are on Earth right now serving as a new type of teacher and a guide. They have been exploring the realms of new consciousness and New Energy and the whole concept of ‘I Am,’ which means Spirit, God, integrated with self on Earth.
We gather together the energies of the angels, of Spirit and of this group on Earth called Shaumbra, to bring this message to you in answer to your call.
You’re going through a spiritual awakening process. The awakening process can be challenging, it can be deceiving, and it can be beautiful all at the same time.
You know you’re going through a spiritual awakening process when you begin to question things that you’ve never questioned before, when you begin to question why you’re here on Earth, what is the meaning of life, what is it that you should be doing right now.
You know you’re going through an awakening process when the way you solved problems in the past doesn’t seem to work anymore, and when you know that there’s more to life but you can’t seem to put your finger on it. You know there’s a greater way, but you don’t know what that is. You know you’re ready to go into a whole new level of living and understanding, but you don’t know how to get there.
You’re going through an awakening process when you feel yourself withdrawing into you, when you feel yourself starting to not want so much external activity, when you don’t need the stimulation or the drama that you’ve had in the past.
You’re going through the awakening process when, in your quiet moments, perhaps late at night, you call out to God not knowing if there even is a God, at least in the old way. You call out for the higher being or the higher power somewhere out there. And you give a message totally from your heart, from the truest part of your being – “Dear Spirit, dear God, I’m ready.” From the truth of your being you say, “Dear Spirit, dear Eternal One, I am willing to do anything but I don’t know what it is I should do.”
You know you’re going through an awakening process where all of the old beliefs don’t seem to be so true anymore, and the things that you held so near and dear to you now seem like memories of the past, the ways of the past. You know you’re going through an awakening process when the things that used to be the dreams and the goals, the desires of the human self no longer truly matter, but you don’t know what matters anymore.
If you’re listening to this or reading this or have been touched by it in some way, we’re here to tell you that you are not alone. There are angelic beings who are with you right now – not some time in the future, not some time in the past that you don’t remember so well – but right now. With a simple breath, the doorway opens for us to be close to you, to love you, to remind you of your angelic origins, to let you know that we have the greatest compassion and love for you. You are not alone.
The simple breath in this very moment allows in the love and the compassion of many humans on Earth right now who have gone through or are currently going through a very similar process – the awakening of Spirit. They know what it’s like to lose those things that were near and dear to you. They know what it’s like for their belief systems to be challenged at every level. They know what it’s like for the things that came from the material world that were important at one time that start dissolving away. They know what it’s like to lose a relationship, or at least the illusion of losing it, so that they, and now you, can begin to have the relationship with yourself. With the simple breath you can open up and allow yourself to not be alone anymore.
We know it’s been difficult and challenging, and we know so much of what you’ve gone through is very emotional and at times dramatic. We know you’ve been trying to figure it out in your mind. You’ve been using systems and structures and methods, and you still haven’t found the answers. You’ve tried to analyze it, and it’s something that can’t be analyzed. It can only be felt and experienced.
Perhaps you’ve sought out counseling – from a professional or just with friends – and you know in your heart that the words they tell you are not truly fulfilling the deep inner yearning to know yourself and to know the Spirit in yourself.
We know that there are times when you just want to disappear. You just want to fade away. It’s not even about dying, it’s just about going out of existence. The challenges, the transformation, the changes can be so overwhelming and cause such duress that you choose just to go out of existence.
The angels that are with you right now understand your journey. They have a message for you today: You are not alone. They want you to know that the process you’re going through is actually quite natural. It may appear to be confusing and you may feel that you are lost, but what you are doing is very natural. You are allowing the old human façade and the illusion of who you thought you were to fade away. As it fades away, what you begin to know in the deepest, most loving level, is yourself as God also; yourself as Spirit; yourself as divine, no longer limited by the old human identity but now understanding that you are eternal, that you are grand and that you can choose your own reality, even how you live on Earth right now.
Those of us who gather around you share with you that all of the answers are within. They’re not to be found with some gurus. They’re not to be found with some angelic being. The answers are within you. Living in this state of duality as you have been doing, living with the concept of light and dark, good and bad, masculine and feminine, you’ve also bought into a belief system that says the answers are somewhere else. But indeed they are within you. They come from the most true and the most precious place within, and they can be discovered in the quiet moment, in the moment of breath, in the moment of acceptance of yourself.
We share with you that there is no goal, there is no purpose, there is not some God in a far off heaven that is putting you through a maze or obstacle course. The reality is everything in your life is about your creation, your discovering of beauty, your discovering about the depths of reality. Everything that you are experiencing right now in your life is by your choice. There are no outside powers or beings who are directing your life. Nobody is dictating the destiny of your life. You’ll discover that it all by your choice.
When you take ownership of yourself, you will actually begin to understand the beauty of your journey. You’ll understand that you are not lost at all. You were just so deeply immersed in an experience that is filled with the richness of life, even if the experiences have been painful at times. You life up to now has brought new depth and meaning to your soul.
In this moment, in the awakening to your true self, it is a time to say goodbye to your old human self. You’ve been trying to hang onto it and repair it and resurrect it, and now it is time to say goodbye to that human identity, to the limited beliefs, to the old paths of karma, of the old progression of lifetimes that kept you on the old merry-goround. It is time to say goodbye to that.
Part of you may feel sad about it. It is a death of old consciousness, not a death of the physical body, but a death of consciousness. But as you say goodbye to the old self, you also release energies that were stuck or wounded, energies that don’t serve you anymore and haven’t served you for many, many lifetimes.
As you say goodbye to your old human self, you discover a new freedom. It is like taking off a costume or a suit of armor that is no longer needed. When you release the old human aspect, when you say goodbye, you now create a space within you to allow in the grander self, the divine self, and to your angelic self. Your divinity has been patiently waiting, waiting for you to finish playing this wonderful game, waiting for you to make a choice to invite the divine you into your life.
When you say goodbye to your human self, it brings up issues of fear, of death and of losing control. But these are all illusions. When you let go of who you thought you were, you now make room to be everything that you truly are. You might have a feeling that if you let go, you will fall into some dark abyss never to come back, never to be found, perhaps even just roaming throughout the dimensions and the universes lost. But this group of angels that’s with you right now, the group of humans that is with you, have all gone through the experience and they all understand that when you let go of who you thought you were, when you trust yourself on the most intimate, on the most beautiful level, you will now discover who you really are.
This is your choice, of course. But you have called out to us, you have prayed to us, you have asked for the answers and that’s why we are here now.
In the awakening to your true self, you also say goodbye to the Earth as you have known it. Many call Earth “Gaia,” the land, the water, the skies. Gaia is an actual spirit that has attended to Earth, has been nurturing Earth, all of her elements, all of her animals and all of her forests, ever since the beginning of time on Earth. In the awakening to yourself and saying goodbye to Gaia, you understand that it is not another spirit’s responsibility to take care of this planet. It is your responsibility to be a part of it.
The spirit of Gaia is slowly, slowly leaving so that you and all other humans can take responsibility for the water that you drink, for the land that you walk upon, for the sky above you, for all of the plant life and the animal life. What a blessed and beautiful experience it is to thank Gaia for all she has done, to bid her farewell and to now accept the responsibility of this planet.
In the awakening that you are going through, it is also time to say goodbye to human consciousness as you have known it. You will never be the same again. Recently, Earth moved into a new era and a new realm. We call it the new consciousness or the New Energy. In this new consciousness all things change. The Earth, human consciousness and humans are evolving right now. The change that you see outside of you could appear to be chaotic. It could appear that things are unraveling, everything falling apart. It could appear that there are shortages of critical goods. It could appear that everything is imbalanced.
It is time to let that go as well, because humanity is going through an incredible transformation process. They’re going through important changes, and what appears to be a lack of fuel and oil is actually more about new developments in technology, new energy sources. Instead of using old fossil fuel, it’s about the discovery of new fuel. What appears to be shortages of food is really about taking a look at how to take care of the biology in a new way, how to feed it in a new way, how to grow crops in a new, efficient and natural way.
Changes in governments, changes in politics are all part of the process. It is easy to go into fear and worry about what’s going to happen to the world right now, but this group of angels and humans know it’s just evolution. They know that the change can appear to be chaotic, but the natural law of evolution and expansion are at work right now,and you’re participating in it.
It’s about saying goodbye to the world as you have known it, even in terms of finance, prosperity and wealth. For so many years on Earth, the wealth, the power, the money was focused in just a few places and held by just a few people in a few countries. In the new consciousness that imbalance no longer works. So the wealth, even the balance of what you would call power, are redistributed. It doesn’t mean anyone gets any less, it just means those who were behind now catch up.
The world’s not falling apart, the world is evolving. The world is redistributing. The world is becoming more balanced and equitable.
In the awakening process life can appear to be dark and confusing. It can even appear to be evil. We are here to tell you that it is just evolution. The world will go on. The New Energy will come in. The new understandings of science and math, technology and education, finances and medicine, are all coming to be right now.
The awakening process can be lonely, because it is about rediscovering who you are without having others tell you, without having other’s belief systems shape and create your life. We know you’ve been going through a very dark and lonely and sometimes very sad part of your life, feeling so lost and confused, like no one’s listening. But these angelic beings and human beings want to let you know we have heard you. We know what you have been going through. And we want you to know that you are never alone.
Your process of awakening will continue to unfold and as it does you will see the beauty in it. You will see how you as a divine being have actually planned it for yourself. You will see that the fear goes away. The illusions of duality go away to be replaced by the knowingness of a new truth.
We bring you this message today from the angels and from all who are going through the awakening process: You are not alone.
And so it is.
Children are Extensions of Source Too
It’s an interesting thing in our society, how we keep seeking the answers to how to take care of our children. We spend enormous amounts of time and energy trying to answer that question. Countless number of books, classes, and seminars have been developed to help us know what is the right thing to do, because we desperately need to know what is the right thing to do.
We do all this for the best of reasons, because we love our children—and by extension all children—and we only want the very best for them. Whatever suffering we’ve done in our lives, whatever hurt we’ve endured, we want them to suffer less and have to endure less. Whatever joy and love and adventure and excitement we’ve experienced in our lives, we want them to experience multiple times more love, more joy, more adventure and more excitement.
We do all this for the best of reasons, because we love our children—and by extension all children—and we only want the very best for them. Whatever suffering we’ve done in our lives, whatever hurt we’ve endured, we want them to suffer less and have to endure less. Whatever joy and love and adventure and excitement we’ve experienced in our lives, we want them to experience multiple times more love, more joy, more adventure and more excitement.
In other words, whatever negative aspects we attribute to our lives, we want our children—all children—to experience those things to a lesser degree, and hopefully not at all. Whatever positive experiences we’ve had in our lives we want them to experience more of. We do this with the best of intentions. We do all this with love and goodness in our hearts.
And yet—and this may be a difficult thing to hear and even harder to swallow—in wanting these things for our children, we sometimes do them a disservice. How can that be? How can it be that in wanting the very best in every situation for our children, we might be doing them a disservice? Because our children are, as we are, extensions of Source Energy. Sparks of God. Consciousness that took form in a human body in order to experience life as a human being.
Because of the nature of the game, the nature of duality, we forgot that we are Spirit. Our Inner Being is that part of us that remembers. Our Inner Being speaks to us through our emotions, through intuition and inspiration, and there isn’t anyone who can hear that call louder or more clearly than we can. It’s simply a matter of remembering that we are Spirit first, that we only adopted a body and a mind in order to experience a finite life on a finite planet. All there is to do is be open to hearing the call.
Our children are no different. Each and every child on earth is an extension of their own Source Energy. Each has their own Inner Being who remembers, even though they may have forgotten, what plan they had when they birthed here, what overall experiences they wanted to have. Children need us to tend to their physical needs of living on the planet until such time as they can do so themselves, but they don’t need us to make all of their decisions for them. They need us to allow them listen to the call of their Inner Being, and to respect that they are doing just that.
Mother birds, if you observe them, appear to be cruel and hard-hearted. They feed their babies, love them, nurture them, and provide care and cover. And then, in what some feel is an unfathomable turn-about of cruelty, one day that loving, nurturing, caring mother shoves, not so gently, shoves, not so gently, shoves their babies out of the nest. Not all the babies survive. Most of them spread their wings and fly, others don’t make it. Some hit the ground hard, and don’t survive the crash.
It’s a hard thing to get one’s mind around, but we are not doing our children any favors by telling them how to live their lives. They have an Inner Being that remembers what they are up to whether they consciously know it or not. They have the same guidance from emotions, intuition, and insight that you do. In fact, they haven’t been exposed to as much mass consciousness and misunderstanding from society as we adults have, so they haven’t forgotten as much as we have. And because of the overall shift in consciousness, they come to earth with innate abilities that we, who’ve been here since before the time of shift, have to work to achieve. In a very real sense, if anything, they are in a better position to be guiding us than we are in guiding them!
Next time you hear something profound from a child, something that makes you grin and think ‘out of the mouth of babes’ try listening as if that knowledge were coming from a very wise old soul instead of a tiny helpless child. Because, dear friend, it is.
And yet—and this may be a difficult thing to hear and even harder to swallow—in wanting these things for our children, we sometimes do them a disservice. How can that be? How can it be that in wanting the very best in every situation for our children, we might be doing them a disservice? Because our children are, as we are, extensions of Source Energy. Sparks of God. Consciousness that took form in a human body in order to experience life as a human being.
It’s being said by many spiritual teachers that no one knows better what’s right for you than you do, because no one has access to the guidance from your Inner Being that you do. What that means is that each of us had a plan for our lives before we birthed on Earth, before we entered into this game of being Spirit pretending to be human.
Because of the nature of the game, the nature of duality, we forgot that we are Spirit. Our Inner Being is that part of us that remembers. Our Inner Being speaks to us through our emotions, through intuition and inspiration, and there isn’t anyone who can hear that call louder or more clearly than we can. It’s simply a matter of remembering that we are Spirit first, that we only adopted a body and a mind in order to experience a finite life on a finite planet. All there is to do is be open to hearing the call.
Our children are no different. Each and every child on earth is an extension of their own Source Energy. Each has their own Inner Being who remembers, even though they may have forgotten, what plan they had when they birthed here, what overall experiences they wanted to have. Children need us to tend to their physical needs of living on the planet until such time as they can do so themselves, but they don’t need us to make all of their decisions for them. They need us to allow them listen to the call of their Inner Being, and to respect that they are doing just that.
Mother birds, if you observe them, appear to be cruel and hard-hearted. They feed their babies, love them, nurture them, and provide care and cover. And then, in what some feel is an unfathomable turn-about of cruelty, one day that loving, nurturing, caring mother shoves, not so gently, shoves, not so gently, shoves their babies out of the nest. Not all the babies survive. Most of them spread their wings and fly, others don’t make it. Some hit the ground hard, and don’t survive the crash.
Some humans think this is cruel. Others think it’s not cruel because mother birds are driven by nature and that makes it tolerable. But even those people won’t give the same leeway to human parents, because we think that as humans we need to be always watchful, always aware of what they're doing, making choices for them so they don’t suffer the same consequences in life that we did, or that others have.
It’s a hard thing to get one’s mind around, but we are not doing our children any favors by telling them how to live their lives. They have an Inner Being that remembers what they are up to whether they consciously know it or not. They have the same guidance from emotions, intuition, and insight that you do. In fact, they haven’t been exposed to as much mass consciousness and misunderstanding from society as we adults have, so they haven’t forgotten as much as we have. And because of the overall shift in consciousness, they come to earth with innate abilities that we, who’ve been here since before the time of shift, have to work to achieve. In a very real sense, if anything, they are in a better position to be guiding us than we are in guiding them!
Next time you hear something profound from a child, something that makes you grin and think ‘out of the mouth of babes’ try listening as if that knowledge were coming from a very wise old soul instead of a tiny helpless child. Because, dear friend, it is.
Tell not your children that they are imperfect and must strive to be better.
Tell your children that they are free to follow their hearts desire, that the world is their playground, that there is no reason they need to choose suffering, and that the purpose of their lives is to love all aspects of its experience.
~ Story Waters
More About The Game
We ask questions of our gods. Questions like “why do bad things happen to good people” and its corollary “why to good things happen to bad people” … “why do the good die young?” “why do children die? “why do children suffer?” “why does anyone suffer?” We ask “If it’s true that we create our own reality, as many are telling us that we do, why would these awful things be true? Wouldn’t we create only good things, happy things, positive things, in our lives?”
There are several ways of looking at these questions. For me, the ultimate one, the one that answers everything, is that life on planet earth is a game. Look to any game that you are familiar with, something that you have or currently enjoy playing. It might be cards, video games, football, golf, tennis, swimming, fishing whatever. What is it that utimately makes any game or sport—in fact anything that we find enjoyable—worth doing? Is it when it’s easiest? Absolutely not.
In the gaming world there’s a concept that we call “god mode.” “god mode” is where you have all the tools the designer had at their disposal, at your disposal. It allows you to do whatever you want whenever you want. In god mode you can create as much money as you want, be as powerful as you want, overcome any obstacle in the game. Anyone who’s ever played in god mode will tell you that while it’s fun for a little while—an hour, a day, a week—eventually playing in god mode becomes decidedly not fun.
Why is that? Because what makes a game, any game,‘fun’ is the challenge behind it. We all have varying degrees of what we consider a fun challenge and what we consider too much of a challenge, but if you look at what you love to do and take away the challenge, I think you’ll see that you’d no longer enjoy doing it. This analogy can be applied to absolutely everything that you enjoy doing, even the most mundane.
The same can be said for hobbies, such as gardening. Let’s look at gardening for a moment. Do you love to garden? What do you like about it? Is it deciding how to arrange things—what to plant and where to plant it? Creating different looks and purposes for different areas, perhaps some shade here and some sun there? Is it the kneeding of the earth, feeling it in your hands? planting seeds? watching them grow? tending to the weeds and insects, giving your plants a nurturing environment in which to grow? Is it walking around, watering and weeding and tending, feeling fulfilled as you see how you turned a patch of dirt and weeds into something of striking utility and beauty? Is it the end product, enjoying the beauty (like flowers) or utility (like vegetables) of what you’ve grown?
Maybe what you enjoy is all of these things, enjoyed over time as the different stages of development occur. Now imagine, still remembering your love for all these stages, waking up one morning to a full garden, full of everything that you intended to plant—the garden of your dreams—and having it be there instantaneously, with no involvement on your part for the creation of it. Then suppose that forever after your garden looked just like that: it never dies, never grows, never needs tending or food nor water, never suffers from any malady. How much fun would that be?
At first you might be tempted to think “oh! that would be marvelous!” no more digging, no more shopping for seed and fertilizer and equipment, no more books and articles about gardening, no more classes, no more pondering what to plant and where to plant it, no more dirty hands, no more aching back, no more sunburn from being out in the elements, no more upset over weeds and insects, no more watering, no more pruning, no more gathering … it’s all just there without any effort. Gardening in god mode. How fun!
But I ask you, how long would that be fun? Some consider that fun. They aren’t gardeners. They have gardeners who do all of those things and all they themselves have to do is enjoy the fruits of the gardener’s labor. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this! But those aren’t gardeners, those are folks who enjoy what gardeners produce.
Be honest here, if you truly love the gardening aspect you will feel completely unfulfilled with a garden that instantly appears and requires no maintenance. For you, the end product is not all there is to gardening. Putting in your special touches, your creativity, your desires, your effort, is what you enjoy. To have that taken away would not only be undesired, it would be disappointing, potentially even depressing.
What makes this analogy any different than living as a human being on planet Earth? The answer may shock you: Nothing at all. It’s a hard leap to make, to see that life as a human being is a game. But think about it for a little while. Resist the temptation to think about the tragedies of life, think for a moment about the fun side of life because that’s an easier place to start. I think you’ll see that when you take the challenge out of anything it turns away from fun into boredom, or worse. Life is no different.
Our tendency, because this is the way it’s always been, is to see life as different than a game. Life is serious. If you don’t do things ‘right’, ‘bad’ things will happen. There’s rent to pay, food to buy, stuff to acquire, children to raise. It’s not a game, it’s real!
What if, just what if, life isn’t what you think it is? What if it isn’t any more, or any less, serious than any other game you play? And if you think about it, when you’re deeply involved in a game, it can be pretty dang serious! Is life any different?
There are several ways of looking at these questions. For me, the ultimate one, the one that answers everything, is that life on planet earth is a game. Look to any game that you are familiar with, something that you have or currently enjoy playing. It might be cards, video games, football, golf, tennis, swimming, fishing whatever. What is it that utimately makes any game or sport—in fact anything that we find enjoyable—worth doing? Is it when it’s easiest? Absolutely not.
In the gaming world there’s a concept that we call “god mode.” “god mode” is where you have all the tools the designer had at their disposal, at your disposal. It allows you to do whatever you want whenever you want. In god mode you can create as much money as you want, be as powerful as you want, overcome any obstacle in the game. Anyone who’s ever played in god mode will tell you that while it’s fun for a little while—an hour, a day, a week—eventually playing in god mode becomes decidedly not fun.
Why is that? Because what makes a game, any game,‘fun’ is the challenge behind it. We all have varying degrees of what we consider a fun challenge and what we consider too much of a challenge, but if you look at what you love to do and take away the challenge, I think you’ll see that you’d no longer enjoy doing it. This analogy can be applied to absolutely everything that you enjoy doing, even the most mundane.
The same can be said for hobbies, such as gardening. Let’s look at gardening for a moment. Do you love to garden? What do you like about it? Is it deciding how to arrange things—what to plant and where to plant it? Creating different looks and purposes for different areas, perhaps some shade here and some sun there? Is it the kneeding of the earth, feeling it in your hands? planting seeds? watching them grow? tending to the weeds and insects, giving your plants a nurturing environment in which to grow? Is it walking around, watering and weeding and tending, feeling fulfilled as you see how you turned a patch of dirt and weeds into something of striking utility and beauty? Is it the end product, enjoying the beauty (like flowers) or utility (like vegetables) of what you’ve grown?
Maybe what you enjoy is all of these things, enjoyed over time as the different stages of development occur. Now imagine, still remembering your love for all these stages, waking up one morning to a full garden, full of everything that you intended to plant—the garden of your dreams—and having it be there instantaneously, with no involvement on your part for the creation of it. Then suppose that forever after your garden looked just like that: it never dies, never grows, never needs tending or food nor water, never suffers from any malady. How much fun would that be?
At first you might be tempted to think “oh! that would be marvelous!” no more digging, no more shopping for seed and fertilizer and equipment, no more books and articles about gardening, no more classes, no more pondering what to plant and where to plant it, no more dirty hands, no more aching back, no more sunburn from being out in the elements, no more upset over weeds and insects, no more watering, no more pruning, no more gathering … it’s all just there without any effort. Gardening in god mode. How fun!
But I ask you, how long would that be fun? Some consider that fun. They aren’t gardeners. They have gardeners who do all of those things and all they themselves have to do is enjoy the fruits of the gardener’s labor. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this! But those aren’t gardeners, those are folks who enjoy what gardeners produce.
Be honest here, if you truly love the gardening aspect you will feel completely unfulfilled with a garden that instantly appears and requires no maintenance. For you, the end product is not all there is to gardening. Putting in your special touches, your creativity, your desires, your effort, is what you enjoy. To have that taken away would not only be undesired, it would be disappointing, potentially even depressing.
What makes this analogy any different than living as a human being on planet Earth? The answer may shock you: Nothing at all. It’s a hard leap to make, to see that life as a human being is a game. But think about it for a little while. Resist the temptation to think about the tragedies of life, think for a moment about the fun side of life because that’s an easier place to start. I think you’ll see that when you take the challenge out of anything it turns away from fun into boredom, or worse. Life is no different.
Our tendency, because this is the way it’s always been, is to see life as different than a game. Life is serious. If you don’t do things ‘right’, ‘bad’ things will happen. There’s rent to pay, food to buy, stuff to acquire, children to raise. It’s not a game, it’s real!
What if, just what if, life isn’t what you think it is? What if it isn’t any more, or any less, serious than any other game you play? And if you think about it, when you’re deeply involved in a game, it can be pretty dang serious! Is life any different?
What if all the awful things that happen are part and parcel of the challenges inherent in the game of life? What if we set up the game for the purpose of meeting those challenges ‘in the flesh’, so that we could truly understand who we are—who god is?
And what if, knowing that, we could choose to change what kind of challenges we create within our game? What if we decided to give some of them up? What if we decided we'd experienced enough of certain kinds of challenges and were ready to create a different way of living, a different kind of game? What if?
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